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Show I THE EVENING NEWS; ate sausnea with their efforts to .... - r BlcbardSmlth, To John B. huiner, for servtoea at District Attorns? ;tor tho dpuiy i first Judicial District, To Zeeedee Coltrin, for services si. .Chaplain of taeHoneeof Bpr-.- act entitled 'An act prescribing a One Pup's f X3enatnda Schodla. , One Territorial Treasurer. summary mode of procedure for the one Audltoe Public Aceouats. lal si recovery, of real property forcibly Oae Twilto, of ne Attorney GeoeraL and unlawfully withheld" was Ooe ostrict Attorney ror the Brat la-taken up on its third reading, and was laid on the table as unfinished One Dirtriat Artorney roc the second dis,., business.' trict. ' " General. Surveyor F. "Anlact 15,) OMTejud i (H. Librarian. f: Oee fees for the Secretary orprescribing the Terri- ,Oee Keeorder of Marks aad Breads-- - r tory." was laid on the table as un- One Warden of Penitentiary. finished business. A One dealer or and Measures. (C. F. 17,) "An! act amending Cite TerritorialWeights Koad CoaBUaker. 'An act in relation to marshals and One Probate Judge fpreacof the CoUoar- the table mgceunoca, riz.: attorneys,'" was laid on I On motion of Councilor Young, down for considerable bums. Afton:- On moUon of Councilor .Wood1 Ink vti arrntlsil on ramnlttni nf i dissolved. was the H. elected Joint Session Pro Wm, ruff, ...... ' f we oo !j I'' of Brunswick, who had jeweller Rich bate for Judge county. . V. M. mm aiamonas. no said to trie " soia Mr. Rounuy. Wm. Ou of motion i audience Theatre. A large n, Jeweller In court, them Lo "I took The Aesembly met In Joint sratatlves darln tte session of Bringhurstf was elected " Probate o nard to do me cause uooo ambled at the Theatre oa Bator to 174. you for Kane agree pressed ' previous pursuant Judge county. a VerT SeSBeetfnlTv. ; . K enter On motion of Mr. Farr, Franklin ment. , ,.TV so, and you sold me diamonds for BiLaj B. Bjoth, Chairman. LOSAUAND OTHER BATTER Si day night, and seemed well 10,000 francs whklt experts es) D. called. f Richards .Rolls was present. elected Quorum Probate of the"Chlld tained with the plays ...u ..... .t ' at only 2,000; j ou clutrged roe mate ; Mr. Caine.' of for Councilor re of On motion motion On the Weber Hatch, J udge county. I : for Jewels upon wliJch francs i.rtjiuMMtR i degrees J in of the Regiment" and "Ireland as port of the Committee was adopt 6,000 was elected Bf On It. motion of Mr.iRoundy, Jas. Kinney alsotary 1 1 could not realize 1,000.;' the shade, at ip. m. 3. Bleak was elected i a Notary' Pub- Public for Salt county, fDul It Was," and the lively "acting of ed, ana me uomnmiee instructea a v a.c-.rV iliorv lime ago waiiuai . On motion of Councilor Caine, . lic for Washington county. Miss Moore and Mr. Williamson, accordingly. anowy' r .Vendoma vhdted the NoMahon Mr. was elected Chas. of a Committee On Gould the Mr. Wm. motion Thurber, of Aj T i Rouudy, with the singing and dancing on and urged the contractor tu Public tarv Lake for Salt r county. P. was elected J a. udiclary, respectfully reported Sargent Notary winter winter thereto appertaining, 1 Washington, 1 Iron. which were back (C. F. 11.) a bill tor "An act as unfinished business. iI Bearer, On motion of. Councilor. Hooper. hurry it up as rapidly as poss3ble. Public for Washington county.) 1 Paite, days JusF.now dull, cold, snowy, greatly applauded. was elected a Notary The eighth : spiral , lr now being to Chairman Councilor Sanpete, of . i Wells N. or amendCouncilor On with motion Smoot; regulate fees," &c, J. a PublicSpicer 1 Juab, 1 Utah, ' the for Petitions Committee and frosty. 1 Lake county.' placed, and the cont ractor promised of; L Wasatch. salt Salt Lake, 1 Davto, This evening will be presented ments, and recommended its pasSmith, Lewi Fisher was electedv. X Box aider, 1 Cache, the Marshal ;, that the monument A. On was motion of r whom Caine I to Councilor referred Morgan, for Memorials," Iron Notarv Public county, I 1 Summit n Ion for the first time on any stage, A Good Time. - The Amsnd&enta to aald bill ffLP.If.l the memorial of Henry W, Law- 11 Tooele, I Bich, be entirely completed by should Pubwas & a elected Gould H. D.r Mr. S. On Notary motion of Smith, I first of June. , ' the N otary lic lor Salt Lake county; waa ft party of the Fourth Quorum of new and original drama, .written a bill tor "An act to regulate fees," rence and others, praying for a law Kane, a McFarlane 8. " ejected And Notaries Public at follows: from England writes Mace Mr. Mr. nomiJem follow to Thurber Miss Moore the for and of the the zeaa was as Iron for presented expressly ; guard ana. at lublic sanctity on amenaea, county. etc, iHeventle, Friday night,For Washfogtoa Countv. two to fin tK w. ' that he will accept tho challenge of on motion of Mr. Grover, said nating fianchlse, reported adverselyat Plred On motion of. Mr. Murdock, Ed- ing Joint resolution term Of Jama G. Bleak and Ra Wkl- the Hth Ward Assembly JXhomk, Williamson, by Mr. A. Mulgam, bill for from oue Allen to Tom to was: or an en act the the a read Taltbn elected ward passage second time by 4that! tlie thousand to fivetight was a very enjoyable affair. res" entitled "Struck Oil." or the sections, and the thousand For Iron Tooaty. two to fill theoznlred Public for Beaver cou nty. . Notary r Whereas 5t has tenox charged session.. dollars, the present further v are tan amended, jegfsianve Aflsemniy Juratory "Pennsylvania Dutchman," Miss and, ; i dent Joeeph, Young was present. to enact If Allen will post the. forfeit ,t' (C. F. 18,) '"An Act? to prevent terms. of U p. Peudletoa and Jamsa tnat tney nave failed On motion or Mr. M urdock, J. il. tiuch laws as ar necessary for the general prove that he means business, Moore appearing In her Dutch On moUon of Mr. Merrill, said bill frauds and perjuries" was laid on For Reaver, two to fill the expired terms Dupaln was elected a Notary-Puband the government oi tne Territory, good . w or uuraam as unfinished business. rotae A fire broke out this morning lu table the and James BolUns. lie for Beaver county reaa tne tnira time, and. be It resolred in Joint session No. Therefore, Oil For tMwmm Millard, to Grinder. The biz coffee mill In specialties, as "Lizzie Stofiel," and was three theamml 11 Laight St.,: the IfUraeH was received A communication on On motion Memoruus be Committee On of Councilor Mr. the motion ClufT. of that Callister, bill the Ft uiona, joaa w. lladro-- a and bills to Nca. 9 & 7,cau)d dara all for a to eueated of furaUh the the show window of Mr. Geo. V. Mr. Williamson as "John Stoflel," passed. The title was read and ap from the House announcing their "i4uin lit was Notau. spreading Joeiah a Gibbs F. Smith. elected John vetoed been the laws have that shoemaker soldier. Miss pamed by and res concurrent For three to fill Cogs m steam the expired ry Public for Millard county. in Sanpete, driven by a small Davis amounting to $50,000, tnda! Executive or the Te ntory, and tnat tney age proved. .onus ui Kxrujrtfrr raraawortll. Jubn :' O. . On as insured. olution, well ., I John's Moo. Wm. Mr. Geo. of our motlou turoith was appears Q. Cannon, "Katrina, Tne and received was Delegate, from which Partridge, Brewn received following: Lewellrn. engine,, from received the with a Ustof was the The with, fame together elected a was Damron For Salt fill H. XAke, to following three the expired Notary mi balance aud charaoti r of aald bills aid VU. WsahinetanU ttlrt.Srljiw t lie eatt a day or two since, for the wife," Mr, Sawtelle as "Sergeant terms of John T. Cain, wiinan : tne House: Public for Millard cou nty. Comfmas Boom, Feb. I0ib, 1874. so they are able do to that ' and Mr. Thome as "Dea and Uteonpired terms of Patrickrr.J,. sofaraatbey Flynn," Lynch Washington birthday 1 Lei 11 g On motion of Councilor Callister, .Turtaer urge upon uongresM tne necessity RcFKBSKNTATIVae' Haix, .... . naaivuru, rauniW. Jfr. Speaker and Member of the II mm: JitlfjiO. t m con Skinner." commemorated as by a very'goneral eommitte'. Thomas was lor For elected a Investigating 1374 fill Yates three te Cache, SO, the terms Oeat lemen Yen r Committee on Claims Notary expired February u. of ura Bait Lake w, of ret. business, James The Henry city, suspension Iei3g a State.! t., IStandage, waa and Public for and Millard to Tabsrnicle Chtir Party. whom The "immense" farce of the tne mot referred ApproprlaUoos, county. PrefL, and Member f awXf ruarr. however the United States too oc nr. w. u. smita muu that Hon.theLmrtnvrSnow, ' r On motion of Mr. Peacock, James holiday; Read and adonted. For Council: two V fill to j jc!ii?er.s of the Tabernacle Choir "Chinese Invasion," with Mr. WU Tooele, the terms money be appropriated to purchase and. are In session, but tbe CusOf 1L S. Gowana and jveanderexpired Goo. C Brown was elected a Notary, Mr. Rieliards presented the fol courts Gixn.iMM: The Houseonbaa adopted the miroaue quaiifl into tne xe are going to have a tom House .party, liamson as "Slouch" and "Ah statement atd Poet. Office recogwo to flit on terms the Conference XZ Committee Pnbllc of costs submitted expired of for Sanpete counts. the report io wins Joint resolution r"' of 44 An William Critchelow and Franklin 8. the former by keep. and fees the nise, toi Aet F. day, at the Fourteenth Ward Assembly Slim," and Miss Moore as "Kitty Un it Co.. resDoetfullv ren 11,) (C On motion of Mr. Morrison, Geo. h for deem leawatioa thereoa inexpedient af oooipcnsatlon for official and ether services short tixie -- only in retxAxmd bv the Ir rials tire Aesem Be open it Ing Four ComnlttM was mild on a Farn elected worth lioom, Wednesday evening. Chane" and "3am Le Ix," with preaent, and ask thst they be excused from in ma Ttrnioir 01 u urn, uu mum m tnat tnereoe elected two,bi Notary In ot the of the and the latter by closthe morning, Utah, That, bly additional No-- ruouc ror Sanpete county. sme for enrollment. event of anTerritory Committee being and before us is a complimentary to Chinese vocal and instrumental us runner coosioeranon or tne subject. Investigating o'clock. at The Gold llbom, tep Itetipeotfully, Very Oasox On motion .of Councilor YoUng, fnointed by Congress, aa asked for,; the ing iteapectfullr, aim ene ior weoer. PukTt, 8n., .vjf iur rfiao attend it. , The committee are W. music JProduce ' ExStock ou.jm., Silas S. Smitij, Chairman. namea do x our uomtulttre Exchange, tveea u. xoiiowing appointwas a gentienien would aiao elected reooasmei Ijlewellyn Speaker. ed managers on behalf of the JJegialaUve change, and other. similar pluces hold that the flnulm. a Assembly Joint A la rire and full and funny bill. for Sander, C. IX. Smith, D. McAllisPublic' Notary Sanpete county, On motion of Mr. Thurber, theviz: are closed, j Many social ':' clubsiar possible, ooaaisteat with other A communication was received soon asbusiness ter a u d T. C. Griggs. C. R. Savage On motion of Councilor Jennings, Assembly, lion. Geo. Q. Cannon, Delegate to of toe committee was aaopt- from "Eileen Oge" for the purpose ot making report night. entertainments." ;:M the their House, giving announcing 8. J. Brooks was elected a Notary mm rmuuni. Js, announced as floor managrerv For Hea. Xorenso the of President Snow, concurrence s. A. Maasr. i in meeting in joint Birth! The followlnjr was received and tTioiic ror wait Ajatce city. Celebratlns Waehlnston's Cotmcll. those who attend we predict a good The Van Valkenberg Murder. Chairman of Committee, i :'f I.'-session. ) On motion read: of Councilor Hon. Orson Pratt, Sen., Speaker of the C Hooper. 7 ? day. Salt Lakel time. There are now four parties under (H. F. 7.) "An Act providing for Committkk Room. Wm. Clayton was elected a Notary -xiouse. 1 e1874. . Feb.aty, 1 ' 3. WASHrXQTOIf , Wbbllictoii s W. Woodruff. Feb. 19, 1874. and brands." was ef having arrest, who are Public ror salt ljake. county. A. O. Smoot. Is being more generally Eunnsuing marks motion birthday Washington's Birthday. Yester- - been connected suspected busias On table Mr. of Tavlor. D. Unfinished H. motion On of Councilor L. E. Harrington. with the murder of Jlr. Speaker and Member of the ' celebrated here than it has been far f ness. Wells was elected Chancellor of the Wm. G. Mills was electedJennings, dav was the-- anniversary of the Peter Van a Notary A. K. Thurber. ,' House: Shafer, Valkenberg years. The flags on publU many Act Oeseret (C. F.34,)"An amendatorvof Mrthd.iv sf . George Washington, University. Yoar Committee on Libra itionc ror Halt iaice county. f j I - Read and adopted. other buildings are numerous. and Fcx and Gray. The fourth, ry,UenUemen ana On ' motion of Yeunsr. Councilor to Kelly, tne charter . to Mr. was "An On motion of referred whom F. supplementary (II. S3,) Joseph F. i the ''father of hi country." Aaiit Robert Gray,"" saloon motion of Mr. Pace,1 Isaiah and but little,., business is. being keeper of act in relation to the Utah Library and ot American rork city," was laid the Joint Session adjourned till 3 Smith, S. A. Mann was elected a M.OnCoombs wa Sunday, no particular demon- was elected Notary done in tne Jxecutive aepartment. on as m. o'clock Territorial the table unfinished Librarian." business. was brought to town yesaccompanied by p. Notary Public for Salt Lake county. Public for Utah the petition of the Salt Lake Library, trutions of rejKfot to the memory Sandy, j was The received and county. ; followinij ;.j moUon On of Councilor Thatcher. f 27r0O0Flrew sheriff Florida. have had the tame under consideration. read: t ; On motion, tho ioint session dis ' h S p.m. 1 was elected a No f t!i i grat in in could well he terday by deputy Gunnel Francis 23. Tha Ind. Kvansville.' in aad Commit: of Mr. the And, visited Our reporter "your solved.RtrRKsvrtATTVas' HalL, Gray this tee, that the opinion Joint session resumed Its session. tary Public for Cache county. Hank of Aet doe not authorShin however,! many jof made; Sinzlnch, Organic Chandlery 1874. foliowinor The latter 90, renort waa stated The r re that ise a compliance with the prayer of the February Mr. Merrill, James On motion of was A burned In this Co., morning; Hon. tlif principal buildings of thelcjty morning. Lortnto Snow, PrceL, and member of sented by the Joint Committee on A. Leishman was elected a therefore, we rcapttfnlry ask Notary loss 927,000, insurance sifiw. Kelly visited his saloon on the day petitioner!; UteCouneO, leave to return tno am me to tne tanie. ahave been decke J with the "stars of i2.lectlonst for Cache county. Public to asked and murder him the Gnrrt.BXKX-The S3. C. F.No. thereto. Aot A Great Oleaster eared . "An 'V On moUon of Councilor Thatcher. and .triies"aiJ the principal stores lend him (Kelly) his shot, gun and report adreracly Kespeetru ur. to amend an act entitled An Aot ananndinv Tt the Ron. Lorsnxo Snow. President east wind was Brower A. a the of elected charter Detroit 1 3. A heavy of business have also asked him to load C for Cache V. B. l'ACB, Inoorporated citlea," baa Notary To-If- iy pi .if. 6 the Joint Session: ; one par to-dlb .respectfully forwarded for ayl otiiT up paaaed, and ioe fromt the has driven . u the Publio . CbalNoan. county. itT ! i JDispatclies. leon enrolling-The Comnuttee on Elections would res- of rel with buck shot The gun jwas or river into the bay, mouth On motion .Mr. Saginaw Rowberry. very Rcspeotfully, peetfnlly recommend that there be elected Liawrence A. Brown Was elected a wssrrav trsroi gLECBAPB MKB. audit Is reported that about300 fish On motion of Mr. Morrison, tho ru eiRsoir Pratt, Sen., . loaded with Ave shot at a time In addition to the nam tier already reportermen are on the floating ice.ancrat of the committee was adopt j More Buapaotad Poisoning. j It and Mr. Speaker. Notary Public for Tooele county. ' ed Notaries Pa bile, as follows: asked Shafer to jare report Gray last accounts they were five miles or committee on mouon and the CONGRESSIONAL. Mr. ed, discharged Councilor Calne presented bill Rowberry. f. remembered that George nil the load from one barrel, which will For Juab County 2 land. ureal fears are enterfrom was Hammerland consideration of from No the elected a further J. F. dam"An Act (C. 45.) Ban pete - SENATE. providing -Hill, aeven year old son of Henry lie did, and Mr.Gray then loaded the the subject. tained for Tooele that; the ice will break up Public county, tary for death caused by wrongful 2 ,, Snmmit before the men can be rescued, and On motion of Mr. Richards. Wm. Hiii, who lived with bis mother, empty barrel with nine buckshot. Minutes reaa and approved, and, ages or Serler , 8 default.' Tfte) act, Senate neglect Adjournal On motion of Mr.Cluff, the House Critchelow ' was elected a Notary who --epirated ly divorce front Mr. He tbat a rearrui disaster win result. 8 On motion of Councilor Smith. ,i Tooele told him he Was iWAStrtNOTOX. 23.--that chanlaln Kelly says V 10 1 for ,, Publio Weber a.m. till Morgan county. adjourned died Its second Hill about two years ago, passed Crusade Commen reading. in Dis openinir prayer Invoked Di Temperance to hunt horses, and that Iron ' 3 on mouon or Mr. Farr.F. s. Rich vine ces On motion of Councilor Smoot. Next Saturday. . on Thursday night, and, ow-in- ir going Providence to a SaltLake the w that grant a was ards elected Notary Public for he had not the least Idea that Kelly passed its third readlnz by its title. Utah 5 WAsiusaTON, ; iz,- - Tie Cor to the .rnintomi manifested was country might ever think with re Weber county. to kill anybody. and was sent to the House for ac He lavU 2 ,t meeting going On motion of Mr. Murdock. H. verence,, of the great and good men gressional Temperance on i tion thereon, previous to hi death, Jt was believ- himself had no dispute with Van O. A. Smoot, tnat whose Satur decided, the W.Morse was elected a Notarv Pub throughnas Instrumentality yesterd.y, FORTIETH DAY. ed that it might have resulted from Council went into joint session. Chairman of CooncU Committee. a nonext to tnat to crusade Its could nation attained and similar, present day lic for Beaver Valkenberg, gain county, , 8. A. Mask, now iri cities! exalted other and poisoning. An inquest was held on thing by his death. He was anxprogress posiUon, ip or especially on Edmotion Mr. of Honae Committee. Couxcil Chamber, Murdock, (See minutes.) him who was first to defend ; us would be commenced here sgainfet the body on Friday, by Coroner O. ious to have an examination imme Salt Lake Ctty, U.T., mund P. Hart w as elected a Notary of Salt Lake City, from all wrongs, .and who was ever tne liquor selling establishment. Feb. for Public 1874. llJsO as Beaver stated 20,1874. M. the in Feb. P. 20, j county. J., Taylor, when, and expressed confidence in tne anectlons and hearts of On motion of Mr. Murdock. Wm. first Council resumed its session. , Xkwh of that day, a verdict! was diately, j (COSmJiUED.) On motion of Mr. Partridce. D. O. Fotheringhani his countrymen. he should be acquitted. He that was elected The was frsm received aJNotary following Calsler was elected a Regent of the Public for Beaver Councilor Smoot, from tlte Com the House: FOREIGN. given to the effect that the boys died said Shafer, not Kelly, took the i Antnony . said tne country was county.. ; on Claims and Appropriamittee the of from convulsions, produced: by celebrating or mouon University, birthday on f, RsPBinurtAnvis Haix, Mr. Morrison. Jans CHEAT BRITAIN- gun out of the saloon after it was tions, presented the following. ana 1 was not cue On motion of Mr. Peacock. Joseph P. Christensen was FebruatySO, u:4. No Washington, a elected cause 'unknown to the jury, was ot A. for a elected loaded with buckshot. to Hon. Senate Lorenzo Snow, President, the sit upon Perishing Jy Famine-Shirl- ey tomary Regent tary Public for Sanpete county. Lorenzo Snow, PrfUUnt, and ifem- ana Member of um counea. theYoung .1 lenities the 'of the f de- . On the other hand, Kelly con- Hon.Mri such was an ex there Brooks Dead. University. vouneu: On Mr. aday,unless motion of of th Grover, Samuel The Houae haanaMed (C F. On motion of Mr. Hallidav. R. Pitchforth was elected or business,: be feased boy and her ciii Id ren, there fesses to having committed the Tour Committee en Conference, to whom 45,)GzHTLRMCir pressure London. traordinary special from Ca I a "An Aot death tor Notary damaaea previdlaa was elected a Regent Public for Juab county. waa referred, the item In the ADOroDrla- - caused therefore moved that the Senate cutta says 23.A Ij. Campbell deor that 80,000 act, persons aire another family living irt the murder, but says that Mr. Gray tkn wrongful by neglect Bill for one thousand dol ars to be ap fault," and return the same for of the University. Mr. Partrid ee. A. adjourn. The motion was unani ramismng for want of , food In tho On motion of on the State uoad, south or tne rrovo enrollment, respectfully same house In the 15th- - Ward, said, when, lending the gun, that plied , on motion or Mr. w. u. smith, G. Sutherland was elected a Notary mously carried and the Senate ad districts of Tirpool and Bagiiiteor, t rid re. betr to report that they have Bespoetfully Tours, Geo. J. Taylor was elected a Re Public for Juab on plaotnr, in the Appropriation 1 journed. in the presidency of Bengal.! and rhillp Hall, and wife, the latter ho (Kelly) was to "kill old Van arreed Oasosf ATT, Sen., Pb county! ma. the sum of gent of the University. or councilor Smith. but for thei aid furnished bvt the mouon r0 V). A U. SMOOT, Speaker. I' on being the daughter of the former Valkenberg, and do it well," and On mouon or Mr. Morrison ueoree A. H. Noon was elected a Notary ;EASTERNt4ni1 500,000 persons would government Chairman. Mrs. Hill, now Mrs. Ledingnam. he (Kelly) would get his place and Councilor Smoot reported back Reynolds: Was elected a Itezent of Public for Juab for F. "An Wash county: at Act 39.) TernperanceMovement providing Another of the hitter's and one of Gray would get his (Kelly's). (a was The report accepted. On motion of Mr. Grover. unaries J. brooks,' the. .cele. of the Territorial Auditor the t centennial Expo- Drated a. v wnmey Mr. Hall's children, both girls ingtonThe onUniversity. House joint resolution, ''authoriz election motion or Mr. 1L Younr, Jr., Comfort was elected a Notary 8. is Pubdramatic Democrats and of Anglian author, 'sitlon Territorial Accounts Public OpThe, was elected a Re- lio for Juab county.: a territorial road through Davis Albert about three yejars of age, have ' dead. ..j pose nnlAopropriatlon.? Utah Mining"Gazette for Feb?. 21 ing Treasurer," and moved that the gent ofCarrlngton -its second reading, same the University. Mr. On Wm. of motion on since died, one of them, that of coutalns"Germanla Separating and County' passed Grover, as table unfinished the 23. m-'-A. Washinirton . lay ,x On motion of Councilor Smoot. R. ana, ' was elected a Notary Pub- - Chicacm, carried. NOTCC.i says tnat Geo. Q. Cannon was elected a Re lie May Philip Hall, exhibiting symptoms Refining Works," with illustration, On motion of Councilor Bta3'ner, business; special to tne inter-ucea-n for Juab county.: . Councilor VI at the 'Temperaace meeting of the reported Harrington was to similar those manifested and its third of the passed reading, gent exactly University. of On District Councilor Youne. motion, Dry Canyon," sent to the House. back (C.F. 18,) "An act for the On motion'' of Mr. Los Angeles Tobacco Cbm 1 "Ophir The was , It Hoclety David Congressional agreed Geo. little Grover, was C. A. Madsen by elected a Notary to begin a systematic IIill,the onlydWerence "Formation aud Characteristics of Concurrent resolution for or money or otner property McKenzie was elected a pany baa broken ground. , campaign ap recovery Regent of audiic ior Hanpete county. , lost at gambling; laid on the table the being that the convulsions were a Mineral Veins and Deposits," "Ari- pointment of commissioners the- - Dis selllnsr in to as ajrainst liquor - i University. On mouon or Mr. Peacock-- Aaron trict or Columbia: anetner meet-- vjrvguu uaa lov acres uevoied to unfinished business.! little stronger in the girl. She was zona, Montana and Colorado," "Re- compile and codify laws of Utah, motion Councilor On of Callister, Public nsr will be held during the acre The following Joint resolution H W. Nalsbitt was elected a Re Hardy was elected a Notary taken ill on the same day that the sources of Utah, Statistics for 1873, was taken up on its second read- was. f oeing z.wu pound. m for Sanpete county. Af the- House received from to decide details' the of week upon on and laid table. of the the University. gent i On motion of Mr. Thomas the movement. - It was agreed that Three thousand out of ftVe thou boy died and breathed her last on American Fork District," "Iron ing, i On The following was received from motion or Mr. h u. Klchards, Bullock was elected aClufl'J RCPBKSCirrATTVSS' HlU. Pub praying bands of women should be sand sheen have died In Uig Valley Notary Saturday night The other .little Mines of Utah," etc. B. Young; Jr. was elected a Regent lic for Summit the House. February 20, 1874. t season or starvauon. county. died Jessie wors on next, caturaay. tma yester girl, Mary Hill, Hon. Jjtr ento Snow, President, tneir ' of the gin University. motion of Thrhted Bed Was On Councilor ItKPBSsiarrATiVES' Bluff with Haix, were very enana Member of the Vouneu. The meetings y On motion Of Mr. TburberHenrv Godfrled Bpoorry ws olooted Caine, Funeral Services. As announced day, morning at 0 o'clock. 1 Her a No-I thusiastic, February 0, 137. for tne first ume on the night of the GaitTLXMEX The House has br unanim the and that was suggestien I. a Doremus elected of were, Regent M for Public funeral Sumit county. different, however, in Saturday's News, the symptoms 12th. Hon. Lorenzo Snow, PrteSdent, and Mem- ous vote adopted the followinr Joint Heso-tary The illuminaUon caused ; the women's movement ought to more On motion of Councilor Young, commence lutton ana enacting ciauseywrnicn is suostt-tilte- d tne university. and it Is stated that she bad' been services of Mr. Theophlle M. Morf than a dog fighL t, Ji ber cf the Council: excitement received! was here with Mr. Isaac motion Richards. of On lu enaotinar in of the clause lieu, the Michael Johnson was elected a No- continued KK: The House has passed (C.F. mk. .iktr..i 1.. iy. ill of scarlatina. Dr. Anderson took placo at St. Mark's church 44,)G Kirrunf Dill. was a elected Qroo applause. Regent of the tary Public for Sevier county. An act to provide tor appropriation "An aet Kcspociruny yours, The centennial commission, has n our opinion, due in a great mica and the Benedict Brothers visited yesterday afternoon, and were compuinf andrepealing University. or Mr. Peacock. Isaac sent on publishing- the laws of Con8bi ., motion Oasox PratTi a delegation here to urge the sure jo the Uncertainty; and, Ine gress appUcab. to the Territory of Utah, On motion of Mr. Richards, Thos. W.Pearce was elected Notary Public Speakerc :( and examined the bodies yesterday. attended by quite a number of his and for other purpoaea," with amendments. Stockier, was Ellerbeck W: Treasurer elected passage, by the Senate, of quality of punishment. rompt . i for ' Sevier county. Concurrent resolution in relation of the Deaeret v f 1 S f Thl morning Acting Bishop Blias friends. Deceased was much res- Do you concur? resolution Mouse he ij t Independent Instructing University. Very Respectfully, On motion of Mr. Morrison Wm. the President to invite to the Territorial' appropriation bill Morris' and Mr. Ledingham the pected, lmviug been a moet exOh BO!, Pratt, Sew, Mr. On of gov A. motion foreign T W. stiorel visit Smith. A to 1 the pawnbrokers' was taken up- was elected, a Notary ernments to take part in tho Speaker. R. I Campbell was elected Snner-- McFIadgen Expo- In San Francisco would prove to! tho ua Public for Sevier county. stepfather of the ilill cmid, viaued cellent citizen. motion or councilor Btayner intendent ' find . sition. : Schools. Common of unexpected op members of the Legislature bovf They The following was received from said resolution was unanimously motion of Mr Rowberry. A. Judge 'Ellas Smith and laid the a number appalling is the struggle of virtuout On motion of Mr. Taylor, James F.On bis Excellency the Governor was elected a Notary Pub position inonthe Senate, Shaw acioDtea. matter before him. The Judge score or tne tne cost, poverty caused by JViongojlan Com Treawas BY elected Territorial AUTHORITY. ED Jack LISH JUn objecting lic for iTooele county, Councilor Young presented the surer. c TJTAR TXBRITORT, .".'' as it is known that, an appropria petlUon. ' On motion OaWanrf Xtantcript. j immediately ordered that the, fu.,$ Mr. of llowberrv. ExecuUve Department, loiwwjng H 31 1 On motion of Mr. Richards, Wm. Emanuel Bagley was elected a No-ta- tion 0t five millions is expected afneral services of the two children, aunervlartr nf I Salt Lake City, ' ettonnmieel An ter! the government has fully en I move, the House of Kepreseotati res- Clayton .!was elected Auditor of Feby. 0, 1874. for Tooele county. Publio which were to have taken place te paying at or tum county: objected Commit"Ra the that i matter. concurring, grossing the Coundorsed,; . Hon. Lorenzo Snow, President af the Publlo Accounts. Among the local dealer $18 60 for six .4 Mr. Rowberry John Democrats much of On motion cbaliat tees ' or tne twououees be instruotea to mi at two o'clock to day, to be delayed cil: is On motion ofCouncilor Jennings, LeBlane was elected a INqtary Pubnish attested copies of the Territorial Apopposition grow- and ordered them from Sacrament o. I ASSBAIBLY morto x inform honor that LEGISLATIVE on Resthe based Sir I hare Senator Cameron's you until after an inquest aud BUI, entitled a Concurrent Theodore McKean was elected Ter- lic for Tooele county, ':';vs; ait ing, "An act to amend 'An act pruvtaing- - for propriation Including. incidental exk olution, to Geo. A. Black, Secretary of Utah etter to Mr. . BtoKeiy in tne late Tne cost,., Read tem examination could be held, mouon or Mr. w. it. smith. on was iDoerporaUnr Associations for Mininft Territory, to Wnu Clayton, Audit- w of Pub- ritorialmotion Commissioner. ice economy 1 penaesy la effort to An of Mr. Grover, Wm. John Lcaman was elected a Notary campaign. On making Manutaoturior, Commercial and other In lic Accounts, and to James Jack, Territo which were to commence at two unite the Democracy vote against dustrial PuraulUj' t approved February rial Treasurer: said coDiea to tie sumea dt Clayton was elected Recorder of Public ror Tifi TERRITORY OF UTAH. t r. Morgan county. thousand eiaht hundred the President of the Council and the Speak- Marks ana isranas. ! o'clock this afternoon, under the etfhteenth, onehas t. senator Sumner will oppose the mouon me M. M. Mr. of and been, On House of and er the appreved by of at aeventy," itounuy, Representatives, TWENTY-FIRST direction of George J. Taylor.; Dr. in In this city, tabf anomfaiB-- , Teb. t3rU, tl On motion of Councilor HarrlneSESSION, 1874. this day.; uounes. . ... waa elected a Notary Publio passage of the House resolution tested oy tne nier um oi . : ton. John IX T. McCallister was Slack v - who ' very neepectiuiiy, speecn. Anderson was to make the; post lengtny for Kane county. Gao- - L. Wooes, Kary, wtfs of Bernard 8obtter, Eiij., a On motion of Councilor Smith, elected Territorhtl MarshaL l Governor. On motion of Councilor Smith, The Temperance Movement mortem examination, and would carried unanimously: f Mr. Thurber. J. B. Louis of motion On . Police Brutality in New York K. ChafBn was elected a NoRwaBSKXTATIVKS' IlAIX, probably' be assisted by the $3ene-- d Councilor Thatcherpiesented the Milnerwas elected District AttorA communication was received A Princely Imposter.ln Parle for Iron Public county. tary 1874. v Feb. 19, let Brothers, j --Will ;i from the House announcing the following: '; ney for lit Judicial District, v; Mr. 8. S. Smith, of motion On Fleht Allen 800.000 ESTBAY NOTICIi. "Un motion or Mr. Murdock, J. M. . U Flre.T':' i wood was elected a i passage of (C. F. 43,) "An act to I mvethtt the President, Honorable ;If the children have metjwlth Jj. yLs, Hey Joseph .7 p. m. to Jowkur If T IV la ssr naaaaulari 13.-. the union "" tbs provide for a general lien for comSnow, be tendered the a.rty than as McFarlane was elected District At Notary Public for Iron ccunty. " t "d T ;J foul play It Is to be hoped that the X New r described aol nab: Yobk, House resumed its sitting. mon carriers.'' of the members of the Legislative Council torney fo 2nd Judicial District. no. T-- temperance meeting last night Dr. Ona rel aad rnlt tares veer eld CCKf.' On mouon or Mr. Taylor, Roll called. : Quorum present. irullt will be brought home to those j or dignlSed and im parti 1 manmouon fortbeahle, On Uates. act councilor An F. "An J. aerop and silt and under bit in tbe lefty and 44,) was elected repealing Caine Public wfak-western women feaa presioxl ni the Council had he Notary Deems said ner the (a la VV. It Fox was elected Surveyor Qen- for Salt Lake county.' to whom belongs. m ' slope" es'it-,nr ear,, praaaoa a oa. i TerIfti. Ormtn Prott, Speaker, am I 0ntlemen act to provide for compiling and during the entire section o: M. , thepreaent Worked nobly, and Ood bless them nppar rurhthlp. Thatubuuu laws of 'ij"lM ritorial the LeglsUturo. watte rearllnrtlBtl'feRiM publishing Congress, On meuon of Mr, Mann, T. X. for every- - rum shop they have shut One redsBtand to whom wm referred Ac," was taken up on House ' On motion of Mr. yarr.: W. C. McNally In left ear, oo brapd. and Cixnmittce, erop was Puba elected a Cloa of &s Session. Durirj? the C.Vnur u Notary rumsellera The rVfionded and carried. F. Noa. and Si, belli acta provtdinr for places belongOne red aad wtttte two rear old BT7t'.C up. Staines was elected librarian.; and further amend- ! Co lio for Salt Lake county. for mialnxman-ufacturln- x amendments,sent ed to the rumsellers, but ' the legis nnder half erov of rhrbt ear, no brand!. the Smith mcilor presented motion Councilor' of wlon of the Senltorial IegUIat iocorponttlncandsasoclauoas On for House to Young, was the and or and taken a way withhrUjtt On motion councilor Caine.' lative halls belong to the people. If not claimedww other Industrial pursuits, ed, -A. P. Rockwood was elected. War John McDonald was uro we believe it Is not to much to approved Feb. 18, oe sow amend- followingpnoao aa date the in from bare had the same their concurrence elected a No days be should at The capltol '''Albany , on wsanesaay jaarcnttp son I aad ber , of the under den r respectfully ments entdratiun, Penitentiary.; for Lake Public to members that Salt the luve probab leat d) Mibmlt h foi toarlur: That we and county. I move a vote of thanks the CbapUta nty surrounded, and legislators sung to j . r.u n r ii i, i. Ru tary On motion of Mr. Rowberry, ( It. F. 37,) "An act providing for of the Council, I'm to the Chief t lerk, On motion of Mr. Thurber. C D. and uuU-they- , prorlakxi-- t ot S 9 are embraced In U. tor - Director passed ly worked, during the forty! days the prayed mod was a elected Miller Kng the rousing Enrolling ben Clerk, y. Nk S a pmm 4 tbe OounelU We the election of Probate was elected a Notary Public laws tnat would - , Kajrsvllle, t'eb. ii, Mi. and to the the Sargeaut-at-arClerk,omoera liquor iraitbererure reofMuaaeodbjthat No S lay oa the passed its third 'reading, Judges," puisne V - Evans they Here convened, a and was other ' ; Penitentiary. 01- rorvutan of the Council, tor the ener- of themotion or Vf?' county. criminal tbe ln table, aud that No. paaa, as presented by sent to the House. or category lr. rartrldire, F. i On motion of Councilor Smoot, fenafia. The On dUinteretedly the Council.. UvapcctfuUr, L&dles Of tbe Union getic and efficiout manoer In which they Keeler ' was elected a Director ef the L. t resolution . J. c Wawsrr, for the have discharged their respective dutlea. - meetlng'were ? to I do , e: j. J. v was NoConcurrent for the Woeflt of their constituents elected !..-- r a Nuttall John .1 Temperancey Cbslrmaa of the Committee ou fMato "Appointment of a commissioner I Penitentiary. 4for Utah Publio county, t ft1 at any niiuilarbody of men in any uoorporatlona and Telegraph Coaipaulee. to compile aud 'codify the laws of Seconded and carried. nothing Indiscreet, but they in e"- -.-l M. tary On motion of Mr. Wria-ht-, or mouon Mr. On . was noti House create an iijah intense to On the naiiiday. tended motion; feeling was elected a Director of Utah Territory " was read the third Pub-li- e prt of tlte world. They have' done A raeesasre from the Council table Is clear. Tanner' Mayhew was elected a Notary that the Council the liquor traffic. Tlie against the cndderabl w ork in a short space received aud read, announcing the time by its title, and was ent to fied Pemtentiary. i waa from for received Utah county; The following ' On ! motion ef Councilor Smith , liouor seuers are 10 ue11 vtsiieu in i of time, and what has Wen; done paage of (C F. 24,) " An act con- the Uoiae for theiractaction, On moUon of Mr. Pace John Mc private UouKe the and asked to sie the ' was as elected Senior Davis Nathan F. "An 27,) supplemental (II. was elected a Notary Public if they consent 'to give uppledge; Evtn tMar the impress of honesty, a keen cerning escheat." their ' rela-t- o Measure. and act of Jn 'An , to act ; an entitled Ham Weights KrnntasiunATTvas , Said bill (C F. 24.) "An act con lor beads the trafflo titan county, ef the departIS74. or a of commend kO, city mouon and Feb. J Salt Lake On its City, uaten, appreciation defrauding,' etc.," passed cern inz escheats." was reaxt tlie On motion of Councilor Harring- ments are to be asked to, give them President. Wm. Stiow waa? elected Probate ton, third reading by its title, and was Hon. Lwtnm 8now. aVedetire to meet the wants of first time, aud, Wm. Greenwood Was eiecteda emrjlovment. . Three thousand r wo- Owned. th Member of and . for Washington county. for their action. House to judge sent the for Public Utah In Terr!' tbN ana county. said the Mr. to Notary are men f wor:c, Uockwood, growing On motion of G axTLta rw The Home! concurs la the oj!e ttuey ready On motion or Mr. smitn. n. 11. in relation motion on motion or councilor Harring hdpe to shake of Councilor !"''' on Territorial New orz to the bill was ordered to lie on the table to House joint resolution tory.Probate jl'. elected Was was taken lands la Judge House Tlwt wm Rogers a Bill.' table up, elected Kv raw eore... University ? - ' ton, larael Evan . i'ff f . Tito-- e men are th choioe of the as unfinished business. f . v J :; ror I run county. I clear of bust j and. i Publio for Utah county." are now i ou-. traaes unions Tbs tary measaze front the followinr The Kespectfunv Ul PIUIWAft Dlt,tl,,ll On mouon or uoudcuoi ioudr, on mouon 01 air. race, jonn u talnina-lthaffldavita of victims of Ok X J BATT, RBm pHple, aujl they truly represent the Council was received and read: Judge for Milner was elected a Notary Cox, wa elected- Probate was laid on the table as unfinished Public police brutality;inTompkins Square Speaker. people. W hatever laws are made tHeaver county, for Utah county. An act concerning business. on sine ' occasion, o ' iuo uicctuii . i .. . .t Ta read and ao ; .. called Miuutes by them are nude by the people, the'(cCF.:42,) to act "An F. eucourage 61.) fH. of Councilor motion On An F. of Stayner, there in Jaauarj-- with the view of 52,) Utah,' (U. B. Giles was elected Probate Judge Wm. Thurgood was elected a No a whose inalienable light it Is to have act laws of pig iron in the rented. manufacture the vim the manufacture, searching lnvesugausu uy On motion of Councilor Btayner for Millard county. i a voice In the making and framing sale regulating Public for 'Davis county;' V tarv 5. lefrislature. or other disposal or mioxicat- - Territory of Utah," was' taken up, the . mouon dissolved. Council of Mr. Thurber, John On 61 Mr. W. R. Smith, ii A. pans letter aays ura of the laws by which they ani to .be njr Ikiuors ' and (C V. 29,) 'An act suwim was elected Probate Judge for A.On motionwas elected'a Notary , or mouon Pope jtamng-tonPH ms Oatanic k has been condemn On uouneiior Act entitled an act Jtn to amend Stayner . governed. And any man who Would n u cou unfintrt : te was laid on the table as iy Public forvDavis county. of ed to the extreme penalty auowea providing fore the Incorporation On motion of OouaeJIorJoaepn step .between .the people and their rallroadVtc-uavMr. Hatch . Richard by the law n ve years' On motion of theCoun- - ished business. imprison passed , H UF.PRFJBKNTATllVE'd ALL, A. Young. Ueerse Peaspoek An act to amend 'An act pro Camne was elected a Notary Public ment ana s.v-j- i rantw unv on rights is the people's enemy, he Is cii. f . Lake Salt for Probate elected City, rail ... of Judge anite for Wasatch county. . chanre of swindilng Tie relations the enemy of equal ; right,1 the viding for the incorporation i Feb. 10, 1874, '(C F. 19.) lu- ; amendments was taken upon county. f J L . ; (Mv motion of ' Mr. Cluff, J. H. of Oatanick with tlie press are of m road companies," Conference the. on uK.tiou or Mr. Morrison, ueo. Black was elected a Notary Public remarkable character. By paving enemy of freedom, he is a usurper agreed upon by its third reading by Its title and ' According to previous agreement ; of power which does not belong to Committee." naased and was sent to the House h AtNAmblv aent into Joint W. Bean was elected Probate Judge for Summit county. " a round sum he eat an arucie in for Kevier con nt v. .; Besaion. motion of Mr, Mann. IS.'D. the Journal at itooats on agriculOn concerning for their action. him, but is the property of the peoF. 42,) "An act,'was (C laws On motion of Mr. urover. Jaooh Hoge was elected a Notary Public ture in the East. I ra mediately he reaa tne of the Council A communication was received The Preeldeut of Ctah,"r, The person who will thus the ple. 4 f O. Blirler was elected Probate for , Oovemor.4 inar.; :'I-.nrewiil V rnm hla ISTnallenrT fl rat time. and. w the waa waited upon by some literary : . . . Salt Lake Ctty. v T . usurp authority, arrogantly consti or Mr. Tnurner, Jscoo airents. who wanted to -- have his Tlte roll of the t :ouncu was can Jodge forJnaborcounty. motion On motion of Mr. Young, was ta announcing his approval or to. r . On On motion tutes or attempts to constitute him ken up on its second reading, and. Si) "An act 'amending 'An act in ed by the chief clerk of the Coun tjouncuor Dmoot. Hem was elected a Notary Public admirable work widely circulated, was elected for Piute county. Warren N. Dusenberry bill Cih said i' aim Mr. of to marsnais relation self the people, the legislature and motion Hatch, and after getting the arucie into a Oa for Utah county. nrehent. Onnrum Probate'Jadge mouon On smun, of its time few lonrnais. they nanaea in m ou . uoqnciior uue, third the read . was al".. by neys.'" lis or Mr. ? everything else. Arrogance inos. called uatcn. On motion was was House .,!:: roll the of recetvea irom The ws 7.094 francs for personal notices. t or ejected Jonathan follow" The C Wright . . - . ..Ill t At elected Probate most too tame a word to express or was fGllei H. t ..1 t v r t Judge House. clerk of the 'L. the chief for n.lder. toOstanlckai sent Public box t ,rr were tu ' Natarr ot House:. bills the ar. , The , by , motion i . Oa m ...a w: e7' i' for Wasatch county. .i y nzoi, w m. on fiuiM th line. ' Mi- Poggerfohl. CJuerum nresens. describe such centralizing and aiiti-- bill passed.' J ' nimuaj, j.On motion 01 wr. lir.i mi . TOoUon or councilor wood Hindman KgrsBacxTAtivBa nAta.."' On the of bv was the Praver elected a armrovea. Chaplain ana fni7orreondeMce was of read e tbe editor .Notary conduct. Thtltl republloan 7 L i ruff", Eltaa Smith was elected Pro- Pnttitn tar Box Elder county. CounciL veraeOe. wanted to borrow lO.ow Xir I'd r Ui I MU.IM Raid bill fC-,) "An act tofor Lake Salt The Governor, who . is no t j even amend bate and declared the Joint President, President WrhThtrWm.' county. The Snow, Lorenxo motion Judge at ofiMr. On act JIo$u received 1.000, An but proony an act entitled J, S9VO I miw On rriotlon of Councilor Stayner. Taylor was elected a Notary Public franca, uuij. one or the people, but was sent here vi.tinir for the lncomorauon or ran Session open and ready to proceed ; UemUrtctMaOoMeiL' moment of tlte arrest the prince the '' was Probate i Hess elected W c hnsiniwdtft. John : KO- per oti? Vlfg-naurnr iinv KiaareonniT. t A .waa nad as amended to re reseat the government of the stopping further ymentj Geetkmrn Tbe Tfoase eonenrs In your tj Davis submitfor was county. auiefacial Judge Mr. Thiers report The of Tyr act A.U. motion of following Oa wngm, editor,, V U repeaangkJ. V I., mJt United State i, ha undertaken to bv Joint Committee of Conference, amendments to(C.r.i,)"An ana mouon or Mr. w. u. miui, mnnd on the filled to be AUtr niMrw. was officers elected rtao.sml mnaf1Tw for I ted by' Johnson P. punscurf lor auuu, thereto aet to xe An ia made eompuutg isten amendments provide the uotiyuc, It ... 800 M.ktS I'." la mrbtttt wr attempt to throw adde some of the and lolnt vote - of the Lel8lauve As Jesse Haven was elected lrobate Notary Public for Box Elder coun" organ, ; f Mt w k"e llaatnr the laws of Conrreaa appiieaoie," court that he had need of money, dreolaiv aansr I concurred in. . fhMts.ac.eam .f 1 same. for tne autrnura have county. Morgan farther and ta .10.000 Judge from nu we oi iu legislature, Out franca r wanted and ir tl Tha fnllowinff was recetvea sembly. .. TTaeSamea . . ... On motion of Mr. Wright, Sam1 n.MAllMsi U.a.riaao e. . t '.'a 3roadw,N. a b mniaftinn amiuubJUI :atAwawae Ostanlck; thai sum cf aJXiO francs uoyoaeoncair nave no Idea that the ultimate of Toithe Hon.6rtn Pratt, 8en.,Spealtsr V Smith was elected Probate eB0a , i . , f t ... Bespertfnlly yoara, ssw VflUrT MT4. a.aei aMsv! - f t Feb. Tew s wenae av navo nau aes wr,m Boom, ne is, ana . was wouia v i. Oosnartsa oasox PaATT, Seav ' aA,kjuvi tkSBOUSK given, his endeavors In this direction will f eountv. Box Rider far . -' for nwt succeeded ret Halt Lake coanry in " if he had th ( peakrv. ft r'. ,,i. TmrCommlttMin Elections, la eompU rvnialHM m ClahnS and A I'WO- On motion ef Mr. Merrill, Wm. Pubue successful. , On motion of Mr. Mann. Joan IS. ting Ostanlck made a Chevalier cf eC the Instruction snee with the that ikereTLLTir.V.'n.n.Wand Probate was elected Ot and kind Hyde, sen., fVMinrilor Calne moved that the K l was elected a Notary ik. m,anMwJoint tried Generally' speaking, we believe be placed oa the Apprapriattoa itul tae lolthe Legion of Honor. - He had Campbell Pa.1t CrJ tt Uu. wto ot Judge for Cache county. irr"4 J session at ollioers to be elected by the eonntVi ' PuhllA for no. but Thiers had not e treed p n t'll Ttke tn do Si j wtUina VO." It tw-- l ittSttthat the members jpf ItUe Legisla Assembly meet In Joint now as ' prww Lertslauve the On Councilor of Aaenbiy motion Jennings, H. iif over twtuty remrsTnir4eooeao?' motion, of Councilor Caine, Kllaade Pratt, 8ereaa at Louis Alfeacb, editor in chief of the t,st tie H o'clock. Carried. .( Territorial Statute to be as ioimwk , ture can go to their respective To John Rowberry waa electee! Pro COn . relied en la evry ptrt i(ar.. 'n--a to defray eonungeat ex was read as amended, byOne Cbanoellor of the Deaeret was elected la NoUry Clocht borrowed ten thousand, and emuavtared bill Arm, The Hullinjrer count Tooele T. for Jildire bate byii biern t Co.CU eiLvU homa carrying ' with them the conInfor Halt Ostanlck Lake Public Mml. county. Earviol. who got Urua--i, IliVT, Jk tJSM, by JfeVt'I. tTntreEllas Mr. utoUon Doseret ClufT, Oa of the ef sucaciousnesi. of having performed To Wn. Georrtna Councilor of w FnertB- Ot Society,1-aYoung, On motion of Mr. Mann, On motion the to Agricultural ur waa Probate SV-tielected O. OotMhflro ,' two ' Judge fl; amended. kaft aw .' lor maainc Public cessor of ,liarorr-JLiebigae hy topa Snow waa elected Notary doe Tmuurr ot the: Deaeret 1TJver- Asper their duty, and with the gratifylog Ooanty, paaaed "was; abio I tl it snowam aiiUi a raautelllOBl T -for in Kml. Summit an r amend to county. act z F. "An s for 40,) Salt lAke t ot county (tii jeonvietion that their eonstltuenta the Governor for the arrest . ..: ' r' serve them. -- ; le . . : ;- -- rea-slo- , , ? . . ? to-da- - y. - - 1. - Time.-Kegula- - Ike j - a n, t ; . . re-o- . Wt-brr- .. , . -- - ; N sub-jet-t- tle. j ' non-concurren-ce : , and-itees- I. 1 I - lJ"s ' ? t - i re-uni- . reg-ulat- e - . : ! i legto-htU- ve Con-arre- as. - a , . - . s i !, -- ; ! - to-da- y, ! -d BY TELEGRAPH. " j 1 f ! f . ay j ; i - . i : ud-den- The to-morr- iy O UNO I Is i i ( . f - ': j to-d- x , ay f -- ; , i f " -- ' J . -- , m v i . 1 .western: i;: ! . 3 1 i - j 4 -.- : I s - - , - to-oa- . v q . - 1- - : I . j . XUT -- '! ry - ' r it i - . . . (l j . 1 " ; , ' Lo-rem- f ; vt . h . '- -' i i -- ''n ) : : ; f As-Mt- ant . concientl-ou-sly,f;t"tfully,a- j ms ud ;! . ' mrr m t Yf&nx . t . V . . .,. i : .4-.- -. h-- i ... . ? , - ADm-otHair- a r-rr-1! . -- 1- -1 - '-- - : - 1 -- I e t. - , joint spiior. . ; v - , 'Vb fetes Ik I ; - I! ! ( ! . : - I - . .flrbSf m ! . ' - ... a, m .. a .. . . ' i i i .M k F. ,, m..' C ! ( -- .. - i l- - . i . a- - 4 i - i j- -t. r " ' ; V i y t ' !. t -- -- , - . -- - ! : -- TJnlver-"TwelreCege- ott s fl-w-ra, ! C, t'-je- . t, : - r |