OCR Text |
Show - iir t I i'uwwi-w- L0SI4 THE wJr- 1 OTHER HITTER S "" - i.V,- 0i the.1.1 " "j1 - ... most beautiful berry ia one of as well as useful of. shade trees. Now Is the time also for parties who contemplate starting a "plantation for feeding silkworms, to plant .out thef trees; all who are desirous of purchasing young muIbeiryfTees, either for shade or for silkworm feed, will find some of excellent quality, proper size, and at reasona ble prices, at the residence of Mrs, Josephine Ursenbach, 16th Ward. Go and see Mrs. XL's trees before d2t pumbasing elsewhere.. . III , I ,,, - ,, r : . . n. e pimnson, repreeoUng-thWitton I In GUbrt BtancOi respWuTely; re-TiiERKOMiTER 62 degrees A Ball S.JS7, theshade,at Cloudy, jJvrMu we conciuion or the Saints UTAH CENTRAL MILEOAD. : Eates ef Damestle Pestsre. changeable. unoer tneir watch care. rt I Iii . I ...... . a ' U : It AU tin-w- as ; The f, also farther ad- nincla rate Tbe staodard LrrrrRS: tJHurteer Line of Utah.. . woljrhClt Kes; avunJuptaat' llrl Croshie. The benefit of Mr. uxsbku Corrected dally .bjr famn JCasflkUt. and Uowans, Slnrlerata letter throughout the Si ' at - ,. at Ha" Crosbie, the popular comedian, Bank. Graham and King.! by Ejders octree- Tor each additional Jjlkm Vttt, April 3. HT.. tbeTheatre Ulve' him a Meetings were held "j af..j BuyingSaltatti.iltt Uou,.... 'morning, i l"?v'--'- Letterst s'nrle. rate, 3ematiiMi bumper. ' '": ". r4 V'4 "i" ternoon, and evening. B. 8. Kew-to- n, fl Prop m t lsi'vii.u! .! ' Secretary. 4 o ',; is rate 1 avoirdupois. . iChr aP Aroca Jf KQXBT .lsri J71 V jj I SPECIAL BUSINESS KOTICES. -- Oonflnned. The Senate,' in exe- I Dal It (Seven rtmea a eekY ffVv fiuar . r . U Uboa a weekJwSOo. itmi . . cutive sesslen, March 27, confirmed ( Beceired. ,1 'Colonel a ..ISoi ,. ,1.1 Daere,, J?ekktit of MOVjlC Crosbie at the nominalidn of Bobert.H. Uod-sa- y novel, by the author of Sc. "Caste, a'efelr,..T7.!7...... ''iv.o: ; th( Theatro United States Attorney for etc being one of the TBttwra JVo. 1. Ao.8. Aom Moutab't.k.A........ . So. !..!' T,rrf Kevada,: of 'Library Fort. 'Jtctoto Stattoaw Ptio'r . . vice Seely. resigned,. fa'r. Theao rales most be prepaid quarterly or oeiecb Piovels," pobllahed byi. Har to $heir stock i of ls. . the -newspaper at tae oltioe wberf and rearir te? " ni!TIITQSTOCJXS. parr ectin 340m . , York. per Brothers, New received,- , . f .t . .Tl.. j rikbons. Se adYt. ... ' Salt Lake . ' . MORSIUa BOARD Sing-I- t Celebrating. The Knights Tem-- LFnr sale at DwyerVi. newspaperst 1 cent. prepaid. ! 'v.. ' cira .75 . 4 .80 Ses the notiee of KeeM and K!n- - plan were out y, 6 28 ' " . making San frond, Apra s, , PiiioxiCALS:-T- te standard. If rate b 4 a. arolrdupais. alMle, i '' Last thoroughfares bualneaa..:,f ; cuit oif the principal jr tranafeiranc-Lady. 'evening InsulUnga 2350 221 .75 Cent ravlUe 6 33 "'T 41" Ophlr, S; 224; 22; 22J; per the qiar. ' of made Wm. a was a City.. . t fined ; Mouth ! eplendid , Memhard; They 1450 t G A C, S04; 30 J; Sl;30f; SOi; 31; soldier, i ly, f'.:.au. ' j MERCANTILE Iorse and light "wagon for pale. appearance, in their gay appareL S10 for j ; Quarterly...... ioor n 31T, b 80; SI, .... i b 3 a lady. He addres . 4a"; .a...4r. ... insulting 6(oi v Jajo 80 B & B, 38; B6 ; Their! ohfect Was to celebrate Good sed the latter on i the street and S6l over of not tootx.'baodie Sufaples JJ o. Xc . T t: i 210 Savage, 85; 854; 864; 87 each S oaw. Mifwellaneous prL"iUt ; ' J .;. Mb. Crosbie as ? "Jack Bun- )tor U'ii when she told him she , did not 460 Chollar, 674; 6S, b 68, b i Fridtyi! matter, -Jo. for each 4 os. or Xractioa - . ; 3; 10; a Jt i Si v s .... . ;tloreof.-" J; X , S.00 nlde, Jn 'Caught in' aBiuue. ' wish to be spoken to by him he 540 5.00 1 760! 67: s 63 gj . at jthe Tbcatfs The cnaxlmuui weight of SQ7vpaeksrs 1 ' " , Cunged Hands. We understand used most msuHIng, not to say dis-- 30 HAN,67,53 s; 674; : 4 ib?.'-- ' ' of "I IT 'AeT. printed or mboelianeous tttatter ' Mr. Anson Call has sold out that !T' 210 Point, 94; 96, b 30 . ,v a V... srolrdupoisv t ThosS who want ' to get choice the Centreville' flooring mill to Mr. gustipg and brutal, language ; Paw'r. PamfrJ j 155 ' for' ; u Jacket, 78; 771; 78 J . Tralua 61 pple tree shpuld applj to Mr. Alexander Sim, an experienced wards her. Th fine was light 6i; impj. "-6; 840am 8S0PK I : " 'luel: d BIesej6t 150 Empire, 5; 5 J; 5f rtealtera.XeUer David McKemle, and anybody ScotchxnlllerTwhO purposes com- the'ofJensel; 4 ,'. 610 b Kentuck. S3; 224; 23, 10; 22; to a and i wishing puTehaso ;horae i 221 KaygvUle, y 7 w ,. r,ij)o , : "Niv Qko6 mencing the manufacture of oatUQ,. BwjtSTKATlOJ: ; I.ettrs may be reUti-r' ' ' llglt wagon can get one fronl'the meal from the "Surpri)M oats rais- sireShould b killed 'Outright. We- 730 Alpha, 141; 141; Mi. b 5; 141; b u . ; , ,3 jpq pay m out of a fee of eight joeats, but Farmuur- i some i informed that 62 . 7 5 i.75 the tovernment takes no responsibility . !, ' ' sarne quarter." Bead advertisement. ed in this person late". 1. j j r' Territory. . varrlacoi or, compensation la' lor safe t 515 Belcher, 85 to Mr. a t v dog; belonging lease of: loss. 'ictrt-l.TTOntrevlUe lyahbt j W044 'r"",r T7"""i44 140 7 ! 40 I.. -385 CjovERNOR'e Proclamation 10; b 91; Confidence, 10, 9J; WilIlSF-aHhrard3; ' ooicee'" OKtKKS-A- li the Uoirrr ,' prlnclfiai through foreman lower. ! now reeesve snail stRnsxr money 4edJ 1 Haying appointed myself tiie only Hook and Ladder he thaX 1.75 so S9 the Cross. latter hangs Jaw. 10Uf 753" Con Va, 831; 8i; 85, b 80 iceue draft for the. same jipon other tt t ? ofjtbe Hook and Ladder Company loosely down ' aud is useless. : The ; 880 legal official for this City, and to- ths foUov'Ju. , t poetKXauem 255 Exciieqr, 40; 374 : 39; 391; 40 ' subject ' to' members X wU take cafe of pteea desires ns request the Battllkl l04" 8!W,M .4, charges and regulations: o ixev, 20; Z4j; Z4 and being unable is around dbg, yef", Fire of the . On orders cot exoeedtna t0w l oruta.. ' Brigade to eat i lUerallv Htarvtns for?tle reason and warrant satlsfaC'' of that division 115 Seg Belcher, 100; 102; 101: 101 On orders not exoeedlpir 120, ..10. , 885 Overman, 57: 58; 59, b 5; 59; tloa. H. McKay. IIUi Ward, a to meet at Firemen's Hall . t ver tJfl and not exoeeains SaOi IB 'ff-- ' ; t Saturday) even! eg, at half It would be a humane act qn the . ' 60, b30 . 1 v.Or apply to. R. Judson, at. this Chrr3eanotexoeedins-f40.I ) of who would end the :r OvrS40andnotxeeedms50t6., 10 Justice,' 10 Vf lVt, ' KtJH DAHT, Sundays Kx- Office. seven, for the purpose of elect- part anybody ' ; id 110 2w " pastofficers. ' i 22D 104 T. brute.5 ef eepted. ' sufierlngs Succer, "poor thf v Moirav OBoraao Great ' ; iaxrBATtO)rA6 ing 100 Buckeye, 2 S81 lm " Britain, eennanr and SwttaeHand to f - it Si. 50 per M. ' TAirin Pa It TaIca Oltv iit tjn A.'m mnd 8iuxai.Ks, j "HI e H'ViKt be 655 transmitted by .the .Postmaster at, ,f 41; 4t ? 6.06 p.m.i anxtpgden aV6 s.m. and Julia, iTroka p.m. & ' Souta. Co. Tthm Mr, Barron nnrtn WewTOrk. be W. obtained may Brvant, Septimus 200 Lady Bryan, 5,0c Lecture. 'AV'.jUalf, 'past seven Searf who ' ' v'-,:- ;. Tor all Information oooeenuW freurlf 4ymont of the following fees, vis t! . has beeu on a business 840 Caledonia, jU09tf 371; 3S; 371; 37;1371t it OF o'clock bnight,i ltlder George to orpasaars apply oosriiJusfFrdni Puw Eight Teasdale will deliver his very inter trip to Fillmore; in connection with 700 bi7lbi();87i 4 ft 0JmJHMSa SUJfMWt Z. CM. I.,1 returned to the city on Knickerbocker, 61 Vl Brahma and Buff Cochin Fowls, Qen- - Fraat and Ticket Aseai. C On orders not Itarfio "i.vistr IS vaAM, Orontecka fiuOllnr Rcoms, lecture on "What Will He 820 Globe, If; 1 nap miu inn nrkr. eoedlny, finest in Utah; $2 per Belting o 13 esting lj;li,b3 He t not in ecstades luu isaico, 7 . school-hous- e, Wednesday , n j exoecdina SJO, 73, Become?" uverKuandnot mtup-ttai7th in the Ward ' : , ; : JOHN SHARP, 4 i rer not 1,00 '? over of"' traveling bv Weasdres :and the exceeding 30 R. BaVaoelv . Eggs. s 100 4, f 84, ' Bullion, of I the SD PKKINTKNDKNT. under the. 1.26 tietM Dmuiitioaial QtN.' pver SMandaotexeeeiUngSsO, eonauUattoiu: and Auspices . I dll-- l. dji08 2w Cala, 46 detion and assay. ilioixtist reference. 7th Ward 'Mutual (Improvement stage line ove Indescribably bad 380 10 90 S Hll, ' Mk. Cboscib as .."Hamlet the Societyii Admission free.' toadj and is of opinion that there 105 Dayton, 61; 6J:0; Gi Bates ef Wrelaw peatsKe isc.!.t . i are occupationjrthat are much more 235 N x Con, rt : ; in of the "Oar Insane," burlesque Tie standard single rate to Great Uri-"-- f 'I CO "T 60 UTAH SQUTEEBH B1ILR0 AD iln Is half an ounoe amlrduhnlai to Cousin Hamlet'at the Theatre to Flat, 6 !; cu naadaome. The new premises pleasurablo Uad . pocking bullion 400 and the Continent (by raooa mauslit la U .... .'.:.; 80 ... 75c; ver worst '.; Tyler, the relieve a to, iv places or of the Howe Sewing Machine Comnight. avolrtluounce grammea,' 50 Con, 15; 151; 16 w , pelfci The asterisk ( Indicates thai t .rei' 'wagon when. it. gets stuck in 1020 Union fa Atrenox ! Acctiom ! .uctiok i pany, the stand recently vacated stage 2; 21; 23; 2; 2J n :.,;,-- .1 Woodvilie, payment Is optional. ! mud. , the 4 200 ' Lady Washn, .'.3); 't hirty head of choice; milking bylH. jDinwoodey, East" Temple ; . exceeding 'pajv-i 50 Leo, l Cows and two yoke of Oxen, and Street, are really handsome.1! 'The 1 f there 520 Anllntruder.itiast Andes, ' bight England, Ireland, Scotland Oirixxo Ansa Jahuabt 1st, lS7d oieers, learungs, ijaives, nones, walls' ae beautifully decorated, be- was a birth-da- y ' aud Wales,.... i.i..;.;.. 6 eta. at a surprise party ,. elk-Oormao States andi tree Wlgbn, Harness, Milk. Cows and ing nicely laid off in panels and house in the north-ea.... .les, tnoludlng Austria, e part of the m. Bavaria. Badetl ."Bremen. h" Dairy Fixtures complete; to he sold styles, and all the general fittings & and while' the participants ft si . WV,. v. i.f iv.-- . jXBraaswtek, Frankfort, cd to fViiii j r-- on Saturday, April 4th, to the high- ofi thet establishment are In keeping. City,; Were having a gleeful time they ; beo, lAtxembnrg, Mock- -) Manufaeturtrt of and v t est; bidder, without reserve.' Bale were 'surprised at hearing a loud lenbtmrOldenbunr.Prna- Kite-flyin- g Kite-Flyinto Commence at 10 a.m., at 'e; ", Chinese t Name cf StcUin.3? 9 o 1 ate, ' ': at door. WnOtrAW.PEAIJERS.IJI. the The " ... ... t knocking ; rapping jtauungen,, was. indulged in by some China M. STEVKNa AtawMMw U7a4 maw rA , C d I Re- I ; done was 00 4 a man ttrunken who by ' Auction House, i 3 men y, and as they are recogWurtemonrg, by North ' S nts.' s German oa. ' :. lTnkn...... C5 Trains leave A.1C A.M. P.M. dlOS lw a . , , Second Seuth St. nized as adepts in this pastime, wanted tojet inside." The intruder closed 7 eta... 4 tits. ,. By Knxland via mail, M T 00 S Salt ' Lake..... i 1 401 by a young 60 r75 Australia. British mailt, io lteB.n a crowd.was attraoted to wit- was caught by the collar Little Cottonwd 7 25 S 60 10 IS "' 4cti - ' V Soutaampton,......;.. ...... ialdewalkT 38 06 Madison 7 8 16 75 1 26 Belsium, 7 Market and Fever anMwb, ChiuiFbtbb, quite man Streets, run t 10 ets.- 4ata. " down and ;. ; the CO Juncttyn. ness art an is with the sport, It " ArrlTe at , etc. A few-me- n 3 Sandy h5 ths after haviog ,1 y . e T45i f 100. 176 CtralAmejrioa ; (Paclflo in which they de- The fellowhada- companion who LeaB--Mid commenced the mannfacture xl the Orientals, was Amerioaa China, Paeket,vis a vehicle his with reclining to ..L ....... 7 6610) ip apPandy an rranckico,'..;.....w lueta. ..iuo. a?" Dr Tierce's Golden Medical Dis- light excel. When the kite SOO 1 see feet elevated unon the dashboard In e , 10 Bts--i. 2 ets.;., . Uraper.4... .... 8S 66 fijji a' mere as Cuba,,.. at distance the in 1 ' S 76 ; 76 peared, M. D. WXTXS, ft. 9. MACrARCAVO, iXmarK.VMROrtauerinan state a ; '"1,i. e' covery, the proprietor begartj to re Intoxication.' of W SSO ISO Aaieneaa 8 ... helpless a. .... BBHBDIOK S. cxs. P. HciSTras. v on. Its in 'the clouds, humming niou,... G speck OB soo S rora. .6 ceive numerous letters fronxi all 1 noise could be dill am j Denmark.: olossd. .via j a r" ,7.eta.r nv ArnTO ...... mall . .....txu , distinctly heard. inruuMi, .. .. cis, Provo.-..... 10 parts of. the Weetem and Bout hern 80 00 S60I 1 4 t A ft , r Bough 0 pstomer. J. Miller ladies, British JSalJ tof r Pi j titates. bestowlnz the Cmost" n-'I: boxtnded praise "upon it fox having Tooele.-am- uel i W. Orme writes Jrent to the .Washington House last COuGETT, DASSETT & HILLS, 3,.;-- ' France, direct paoket,...... 10 ett, 1, Seta.' 1JS .. 1 :., took cured the writers or their from I Tooele Greece,. efe North Gerrnaa ;s and then supper night, coolly as 4j Union direct, JromptJy Fever and Ague, or other -- Hot Sta . City, April " Manufacturtrt and 4$ s a sr: told the Qreeoav closed mail, tiaEngproprietor that he had no T WMOX.f3ST.is XtXAIJEKS I SI ....... forms of miasmatic; or malarious follows-i-Uets. lOt. wanted that bed a and American pack-.$ hj Bong Konjr, diseases. He was repeatedly urged 'W 'tad a Jmost'i fearful storm money, Ma Ban Franeisco,... 10 eta. .Sets... . .Trains leave et,direotekwed srt"" to ;make known. the wonderful vir- hero on Sunday night and Monday, would settle some other timeV The t .1 : : rji. eta . ."J . . ist so ftalr, malt, Provo i r v. ; . nkiiand.......--..:..l0tatues of. the Discovery in the cure of tne .neavlest or tne season, un proprietor could not see the to inl s Pi 76 Pleasant Grove. t:15 ' I 1 00 Italy, via HrH Geripan lAl Ante riean . Vork. "8 Hea SO mm at liake Btoeet. u..:.t Kelton moved and a tussle jyras , the result, in Ague and j kindred: fUseasea. I Sup't. Satarday 10 . Union6 els." direct,.ms, ctg. S5 . 75 t f S05 ebl ' i 's' : Amerksan via always replied thai' it was not In apart of the sheep herd into this which Miller $rnt for his antagon V S 60 s pocket 00 ibw pTaboiV Avenue', 12& Japan. ...: ; Draper.. j lOcts t Sets.' Sao ranctscoi-- .t tended fur a vcuro ail," ana aaonia valley, calculating i to move sine Aratre at ; . .c.ts.---'lOots., Mcxjoo,. 05 3 s&o ...., 160 oanay.w. he recommend it to people as a re balance on Monday, but they, were ist with a knife, but, before he THE NEWS DBSSRBf New Zealand via Bouthamp- X ' CHICAGO. , Pass PJi. HOBABT D. . HlUS. '" he was lttCtS.' 4 4jtS;' medy for so many,', different forms snowed in,in the mountains, a little pould; use tOTl,..i...'i.....-.- . 8 15 10 05 4 45 Sandy ...Iv.-r..'CBARI.KS H. CBAM, ) and classes of disease, he feared north of Dry Canyon, Bush Valley, on the head with- - si chaintripped ..... 8 90 1016! 4 65 1 75 t 75 Horway via North, Oermaa Junction' which IX Bassktt, Xfooton icmee, Haaav , TJnioa direct, lOcts. .Sets, . a&llO 401 a 20 8 00 a 00 CoUonw-'dltattle those who had neyec tested its vir- the snow k being very deep In that knewed him . . iclosed via armall, Norway, was He Arrive at pnderw . would amonsr A once tues at class it '' Iflnlnr AvAl ml hrM Btw1r U'llots. (Se-le- c 11 20 sooi S 60 A 09 Englahd,.......v.v vicinity', as yoa have previously rested and this Salt Lake... ots. 4 U ; the nnmerous humbun of the dAV. learned. dill Sm Portugul, (morning . Jastice Rubbers alwaya on bantl. is likely we will suffer ..3 It . .. North Russia Germao eio This answer was satisfactory to no some ilosein' consequence thereof CUnbjn fined Him $10 for obtalping 10ctA" Set. . ' Dolon direct,......;. TIH2IGIIT S Russia, ... one; they argued that the whole AH is well jiere at present. Gene meals and refusing to pay for them, elosed mail via og- 'i "" country ought to know n at once, ral health prevails. The corpora- and $25 for assault and battery. . : WJtXt RUN DATLf, Sundays ex- KEITH BROTHERS, Sandwlchuslands, by mall,.,?Sets.. SvtAv and expressed their astonishment tion boil went off supremely well." j. uepta..,. from Ban iraociaw...... 1:' ' Miller .is the same fellow who, ' PAPER-R0LIN- G But tea. At--' American South at his lnainerence to jthe subject. 4 land Jobber lnfonaatloa For all afamiacturtr Vretgbt oonoeralng , iantioAxaat,vt(SKns'iaBa, His ear and - heart being at all CAief Justice Titus. And ao the wheni a member of the chain gang. I 5 Braxil alone.f rom New York, times open to- the call of suffering and Or-made Col. on an. on attack Argentina Kepublio ; Smith, to man nominated a o Amerioaa rjfjirjbTjs navhas President ne nas as arter arirarjtjp. ' tiguay. last, lumanity, : Nidsbitt the New hill; 'i OiTS, CiPSrUND J;iRS, Beckett from Yerkt Qeoeral Freight and Ticket Agent.' ng received testimony from hun take the of Judge John Titus . .3 I'erujKcuador,:l'ctast, cts.1 J 4 .''.,,.,1... dreds who have been speedily jcured on the place Bench CUlie,. Bolivia and ' a et. . I ' ' n f,k.t-j of Arizona. 4 Supreme ,fc . ets.OrkMuasr-.10 S r.ts. New via in, ' - nine y Dy it, ana many or them, arter qni for ihe Dead. STRAW AR3 BILUXERY Respect GOODS, .. ...... nmlv-i ','. ets. iGBNEKAL SUPKRINTKNDEMTi ij: Spain, open and all the usual means had The new man is named Dunne, and the r ' . ," Swerlen, eto North German Douglas ; garrison - have . . ...... ; Union i. M ll-failed, consented to' make the mat we hop? that, after seeing, hearing beenCamp it' Wets., Sets.'.'; direct,..., ii 1 BVFFXLO GOODS, BOBSSt res' mak of demonstrations riganli nkaad mall rfii Fnr ' Hi "T" ter; Known, sr. V 1.- !, and prospecting rhim a littlel we ets.iv Sets.jJ';.:n. " ; lend,.............t....A to the memory of the late de' I pect EeJ, wen I L to . j. rBaferellaa, be JPeraeeIa, . able will aone." j onder oa .k Co. Kan. JefK, sayr , I; Newman, nAlLROAD. UTAH K03THERN CAt .SlctaTeach by directFillmore. 1 ; : 'zsi KM Jaauarr-6- , 1873. a Judtni Titus was appointed in parted '"T S supplied with the most resent and Ja mall,aad7ebk.byclos1870. so that his four years must be sunrise a salute of thirteen guns SAO aal SS3, Arf mail rfa Trains leave' (dea dally at MS ine execuuoa ui CHICAGO. I prorea Mactunory lor ''. fl.d. ! ... works of know We thetoUowios , . whether t Switzerland-direcabout - 'K dont ... 130 ekjssdj:.,t " " ' up was tl i L !!--,fired and the firing of guns has 4111 sm p.m4 lxgan, Dear Sir. Havinsr used a- - few or not lie desired a reuomination. ' .. aK'.... ..lit.-CHAS: -- .it .7 bottles of y dur . Golden Medical itserland,1 by North. Clef ; r' he has, Ulysses hasn't- been able continued dunag the whole of the . ...,f cts. '.iSfav'. U n)oi) a root,. Ticket Geu'i snd maa RECORDS, Agent, a. i Discoyery, and believing i to be ttf r. i,.l , MUoic TnAlvHKHt 1 "seen m tnat ngnu- ihus is day at half hour intervals. At '."l"W t.Jl... r.lU ' the verv best medicine for Chills to li'ij , ' d35tf . said- to be an able.. lawyer; honest sundown ' a' tlute' oft thirty-fiv- e II Gen'lSupt. BfcQISTERS, ! NOTICE SPECIAL to wish the it and Fever, I by buy some peo. j l ctIva ma vmivnrlpa fnr man and Just judge; but " be rfired.: There was a jv, (BrtttebBritiab ailtia RAILROAD, , , ' '! St. Thotnas,.,.... le nave accused mm or ioo mucn guna. will Zta.. ioca.. 11. i - , I4KV. TnOS. U. 14EILI.T. of at the troops cfcw...Mcts. acts, tntlness of heart. For our own parti general parade WW GILMER V SALISBURY'S dKot.Britiah).... ; Mr. Harris as "I'ete Calamity" W hftVA knt nraise to bestow unon Camp, this morning,'; when the c! OF ZION'S raited State aad ' BrttlaM ITeeOi i"iv for his course here, Which, has order for thcWi riroceedlngs was PATRONS Mercantile InstiiUion ia his negro speciality, 'fAn Actor's him BJ i!Lssm9lisHjX been true as the needle to'' the pole published, t The "reason why those . XsnRBRS.-'-TDtuaio," a ine m neatre. In cases where white interests demonstrations ..were... not made will pleats addrem all order for a standard sin trie rate HW.i LEGAL, os. avoirdupois. ' To or from the Pomuiian . v , . Merchandise to th Supcrinltndent threatened by that Vast ana ordlstaDOe. of Canada. Purs Olive Oil censtantly on were orIrrespective Indian lung. Arizona sooner was because the military ifjoMMlEcaAp or Secretary, iri tvKicK bate proftipt hand. Various brands of the genu condathe re- 20. was March them not der authorizing Miner, . attention will be guaranteed, st a CORPPBATlONiig ? - ine article imported directly from tl Nevada for distance of apt over SjOOO mites, ,. and ,1ivinoes, Utah, South-eain iajs . wniguk ..vf'i.i.i ; ceivevi unui ; lOoaata. ' ' Ai MAntana. W. H.: Hooper, t ' - . . .;, r , France, by Louis A. Bertrand; and Holland. The Millennial Siar , tX)41 Alt I Leaving Salt Lake dry 4aflv,raanfn(r sonth foe sale at hla residence, one block notices a letter from Holland, from Thektre. There was another ex .. to Untie, American fcork. Mount Nebo, Se- wio lm COUASTk- AND' din afoi t west from the Temple Block, and Elder 8 Van Dyk dated Feb.s 25, cellent performance of "Diamonds, vier, aw ueorga. o saaj ana nocne, evaaa: . l t comi TERRITORIAL i ; .....,... V,.... & at. Messrs, Wilton San gio'si First id which he stated that his health or th Pockeft Book at Mystery," Spanish Fork, Paysoa, ' orncAL DiitECTony. Provo, Sprinvvllle, South Street, Opposite Z. C. M.T; was not as good as he could wish; the raeatre last nignt. ealtuee-- , Ubtcken creek, Kouna vaney, Corn Price from SIS to SIS Der box. of that the Dutch' Were a slow and This evening, for the benefit of Creek, Beaver, alinersviile, Fillmore, Nsthit :a 11:11 Ia V ai: i- i(rS-- ' and . alb tae priuoipai towns ana mining Utah? ana twelve or twenty-fou- r u ex tan United an ia tioutbeni 'Oowor C.' there Sate camps ;is botues,an? procrastinating' people, temporally MfVv. Crosbie, vaaa. Also Mave iwrtnne, u enn,aaiiy,ruB- from 75c io 52 per" Dotcie.accora- - and spiritually;: characteristically traordlnary" iMtigramme, consisting OoTtmor-weoiT- tij. ow tUi T JXscfesi asaef JaUMrf re A. BTack: xomantic play' of Ouuififrr what they Of "the lng to the alxe of the bottles, and putting off till ' sTsvEm-- I B. HtKsaan; for sale at the CUof ' JostSoeJ. f aud. miuuig camps In Montana. that many Drug could easily do In a Snare, a negro a a "Caught frsm asaaaft Brme: t,m JiMtksas Jaooft 8. Boremaa, :r. i Store. PMNCIPAIf 07FICB, would acknowledge ine iruvn, oui sketci, eoost, and the Mick. i !".' :. ..... . f4 ;i .T .....j,. .n i Mo.: Phillip B. Bmerson ' Brethreni buy no 'morem'eJtedJ would' ilelay action V thereon that ij of JOur Cousin Hamlet' ALL KlKf)3 .:Vl CA6'TtfWK,V for olive oiL . - i i f 'J . s . J A the brethren and sisters, as a gene lard it enn or a w uuaot in drama the 8. U. aaorney "Caught fin - .dl02 v Liouis.A.'BKSTRAmv ral MY. I irt W1.II HA n'J!:l WatxiB' Patent Agents for qatrrrm C. C. Clemonta; SALT L1EI CITY Snarei' Mr. Croable' appears as Sui thing, were living' their religion; tit trrwrI'. 0. oCPubHe u . Mooajra 4. ., os;;, - Jack1 Bunnewe, a dealer In last ' Bound ta Clotk or leather,-anthe'' DirrwoooKV has' removed- his tbafe some of them purposed emiGis:-iitAX3j ' Mr, ' Bawtelle as of Best Art. first the Style with company, Pftttospeeches, to rratinr af dying land FURNITTJRK from Main Street, bouses sold and Mr. Vinson their lands, "Bichard Brekbourne,? . brick ht Uiree-ator- ' "building. having t c PampkUU', Report; By-La- w Atatssor j. r, iimni 't and bejng very anxious for the tl ine as oin Miiler.Mr. Thbrne as i First I Sooih Btreet, OOoUector-Holllster. V. 8. J. . the sca rcity of money AadOopW a Maxwell tUnaQMnariag Cta; I Blackthome,' i Miss west of Co-e-p. : clock, wherei he is teeoma when they might bid. fare-- "Sanipson la eonsnqnenoeof " a and 1 C I largastockaf having i . j well ul' . 11 ; n t .Fesw"e,l . Tnrfr&th l td U as 1' Babylon I F k ((phoebe Broxbourne," Cogswell . f Ly , prepared to do a wholesale as well -- Iff " Mrs. Crosbie J "Patty BUberry. toffvei, jPriot iAtt, it Jl i.dS2 lm ..ma s as a retail business, Delegate to CengrearMW Q.snnont o hlri cry ? Pit mLi-pfn .. Tela j .i Zernbbabel Snow; . The British Mission,r As report-r- i W. T. Harris will appear as Attoraey-Gener- .... Mf. 't west Street. r ,i.i. '3 ..i.-'- ; it ; ff D. T. MeAIUsterj For Sale. The unexpired lease ed in the JTtUenmiat Stat, a district Pete Calamity," and Mr. Thome ManbalJFirst t.f. Jfc'' v.- nu X Aoditor-WOf the large and eligible! yard Im Clayton: .; ) I X KV ! : I .w.'iwAr.t,wlttL". -was held In the Monckton as"Mr. Boeth, Vadsnp ea Oat SnortestNoticaw' !a In the ; negro Treasurer James ii. w meeting ..,.' ST" Jack. sj 'a aw" mediately north of Seventies' Hall, road Lecture Haih'Jarrow, on Sua sketch. "An Actor's Studio." AriT,ia"t-M- kn ie8 ieS any of my goods trmca cvaia Superfatendenft of Common 8cbools Bob-j dc-h- j , salt; lake,, city, lf one-hablock souta Thea m ef) org first cla$-Gu&-nji &tzj diy-ilar- ch the; following Elders "Misss Ajizzie iJTUi wui iary lor ori lm Campbell. 1, ' ac-- and tre. . Apply to "A.XxTtnd, ( With from America being present John Love1 .f or rather sing aN son Salt Lake Count Olceri. Th Irtv Dblrd; ,J.i, Tip WLLKE3, antavrei fO fsfsaBaB4JsWnf ;jSii'l ' I' .1 Old Constitution Buildings. DfJceJ the tfiattitle.Liverpool s CGraham,from Judge--EllaProbate Smlta; d j1 u Ai1 jEbstervi COST a c,i H. S. Gowans, President of the The berformancM "cenelodes with Seleotmen Beubea ; Idler, base M. -ui- KE-jnotep; ? - ;,r Call and see me for bargains.; J. Newcastle and Durham1" 'Confer Mr. Crosbie' new; burlesque of 3tews tend n, Mailla Wsilev. its' Oosonai to Omaha Chicago George J.yaylor; i Running from ence, and Velney King, Traveling "Out Cousin Hamlet .w Mr. Crosbie ssrtftVK.T. . XSTABM.1H116JT. Bartons CldCA60 ; AD Elder iU; the same sius .! i... OT. i BtABSTACTITKERS OF yau will find U as Ihsane,,,Mr.Thorne ? . 1 i .11. . ".Ilanjlet f 1. confcrtneei, rX Saow; Proseoutlng Attoreey li North-wESTKR.RAix0Arx It Preshient Gowans said that ihe as "King 'ifin, - air. f as CcHacfoe K. J.CoVBag; nr A3biBBi-and y,vs iron &s 'thw.;t?iTt iT2mpf? ' U the iotdeait tbarttae, ysicese-n- d Ti eawarer Tbeodore Mr geaet was the '.'Ghost," Mr." Bea as "Giave-dig- held District . then; . Meeting ( .til K " ' I Ctaaaty Clerk? D. Boekholt; route. fo vhafigea f ears. All ' as "Horatio beginning of a series of such meet ger,1 Mr Caeabie, WorHgyi Connty Reearder- - Edwin 1 V: Mrs. Its passenger trains are ni . as Miss t i Marcellaa,? was O owi:: Scbecl SupertatendeM-HSoter- t $apper ,te It that I Casnpand designed Vi- - i j ing, . .v' ' t :t.ss- n 1 V -i &nlgrmk si i' w:cmz$ r presaUme. i I MLTXIXG Alt D "Gertrude.Mlss Cogswell BaiLy . ;,y v J'-- i l hold one every1 month for, at leantr BT.. , f J. 4? O. SSOQKS. on express train , only, a rnnman some ilxoe to cCe.'. He further as VOpbelia. r.;4V: ,'-- , . e Ttm liookM, 'JCiiZ, JbecLgert. 1." J . ' 1 t!M . . f,i: ii . . i.j Palace Cars. Steel Baila, orchestra the the; be would evening DUripg aiidthkt these meetings 1 f . .'BtAjrcvACxcanra , r?JL2X15 JLA A 1 A t5 X- JXV . sutosu..-;-. (. I1 f Miller 1 Platforms, bo , flml. will iMrfnrn. Thi fewinff Walts .1 i held iQ different parts of the ' .na BlanVsVdV . o RdM sr 4nsudstBWWeosk seX-ftsz2 z3 0 St.; fii. l r. comfort and IL fey Vt v Mnsnv Miuwg, fcitllroad or ComjneivMCoinpant it r Aim jail the ;Salnte i' ' '.l fr--"' Win Contract for tickets via this route and take rateht have the privilege of meet-Thlaf Is a most liberal bill, and 1st ataatelpal Ward Isaac Orse; WTTOT.Y3AXB BKALKSS IN KTTTS, JtO. 4 ; I iCeorgCr-HBOnsi one. Sd ! none others u ; . J t. ; Zi, SSi A tt Peoria St., Cor. West L&ks, AfiK end Smeltert. cfrm- ; i it Urget numbers wm provaery-ttracuv2iir4 lngtcfeether S4 '1m . . ;. Wv;"lstrCaOB; CHICAGO. Mr. Crbible4s :f a .psneral favorite, J2ailrord Plelei Narrow r''mM Oaupe - . A maw .... t.. rsw-agsuiis ;v Joa Erp: ' tt than they were la ine pracucom : i i anil,' ail. things considered, large : th . n w:ufa . 9 Branches, their in repeetive doing Ata;jETxper. Mcrr.j 'a, e: White at be sale for house time Tickets a and hiU may. extead. more a? a.0.tfc?,. eeWBOjUsBav,form , ana i, i and; thereby, raw, PA!.niLET COOKAIItt QUO Brts-aaiana, AlTbsodora MetCeaa. I Cormiek's Bank gait .c Toasng, iCUfay other. pec ted each r' bert Carrlngtoa, Joan B. Wbsder, Beary Mining ' Car, Sl,niXtlflIIs,t .a jdss,kO W .r.t2j ji adi afluialntanc4iWith a a a. iMUk lw - i ' ne-IT?vad matinee. ne I reeomraenaea 1 . fa. ILH. Fett, BarU UcSe&zie, Ferastrongly V. Grow, H, hav. I B?ACTZrr ;.i oi i nOiS Uttlei Tboass WHilams. Iliica of a approv cessiiy , e"v.v Moiags ' Treaaarer-Pa- al if Trees A.'oIaimm'''r oainis the draw to trees! . 1 form for sale at. the Kkws OSce In a tendency Kulberry Unitary !1"-'' t?s also larre iaofiitfet for tbe exeoutkn and .'x..f iMMOitfind .inike . them met jasiconunencins :'!. of this braaoaef btisinaasi '; r. Me John Marshal T. Affisterj' - shade to niake now. and. to: the time is plant For united than,tiieyere, Sale by & C at. I. a4 a1 lis Praaoh Aadltor of Publio AeooonU Robert ' w "". .; n ,v tl Tf ir-CampbeH; thTr lalhienee felti where . it was trewVandall who 'need and have CoHectsir and do Jci3sa will tL to for B. no 4 "Ptti iMlrs to lmftmea autoaers sii4 now Winder; were stfnr i poans pay them, supposed there ' RUlXa aod BXGCLATIONS, J u x Supervisor of Etruet the pabfic at large tat we bare moved InGrot; themselves a favor by purcbadc rouna. to be Saints Jesse If. ton ' , . v; ; to the nrecfcauiiciicraaLji under .ta fer4y Surveyor .w , 3, firtfiwthl" One of tho racs w n , Caars cf echod lie ;ectort rrcfcoor J. Wanteq UoteL wbers we are now crenlnjr . c:crt,s '!, ; , TAr.Ajnx3 eer 8prtbg and Bommer dotUn", sU ol bc-c:ultrees rircrrrAC3, tba akads is L. 'Cmjben, raory I ul CccI Fark, EcJjeit C ! "'' w' Branch,v Jarro Defids,' fell Clalra nr " tbskUart styles-anof form, Quit patterns, V & ''.ta-i-s ewa BMnalaetorA, wtdeb enalilea L.rrjS jthe only objection to it, if- Dovessns. to veil PrewJdeut Ci fthe i ,.w- -o w' t O eealerof and N. Kfasurot Weights eartoodafnaatoSO por ttak, ira than Branch, J. M. Parriab, Prest. rt the otjectionJf fiaa.tCilIad, ia tLe pro' ' . ; , ETC y umt aoaae 1 ia una cy. tn fons,: Incorr9rj.-- i i a j: Tars,i Its betns .x.an by injured Oor.niiMbab'Iiiy.of Manalaotorr. L. ftCo.' Eniierland Branch, it, : tfJn Ttiri. and other ELlhES Captala of PUc And re w Burt; ' hia 4,Leaoard at., Vtca liotel LaT.ag, President of the Eiowth nmu ' . boys id robbing it of its beauts- water JinieriA Main Bl &. l i2iy. .tw i eta. tt3 1; 6U Preslden fbulwtUi.rrp Brancb, Thoa.AYilliira3, Kr.fl t.ivii - i .... ;i lp-m-to-d- nt oy-resiae- to-nig- ht. D!QlBJiulDllG; fitTPATHFpltt i ; - if- .g m. . -- -- ; I tm&m , j. j I IS 4 M ,-- " ' to-nig- ht. ? rll 1 tr 1 Traiiis Trl-wfcls- lT, - , .. -- 5 . . - r . , .. ,; . to-da- X ?. " i s f .-.. - " - i.-- -..- -.Sc. - I) j I ? - -- - , I . - J- , i v . f to-nlgh-L; i . I " . - ; , I ate ,,' - - v. 1 - ; : i s Pt j-T- SPMGflADI 5. . i : aur-roundiii-gs, - ij io-deat- to-morr- t. . -' . . ' f f .j v . - i i. j il 1' L . 0 " 1 - 1 . 5 - a . . 1874 - o . t'-4- . f ? . ITi-at- ; : j " . one-quart- er I d; wells st New Goods . s BOOTS 5 : Saxe-uVitenbti- I Co---- .-: a, . M ; : j Vf . , New - . -- " . a- from - - 0 SHOES, - rfiii. iW.- T,nrr-wwJB- Shirt me n ts iiar ! - ; to-da- 1 f tt-ts..--: g. rivina dailii. , 1 co., ..... ! . 2 P 7 " I n. -- " ,- rork-Pleasa- nt - k--- v York, Resident . - -- 1 Buyer, making Boots and Slaoos, this, (it Mil seasons of the year i the JT , .- - - . - ! it- - f . it . '.-- - - . Largest, Best ted and f Most Attractive fStock I - . - -- BOOK BINDERY - , TUJ1IJ . - - t ... ., w, fc - ; St" t- - -- . 5 i.'-- ! IBiaAnk Soo. To-da- - .-- IT chandise in the 11 : -- f : a-- - -- Par TFes. - . Kns-landV- . 1 ! -, - - - ! fla am ! - .mm.Jm - ... - ses leading of , 'ills Goods in he Ijmo p- - ..' i1.;.'.-- -'? ..i..S"-. rr ;'!.:- - - a . - - I- - 1 - souta-eastn- J .!'. . . e- ; each. V , WT'1-f separate DepartmenlSj with petent Salesmen in . f, 4 'f-U- " - - .4 K s : GeneraV Mer- o -- F Tlirrr-f- ve to-da- y; a- f i sroff. new-burlesq- ?Fc assure cour- vt . ,e,or-Oeoer- al M'Mai j o:u;n;di'; 'lt. ?- , d ... - - cons attention. moderate prices. and a disposition t t9 please, and Cnoe--WTU- ctt . ey half-a-blo- ck . ii j Jl i al - c , . 1 '"" ? -- a commodate all s:c who may favor us with their patron- - 6e ' o - fri oerRulins: - ;ilekt te Jf lit 1 - . ) 1 -r. . 1 AU-KIBD- S '! - -- 1 . eay .r 1 ajc. FURNITURE 1 :v ,- i ... - . VJw;' 1 " w -- if V-f""- .' ... - " hat y 1 ; , - e? - - nn to'-Brs- - r 14SM 1 1 - & . " Ike ! . - . .1.' - . m v-'- m. '.'f!1. '.Ska . " . - - 1 v- J - , 1 .Beeorder-SobeHCompbe- !!;- . -- s- - - 7 . - 1 - Tt rc By-LA7- U-- srt .. - - Lr3 d - - nrr-.'.irront--- 1 ,,"3tjly.T.uri..mM ' J t - V;, - r-- - - - .- .t rr:xr O'jJ . it veJ " .' cu3 . ti 1 i I ' M '.5 1 , |