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Show EVENING NEWS. UCIRtO DAILY, ICIfDATS I'BT.lSHtD Arrow tfcfeocaV Kditob ivo Proxixstaa. DmaWr IS, 175- Thandr, - NEWS OF THE DAY. tut .4Mata Sixty thousand dollars dam age by Ore at WUllamsport, i a. The jury In the Mabel Young muruer case. Have been aiacnargea, i Hnr unable to inwb-wtaiawww- of Becxesen-UUrv- s, ....Tb U.S. House ;by a yesterday . adopted, resolution a very large majority, ' ' ; osalnst a third term.; The Babcock military court uf Inquiry has been dissolved. The ship Helen ' Morris burni 4 ed at sea. i HE UTAH POLICY WINNING. man diatribes have utlerVd and printed upon tlie jt.olicv of the early wttler of this territory in directing their atten tiv:i t agriculture and luauufac turf rather than to prospecting f iT metallic wealth in the moun tain. In the early" (teltleiucnt of 'altfornU.. mining wan the first Hil l great business, but now a hxt oouie over the spirit of the inhabitant of(thst iitale, and they are claiming that mining has Income a secondary Interest, that agriculture is and is to be the great overshadowing and controlling business ot the State, and that these tacts are Incoming more and more apparent every year. ' ' The Han Francisco Chronicle naj's i in nv v, "The rich , farnilugLuJa of the valleys . hava .tempted tbuuaauda away from thtlr rial ens-- A better life is possible on the farming lands man ut me mountains: A. name, though very humble, with wife aud children In it, is happier than 'the minor's secluded hut in the mountains. Hard work will make a home almost anywhere, and it is coming te be in fashion, both for emigrant and miners, to settle in the valleys, either as renters or purchasers, and to enter upon some ne of the various branches of culture. The effect of this change will be apparent In a few years. We shall , have a grand population of farmers, slowly jsturayinteiiigent iwealth in . their pursuits, galninj? briii-JInand up around them all that our civilization needs. There cannot long, be a lack of people whore naturo la so Inviting. When g is forgotten, or only remembered as a dream of other days, the best bone and muscle of the otate will, be engaged in ex- wider 'and wider our area tending to ? of cultivated lands and the mighty volume of theadding coming s. or g gold-diggin- uaurornia.' r. exports, . a i, hut claim, that tight with with them. They profess to have all science and learning on their side that they possess all tho skill, native talents and ability possible te possess, especially that peculiar , ability, we say, of misrepresenting the truthf They .luwt; " claimfalsifying also the public press generally as a powerful auxiliary , to their cause, the pulpit and the forum, the bench and the bar, politicians, - fttatesmen,repre8entatlves,senators, government and people as so many reliable accessions te their ranks. They feel that a nation 'a wealth is at their command, and that they have shrewdness and cunning saf--v Jielen t to bring it lnfcrjreqaisitlon ' . run their side, kj.fi j 11 ' The Mormons; they say: areiwithout learnltjgwithQufcakill or ability, without .wealth or Influence. and without friends on. earth or Iqneaven, tnat tneir - numbers are tew and of the lowest class of society fanatics, thieves, murderers, diswhoremongers and adulterer and rebellions. v i. '.' loyal "Now . if the foregoing be true, how Is it that these fanatlo and Villains have been able to maintain a sucfare against all the? cessful odds for the last half century? Their own statements and claims are by mo wesns cornplrrrrentary to thern. Would not the' ITrttted States ac- , knowledge the independence of Cuba if she were to hold out against . Srain for half that length of tlmt? We ask not. for political, hut for moral and religious, independence. We feel that we are worthy Cf It. When. In the four quarter of the , globe, have any of our elders, faith--, i tal and true, been defeated In.. e, by any opponent, in fair and honorable- - argument? f We claim that We have earned favorable con- sideration, and.' have labored suffiIt, and have ciently hard surteff 4 and f ndured 'enough to court it. But will this world ever us f. fiever I ne bequeath It-tnever ! Vet a ' small minority will t 1 - a-- ai -- de-tiat- . to-me- rit o dolt ?1 ' ,- - , .,'--. . w x i t' ' - m ' I -- ; v V two part ten at their ' JNuw Oartheenemies-' In Utah and ' work. ilo where are very active. Their pens are dipped in the gall of bit- -' terness, and thslr lines corruscate with the viru of aana. Thev am1 dllip-en- t in 'laying plana to ensnare our feet, to procure the enactment . of laws that . would. proTe, wither- perity. They would bind us, band and foot, and deliver us over to the . . tender mercies ef his Satanic Ma--i . jesty, to. enjoy the fumes of hrim- stone forever, and with hallelujahs praise to J Bacchus' and Venus j ot they would possess themselves of .' our inheritaneesln triumphs While the foregoing is manifestly their ob ana design .wmcn. by 'Indian ject . scares", and other false devices, they . are seeklngJtoaccmpllshJln.' Now look at the acts of the other party to counter balance 4ae doings uf our enemies. This last party u Cauda v behind: . the . curtain and and , . reaches out an the floods come, tempests arise, whirlwinds twist through the land, towns are demolished, fierce and incessant rains lay waste the crops of the fields, cyclones sweep off the "cities on .the. Gulf and' elsewhere and drown their inhabitants. Fires to deva?tate theEandjTJahylon f begin burn and - tremdea vrkn earth-iiuakIn di vers placesT Wars ex-rumors of wars fly on light- and ' ningwlngi throughout the world. This is the dayflAof110athe Lord, the . '.: es Ut tllMllsCrisrif in ttrrilflh count or their hatred of Ood's people and their disposition to harsM and torment as hinentahly them, wilt be la a aepjormoie as that or several town oa the Gulf, It would be thought wild and wicked extravagance: bat the old prophet laaian matt De apologist la una case. He says, chap. 60th. verse 13th, "for the nation and kiaedom that wUl not ser thee ahan periah: Yea, those nations shall be utterly wasted." I suppose the dag think are dot ir or Ut for oar destruction. Tbev take this method to serve us. Bat their. service is or preMloa and Is not acceptable to ui, but uisauroua to themaerres aod to the oa Hon that permits It. As the servants of Uoa have generally neen rejected on ac count of the alleged weakaes of tneir tesumony, lie is now employing the ele ment that are resistless, as his agents ana ministers to co&nrm our ieeDie words, A disloyal motive is attributed to us la ra.tb.eiw up here la the midst of the Kocky Maun tains. la reply to this, I will simply say thaun the am place, we cams here through necessity, thinking nothing oi joyaiiy or oistoyaicyi ana alter remainUUie ing here for a time mmi oMaitUng asltss-Uon more light upon the sabjeet of oar and location, our home became a mat ter of choice; and if many who now count us rebellious or ulalbjal on this account. do not follow ui, I shall be much mistak'When . the lower countries are en. drowned out aad. burned urv railroads, feast and west, washed- sway and destroyed, the few ' that escape by dods lnsr between fire aud water may find it very gratifying to obtain shelter here and enjoy some of the choice products of despised Utah. It Is not Impossible but that PresU Grant. Judge Poland and other celebrities, who have acted a conspicueus part in procuring special legislation for us, should be amongst our guests. Such would be almost eqal 10 wosepn enieruuaing nis Brethren in gvpt under very peculiar and somewhat similar circumstances. It is said that history, under the providences of God, sometimes repeats itself. Be this, however, as it may, it is enough to know that the Lord hath commanded us, ftaylag, "Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her slus, and that receive not of her plagues." ye , . 8honJd any wlaa more information upon tacse metiers, iney may reaa, wua prom, the 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th. ISth and 19th chapters of the Bevelatlous of St. John. We are living In a day when most of those thinc named in these chapters are being fulfilled; and what ia often called Mormonismls the truth of Heaven, and Brig ham Young is the Master Spirit to di rect its progress woue ne uvea. j . Oil that the knowledge of "Ood Vert a throned in the hearts of men! But, a last exciting polities, an ungodly greed of mammon, an unquenchable thirst for strong drink, and an abnormal desire for the opposite sex obscure the vision of mortals, aad they perceive not the day of the Lord creeping upon them as a thief In the algbt, although ae aigne er Its are daily mnltiplyis g bfore their approach eyes and are as unerring la their slrnLOcatioa as the swelling buds and opening flowers are of the approach of Spring. , No human legislation, ho military power can arrest me cms mai are upon io coun try and with which the land is fearfaBv threatened. The only remedy yet remaining Is a thorough repentance and reformation, from head to foot. Not a reforma tion like unto the explosion of gas, nor vet. hke Jonah's eourd that flourished one day and withered tbe next, but like a bold river. Increasing la volume as it rolls its welcome iri&ute to we rreti reservoir. the mighty ocean. ( 31y feeble voice to the firing ot an nations M, "Repent' and be baptized for tbe remission of yonrains and receive the Holy Ghost by the laying on or nanaa ei soon ministers as are ordained of God and have the direct author ity to admjnlater these sacred aad bnly or dlnances. I know of no other remedy for Individuals or for 'the nations of the whole earth by which they can be saved from utter ruin. Respectfully, i ' . T WO 'PASTIES TO AXjUESTION. Saints,' hitherto The Latter-da-y have had to fight their owa battles, unaided by any human power; and our enemies Hay that God-lnot . secret whoredoms adulteries, fornications, the keeping of mistresses for criminal pleasure, degrading the daughters of Er te the very gates of perdition; to say nothing ot that mere common and damning sin, of foeticide, induced by the love or to ease, the pride of fashion,shame. avoid expenses and to hide Why labor to make an institution criminal that has received the sanction, approval and blessing or the Almighty, who .ordained and established it by his unerring word. I mean Scriptural poly gamy .wherein the woman - is acknowledged before God and man, who, with, her oSkpring, Is cared and provided for irrthe honerable relation of wife; A persistence In this dogged wor rying of God's people will bring greater evils upon the world than the humiliation and dishonor of allowing them to obey the com-madd amenta of their God in peace. If ! were- - to say that all nations, no ae X Canipo, San Diego Co., Cal., i threatened by Mexican bandits. There has been one thousand disasters bn the Lakes and fifty-si- x this season, one hundred and thirty-on- e less than last year, but their segregate value amounts to $10V 70 more than the value of the Irwes last season. A the rich and bring much sorrow and confusion upon the people, a blood (her day when the nation'sfrom flnancAsVifl runninff every vein and arterv i br the agency of her professed loyal riends, a day of ' mercoania ana among hewllng speculators in the midstjOCfire and flood. It is the untiring opposition to CUUk'm nannU and tbe hatred felt to wards thorn br all nations that are of bringingithls state and condition Mnra nnnn them. What sort of a religion or morality must that be which makes man more Just than God, more righteous than his Maker? Why not be Content with criminal Which the calling that heavens call criminal, 'and with cri minality,eveja on pnntshlng that to aeatn, It neea oer x mean n ;j OaapN IIidk. i By Telegraph. dollars now securely bound.' He seems te promised fifteen hundred li per mile toward its construction.-ges,eeerirebeen naturalized In the 17. S. He passed a Week last October in Liv- Pa. j6. This a. erpool, NViiximsporTi apparently trying J to ascerm. a fire broke out In Hotchkiaf & tain whether it would bf beat for Barber's planing mlll.whieh spread hist to put his infernal machine on to the lumber yard of tllebard , & board a tateamer here or in Bre'ft menhaven. The number 6TllIIed Foreman antTAVhlte, Lent z InWhite; total loss about $60,000; by the explosion already reaches surance $30,000. and others of the injured eighty,; Blere sbssl Tkenasks the aizpleatesi-ia- t are not expected to recover. Forty corpses., were buried y,. Arrested fee stweTer. together with some chests filled with un"to New Yobk. 16. According identified fragments of bodies. The -a juemen aupsucn, i nomas, tetal number of killer-woundpassenger on the Motel and the ed is now estimated at ISO. or cass me tor owner, The Timet announces, thai ihe disaster board which canned the terribleaynamite has erderaO. an nffl. his clal of trade at Bremenhaven, has confessed Into the loss of the acoominquiry bad he that savins; guilt, to begin on. Monday, rew x orx. .1 no mouvw HeuUcbland, next, at Poplar. Fourteen 'bodies !llces atdiabolical scheme appears of the victims were buried at Dover to hare been to procure exaggerated Court yesterday; the shops in that and .fictitious" insurance, and to Harwich-werand closed place share', with others. Thomas is during the in and .deep sjm funeral, answers' and all conscious, quits was Shown 1J all tbe have not paiay questions, but the bullets .. tanta. ' his head. from yet been extracted 0 a. nv ' Is special from St. Paul Frbm what known, the barrel DeLoanda A states that Captain Cam for this shameful work Was made eron expedition arrived strongly by a Bremen cooper, and there exploring Nov. 19th, having traversed was pattltloned,one part containing the continent from dynamite and the other the ap atuen nas oeen a UJUi; tbeexpesuccess. complete inparatus lor exploding it. ne tended to place bis hellish machine au tne men were weih u wuikesteealleai. on the ueiutcjuano. due was not ready. The WtUer Zcitveng adds A private telegram from Kgypt "In sober words we communicate states that, on the demand of the that the British government, the . Egyptian it, and with certainty,killed and men of. war will be recalled from number of victims wounded amounts to 14a William Zanzibar, and the ,expedition to K. Thomas is the full name, and Abyssinia will confine itself to ex since his attempt at sulclde,;he has acting satisfaction, after which the made a fu 1 confess! on. He was born troops are to return to Egypt. a New married and in New York, i b): Kenetsry. Orleans lady .and has four children, the youngest a baby. He lived in The bullion in the Bank 6f Kug-lan-d Increased 203,000 the past Virginia during the war, and was engaged In the business of blockade week.' The proportion of the bank's runnlnr. whereby he became rich reserve to its liabilities is 42 per Since 1S6G he has resided here hod cent, xne minion withdraw n on at JLeipslc and last at Strethleo, balance y is X 113,000. near Dresden. He SDDears to have CERMANY. lost his money and to nave become embarrassed. lie was twice in Cenfeeaed SXJs Onllt. America d urine the oast summer: 16. There is no change the last time he went without the Brkmin, In the condition of Thosn- fa of his when knowledge sally, and has be assen; confessed, and fully he returned he wrote his banker has revealed the names of his ac here that he had made arrane but the authorities will complices, his to him ments enabling pay not make known further debts In December. He was highly esteemed by people in Germany, His house has been searched, but FRANCE. connected with nothing was found Bsteeie Increased. the disaster. Thomas has attempted suicide again by tearing off the The specie in the Paris, 18.ranee nas increased uanK or dressings from his wounds."., Nathan Rubenateln has been ar 1,204,500 franca the past week. rested on a charge of being the murderer of Sarah Alexander, the young Jewess whose body was found in a field on the outskirts of To the wife of Dr. J. M. Benedict, of this Brooklyn, on Tuesday afternoon. City, Ueo. lBtb, a son. Mother aod child .' "lil3 rllLV It Is a "day wben ion see the propriety and wlsdem may m nrl Intrltndi 1 ICMVIIT it.. getting up of the country into ay' - high, nioutaIn? when most ineneyea'instltntlona . i will tremble, when tramp, bandits t and other rapackmsiy inclined and-e- r la-d- ay -- per-sonjw- lll infestthe landand, be ing Unatlgatedofby the shrewdness "and cunning the devil, will deof plete the treasuries and .coffers '4 r u ' ; ft .i iasrMiw to-ds- m 11 l w -- W-- w M 1 sr w- t.a.six.. Ja f I7-tY- fc . . e - . nswiKtuf. II II 1 1 li . kl I II II 4 t t - le II I I . i i. i s 4 - . II . u ii9asmr"a,-- i . Hit are dofas well. This Kernels Detroit, J. Wham, lT.-Ca- ptaln R T I ; Good . 'O IQO O e v e r v coneeivable sliaiio. in O .CaUlml-- , JNT ' Uli&'iMis9'es,l bbuBarid Dozen I'Nr J There are ' A .4 Patrons will W '"ser V il ', A .rf Silks in Grosgraih lanlU Glace. elvets, Black .uii.i ,.a .j ?a it.;ii d at; Figures Heretofore r .Unknown 4n the "Historof 1 - . .t : g 1. 1 liw ' ! fin's b the : ' ) Women'a-tTjiov- Girls' Bootsuand Shoes Serviceable and War T.l "! 1 RUEEIVS and ARCTICS. ' BO OTS ; H U K Tl very ' Style of E - Trad. M ..V.. li-o- A ..a T. be Sold andjiUlreosQwilI B ARG in SearchQ6f2a nterestin IMces to Tnbw n ; V R. - f iT f E otor?,' Flauliirand Prices rately lmet with lier very style of Shawl' IaViie and .Misses' FU R CAPS, and Fu are! Assortment"-oLies and atJricesT"to Suit All. nd KNIT CTpDriYi . ubber arge and Complete Lin " 'are5 Guaranteed to Wea '4 A, 'bsc , R -- ;" Styles of mjriiee and Misses' Dancing Shoes, Elegant and .ClMivQreifci Til n unrivalled af9 Bpys'Boo., Fine, Tedium, and; Stog the Best Manufacture; these r T ri ew': lines' Lo Bluf Black an Gold- - .A X an; eiich Calf irand iiKip rSkins.;!f , , These are A 1 I mrWrrW Moroccos and C celebrated ; WMm'of jA m Lar: T U ':j?iifM$rm LVrtnleQ.ile A' Hetni I F Ktipwn to th( ir.TltE vefelhjng comprising, TT VMet teiT .tntirkA frra'IOC; .... aUO cfrj a r i 'jj. ndlesa JUne ... ... . ij : .. f . Succor, 95c; I 205 U Con, 81; 340 9 b. n ! 150 idy 855 Buckeye,1 1 Flat. Wash n, 3 t 60 A 200 L 4S5 I n this, 30 HHili, 7J ft 100 1015 Dayton, 4 1 K Island, 4i; 4: 44 335 N Y, 2; 2i; 2J, b.30 100 Occidental, 3 140 Wood ville, 3f; 3 t. mm r Department-oir,;: . is Complete iivt X ,: i offer we tAble Goods f ,;r-?.i,iat- ini GENUINE a3ARGAUSS,also . :i v, t LfJ- - Houses, i- txur-iV- j . U ' ' JhesJ .qufaitie e. -- h, rn .. .. .j- mm m . .?!.r . tA-- a be suited. The PubJie.will novelties the for all other T Holidays. X oy.Abid " wtli nected n this and every ; DflJ t!A RT MsE NT w ,cnal?lq planufacturerfe"" to Fship toiwDiree T4-,X UTI0N,.,as Goodsf comprising all Brands J U ,. , Unrivalled and iCho Sending - orders by Zl A lU t Fherej 1 fi: w X worthless 'AiTr-.JI s inconvenient toseiec nin Personl Nvill have- S P;Il C I $$"$'1 N Baid to their Bills,- ''and- ;.wui timt meir uuuiw SALE. ....... i . . Utahl7 TBtJSTEES vsjiiti 8tock of Dry Goods and .r-JNotions ..,!: M : ererv line usuallv.; catried by Larefe WHOLESALE Julia, 14; I4i; Hi; 15 Caledonia, 23; 22 Baltimore, 2j; i'J; 2; 00c 100 .203, . 80 P. by his WHERKAS, Parley ot trust,Pratt, dated October twenty-sixt1874, to Lewis 8. Hills aad James V. oovwyed Freeze, the foltowin deserloed real estate, situated in Halt Lake vny ana vwincy. Territory or Utah, and partleularty described as follows, to wit: Part of Lst Iva (5) in Block flrty-on-e (SI), n, am itaae uty survey, beginning corner of said lot and at tbe sooth-weruaains ibeaee north six () rods1 hence east ftad (1U sods, thonoe south six (6) rods, n wii rwis io to piaoe oz la trust, however, to secure tbe payment aetUenaeait EsTeetasl'.-- . et a certain proaaissory note, fully set oat la saM deed ot beerloa date of (int. The creditors of J. , It. palmer & 28, ls74V for thetrust, sum of $300, with Interest Co.. wholMial deabtra in and man. at tbe rate or one and one half psreeot. per month: fcnd whereas said principal sum ufacturers of cloth 1 nr. .have . . aivent- - and the aoerued Interest tbertoa is ' wholly 9 m A.I ' and unpaid. Kiu.uMut on ids naaia or due It is provided hi said deed of an4 whereas eighty cents on the dollar. ennuu oetauia cvust be. nsade In. Che ot the sa'd note' or th Imam Mrmnt thereon .accoralor to the term thereofabew INDIAXAPOUS, Ind., 18. to tbe tbe eakt trustees might, upon the request of U. B. circuit court, Judgw Dram-mo- nd f"."??Tlw mmr proceeo so sell said land the for of said note and interpayment a to decided.on demurrer the est and tbe expenses aocrulnr by maklas , ., bill or tbe Thames Loan and Trust and. Nicholas Whereas, was holder Qrossbeek,tbe Co., against Maloney, that it owner or san note, sat requested tbe competent for a foreign corpor- sua underslsued trustees to procewd'toraak ation to loan money, upon a sale spue said deed of trust accord las to tHMrhilASk ihnssntf in Indiana; Now mortgage ef therefore we the underslsned, as the laws or the state 'not having foresald, at the rrouestoTtbe expressly prohibited, such, corpora- aU owner aod holder ef the said note,,. and terms nuieiaial Aa-re- ' Vl!l'"tl :;:' TttllVrY STYli-- f NtHIIinKOS. witolie,. old!Cheap airs Ladies' LfKiilx 'iGausukTO'LOV-E- S P -- i ,(!! Id Styles offered. O SanI"rancisoo,J)ec.ld. Augusta, Ga., JCof Tbe Hon. ueo. it. i'endleton, Uum, was 2090 Ophir, 4Gj; 46; 47, b 30 serenaded at the Planter Hotel to 320 Mexican, 18 night, and in response, delivered a 810 G&C, 18J;18; 19; 18j; 19 brief address.' He spoke of the 865 'B & B, 57J; 57J 58; 571; 57i; 58, evidences of prosperity around. and b3 congratulated the people of Georgia 175 Savage, 15J; 1C, b 30: 15 J; 15; upon, the good order everywhere 22f ChQllar, 87; 88: 89 prevailing, ana aeciarea mat men 115 H & N, 46; 45J whe endeavored to arouse sectarian 295 Point, 29; 29i feeling in politics 'deserved .the 60 Jacket, 95; 96 frowns of all good eitizens. 740 Belcher, 32; 32 W1U Deliver Xmfim In WUms. 20 Alpha, 17i ' 410 Confidence, 20; 191; 19? WASHTxaTQir, 16 The Massa 18S&IH ' chusetts-delegatioNevada, 19i; 19; 19 In Congress met 85 Con Va, 375; 375 j; 379, s 5; 37S: this am., and appointed a commit, 379 tee to make arrangements for the formal announcement of the death 1085 California, CS; 68; CO, b. 10, of the Vice President. Eulogies 35 Bullion, 42 will be delivered by both Senators 330 ' and Representatives, Hoar and 190 Excheq, 10; 105CJ Overman, 68; Warren, and also by ethers not yet uesiguaieu. 2195 Justice, 4; 24, lSO; 2nj; 4, s ,. , Dleaacsra the Lsta.es. marine reporter; states the number of disasters on the lakes' during the present season at 1,056, a decrease rrom fast year or lai. or tnis number 528 eocurred on alte Michigan, 152 On Lake Huron, 189 on Lake Erie, 62 on Lake Ontario, 28 on xaxe superior, ana 40 on the rivers. Teasels of ajl descrip Bighty-fiv-e an wun tions, aggregate carrying capacity of 27.177 tons, valued at $1,049,000 have passed out of exis new vessels. tence, ana twenty-fiv- e with an aggregates capacity of 14,-7- 37 tons, valued at $1,169,500, have been commissioned during the year. The total amount of pro- party lost, manning nuns and car goes, is $3,781,300, which exceeds tnat or last year by $104,700. Jairy Cawiaie 18. The Jury In the case Bostoh, ot Thomas W. Piper, for the naur- uci ui msuei x ouur,attsr oeing out irom noon yesterday, came into court this morning and, reported that they were unable to agree, and were discharged; It Is said that they stood nine for conviction and they three for acquittal.-- - : Hundred Pieces iVress One JfOmONO BOARD. Beremaelesl. r C elbrated GualuiniUrejlas, AllrierJustO0iroeUui MINING STOCKS. ; -- j W. j. cases . the Doctor's first Is . '' Ii'i' to-da- y, Stevjr. v 1 - IsaweeJle 1vmp.oj number I Raisins, OraiiceTjeiiion aiurCJItron Peel. 50 oveltiea in JJSUG C3ROCERXES. Vhlun nuH Inn ware i ftf all is u i tkb e for H o ViUX a y P rcsen t S Q p e n d i d a s'sprt'iriiilhitV t .it .n One thousand to-da- Very .lf.;i ! '. A London despatch. ' states that son. the Timet Berlin special says that an agent of President Grab t has arrived at Cettigne, offering to sell the Herzegovinaans cannon on credit. " ,.'! la OffeiiXnImtnTise Stopk of Merchandiso, complete oocls- - ar -- fttlariittteedi A I !;inp6H&Uons' ''baiKvaiMl 'Aii- - Out 1 A i'. Zs Ca Jfs : onesPartie ; .A-'fc- J - ft st t: i ! i ! !'jl)ns 1 1 r. ""'V M th6 .Day their '! t, : - - . . i J . ; , i v l s r iii . r U V-- ; is i. tl Yrtm' i'as-- ri ! . U, M- m. DISPATCHES. TO-DAY- 'S American I d EASJTPRM.T ,eX rasMpertnUesi CsawnpsrW i ; 4 j u4 The American Board of. Transportation and Com merce began Its sessions in this city yesterday. . After completing the organization a number of elaborate and lengthy 'reporU.npon the Important problem of rail and water transportationand the best means of systematizing and cheapening the same, were read and appropriately ' referred; vThe convention comprises delegates from more than one half the states of tbe Union, ana repreeenxaiives irom utnada. Mr.- ltarris of Ken tacky present ed a string of resolutions, recom mending the following measures The 'completion of the Improve ment of the four great water routes, Chicago 16. reaJ-eata- tion from taking real security. The demurrer was overruled and the defendant required to answer. : CONCnCSSIOAL - as unanimously recommended br the U.S. Senate committee on transportation and routes to the seaboard, for the 43 rd Congress; the extension of publio credit te the Texas and FaclQc Railway to such an extent and La Such a manner as will secure Its 'early completion, with the following faU guarantees from the owners ef that road tee building of a double steel; track railway from the Atlantic seaboard at New York to tbe Mississippi river at St. Liodla, to be used exclusively for freight traffic. The above resolutions , , Were 'referred; to the committee on resolutions. ' " Mr. Danlela,--of 'Va.S presented two bills to the consideration of the convention; ; Tie remarked 'that they were not supposed to be par feet in detail and; he ; hoped they would bo subjected, te : ths most criticism.'- - These, bills; teaching wbieh axe now before Congress, were to form a United States bureau of highways, and to construct the Norfolk, Ilio.Grande . and Tapolo Vampo International rallreadU i Mr. Daniels pointed out that the nrincC pie of this bill was that the people built and owned the road; referred to the committee on resolutions. It hi understood that ah Attempt will be made to capture the contention in behalf of JXom- Scott's scheme; It waspwitfc of . this that Mr. Harris, offacilitating Kt.; tre-sented his resolution. To ' counter act their ecect Jit. Daniels Introduced the two bill for the, consid- Lse.caiannfi-- i i?v the Topolo Yamp9 road , it" ltcl aimed that it U SsAi or .40 Yaika nearer from Chicago to the' Pacific ceatt than bythe Texas Pacific; besides, the former passes through an Inhabited country, and Mexico has 4 ' NVashinotox. 18. A largo nuro ber of noemorlals, asking theap- commission to Kintment of't hoa 'alcoholic liquor tramo were presented, and reCerred to the committee on finance. : . Withers, by reqaest, introdsced a bill to aid the Washington, Cincinnati and StVLoals railroad to eonstnset a narrow goage road from tide water to St. Loo. Is and Clndn-natl- ; referred to the, committee bn s r. i I railroads. " Morton called : up tbe resolution submitted by him yesterday, to author lie tbe appointment of a special committee, or rive senators, to inquire latf tbsr circofnstancee attending the recent elections In Mississippi. . He. spoke in favor otand referred to varithe resolution s votes ; of oersons residln a la Mississippi to show that republican voters were Intimidated and that were stuffed In tbe ballot-boxe- s that State.; .. , f Bayard denied the power of the Senate, nnder the Consli tntloa j ' to make aay such Investigation.,, He argued that the courts were open; and if any body had been wronged In Mississippi the remedy could be courts. foundjnlhe 05 The resolution was discussed when lha! Senaio .wentT Into - J 1 ut-U12- tit o no "or lt II 111 I a-Tl- ew 1; I . . .. I.! . I Wsatato atmniassslf- OrdaW Iaveala-atl- e inoi , ..-- 1 BSEAV RDITAIU..,.n ; i Kre4 f si AfrlesMs KanlertBHT 1U .lid say 1" ,t Lbjaxw, lo. A' special io tno Tlmss from Berlin savs that Thorn aaatn hat repeatedly torn the ban dagea.ifrom a the wound heJ Inflicted -- a ux aim a. a. I S a K ' a a attemptsm suiciue, una is i 1' ii" ' t - ii.;- .nHomii -- mMi -t- - il! ' is :u uoi Jii!. " - lug' It eoateres e lewta 8 Hits aad AmJH ldrease,the folkxwiae deear.hni w.i t'.n estate, situate lathe city and Count us i..r'i i i p .')! --r 6. iTV (i.u- - f Mplrnditl .SlOfti 5r-artHt'- ' P i rS fc VM.'.' shall opcre an cxdssslvs.stoek of --' ,- - fiC-- 4 . AK3!V - ASS r- j .. tar Alrrsulj bnvl,; HKplra.l ;III , KlK-- iatfjntJ.': k ;v-- mm0 attest . J . JUSX. ARRIVED a roprl-ar- tOIIPABY?! AST TIIIFLE. . SHEET' .u .u ,vl wa in if. 't), e OJiiCV r-- ';.. ii Mi 1 noiner tbenoe tiottbabr (8) rods, (10). rods, tbenoe aoutV sSiS). laeooe west ten twj roas to tbe plaeeof atoo cart of lot one fnTiT sixty-tw- o plot B-- ol the Pa It JUite oomaafcnein - at the souUk-Clr saweri west eoroer of said lot. aaa runnlrur thence we Ki- LDING .SIS BBSS B.a 8. i m j a 1 ' 1B3 ' r t.'M MKI S DFf Ogir-TnT- O 3 ' t m I f as Itjunwi lxw ,rlst.t JiiY i J TRUSTEED SALE. hiii P, PraiL YtitASUarley sam oeea or truss, eatea by 3 Jtilr iwniurjw uu,tdc r?rjifn ,jnKirjVrinj !if.m wib Trustees, W, W7&. a .4tri TTrv- - 4 'ar jr. lies: to Toferth our ' uu nierous Pal rousaha 'frtetida that j liaveaR'aiiOVwl 'Mtrcraitir: stock (of MercliamllHe, from llt ronftlm- ri!.J! J i' I I: wt a art vtwitw - VVa it y- riasa.- . Jams rvrkswsy' H.II- - Daird rjsjeeaber r l! 1 MSswl'a'"a',sM',"fIM"""a"aas"rTl nanW, , 4.. m ',til f I ..;. I i J ) II II s. aay, as soesoma ooor or taecouatr Court o lo said , ,Viy, or- premtecs. bwre - land at tor nerlbrdbidder pubHe vendee to. the hlrbest cash, to saUsfy tbe Prb el pal and interest ef said writ. exeoutln .this r" trMst and ssa this; this sale... . . i liiii i a-- ill:. , V .J lo (aa rf.y said trust Seed, do herebyslve notloe that we srUreell, on Monday, tbe 3rd dar of Jan aaryra-lMATat 11 o'clock thai 111 mm ' i. , IV iiarafc wfMpiyW Terri-?1lrS- !? 8EATB.,-ii.- ' xx ja NEW ADVERTISEf.'. Si te - - .. etK-b-sal- I 1 T isu - - 1 lnrt (), CANDIES & PURB SPICES, WlWUUWs.T ID 'Tula awvAtM o.- J:rtl north ten 10) rods, tbenoe east two and a tcr tw ..!. J halt S) rods, tfceoM south ten (10) thensesi west two end a bah? liT."! J 777, tbe Dlaee of brrlnniar. . . In trust, however, to secure tbe' payment Vrjhe Finestand ; Cheapss! - - ti i pretahwerynote folly set out iakl dead .of Uwt, bearing eteteJabr Mtm. 1M4. lor tae sum or sjuuw, with interest thereon from date until paid, at one and a halt a UI esot.:aad whereas the said per 1-saea sa4 Interest am, itks siu , iprtoipai e and uirW- - -- M i,-- ,. . .,7V-1 wholly Ana waereae, it is prorVVJ Jn sail deed ot trust, that should deUult be made intbe I ;: ) "1N .. I i - t ; . :a..u It : AT TDVI " t Jl -- -- v- TO BS - I V( w Patd necambsr 13 1ST9, (XttMJttUVV it i ihl'UA'lt ilSi 1 f "'- v, 4 . r 1hiT tIUl tiiaS f ft: ilsta43 (!' nSTBW a I BotTTn .i.awiTf- noiiuayor: r t rv v- --- f .A'A , vn . - A6rEHEn. STRIKE ! k mi&. r CVncrf psXT f.l,KV riTT, L' t-- tw. " J' i: ' ksasjui, . 1 T lr' litis OomaieDC) Sir ' li..ij U?uuoj ' A '.f rt'f BRBSS GOODS eiil AST P fhrt ill j.r. Sstsa n Unrtrnri Eioior UUUlUli), k nnxs, i. jt, ,r ELpSEDOE, Tmstessv (fr.ii..uii i M0RT0N .& TDFTS; H. J.1,t liftrr-ili- m. aaTssatrt of the said nota eeii therena, aeeordin to the terms thereof, then tbe said trustees mlxb t, upon the ii execute theeaid Smat; aad whereas Kleho-la- s Oroetbeck, the owner and holder of. said note, has requested the tradersureed tbe aaae sate upon saMoeeaef trust- - if maulte ' tsv to the provisions thereof . Kna. thurwfnM. tkjk i Trustees as aforesaid, at tbe request of the M wper snd hosier of the said note, and : porseaat tp the terms aad eenaJUoae of said " 4eed of trust, do hereby aire nottoe that wa wl H aell, on Monday, the Hd diy at Janoaryt i j etUv-olooa. tmU aha Say, USS, sooth door ef the County Xaka TerVitoryTTthe gait CJtyjJaataald aforesaid property, tnbbc tethe siabMt. xLidttt, for oasb, to. satiety the on aod isne.es said note, and the Prtacipa oosU) aad expenses of this trust sad sale, 1 Legist 8. Ms VHrf lOl oh - t Jt ( ssi I w J - y i?3e JOT Feed, and am Sm1 hml I bt etrrifd on ta.AJl Ita Branches, ao4 aoos but Cam petto t alto mTls BoslDeH wfl smpiorea, cmm j |