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Show THE EVEKIKG NEWS. rVtUWtD : At ! fea4aj-,- BTCCPTID CTTIAT rovn o'CUC. f ; "Beaver miles south of St. George; a specimen oL the ore may be seen In our office. Mr. Woolley informs us that it assays from 43 to 75 per all done: grain a good average crop. UnitedOrder and matters ;ln general prosDerous. Fourth crop or nay t lucera) cut and secured; about one crop lost for want of laborers to Bare ILaThe health of the people generally rood. The stock range.is excellent, being the result of the frequent rain-sThe following is a list of Grand and Petit Jurors, drawn, in aceord- ance witn trie new law. to serve in the Second Judicial District Court, at the approaching September t term: ; j r about HAT I D O. OALDER, EOITUR 1KO PUBUSHaK. flftv-flr- e cent..-Thrcsnl- ; i . WEWS OF THE DAY. i TrrrCaaga Indians have declared war agalost the Etata of HaBsa?, an J committe-- l depredations on its sou t hero borders; 'Governor has tlegraphd to Washington for 2,009 carbines and 'accoutre ments and 109,003 cartridge on account of tb State of Kansas. " - f Negroes and whites hare been fighting at Lancaster, Ky., and (Jo v. Leslie called out four com sanies of troops to ijucil the dts " us JYamea of Grand Juror. Ira El- mer, Alfonzo Grundy, K C Hulett, Barnum II. Messengers David E. Cameron, Wm. Jones, L. It. Chaff-fin- , Joseph Jondrews, Lorenzo Brown, Wm. Baker, James GotT. turbante. Mana&sah Blackburn. Wm. C. Mc Gregor, 1L Page, Thos.i Atchison, Tiirea negtoes concerned iu thai Jacob Gates. Matthew Culien, Wm. M. Moody, Don S. Liddle, Wm, F. outrage on Mrs. Burnley, at Brook Porter, J. A. Cook.' out Jiaven, Mbs., have been taken Ifames of Petit urcrg. David s. f the jail and hunff by 1J00 Bovd. Stephen Maher. Barnard i M Greenwood- James ltyan, O. K. t Clark, B. F. Brown, James Gale, Wm. Baakln, K-- A. Morse, O. C Custer sends word to H. Jadd, Adam Lightner, he that purAllison, of the department Alma Crosby, Peter Miller. Frank route different a return to by pose Fred Ohmert, Thos.Judd, Kemple, .yr the Little Missouri, and to reach aioien. ai. i Fort Lincoln last Friday; that the Beaver Enterprise, Aug. 21 oorintry he has passed through has We are reliably informed that rich pasture, pure water, is a good the Salt Lake, Sevier Valley and wIU stock and country, fanning Ploche Railroad Company have plenty of good building , stone, sold out to tbe Utah Western, wood, and lumber, no evidence of which has recently purchased Iron rolling stock for tbe first forty, drouth or freshets, a good country and five commencing at Salt for small grain and grazing, plen- Lake miles, City. The grading of tbe ty of "mineral' Including iron, first twenty miles Is completed,and ties beinif, rapidly delivered. plumbago, gypsum,? and gold In the section to Ophir, forty-fiv- e first The command The lug quantities. be prosecuted immedi Is to miles, was in excellent health' and the from whence it will be con ately, animals fat. tinued as fast as consistent to Iron A miner with pick and pan, says a City In Iron county, via Tintlc and newspaper correspondent, can make Star .Districts. A train of goods, consisting of $100 per day at numerous places, and merchandise for the about M miles from Bismarck. machinery Great Western : Iron; Company The people Of that place are greatly passed . through our, town . yester excited and expeditions are organ- day. The Iron Company are pushing business rapidly, with some izing for the gold regions. , sixty hands building foundries, and furnaces, with machine The Plymouth Church Investi a view sbops to supply the Southern gating Committee report Beecher market, andi manufacturing railroad iron, and ore already" prenot guilty. s. and pared to furnish1; 'pig Iron f H Hhlps are coming to New York with yellow fever. HOW ABOUT THE BIOTEBS? Beecher preached at the Twin The public is pretty well aware of Mountain House N. H., on Sun- - the riotous conduct of those drunday, to a large congregation. There ken and boisterous deputy mar was a great turnout from all the re- shals and4 'Liberal" partisans on the gion round about. 1 last election day, and j ustice demands that such disorderly and A $10,000 fire at St. Louis. lawless conduct go not unpunished. If the deputy marshals had no auSecretary Bristow'will call in 30,-- , thority there any. more .than the 000,000 bonds on the first of next other citizens, they were guilty of ; ' v"' v1 . ...month.- breaking the law and they r. ,. t i Car-lis- ts deserve, to be properly richly Some treachery favoring the If they had la reported frond Spain, and it punished therefor. ex there ojfioio they were is rumored that a filibustering ex- authority In more still guilty exciting a riot pedition is preparl - : ng "against 'Porto and In taking part with the rioters Ritf."?n tc..,in assaulting the mayor, the police, for cont has acted 130,000 and the election authorities, and Spain rifles, j in their general , peace - breaking American breech-loadin- g and riotous conduct.; It 'may' ap President McManou lias bad a pear to marshals j and j deputy marspirited republican reception at shals all very well and a thing to ! ' 'Sforlatx. be laughed over, for j them to get drunk, use profane language, break The King of Denmark has, got the peace, assault the municipal back home from his visit to Iceland, authorities, and Indulge In riotous " v conduct generally; but a court of with the Princess of Wales. law and Justice, if such court can 'JL'lie Austrian and German re- be found having Jurisdiction ia the presentatives at Madrid have been case, may decide very differently. notified of the recognition by their It Is time that marshals and were taught that they "goVernment 'of the Republic of shals to the law as other T .1.' amenable are as a Spain citizens are, or; if such officials are Rusoia refuses to recognize Spain. not to be held ro amenable, It Is V! ' It.1 . tho knew time A public Some sharp business with passengers is reported ef the Australian agents of the' Australian and I American steamship Co. i J citi-xen- ' - , j head-quar-te- . rs t . ! ly . ,' . ens-ting- 1 6 " 4 ' mmm, . , - rrr:. " J deputy-mar- - 1 BY TELEGRAPH. Brazil and the Argentine Republic are likely to have war. of the Rev. JobnTl: Glendennlng, In connection with the alleged se- E. D. WoolleyJTr.1; called In eucuon A MaryxVPomeroyv to our sanctum yesterday on Jits series of orresolutions was adonted. with three to Lake Salt City way ono that it wns tbe sense copper ore and including wagons laden with or tne meeting that be be required i otner rreignt.xor-oauuy. to leave the dryland failing to do Said ore U from the Adams mine this as to Mr. xo " . -- EnierprirZ- - 19--r PCa mnOSTCUGBiPB LITE. LnttJVfghV Dispatches. EASTERN. lThHeruv tans lave been celetheir Independence for s'x bratingChill Peru have paid and days. their debt to the United Stales. Chili has had .heavy And destrucv tive rains. Immediately will regarded nurung ueuance to the wishes and sentiments oftho citizens, and also resolved that the prosecutor of pleas of tho county to requested to bring the case of Otendennlns' before tbe has made grand jury. Glondcnning a forruaj request to tbe presbytery of Jersey City for an investigation into the charges against h la character; the clerk of tnoTresbytery replied that the next stated meeting would be held In wtober,wherrtne Subject would be considered."; Beecher Tllton Reported. the - InvesUsatlng Committee-Beecho ,Wot Oully..(1Ft,..:S The IleraUL eives a svnoDsl? of the forthcoming reoort of Ply mouth Church I uypstlga ting Committee. The. report, a somewhat lengthy document; is given as if it were ia two parts oue a mere re port of the evidence, and the ether giving the conclusion of the Of course the$c( all aio in favor of Beecher. The report sums up 'the whole inatter-pr- o and con, showing , en one hand a man standing before all the world with a great, reputation for spotless purity.' Christian char-- 1 acter, and moral worth, and on tbe other a man. of, proven bad and criminal character; the latter making accusations' against.tothe former; the one with nothing prove bJs story except . personal allegations, proven in part to oe perjury, ana supported by some letters which may mean.a dozen things but the ono meaning given? to them, this story denied by all having any connection with the matter but one. The circumstances as well as the burden of proof all are, on one side or the other, unsupported by any but bad character. The commit tee finds that Henry Ward Beech er is not guilty of the charges pre ferred against him. It la possible tlmt a? short' para- irr&ou may ue added to the report noticing briefly the failure of Frank Moulton to bring any new evidence to bear upon the eubjecr. which can in the slightest alter the conclu sions the committee have come to. ' Yellow Fever. The ship Wm. WUcox of Bath, from Havana for i New York, was spoken on the lGth; the captain died that morning of yellow fever. The first and second mates, with several men, had died previously and there were only four men fit to work with, and no one to navigate, The bark EvanaclicctfJ. of Yar mouth, and now here from Sagua - - I s com-comltte- e. - . : fever. lost throe men from yelo Beecher Preaching. Hottse, K.H. 23. Mr. Beecher preached here to Stages day to a large congregation. loaded with visitors came from all the hotels and towns In the vi from cinity. His text was taken the second of Timothy. - second chanter, nineteenth verse: "Nev ertbeleas the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, the Lord knoweth. them, that are , r His." f40,OO0'Fire. , J St. Louis, dl8tilIery of Chatham & Edwards, situated on the bank outside the northern limit of the city, was burned yesterday , , ;4i 23.--T- he loss about 10,000, insured $u,uuu. Bonds to bo Called In Receipts WASHiNjaTON, 23. It Is the pre sent purpose or secretary jsristow to call in thirty millions of the on Jthe first of next per cent, bonds ' month. The receipts from . the customs and internal revenue are more sat at this isfactory than; was expected season, though not so large as tney were during the corresponding sea a itself. A few bushels of wheat ga thered In this way is Detter than wearing out time and shoe-leathon the streets to no xvew old ought to comers as well as puipose. work en the principle that "half a J." loaf is better than ..no loaf." i : ' f f J I SHERIFF'SFFICE; ADVERTlSEMEirrS. HEV fPHB jBiUY DON'T bve . . ,-- ; Vntil . der W. N. Fife is released from tho Presidency of the Glasgow Confer-ehc-e: to return home with iae - X 1company. Elder David McKonzie Is " Iu kuH'tveuco of TZZA&5 iJtAABK -- . - ap-polnt- ed, to "succeed rEtdertFife In the Presidency of theGlasgOW Elder Peter Sinclair to labor in the Glasgow. Conference, and oo tbe Orkney Island under tbe direction of Klder McKenzle. ..Elder L John Nuttall brappolnt ed to labor in the Newcastle and Durham Confeience, under the dit rection of Elder A; McFarland. Elder John Henry 8mith is ap theEointed to.Jabpr in under. the direc tion of Elder R.V. Morrfs.--ai- ad ORGAN J BUY - iusls-,s',u;- : Con-ffren- r.. . sThcy havo uiied the new and 1 irg& ecpplx v.iik ja ew--t2- 3 j--. I J b--t? . ji- , ' - ladle. sad Chlldree'a , Cieu-.V- ; (''ggrgJi SBj ef il nialStar. Aug BOOTS 1'AND SHOES ? Kit h 1st Crest aad The Harm to the North The people at the North may im by agine that they are not sufferers tbe atrocious robberies which nave been , perpetrated upon the people of the reconstructed States by the human vultures who have represented the administration- there,re-ceivln- g theeupport and encourage ment of President urant; ; out ir they think so they are greatly mistaken, for one part of the United States can not be brought, to ruin by mlfcovernment .and excessive taxation without the. rest of the in many country fullering thereby' manufactuways. There are many ring cities and towns I n the "Northern States wlose future prosperity largely depends upon the restoration of the Southern trade which formerly gave employment to mechanics and factoiy but which has been . decreased or entirely fjreatly owing to'the, im- j L of ' condition the Soverlshed Millions of dollars in Southern States bonds are held by Northern capitalists, which yield no income because the funds of these States have been stolen to enrich corrupt politicians. And the failure of such States to meet the interest on their bonds held In Europe is proving ruinous to American credit abroad. The present scarcity of money throughout the country is owing, not to a lack of currency sufficient to meet legitimate demauds, but to tbe fact that the management of public affairs In Wasblngten and In most of the Southern States has been" corrupt and' inefficient, tbe great aim of those Intrusted .with the highest powers having apparently been to accumulate wealth for themselves, their relations and their personal friends, regardless of the Interest of the people at large. In order to afford illegal gains to comparatively a few persons, the whole country is taxed, and its best inexorbitantly terests are mercilessly, sacrificed. JV. Y.Suru .j iiA.ii,ni I i It S ti 1 1 s VERY Which, they dT m 'sausiaeuea. '.:. by Excelsior Msn'ft! Co., 8oU , ... os3i om eoo i op-erativ-es, s - aes-ariDe- a ; coit. ling One dark irongrey on ELI. as 13,000 MUSICIANS TESTIFY. I'. ':i 1 purcnaae an ur?an,.an4 nave not deckled on wuoh tai to Any get, can hate an Cstey at their bous on trial for one week, providing other Organ sell will fad one of theIra of the same price. Frionls and Judgea can then call in and Utah, era test them and examine the paper-macand sawdust ornaments. X. ii perspn-wianingt- ho Am RETAIL Delivered Good the City Free of' Chchrge. i L -- four or WORSB, I W. HICCINS, M.D., ( fivw ie At tbe Staanmetli Ullnai D The fact has i ror rood work, PLASTERERS will use do other b 3! ! 1! long been established that no other -- iui vnmiSBaBSBisaC ; ' . In this vicinity g. .ves snch entire satisfaction. ,: entiflc remedies. ' ted.-- ESTRAY KOTICE.: T HAVB in mv possession: ; ; Oao red Texican OX, nine or ten years old, branded on lert nip utt (corxiDineu . J The above animal, if not claimed in ten days, will bo sold to the highest responsible bidder, at my corral ia Nona, on the 1st aay or September, is,, at iu o clock a.mi JOHZi M. HAWS, District Mod. Juab County, Aug. Poundkecpor.t 22, 1674. ds&wle . ... w H AVK In my T, poss-ssio- n: psfEvery case.warran. - arse and . OFFICE--COMMERC- Put VP to suit purchasers. GEO. KEBF.KEB. Addrtm P.O. Box 1134, 4211 6w Salt Lake City. . - - P OSTAL 1 - I f . ' , . . WARQ SPRING BATHS. Private and Ftunge. iJPP AIRS ; : 5 . . XT- STREET, salt lake city. loi sale; MOCH HOUSE- ,- first house east 'HB X of tbe City Hall, two stories and base- " v . IAL dZlSiera -, Page, Jun., and Lavlnla Page.: - Deceased was bora March 12, 1873. ; Ktlnn Situate at If ot Spring Lake, . Jn Jarge or Small (aan title, containing 22 rooms. Gas in the If not claimed, they will be seid at pub-li- o ment, house, and a well of good water adjoining, the Americao fat tale, Pund, Bstrajr it wt rent alt er part, apply on the premises. ..... l -i Ia this city, August frd at 7 minutes to r - - An . WM. o GRANT. d201tf i , ., 1 ALICB, daughter of Joseph A. an) District Poundkeeper, American Fork, Aug. 22, 1S74. ds&wlo Mary J. Young, aged 6 months and 9 days. In the Firth Ward of this city, Ang. 22, ot dysentery, MARY ANN, daughter of John o- , i . : ! i 8 T "ED j SALT. yc-ar- s : Get the.. For laying your foundation, for roc, work, for laying bricks, an 1 for! every other purpose, use no other. It makes SO per cent more and better cementing mortar than other offered to the public. Being in close we- iare nnmm to the railroad, AM ?ZOW PEE PA RED TO FILL AIX any :. i to deliver it at any railroad 3epot from Ogden tovicinity j - , Provo. orders for . A great discount allowed to rurnacomen using it in quantities for fluxing purposes. FlneT SA LT, Co i P. O. Boot 1202,1- I A grey MAKE, five or six branded I en left ribs', Lehl Wara old. brand, some oinor oranas on irri snouiaer. A light rnan HEIFElt, two years old branded J S on left bin. crrrn off left: cm t A browt yearling UOKSB OULT,trandSd i I on right hip. l - ' " I ., OFFICB, SE?iND DCOU NORTH OF L i d21ft- WALKEB IIOSSE. I - I " ESTRAY NOTICE. k ' 6 Ij g inign rlo-h- t - r .;.( saajsaaaaaa nUeroaeople and Analytic PJtyalelam. .bJiri. makes a sneciaitr jitoi j One roan yearling HORE COLT, star iii "' thiarh. cenu Oeafneas. Sara Kvi-- a and Tanaforehead, branded F on If said animais are not cla wed before Worms, all kinds of Worms. - All cases war September the 2nd, 1874, thty will be sold ranted Dr. m makes a specialty ot at pudiio auction to tne aignest CHRONIC JASES, Dwaer? sale at u) o ciock a.m. - J And by a Microscopical examination of tho SAMUEL BATEMAN. '' . District Foundkeecer. bio d and urine be wtH tell you at once the ds&wlo nature cx your disease, and then, if you West Jerdaot Gardner's Mill. wteb, he wil Ifdeal ortt to you the proper scl- year oiu, Dranaeu General Areata. Salt JLake'CIt MA' T HATB in ammau: my possession the following A One torrel MAKB. three years old, star on forehead, light maue, has a bay year nor--e - ' . as any House in - ESTBAT NOTICE. "! -- These are tbe be--4 terms ever offarel, and whoever aewpts will have the best Organ maoe m tae worn, j wmou ; : . 28 13WN AND Rl.Sd FSi MOSTH, ionhis iEsas rttui Higher priced Organs at the same ratio. are DETERMINED j TO P ' QQ asj ORGftUSOIl 12 mOHTHLY IIISTALLIEUTS. wnx skltjMont O'fJANS FO -l b , ranu urB IF for Twelve giirr trbgb - J COMPLETE, WHOLESALE '!: 6T. LOCIS, Ma Thes celebrated Stores are kept by Z. v. H. I. aod it israncn tore. awo oy all the Btorci in the Territory. nu-fnero- us ! I'M -- fThy i dfcm ' Va- - i Ka v Ctoelee ESTEY rletlea. Making tSeirj Stock of General Mercban- , - . i I Clean, Qaick and Eay, cheap: a t T TlMr re , . bay etepeSe m Mse, re They hMkfce onlefcly, evemly ud tfs Tlielr Tty perleet.draft. opr4l-lway--- la Z) TIm-- have j Mtcrim iMytrtmMBOT toe ' j TStr re" p'riroij, ; bn little feel, require ver are lew prleetf, 1 Hey re easily HI They 'I liar are vult----d llleealtCte', EO ai;very stove roarameed io gjtve : . I why they la-Cee- di ' t . f j CELBBRaTkD BATHS ABE J. pen to tbe public at all seasons. Their niecf. Inal pn perties are so widely known that it is ne diess to enumerate them. tno Private Baths, tbe large and ucf -, handsomely rurnlfbea for ladies and Gent.emen, are nowBathopen. I sttJtBNCXD. d3Mly rfW-S- j B s w-- rlvnt ; HAND SECOND . ? Nb-pap- :'- : ! ir: s ; Trl-woek- ly. - mi-wek- Dr. PLANT, ; Patent. Paper Cutter Ruggles DJSBO r .. ' . Bemi-month- i I ;i He ti'fio Cure is tlic B'est Physician. Mi' ly, M. : To PLANT'S! HERBAL Inolios, OO CMxt - '' t 4 - here on the 23th of July, after the Jubilee of the 24th, yet in time for the repitltion on the 27th,and I am rrana to admit l was very much edified and gratified to see and hear the musical talent displayed by the vast concourse of: voune ladies. misses, and boys. I Lave attended many such gatherings or concerts in the eastern cities at and betweetr JNCW York, Boston, and : Chicago Young misses in white and ribbons have a great charm for meV'and their teachers are entitled to great credit for tbe. vast. labor pielb pro- PLACE ons-avw- S OV?-- o. e v ( leur order, Reglatered : I'ji .6, v. aad lleaiey; f i '. Letters may be registered Sxoistratiok: on or a or iiledicine Stores, In Good Condition, $ t G tee eignt cents, but payment the government takes no i responsibilitr 1 . for safe carriage or compensation; lb Disease All and 1 speedily effectually caseoi loss. enrMt wltti Herb, Koota. Cblpa, Mokkt OaoER9-A- ll offices post clear., ... now- receive email principal sums ox money and f Bartta. Leavea. PswderaGanav Balsa nm, Tlnetsirea, Issue drafts for the same upon other cloudy ajr " K- - 1. PIA NT, i air... subject to the following ah el be Idear daUg at the abore svddrt-s- s. cloudy i On orders hot exeeeding 10,.. . . ft cents. un ortiers not ejcoeeding fax, .10 i air.. . l ver 20 and not exceeding C30, 15 .' In cases of Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Declines, .. . Over 30 and net exceeding 40, 20 clear,. - 1 S . : Al UIE "DESEJIET NEWS" OFF1GE. LY 1 v- . i .a v if - . nr s, post-office- eo-Ml- --'- "- ' V !? 5-- .' nt. J .,r -- I 'T, ; j o( f- - t A v -- -- vuiisuuiutiuatDronciunsiinaiieKtMi, l lver Complaints, Nervnug AJlHctions, Dis ! oracrea otomacn, eick- Headache, Piles, ... ruViuMri Bcnrvv. Ulcers.tart Breasts, Lumbago, Diarrhoea, Boils, Erup- a. 1a..s nmma BuiLoren irnm I 1. fnuiB, mors. Scrofula, Absoeeses, Klmrs Kril Swellings, Thick Necks, Diseased ana ixuitractra joints, caoceroua Womb, &o., should apply to this establishment. mere i not a case, let it be ever so bad, but what relief can be: rendered, and In most cases a cure performed. - f .r mm 1 11 i -l.- -- one-quart- o; -- V. 3 . st t larket Bow, SALT LAKE CITY. Jfo, - - i ! y l , i X A Swindle. YoitK, 1." A .correspon - e ?a'.t Lako City i 9.61:7(11 dent of the London Timet writes 15 51 nwi fiwyeune.... that he and others purchased tick 83 e laTenport, I.. SiXOTi 68 Denver, Ol.,; M. 17 ets of. agents of the Australasian Port Beiili u,. and American Steamship Co., in .. Omaha.' 73 Portlands 88,8 w Australia, which were to take them 60 s w rTke's r"eaA,.. 8U9U through to Liverpool; on their arSao Diego, .i. The citizens of Jersey city have rival at llaa .Francisco, on the 87 sw 8an Franci oo. 29.91 Santa Fe, N M Over $40 and not exceeding $50, 25 Tartar, July 10th, they ha4 an indiguation , meeting over steamer - A-Virginia f tyi, found that they had to ray the rent ficiency requh-esMowkT OBDUu'on Great IlTXERHAnOWAIj the Gleuaenning-Pomero- y .. case, of their way overland to Kew York, I came here for, my Imltn, bein.; Britain, Germany and Switzerland, te 2:15 M. P. iiivited Mr. Q. to . leave the and thence t. to Liverpool. On ap uoubiea wiut astnm j im tnuuunira oy tne rosimastee at Chicago, New York, may be. obtained upon. tbe 1a this, the county plying to the agents at, all. these none of which have Jil had - since I city Falling 87 .... 20 8 e, fair. 8altfcTCIlyS.81 payment ox une lauuwutg xees, vis." 'v, is desired to croaeed 22. Missouri. the were Julv aad I unable to obtain . places, they vueyenne, prosecute him. Glen the return have X : obkax BBrxazir: conof the money or redress Davenport, I., roughed lt,?they say, ae Xdeunlng wants the Presbytery to Denver, CoL,. Oq orders net exceeding $10,. i i. iorm. siaeraoje hills, aDoutjfjhe? mines, Kort Bentoa,.. inaoy wer nu ana noi exceedinsr isi tm m : mountains arirt valleys,' have Omnha. Investigate him.; i;. Over f30 and not exceeding $30, T5 iufcim South American News. t . 30.0370 done con8?siftrbie 68 sj 3 Over $J0 and net exoeedlag Portland, Ore. heavy sit Pike's $40, $1.00 cioudy - The- - steamer- ... ... ,?,- Over $40 and not exceeding $i0, from ting around- have many, pleas Ban Peak, 28 86 74 67SW10-..- ., , 15 .eapttfco, Diego,.... on the 15th,' has arrived. ant, acquftiitancesiiere and in an Francisco, r.n: Aspinwall 29 88 66 63 s W 10 . clear. ae er Foreign Postars. a Our Country Contemporaries. Commercial affairs in ""Panama the coujjjryi and am,. especially rantare, . The standard single rate to Great Bri continued in a very depressed con- - under Jwnr obligations to 8unts. Virginia, City,. .....J --...l... .t...l..l.... i tain is hair an ounce to France i. ' Prove Time, Ang. 22 uuion, trade was dull and money Little sad (Sharp for courtesies ex- and tbe Continent (byavoirdupois; French malls) it to 1 Obterver." .Tf.B. WnsxEit, the little scarce, utvm muucu same a Liu produce or ion.ii being grammes ounce uie avoirdu- . Jl Very few If any of the apples snipped ior exchange on xsew l ork of.tfeir subordinates with whom I pws... xoe asienss: v inojoatea that pre- grown In Provo this season have at eight premium, on England six. have come in contAct. r LttUrt not Jfv- II IX IX escaped that destructive ' pest, tbe The bank of Ecuador has resum STOCKS. 1 ..i . exceeding pajiert , at 'half-paworm, so far as we have ed specie payments. apple ' . half ox. four o'clock. 1 met taeh. heard. Most of - the apples can be ' There bad been six MORNING BOARD. ' -. on England the train comlncr In. th Bootiana i, days celebj irenuw, ' saved --by drying,. but very few of won oi tne . aud a walos, or terut bereaved 1 father of thakm-ntp- H San Erancisco Auff.:23.: ... Gorman States and tree eit-- to? them rill do to pu t , by for, winter liinuL ' Theinuepenoence ConrreAs iiad Peruvian and E. Robinson v Eugene of r, ;3s mcUHUng i use. Austria, ' to all political AmericanCallay, J ore, one of the eight . 770 Oplilr, . 0; SO, b 10; 19Jj 0, ; i Dayaria, Baden, Bremen, iv ," granted an V are Informed thai the U. 8. oflenders." amnesty Brunswick, Frankfort, ja6.'i urst conductors on the nrst ''i Hamburg, Hanover. LbV v Marshal has attached the mines The Chilian and Perurj-- S debt, ger railroad, the Liverpoolpassen 10J,b!S0; 18 i 'AMQ&Ciny, I and boc,. Luxemburg, Meek- - ' -,- , and, other property jtidc xsi zh: zy; i j .belonging to the wiiu toe u in 1830. The diploma iisu lenburgidenburgfPrus-- -'. ' etates Manchester, 165 Mammoth Copperopnlis Mining cwuuwieu Coin 1806, was cancelled nirvu 69; 58f &St month. in his watch from the directors sia, a, ' ' Savage, ' 325 Cbollar, 55; 65, b 10 Melnlngen. News from the Peruvian legation shows his appreciation. uompany. untie Mining .district, This calls Weimar, aod fiaxony i uie suit oi veijs, iargo ds Vo. at Pekln ia favorabfct fto thm ih.m. me par.R to the strap railroad with 70H&N, 44; 431; 43 .3 JRorth Wurtembarg, TTnlnn by 305 Point, 78. b 80; 78t 77J Oem&n M m to come off bant Introduction f Chinese labor coach $ bodies The sale la advertised Seta. on the trucks, put closed By mail, via Bngiand,' 7 ots. 4 eta. Jackets 80; 79J; 79 v X but we understand that the into Peru. .i Mohawk . be 270 Hudson1 and R. II. onosa mau, vta 1 fUVt Tmnarlal Australia, O O K on. OT ale. has been postponed, as tome Heavy ralatfai In Chill In July, tween Schenectady and Albany,N. ilvo iiimp, y;. et; j f ...no cts.' 44cts. Belgium, eta. amicable arrangement nas been ar- - doing gieatdnage to railroads and uiiuk tne second railroad in 72d .Kentucky 16 ' r Central America ' (Pacifla - tired at by the parties Interested. telegraphs-'Tb- e town ef Ovalla the world. They ran over two in Coast)........ ... . ........ 10 rta.. jcuv 150 Q H Qtz, S , ; , From all parts of the Territory was inundated; China, amerlcan Packet.! clined planes with stationary power 855 tots. Belcber, 69; 69; 65; 70; b SO; A Brazilian ironclad bombarded uu eacu summit, ana our canal line tSan Fzaaoisor..MM.M'10cts. . .we hear of the doings of the , loots, 't- - ?9;m691; 69; 69J; b 6; 69J; Cuba, to create"ring" ud their attempts a dis- -, tbe town ot Alvear, in the province from Bufialo to North Geraaan - . i iota. shipSchenectady lanmark,ia of Corrientes, on account of the al- ped all the rolling-stoc- k ....... TJnioa... Ccts. tarbanoe, In order to make over it, 105 Alfa, 13 closed . mail via .vcts.'' , Denmark, out of it at Washington. capital of IU officers, transferring at Albany on barges Since leged ' 1a Enrland. 8 640 14 ConHd, 14; b 5; mm outBan t iwics, onusB nail vta jaw cinuuu which the authorities would nei- ror new Yors. mere have been 425 Con Va, 14: ... Iflrti:v 83j; 83; 8 5 Uiey are more embittered than ever ther explain nor punish; it was vast Improvements since. W lranciaco.... 1065 44. direct lOnta. Dacket.... France, 8Ner4;y n .4j; . in conclusion .1 will say I . And Improve every opportunity ,6f feared tbe affair would lead to war i'l hope between vj Brazil i ... www ii.xcneq, and ft tbe Argentine to return soon to live among you. 10 ku Union direct,.. .c 14 eta. Beta Jkt ; jLj j'.8egBel,93 5 if Greoee, closed mall, trto gagam goine home to see mv wife 75 Knicker ... . . Conflderablapeople, prospectl ng li still Republic ........ .... fij; ioQi,t.(MM. vu iu uw luuuuuini anu Aotion in Regard to Railroads-- and children, and If they say yes, Rflnr kmr. AmnrWin mkV. lacta,T?!!-i X0 eta. 40 Succor. 1 we know and wliL come, I JUCtS. tcta. QOthey 2400 (ImrmMi. ftS inuicwo,... In consequence of the recent ac Mr. and Mrs. Townsend know WW. W. 8 10; 39: 40; . .. ' U ly direct closed mail, bat little ore has b?eti taken tion what " very of tbe Trunk Railroad Ensrland.. lines to think of. their house. It's : home b 6; rirtti- !'' L4cta - , out as yet. From all .wp can un- -. the west in abolishing commission Italy t via North German "i " derstaud the prospeeU i to me when .... here, Union lOctsV are I direct...... cU 145 JusUce, 10; 10 good, ticket offices of the Association American packet ii Japan, ,i, but capital Is required' to develop the Respectfully, ' r 50 feaa lOi.fa.1 and Ji'mnniann........ ticket Railway Buckeye, (no tales) steamship tcta, IlENttY Nottingham , the mines.: s. ; r,-F . , 10 eta, ' ' tcta. ;. J " agents here, comprising the offices Mexico,. . 800 Julia, 2J vta Mew .eaianfl, ' soathamp 270 or 7 Balto Con lour teen leading note Js,at a final 11 eu. . Iota. ' too... Spamsh Foa Aug 20, 1374. - f 300 Globe, 1 meeting on Saturday evenin sr. re Horway,vfo North German ' 'Editor JYovo Timev i Terkers ; Union direct............. lOcts.? tcta. $30 Caledonia. 2Qlt1 SO solved to work for the New York j A fatal ardent 'Occurred here Central, Lake ETorway, closed mall, via i i' 5 100 Bacon, 41 Mlchi-- 1 KE.fin and T Shore,T eta SIT ,. y tngtana, abpttt W a.ra. As LoOer gan Southern and the Chicago and 30 ... 5 via V ' Utah, J, eta Portugal, id,.....2$cu. it 3; 22, 1874J Joasonr ;was unhltchlnz his .team Rock Island roads to the . via North Uerman 300 Cala, 384; 38 unssia, west, and Editor Dtscrct August tk. ii !,. ; Colon u u i. w direcW... 10cts. tcta. auua anu swrtea jj 155 for ejt " b &) Bllver Dill, 7Jt 7J the North road to th wtw thrown down, and one north-wesv ' Knssla, closed m&U via Eng- ' As a t; 60a 150 are out Andes. great resolutions persons many cis. ...........llcts.: iand... ' r.11 otJ the himSon Passedover ;.i and mmonsr them 1S70 EcllMe. 71: T. b!tfl- - r3. i' , -- u 8an4wicta Islands, by null to the orucersexpressing employment, of other of so that he died rriendiiness 8an from FrsnobocHm... Cota.. tcta. lines were adopted. Strong appeals men with large families, with no Jkx abot four hours afterwards. . Sout b Ameriuan BtAtea, At- -. a supply of 350 Reck I, SJ; 31; si t " u lantui 1. Aeceasea was a niti Uoast.v(a cta nr r..i..j were also made In the resolutions prospects offorgetting bugiand, fS eta. ' Braulalone,from New a Ion?, drearv win i 60 Dardanellea, 12 , York 15 eta.. let provisions and had lately, returned from a for one year's support, and steps ter Urand near at hand, when work of all ISO New York, 3; 8 Argeutine Uepublie taken to secure unity of action . . , w uwt whuwt. lie a were .-, ugUMj, vta. Atrencaa 18 kinds is scarce, a In 200 hint eastern 8 perhaps with cities. New Tork.- -. Occidental, eta.;j '- 4 eta J naketTrora 4y gowi uuzen and a faithful saint. season J Pact e Coast, Hero,Ecuador, - . he would . of ; 105 benefit to li them. W, v and was beloved by all who kmew lAdy Tho Clendennlnoc Case-- i Bolivia aod Chslw.-.-..- ... Xiehut 4nta. Lmriuf- - 4 tno rsns ..vpatber we are 2540 ,AVoodvilie, C; T; C, b SO; 6; . :i txlau ilia, sadden death casts a via New Orleans....... 1j els. lets 5; A Spain, i rel most could! tret V of the public sBO "they having whnt meeting 6J; 6, i, mail, gloom over the whole settlement. tote. open Spain, spec table citizens of Jersey City enough for their winter bread by S00 C I 1 Sweden, via North German It, Respectfully yours, 1 was Union direct,.. ...10 eta. lets held last evening to going into the fields and Heights 1000 Leo, H C Monk. Sweden, closed mailria Eng express Indignation at the conduct until something better gleaning presents poo KOSSUln, 87 JO Iletav tcta. land................. j i TO The Hiorc tadjolnlilp present eoinmodlon Funeral services at p.m. ; . Friends of the family incited. Batea ef AesnesUe jPosttacre. , AtPayson, An. 1, FATHER GBIBDL, LirrmB: The standard single rat oa. avoirdupois. weight i aged 8 years and 1 day. Sinele rtile letter thmnchntitthn Doceased was an old veteran In tho tat3cebts. cnlti -, . Church. Ho died in full ftltfa in the Gospel. i Forehaddiuonai;ioa.orrrae' tiOUt-.................. ,.,8 i: Ia Pine Valley, July ?7, of general Drip Letters, i ogle rate,... . ..1 son last year. of Israel D. debility, BURNETTA C, wife i " I'" '. The standard single ' Allpbin. , i to 4 ox avolreuDois. ' rate Liehtning. Stnckny 2S. In, Sister Allphln was born ia Scott Co., a Meek) 85c per quar (seven time. r 14aly (six The Haiekcye diana, BrnLiNOTOX, time--, a week).. 90c. Nov. 27, 1818; she embraced tbe gosan old named luan special says that In 18U; lived, as she died, a faithful ............15c 10c. David Falkner, during a thunder pel LT latter-da- y a and leaves Saint; largo family 6c Weekly, storm yesterday, wa9 struck by 3c Monthly,. many f rleiids. his while front crossing lightning, These rates must be prepaid quarterly or Qulncy papers, please copy. door yard in Fairfield; A v. f f sl oiuce wnore tne newspaper yearly at toe M. 'E.i h received. ' W E A T H EJT R E P O l? T . 1 cent. prepp.!t. Sngle newspapers, The PiRiODiCAi? standard single ... l .:.;-t rate is 4 nc. avoirdupois. War Department, Signal Service of Unl ....6c. quar. per The Jnbll Travelllna- for nAl(h ted 8tates Army. Division of &1egraras aad mifii.iiiv. ..... ........... ..w. . .i. ...... lo. Quarterly,.. me com benefit roe and of reports for the agriculture. Meteoroloij -teal record, Man 8aroples of merchandise not over 12 ox., to. Towxsexd House, for each i or.. Miscellaneous printed day, August Z4th, 187.' matter, to. ror eaco ca.or zractiDD August 24th, 1S71.. 6:15 M. thereof. t , j i Editor Dcaeret Ifctvai The maximum weight ot any poeteagt of printed or miscellaneous matter is 4 iba. May I tresspass upon you for a roirdupou. ... small space in your paper. I came 5-2- v.. J inauceinents V ? 0 CUTLER TAYLCH T 'EtAMIXED ' Sep-texnb- er t yew CM EEEVLL '. fJwn?a .. immense to of PHrsivr S. W. fATM " HOCTSBr do so can leave pjpers wishing toHall wW Captala hurt. the Ccx Office at the COCK er J, r - r, . bsbssWbsbsbsWbWbsWbsbb HOURS OF WSSOLTJITIOII 3 AIX CASES OFWOKXS BPEEDI1T D EFFECTTJAIXT i'VBED IX AH IXOCn OS TWO! er 1 FROM fl TO 57" Letter ('led to. - rom the Cmaitry vrompttuat dl&4 tf -- . tf. L .. .... r . - . . i " 8axe-AItenbu- rg, - C bunr-Goth- - - to-da- y. 1 I iiii I ; I Itv ' TEHHTTOHT OP UTAH,' i i JSK WTKTTOWX WAOOW3 WBTTD BTTT LTTTLH 8ATD 11C THETR being made attest.their merit, and theV a t for Oaa ordered, and public notice is hereby 8IZE3KEPT IN LABGK SX0CK. laersagair that bn MoNrAY. th Uf h Aai 10 o'clock in the fore of September, ox tbe Third Dis noon, at toe uou aVMsaaVsswa1 trict Court in Bait Lake City, there shall be or twenty names in open conn, tne drawn,men Co: to serve as Grand Jurors, aod three f tnJsr',li4 a the natoea of eighteen men . to aerre aa .fvi,j Petit. Jurors, at tbe neat October Xnn of Ab-uiawurb if; .. .. J.v ' ? 1874. Dated July Z4, ' t JAB. B. McKRAN, Chief Justice, etc, and ' daw "Judge of Third .District Court-- sakirow Ar.Zext71:"' nnvln ITmi, xnira uisuMt uouru Fls ."fy.r l74t tlZvZt Ta71f Ml 1. tools.' - it-ro- om Ea . .... . "Xr4i4f - . fe -- w , ent BRIDGE, BEiCH ; f ! I , ...T CELBBSAXBO' - - f - , ' - intu . , i ffWtallr mdmptmd for. TCTAII .- For Dale by SS. 2. ZsT7ia. C. Scott Tjrruon ' DnnbamundSt Co f ; i ii daoem - - ji - - n j : . .' t- - tofmxnrter tmS Dealers- - - . , rjatclicb, Biamonds. '' Jewelry ij ctilxts, :j Kalien tune;.' ,.', l...KE7 YORK. ; . , AS Salt, t Zicatre. East jEJrarich, JJAIW TSTAOOir - a-nt- rake at PHOTO, 2 teej,J. iVLliariDS, SS.1 "lad Eidcslrcratc i j tf'. ; uv.vii; u - 5.- : Tr of OdutU TADLE KNIVES AKD FORKS OF r - . - f . to-da- -- fiJSl. tli s Tl-tter. . 2..;Mrl; , CpAL. j. ,y BT SotttfaeUfm twarantu'd in everv caw daosssi ' or manes reruneco. I - -- FIwtr,7nson; Icpot 1 I'SCOTIA." STOVE. COOK . . constantly: nrsr Bu.itt;ijrjiD.v &-CO- WsillenBaleri . v'. Chaoxda-Foad- a, dltsem 'j bl i ! i iLaval. Janl . fit. later, i I ! A TTHTS Wandle tieeer ets bla3e. They are CCXDD. v loose. fcoW Is no aTect4 bv y by all dealers In Cutlery. Rw Article, TATOT lTHT,-tlie'm-a Tt Ii tVe mM I..''.."- dorable wldla - - " swMi oatae "r. lwla Imawai. 'TtVCcHdsn Cutlery Cv, 49 Charnhsr CL, KZ!7 t"7" Otr Goods are kent bv Z. C au I. and all its branch stores, M fctores of tiie Territory. t Operative aoby thsOe- - J I- - J |