OCR Text |
Show rmcm or a old, 4 ,? Corrects doily by Dcrtt Aatiowaf Bank. 8avt Lacs Citt, December 13. 1675. mMno at Sl-Bwytiv al Special Business Notices. 1 Guano Panorama of "Across the 'Continent, or from Ocean to Ocean," lUli pictures or 7.000 feet of canvass, at the Theatre on Tuesday, evening. Reduced prices. Read notice of Trustees' tale, estate of P. P. Pratt. Before your I.uns. Legln to fester, stop the .cough that may jp.Uierwi3e destroy you.wlth Hale's GO EVENING: NEYS. or, Head ay. ' - d&w. ef-fle- e. Jlioi 1! 1 "U ll MINING STOCKS. . MORXIKO- BOARD. 1 San Francitco, D.c. 13. ni" Ophir,47; 4(51; 4S; 47; 47i; . 400 Mexican, 19 v 46- O & C, 191; 191; 20; 0, b 3 fc B, 59; 681; 68fr 5Si; 53, b 5 4WSQ0Ji : ! iG5 BTge, 16 410 t'bollar, 90; 81; 92 lOO'K&X, 44; 43 1710 Point, 2Si;29;2S; 2Sj - ... , t 150 713 70 740 Jacket, 93; 96;97;8S Impl, 9; 9; 81: 9 Emp Mill, 5; 5 131; Kentuck, 14; lit;1 liSO SoO 13 Alpha, 18; 181; Belcher, 4; 331; 33; 33J; 33 : Confidence, 20 105 Con Va. S70: 372: S73: 371: iT 985 S Nevada, SO; 20 J 104a Cala, 67J; 671; 6 50 Bullion, 45 140 Exchequer, 121, 12 &. 35 Seg Belcher, 370 Overman 4 60; 69; 684 2115 Justice, 271; 27; 27 i 500 Succor, 80c; 75o 305 Union, x; 91; 9J; 9 20 Buckeye, 1 2J 130 Lady Bryan, 22; 34-15 Julia, , 90 Caledonia, 22 'c . 2; 25 Utah, 14 110 8 Mill, 71; 7i; 7 145 Dayton, 4), 4 106 R Island, 82; S3 W New York Con, 21; 2J 10 Am Flat, U ? ' 11.1 V'6odville,3l;4;4l ' : '' ' I 30 Baltimore .1 , Jffew York, 13.. Gold closed, 14 , , Vi" - - . bb Imposed Upon ! U. lUiHr, 4 doors east of Godbe's drug store, has Watchws and Clocks for all who want reliable tim epleces Kepsdrtne "done on short notice. dSO Kwry thing warranted. Like luaker r'A'.tfttnt tooth M AT 111 MA use and easilv detected. Take care of the real ones. All you need is frause it daily ami grant Hozooont ; bethe lust of will teeth your to JSiw you. I f k, Gil-luor- e. year?. 1 i . degrees y. s, lot situated three and a half blocks north of Tost Office best view of the City, plenty of water running through the lot . Apply at this dl . j A Uxivek8ai Remedy. ".CroW Bronchial TtocIicm'' fcr Coughs, Colds, and Bronchial Affections, stand first in public favor auU confidence; this result has - leeo acquired by a test of many ' 1 52 w dl4 A desirable building For Salic Monday, Dec. to-da- Look out for the grand opening njght at ;DwyeraofIook store of a holiday good splendid display on next Monday night at 6 o'clock December 14th. The public are In vited. District Court. in 12th.. . Hard-wicThe People, Ac, r..W W. 1 the shade at 1 p.m. Fine forgery. This day came the People, Ac, The next of the PhyslolotT-District attorney, nd the the by series of University lectures on this In bh owrT. proper defendant the subject will be delivered on "Wed who, being arraigned. in nesday evening, .y !r. Kfymour IJ. person,court, open pleads not .guilty. You tig. Thereupon comes a Jury who were Baisins. Mr. S. V. Tessdel Bends duly "emr aneled and sworn tolry i i. a specinfen box of his fine cleaned the case which are of a kicd Malaga rai.-4nCharles Read, Lucien Livingthat will plfaae esll?nt housed stone, James'Eardley, T. R. Jones, wives and the inaterfamilias ladies James McGufiey, B. T. Cummings, Emanuel Kahn, Warren F. Reygenerally this criming Christmas nolds, David Evans, P. H. Lao nan, time. John Reading, George F. Prescott. On" Saturday as Witnesses, Thos. Taylor, Robert TEunaway. L. J. Peterson, Ed. Ilowarth, Henry Bird was' dririnj? near Mr. ' Sckettler's residence, 20;h Ward, Court instructed the Jury Tle his team ran away. The clevis pin that the prosecution had not made came out, causlug tb tongue to out a case of forgery, and they bring in a verdict in accordance with this drop. The horses commenced kick- charge. ; wss and the wagon ing furiously Verdict "We, the jury in tttif above entitled cause, rind the detoppled over and the team stopped. ' A young woman named Emma fendant guilty, as charged in the u Hansen and young Bird were both Indictment." set Verdict aside by the Court. summarily thrown out of the wa- - The People, etc., v. James gou, but neither of them was hurt. O'Brien, F. Curtis, and Alber Wilson, larceny. Having been previously arraigned Theatre- - The Theatre will be and pleaded not guilty, came a exfor the open night as follows John W. etc., jury, hibition of Lambourne and Kirk- - rinell, B. F. Dewey, Henry Simons, ham'd Grand 1'auoruma of "Across F. Armstrong, Allen T. Riley, Johnson, Nathan J. Lang. the Continent, or From Ocean to James F. Ciller, T. W. Irelaud, Ed. L. 60 consists of which picOcean," Rutterfleld, Homer Brown, John tures upon' 7,o)0.feet 0 canvass, Tingey, James Van Tassell, Samuel painted by the enterprising and Woodard, 8. J. Lees. Witnesses, Jonathan C. llovle, rising young artists. named. The Clara Morreli, W. G. Phillips. For panorama is announced as on ex- the defense, Charles Kich, Joseph hibition for one night only, with Phelps. t reduced prices to the various seats. 4 S Everybody will want to go and see this production of home artists. OurCountry Contemporaries. Some of the scenes are very fine, Ogden Junction, Dec 11- andall highly interesting. We were favored this morning with a call from Judge A. F. Farr Bitten by a Dog. On Saturday, who, we are hsppy to pay, has rea little daughter of James Coult, of covered from hia severe illness. at Morgan the 11th Ward, was badly bitten in Our "acorrespondent foot of snow is earth's the leg, near the knee jo?nt, by a say mantle in Morgan county, money dog.near the residence of her grand- is scarce, deer in abundance and father, in the 9th Ward. The own easily to be caught in ten feet of ers of vicious dogs should either snow iu the mountains." The trial of J. B- - Czachert, of chain them up or exterminate In the Third District this them. There have been ssveral Court,city, has been continued for the Lses of parties being bitten by dogs term, defendant affirming that .he lately, and In almost every instance was not able to procure the attendthe canine should be deprived of ance of. certain important witanother chance te do the same nesses. The U. P. Company have made thing again. sensible provisions in case of a snow blockade. A baggage car on In Jail. "Ben" Tasker is in jail. each passenger train is stored with canned goods, etc, enough He appealed three cases of petit crackers, to feed a large company for several larceny, which had been decided days. The goods are to be seld if against him by the Justice's Court, not used in two or three weeks, and to the District Court. Tho latter a new stock supplied. For pre of blockades, the line has set the appeal aside and ordered ventlon rauea been several places, and the Justice to proceed, and thst snow fences inerected. The proba procedure brings Tasker up iu the ter bility is that snow will not be mas of the great highway during the chain gang, unless heshall pay $150 and the costs 'of the three cases. winter of '75 C Should the fines remain unpaid the Beaver Enterprise, Dec. 0 stock on the range will be able to The is the list of Giand rest securely for a while, so far as Jurors fallowing for the December, 1875, term r tne (second Judicial District Court of Utah Territory: An Honest Lad. On Thursday entiles la Roman MormooJ in Italics. 1 Thomas J. last a gentleman called at this of Smith, Anffell, t3 Samuel fice and informed us that he had James McGartr, 4 Jared Jarktr, the misfortune to lose a purse con6 H'm. R. Crmwford, 5 Hobert Keye sen., taining $40 and an order for four ? Hush Hewaoa, tons of coal. On Fridsy James D. 8 Lorenso Barton, Miohaal ktenaban, son a fourteen old of Decker, year 10 H. H. 8mlth, Isaac and Anna Decker, called at . 11 James Black, ISO. H.H11U the office with the 'purse and 13 Dsvid Pollock, 14 he had found, and was Bjintj Manolnr 15 H. H. Lull, Von man. desirous of discovering the owner Boreman then proceeded with a view to returning the protoJudge deliver his, charge, which was perty to him. He is an honest lad, mainly verbal. Ills Honor confin and, as such, has the fundamental ed himself principally to defining, material in him for a sterling man. in comprehensive, common-sens- e language, United States and Territorial crimes and offences against The News frem Beaver. Con public justice, etc. He impressed siderable Interest will be created by upon the Jury the necessity of inthe dispatch, in another column. dicting for cause, withoat being Influenced for or by.oftear, concerning court proceedings at favor, affection ,oraguiat re- the hope Beaver. We understand the state ments of our correspondent to be ever his position 'or the nature of based on a report of the grand jury bis onense, and to have Intercourse In the, Second Judicial District with no one but the Prosecuting Attorney. The charge was quite Court.- - - There appears, from the brief, not occupying over ten min representations In the dispatch, te utes. After Its delivery, the Jury be some serious discrepancies In the tine business of the Court was pro Marshal's accounts, but it Is to be ceeded wltn hoped that these discrepancies are Oa Tuesday last. Sheriff Coombs only apparent, and that he will be levied upon the " Wasatch" mine, able to explain them satisfactorily by virtue of an execution obtained in the Justices Court of Beaver W. L. precinct, in favor of Pr Morse. OFFICIAL EMBEZZLEMENT IN Jones and against II. W. The sale will take place on the 27th. THE SECOND JUDICIAL ; The "Lincoln is now in full DISTRICT. blast, working as many hands as will allow. Their Ike Uraa4 Jary Kepert la V. ft. circumstances soon be at work, when will pump m D JiarslMtl fa a Iter. the force will be increased. Prospects are exceedingly bright. Am Vmty State m Tklafa A new discovery has. been made yards from the The following was received over a few hundred Messrs. "Lincoln," Bosman, by y, the Deseref Telegraph line Puffer and Lyman. Thev have from our special agent named it the "United States;' it Is said to be a fin looking prospect Thermometer Drops cure in TPiki' Toothache Benares. Local and Other Matters. ASD TAB. IIOXEY OF IIOBEHOTJNO Deeesnber 13, 1973. could go to Washington, with a should have the promise that hewas forwarded. He money when it has reoeivLthree hundred dollars and cannot get any more. There is an additional Item of nearly two thousand dollars, for supplies Jbr doubtless a prisoners, which was rich morsel, in view of the fact that the prisoners were boarded at Fort Cameron on government rations. Money, 3; Stocks doll, lower; Western Union, 7ti; Quicksilver, IS,; Pacific Mall, 40J; Mariposa, 8; Wells, Farjro, f; N Y Central, 105i; Erie, 16J; Panama, 125; Union Pacific, 761; Union Pacific Bonds, 104; Central Pacific Bonds, 1062. 1; t-- .Governments, active and strong; made to Congre53 annually, of persons indebted to the government, with a list of defaulters, the amount of defalcation, &c, and calling upon the Secretary of the Treasury to inform the Henate why such have not been."made.;l In subDavis said mitting the resolution' that no report had been made since 1805, and he believed that an immense Bum was due the government by defaulters. It was stated last year, when a similar resolution was ollered, that It would cost $",-00- 0 and would require several months, lo .furnish the list of defaulters, the amounts involved, &c Hherman suggested that the resolution be referred to the committee on finance. Thurman saw no retson why the resolution should not be adopfed and sent directly to the Secretary of the Treaftury. Hherman said the resolution referred te several statutes, to which eenatots had not bad an opportunity tr refer, i It also farted three or'louf matters purporting to be facts which the senator himself could not vouch for, and he (Sherman) thought that all anresolutions expense of, inquiry Involving should be referred to the appropriation committee. Davis said he was satisfied that the law had been disregarded since 1SG5, and he saw no reason why the Secretaryof tlieTreasury should not be asked why the law had not been complied with. Butwell said the statute rs it now stood di'1 not require tiie Secretary to furnish such a list. Hherman said lie ; would not object to the resolution being printed but and laid over until be gave notice now that lie would hereafter move to refer to the proper committee all resolutions of inquiry where question: of fact or law are involved. The resolution was laid over until tomorrow. ; It will be printed. Morrill, of Vt., submitted a resolution Instructing the committee on foreign aflairs tj inquire into the expediency of providing by a general law for the extradition of and also the fugitives from justice, an asylum to propriety of refusing fugitive criminals and removing them from the country, he thought we could raise up enough of our own; theresolution was agreed to. Kelly of, Oregon, introduced a bill conforming the ' boundaries of the Htnte of Oregon to those fixed and defined 'In the constitution of the State as presented to Congress when applying for admission into the Union. Also a bill for the relief of the legal representatives of Chauncey M. Lockwood. Mitchell, of Oregon, introduced a bill for the improvement of the military wagonto road from Scotts-burStewart in Oregon, bill attaching the that State; also a Camp territory of Alaska to and making it a part of the Territory of Wash-- , ington, and providing for a civil government therein. WARn-PiiIN- j re-Po- rts -- , ... BATHS. D Private tw JJrungt.., CKLRBRATKIt BATHS ARK 'pHE8R onen te the Dublin at al fcmaannn. Their i I medicinal properties are so widely known that it ia needless to enumerate tem. Besides the Private Italhs, the large an" handsomely furutebed Plunge Baths, fur ladies and Gentlemen, are mow open. WHICH HAS BEEN Christ aS "a k 'Q- Tncsdaj Evening, DeoeinTjer 2 . I nonn. IWW HOUILO ' Ceo ennial .a CLEANED KRADV AT. f BRAND SEASONS . N'EW ZE1 Is the finest ever Brongbt to Utah. at t.'i oun Mink, Heal, Otter, Beaver, Astraehaii, embracing Alaska linlt,-- Iiynx, Imitatioia TLynx, OPrencli Coney, ancl an rntllof4s variety of dilldren's Tors. JtTUltK : ,, VEAH'S Fine Dress Silhs, Irish Poplins. Real Lace Handkerchiefs In ready made ami Collars, Silfo and Initial Handkerchiefs, Handsome Shawls, Cloth ing, Boots, Cloth Cloaks, Satin Corsets. Shoes, Rubbers, The verv Oooils reaulred for PHESKWTS. and are to be Sold at tow ACROSS 1HE CONTINENT, - OR FROM OCEAN TO OCEAN, ConsUttaff of a Svrit s of art xxi- - PMCTvnns : FiirSjFlannelSjRib-bons- , to Close theni out during tbe Season. Covering over etc. rrices, Flowers, 7,000 Square Feet of Canvass. , REDUCED PRICES OF ADMISSION 7S ets. e Circle, Parquette and Parquet! First Circle. 5l cts. 25 cts. Second and Third Circles, Prioo :o: The Full Value Tor Your Money CHEERY AND FAIR STAB. ; KOI 1 EAGLE EMPORIUM AT ' ' Townsknu House, Dec 11. John, Jongwlnd, City; T W Ppangle, E B Barboun, Uiddlebury Hi; ri p Uowlandaad wife, John P Goodman and wife, Beaver; 8 H . DESERET NEWS OFFICE, Hoyt, D M Mingor, Tintic; Q G Lung, Chas P King, St Louis; X HHingbam, Bingham; John lieCammon, Cottonwood; F H Myers ana wire. Handy; W Smart, Bingham; K Robertson, Bullion-vill- e; Wm McQueen, Bingham; G Voorhiea, Henren, Cal; Mort Emigort, C; AC Mitchell, Wm Ileydonvu, Cleveland, Ohio; W F Howcroft, W J Anderson, Liverpool; B W Bmith, Boston. j Mc-llobei- December J H ts, . 13. Miller, wife and daughter, Evanston, W T; ' L P Harding, New Haven; Geo East and son, Evanston, WT; John L Sampson, Thos J Augalla, C P B It; O.G - Goodman, UPR R; A E Hicker-so-n, L P Hastings, J P Hastings, Uoodon; B B Bowdlteh, O J Bow-ditcBoston: Thos Moore, Chicago; Wm H llowcroft, B W Clay too, St Louis; John W Thompson, Xew York; R J Mich oil, Chicago; F II Little and wlfe,Han Francisco; L H Hannah, W L Watson, Memphis, Tenn; W H Miller. A P Hep-wort-h, Omaha, Neb; R L Newtou Liverpool; W E Smith and Beck-wttwife, Mrs Gray, West Jordan; A C Evaaston; Chas M Thompson, Geo M Thompsen,New Hampshire; John Manning, James Hannah, London; B B Baxter, LD Dorchester, Ptoche; N I Barttlett, I Cal;Th6a Hodghton. Virgin ,Bay ; H U Fry, John Dowd, Santa Rosa; John I Hampaon, Phlla; H H Forn- stock. New Verk: Wm T Hubbard and wife, Miss Hubbard, '.olla Ind; J P Anrennlnror and ?wlfe, Johns town, "NY; DT Wright, wife and boy, 8t Louis: J H Miller and wire B W Jones, Evanston; R h. h, . V : ; u iuramings, I jttoeton. ; ; N FELICE ! i bv Ami VoA ti. r ritB : : author of BemiaA.ffL. but aoe beak book br thmlapopular a rth a ad oo of etc Kfy oae muot road tt. 8oid tmiii -- to-da- " Beaver, Dee. 13th. De erti A'cicb The report of the grand Jury shows a state of affairs alarming In their nature.' .Out of over thirteen thousand dollars appropriated ' by tho Government for this dUtrict, a searrhing examination by the grand Jury shows that UtUe.or nothing . baa beeu paid, while Marshal Maxwell's books represent that most If not all of the furors have been paid In fulL ; Not one of the witnesses examined by the grand Jury has been paid, whereas Maxwell's account snows all .their' ifees . settled. .with false entries, only some eight thousand dollars .being accounted' for, leaving between three and four thousand dollars the 'gone Into 1 'Members of the sinking fand: ss crand profound dis and gust Indignation at the state of affairs, and, in some instanoea, are in their conviction that this Tammany tmafness has been going aa a long time. and. many thonsands of dollar spirited away. Considerable excitement exists and a demand fof Maxwell's Indictment to becoming qui to general. It seems Impossible for any satisfac tne tory explanation to be given-oaCalr. - Since Maxwell had ' the .'' his . possession, while money la here, in July, he has made entries upon bis books showinr witnesses ana jurors pxia, nearly au paid their own expenses and 'got Jury-expre- CalEFDSESS r EARSHILL'S ' DTQ I liClTH0UC0JLThIs , medicine ' has performed aom of .. ' . the most startling cures on record of cases of Female complaint of It hxi th endone hng sUndlng, - - -ment ' 6f leading members of the faculty, and should be la every household to relieve and the diseases te which the world-renown- ed perman-entlyVcu- .00 female sex are peculiarly liable. ff? re ;: sisirri rufip?rve bntkMit&M rMWS - out-spok- en , r m By - 1 -- ne (XMith-wc- et et t - IIB. IICUMIIIIU A9SCSSOH AND Co UCTOR'HOrriCK, " Salt Ldk Coiniy, J T l : 0 86 38 K, - , a e tf ..... - . A Sttmk of the (Sent-ra- l f - :- - 't Crockery, '' : 4 OUR L 111 135 , Weils Norberf-- - -- 40 f . i e. 40 oo 73 00 40 i 41 j .j...S.t . oaBB Johnson Jonassoni " John Porter........... S " allllliiniHl i 111i . n111 B, Smith a uffustus Bwarner 3AM 1 ' ii ir. a VLtv, i ; h; i' UUUU Claud Clive Uth ward 1 . ...... ...... 1 : IIti.UII!lflLI!i3i;, ' JamesM. Smith ........... freatoo Free.. 12th ward : 1 ....BASEMENT." IN 45 26 48 M 185 M mI ; K8 2S nhi.H. t ' v t! , .... - " Co-oper- miinl J - of Spiritual Philosophy, Principles Law and Oovernment. as Haltv- rad by the Aacteata, and as lieetored are for the Final Development la this, of IT ui rental Peace, Truth and By Parley P. Pratt. Im. mor- -' oooo, f 1 60; full embossed, 1 tu. CATECHISM FOR CHULDRBN. Exhlb-lUn- a the Prominent Doctrines of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y Saints: by John Jaques. Stiff covers, 2ft cents; cloth, SO osuts. , of twraith sod j. rxfupximntx trines of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y Saints, compiled from Book oX Mormon, Doctrine sn 1 Oorenanta. and other publication of the Church: by P. IX Kicharda. Calf nit,si-fiO. PRATTS WORKS. A senes of by Orson Pratt, A.M., in- of the Falta and Doctrine wf the Church of Jesus Christ ef Latter, day Kainta. Half calf , fl 60. DOES THE BIBLE SANCTION 'POLY OAMYt Dtousslsn between Orson r. Pratt and Dr. J. P. Newman, if Of tli- a S. Senate, to sralohChaplain is also Hddaul- Tares Diaoourses on Celestial Orson delivered , by Marriarr, Deo. Pratt, President A. Smfth. and Geo. O. lillllillli u - -- XU "4 Ksow-leda-- ii .' v;.-- 1 1 u- UUIi j . nf tllO TtOJtt fltvlejl? of Tlnllr I Staple 'utndi OPancy "iJry Gd6as;umtiona, Boots and Shoes, :lIenHtii nd Caps liadlek' Fun and Vnaenvv; Al , ; e, ; ns; ww 0ntVtj n a ff.t.. . i. 1 NOVELTIESiSMiRKET.;. -- ok, the-Bible- o. Pam-phle- O tnnon,t.. rnes an. " i JiMxwcm Orrrcs At Wra. Drlrer'a, City heewe. Main atrseti CrtlenCitA where pruf ne Sttead. ThuradavrFrldaT and fWr urasTi ssea scsi. All Calls promptly attended to. ' - csrUnsat the - ; n - - 1 Lowest Bates and ; . i . .it SASH & BOOBS ? - . OBO. H.TATLOH , F. AKM3TRONQ. aifpaten. i! B41 9 & If ...... wU.'Vi. -- te ' d285 REMOVED Into our HAVING Building, we ara now Drsntrsd in flimlah varvthintr In w - of Disease tacbtont U T2EAT3 all kinds family. RasxDsvoa Fourth East street, between First and Second euth street, or can be eansuKed by totter lock box 112a, emit a so. BOHMir, - Pettit.... mwcivttmmfivit physjciaji. T. LATXMEK, ' . lnstothen-ovlsionathernoff- o-4- AMD .... UiL; Everything In the Building Lint. A IX kisds or !' RIOl'LDmOS' it to kSJ. fi' FRAMES VAaafliAlfc-"t- 4 - 5 Tn!rt'v ..-..- "'..'.i.ho.jI -- '"u, I Dated December li, e. - tfr-th- e. wne-aiieng- ea M-- , lif'H ERASV Parley st - jt ro tot science or thkoioqy; rrrDeslfned as an Introduction to the first Cftrclwax JtcL9 AT THE LOWEST PniCZC,: , P. N. UifnA Thomas Oakey. in. j. pneaaibr...... trMK Hana N. 8. J. Davidson. .... ....i.. .. ntmt CHOICEST FAMILY GROCERIES 4 ..-.- Mm - mnim MEfiDOTiini 'J! 4 . . 27 TO Hemniaway.. To Frederick 5th- ward. Cook, Jum..:.. . Oeoi-jf.. M IS Hrr.r..-.ii;i 12 45 Charles Reich.... rYederick Lewis 8 75 6th ward James Thompson 300 US 8K omer nrown ward ,...7lh m . . . SO Estate of Crony n 09 - . , Mnaea Hosbmaa Kl fin t .i Kstateof Charles Hoper.. M t k S33 86 US fr 93 00 8th ward Oakey & Johnson..... 13 00 " eneimerdlue james Mra R Khnwcll 137 S James Tom.. ...... 3S 40 wiiitim Blrcamshaw Si 95 9th ward 44 . itiu Ke-Hrk- 1.1 16 .4th ward 1 OAKPtEO . 8. H. TRUSTEE'S! SALE. ri f-- 81 TOT TD1CJC OW WTA RISTITO, or an Intro-ana sxjeiruie vu sua to usb shhob Church st jssds Chr of Lattsr-da- y 8alots. bj Parley Pi Pratt. Im. morocco, WW; tall clotlrt emboss sd, 100. SPESCKBTS LXTTXRS. Letters exhibiting- the moss Prominent Dectrlnea of the Church of Jesus Christ of Lattat-tl- ar Salata. by Orson 'Bpenoer. A.B., to wateh la also added his Letter, on the to the Bar. Patriarchal Order, In Bepty w Mrllham CrowU 1. . Boston, Mass. Full cloth, embossed, $1 St. S3 Deo. 2, ltCi. TO tKL'NQ0ENTi TAX-PANOTICE The follow nw named persons are hereby notified that unless their County and Territorial Taxes are nald within ten in the Court Houae, in days, at my office a said of their oonnty, levyupon and sale wih w H"tB lwnei aw pro v mi l.ufjwxy v j Vww , BHtH.!. hio VDnnifl, rat wMW Ite their" respective naiiits, the earns 4ns mow uue auu uuuavi : j t t , i Am't Rrffrtrtenee.' of tax Names. Samuel . . Alien.. ... 1st ward m. Lovat.. 60 Archibald Lawsou. HenrV Woriheo Charles Brazier.. . Charlna R. rMw ; - TJ-T- dalt Laks City, . fc rr ' An amount or l be Anatsat Iababltanta of taa Aiverloaa written ay the hand of MorContinent, mon upen Plates taken from the plates of Nepal, found near Manchester, Oo-tarlo Co. Hsw York, and translated by . Hmtth. BOCTRTinB JLXD COVENANTS at tie Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y Saints; selected from the Kerelattons of God. by Joasp Smith. PrefllUeot- HTMN BOOK, 14th edition. Morocco llt, (3 00; roan, 1 26. f I.J Pi Pratt, by hUcer- - JohaHouts t ins . i 4 178 DO 'XmmLmLmmmkWBmLmKmwmwmmmwmmLmmmmmaa tain aeea or trust, dated july Mia, Jamea Ife.Kniaht i 28 40 1874, conveyed to Lewis s. lllils and Horace T. N. Jacket. .... ' S. Edre1gf,th foUowlns; described real n. Uth ward ! 24116 nri-Jvestate, situate In the 1'ity and County f Jw pa Busby ir SEXATC .... ( ,. j j. 137 FvUUaa of Utah; vis: 201 Territory Houts........ Henry liMnuuiM! Araltra- SaltPartLake. " .... . Ave. fifty-onJot William (M block la HeiMfee of 4 (51) Uea. ae. i UMK Johaeon- 1 Lake City Survey; fait Elot'B south-weM nee Pnl r.. 1 of said lot, and Washington. 13. Anthonv Dis ruautnr thence northcorner six ) rods, thence Frederick Kekrb sented a memorial signed by 2,325 east 144 g Sen .(10) rtls, thence southeix (S), Bsbtteof Daatel vpeneer members of tne Society of Friends. thence west ten (Hi) rods to the place of as 80 teter Tavey....- aim part of lot one (1), In block v awuk.wuu, au wTurvi inter v sixty-tw- o the of Lake "B" Salt (82), plot ADDITIONAL LIST OF DELINQPENrS. Vi f national arbitration'Tbr the settle wr f HntitlHl f eommenctnr at tne southment of disputes between nations west aarveyi " corner of said lot. ana running thence Decetnoef 1Mb; UTS. ten i iu) rods, thence east two and a without resorting to arms.'. In pre- norm half (1)4) rodehenoe south ten (10) rods, James Bird ro J.V. memorial Anthony said thence Uth ward senting themeasure west two and a half tods, to John farker......: ... 138 oo iTOE XiTBST. '"4 that any looking to the theInplace of beffinolnsvto secure S. w. Ru,Knd 4M 10 the payment J. E. heeae however, settlement of disputes without i of trust, 'US so promissory note felly aet out lu said Mrs. Jane N lzoa. ........ u . "wnrmt sorting to arms was in the fa terest deedof date truat, bearins 14th, VI fl '874, HI AAVmu Jnhll July of humanity; referred to the com for the sum of 1,000, with inteiew thereon John Batoer.. ...... ........ i 58 70 from date i until one a on half at and paid, U!4) mittee foreign relations Chamber lain... ...... 175 10 per cent.; and whereas, the sakl principal J.W. 6ft A memorial of citizens of .Wis w Lafayette Orangsr. .....i lit sod Interest on the fa d note are Beoaer 100 70 consin asking the repeal of the law wholly due and unnairL L. Krickaon.. ....18ih ward 83 70 And whareaa, It b provided in sal 1 derd of Charles W. A. 15 6ft postage on merchandise increasing default be made ia the BwenieHodsrea..,, was presented and referred -- to the trust, that should 43 26 " Johnson........... said the or Interest of, .note payment 46 W.H. H. Share.... ; ......17th ward ; commit hi to thm t.rm. thereof. John postofilce and accord thereon, postroads :100a , tee.then the said trustees mhjbt, upon the re-- losnua8. Whitney... .......Uth ward i 74 86 7S wBJtneT......,,v.. nuwr in ait "i West presented' a memorial of a note, proceed to ward 22 S6 toe said trust; Batb.Jl...,i...lt ' J.iiA and whereas Nicho- wiiuam ' 4.. . FlnwraJl 14 M thousand cltlaonr of.' Louisiana execute las Groasbeck, the o iter and bolder of the John 29 60 P1ckerinr.... note, baa requested the undersigned to Henry A bert against th operation of 'what la aald Wtrd it SO known as the little tariff bill. In re amavsaw span sani oeed or trust, accord William Angtll........."....1Cth MM Burlelsh.......... , , ; . ' au 75 ; .. Blunu........i...' VaT,-gard to duty on wines; referred to Tx:Now therefore we the un Jerslrued as Joseph V' t ttAi Lns .. ... . . i . ... ' none 6A 27 us teas aa aforesaid, at the request of the :y tne commute on nnanosv . SO 238 ewner and hotdvr of the said note, and introduced a bill declar satd " imwn r. i gos. . 186 Wrighttrue and coo dittoes of said Henry pursuaottotbe 15 25 the r.t Intent' and meaning deed of trust, doterms lng we Jamas florsJex,.. ben notice that by give Hulze. ....... 17 10 or in union acino lcaiiroad acts: Will sell, on Moialav. th HA daw.r Iimnn. Aucastua Jsbnsoo 187Vat II 'dock a m of that day. at the Thomas Moss... ffrfrHTrd: 84 SM Jadlniaryu'ammlf fouih door of the Count v Court House in John. P&ul Tf 7 Bait .Lake City, lu aid Territory, the 14 65 rto pro aforesaid property, at t uhlks vtnduc, to the Genre cavuio....... riarzent introduced 22 40 a 1. w 7" for rash, .to satiny the T n. tect personi of foreign birth against highest bidder,! 1 ..w trail 1 WH CI 7Jt-arid tnteret rn sakl note, and the Kstph principal S3 W forcible restraint'or Unvolantary costs and expenses of this trust and sale. 4 .t nn 8iowbal!uI; T 86 ,. . ajk pnowMii.,......., T. servitude; referred, to. HI. T5 S. HILLS.1' lis ' the,t Judieiary James . Wiliard committee. SOW CONGRESSIONAL. t the only safe and reliable medl-- nrthlnr. .'.to ThSk have clsli for WerpH children. la r"etnr It purely vege proofs oft- graver ottsases in this table. in connection than embezalementnd to lay them before the YECETIBLE PILLS promises ,nSRUrnBEKS fea requests public immediately. It am luwueruian any others. The v cure ail person j aiy or subseauent terms- Of thlj court Headache, Blliousnesa and all abiu clalmi and haying uapaid 'against dlgwUon. utem instantly. v.ll tne same, to rorwara The aboTa and "numbers - have already been Zlon's vv Uamntn. I in received. ' On man testifies that stitution and drnetrtata ho earned a voucher for a thousand Davis submitted a resolution 'felt- -' byall . throughout the country.1 - wS7 ly dollars; so that correct accounts lng th law requhing reports to be Mls .. h, Telegraph. 3 DISPATCHES. Salt Lake City. BOOZ OV IfORSfOX. TTrfct:RSA9, Parley P. Pratt, by his cer-I- ? tatn deed of trunt. dutnl (k.rnhor twenty-sixt1874, conveyed te Lewis 8. Hilla and James. P. Freeze. th foi fleaorioed rear estate, situated in Halt Lake City and County, Territory of Vtnh, and nescrinrn an TOIIowS, to ytlt: iwrnvumny Part of Lt live (5) in niock flft (51), fin Plot R, t Lak City Survey, bejrlnulnjr at the fcnroer of said lot and ruoninsr thence north six (6) rods, thence Jten (lu) rods, ihonce south six (fl) thrnco west ten (10) rods to the place ofrods, la trust, however, to secure tho of a certain prointesory note, fullypayment set out in said deed of trust, bearing date of Oct. 2tt, 1874, for the sum of 300, with Interest tn uw rwu or one and one half per cent, said per month; and whereas sum and the accrued iutor-H- . thnr.principal due and unpaid, ana whereas it Is provided In said deed of trust that should defau t be made In tiu payment or tne sa d note or th interest thereon. according to the termthemof.thnn the said trustees might, upon the of the bolder of said note, proceed torequest sell said land for the payment of said note and inter est and the expenses accruing' by inakinf suchsale; and, whereas, Nkiboias Uroesbeck, the bolder and owner or aahl note, baa rea nested the unaersifruea trustees to proceed to make aalevpon said deed of trust according to Now therefore we the underslirned. i trustees as aforesaid, at the n quest of the said owner and holder of the said note, and pursuant tbej terms sad conditions of said trust derd, do hereby glm notice that we will sell, on Monday, the 3rd day of JanU o'clock a.m. of that uary. A.D. 1878, at south d- or of the County Court day. at the e nouac, uino liny, m wm Torn, tory, the said ' land or premises above described vendue to the at publk) biffhest bidder for cash, to v the principal and Interest of aald nmmhunr rt,tm ana tne oust ana expenses or extcutiofr tola auii .ukaiui. .ill. Mm Hitm. i.cwis. J AM. 8 P. 1'KKk.ZR. Ditcd December 13, U75. psa WkSTJis mrrow'TBt. ctss. TO D TE ASDEL'S TRUSTEES' SALE. Us 1st CHURCH WORKS, ! ch AIIRIYAXS. jA. Retail L ry Goods Department. AND mW - aa m OTJR CELEBRATED But once in a hundred years, and the Grand Opening 01 1876 adds greatly to tlie celebration by securing the CHRISTMAS 1ST wa WWBW 500 BOXES OFs RAISINS, CANDIEL!fEEIS, SPICES; IMPORTED & DOMESTIC OiVHSTDIES. . 1th. I SPECIALTY. HEADY CLEANED,' AT - ! v RAISIUS. : "e ONE NIGHT ONLY oe CSokXeVvx OaCvVvXve OF WHICH WE MAKE LAKE -- ftE-FITT- ED, FIRST CLASS FAL1ILY GROCERY TRADE a year, and tjiebest method ; to eiijby ;i t is to buy your PUDDING "Vweveve Cavvr.wo Comes but once ( AMU EWLARCED g, SALT r, New Retail GroperyMiBep't, - : SEE OUR HANpBOIIE,- - 'tis"; . 1875. Tfi.crt.u. : " I ...i. COUf II "TEVlPtt . .Asssor- Spd, Collector tor . Sale Laka urn.-Jennin- gs, r -County; dls - .. Sons 'HCalf t I1W tn ET. , |