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Show TT-rrasrT- his phtol and creating a- - disturbr ance of the peace. ; He was te haye .- 1 Salt '.Cam Crrr,1 December 7. l8Ts:, I a hearing this afternoonJames McBrlde,' James Turlwy i Jtuvtna ottlJS: mZiTKJ o ap-Owen Can ware also before the ::v ;;.lnr which is too frequently tbe case, j ; the provoetcuafd bp:ften worse r, i : .' t than useless in such emergencies Borne measures sheuld be adopted of the serler-o- f ten, to be held in to prevettt-'a- i Tepetitiori bf such conthe ltth Yaid Schoolhouse, anen- duct, which is becoming much too " nounced evening and down genuine prevalent up will ba till Friday next, postponed Hibernian fight. The evidence eventual December 81st. r theatafe.bri Christmas day, at showed that' the) T973. jf8tj faam416 the lMeeMer7, J. P.FKSE2E. Matinee.the house was literally were the pugilistic opponents Withellgbted juvenile, each ot her) ami 1 that the --e Sorts crowded, IIAMEI. AM HAYDS BOCIETY. Local oecaiiona'l itdult in attend-anrjoTifan wtth are were to Other. Owen of ank cHatters, directed'stootly All mernbers of the Society was "pherry and the to attend the peace, which he maintaining, rwiuestod Thermomktkr 43 degrees ,F. ; Jn did particularly evening, the shade at 1 by pounding first 'neaqd then ' The same : Cloudy. another over the head with a club, p.mu play was presented' in torday, imof busineaDecember 23th, as to a fair andlence. the erehliig for conor piece of fence pole. "He thought portance will be presented Secure Your Cows. This morn those Fair Stat" f were the jmost' forciUJogu--ment- s Wlli be the CHAS. SMITH, sideration.' " and a was for every fined altraction, ing gentleman ; he could use on tho belliger Secretary. allowing his cow to run at Jargaiid ent parties to briag them to their eveniii.hutll. further notice, Notxce. hereby notify all par feed on other people's ha yv, senses, and for these eSorts .as a not hold myself rewill ties that I Select Social Here is a The European LUssioTi. The fol pacifloator he was dlschargod from ticket to a BeJect Social sponsible for any indebtedness con.wes fied tracted in my name by any persons lowing are from the Millennial Star ' Newj $iO. Vear'j and James Kvepaiul Xcap Year Turley 'lSl f"i - $lo unless by an order signed by my of; Dec 6 U he matter did not end litre to Kali lu 'lheTyrelfili Ward Hill, on 8elf. George Naylor. "A ProiSTaiEXT Elder Roes' It. far as TurieV' was" cbriceTned, for Friday evening, Iecember 81, comd29 1375. 27. BU Lake City. Pec. Llewellyn Is appointed, to be. a when the officers were putting an mencing at, half past seven o'clock. Travelling - If you; want a. wide collar, wear ference. Elder in theWelsh Con- oiner ptisoner ia Jail ne maue a Committee of arratigerjaeiils, Misses to get away, and being seized Ei Mitlgley, i. Kingsbury, !E. break flrst-cla- s "Release and Appointment? the Warwick. Ask any Elder James Bharn is released by policeman Alexander Burt, he VlbKler;, K. ,Ku-- widen, and M. furnl3her for it. from the duties of a Travelling El tore that officer's coat nearly off" Young.' Committee of invitation, RlAb-Cit- y Auditor's report for der In the Ulaseow Conference, and his back. ".For this Conduct 'he was Mis. J.yon, M iWes "tL Hardy , J. is to assist in Liver the appointed rsov. 31st. the Quarter ending fined In Ike sum pfflo making Youqg, E, Brooks, and M. Kingspool Office." ; fnall. bury Floor committee, Misses 8. "Cherry and Fair Star" at M. A. Rockwood. Land Patents. The following Penmanship. M r. Heribper, one K. Vincent and the Theatre this evening. band Id enfall quadrille has been publishedof the authors of the famous copy gaged. Roan heifer found. Bee advt. book series by Payson, Dunton & States Land 0ncE, Don't be bothered with badly Unitki ' rrom Cache Bishop It. T. Bur-to- ii Scribner, called at thh office tlii Halt Lake Citv, U. Tm Elm-wodfitting cUiaw, but wear the ainl oT left a De.c24,lS75. ciuien rrturned on Thursday from a raorLing, livery one j ou put on fits ' A. C. H. location patents' have their Manual of and preacbing tour Peumanshlp, one been received at this oiHce, and afe of rigHt ail Took? well. most works beautiful the little through the settlements of Cache for delivery to the following Addk!ks.- The address of the ready . the ' in p kind ; of the Ij. W. Hardy also published named perron: Valley, Church niiration agent in New also a specimen' of their btarted 011 the same trip, but was country; Thnmai Spaceman." new Toloman, York i V'Box 39o7,New York Cityi" Oporg-Win. W. Tsnner, John H. Moire. 8r. "Primary Hhort Course in called homo suddenly on account JobnB. MUner, . OeorR Harris, ' prr4me ceries of of I he sick net 3 of one of his relaPenmanship. Win. T. Vanney. experience in the James Caldnetl, Te. four Brnall j Copy.. buoksj desjgued tives. On trie tour about three liquor business. ; Whereas Every OllVKK A.. Patton, for children just beginnitrg to learn meetings were held bach day, and measttre shoaM stand on its own Register. to This set includes a new at all of them? kn excellent spirit write,; Reailved that la merits, therefore whteh can wbs enjoyed. Bishop Burton was lent vexcel and the judgment of Messrs. Morton A A Oennine Social The large not he tler-fris- feature, than in bis visits to tbe acoorap-aniehighly TufU they.' have llie,only pure Hall of the 7th Ward new Meeting to very younx learners, name- Entitlements by Bishop Wm.B.Pres-tun- , wines au li(uors for family and house- will be suitably arranges! and medicinal uses tobe found in the fitted up for a genuine social party ly, tho "tracing books' numbers presiding bishop of Cache Vai- two Wins bo called. In city, Chr s( mintraic solicited. Hot on New Year's Day. All the mem one and two these bo'ks the c.opU'.s, strictly Tom and Jerry.- - CITY LIQUOR bers of tie Ward, of all 'ages, are Going. Mr. WomlrufT, represent-int- ; spei-iallailapted K TcrT!Tl?t,8t., opposite cordially invited, and veadt Individ progressive, and tho HI. Louis lirm of I. d21 . ual who is able to do so will hand fir children, are not only written De.se ret N tli nal bank. fe Co., leaves for home toordiaa of head at the the page, iu pio-ni- c a to in the committee who ! ! ! m after having done a very Dux't. bb I posed UroN nary copy books, but every line is morrow, before will hand the arrange good business 4 H. Reiser, doon east of Godbe's during his but. the' head satisfactory written in full,-al- l invitaand tallcaf the upon thingt line being very pale; and?. these short tay in this City. drug store, has VVatches and Clocks tion is more espeeially extended latter the children 4aro recruited to reliable timepieces to for ail who the people, who may be with pen and Ink? thus Tor Pennsylvania. Elder Lorus Repairing done on short notice. unable poorer to supply anything for the trace over d80 warranted. much jxxore speedily Pratt, son of Elder Orson Pratt, trained ,EveryUiiu& table. The committee will txl.io being and than usual, in the will leave morning, on effectually Ix every town aud village per- supply viands for the oocasion, beto his Way Pennsylvania, to which sons ruay,bu found who have been sides the contribution? in that line. formation and combination, of tlie State he goes on a mission. several elements of .whlcli the let save rom death from consump- After dinner there will be songs, ters, aro constituted. This Js, an tion by Hale's Honey orllORE-houn- d recitations, &c, and the doings of improvement which both teachers '. 'Oa the Way. Deputy Sherifl and Tar. the day will wind up with a party and scholars will highly appreciate, Martin Florida will be at Omaha Pike's Toothache Drops cure in for the grown people, on his way to this city, commencing 25. ' d ' - aad Which, we are informed, has at six o'clock in the evening. been- strongly enuorsoa ry eeforai having in his custody Kelly, one Throat AFyscnoNS and of the leading schoolmen. ",o 'this of J'the parties , charged with the Hoarseness: A.il suffering 'from A District meet Manchester. At Warder of the late Peter Van and Territory; " ';u; Irritation of the Throat and ing wa3 held in the Temperance city V... The series is by Potter, Hoarseness will be agreeably sur- Hall, On3venor Street, Manches- Ainsworth & published Co., New York and prised at. the almost immediate re- ter, England, Sunday, Nov. 21, as Chicago. False Alarm. Yesterday the fire lief afforded .by the use of "Brown's reported in the t Millennial ''Star, alarm bells .made a tremendous d25 Ilr&reshicaTYixske." Cider C Snelgrove presiding, and .Homicide near Minersville. The racket, causing thousands of peoDewsnnp reporting. Meet- following was published in the ple to look out for the lire FortuWills. ranxprepared to make Joseph were held afternoon and even- Herald of ings out Wills lb a legal manner, in nately the alarm was a false one. ;roornIhg--u V Saturday " : : ' l ' ;vr: ing. v on and capper-pUte- " very style, " Beaver, 24: Last night, on the Elders from Utah on the stand: reasonable terms, at George A. Reported Snowslide. It is rebet ween Minersville and Lin; road, Smith's residence, joining Histor- A. Carrington, President of the Ea-- t coin, Martin Murphy .was shot and ported that there was a gigantic ropean Mission; E. Bnelgroye'Pres-iden- Instantly killed by WTVBeJkicom- - ehowslide-- iu Big Cottonwood Cafi-o- n A. Pratt. ian's Office. of the ilanohester Confer moniy known as Doc. Beft , The yesterday, and that four men of the affair are y.ei. Teetb la Balu Elders E. llanham, and E. I. circumstances ence; were buried and lost their lives by unknown. One Charles S,' Copp Are a stire drawback oa personal Youhg, from T. was the only witness. From one of whom is said to be the Office; Liverpool it, what appeariuice and personal comfort. Oallister, Traveling Elder of the he (Copp) told ibis morning, It ap-- . roremin of the High and Chief Therefore, keep them In good re- Liverpool Conference; W. ne&rs that himself. Bell and Mumhr mine. pair, with that established antidote H. Maughan, President bf fheijir-mingha- Utarted from." Minersville to. go te 4-1- -in aou wuue. on, .tneiWay for all the diseases that assail them, xmaoin, OoodArnold Conference; u asfceu be qopp yilurpuy wavgolng fragrant ozodont. lifle and V. W. Taylor, Traveling to 4riacoln ta work, when be replied, OO going to. mbill a man, . jln Salt i.ake Citj, December 25th, of TheTIeSurksxttiox. To accomo-dat- e Elders in the Manchester ?Confer- - nohe was Bell drew and INK " of tbo ZBLLA Whereupon pistol H, lunjrs the public and meet the great ence. shot him In the- chest " .tWJce; daughter of Rough and Phebe D ran, aged i Local disPresW ; John demand for President Young's Miller, Elder, and 9 days.) They laid the corpeov by t& , S years, lloonilu ; t " t roadside' and proceeded tci'Linj-coincourse dri the "Resurrection" It has dent of the Manchester Branch. wlhere they informed ,'teaftles j The been determined to issue an authorcongregations were addres-- What had happened, who took lah-- . sed Elders ised, edition,; la pamphlet farm, by LINT OP LETTERS 'Maughan, Hanhamj terns and went in search' of the about a mile neatly' got, up, , In paper covers, and Oallister, and Prests. Carring hedy and found in Wbtxs, Faroo k r0'f above Minersville, After Bell bad V EalNINO and sold at ten cents a copy. It Is ton and Snelgrove. tttce, Doc S4, 187i. CAKES CHRISTIJAS I information the .of ' . deedjle li ;f . now ready, and can be obtained at m 'a $teji R V Z Helm m MAkintvh mountea his horse Parker A r". Harrison II C 2 KerW W i The immediately almanad ' Nt-wan ''Centennial," store la . tlrtCrtyfor1'-'Theooly the office, and rode to Beaver, giving hlm$5Tft ... fpr 1S76, Issued by the Home Insur Up to Marshal ' Htokes, in wndse re--l Is ance S New Parker now is. he York, A coroner's Company, austody dapes B MINING STOCKS. R on was held the be the ta would and difficult OottOB it body, ceived, Oars ... Bedell A Dar- XKottlcy J a verdict that Martin iingr iOftltllNU BOARD.speak too highly In Its praise. Vlrj jury returning TOR Rockwell OP to his death by two OeaaChas Llrlag-AtoV consists of twelve cards one for! Murphy cameMrs Bend A shots, fired by W. T. Bell. pistol San Francisco, Dec. 27. CHRISTMAS each month Ave by seven and a) With felonious intent; and charged Oeduey A W Livingston J SbowellS Mrs W GIFTS; ."t .'. i'.. . .v. I ' i ...'uDliJ lit Mower Q W L 1330 Xrpulry.So,; Mi; ZKW; 55; 55; half Inches long, one side of each) Charles 8. Copp as an accessory be- - Qipps Mrs t wmerH W J ipre anu auer ins iacu Ajopp' was Ball B VKt Mathew E O WoMberf O O i3; Lol; M; containing a beautifully executed! arrested 531 BherirT Coombs and by colored engraving of some eoenej H. WAD8WOBTH, Afent. here to the county jail; Ttf famous In the war of the revolution brought 27 ia reporteq coat tM uxree men. naa 27J; 27if 27i, 27; i; Justice, d26 Opposite Theatre. under which is the calendar for the. been drinking, but it is not' known. to be Xi H & N, 43; 4if a fact.' month; on the reverse side a brief SALT LAKE 1.0 Point, 27; 27; SG of scene the history ' represented. 30 Jacket, 100 i , .omoxAii.;h:; s ;; Lawless and Disorderly Conduct! 1120 lmp'1, 9iij;9: . The engraving at the head of the! arrivals and pepartare f Vans. On &turdaynighi a (' party of 140 k C, 19; January calendar Is "Washington! nine soldiers &S W. T. Harkis, 180 H & B, 5Si; BuatnesH Maaarer. from Douglas Camp r'V r'awurVAra.y:'-"?at Valley Forge, 1778;VFebraaryJ 1S70 Svage, 1; J6i , Ji ; lHii:! most In a themselves' dis deported . hi 30 liulhon, 45 "Arrival of. Colonel Knox wit SVist Through aaafl, dallr.........T 40 a ; manners and ! 500 Exchtquer, 10i i Grail Clristmas Proauctioii Looal 0den Bobo City, . , j ; Artillery at Cambridge, 1776;" orderly'in the disgraceful -' . 35 8eg Belcher, 87 .theyrrfeitea Carry aad Morraa CoiWY i'l evening Wajatoh Fan4 March, "Cradle of Liberty" 200 Overman, 6t .bouse-- , in the. Fourteenth Ward, ty,aafl7..U......MV'I4tl euil Hall, Boston April, "Battle o 9dXlhnllar,9a;97 fcrnntt and.wasatchooun-- ; ,Vj here tOj break. In attempted . lT75;rf they 100 Huocor, 50o Lexington West tts,TuedayaTBarsday,TiOpBv Deoember 27th, I87S. anu oi Uuioa, 9 231 wlthiJlU "fortlBcattois XnT Uie door, and 'made a great, row Point, ' AlUuTaay,ThTiVij and Ms Nlg-hAnd vnUl tbe Further Notice, Oj Caledonia, t Every disturbance. Subsequently they ...Mi.. ......T aatmax.. 1780;' b, HJ3ij June,Battle I 6f;BuhkW 2 Ha 60 uarand Speatacalar, Terpsleboreaa, , 44- 40 10 a aa to, or Jonn juanon; saaL daSTi to Went saloon the " Tke 1775; Anxxnnoement .1 July, r. yantolntoal( and Local: . . 50 UUbf lo -' LooalWert Jerdan and Her- ; of theDeclaraiion ortndependence,1 Where they obtained beer and other 305 Dayton, 41; 5 Tlpam. ontltlul ' rlaaan,Thnrsday.......T 10 Pl (irlnksVatid feave the the 4S0 ltelcher, 3Uj;3di;8l proprietor 1 on the opposite side a full page en j Ophlr, Tbosk City, daily, most instead foul 150 Confldeuee, 23li Qf the ' abyse pay. of oopt Sunday.'..... ..i.....SM pja the " Centennial graving principal CHERRY AHD FAIR . 5 STAR w Whixlo"lBuis W Knap Mill, Hi From' tnere'they Orantsrlll, Batarday......S SO p a at 20 Keutuvk. 13 t building Philadelphia! August; OniwwCailon.Jwhpre tgeTtJc&dBtorbaia, daily, zepfe Sua .il t 135 ,Ajphvu;.aoi; 20J. . Washington at Monmouth, I778;'f m. a similar! y. outraeeoua manner day........:.. i'SO AVoodville, 2j . , o, September, "General Marion Invitf as llosAana, 0coa and 1 dv TRANSFORM ATIOW SCEXE I 250 Glides, 7 had done"ai the estahlish- ; they 10 10aTar. dally Waahlnjrton a to British officer Ing dioner,17SQ; 300 LeTlathan;ii; 1 ' !Looal--I)aI ana .01 saent ; '1 Box' Eder aad tJbejr .haarejcejij.jeri; October, "Surrender f Lord Corn ftO Amazon, 1 J Bcautifel Juveulle Ballet 1 also afterwards eeaattes,daily:.w:..;...lAltat hoy. repfaraiue J Grand March ot Jt masons ! ;r wallia ,1525 Uvly lir jau, 3; S5,; 3i, u CaebeoeuAt7,7aursdayaxk-ThTbrconuetUwBloon 1S3S S Nev, 1U;21K 201 Efficient and Chora Full ' t "Entrance of Arqeri f rilrAVdRnlri thi fcf 1 I I3t of Iloat Auxiliaries 7M; .7H; 721; 72?; 711; November, t can Army Into Jfew Yprk, 1783; Rh'oanr,jifadar anM"" 7U rsi, bsa ........ ! TInuatay........ .iAtW.LTSaiDecember, VaahIngto'a Oroeaing sio juiik. 11 m; sOk To Flooba, dafly.":..,.iv A' T 18 3S0 l'-. ttltisjrehn hernselvee'(0vbl;f:'cr the Delaware, 1776,, Va, Sflo; 397J &9G , - I J''-- ' ' j AJlsdal.Oeorwad uar 3J5 N VCou,2;ll .. based has been specially engaged to appear as through pxehwiy J The design of thenCehteritial, in 1 y i:tsrnaudayi.;Ui,;f dwy4- - A JKATAL J .V, taenaclng j tasteful and 8anpets 11.43 and. m. thd a. with unique i. i,. "? m t .rf rnu party. ocsewdMsiAext went VrSi 3K,9miMA ba; laii. ''wailiVJOO ' bid r engravings and Information It coii to thd market G&C,19 aqoare-cmu4vX.tW whine J. altanato . . I . . day.'..:, 54 sale i uuns make n one r the gems Ophir,711 Ihey ataKr;ymarv and woman, XOTICE. bid Cala, 187S.' " 1 almanacs the of among kBoekingCoth bhefifTddwn, and ' bid Kfc B,57 , is into mr rnciosure: one roan neuer, daflyf... Supplemental to ; the above are kfterwards, met J ?g jtfxjolored .man fVJun left ear uplit, t ear cropped and iu , Havage, 141 ;;-TiBinle. nooranda the! two put, same of slxe cards, onejpri ryy sho ,HNev,20 19 at atsdlBs tns 00Kim. E. MIDDLKMA8S, bhl' to,. Which conta.IiW brr'one side, f a'7$i tame BlztJa Mexican, wara.. .w.i.rmt p.w daBy..vi.i. 1 ' way. i ney aiso met a young ; 9(iT Point, 27 . ,, ender for 1877,'on the reverse 'slde., ban named fciu thi flhd,. "whom, .Odial- full page engraving 'eif the ItoHJcJuf: Without the, li.hestv oo Pffovocatlon, THE ', CZl$3Hri D3B31X oastic ftural Centennial BaildlBg-a- t 1 14. Friday. ,,Mj....isas hoc4 thexahu Govermenta Gold $W?'U Money S; OSM ruov ana tn o(ner:svesaenoat I A.s a kind of wIskI oQ lo their dull: Htocks. stronger; Western aaeipnta; pro : fJ': for ari and 1873, dnUavotuaUiaay..lMr 40 Quick-sflUnTon',721; Pacific Mall, J; t H'lW fcsaaK-lfs- st gram me portion ef the same pa- Urdsndmsr 171; Mariposa, 8; Wells, ensrravlnfif tf "the Centennial 7o ruaaa,faaieaayw.;..4.'.t4jiaIa;s; seized ...... 'Mr. u.V Jirewert . . yofjnTaans m Y N Central. 1041; Erie, uaiiery, pniiaaeipnia. j v,- AflF rT V If-- " An fl ffJssdsBjriVMaenLtsi tUmU i n Ophif , TeoshH StocdCtoa aod) 07; ftirgW; t.U 15f, Pauama 125: Union Pacific, 'si"!;; flaflTi T smtrrt f - ft aided ,MrB. 741; 'Union Pacific- Bonds, 105; SB a; ft, .. Camp, pcer.frouv 8naday.,I.f,inM.v..wd Keeumr tne Heudavs. Justice searching ; for hufveniole, "which Kftor jflm '060 vnit ieoniosswae'inay Cntral PaciflO Bonds, 1071. aaltr. axowii Son- oontaioiog sanipie Lrds, lh tbel. 5 hnmhaM. will he aunt bv Pyper had a busy time day ........I SO a a at aa. early honryeater- - iDBeeachef knafl 6a receipt or S3 oeaU. Ida: hU court, having, numerous cases Ihey found, spmo .tustapra jron nay aad Oregon, dally .......130 p a isssn growing out of persons having very I the morniag,. eastern the Hist Iti,oJr.eittojDif Taylor & Ca, urrmlnusoi etock errrileces. tftra leads to fortuae. loose laeas regaraiog tne most ap Booth reet fhranch .of ,thg(trejst J eormtii,. daQy... . J bouULrail or writs for TJ pare Speculaioi buok, " Ma and Idtoms of Wall atreet.' proved. mam per . of keeping the-- mI1mi1 'nn':thawavni.r!mn. nit Vi'l SUar eonaty, daily . .ISO pa IS lowest tbe and rtrlntr for Special Business Notices. Th Social Party, ' . T6srroif. 1. I'M it L - li - i -- ia d 70 Jf I .day. H.1l!i:Er.r',,?t i USA '. ' , ' ! ; New, Retail Oroeerfy Bep?t, -- aj . ....... . . i Sit . ' . ! HS .J J 1. s r $-- 5 : 1 custody,-whileIcBrJd- GLASS MlitT Ffe: '.. e '" v.i ;:':) i ,i i ,fiiii;je!r i "ib ... . ... ... GROCERY ,3BEHBLn' .... ..'"'"' 17 r T . 1 , OF WHICH ? . .. 01-;ii'.- s 9lA U. tu-ii.t- - 0 v ss ili.-ho- - A V A. i - Li t' V 100 CASKS CURRANTS, jV30:2' l3tniW .1 S'' ; OF RAISINS, 5OQi0Xp GAN lil ED PEHL.S, SPICES, IMPORTED .'fc DOMESTIC GA.2STDIES ! . e OTJR CELEBKATED BHANJ)i) fiiiitiljilf -- d - SEASONS i' - Ti ri . vb.? liil'i him -- : "H-rn- th Mi'.V . L-- Hh1oU1 '' Bronllt Is the finest ever AT OUR- - ' ' v w i ,r J. U 'V.m'-MWi.-'..- ii . 1 ,"m;i-- , p i - M ',' ?)-- to , ; to-nig- " ona-mlnul- e. - embraeiDi & , ' Alaska Mink, 20c. - -- I , - ! j Ladies' Silk Ties for Presents, beet City, 25 cts- to 81. each. . m Jme I eneltCone-ttnd'i- JrisK 'Poplins;; 'Ileal Xce1 SahWiircJi&f8 j MiimKf8 rffffldf$Wf?&yfc! : -- - EAGIlEKEtVIPORIUIVl 1 tulip n TOKj-x-i- ym.wi a.uapi j luvet-tirat- e - - , .. . in. 33QHc2Qi ' m Vt Z - . i ; ; . i t -- . . t .1 .: I w s !1 i?J"l.nSfl3 ' 1 r . 1.;:.. 1 1 aii lav !:.--!, i - -- e;e prepaid. As this barely repays tbe cost of the paper, price bo discount can be made from this rate to clubs, Post masters, or anyone. The Daily Suit, a U rye four pare news jpaper of twenty-elfcolumns, gtn all fibe news for two cents a copy. Subscrip&5o. tion, postage prepaid, a month or aifiO a year, bun dat ediUon extra. tLlO per year. We have no trarelinc arenta. ag-ent- Vwta-dab- - &i Va.r-1781- ;" eatardar..i.. JaraVulter m i : ' iprti ci, v- -: ht 1 vti ) 1 : ! v aod-oihiee- aa h i ' '. A pierairsUtli of tho I !!'' -- . Wt-ThToa-ai PTT? A 'tmil-j-- : ! TmfnttrTVTnift iTtlTlftTlV ti trnir i " power at Washington : and tbe year of the eleetien f PreeMent ot the twent?tnird Untted ttatea. Aiif these event are t turn tobe of crveat ihteriret aad iaaaorW-- ' ance,- especially the two latter; and all of them and everything- connected with them will be fully and frethly reported and ex . pounded in TuBaKi ..:r Tbe Opposiilon Bouse of Bepreeentatlrea, takinr up the line of inquiry opened rear &go by Thb 8uk, will sternly and diligently tba oorru pxiona of Ukawt's adalatetratiemD4J wMb it ki to be hoped, lay the foundation for a new and better period in our national history. Of all this Tax Suit will contain complete and rf rmsttnr lt - jvaiera aceprAteecfaaju, with- - earV iadtrdMWOrtliy 4ofnrtBatknr--- ' Tupon theto absorbingtopic. twenty-thir- a freswentlal election,with the preparation or it, will W jnemarable aa MrtfAWng OpoB gAAST'aaarrtrtitlona tor a third term of power and plucdar, and still more aa deoldinar who nha.ll oa t cHdate of tbe nartr of Iteform. and aa ekoVnv- - thataaedidatate Oooneraior alk these mbjectl those ao feacf 7na Bur bare the constant means ot belnf oroojrhly well informed. TThe Wxbext Puk, which has attained a az over eikhts tiwii nti carcuiaupa m i-- d already baa its readers in mw atmieoplc. and we trust that the rear UTS Trrritory, will aee taeir numbers doubled. will It to boa tborous-- newspaper. All j fooniiuue I ws of bet aoeaxH will Thefta iiiejrTa 1 in It, CJOudunser wbear anhnpurUnt, at toll lenirtn when of moment; and always, we trust, treated in a clear, interesting and instructive manner. , , 3i-r t is our aim to mile tbe Wrklt Bv ' best newspaper hi the world 41 od e shallfamily oontlnue to aire in Its columns a rga. amount at, mtsellsauMS rvadlar. , tel licence aad agrlcu tural inf ormation,f or which we are not able to make room la our oaiiy edition. Tbe agricultural departnu nt epecia!trlt5nOf Jtf pfominejit; features. The fasbiofls are teo reffularl reported in lis columns t and so are the markets of every Kind. -- nquest . . - 1 . 187 - ; . " iJUfeS,, MEW YORK. Elshteea hundred and serenrytuc if tbe jiiiPja Centennial yaar. It U alao tba yaar la d, which an Opposition Mouse of Heprearota-ttveft the ret aince the war, will be id JMWWu.jL.m. -- il 177. if . tiiiij.ii THE WEEKLY SUN 1 ' 1 I very Good required for PUEESJTfv, and nro to bcHold at low Prices, to Close Uiem out during, he Scasqii. 4 . til'Ji .';uniUa Tli - . Scnl, Otter, Beaver, Aslraclian, IfUxiltL1 Imitation Tiynx, X-yn- x, J5r-;A?i7- jT,.- unci Collars, Silk ditd Cloth Cloaks Satin: Corsets. '. s a"i T Val-kenbur- new York City. o BSBBTaaaBaSBTtjBsTSsfJBsWBsflBSSBBB - latlv airival . t I-t- ; tyleOt - . . Boo mjawsm -- leiino.irii4tli-l- npaBATS an kinds of Diseases Incident to Foarth East atraaA between Mu fiotlth itiMt. or au h lilted by letter knnlr ttrrr lls Rai. . akeCity. lBaAHCH Omca At Wra. Driyer's, City pros; Store, Mojo streeCTDgenClty, where he will attend, Thursday, JTrlday and Bat. siruajr, esca wees. e rig-b- - lj; ' 4WesId) .... - OpoHoorlan i jn - I . io-day, I -- $sa to &5000 highest V Information, holidays.' other rahiabte prices vrsr and tRXK TO AMY AUDKkM. An Individual the . - rpwdiea;fc,to3nol aamedaAbles, for tearrbia the whi D aha a robcC Btock Privlieffes tt most reHabie bouses, GREAT REDUCTION Trmtxm paid to Cash. ka ht No liability beyond belnir aoaroelv am. c(MUj btocas boufht on (oiaU marvloa-lirder- t tor and MadelnDBYOOODSat, equllibriomj flidtuluog,th rxecuUsU bv mall and telerrarh aad jwe'lnay say that - xriey ideprecato ,ra prompt returns mads. ' ITor orders aad la- - peace, was fined ?10'-tho conduct of a number of the v o Wllllam.-othcTWbmGrmnitA Shut rwaJ. .. a .jtMN liainksxM oa, .1 HicjcLixa Bll,Beaolt men belonging. to lEe garrison who aiwl Rwnkart. was mulcted la nnder for, being are' bringing It. Into disgrace. tbe lnflaence el intoxicants and an traordinary aaT1pmay appear to additional $10 for r display ing his tieotjltf OOtsldW t for 6tiUtaJ4heo. spool orrrdN, I woo? wi 3O0 pugilistic ability on-lt- K gmiihV 11 ce anthoHtlesk d'ebarled from I'laiM " tH as also "wwi aw uaea mdkui at vuei. aztc; , aB 4 an Indian and th latter intcrferlnffitlnciBu'jmrfjijnd member if yon want to save money fined ?5;for thrum .haraclef froTaCrxiTvtwhl was also Mr. laming ; m band toeethsr and insult ab&ihuseJg i Charles Hanks was arrested on people7Uv;etneTOttrtdeal at 'I ni l fC charge of drawing, and ftonrishlng eJlto , -.-.- jt sntbxlcated, 1 , av , , ttjiTrii' wTIiir I - Cdats'and ClUflcTONl T.'Goltonj 0 Tfsf" SPOOES FOR 1M aiun 1 s. sasa; -- Kih-- - :t Cache euuuly, Buiiday, Snas Thursday, Via Kranton.....l M'p 8U - 1 I I 11s mm ta 1 W .1I 1 WTA : atn. miiijiwir f m lift i K K IV.- iiiiiMitMir- Ail ; r, - -- t REMOVED oar 5A.VINQ Building, we Into are now preparea so rarmaa everytnlns; in pur line at the Xioweet Batea and i5, Jlw IJI w 'r p4SSi45 BOPBav il 1 boelJ Everything In the Building Una. 1. Bntt- MOULDINGS & PRIMES I Qeorte aad ( Arisona, Taaaday and waanaaoar I w sM r M ja V If. I rlltlx 1 1 .1 WW. VfSbM rr,niJt tilii lillllllJl 11 vl I Sili lauio mil n till SHHSiiU 3fH J fcloh ooantv. .Toasdar and10, . ... dAyabd7htuSafi....v41 - if.-i.v-C- iM J. ""W. ( ( - 5r BIO i- Taaiaday----S0- a u.cwd"JaJOBaifAairj an. i 4jl . i Uow - -- AI Ob JUw M3i rati a.tAa.Kti arfflArrTi x xvta. tar If aeijll ssof be tTsaafcraoldL Jtfc'Ucnfcl lt bHi'id a r I 1. was .Csomaifiirftromroaii tsato I av SU to lttpia. ..ijr.u Jtaosy Ordar.aa4 Earjg&rr Xkspartmtoi open zrcsa 9 a sa to 4 pot Ootsldadoor opsatrojaf sa to ; - v pw-- ss s Sn&Sayi ojr.ar.aroou ' 4r. .3 Mt. a" Iafcsr.TajlerfiCo.' I 7 a-- i-- i i3iravii Vrreo4 iii3si: |