OCR Text |
Show ErS. EVENING rCBTJSUBD V gnlaUedladx who ia the heroine thereof and shown thai' the bade bone, of virtue is not by any means fr'i EXCXPTK DAIT.T. SUNDAY by men nnd monopolized t&&5&k By Telegraphv the democrats ofj tntii m flicers Mi! ion i)irHiiiiiii.Tr 0CA - fcrrr -- NritrHbr Tbanday, p. 1S33. "' Jj3t-"!T t -- laritv nf nnral Ifav ley, president of the board of direc r - s. tors. vr r? i y Official swindling or. venality m nupecieu ia me oroce or we sec odcI comptroller of tbe U. S. cur rency, and investigations are in t hf n 11 nnnii nr.! tarlth li -- 3'rMiaere h Mrs " A-- r - a mna' !?i tiiajt. Millar A T fWortbMi.Y . H a. a i jr and gentlemen L?' 4 UfTH O I Wood UEI I P F TOrDAY'S n. Atlnll M CtMndttf fWoodurr M E DISPATCHES: ' "Colonel Baker.. Jtlift English M Olmer w i "ciixoi.ua OrllK officer who was lately convicted of ymocraiicaiierwaraai HirreyML l Wiltoon JO Or boo M kuo uiuuut COUIQ DU8I Hnntar I ness does insulting a woman in a railway Weatwood J not Kore fill Dcdsioni BcadenMi. and felicitously, "would have allowed been 4 that the carriage, rrrr-- monle of thm nnrili SrO-riaa- V8 Wilson to retire from the army by the honWilliam N list G - Pratt 8 H 1 decisions cempla- H lmv hX orable form of resignation but for additional HaoaoaC PhlllipaMC -- Wil llama MS, made Sir Edward He had ton C: herself. Thorn by J r?i,BY,en Par istM. Hardwood Queen Victoria !8 'naP those of the ruling umnireto the IT. R.. and among strong friends -powers, including the Prince z of : I TVo. 15 Georcre Tr Hamm.fc ... - Haaiomj o rvrxLir: "T: , Wales; the War Office did not want to irretrlevablv lose n brilliant against the Mexican claimants m Powell J RavellJ AccoltaL rf""r!U-rtiiro if 4 il , rmstroogjhum cavalry officer; and the papers ac built VflfrJT'VI O Potter B a; O t . J jJlanuesT to Mexico were ihwas and X. sent A H niakxwab Tacubacay, Powell me, for Abramd cepting a Taiil A U to. the Queenresignation signature. Hut AvTr lerrupxeu uy me Aiiramon Govern. ucad. G W fc Co Harrison a R Perount Adruor x like a true woman, she "refused to . i v : . n aism tnem. ana insisted on .Bakers i Kovetumcnt uuowea .mm siuu.uuu i . . Hoffman " uaicu, I AaMMvn iionhiiaow Q f Cincinnati. Nsoiaitm nfioru-iiM- s lonnmioim.. .VKni.u.i. presiaent j " ' A A ana lieodersnn R Adams . , XMyton It. 1C. died rjaidit.ornt lea.tltnal.tf.Ti!vrii - Uianujcon ' T Hitch & iloud,Boflrera M T g" '' I , proportion of it. The claim is al- at n,s residence at Glendaje, this a Ashburner ItumadaU H Half As B a. "J a. . ."i5iWth.!ffi." Crll . . . -- "Jve jPr?I? NEWS OP THE DAY. The Washington Republican clai ins that the. Philadelphia Cen tennial is ia of postponement or failure,danger owing chiefly to -- tiod,as - ii id aa recent election! . . . thesr " " : D J1VXT' LDDE Editor ass Pciluhu. over whom ha rhkhwii 11 i" :w.r?rl7 UV n..iate - or-th- - i-- ar I lowed. No. 18 The schooner Adaffmlth IJ. jk. M I BalnE Ill . - w . n,i ,i,k. f as - I . fr,T-r.Mr- - t . .- v- i'T 'V' L,m.S0VerB- I - s , a l ,; h.?, lS?l5ffWfT.r - r " -- " .iiw"u" . . - . - ti,'i,. l : to-da- e. ; Stripes, Denims, " Duck in all Colors. 8uppres9lng-the"7awlessnes,- nh . IP , -- ' 'It AllPB-hnn- , fcV?' Including many novelties rarelv seen'in this market. m MEY V'-- 1 ai. it" e ; arns k AN IMMENSE e tw..,, aA" ririrV A T i0.i..,.ri r - t- f-- -j- . ZT . ' " Z S VefjSljt Wr.C"'" ' :. ri i- te not-:xfIiiril- Jra ' J i HIKERS 1 SUPPLIES 8 'r Sole Agents imUtah for the Celebrated , STUDEBAI(ERjMGOfJS ' - .1 ,4 i Baft-lan- d 4- The Corinne Conspiracy. aad Collapse. VTs A to City. .. ine inuians), and ;had demanded i the ordinary rules of the office. The WEAIT . ' Lnml Vim ... Borne and rrespondence, I Foreign. vi viij, arani.arnp'Tniirjiai-The Ribletalksr of certain charac-- Ihoitles the expulsion "of the Cor- - ff ??l.nt'tl?tn8 ln ,th cases pfu.jnius lntensa suffer nfpBhIo,PiertcDe- - 'rom AUTarUpf lag, JOBN,' bob of. Isaaa attenUon, J ters being 'riven u5 tntrr innitesfrom their farms, and thk Morton and Emily Behnain. aarea it t Notci of Tarious Kinds. . ii f , awa uauwii amaCBH,' n'njl S mMW slons, thajthej rnight believe lie, dispersing of them, the Mending of !B of Books, eto.v Vaa Deceaafd a Wil.4.-..-etc This can"hafdly apply to those them back, to the -places'. whence I Tnree accident on. ".the. occurred, r' aot .iawasjuuuf I pntM n . i ; i ii jniftnnn of man, amiatde dlspoaition, wall r.. " came, wouia it not hiv .?een I people who believe In these Indian .. Owe Cb Ra PaJll t iiiry Hreofciies) all lneachl'-!rli- by with' him. 'His night, acquainted: scares, with ail that the term Is ap .wwriu... uriuio as tne Denav- - case. ' --;reaulUugfUily ta itwIrsevere rain torm sahinH Ianddca diiiihM rl I ' Annual Subscription, t&J&Qi ptitt piace.-tCmade just now to Imply, for these Ior of the '.Corinnltes toward thePevaIle, was this section the . T'THiiar-At lifiwrnosi a liila-t' ttffCi l ewniav are the weakest kind of delusions, Indians? 5 v t .... ' washes away, and the express) and But. in the llanruaM of the passenger the flimsjestof pretences." It must . train. vhich leaves Chi , v i " ' . be that some people lore to be de- CAnftan'rm'on.sforaome reaaon cago at 9.43 .' hi. jumped the track " LIST-luded.5 Dopes they are determined the Indians have restrained their I engine, and Lkuhv,.....- j. tnatjawnjtnaine , ....... NOTICE. I a and second express to be, Jftsd'if thev an not .!" nn lndlmtlo. baagage, ant n P .k.t I ... fi " "J Vf","V"? riAwn thrown wim mini.a I tba Dvt Letter Ufttoa. l?lXJ,& WJZ!?$J nvroug ueuisions to : Deiieve, they "w"uc"i,,te "jorinue Toboera mnnt Tho IntmiMi vrna - . tave I will make weak delrislons' subserve received from the Territorial newsboy, am engineer one and pasI and a ana I Sell r ana KAflAMl feT Were KlllCU. Tina. PfPrtr l loll thnr Iiimtu (mvarnmanf mnM faySFehlrgT? 7ers old, branded A M n RoJme, . a, ha--u' cahitfHI,rE8' bip.'1 Hanson Mrs P rood foot M 8 ,a.f .j L ver 1 Andrew M " 7 HarvardIliaicaudm: naraiy.be originated. "The whole II forced upon theimemhera of the!I near VrM '1 affair Was of themnat micrtla. mrA New York IUmr bv svmnathetie cidant ta a.rciirivl, train. J.w uihQ AllriMiaAn T.I UtifT . .. i Rnl UVIIim f.kil I ' H I A A. 11 Hard .. I TT-- V."!" te the: rematr' wtR' killed. ; Preston R L ? J d editors ! r; ST contemptible .kInO.-Yia played It i. I .. . ainou-U , is i culvert was miTMi UUk B W nnur.n TV,o tsoiii !wi:;r.K-,;...rl-",-;tt t i A JenkS -t llan BirnVaM l ShaDeret TV" from and freight k asip imitatlona I nenu anu 'to u white men who I ran I Buckie m wntn-.h.- -'r sand strinsrs. and weakr Jousev m j k j if. were ppUonallyrenirace! In this I neer"and firemen. No 4n.mmntt! I Rail R and plaw'iarlsma'of It ar:'inW ar .ritust Beinsuuer E B ReOer Ura I KusumovE as in the Beaver scare and the Deep loca!1 8cr and jectment, and all as yet sacertaiaad a a aa r rr.;3 A - Uiackhnrst RmAka R H VmhUw M KoUnsAA LVLULI wno Creek acare? Xnxj a aympathlza with them, it Is Sesuste AlearaataTAilaJr lar 2XXsat. Black A , liAIIUIIi Kersey J ULOLULI Brewer Mrs. Keatoo rum n B M C M n't rSaltPtatLake renders J? KebcyM aaSp'Oc-,l Onlghthenesuonrmre -5- -; .uexr t0 6 xignt these dunea (rnfia qtj; Utai ' iiit.l. Mme 'anamefui t"w Indian . vw vw t 1 A V I inter-eaint uuuiuun injivv.-- v jjotch J lathe oily pf lrratlonar an d ex scares are actual leugwy vieW wlai Senator'AIcom lu CaottoL Arid robberlestfiey rregard iao onn tremo credulity, at a premium with earned -ans bfthdr hard I r, HiXZrii themf Orwhat lesslble "solid; adi crops i aiDPL whorearrthat there is mat - -- 11,000,000 Lotur P t ! Cumberland tJ fjj ?; Pa l . VM, Authorized t-to dwellTiT In I.'.f.7.trY-"CriTrof the rleht "t7 ..'1 'wis M A ' ;; 6te; vantage ids they hope to obtain by peaoe and .J: al WM. H- - HOOP and U learn Uie peaceful and I between the raaiba and lartlea, avnd ciSio JLai me exruoitlon of. their marveioua el .. .. . . . tRir.iuu vnmJi PresU, .r a s I i" A credalitjTvieM'Wfflcultiuendable artaf civilization, and in iomnunc' inn-- i liniruanm iwactora, . . . must . have a They mania for being nr fail nTi nvamrnTVTkiA . ... nntil fhepenpla .I rilekanson vwv. u11 &S3$if JgSlnfc. i.. rinn I irwuatatora, aJ , I - K. IIILLS.Caal.H j. . wi.,,- -. v ipttm tn . follow, a. ennar-iratii- -. duped Jn thetea&let InaaMcjr'jiBd bosine-- a the j ' L rascally whites receiye coarse, and thelr pajslons I aajjaaiiaaaaMtender coisfdcraUon,ana 'haYf for tho mblicod There Is a bad SSsW tdihfiaHt;irj!uiai;i ... Z5Ei? ir...i'ithat tt is possible to Invent or ,teon- - all their ridiculoua deaWnanted state,or leellng existing, ana It only i iwmney Truco irp i."L.: Dmi. rtrbanr ,biiG i. celve. 38 j by Uu.gove.nmantalaathoriU "" vTi f iii i rVj to rent itself in blood and violence, j Eubora j 8 tf MaetetoihT JVaaOHtL J pwimnB. - r . - 11?", . i" 1 Outrag-eoaaLlttleGlrL-.' i w 3 .' 'u i, ugricnltnral'Imploncats, t:c. . t,s A0"16 dWa mi POWDEB S?3o2SnS ua :, ' Glass anc .Queensware, rrlviirSyS r' r"! . halfamlnVsuUwLw nr - v:,..- c. ' STOCK OF ii aijji. 1 ,.,r;V"ABr! K!11 M'i r-- ; 4 1 Bflr t? " 1 . . I f .i: GoqOs 5 a 1 - BUnDS HID BUIID TDIDmilGSI Big-Strik- e 1 lolto CarueHims & 'fl -- A MAGNIFICENT ASSORTMENT OF . kr..l:. tb-nrr- eat ! TO H.SI 37. .1- 1 ! Together with our usual Full Lines of - J.0. ' Brig-ha- I - ; :.ir e ' i i m .. .. . -- , T .V . t J mil, t It- -- I t 1 1 J ' . -- ojtf x " c -- '.- - i ... . . Supcrintcndonte 1 , clanlK.rrrtt'&?f mh4 1 j , 4 ! f .j, , , 5 ; r r , a a- . : - ' ';aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaa . I - - t" r X- - f 1 V 1 ' -- et 1 o wasbed-oat-tw- --r- tt it -- 2?rdL .r .L., WeMrt , : ; 5'. - . sv f s Tff v Wg 3 . w-- v I i ShSirP"" Vt i'lSBiS t " lo-'aln- k "v f' ! m I a i i Mnan4n ?4 jaf Ja mall, i -- t r S- ft. km J ;t t- - VW . fWKtra 1 I- n aWt f i. ..i ! SV ps . v): at '.Hi i J ' -" - - ( r WHEAT, the IIIGUEST "aICjb WIM, -- . i. a " win 1 j a n' sr r S s . - M-- mV-.TT- v .;. i cSmI tIay! . I - wgr ..r - ' - - ' "".i UrJifc, i F 5 ' - f iVe.W0f? ad in'' B rdeTaiyothVTheycdlJwn HeanonsandTfl Tiie fuUowiug pazigraph, if true, Is highly creditable to the diitln- easeaof dhrestion. a a a a. acinaxsu ny My ., I VVAktag IT ma .eeiiag jfi--- MoanM Watanat K , Msyls J WaliinCK Wualabnry M liner J -- a- I aatsar Ma, .1 AMlit aTaaAaaa aw? www rwaw ea:tt j .MB flaVatatfawawaw) npvwwia a aaraVarataff-P- .t"" J a va,. 1 -- 1 I T.-r.- -t-' 5 i - ... ftr Bleached .Goods; Sheetings, DOMESTICS IN ALL GRADES ! Flat and. JEtoll Cambrics, ; 1 '.'KT.:rn- ! to-day- V uarl.anITnflhlf.Jai., - ; ! . I- ; iwr i . It Summer Prints.. V Percales; Linen and Grass Suitings Alpaca Lustres, Corded Alpacas, Domestic & Fine Cinghamo. Cheviots- Checks, V! ' u, WJtwm to-da- y, a - - V--" ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR PALL SHIPMENTS we-aroflerinffi j5frvV ftf o the Tiro-PR-t v' 1 crucial 1'icrulxlvu- , aise ever bron-- ht vrcsUof Chicago . at very close, margins, , ; comprising in part-- - r s '"""i " si : - my l':,-- , - j.i-m- jar ng-ato- n. J &?r , t 3 rest-cleiie- E, , lal. f -- a-- . - pay tlae IIIOIIE3T i I 5 sa ,ia,,-- ' ' I J L3 Robinson 4 MARKET JPBICE In CASH Ibr " f f fe'a a TTainnw vin 'lmnv 1 JJfiliriU r PEACHES, APKICoi'S, antl : PLUMS,andl oxf being notified; e will all atf tli. owner's and receive theni. e aauMoMut f XSEtf .nrni Pi,. . KoasoaeldjL y seta, rr Burkeoru iicejN Ivias Kkl J J Hy A. veteran soldier ofSlassa MJsv of the 'American people evi ana Mexican claimants jigaioat LriiiWAUKEK,' 9. The tjnloa Brown w J T Ritohard J W .k-Brown W ... 1U KhhlKlaiiii Johnson U or dismissed. B Brown Mexico, Uhinnewar named Riley Ajuuoenng company worth I dently can't lire without eenastions. I chutu, . . Farns . t . . i. has fails 19.j R. .Nicholas the Schueider. Jo. liabilities suspended; ueen uis murdereu oynigDWay Thev have become I Reynolds H ' t are -so thorouffhlv $6,o.f)fiO. 'and . wwmv amc Mai i ua.uiuTH AiaaAiiJi. t .lPMU;;0?nf??n',.'' kAIJC n cia a iiiiiani v uvaa " ....f. men. Mrnn aa " k u nnnnB 0 MUWJVU U :i ' Johnson HI?, accustomed to hicrhlv aniced artl- - II and destruction of :'nrnnrtv U I COIdlnff to: the- statement nt thaiI Timarar J ft RanfMvl 1 ii.-PaVnr Jnhiuoa Rt-fl liir InrMlilcnf onrf Imnna n. hnllHim. J 4 in n4 tk. ii j tk.i i.'j the Deep Civet In dim scare will tie . i ...--iif Johnson JT, BhiltonTJ I Bu m. a von. J. an nf.uiol claimant's There raa zarden: award ii " . . Kti WCVAKU P All iw.iim iii leiegram puousnea eise- - t.tbuai ml tit j..J..,fl I , " ,,,, ,,K .... i . "X per imeiBouth ..." uuUl, lur mc wuaauouai, part iof this Rtatn tut Burn" Broadhurst S where; as la very often the case it thi T r.vow- - lYnll lrora jnnuarv lat. ISKT! i io K- - - smith and a resnlted.1 "t night, great damage' will re seen that the Indians have Smith BC in?? I Baaaott Wm , Kmrkk. -: No. 160 Charles Del man. afrainnt Several.. trains of th . n KAiimrirRTi r smith tniaeo n,,m.tt been less the than "culpable again an unfalliDjr supply for lhe Piex,9 Ior tne seizure of Hour, a orih WC8 tern, and Western Union BrourhCM Ketchum a Smith s Whites. Burr D 2 Kimball 8 V Smith 0 - K. It. were ditched, and it is Bulkairt B Kahl B D Slinbery P: Anarchy prevails in portions nemand. The "Mormonaf are a that air ported men Were Killed.1 Birklnshaw Kellly W H 8linbery O ef Mississippi, and the Governor of fertile subject for the. exercise of . No. 171 A.7P. Jantry, the rftte calls upon the General .1 nn rv finagainst X , Coleman W H ? J L SonrmanNP r iuejtico. ... ' ior . roncprvrf ...nowin uiv uirtMiiioii i ji .uoiiuujr Government for helpto it. suppress ana a a uauiea. ralu,:,luU!X,ruwiiu them T.v n Smith H a ' in fu explosion yesterday, If Smith F Hi ta ? JUiwreooe factory at Newark, N. J., caused coupled the Indians, constituting a j R??? M e Strebel Lech Av the loss of several lives and the de combination that seems to have the Mexican irovernment to J HheppardJ J a I ?.hairmaa of tbeBubommittee at CaliouK bittlewood J Steffln the lted ClOud'atTMnov irnnlU. lEon.ley struction of J I7o,000 worth of pro Jumped suddenly into favor with 8pattJ8 lot of rnhnw !m M Cuahiiie"1Jas J I and I Lewis MrDrDSeevers J 9 iH Ieny. the sensation-mongers,- ? who evi Mexico: an award nf SSfi.'i 4n in authority, to give the horses '.thalCoUcu a Ktmwhrldifi nE Several political conventions gold in favor- of Nestor Mavin. wUh McoutreuQenta.. faromlsed to M B Ogallalas should they arrive to at now iu session in various sec dently regard it as of the most fer interest from Auiniat 1R40. ,Len,n.'' F. ShlvnlT J J . Ijinnii tile and character. tend i the At council fnrth aiAf promising tions of the country. Schuk-- J fl R Cootaworth mtm ncland-3Ilsls- lpl to Rrtnrned Black THi-Hilla. Th i'ifr Pushiiur A Lawrence Lonrson C Spar J A bank at Greenville, Ky. the same time never were either I ra proveme nt. C MSpouldln- - G W rj W arrived, and Mr. All the "Mormons" or - the Indians, W Doag-laD "." vu rupueu or i- -i ,wj. Ieaker sncpard J Sir Edward Watklns. rpwrpsenhi. tied the hksc.reta. v that. i r: T CAllforalal State Univer freer from any . desire or thought tive of the 'English haitlolrlr la las will remilr. immuIv mmnii. painsdoa wdtlamMrtO Bmalley B Shiner G W JC sity by the failure o of exciting sensations, er of and bondholders of ;T!ri htwlr ance with this promise before en. Dallies DrakeB - t'--Lybrook fyi the ink notning of Cati'orula. I SawjerB mission his iuo thiscounin (.i council. . wnug Doimer L Modlt W to completed be made the subject Smith Dr wishing V a million in covminiit. Davis L M , McConkis GWSelio Simon young man named Oiinhant of try sailed yesterday Ior England Half at I the than a ro,t Jent e.f Toronto', Canada, Prebeat sensations, was Smith JO' lllrtklnoMcTatyre8 Without DerbridjjeJ awarded thalloila 4J. Dover Jo : Mathews R 115 at wuv VAVVMtlO goid ' has xuv Stalkenv W H ii. a mu uy an overdose n time. Tio aonaational rumors re oi. JUi negotiations here; It is ofln iul Dickson J 8 Mad sen 8 t ftJ T m for Wlaalaalpyl. Help cliiral. B as DosurKF Morris the gardlng them originate wholly and I cially stated, however, that, TrorgsT G President Derlin K 3 " McGriff J C F Tnom N ' leSUlt Of lll.S Vf.Si 1- to thlil ffIinf T17 Tiio (luibord affair is still cjviuijt mlih Luvii .n.ml nitu Thoi. McRevrrJ TbonuwFHI ' to Adjutant General Townsend, di-- 1 Dunkfnsoo Dudley CC cucluitjp, cu4 uro l . . cau ting excitement in Canada. ; D Mahon Thomas T P J """Ul,w. "S"e"B icvbiug mm to instruct the: officer invariably got up for ultertc. . aiamiowh j Tamil .1 ; - Cardinal McCIoskey has had almost ior effect. 8 ireHto-Elllnnrham Millor It H to tn io Tt eive their in Mississippi commanding willingness ThomatorjV hair au hur'd audienew with the Uovernor Ames such aid as may, be not expected, however, that more iH2mK Sensational rumors of this kind ?i.Ia?lI0i? . .rope. . . i . . u " .is i thart i.. ne necessary to maintain order uu Karashaw XI Morris CW luo uirwciora win The .Spanish government has Kcueraiiy expensive, and m caued "U.'D"" Edwards M McGriff C UDO? to withdraw, and these protect life In that State. Varney A me immeaiate re many respects this exnense la I up-Evans J 8 McMaster A Vass G HJ oe Xi. to . , ""ueraioou iiar; rj. jsi. vroo Killed. Moore AW 2 ducvioiij ofi Eitella, a Carlist ttrong u iuiUuaaj , ior neeu-no- w;.1 " f l:." Suvriom .r. A4.VUI I UnlPT 11 tt V n . i J mma rsrof Meekins A hoM. UIUUV) hUU ' be?eta O. IStebbins. tLA H. i' I. les Edward A Pof I,ee is kind said Miller expense, ntzeraid this wxvokd, jn.m., Weiirho W E Mr, It that' J Tw ot children were killed to- H WoodWB' '"oabF I laow will retain his relations as and Lewis Massey, children, were and leaves extravagance, leiracv a vi Wells W H i killed y MeeTyP while playing, by the gw-cavi- ng j at t;nncora, jsv IX., by the of public corruption, or an Increase Newman C . White BH i ; a of sand caving or a sandbank. : ; el. ,, bank. I t . JW' C Nicholson cnareeu 8 D Wallace JCQKiueers it ii.i. :'fbe home of the late Daniel .n,wmcuw Noble J Wood D v neeaiess, ana more- - with the vnminnHr, nr p.mi Glilett B 2 Nelson J Wilson J "t over Is to be deeply regretted. , Webster was burned Ia9t night. Eads' plan for the improvement tf BALTIMORE. 5) W a. NoonO WinkJ 4 f,.tnrtu - Gardner K NealyP mouin o the Mississippi river, & Co., flour and What have these late sensational Whital Several failures are announcsusGreen hp grain dealers, Neuson j at a supplementary meeting recom Whitrner ed in In rumors tT w: Gardnai 2 w Wait J --J telegrams. Niles the Indians pended yesterday: their liabilities Gunnnll Im' 'The' President of the TJ. 8 hereabout concerning the inenueu, J are believed not to exceed sn mm unanimously, Wilson T N O amounted to? Nothing mediate Construction ttf latftr Gross tephon BOrlob 1' haa ordered the necessary- military at all. WemmerO T T. Grann H rilann were a on to Weirreland D the east aid to be given They tangent, empty, bubbles starting Governor Ames in on ' urwn ts 8 Wickaell A bank of the to entrance the pass, the stream' of time, and every and Osborn D L wataoa A Greyer then to the O' westward curving P E Callahan :.' " A Jwc)oh home, at was burned Grossly; body hereabouts, knew that thev on a of 8.D00. till it White B B" ' last night. Marshfleld, Great damage was caused were bubbles from the beginning-- the 2iradius r ITurbes 8 J Pollock W Williams J centre feet line, the further W i Potter W 8 Hookior last night at Milwaukee by a rain To all those who mar have belinv- - proloncration of this &nri fhn work w c W Peck P Hudsoq storm; A number of railway acci- ea ) execution Of thn Wlirl--a rr K . Holmes W H '' Potter Wm FOREIGN- in them may be said, when the side dents were' also caused by the rain, ' Hard in sr T Pallock8 to bo L9 left BH in which several persons were next (Sensation of the kind is after observation of the effect Podoraon it 4 Hardy GREAT BRITAIN. f '" HasenB pro offered-- ' killed. duced by the construction recom- AtubauMwders Appelated-rea- ee HarrellRT Pickering' 8 Wright Con. Rolter ; v; j ("";.: P PH" Peterson mended. The board adjourned to i lereneea.. IIol ail ye hungry, starviug- sguIu, Holmg-reenPerkcs C8 Younr J meet at New Orleans. Nov. 10th. That feed upon tbo wind. O GOLD, GOLD, GOLD ! Peterson J C 2YoonKherr London,' 9. The CF cus., i nawkini J 11 PJatts J toms autborltloa' In TChineso Id vain ye strive with earth ly joys Young- - BII Directors BcaJcned. MWU I1?B " ' Not to the Sierra Nevada, nor to nu an empty mind. received a telegram notifying them j.o At a meetlncr oi thn hnh rVf nf of the appointment, , MEL f FOR POTOF, American Fork Canyon and the rectors by the Chinese toof the Erie Company, be may; reiterated however, Mrs or E L Perry, Ojrden. Utah two ouiclals.as Wasatch range, are the big bonan- that day, the resignation of I L. M. government, n m.uwocwuun, ; joint i. T". ho ko.tlvM w J Mrs S Bern. Pa , such no Bariber mental ia nahnlnm nt. gta, zas of precious; metals jrioii xtritain. and Marshal 0. Roberts mr jos wadsworthjFeterson Utah A exclusively costly as It Is unsatisfactory, bnt were from Vienna states that Messrs Hubby aad WiHoug-hby- , special Stockton, presented and accepted. Servia confined. A recent big strike is re- sUU It , Pacha over u wu presides the B. seems to.be greatly desired, J. Brown, sugar importer, of meetings of W eihe, Alta Kphralm ported in Colorado. The rioneer x orLjanu. rviainn. a.iti CityUUh - H' Wa ih. foreign consuls at Mos-ta- r. Mrs K H O ay lord. Nevada Citv, Col ' of that Territory state that about ana wnea presented Is always a retired (Hitherto the discussions have Chas Thompson, Ophir City, West India mercbant.were Utah . I.V . dcvuureU I 1 greedily I. u 'wLo toU i iwawu iuw leiurm or taxation a month age 'Messrs. J. Ft viawawii in i i r no ira a I Bond, in on Pd Persona it. taxes Tastes recommVuuatiS5it3 the beinir luiuiHnff for .oppressive and delight "il!"1 the abov differ, letteis Eii. Ed. Bright, Al. Holt and John lish i stockholders - who have ylt IZE . the irw ciKjuoiun mi mmt wnn aavartlsat, a . Selles. in prospecllnrrori th Ti- -i KoeK.A.,., are taaiea unaccount another vacancy to fill. Jewett I I'wpio J Postmaster. nnnn imi permits Ik- - nubliratlnn Sttment Mountain, near the ' head of the able. tnese .resig omciai wui iciiur regretting In to aispatcheg nations and in which sentiments regard the Purgatoiie, about thirty-si- x miles due west or Trinidad, "discovered THT. fiWfiT! ft& rrrc'nmifwn vtrvWi 1I the board resolved ita h(artv avm. proceeumgs. j THE BESEEET pathies. Mr. Jewett expectsto.be the Jong sought treasure vault," The at a. u following is from the Vew Pfeseut th next meeting of the ...lit VBRlWlU !)" &ff.p u, UVUBi-V- l but, the rainfall being very severe, York CriitianVhVinZ.rv ilrectoac r br TTednesdoy, Sept 8, 1875. ;. nr. are rurtner prospecting was postponed. ue Lsaaoq nsrkcli linviiiticn estimated half ... . million dollars. la ab lcoouo uiA ki SIXTEEN PAGES and EIGHTY u . 'Tiieio o torn American "J ..Aif iSlTO.fiPH? 1 wo out again, some to explore 'new to who has a distinct Idea Oflbeeit verv quiet. ''TT H." tmnam.l) say fX)LUMNS op READING.! fields, and Mr. Bond to develop the ww vuwuov vvnjLi aii i ttcu ment 5s continue to maintain tli Tile jaDsnesa"' nm ntf rtnlt., t.ti. old lead. , He shortly returned with f ,he miners fa the" Blaclr Hills, advance of n English to California nnrl gentleman-Spot- ted Tail by securities are. yesterday. some One 'specimens firm" in response to cheaper than inosemaae in that ' Partial TatI of Ceataaiis ate notwithstanding there Is an Deoeaso and to..the "???VI ?"S7?aI.(! trom the or ... the quieting .Miuranccs era: ia atnali nr Tf wmr. n.i 'It ad "lortrar UT of twenty per , a. Smith.Cbseqn'e? ? President Ocorgv and the determiuaduty cities, cipal r" when pounded and washed,yleldiug belonged to the whites and Indians tl-- of I cent, on them. :: .The Jiranm Addresses by Lowers to k.p1.. Elders V. John Taylor and Lo to Res Roia, tney; would rnW a brick J nrty cents in pure wire gold, being . x . . renzo oung-- at the Funeral Services r, .."V"' have to U J it.r are Whites differ. buy about twenty-fiv- e "lu "u incnes tnick. cents to . the ent: JXavdereu. or raaer Joseph A. Young-- . ? ? 5 tney come and take TGold mining is still pursued to a ouut-In Arizona. S n t,x,u nvordupols, or about 57,500 Palis. Sjiklkukn be- had extent Hilja in "pappose1 thew Bjack Terrible with" a, Bear, targe to tho ton. More "recently Mr. luuirri . CaUfornia, but a ''aal. iFarnsworth. Atjventure veteran' Riley ui in d i r - nva y, t tne agricultural interests uruini voirag-a. sieaany dier. lumm while from returnint' Hartman 6f men as white a George : worthless and II " are overshadowing that of mining New York Police Morau. lazy, uiottuuiuer test. iI destitute was . at- - on the T'8?' to tlie petsiou from thBm v vmu, thalTn,nn. w uiuil coast. The tewns depend- - U. & Buprerne Court Deoiafon on Jurtedks- .agent, t . I aMWUO I f mk OUUWHl I are - of rhrhtJ men anu aniea to beand a party oi '"5"" S3.330 to th tor, supposed noa of tho Probate Court in Utah.: i Ik' V." ".'I" ''""uiiie.f nave a . Indians had entered thl Vrnia t Tha " I II. 11 UTTlrtYKWI."rl " comFuneral Mr. Balston. in "rT?"7luel , . on.,-dir .r.ll.T"' a lurnc auo LUULi . of dni : " aiVAlluabC ca "us"w-rxMw i imriHiin viin v untoi ha spCt the real value of the lead, as a eveno the laziest vuv of white men o la tWur 7 I T Of. then,- rt f chemical assay would be likely to would have neelected to Ltv a hnt ,. Moody arKlSaukeyWork for Them la This - . ... i r . - a. wci hl run rn nnapa av r double theam6unts7 pulverizing ur !""" V. an article levwfi lorlh.,tliat the wire Of l and washing never saving more Eave JJ JprkLsbtya.' Pay a Premmm than one half of the gold present Doualdson the Aeronaut. In the quartz.x "Still more Locutt4 and Salt Lake. altogether, or be postponed. In this noon, irr the Erie-TeAir. John Rlnnni a'tn.nV recently, mom USSK? A Modified Sentiment. Dl"a" l received from : the United sXi- - 7. . nl rire.iK or nT nirrT nr vhiith wwiiuwuVTIW. I H r lltj UAU.an ninmlawi' sSaaawa DrummilK un Senaailona. sentJio lllr for tryine to klaa nn .n. The Great Father Overrated. jail . woman in the street. 2V. Almost Incredible. willing out goldtorthe yalue'of fifteen I?C Presentation to General GarfleM, and editors." usefulness as the head of the enter-t- o cents, or,"aC the rate of four dollars Give the Ladies a Chanoe. ', thW 'As an evidence of the pan.,s Last of all, Mr.Whit- - The aboVe does not exhaufttthe Faith and Works. ?a nM8, bat Hawley monev simnnir vnnn'i; n ij Km&raUoa to Mexloo. ing showed the editor of the Pic list of perUnent-illustralia-leading confectioner, "let me point Uea f cares In Germany to ma-the you a un oi wire gold, worth about Kreat deal. The shameful and by fact V, a that irreat ridi- - posed to insiat that he be nut at the ScaWed tp jDeath, . . come youn ba f V a i.j-mthis girls li o Hnw a atasen ':1 Home Missionary Work. ' If llP win con- - without heanv- fcenis, ,itom a culous Corinne - Indian business neaa r piece of q iait2 the size of a hazel comes ,in here, . very .anil v. Ran- Bailroad to P'ace- - ' Montana. . waya had an eswrt. "1 ., i Bonjamia Franklin upon Lire and Death. nut, picked up about six miles from posethe The Uintah Reservation. town. The, people of .Trinidad up farms rlnnj A !.V--J a larce amount of the second com ntrolleK which It rL.li?n.u.emnJi TheLee Trial-A- dd na of B. D, HogEs 1 nave 'such confidence In the rich or re J ?L D' erain and otbar v.:,frm tpel? nnB M alled have -beaaed without aufn-- Mfc "7 "T'y ' w mo vuuuki l iur verence, to toa Jury. ness or these new dlscoveriea that Wh;h " 1 1 l8? .nw.that in voucherciet : . uwiiua aioramy " I,:; rs i ' . cases official been many .i' 1""ucf. action has tH sir mini... k .' k! ween vd sense to ao; b m V for T domdmi "w m no when vouchera wr formed Uonethem Squabble over a Funeral i.iranaa. rohtalnlng theybad.andthe helghZingln.' Speck of Trouble Between no mon and the thlKy-tof the leading men of d ans had pretended to be scared al that cerrCacc6anW-1)y-So- me to fariuS El uuuea states."' ) h " w t ; in ... v. that ill t . ,l . r uo vonuyue,nuaira Warof Races at Clinton, Miss. m loattoev Imeans ,v--! IT 17 ' t T, t t.i .,W,-. JF - . a . - ' v ' .V ' |