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Show 't u- -,'-whlla the cords asdjtortuotis reins. folia w.1a vcxe4Jdf are plainly, xnapped opou. the sur-- leleoted efaears af the Fanalngtes i with ..tUa aiiibaequant proeoed-i VTBAJe face The pulse that bounded with branch-d .'If byBwctertk,r attorneys-aamhep ITHittd Order, on ings oder the the the fordL'VseL cf 'he Gov mletlon,, csaylog' igp, to liTa. car dis A.tor-ne- y Vatl at iLihddl Proton' 1 ernor's ofJ34 1 by wbch mtjo, and imparting ktLla solved by mutual rescat.i'-i,''K'u- -' 7 General then Yays' that when Scotch Store, north of the Bishop John WnessPreside5t Alt aeooutita ot the late firm will be setPresident is called upon by the Post Office, and . the tled by J. H. Hum, wVi will oootiooe the Thos. 'f Stfiiia.Iit PPtCB Qy.CCLDJ buiilnsss at No. fa FaaUZeaapla SUaoe deoc yoxvt Lin buy Executive of a State to protect it Utah. Pionrr . T north ot Elephant Stare, to whom all debts Groceries etc. i domestic Provisions, it against violence, &rJ?z. duethelakeAras r,5 peak bo paid. t,a to be his dwty tovgivjtlre ret MesidetZTbtfr Ia.rgeJB.nd &sff Must we lose herwhUe' yet . in her iiAUUM jair3 Uwe person H. HAGUR, &irelald,'lat-ae- n J. iOi"Jrr! t!,1 teens? Companions ana mends J .vis in: stock Grocer 'Je- .vl 3 OBOItOB HAOUB.1' of tUttyselected 5 i SrJC'f to cheer words ef be governor,make claiming gather mxouna with ese, ft number, of Plrectprs were each ies and Provision st they lceep such ft call, the President must and consolation, and depart with elected. whose flakier' Pursuant to the abore notice. 1 wfll eoe- icc'Morl lot. tlnue unare we which .is tithe the .constituOaf,the wrm business In all Its braDcbes at On An Arm Jixciit Ut, 1474, ? moistened eyes ana suenx. seeps, able to fi&est J&inburah irl.j.Vtiml.fif' No! her? ro lose la tional Governoiandwe there this in taaooveaoweM,.Hau.t , 'Maeva. ''case, Mjist ICS J ,?U". the constitution of Arkansas ' Is despecial rj:iuiC3 r: on -We can stay this destroyer of ller i "Finnan -Haddies, - "Miss of the Vbtoestlon," and that noLViLLB. a ; JNrfl our nappineaa ana not sucer. Luenfgnt a lady cisive A Crusader Mctrmalade. GeniiinA 'Aso::uf v Dundee s General the constltutioif o.Socnemakes loss. cai 'rhir::Di ti:e of :o gem. bright Ao. 1. fAaM op Tvsn; i HUiicrusader MrW. is V j J,7 jpte tluag-morepf the fonTneasjone Qwjnxe,1Jid State ef the required-nothan sembly ease of Ciarrbea, Dyseiiten. Chatera Fasr. Tar. "Duk of ,IUchraoad Ion laykf dletarr? and gtjfto. raWr. TN Worbtm t "F1' to settle 'election mattery, '. !.. and Cbolera, hi Ka-elrehyelenlc ; ":ebsenr' vlsitedU IAme Oordial and JuicCf Wf a thirty year' remedy ia converts and diuaW a Plasis. into Peaae the and legislature and nature for aid calls fot Street commenced nee, and praying AjJaxl:plenAld the The aoknrmledVrd MiartssJppl free Valey. Judicial and Champagne, its she entirely shall Take this body, it. hare I Salt Lake- 1B64. . Sold by druxgleUi specino in IMS and pperations. A Being nnai- - anor ( corxcJU6tve, ludgmentis "King! TLtvmi; or, jCourt. fuad pleasant medicine It is invlgotat-Ing- , psalm-Ingin' s ak ill 11 Stage at tho Theatre . i r ", everywhere. unsupported sho was emrstfedlej JqdmrnttOLtbe J&ipreme Court bf frpalcooljesceUfonUsl Eead tbe following testimonial fro mi, 'the '"benIt allays ".the irritable cough; aUscormdic highlyfr i Ut ladlaj-Father tbe xreat an JDeSsaet, !i.r on v the State matter within its (.. . i K f Improves the appetite and " diges-tlo- glye"waycr Jhe Vrjtng element Jurisdiction. Si The Attorney Gene-- j eficial in Rh'sumatism, and which she w,assurrouBecL' She and eends . , . Lotna tingle healthy by .fs, t as . June S, 17S. t t r.. case of Berry, candi- strongly I recommended . 'I. i ral cites i ' The bloodls was the frame. the through from ' Farmlnr- ribald Jests j with., " l. C. greeted Jt e.jo Jftftrs. .. . date for J. on auditor Haguire: State the cooling drnl'$t for heat in too-Crccxieron's Citt Fish Mar- enriched, nervous fbrre increased, some abandoned r characters until Brooks In tbe ess ef ytn valu'LomrexefrleDoe ' . r Whcele4 new ticker,, a with and bounds agalasti tb heart AU .goods able Exthact- fir Hunts Pias lustiBea i.r. aAyTfiUe. j T(r M ' 482 " See her face brighten by she had no a.lternatiye, butta.re-- his, competitor, who was declared btiod'MhflWcirit. me ki aayius- tbst I impulse, ft to be aa no at Ui and wartheir year spore thlf e pf elected Art-Irl by the State legislature, as purchasedjd color is returning, her treat in disgust. ; at ,ea9a for say ftra of bowel afi the degrees! remedy -s fections for which you reeotntnead It. On i Osrdea. an, exactly similar case to that of ranted and delivered. Bed tf thing u more conduclTe to good voice is; getting clearer, and pleas every oceasioe when I hare riven ft, I ass Biooks against Eaxter. .4. t "ji health than a liberal !ndulenoep, ant words are sposen. Tne suengui Berry 1i bottle. a happy to Inform you t hat it has been Buster; try Pcuutr. PoseV. falters yet,, but. is gaining. . , Let "West'JordAit" TheWlnamiiCa! brought a suit in the Pulaski cirt Bug In afforrtin rel?f. , AW tUJuue IS Vvir .i It tribe. lha flnoy a i v.iakA4 t court recover the 'office i t us- - take .her out in the f warm SmelUngl popanf ' Vary truly, your friend. cult, Trains a. j. i. .... Wheeler Jf.DaSiiex, ' .i ; to4the l AM 8 sunshine." a short time applied jr. Supreme In 0fw tee CRMjnutsjaandlfav ores, preparatory Court for ft --i. --r- A. roasting KU Froca atrkn Oxden. j j foH wrirof.brohlbitioni our Re. rSebnp he able to go without it furnaces biddliig; the '.circuit .court to oranges, pies, cakes, and everything she awill I fully endorse laiae iWraetfs 0- Tnia ueugnc-fu- l torwtUmr tbeir smeltiag i" ''t i cheerful ,pro4 ginaid, RTA"' ! il.l 1.00 else for accommodation of clo the 131" 710" vrfLW ceed; on the ground of;want of Jur4 mediciM must be A Fon. Mi'han Tork. New Areata. at '''made Fsnnina"-Um- x 43ardena.J We" m civtt Jsdictlori.w, loved to nic parties It is restoring health our f Preparatlonk:fafe hefng tA&imj' Hold also by J. V HENftT CCKRAH St 7 SI" till. 1.S 52" one. . Qhe i emerging from her the SheittarrHilY femeiUng Works granted thft writrandthe ACtorney ' i .ssi dlSlwUSm CO., I Collere Place. x"!.'i i r i,' 'ColBKxrxT,r2Hlt Florenee siCKne&s sweeter ana nomer man for thQbu)ldiDg of a new'reverbera-- perjeralsays that mder "these ch Cenirertlle 19 04" 1.00 7 44" cumstances theifcrecent decision" ef Tllle at the Theatre before, land Dr.' Pierce's Golden t Woods y the Pulaski fcircult court is hot only i4 f . the tory fumaco. must have Medical .ilM J nt .n'.0laJc. Uit4, rt Cr "TW" ,10 U A clxkbiwo rope and ft standing credit, fitDiscovery t Carson A Busao have just had the surprising, but presents a most has raised her. ln-- j Arrive at Ti! jwaauiiKXevfpaaati smiyfros 8. K. I Eglar, ; druggist,, of "West founaatlon vlaid for"a new'furnace reprehensible! case prize for any .person, that can climb S.40 Sett Lake. MM" j ; Are aow orders fresa and the that ,t judg-subordination, are other; Jurnaces mm Cbooaand to- on Million are soUotte.. tkj ment rendered in favor of Brooks pat Temple St. JSaU Lake, City, Golden i Medical Discovery has stack. . AH, ' Brick and Tile of any shape xaada to order,-- , int icU ve operalion and bullion is Is absolutely void. "'In' regard 1 to Os iiib 18th of Way ac- experi- ejected: a wonderful cure of Con? xurnisbtna- mookia Address, . patrons ; i ' Brooks claim of reeelvlnga maJor4 load ' open'ear asms Oail, Bnpt., ' ' nut his in turned the JwlJl flehool mental being neighborhood. sumption by HxWILL BC la, ,the t AUSSm o DAILY, Sundays FOR THE TEANS ACTION Ot jDowtuSu,XavtiCo. u votes nd riPKN of has President the ity js'! r.ncto Social Hal! BalldlngVfer' the pur"-w business trom 3 matinee at, the Theatre dailya ' to Granp claim and if.be that way f verify . $J',: Learla Salt lake City a L.n. and pose of training young" ladies for nau, ne has no right to go behind :lon 9 a.ss.to4 j rrqw. PnrtlnTnlgm: nma boys got to- the Dally, ' ' ' and Ocdae at i aadS.S0p.aa. teachers In the Prlmaiy, Interme-diat- e. de-V Botmtiful l of action j the in & ...... legislature on First South- Street about . "f , ble Wholesale an- - Retail And, la addition, ea as its t that want a pure white, strong gether vote, Grammar Bchool grades. 'IT For all tafortaatioa ococorulna' claring and body If you : dark last higbt, and hy going arm Was a regularly organized and comor pessac apply o .1!' i. Market. ;if. Iwi Ii. A class of from thirty to forty pri- and glossy Starch, ask your grocers -conTTTR on , the tribtmal. INFORM TTTB WISH TO The inarm sidewalk, CrTrXBtr forcing petent opinion Halt Lake City and MmlerCiampa u Gen. Freki and Ticks Axeet. i mary popils can be aceommCKlated .ef bare Iii wa aa folio ws: It would be diFrOttStotn.m. eyery person to get out of their way, eludes that opened la the City Market-bou. week for next Are see the the1 to and poesi-sastrous S i that and allow it, jW get you proceedings by te supply all kinds of Vetretehlee la ff.).l?t J0HU SHJL&P, - bly ten. Those desirous of joining gave .great annoyance, especially Which Brooks obtained "61 aeasoo. urs adrtioisa aaTbasaas tVatea tbrtr poMwesAen Ospaalta win W receive! OSS Statyih tfalim OtoM A- - CL V. M to some OKX. HtrrXMHTaTTDECT. In who their SuiiealntaataeaA Brlsvs. I youngvladjes his 6f ...... to mm office a be drawn into DOLLAR . U-- y ...... the Class of Teachers can ascertain ,i ... .. nwi ?wrfS; dUSi Lake City. hoodlums these reeedent. far ; Kalamazoo, Mich. There not behavior a state in ungaJlant terms by calllog at 5 p.m., Friday V . ; he i Union which in ism TEJT tne at rete 4, Interest A not even ef did middle Apm they aged would sot dl47 St at the building.. evening, I have been in, the waahinar and woman notspare. - . produce air conflict, ' CEJfT ssr, aasaiaMB aOIewesl v ,. very being spry,;h for and business fifteen bloodshed i years, stead' of they can-h- is eai tke4 laTdajr ef Jaeeary probably .;,,. nOJ,7Ci!Dn5S. UTAH SOUTKEEN RAILEOAD ' Good fitablo accommodation" for starching over the 'water Jumping best and be used the or hare Justified ana always upheld upon any Jmly. '.sat ,1..-- team, Wodaej'a Gardens. -.' starch I could gat; but after using ditch to escape the polite attentions ground, and in my opinion Baxter GOODS one box DM be of should Satin as "s the lawful of your recognized vpuig- feltows, kept tas executive of jtbe State of Arkan.Wk KQTIC&. one .large house on Gloss I became satisfied closothose, to the fence as possible per- sas. U ' Main Street who la dally receiving that itStarch, i was by xar tne nest utat i The President has issued" a GEOBOX and shipping lots o Boots, Shoes, have efer used in my laundry. - I haps thinking thus to escape, but proclamation, which has been tele- must say to all housekeepers,if they theyoung scoundrels surged .in ier graphed to Little Rock, which sets UAts, Caps ana Ueuts' OW Ajra Arm Jaitoabt 1st, 1374, wish a i smooth surface and want a dhTBCtloni demolishing some;feggs iorta tnat certain oisoraerly and OARIXL H: WSXXS, WlWOSTD WOOKUrF, store' la crowded their and Goods, fine gloss on their shirt fronts, use which she was have combined QcouaNQ.CAaMox, Josxra F. Smtxb. turbulent f 13riA7reTJJCeVT carrying, and be- together topersons from morning tilt night. We refer Puryea' "Satin Gloss Starch." "' with force of resist, ; r-a i ' spattering some other articles, Ieav arms, the authority of Baxter as Gbobq A. Smith,IXreetart Yours truly,' "-'Sons. . H. B. Cxawsow, i ? T. Greenwood. dl48 4t ing them, y ai buts useless. The Governor of Arkansas; that Bax- W. DajtY. h. Wiua ' f Jos. A- - Yecao, v T. ALL KINDS sMT CA8TTMO TO BOBI 1 G. Wluwam. WooDBorr, cowards fled, on seeing two ter- having been declared duly OaesteaQ.CAMaosr Tho. WclliamS, Picnio Paktiss accommodated ' Bakehouse to Rest, enquire at young ..at. elected the which is or . legislature, by JUBH L BORA WD YOOSIOj lUDWk men approaching, who bad wit- the on .the most reasonable terms,' at 11th Ward Meat MarVet- 144 tf only competent tribunal. Jo F. Sxixbi. job t.uuii, were nessed the" ' and . . .. , . , proceedings he in accordance that has, with the lUTisaeamui t. Reao the 'f. Card", L.indsey'a Gardens. r , ', f on or bent concerning CTJGI1TE3 A17D CAX7 LULLS U. S., called on constitution the punishment. inflicting Train leave A. a. A.avfr.w. fssrs'wirw; 101 1 00 to purchase the Museum. I Pi Ices of admission Such conldct should be sipped in the President to protect the State Salt Lake A I7 UO W flABE Chance TS 1 40 JP .T,ro. Wxaaix. I $ Littl Cotlonw'd Uoffs SJdnpl nd JTeadlny ; from dojmesilo .violence; that both ' Silkworm Egg of home produc- reducea. 7 40 7 IS S 06 75 l Junction thohud.rvC 'j ! ' r or vrt JuicAi6fpe ' tneuenerai Zrecwxrer; houses Arrive. tJt ' tion, yellw French aanaal,war-rante- d Assembly ,con j, i T T 1 00 45 75 1 111 also have H. B. CLAwsoa. made a tened by Baxter,' Sandy And Oooe t Maxwell Manofaoturlna Coca- - ' Leava Mtd pure. Apply to W. A. Ros- LOCAL! JUID OTHER CUTTERS. I Judge Titus, Nearly , everybody similar request of thePresident,and 1 U CosMer; 8andy.... 1 10 i 00 si ter, at President Young's Office. remembers Chief Justice Titus as a tne iTesiaenr, Deing, autnonzea by e Draper..!. p. A. Bumnm. " T 1 T6 1 Leki . .... H constitution of laws and U the the . : " dl482w Pu rri pint? In 75 man F. no ry , of F"ork- "most powerful prejudlees, S.y to render the. assistance asked. J Thebscomztxb degrees 1f f ) . Anrrioaa f lift Asstatawl OasaterarJCO Piea-tan-t 00 Grore. 45...... P.?t I "Motmoa" V m. the Fine at IJnd-seythe egatnst 's vTest p. in fsuch cases, commands the dis DAVToO.Cax.DB3a. shade, especially Maonifickst Views in Street,'; B.H8onriLn -. i . 1 BO 4 00 i ';'. Hats opened and now dis First people and their Institutions, yet a persion or sucn insurgents. The Ptotq.... ....... 10 ao' Gardens Mount Nebo, seven-ty-fl- day. hi4-.5i; Near Korth Taauda SL, man bfrupiilous conscientious- President, therefore, now issues his miles south, can be reeu HTIMIONABT IITICE. ' all CITY.' play an unusually large and ness An individual related a cir- Erociamation, commanding with the naked eye. to persons disorderly which he was disperse and retire ' The Elders called to goon foreign cumstance to elegant y'Stoi-'jtAJAppfuamciss, wanted at Dress- missions are expected, as far as they an eye witness z: The judge stepped their respective homespeaceably 1 within ten 3uq .was. between .bhi-ijEast to hereafter submit them Bt., KQTELSi flhird making, days.and house In this City selves to the laws and p.m. Tralna IeaT may bt. able, to be In Salt Iake out of his lodging Y f nr. of Second and Third South Streets. 9 rOf o authority w (omouL.) to ' inst-one a on! and or before the 28th "day p In stop dog fight B0 T5 City Pleasant Orore. 1 15 constituother executive GOODS the and classes. dl43 and Arrirals of, all of R. N. Mrs. lw Siioles. Valla, Departures ao 1 00 Amerluaa fork. 1 40 readiness to leave nere in toe o entered into high words with some tional authorities of the State.. S06r 75 IB Lehi.... even and got of Sfr sea..... ..... a OQ fr 1 train o'clock S it; the, AaarvAia. 27th, personconcerning morning Draper All kinds of fruits in the HOTEL! Elegant lines ofplain and Arrire at Ecwt Throoa--h mail, flSfly. ..iU ... T 40 p a so excited ss tb Isweaf most lustiiy?, WESTCRNJ3c0. OS 1 50 S M son thereof, at Lindsey's Gardens. except those who have arranged to t Sandy Local t Excitement ftt Los Ogden, Bono City, Pass a.m. r.M. Leara Fancy Jress Materials and c4 t titmtoiiaroi'jm; Angeles. Join that train at Ogden ana not to say rblasphem6usly, , Imine 1 15 19 06 4 45 Wasatch and Horfan CounT-- e ; anly U.a BaaOlMi v$Vi d lately ; after the affair wa3; over, San Francisco. 15. The ac 4 66 1 T5 t TS Evansfeon. ; f ,u : Juoetloa ...... t):i15 Ceetre' ' r 'Bleek. Weet adde. fcaeS ', ty, daily 740pm Dress Trimmings, .... LitU Cotfooir'd S 10 40 i JO S 00 00 Tot Chicago, New York, Boston, " ' Mr. Titus stepped down to the City counts of the capture f i t Miiila i Summit and Wasatch coun- ArrlTeat t I 4 I differ. his and Jtwoof ,,The gang, 001 t 01 40 7 A OQfll ftl and 00 Philadelphia and all points East. Salt Lake.. Ues, .Baa It Vanished The , Corfnne Hall, told the police Judge that he most reliable statement theZ p a stock Tuesday most ;r Tbnnday, , of v Is that he ''- t vl The best route by all odds is the old prize lottery concern, under the bad violated Alta,TesdayiTliursda7atka i ordinance" by was surprised while at dinner, with Era':50ci'aM'i$L0i)iT(irtej" Clty .7 10 p in populaYttyUt of .' FIZ EIGHT S and popular Chicago and North patronage of the City officials of swearing profanely, asked he his weaoona in another room. He ITest Saturday. 7. . 10 :. . 10 m a taali Throus'h flafly.1. western road. M. II. Davis, at that place, seems to have fizzled. : aot Flrtl'ClasB Restaurant, v WILL mnr B ArLT, Bundayt amount of tho line, and, on being received seven wounds in his at Local West Jordan and Her- Summer' ever Shawls offered to Vhite A McCormlck's Bank, will escape. say fend tempt riman, Tharsaar told, he plank down a $3.blll .....710pn .CI7TSJBt-!,';- There is jrreat TATXAB 41 that he will recover. Physicians " for all tntonaaUoo eoaeernlnc- Tratckt sell you tickets by this route and : Adjoirned. Tooele City, dally, ex- 20th y he Ward Ophlr, marched The satisfied the West,1 in that fei .; x Los Angeles. at The away, excitement nasavsv Mw is ;4Sly 'oept Sunday ,ionKU.Kf,4tW St,'l- 1' v. SOOpm d55 ly Young Men's Institute I has . ad- had 'maintained the majesty of the give yeu all information. strong force of by atne jail is guarded Graatsrule, Saturday ...... .8 00 p xa L ami Jtibbons all or to in sessions its men, first the escape i Sickly people , till prevent journed Blngrham, dally, except Sua ought, to go to f to of The the QsoralTraarat aad Ticket AcanW, prisoners. lynching v. ... . .7 10 p xa the most the next October ,,n Undaey's Gardens, where they can Thursday after fashionable shades HETIRiriQ Fnor.i ousuiecs. lit Theatre. There was a delightful tal appropriations by the Stats for 5ortt day. Montana and Conference. " ' Oregon Idaho, ;.n..i Inhale the pure mountain air. or ana men tne his vasquez capture entertainment at the .Theatre Jast is fifteen thousand, Washlncton Ter. daily. . . . ..10 10 a m notify the public tbst en the ., arid domestic I. ':STTR'E.'tr 3 ( eight thousand 80th dav of Aorit. 1S74. I shall retire aW fromoretgm HA VAX. CADETS llir. Davis and Box Elder CHI Local of "Comical nisht4 the ' consisting chief. for the n.i tOffnber from the LiouortNMioew. Internal Eevenns. A eommunl 10 IS a m ooantlee, daily. ; ? t t. wt vj.-s- -i ACadetsbJp In theTJ. 8." Naval cation of Interest to a considerable Countaas'.ind the -siseemt " Cache and m.ii n wttl county, iTh. Thursday h. tk. f. i , natural acting of Miss Academy Is now open, for Utah. portion of the public, from Collector Of the-eastare by Messrs. Paoriovantd and M. Wiltoa, lOlSasa i JVb xv Saturday.......... JiaV been spared wneo UTAH NORTHERN RAILROAD. If FOREIGN. ?fi will to offer , a lo Colvlilo tbe choice Mr. they pub and Rich Hoskins, and any young man, having the re specta county, Monday J. llolllstef, will appear In to- tors sssortmeat of the best Wines and Liquors. ' 1 .7 Trains leara Ordea aallj at .IS am. quisite age and qualifications, would The GREAT 4Spxa BRITAIN. Thursday.. in .. . great praise. 7l rVir.lLi ' speak eyti.r vyrrvt.miivn. - " oNews. vwMpopaineasoeiore.' " " Loffsa, " " UO p.m. like the situation, he is requested morrow's .413tfaa !.is ! , V dally : .t v A State Banquet. W '.13 1 .....710pn- (Hf v- il. if tiii .7. plays presented by these artists are jj.8t-- Oeorse ane rlsoesi aV?g-i o CIIAS. NTBLKTt to Immediately report to this Office. tmae tv.w of a high character, and not very - - ternate pn, and our d&yi ....:;...:.T..::.T10p ; citizen Biixgestlbib'r-A- 1 Qao'i Frelf ht tod Tlckfi Art. 7 .sug (A . the state last to common the Salt !dl35tf jto "f banquet stage. MCMSS T HATCHES, ; Lke, f oounty, Tuesday, ' I T ana Urand Duke;night gests that It would be a good thing patrons in town and country 1 1 3VA V,Of2i '?t'JJ,'1 "'Oi.C' v . sJtierflfluF.Ul the members li t I .Banpete theatre-gojnand Saturday 710pxa Tlnmday public, especially (jzar j rVr ri vtri rl I llfiMt'AWrlrs I i j IxvasiAJxly . parties wkor go to for the owners of orchards and gar- - The of the royal, family and cabinet r; . FatefleM aad Cedar Valley, more the and cultivat intellectual can were can: eat their dena topgree upon a day for a gene? T 10 feel assured thai vnsur- UUUUlUUi UUUU1UU nHlrlll llX .I present. The Czar will go to -a B Xlndsey's Gardens aRernatedays...v...r!j ed should ? ixauco .negportiom thereof, Jot 'A 5 .aurnam ? dinner at 10 o'clock. I? ilk nuauflgiisia ral onslaught upon the caterpillars, lect this 1U 1 00 poi passed facilUUs i7Mve ena Cost- - Thzoafta man, daily- Mj f ' t brief, opportunity of' wit- - will probably visit the .Emnresa MtAii.iavi irvut sua paxva wi uie for the purpose ef killing them' oil. r essing some eaulne bits or Eng. Eugenie on unday.- - ,- .LocaW)fden, Morrtn ooua-- S JfedJ tr to Territory 111 consult their interest 7 ?cka City and Wasotob, r;i; anticipate aery fCV K:.:i Vistf liighrconledyi ably presenUd upper Chamber In the French ' daily..". Parliament-Moveme- nts to call and examine our unsurpass Montana 'Beet Montana stock and .u.SOOpta of jst' ARK .NOVV- - PREPARED intrpreteq. ;s Summit and wssatok eooir jr WE men arc) driving no less than seven ed assortment of French and Am li li.'. v j OJf s'W eH fcf PbehellC This reuiriff, fori the tlaajlondax andWedneaday 00 p as I iLownozr, 15 The 77mea publish i's to A &Ct 4reeet'e BIS or&tr rlcau Flowem, Bon set and llat herds of fat beef, cattle, numbering Miss Florence' fo? Ws an determined to' glvel -i :u Atta Monday, Wednasday ' Col ville.'ToraTayloir ea s tnac wnicn ,saya .jeuer Utart. Navadsi sind Shajiea, trimmed and un trimmed. 1500 head, to the Utah and Nevada and 'dbarles lteade'a; ff splendid the Duke de sad Friday. .................S SO a at our euatomers the advantage in mX,W4UV RECORDS ttfa tmm . - ' liroglie, the French '"-, LdIfetrand..Chliamua Hats. Or-- markets, coming the old: road by drama of the to H'et CaUfornla, Nevada and Os w TYtlf ltlsTViVT - wa ffes frlXX King's Rival, or the minister of thetheInterior, will, Aea re va wiMVte rstsw Tur way oH Bannack, Salmon ' River, Court ahu'tfie staee.M den, (tbrougk mail) dAHyl Mpni -pries -- derived from 'bur nullity" to "T"--1 .'""-f-r ...'w r t LaiiTlar 8!t L41q Ctrdanyunnlnr soats aanieuts of rare ,Wulv. ft bill t Assembly day, presentio MLa'CoMlle r.' 1 J merk-to Tintlc Mount So h Nebo, Local West Jordan sndTIIer--" ft Fork, for the formation of anupperchamf j r ,s Y vV" rRiblOifr, W--v Clothing and Llmhi, where they fin1 plsnty si Hoskins as ber, e rler, St. Oorra. UUh: and Pwutaa, Narada: quoi, 30 a za handle these goods In mcts quanti ? nt '2TeHGwy4ne;?,;Mr.'i rlmas 'Thursday - ( which without uiJtxn ' organisation-hj ana " Reof or m : mm a ea uoods Wholesale at 'a Dry fre ,r Ophlr, Tooele, Stockton and PA8SINQ THSOtTQH : , S said to have declared that ho v .. ...... tfesmdto purchase thess wherever rixj attd uthtTB. wenmpna,"Mr. eawieiie J.iT I tail, very cheapyl. rOfders promptly i .pw,oi Orantsvllle, Snanisa Fork. iaa aeept will daily, Prrr. :rinr1ll. T a arweas TJbaeles, resign. toVl rAM fTHXA-Lindsay "King :; t ..SSOam SOT : Hunt Sunday.... Caioaa OIU Craek, Omk. IOI1. band filled. r whenever CJzar left Windsor Castle A iUJkJ filln can be Avkebach t)lt and jourtjttm 'The , bought " Bro, Cre-kthey Beaver. Mioerarllle. Fiilmom, fora Mr. Cresbie as this morning and 'arrived at Buck " 4ally, exocpfbun-aat Temple . . JThe Undersigned hereby frtlfy "lajorv Wlldnian,"? Mr. t5 aad all k arlooinal towns and mi ulna dl34 lit;: SO a as most . .v':, and ta:.9utVosczcA, Wdtn, 2,049, f f ' 'lines ...,.. of as IThorne ,aU day... tter N favorably; in Otak xithern aad Southeast Samuer.Pepy," immense t. noon; ittgnami palace em(u rO Idaho, Montana, Washiagtae I S that George .D. Watt was 'excomr "Lord vau. - AWi !ear foriune, Utahlaily.ruB-Nt- n A bath-hocs- e t Buokhiirst," Miss Adams as and enthusiast!. crowds Uned tbe for the accommo municated North to Tirriula Oty, Heleoa, Port .1 88 p m chandise for ..thhj department hay 2,500 and 3,090 hqmkt each. re"ieo "and Orescn, dally. Church of from the Je route of the as Miss procession. .' Naipper "Frances Beubra. U jer Lodira. Cadar Craek 141110 Stewart ,!. dation of ladies and one for gentle sus Christ of Latter-da- y Mxai MTa wv nnuer As for four fivelv. and th f rice ani throuyli alt tba priooipaJ towns Saint, on f 1. .100 pat ing been carefuliy selecUi by our bounties, dally.. mlnin r camps la Moataaa, and pim , men at Lindsay's gardens. S , '.! it r. t the above date,Tor aposUcy.;.;.; Box Elder' oounty, dally... .1 SO p a ffptf quirfM, 1 1X0GL SX owt urand matl nee resident buyer la Kew.Yoiaui PBiMPAii1ornrK,w 4 qrttr, county, Sunday, Tues- w C Bishop, fCaohe Latton, Pure Olive Oil constantly on CoiTillo. andMr. HosklnsJn Miss Patrons Ordering 'i merchandise quire, lSwOO.';;i3acA ooo friS eoi- - day and Thursday Ames Walker, Clerk.; lSSpas brands of the genu fi BlttllK band. Various tUoh .aeonty,' Tuesday and 11 I v 5 ine, article 1 oa ported dlreotly from 13 V ed.M aed the 'Tmzedy Quecn.rm- Thursday, via Branstea.....t OS p as through 'messengers or the' nlalls tasn a eutlaUe Index, and 5 treff iKvf ctttT be . . WDSWOV . SO Com Servtoe Germania The of rmania. War .Cm PtuartineBt. Signal" ;, at Ploche, etodsity rI 43 tf Ji a can rely on haying their orders its smI in Cloth and jtu&ia Leather t France, by Lou) A; Bertrand, and ted States Army. MrtoloOof telcrrams ao4 t i Sti Qeorre and Arlsooa, are erecting blast furnaces for Jaturday evening pany v.wn:: i.l i for ,vjj'J. : WrideutmsjTbck ..-reports' Torthe "boaeflt. of commerce and ternate days- urtVA omametttal I as It the ef, executed the purpose UUcrinj smelting, faithfully pUcwfor upon west fronx the (Templ Block, and and; Meteorolosical arrietilruro. Trir record, Sanpete. ..eounty, Sunday, their . intention to produce. ' their at Messrs. Wilton A Sangio's, First own 80 a ss same terms aa . thbngh they wersr ttttms o day, May lStb, 1S74. fo JTtxra on iA fd Tuesday and Thursday to bullion Instead ef havingFalrflekl ao Cedar Vapey, 8ouU Street, orpote Z. C M. L ' Rs-.RSO a as LJW XsUasPaslArel X, : TJS Wednesday.............. personaUy preaent, s a smelting Price from SlzJ to $14 per box, of depend, for It upon other -: v. 'St comworks. t notras.vi:i have rii r w.; They already fsof. OinJfc or acfffaWtf fo maX fSem.' twenty-fouAWD A FT KB HONDAT, UTT.rsHk, twelve bottles, and General delivery open from Is st to lp xa, I DISPATCHES.' TOtDAY'S wtu or tear aaii Trains UT. ajautaji J irom.vTanous Q1PPU, J from 73c to $2 per botUc," ardmfncea ssrouows: toklay, U 29 to iW p ta. ...w..---..-i '1 H.iJ mi nes.t slxqtitreir'Z'Z tpcr and lW.6ott!ck' &'d Order bt Money Dcpsxtmea ! or h;r-s"."v"" i ' riACi Rerlstry i J.sa i;d; & tUM stjavaveager Trala far eVieta. ing tahe'sliy i R II II s il ' C turr. i FpecfmjjCaa. oei secit 'tf lV afromlaia toip'm. aaaat awasl ateai faaastsea. for sale at the Drug Another runaway He Descended' lntorHetT Ois t Outside anaway. door open tromt a atpxa. 5 BwSS fVJ. rralrkt TrUai Iter Haera. Store and at if irx the jCooperatlvow Ite-ta-ll down aBast Temple Street yesterday OJJla'ordtrafcvtd crrrechfCatholiOj me t I ft. part Crdcery lassoa silt around with the Y6kk,'15.-AKew event n the tiz tt9Tl&6r'ncUed evening, Bmxt Pasawa-and Jteke AiraSty ) Brethren.3 tsuy4 animal's necV, and the end drag. session of .UncOtti4cUo(,tbeferm-e- d tortf for olive oiL.! fk u cfrsfrfit iao.16 34i79Lw rch rch w v CoiiMry Cbeyeane... .Episcopal 14 rear. was the yesterday, 'Its pursuer,, U IIU-J. dlttm ! .Louis AJ bxrtsa in. 1!i glpg w.sa sw jh n A after a lively di'ensf on the" . ..... jii.J. 'A.r.jc'oudj i words, GS1 .BupTU .j.U 1 I ' aOLS4 the y ere 4L..clea.r JZeoorc?f ea order to mail, and 39'8S' Col,.. Astern; .chase," "He. went IntOittftplace. of depart- Fort Beaton... keeping up ana r. rick, .. 1 a Jid splendid ? lanas !!';.' true. f rr bowery 8alt to Lake if. Aroat, trite '.OT'falr-.- -. the hich, wer4 City. foi " 2S.S7r substituted saying B epWts"; "ile ed, una oat OrSce witk Ms csaaii ... fM. I .. Oariar, over W. 30.11 ATiceRS .Ui,IK.ir.. daBcingrfloe to acmmodatfbsn PoHlanlXre.,. descended was vThe a 'long inUlieJL" Pike's Peak.. .. 00.06:1 clear.i sets at Lindsay's Gardens. " to creed was adopted without change. Bait Lake City, clean.. i'.. w r lw" i h asaem.. enthusiastic an was 20.S6! Sa There l4ea"o,. fair... 1 Cahe.-Madxm- e. Rumor" w has S Fraodsco.. axoKj. Saa it fair... iias that sat Ttrsy, Dinwoodey bltvgwofHJathoilcarlastnlhtatthe J clear.. Le s the largest and bea peat assortment that it is contemplated . to put xavler union, woo-f- assiBtea m - tne Raata Fe, N.M., dl24 tf . .., iiOesere SmOdts .! ' irs-! Americans -- .tiFsm, the of means of reception of Furniture, Wall Paper, Feathers something: (througfa,'by . rr.-- 5 r. is. on the pilgrimage to Rome. j "J! f ana Children's carr; gesln" llie phe executive, Judiciary, Ana that starting Dr. Anderson welcomed themln a i,.!i liir' rl e.'l tJ.I Iv Great Ceatrl lows; SJtortLlne Over-- L .. (. i l"i SALT LiKE'LlRfllPtO. Territory 7 JJ ffkuiZ Fimt piuth extraordinary quantity ; termed speech. Bishop DAvongeyof Indi- beyeone,. ... ..' 4.i ' ' S 1 4y....icf'u f rifUn . V East Its oouaectiuns us Koute, .a l" - j VT7 . v and Vi e.t, Is tle . in the remarkably repub ana, in behalf of tbe pilgrims, stid Dareniiortv .... il S4 mi..i-V- i Dtreet cait. Ja.e uicy. ai u "force,f ...Ualr.t. Dearer, a. . aajtox. 3.t nil :.asve. .4 "5 or est iTcef Beutoa.to . went Fort brtweni in tne spirit laitn Uoan Way of foisting upon the tney yn AVTrracrvMBta es aix ctvsa'or ' '.1 akru; . omMLw.! i ,..30.0l . Five rood, substantial swings, a coantyv' an. cdclal c obnoxious yto visirtbefn HoTr Mother. to obtain: Omaha. 30. 73 ,o: a w ?!....tair... Forttaodtra. ixti J RON .ajcb BRASS the of Father the the blessing Holy w Pike's Peak. A'Z'riATsTriC wbirWiand nineteen-twentlet.lHS'(i i . of the people Pope, and to tell him that he had Salt Lake Cltf, 30.06 .r ... w AOnosey yaruena., .f 'I .w,u4 ti cf the ebunty, and plsinly inellsi no 5i more loyal subjects than here.,.. 8aa Hero...... :.ci iclear wiFrichico,. ?aon"'iia w i ttnd J2oeM'rlix3l to is rj)e$ Jfotncf, . office if the to ble , AfTalr' :; 8eitled Pantafe,CTty., any regard, Tha Arkansas jLjralr,, i WEIR, The Ixv AiLU3j A PE3ri4rip. be VirfiiiiS N.li.,:U64M v....f..t.....f: " case. the law I in Oectared Baxter rto'the Covernori f' paid ' f c: Abi'Jolbew'or.-' Tfca etrfF feoonffttJw1oaokO''rr TtTRK. See her pallid countenance, WabotnotonL 15. .The Attor 8. W. Bxaix, Ooasrver.! ; land Letter AfaU aiaJitwa aksa aad rsUoUs but a ahsrt tlmJdLLW picture of ....... P p. c son nsettone at !Lt5E3 7 'has presented to the ot , the rirtaCCLLA3, l Broks; Els Ami. Yesterday after-- President a written ruddy , health, the .envy 1 Jreslirr aa:;u opinion In the .i. school and the pride of therhouss-hol- d. soon a son or uae cmitn, tlcodfl eaa bs obts!aed 'durdib"' Arkansas gubernatorial, dispute, In j rrOmr Bhe was' always, welcotasd 1 1 & 2L L aaA SUIU brxnek sterev had whJelf he Cads of treat bv rr aud L'luudMrt is, choolmatcs,' ht her lithe about nineteen years . as, her ' f by CoaUal and at Fauo l.iroa.S to the organic and statutory one of his arm brolten .by falllns , p. "Win toirtraet to Xraet - i formcheerfulness. Tl and pleasing disposition-car-rieBqualled. srfa f IfoavmAlUWabaAra., VUloi.lJ;.. , of Arkansas, 4he teal ' goverPractical KASJ L I 111 Jnto. their ranks. from . the "big swing ; at - Mark laws S7 Bummer .., BOTr4r.V(is 4 no claim Brooks has and . and 4t that playing J exemplary, ri aviso nor, Dillon t, punctu-- J m at "W!f 1 si rast'troress Trains. Cast. North Gardens. relic a i tuimo t to the Office. The Attorney-- sner--1 ? arro Gauge JUro4i A a vocPLai ? AStAHOS. r v' obedient and graceful home, she Ljndsey's ' acciWort. SteiteAet. Proaa mrf The sJbout the .tcad.' ? bruised i al reviews the case, of the dsni history won the hearts ef aiL But, alas, a tm with tbe !?ctlon, a"? ran the Lvi.4 tu-ri- .J i.i W9 are sorrowed. Thoe . rosy dent wis not catsed by Afly defect beglnjair . trereriMelonrny ' t 11 ' tr resvuis. , , iiu r t u are i wt .,ewaad inA or having receivea a aisbest pracuca. cheeks and ruddy llpSare benched ia the swinsinj apparitus, tsitxILl liroo&s' claim tiby sa f i i iT"" t m t St- mi'kaco votes the Mining: Cars, , of the majority " Pint The voice ore rot break, and .llti'.l&zZzzj by Consumption. Jvlos Li.7j: ' SlVVHt O.'TAIZJL CITICACFO. . AI.B action the of Vs in the case, S2&J? 1" so encVis ti; lu-Zzd t-'' a j we aSas legislature he warned the lids who were xo v.. or. -- uroens I . tne Tippucauon j f i i' r-. r- '- -i feebleyiiuay msd 4wplaiteJ C ,d LS4.,t- -. J .t U ol4 Uuevf s '. tii aa sf as.J catitlca to ll Courts act writ t cf f?r with ft. oa Supreme c" hollow coush. Let c spproach her 1 doj , I I ' ot. . , rlvl-.ocf tearranfoi and It"' 'tha couch gently and tAle her hand. they were doinj. j.U, t , 1 f r5 1" r ilctlc i ht r.o J body til Do not h udder becaose-c- f t eviA tijret r ITiCS of the unfji'.ui. aiiJ 7. " 7 v in t, PASili'Citilc.-feeble and p&aaionleaa praoo. The The injuries .r.ie WORXfc jad lists IT. I T A. were man xttendsd at the 1 1 C CO News price A'alitXi t anwlxT-iinyoing -Jabrought so prints handlxmce hearty is Oajsbllook Soatk r tfc rr. n a b ? v je . f k. I r' ir t o liiaeJI lit a ;" enc.t.-isa mJM'at.e4 i"1. hows Jtcny Tjtl nea, J evening, byPr. Jpedict;.f..- - jr r Circuit CfurtTjmJ .tLs, JuJjnaent 3 Vr iy 3 j ' Vt vlT ; .J. 'jt A wiW4- - t 0 h6 TfjVh5iH7tY''CssrBe -- ? W4c:ju' Vico-lrelde- nt; S3r s apt-pear- r Daily Trains Jloirs' trl-btrn- w imi al 1 sy,0-f- - 1 ; 1 a JJ, 1 g tP-nlg- fct 1 i a! 1 t" i 1 - 4 M 1 ryt i t.-j- . f. . . - ( bet-ev- e ex-cUt- eet Li - sue-cess- jve 1 ' 1 1 ... . - h-H- God-blesse- d. i BM SAVIIHrS to-nig- hL &, al - ;, ,f 1 TRUST- CO. V- - LSI!-- - MIXED TIZ1IJYS - -- pu, -- a--m. -, e-t- V' h . - . )- t-- ful . "-f- - - C3o-operat- ive - , . jr se . rat . ot : Mil . . six-pou- nd ; - Trains X) ally t. fs: -- 1 r ! .';n "- " y --- - ( ..... -- 1- - OOOaOC . S - -- Mach V to-da- y. IMS. v ?! ve H . . . JliAtfiAlll to-day- V: -- TATLOR'Sf 1 . : . - quez -- -- ..... TJlSTJ " - 1 M', I . Snjznd ex-oep- ted 4 ' tosv -- - ' -- 4 . ..-1- "Helr-at-IAw-1- V . 4 y a ; I i- - - - SoulA-ToPio- ..-- - ; O-i"'- che, - , ' 1 - i . 4 ' -- g " GlBMIllllLlSBUIin a3 . : 'StagsLJ;ne:s .... ! - .r : euthat - . . n .41 : fif' - 4; ? . V 4. u t 1 , ; w jr. k S A aaVdJClSa S -- - 1 J A ... " Bing-ha- .. n e n t - : TT-to-ra- on RliMM ljr, I II .- s- " TL- - '-s. . ,salt '1 - Fa JLTXJ , 3 - t- ' ve III f irtr. uavt-npor- ?- - ! sCS i. , ?. 4v..ig.::;a '.sw l. A f f - rOTrnti BJL SkS 1 ,mH ami. ess. . cs-nc- a , ? . . .ai 1 .- - iast .. ilkpt -- ! t, -- t ll r i one,-f,--f,;t- --- tptUmea(xiamorvarS I - ; ;' - vtrs-uuavitr- r. - , ';-r- : 1-- 4t:K-loi- y -- 1? . - -- T-ts- 1 jgUXtrVW T hs , -- 1 . -- - . -- QEliT8IiE0K V- MacliijaAex. ney-Gener- al -- .' 4 tt x-ii- as 1 d r'r tr'' cc-cordi-ng - -- v-7- t n& ; C 5 --- Bnildinp 1' nz La yz tit - -- .;v pi "t: -- n -- - by-Lrec- v. r'rvi - -- -- " . ! -- , , .... a. til ,- r t-- -r a SS rr i - ieta -. v-- . . " |