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Show a lflc, Pacific, i Central Ptfc VoVthern have their June THE EVENING NEWS. t ; tirin T find that auuut tenn at of t'he merchandise iee so, 1S7. that point and carried by the three former roads ot ct .miuinv to ail' oneiii.b from ferred fur tins w UTAH NORTHERN RAILROAD- - other. . Ti o reason to. j t t . ous. uiax fact iignco,;-frooi the Address of Moses TJialcfier at the :,miwnv Railroad Meeting at Boise City, the condition or goou and NEW ADVERTISEMENTS . sj - . CONCLUDED. nnd thu., A. Five thousand dollars cash per-damS duet milc, will, I am satisfied grade, is noruired cross tie, construct and put in run "UI" B. this being the rule l.m,., ning order, a three feet gauge road. certainly docs cost more Therefore. SoU,(KX) cash, or labor for from the stanuaiu i and material at cash fmees, will gauge car and i?e rcr than uom finish in eood order 170 miles of cars ot equal smb. road, and, if your papital stock be,0 True mere is on mat instance, .:,oou,uuu, or 9i-00- freig'it iu straignt out" lots, III n,rr.l. IT 3? Aed to patronize the working CI0I01D1S1. OF TIIK MEN A.SD Pennsylvania TERRITORY, Will and oxaniine the Plr,ull can , Stock t f d5 Bfolhers1 Co Man'fg Railroad run the Ce,.l r(it..l piillmjn Eall ntl Winter CHICAGO machinery, Donus wnn are not irausieucn, the interest coupons, properly guar- points of railroads, but conuuue uu ranUed until the road be finished their destination on the same cars Crane lour Hts IKIJSTJSIV AT HOME MaTi8fn and F'ranllhi wagons, &c, wnicn per mile, it will cost the hold era 33 per cent, and after Nov. . W tVy iv DEPART IEIT On Tilt Wholesale ouvi-saliafacti- dam-T,.i,!r- .i. TliroiiiCarstofaEMfiCt AH persons iijcllned to sustain " then and there carefully noted, y therefore reclamation occurrcu is have may nin respon-sioito the trnreable ..vilv Idaho. CLOTH! 1 Desperandum ! Nil STETTAUER BR0S,&C0 mmm .Chicago to Baltimore CLOTHING i ! l Vi Without Change ! would without doubt induce capi- nerhaps over several uisunvi Now on hantl in this city, at talists to furnish the necessary iron but til If, J. ueijove, is . W Office-General Unily H, ... P.DI. Lravins C1I and rollincr stock. In addition to nd not tue rule, nut even thia. if not prohibited by law, vtou fh.it tnero 13 no reai . JKFltRSOS STHKET, iO . . route 18 especially dciirWA ' flT This nVrk j " TAYLOR & CUTLER'S, toistnres should secure, iu erder to have the W"'f for tills traua:er uuiu uiuiJ.'-'men, as It gives themi Sn oi . jik Ku?r Bhj"'-Yortak as easy as possible, territorial, pnnimmv. on. roaus uity to Visit nttsDurg.fhij . '..nt ..lirfDand Boston, the best martets n r me mice fountv and municipal aiu. or u still Claim mat ireignufi. R&Bt.' A , fvoudeem it inexpedient. 10 in has sufficient advantages over ine turvrt of Ask orTlcKeuivta wranuti,? 0n Mari'jfita cornorate an iudependentcompany nav expense urisuiu aud Pfnnsylvania Central K. k, v,v l,i. tn lie o'jtaiued at all regular Kailroa4 TicltM' another, and perhaps the better from that cause that is, a train ,oiIrosi WroMSlet Pipe, Uilices in the West, at the Company's (.Mice in teres u? say FOK THE ioiih way wOukl be to join your iki i''S"" with those of the people of Oregon,! hunureu miles on u nanuw B Madison and Canal" Strtts, wiar t sii, Phi basis the early con-- , road at the fame tariff rate us :.; cage-taking as your uanes. over tbe same htrnotinn of the I'ortlaua, t K. MtTR, amount drawn, eciual PrbvQ Tailoring Establishment . I BACH. .1 .wl n.vl 1I i Iflfl j Uea'i Pass- and Ticket A? , COATS, AT and Salt Lake Railroad. distance oi tnesianuaru iuu W. MeCr I.JLO KUII, J. The adontion of this plan by your- nrn.i.u,P llftt nrofit over and above aas and Fittings. Steam Genera. JlanaKet.' seftll eXpense3 aud in excess of that ixjopl' would, in my opinion, C. CXK1VKI, H. 5. S. JONES, Supt. cure you tne ruoro Bpccu; iui..; pr0(juceQ by tue lauer wuiui man SteRtn H'armtnx a1"" VeittllatliiK Ass't 0"'l Pa8 Aent. anu dsn of railroad communication, for expense ot transier pay doubly would while accomplishing ail you the former. .. wf funnmvr ET..ln , Ilu n .. 1. .1.1 Steam t me re- byJSo m""' union suuum section or me TT! desire, draw less heavily on Should CHICAGO TRADE, awl for Hlaxt Furnaces, Coal ana sources of your Territory. be more deeply interestea in me iili.i.r Miii, FaeVtria, et u i this plan receive your approval, "wnv nf (Tnii'ires" than Idaho. Utan would suircest that you promptly ml Montaua. The distance over NTIL fun er notice trains win inu. which the materials for their rail petitionyour honorable Legislature, FRAHKL1SJ MAC VEAGH & CO., and am at Ognen daily as follow frr.'.P.tisnED I8ik now in session, to pass such a ujh roads must be hauled would make in nid of the enterprise as will fair a tariff" aggregating an enormous LIATl- lmporter$ and Jobbers cf .. 8.30 a. k. CO., FDLLEE of the peoroaa or the Dally Express,. a mile PALMER, feelings therefore represent sum: if ly ..... ,..... ..6..J0p.ili. .Mixed,...--ii rpfr.iriiincr nie mauer. . 10.30a.ui. ihrp fefc cauire reouirea only Vh(&eale Manufacturer nf Freight, You might ask them to grant a tons of thirty pound iron as against and POUtid il03 for Sash, Doors, Blinds, mouldings, Corner Wabash Avenue direct subsidy of $3,000 per mile on R fnna nf fiftv-si- x 4 Rjva, Chicago, .Street. Lake BALUSnne or to pass KAThlNO, the STAIR that portion th standard eauire. the saving in STAIRS, dlHflm i 5.10 p.m. Daily Express, TERS and NEWKL POSTS. But in the thrnucrh vbur Territory. of freight alone is 2.35 p.m. item . the Mixeii, single ll ' Dcrdcr in ...... linanclal conaiuon oi me not less than $l,ouu per roue, or u .....6.10a.m. present Freight,. ' Buy-Gooda consider miles. people here, I should saving of $255,000 on 170 wun Lumber, Lath & Shin les. WARNER, MARSTON & FELIX Daily connections tnect at Ogdeu witi nptitinn of this nature extreme loriv Takinif this toeelher ana joooeru 07 Ctah Central Pacific road from Salt Liui d.vuV.ied oar aeiOB by building . Manufacturers . , , Having the for what would ask tollv! i!..,. our new worire, we seep cui'uhj v, it . . . i City and all points iu Southern Utah. " i i ii per cent. less in cost or locomotives - hand the At Bryaa with stages for Sweet anu of stock condescrij.tion is every wuony ratio a like cars largest in and with territory obviously mines. unable to perform, and if granted struc.tin'r. keeprusr m repair and of ntJiLDrtfO Matkhiaiv there is ia the At Cheyenne with Denver Pacific roa.t UOOD AND WILLOW WARE, . . would do more harm tnan eoou oneratinsr the three feet gauge, and country. Central City, Georgetown aivli Drmer, L,isw ana moukuhk Price Estimates, trr and New Mexico Tirushes. Brooins, Matches, Etc points in Colorado You can. however.guarantee, by an we nave a kiiowiuu ia uicir i:ivui Books sent on application. with Chicago and North we At Omaha West ZZud and Union bw., enactment of your legislature, the which cannot well be gainsay ed Ctjrnr-W fh,. a'.vrwic orAVpnthtJ!. C. M. I. UO ern, Chicago, Kock Island and Ptteiflc,St.hJ. dio ly cmcago, n and Mo. River, Kansas City, 1S73 to May 1st, payment of five per cent, interest October From its Branch Stores, awd also by all the Co and Council 1st, a!, Bluffs rail rwads, and4 M:asour per annum on $2,000 per mile ot 1874. we constructed about thirty operative Stores of thoTerritory. line steamers for a41 ioiiitd Y.vi of River to the heart railroad pass through of the Utah Northern rail South. miles and of your Territory, say a distance of road, and notwithstanding nearly Tickets for wtla to all points East at GILMER & SALISBURY'S Welis, Fargo t Co., East Tewplo strtn-r300 miles, this would aggregate half our line we have new TRADL being and at the office of Utah Central KaHro.i l, SAN FRANCISCO $000,000. the interest upon which only employed one section man on In Salt? Lake City; also at Union PiUniic at live per cent, per annum wouiu an average, for two and a half miles Railroad Ticket Oitice in Ogden , at wH'm-chon tipping rn can be amount to $30,000. Now I have of road, and yet it has improved ESTABLISHED IS 1851. . cured shown you that Utah with railroads daily and is at this, time in very THOS. L. KIMBALL, i TipfcBi iVrtnt. TUKOUOH Gen'l m three years increased the value fair condition. The usual average 3FL C3r. T. T.SlOKKt.S. Chief wrrnwyt of her taxable property SI 1,000.000. on the broauer roau Montana and South cast Nevada SAN FRANCISCO, ueueve, i is, ' rail with dailv. Suppose, your Territory, even after fully ballasted, one man Leave toCorinne, Utah, Helena,running Manufacturer of the OatotwAL. fori North road communication successlully to each Virginia City, mile of road. Deer Lodge, Cedar Creek Mines, ST. LOUIS TRADE. Benton, established, should produce one towns CHARTRES COFFEE, the principal I think therefore, all things con nd passing through"in all half that increase, or a gain ol sidered, Montanawe of the interior must and mining camps .A Superior Article of Growtil Coffee $3,500,000 in three years. Certain 01 narrow to PRINCIPAL OFFICE, for Family twe. look alone the system ly this Is drawing the comparison railroads for speedy and cheap all kinds of spicea, uream of Also very mildly, and it does not, in my transportation. ' The great cost of SI Soda and Saleratus. Tartar, opinion, do justice to the resources the standard gauge requires an ex IP or Idaho. SALT LAK CITY mm ai n iei in cess of the interest foreign capital, dStf lint what does it show? Simply which would cause us to tax the BROOKLYN HOTEL, an increase of mateiial wealth of on resources our of Territories beyond ., could which ST LQ VIS, $0,500,000, upon you all reason, Bunh St. , San Fra'nciwo, assess, if you chose, a tax of two OWHtBS. of PROPERTY afanuacturers Accord iii to srocd the cstimat TO on the- railroads of per cent., producing a revenue for ed net annual incomeauthority Between Montgomery and Sansome Street, Crushed, i jvvdered ;a Ave on Loaf, America cont cost. Had their Cut, per the Territory of $110,000. Now. the three feet been the Adjoining tM New Mercantile IAbrary. he CranulateJ and adopted gauge, gentlemen, pause here, and after net profit on the eame amount of traffic at 00 Terms:-$2.draw the expiration of three yearn, same tariff rate would have exceeded Hay. DECID- ! a balance sheet and ascertain whe eighteen orper1111 cent, or cost, which for the hHB UNDERSIGNED, HAVING use lea numDer in would produce ther the transaction has produced saving to our 'country annualivnf White and Tellow Coffee Hacat, . )ri oi J. Haiq City and vicinity, that he KELLY ANDREWS, In Barrels, Half Barrels audi loss or gain. Tlie following would is prepared to furnish x mo some or . . Biiuwu iiiiun oneny Sacks. wavingof ho th( result, viz PBOPBIKTOBB. superiority of the gauge of Tilnho Territory "by her financial points which I claim to bo only a humble advoand fi: Specifications for cate,! now wish to say a few words regard- Plane. agents, the legislature acting anThe Coach, plainly marked "Broo-ly- n (Mien SppaniSyrnp Mote Uiudi Dt .12.12 awd i.iils as indeed for all the it 39 feasibility appears ing "e. 5 interest per H( tki.," will be at the Kailroad Depots her, to per cent, on to mo urgent need of a railroad from some Iu Barrel?, Hajf .Barrels and Keri A!) and Steamboat Landings, to convey guests $000,000 three convenient on the Columbia river: of num, guaranteed point Buildings. dis-i- y of Superior Quality. to tne Hotel, free or charge. vears. Dr. S90.000. By increase in perhaps from Umatilla thence through Also Brldg:-lng-,o- r for to over Orders. flallrojut Trewtllnr, that and the country promptly executed. the revenue produced by the en Blue magnificent Mountains south-eaany work of a character wherein the through To balance S110.000. Worili from .'$5 to 50j UjmH Address Ei. X. Ware, Secretary. Timber or other Materials are to be applied tprnrise. Cr, Yard. heart of Idaho t noise City; thence to t to the and at the possible with cur D oonnuection a road and final advantage "tv.BU"U'tAis'-ijeThem Qooda are kept bp Z. C M. I. and U gam or Union and least erte ncei. bit ail the Branch Store, aim the in every way happy and pros wrrfri?BlXaf!& n 9e- HeHim law, TTrnh Sraitham Iu nrsK nnklnc the meantime 311 6m the . Store tn the Territory. tnat any wort perous people, made so by railroad standard, and the Utah Western, three feet riwiiy, andto his guaranteeing or over which he may care, and telegraph communieatioiwith gauge, are pusning southward, on, per eiitrueui to a junction with the Southerr nave charge, win be carried out with a view the rest of the civilized worldj and haps Pncitic Kail road, somewhere in Arizcna to F.legH uce, Kn bMtnnilality andTaste, you will have accomplished a work Territory, one or the other to tap, limits at a cost (perhaps) unprcc&Unted in this of which the people might well te course, in csumern u tan, one or the great Territory. est iron regions and most extensive coal rp.ee in the Mattblion Block, a few proud. m ine world. ove tne waiter House, Main Street, You may conclude from the fore neius With these roads cnniDletrd. what i City. of is mense '1 these is wealth either n our that n lo opened itiou! plans i lilue Mountains of Hi riron "wit h lmtirirrr! going OBKll TTI4IK. will all the cost, feasible; admit, of miles east and west I am to'd,are densely I remember have very slight, but covered with the finest tiiuber known; the fu'.abkmade my estimates from personal aeuianu lor wn:cti wouid with hean Is here. I b tvo ihf wry (i trans ix.rtution soon become immense. The dis for tlat time. experience, and my liguriiig is on tanee Umatiiia 011 the Columbia river frmI am the bais of a three feet, hot 4 feet toOjrdcn satisfied does but little if any 8 inch, guage. 600 exceed piiles; and with a railroad in acWARM SPRING BATHS. of construction fiom cither An advocate of the latter class of tive course dk-wwith the view of connecting both, DOOLEY'S . YEAST P0WDEB point the can roads well I understand very ' of Oregon, would soon, if deemed f 1 AA Se paople Private dnd ill Is WIio'rsom Pure and Fiitm, Plunge. very rcrfectly would object to the former gauge run a railroad from Portland to AWU m un.a.l tins fair priccM. umatiiia. The' battle of the gauges is being wonld accomplished wba DOOLEY-YEAST P0WDEB be g4i cmi? And would it pa? well but fought,every inch, quietly liet ween 5 and 7 das time, uccor ling to 'IKESR CRLP.RR AT I) nTMS AKF Is put up in Full Weiaht Cans. L open to the public at all seasons. Their most excellent t nginetr.--woulevery point is being contested. Sci- lUBiiuiuurujrin a AAA Sets of Jet Jt .velr , at ence combined with actual experi uucre 01be gained in transiixirting tlie proK are ko widely known DOOLEY'S YEAST POWDER una .inpau vta this route to that it is neprdies? to enumerate r net. t.icm. ence will demonstrate, if they have the east,cnina Makes lllscuits aivl i: FRIEDMANN & LAUTERJUNG it would place th m In Umaha Hesid. s the Private Jialhs, the largo and not already done so, which is the as soon asand they wouid reach 8an Francisco handso:noly furni-he- d Plunge DOCLEY'S YEAST POWDla Manufacturers and Importers of via the route how in use. most useful. for Lad'sand Ocut ciuc:ii, are nowBaths, open. 'ihus the merchants of noise, Ogdr-n- Rait Mukos IXlicious Muilins, Griddle Cakes. 1 So far as my personal kuowlege uiice, H. J.'4.If ARNOLD. of Indies UjsxUl Flue oiuUm. uiaani una even tho-- e :. Virginia Coin I tread, &c- extends regarding the matter, I find aud Heloua Hack. cu!d quietly inform their customers that to wre but five material points consider they selling the teas of Ani Proprietfirs of th ,M. DOOLEY'S YEAST POWDER C. B. DURST, aua inuia. wmcn were shippo on 1st Safety; 2nd Capacity ; 3d japan Celebrated "ELECTRIC BATOR, Makes all kinds of thtj same day as thosevxpected ia San Dumplings, DFAI.EK IN 14 Warren Sti I Sileiidil AMsortmeiit of Cakes und Pastry, nice, light and Speed; 4th .Durability; and 5th NEVV.YOKK and, gentlemen, I think it Cost. This hJng the case, accord would p ty: Try it and tee. heaiUiy. 428 No. 6th Sti,. ST. LOUIS, Mo. All this may to some appear to vn .v, if a Gin. guage be but my ing then the American people area fast THE GRATEEST INVENTION OF TOE PRESENT DAY. safe, has sufli ient capacity to carry WOOD, DOOLEY'S YEAST POWDER andtaT"all Our Goods are keot by Z. XI. M. f. iW branch atoras. race, ana to mem nearly all things are pos Is the because Best, pure. perfectly can aloi its and trade the ; CEDAR l'OSTl attain sible, line, cenainly the completion of this I.i:sc ItttIle, CIPEUKIII enterprise, even iu the near future, Is not speed to satis. y the demand, has tuny llCltM. DOOLEY'S YEAST POWDER out possiuio quite prooaDie. No Ko!es Chimney Brick, Etc., Wc, Etc. GRAY, KIMBROUQH A CO., Above or durability an-- can be constructed, How few, twelve years ago, drcamrd Is the Cheapest, because full weight. or the successful completion of the '"HKbe-- t Red Tine 1 . operated, and carry the traflie at even Wholesale Importers of car the in LumberAby Jess cost than a wider guage, I u nion ana central roads in so short a time; I load only, at the lowest wholesale DOOLEY'S YEAST POWDER were bucked it is true I Very Fine Lot of English millions in rates. Uood seasoned wood saw! up for Is guarantced-tHATS, CAPS AND FURS, certainly adopt it. I must governmenttheysubs dies ; it is bytrue, give satisfaction. It is the LIGHTEST RUNNING Machine, and can be used by should on the Kinanng purposs for KestaurantsY Faker am confess I unable to see the use other n.nq they built the minam-- tiauaa Spectacle.' tliose of delicate health. Jes, etc. Car load furnished in short no Back and. Kid Glove, De sure o ask lor a a large coach with six horses at over, to a great extent, tice and at low rates. or wmcn we are spcaa It NEVER SKIP STITCHES, Break Threads or NeedlesMakes of mat irom coumry Orders in d Office the Tost Box a YEAS for MILLINERY COO D S, DOOLEY'S tached when small light one with ing. f POWDER, ' 774 will bedrop but Little Noise, has the Most Ilooni under the Arm. filled promptly. 414 and 418 Firm STB"T' -orr ao not can two bo Aua horses the all with If the of IKXUiS. Idaho other put any and passenAlbuniH, Utah POCKET carry Oregon, pseplo Yard and ofUc south of Depot, near the 1 St. Louis CSaT" If the Wherl is Turned the Wrong kind. aided by eastern or western capital, should xicKet dll5 6in Vay, It JUoes Ho Harm, nui gers tut cheaply and as Fneedilv. uinee. ;tc., ;tc. l B. llllPiT. a m oi tnis enwrprise with tho deter d285 tf I w ill give you a few comparisons tase Break neither 1 h read or Needles. mlnation to push it to an earlv mmnlptinn DOOLEY S YEAST POWDER It ia Always Ready to10Work, and can be' Instantaneously Set from uiawn irom actual experience, and do you think it W uld be a natural question is put up in Tlu Cans of various sizes, D0DD, BROWN & CO., the Central Pacific Railroad Company No. 300 to No. ueuioiisiraieu ueyonu question by would Cotton. Buiiauie mr r Mini, us, 11. In no it t their l'rlc and give oppose Houses? DKAUnS IR disapproval, II uest object, want to tne 'teis, nie urld and 30 engineejsin Uiver, Lake and Oceau Ves-- is usually used on the it? I ttainK it likely. Th re is, howeverVno CAN BE HAD ON MONTHLY INSTALMENTS f pound iron sele oa bhoi t or long voyTTAVING (hl8 day purchased and taken three feet, and fifty-si- x Dry Goods and Notions . pound on would loserihey could DATSES A SON. ages. possession or the Utah Cracker Man make loss the 8 caily the four feet inch gauge: the H. E. PHELPS. lately owned by Henry Brunt on 5th and Sr. CHAItLES STB., va.) ius a utile more rcimrfl uractory, we would respectfully announce to thn r,. d2T.l tie market is flooded with Cheap, Infeto the localwjr iiinan i A Large Stock of F.STKY ORUAIiS unZhanJ. All JSew Styles. weight of the largest locomotives for in their which along line, chasers consumers rior and of Crackers in Salt two ways would do good r'irst, it would Bakiag and Yeast Powders of the tormer Is about 17 tons, distri- increase The JJest Organs in the Wort . tutc v.ii,y ana viciuiiy. inat we shall conshort weight. IXXLEys YEAST light or a u. DODD. 3122 6m ineir trade, swel the earnings of tinue on six buted jar, o. the and business Rtnnd. old in tbe at usually driving uou. & urii n,ilat- - "eiarht.ii warranted full streugtU ,.iiT mil BAUER il wouiu auu,Bcvuu, CO., the course of a few Weeks will add the two bogy wheels say the latter aid indOTelopinr the resources of materially the nation n a J. S. Liohvpr. ruvru inacninery, together with .Sold at wholesale and retail, renc-ral- l Manufacturer of th cJl ,6 ucr, ncvuivinK(lTn support two tons, leaving 15 tons wamuuuiitih - throughout the United State-- , by dealer. L--te Liggett & Deua- - Late Myers Drum-.to,,. aS3 .r.Dllryou, for gentlemen, Thinking fhaWn. 2 tons on each driver. which you have this evening conferred on the 8lx,or CT imi JMJUliy DUppuOB. mondiOi Aitoni u uuui, oi bu iouis. '""'""is a firm uass steamy V'" Manufactory, FAVORITE BAUER PIAHOS. upon Cracker Now on the four feet, 8 inch me ixiju avuunicvijiii(si,tiouurie8y of produc-incapable Dos tow i: f ir iii RxQixtortd Factory, Kb. T4, 1st EKrtr' as those g0O(i from by yournresenee here.I cannot conclude ine east gauge, the locomotives used weigh ed or San Francisco. imported Send Miasousi. a more niung manner than by express orders from 30 to 60 tons, but the former in and will receive they tne sincere nope, tnat em the dawn of prompt atte" ing as i8 after the' birth of Amerioon it gener- 1876, a century the weight will answer, LIGGETT MYERS, Propriotora, Independence, to shriek of the locomotive ally supported on four drivers and shall Utah Strain r Craeke Manufactory. the of this people fair city MAircrrAcnniKBS or two bogy wheels say the latter that proclaim September 30th, 1874. the barriers which have heretofore MWiy fiU. oouna uiem m isoiauou, are zorever brokcarry four tona, that leaves 6i tons en. for each driver. Now, gentlemen, F. ADERBACH 4 BRO., Endorsed by J0,n0U Families, ArUsU au l which will wear longer, 56 pound At theooncajsionof the address, Mr. V. DR, CONNELL'S rujlcal Critics. Factory and Office, ' iron with a constant blow of 6i 8. Anderson offered the following' resolu 77i J5e and Mnxt Reliable Plane, Worn. 5 Cast Temple Street, Brahminical 808, SlO and S13 Elm Street. tons, or thirty pound with a conwaa unanimously adopted! in the Market stant blow of 2i tons? Again, the tion, which Moonplant SALT-LAKST. LOPI8, MO. Resolved, That the earnest thanks of box cars of the wider road, weigh this CITY, stock- or EAST meetlnar Mmoai are INDIAN f tender! REMEDIES. ten tons about and ten AND UPRIGHT PIAtOS each, a GRAND aio of SPECIALTY carry am6m General Established M30. the Thatcher, Esq., SQUARE. Superintendent of following: w Can be had by addressing ror His able, tons,a pound of dead weight against i no uian ior:nern nan roaa, Staple anu mien Dry Good. oaaresa upon a pound of paying freight A box iuBL.rupt.ive jUo Agent for the Celebrated P. O. BOX 3845, eBtt railroads in Idaho, andsung Farnlahlaa Good, that a copy of his d29I car of the three feet guage weighs address lrewt Uoedi, is hereby requestea for pubiica Wew Terk fancy 4J tons, and carries 7J tons. A lo- tion. Idaho Statesman, Dec. 15 and 17. city. nwiioas ana BAl'KB A CO, I'aney OrnnmentM, for 150 passengcomotive and train jrUtS Uats and Capo, Corner Stat and Monroe Pte., ers on the wide road weighs one Benedict, Rait if Co., CHICACO. d 133 8m hundred and fifteen tons: on the BRIDGE BEACH & GO'S., At Wholesale and Retail. n sixty-sevenarrow tone, . o M We have on the Utah Northern 1.1 Prices Low. Give us a caZL TBAND ST., 7 17 ton locomotives which can draw A 283 & IW. D. WELLS CO., as many net tons of freight up a Comer Crosby,! 1 STOVE. COOK 100 as "SCOTIA feet Manufacturer of and , grade any locomotive on S WAOON3 NRKD BUT LITTLE SAID IK THEIU IfAVOR 'PHRSE TO THE LADIES I 1 Toe extensive sales pow beiaar rniide attest tholr merits, and they are the favorite the V. P. or C. P. can draw an up IS DEALERS WHOLINALE winron iiw in Utah. I'uey re Tbruaa,'Uly Warraaied for .On Tear. ALL equal grade on their roads with Eai IaUy adapted for UTAH sIZEs KEPT IN LAUtit SIUCK. their heavier cars. I3 A COAL. STOCK FULL OF A three feet gauge has sufficient fc Dress to Goods, capacity carry In the same fJT fSatirj'aeUon guaranteed in every ease Shawls, ! , ieiiKiu 01 wmo an ine iaoaeis, and aiauers, niits, or refunded.n mnrey Madison am) Market Street .. Ziinen Damasks, other traffie which thosl roads ranpuei Form, And everything- - In the Dry Goods !! have ever carried and much more. d!23 Cm As to speed 35 or even 45 miles ; per hour can be attained with as ror Sale by Z. O. RX. Z., IVm. New York Dry Coeds Stor. much and I believe more Chas, Rueppele & Co and Harrison eafety Seott, East on the than other Street, a. Temple r. roads Mcurrraa. B BCRBDICIi congress and Polygamy, A few doors below the White House. Dnnham dt, Co. being much lighter are corSond! dill 6m more . SHWAST7 all. Ingly Remember, at that easily ' controlleoTand I ;.r-WeU selected, cona'antly on hand. IncluMnn n. Store is the place to buy Qooda Cheaper And Dealers in sthan the Cheapest. iccXleM,UbIetodI11 ig nest race pau ror imea peaches. & WinSTi To the superficial observer the jr Wiley, unckes HOPS, BJLULEy. transfer ' necessary from Piano-Forte . DtaUrt It ' i: ',JrPorUr Method to the narrow gauge rSadfand jTev JLnd Ml Articles the Murteal. Educational and Endorsed Positive Bargains in Men's, Youths' and Boys' au-awt.- m.Lc-a.Ti- . T P oil o5xjjE3::e: 1 ' CHIOAQ 1 1 O, k , - 1 M BEAM WALKI1 STEAM PU&1PS, 1 . U. . 1 Frc-vn- DRY i l - .j P. R. R. u 1 STAIBS -- C3 Dealers can Cheap of us: ; ' 1 Cordage Twines, -- . CARPETS! . ARPETS! v . k 11 o:W-o- , Staoe Lines Choice Patterns, from 50c. per yard. DEPARTMENT RETAIL 111 ffilUMl I I, V3DNA BELCHER'S rr 1. 'A Jt 1 1000 Piece Ier ress Goods,, XJ It & . KovpjiM'-nvi.CT,- i .:, M ty nnr'ira st ier d-7- Iv-s- T o-o- ,v" - CHRISTMAS Year' s . rW5r'iI - 1 IS1 Jill "EMM m rico Iff d , medl;-lrnt- i Elc-paut- . OTJTLBBT , Pot-Pie- s, LUlBErl, tolThread Either , I the Shuttle! o j vastly-differen- NOTICE. lKai-oLi- m tuv-irgn- I"OW-DE- J. DAYNES-- SON. J ii . i -jr 7 ' - Chewing Tobacco, . j E - bfi-eb- v r " V - BAIN WAGONS wxs - and SHOro v- WELL-KNOW- BOOTS Grreaf Bargains SHOES. . o hioaoo. OHWARTZ' Wagon Material, First Wagon !cpot South of Theatre, oi SEBREE & ROBERTSOia. 8pPe" FRUIT, tionr1 FOREIGN IMA Is BtrndefUt New York. C. Mv L, East Branch to atilf.e!?-U-the Ptice r.VTI Water St., near Branch transfer from ! 148, Offloe, K fW uorjuooiw ";rrT1Ynd all the ratlre Store In.the Territory. WalL Co-op- -1 i j SELL the BUN WAjGOX at PKOYO, At Salt Prleoa. Tm the ntta ;uiuvi5uenjjrre th for nionj JUST ISSUED otah mm. IIAITSTEBS POLAND BILL hy Press, and by Good Teachers, to be Seneral all- - Comparison the Best to be had at Bo-f- i and Music Stores. , . 8enibyMaa, rC r X. Price, $1.75 UVn l.CheftnntEt. St. For Brewers and Distillers H. D. GRAHAM ft DRO. NO. 1X3 NOBTH BaOOHB BTKXXX, Ota Ziouiaa wpIter has dm U OBTICB Ko. 85 SOUTH UAOSt STBKf1' BtUeetn Market aud W 0AHTT XOUIS, gO; I |