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Show a - ' ' mm ' r 11 "' i """ " ,'" ' j 1 n i 11 "' :i VT -- mr .. A to Alt. t7 milea mnA Ka.v. t?ndmt4VA flift. IP ,.i,a declared that he gave Canrobert all New to was In ehipped I LK-8. epecle the TPid' doubt riavo ac n Monday, did aty t ho pot ho that the atd heraskea at pted by vaster ( M,era', Ho newlur. ,wt Frtlav at 7 a. Arww ".wa bmier wlj, of 4une. I .4. frior tn IM Arrive fel AU brlMn- T1JE EVENING ' i who arrived here a fewj blamed LAdmlnv ,tfor not eilling Fob 'mm QvAMta inan li.fcr ntcr ih the otiiurrtt,on nr t n. require 1 if of Mofi n r- - ill, I' not and J Or Thundar. the SDrresJ Arthur m jusUSca'Jon j be up J tract to perform tje TiKd, . the iftVc; lee troi um4t vlth r tJUiiys ago, cla iming to tT4 in; his com ct artetxne istn oi Aug., ft JU , , Bcwiaudsmnotentsurtie. Pi'nisa DAtiT, CtATB BXCBFTl ti--HWyjjuuiti" h.iiii'.inr.MirRU. I Arrive aUheU. He nfther i'o reDubji iltUkeCtybTlnm. r rs o'clock. roca i ceivea he or ?evhe announces . Vi had RKrHadlsmtch clter JiT a L ,he Wrfrttrlnfl rtir'fnrtlu 41 ic 11 tloto . miles QrantsrlUci, feared that IVttouU 110:110 "y11 to bo t J&UrJt Tho accu ed le-Ul failures there.'-"by mi i f fflhiiira. I he . Quartor ho.. ve i oiM'lu rrUav at 4.30 p n: mr boi frldnas succeeas it at, awnioa thattiieandftla jjhe iuLo Tentetaen fcrayetLuiichxciten?ent I Ditcl Oct 14 I97i Arrive nt OraPtl te tv 7an: Till :it. lb;;yL r -- forted upon them by theiitch " rard Himmoftd as under secretary glrraftig df his examination, which ?'JLyT"lZr, LpaveGratiUviHeFii laykttrTnt A Tnni'iiilsrfM was fl"4 t ftnd J"n i. in CV!Lati- - . w. .... mil searching. long cd condition of the vast majority or of state for the foreign department. . , 3. . .v M . Li3-. Camp 4 fe Particulars ofthe Figrrfc Mate li o. A, i. P En, fhn Agricultural and laboring : crrlin. trai iiku v unaith Vtoril 15 nulu .in. n.Lln -I J he l with t lie abf.ve .irrii;ii,thit ami acquniute I The Time 'special from Carthace- ana dwxi 'uco wteK es of England. Knows l bem to be men or ESSAY Oil AGR!CULTU.t r On Vtnii ttielra-uarWe of the wo nia havo Acc'tt engage particulars Here prp'rty,anl gives is This singular. Payable Arrive st FnirSe'd t iz m: between the spanisn govorn- Bri- Urmrm rairaeM Montsy at I ment force the all with "" striving a man, Arrive at Ophlr by p m. NSW3 OF THE DAT. BM 0 f5.000 Aivfvnifvirvr mntf h 41108 Prom Lehl City, f 1.775 M Amcrtcvn Fork, lfMn , and tlie fleet of the intransi - P" fF W"J fte-k-, or rftvft.es WWN4 rrov" !. a condition of gents. TJ non the annearance of! Tnujr.UTetnl. Sail., Tm1 4 r:tt oiw, jt.iaot Nt netSuani Th Tr!"; sTTsunreme Court met, ture, to bringa'out r Vilie. FDnuteh Farsi.n. Salem, mu! m s Fork, w,im hif, mtl ' ' resolutions which he is apprehensive, and tne naruor or me,, nawoaai muskjjt Mons. Salt on t nrcaeat (xnnMnf; an the mute; or in Luke, (Mntuqoin, tl anJ adopted fpriii yeterdav Gamut 10 a inirv serrirr. tui a Crcelr.S. itrir Chicken ron Isvan. Junta held Creek, the ihu intransigent ' Ctdr Posts the late Chief Justice which lie does not desire. of reneeYto Fillmore Ofy Meelow, W ane yawr'a paw rs" 'MrttwM.I. (!eoton tbe JU consultation, and decided to fight, Awar.ie-- fi he First P Ux ' K" noih. Cove Creek. BeawnAdams. X3T " .151 sis ; ct fit June 8, 1873.) Total of ' rsJlttWTW-flere'IStfr bopes IbMnxt. .f kfrrKuheral aod aanst imt slirii o . vllJev MlfHnrllle .and Pai.a-rwiniMr 8Bogbrey-' cu.t'. -ihtMnimrf the bid t luerte.lunj sua back, Hocne tser.). 1 miles a victory, tsomeor ine KftnufacturlOT CuI.V- - H: Hussel, once Henry jr.J j t -achieving Sentif the i,ia and T4F IUxrxr week. sx litneea rantee shrned by all lac Served, Rt ; died werp in iavor in surreavtur Cl iy V private secretary, Leave LeW Clfc qajb--, f Xcepf Sunday, menta of lrtnous imfignation wdll garrison AORlCULTtR&4 ' th boc ' v the majoTityi air-v a i fng ate i ctt, Washington yesterday. : Arrive ac fiix-hIn tour iays: ' t; assert themselves at ; times with Cbilly deserters ''from thegoveinn- - has OATff ItPQlTIRKD Br 8FCTIOJ7 t4S OF On Dills Payabl Aco't, CO ;nimportant aiwayaeoeupied 1'lovbe daily, except $utv?ay, There 1 a row browing aniODg AM ACT CtF CimaKKSS APPHOVKD Lavs were HiU ment determined Itaivable pi, upon elTect. k force and army, terrible Recently am: liuman JCNH 8 U-; ai TO TO II itositiQiif irartsactujn?. 4J2t iaj of Utah Its operaMassachusetts pranpes. to tjie. last. Gen.. Cortras A rrivo at Loht C ty Ui four djys. HAC H 1IU i Cit CakKTISOTUHMAIU I vei hoot wo noted ha Itoiid and Street, the sorair 1 history la ' to es members of ; Ncw'servlcr. the Junta several 7 An executive order, important Al T llrt T KkN UiattK AN very conspicuous, ,for on the Pacific, and and " s t, ing of seducers went on board the Numamcia. Ail tions are the AI10S From Lehl City, by Cedur iValler, nitv Anvliinn "in God of$ ' tJM OAT HA " "f" ' rf--, amy derter?' In the telegrams blessings throughf on oCr i.uTreasurer a noniunsvii e, nrdm the dispatches ''report the morning was consumed by tlie irneo, aui and s . tha elements,, it ,has V?! three timet I, count rnetiit rek M) miles m back, tempering m bi , of , atder for coal n in vessels . of " . i,k,7 sihnHat two instances 3 l taking, y insurgent a wt JvFrougbt a mlghtjr; change i "t Oas and Fala . from the mail pu rout No. lliven.hu'alred veriol, six hun- kind Waier Fix- I Leave leht City, Moutlari Wednrsday and prorifclons,,! At.hftol.on Sattir--J quietlythe sr. Nash at havethis deserts of of he ability one I a of alkaline 19, doswerh!t i,coo m a boy upon buildAcco'iht, at tures aud Friday hundred ' dred pives and nine y to ftilnlt my ob:iaUon as such " t ? " day, everythiur being1 in readinetes.l Trritory. 60, r Arr ve at Eureka next aays by It m: tuiilart thatrhe " A Merman' Fees, ?,i ,1,163 bid is ville, shooting the seducer of his the four io rood faith. 194 47 vessels weighed anchtpr, Hre rcpaHm't these , m Leave Eun-ki- i Tuesday, Thursday, aiMwlihtbei tent 1stmde Gentlemen ing destroyed by the big storm In tlster, for that crime and then re aud oon- jofexperience to e tee nailed out of the harbor amid mattersi en b Wot Street " and Saturday at i p in; gernt auo "these M 80S tne service lu ease said valleys penorm visiting .j, Aunntlll'. (Tonal .Auru,t. hi 7 next Arrive be pnv. at from the loud cheers and City by cays the. other populace nvi.sud.i nuacccted;:aud that tho slyna T50 00 fusing to marry her; and have often ex pressed themselves as co Aineiicau roi nt lures tlllTr roni The evange'iloah are of Aipue thereto aro geuu troops. Atter proceed- being 8 miles and city rrontana ixias, " 1 vn " back, mine a week: near Cawollton, insurgent witn au--j uiatt Deitevetne said a of imrprMeu' man, married ine. "agreeably ruarautors Lobm' admiral distance short a Leave at in Liquor City Alpine ing Philadelphia." Thursday Of 1pm; the to and ir'jouj'tlmft success farmers our tlie resiotwibleior and able to bopeouu'aiily ner " 7 wl:o his and 8 Ftrect llafitlnir. American Fork Arrive at AU of ., tiy the shooting United ail san M pay VntpriQ, consisting fleet, tho damages huim kIiii t40 hotidition of our country; and more Oio result of the meet! ngt'of tbe Market Amcrksun Fork Thui Jay i 30 Udrnien reamor ViU de e to ratiiu8 my AH Aodrfct, mreo, buaeroy persons perftrtn . paramour. m " a be jne Hall, have the so Ciiy when Preaby-especially as su;a biaaer my 131 (a iaigelical atTUncethe Arrive at Aluine City by ISlsia. . were killed, hd thus .In this li.re and two paddle wheel steamers, come acquainted with the fact that " Wlntlnir Jttlv Ul K JiU were teri.fns and Episcopalians are taking fereived the Firewrks, and 41111 met, T77 to Hebpr." f city svorn subscribed befure me onagempBt Midway, 7S successsad for FmafPijbro Hou-their due .thus been, have llaib pome wjio a" punishment lasted 74 M Ktinas, PeoA, Kokporl, wauvhip, fir the t r of t - thU - ... day of ltnrTOnruniort together, andf cri tits. began. The fight Watt-' Works ful have come from the pvorkshops 1 u and , and In , A. oa'ville, to Kuhu City, 78 mt.es .;. tUtrenf when two 'j.! the , hours, eon. in QuaraatlMV, Intransigents' fjualiei among Jh tparson-of the Old HvorliJ, with , 1UU IW;.f I, JW IS WITH. experiI he r unto subscribe myt?tlinony 30 m naue uitd allix 'uloii itoiurt Is was ack sexes fleet defeated and of dilrea tho natural Tlie union Provo Leave Muul the d.ly aud year aforeaatd. and : FrUar olbcial with my city Mjuliij ence bo in, Imminent. whatever ponneetion,, to seems ? it nothingsequence, is is one of the highest to Carthagena, their vessels being There" Stilt remains, "M Mercnanfliso immi-gri- u and divine, it ' .Arrive at Echo SOTa When the oath ts tuken blf. ro 1' ' hundred City...nrt days jty . The. Citf Curreucy, ......... , Jnsurgents im damaged. "for badly rootn sufficient ImwevKr. It 75 but.. p iu. jUstl as of tbc ix'uce, t Iw certilloate of h "13 and rnost.sacied . duties, deemed, f-showed great spirit? wit handled provement, and to this end should Leave Echo City Wrflnesday and ckrk of a court arrived at New York yeater-of record shall be added. i ' ' should be donol.onorably or not at their ships badly, the A'umancia our ,.i t nursciuy at oa in; ' under bis seal ct o0M, tliat the pereou who Total amount of DisbuwemauUvfilCll W directed. be . ' I;yf energies Arrive at .Provo City next days by atnniuisterca in oaui is a uuo (jnaiutea nit". , at first having to stand the brunt p m. juttice of, tie leace. . ;,A. lxvases of yellow fever at Meai-Of the battle alone. bow. l. TUiance In the treasury... i.lW" M 41 The firing, I Frotn U? T'ayson.Goshen, by Diamond, TO BltDEUS AND are frightful. was r at too. long arrange, tSiir sstanki cron. and Ji nUail ') i: r and City, to Bureka, H5 miles Kastkr ARfX&SA4 Now the generally, ana (' but at tbecjosobf the engagement, Ifv ret a in week. tia.es trick Lawless was assassinated oa;, . t t Anditor Ajcouilt9i j was endeavoring a 411 parts of the Terr! ory. Our i8alt Pay sou Monday. Wednesday, doiitirlaiit i alo eondftl j to b f talk Is or iaplftlild ifcOtt'ntrjr JO- while ? 'I, 1873. take City, Sept. lPabo and Friday at a m; is auout wnica in f'hicigo on Sunday night. ; , in tAenmrocls to ht extent Ut average yieiu, retreat of the to in the A "i jjprt Arizonx An exchange rrivo at Eureka by 8 pro: v - intercept u Eastcrn bushels ner acrev would be thirty ' Hull currency payment was Kureka Leave broadsides Tuesday, Thursday, and I L Seven minutes are allowed to each Insurgents' frigate 7etuan, in tho. of lanie one government a considered crop, very that says wen elosely exenangeu Detween some ied by the Cincinnati ban!;s termediate oraco, when not othcrwUtyspcct- ; x. ii. 1 Arrive st Paysou by p nv, r parte of theStatej ;!Fall ot ' ... surveying pirtk.a ; repdrts that . tho those two nefl, ror asBoning' ineiraiu.---,.- . vessels. , . oo rown wneac 41113 From snouiu Salt in Fountain Creek, by Green, f Oa routes where the mode of convey-Sue- e winter; and, geological Jesuits Bombardment by Sea and Land. Septonjlier, Mount Kairvlew, Mnroul. well admits 1 1 lu the special a&cuUof the between fifteen and twenty thou- - toyosraphlc that ifcmayibe of the survey of eastern Arizona Spring- City, Uphi aim. Mauti, Oun- - Post Oiboo Depart tueut, a too post office cover, the ground so as 'j - and rooted,' luhd dollars raised at the Chit-agGen. Timrs that , The says special FOUBD mail baw, locks and keys, are to bauuas, tilnwnod. Kich eid, j .; ntaou, are ptftfcrftiy'wonderful. A coun- Ceballos ordeied the to forni) a protection against the reInvernrv, and Monroe, tn Iliillinn. blaukt, bo eonve-ewlinout extra cbarac jieople in the frosts and thaws of early A BOTTT thro weeks since, a Roll of Vloor Eipodtlon last nlghfc for MempbU try Vwaq. 145niie and. baok, threo tunes a I 3. "Way bills" or rece.DLS. v, iirenared bv - of peatedraagnlflito with discolored c nelj;hborhoo4Carthagena -i Ull s XX.' Clalb. or V I other aseuta of th liepart-lut-u- t, ? po?traa-u."K "andShiirepirt U ".'Leave bom- - spring.! Wheat should- never be pnytnc for ihlssivertlfcmeni ns Wednescreneral a hniises. 8alt will Creek, avtx r.uit tholr tbe Monday, far maila, Jnpapy and streams specityins wood?, ill park, . day, ana rotiavfcaisautf t'nlotf National Bank of Chfi ngo in soil where alkali abounds, d275 2t H. OaosfBECX, VMi War!.' of tho the number a'ud several Arrive at Bullion next days by 7 p m: bagrs, to be Colorado. The bardmentfIy:tajSnd la&dfvuH Sim iTaU of the yearj for it will in to the ' by any2 ext&edlng postmasters, refjiumcMi . Uulliou Lenve vVednekda)' Mouday, ui ' insure oi idcoo lvery Days and be a failure: j ' . and Friday at 8 am: i imcs IIugan,19H years "of age, next thins is the climate, bnt the The coriespondent of the Daily surely ' a better practice on such It im Arrive at Salt Creek next days by 7 , 4. No. pay will be mado not perhiiot and killed the seducer of his fact of 'magnificent parks, streams, fCew- - te!o.?raphs from the vicinity land td plow in the fall; turning up If formed: aud for each of such of the naval that a and him. for woods, Caithagena .' ''.'argues pretty good . , service.' Biter at Nashville. Good ,, ,;f.;.f, V iiuw bo roots tne occasioned tho to of failure fault weeda the ol the the by v:s brought on by the attempt action theperennial "warm "a 41114 From Bullion, by Maryeville, Pan- -i .couiractor or carrier, three times the pay Climale7 tTIotrgh"fosfi'n,!y i and council bf frost; ;inelonati city again plow or tne insurgent Meet to escape to ippropr.Ji(lileiidale, und of th trip will be deducted, ror arrivals or thcfrdaghly cultivate in the S f otie.i ! Moutis Carmet. to Slionesbtirg-h- , 1S5 'so rar DeliliHt time an to break coiuiccliou t qtiltch, Oran, in Algeiia. , La OjoRroaATiow.1 bc-kTheatbx Salt wJtlt dpenduiK iBuUa, aud not sulUcici.tly its C. aips yioA ior oiirc it miles and ot.oa a week. cleanl teed ;i.pf Additional particularsof the fight spring and sow, Proprtetor. . of tlie comueunail.m V Parker Scott, President Vf .to excused, nuiiion Monday at 6 a i; Aave xne ar rato OAime d W!StxiAim..:;Maiflrera Cutwsoir, for tlie trip is subject lo forfeiture. Fur show .that the rebel ships ruilea to good vjwiety Arrive at S hones burtfh Wpdit'tday by died beof bench ' about Jambs tlie Baltimore, ..Stn h. Vinson..... .1. . t Musical 3ffiNoyr. per acre, Bupreme repeated dulliiquettcles of tbe kind beretu 8pm:Shonesbm-s- Tharsdav 8 a support each other. 1 he JS umat tw6 bushels n. j. TnoMAS Mrttfart f of- April, Leave v at m; specltlcd, eutaryed penalties,' proportL nod i et'a fired wildly, tlie Zfeuaw-bebavf yesterday. ginning . R. B. Zabriskib-'.w ..Prompter. to the nature thereof, and tiie luiportaaoe uuuwu e oatua m Arrive at IT is also' a good practice to plow Uso. Tirrkli. nay oy p ed with the greatest gallantry, and ..t'ftnlc Artist. 41119 From Robert Austin, a Missouri farmer : of tbe mail, may be made. A d AabJe-Iaa- d Holdeu to Descret, traTKH.v pen mik ttxios live. 4b in thefall,-atitkijcghapii and was f. For leaving- behind or throwing off tire jttve the ? freqjuentiy.ifCheereiLby ; spec fclKt and killed. Jhis wl.Tb and her wiueii r a tne going-oveor witn mr It tne oi ad ve inaiur auy on MoKten were tators inprpugn iaem, Monday at 8 a m; shore, among whom IMMENSE, SUCCESS belua contMiiw uiiil, n. of portion Arrive at Descret bx s a n: . pjramor, M they were'reiUlrig to spriug. This hundreds of foreigners.,, she nar Cultivator in the cerned lu s. iwwugeni tting- up or runuiua- an vxprt as seed-be- d Loavo Dedoret 8 m: a at for Tuesday 'c small as makes ft good In advance of the intelligence rowfv escaped capture, owing to conveying And SJQGQXD VAPlrSA BAKCE of' th hs bed last Friday night.. woo v Failed. m w 4 f s. Arrive at tie a quarter's pay may be deducted. to close grain fts can be got" on" our heavy Charming and Oytkl Protean Artiste,. 41118 From JJcaveii byl Faravihfth Pata mail, in boldnoss lv terrible hurricane on tUojAtlan '' 6. har coming unless will Flues be delinof tbe imposed, Nnw YonTmx ' clay uplamls. vwheatv sowed on wan, Summit. Ceilar Cltv, Hamll- - quency be promp: ly aud satlxfuctorily exfironjrtrcss, Da:fWJ Bnjottt, ... the (juarters.,tijM.on tho 5th aud 6th InVt.' ' P., II. Stevens thui manner as in ton s rort, n.ansrrariiie. Mew Har plained by ccrtlucau.-- or puetmasters'r the :.ff,rH.fT lint prepared Ilanc sentenced to ;dqatlii"l Eleoted to JarMarnent Woman earls as the ground can be worked, mony, Uellevue, Toqiuerviile,, Leeds, aiiiduviu of othor credtbU persons, for fail- mid Washing-ton, Harrtohurs-t ing- to arrive lu contract timet for neglect of Bixalno ' Is progrekdUg, be four or five days later LAURA. wiHprily Oeonre. 125 miles aud back, lug-- to take t ue man from, or deliver , . vu it Into, re- man wiien a'eeWed in James is usual tho lii9 wg!.'i eximiuatiQti'of XjOMjox, American Woman' rTlie Suffrage turned to Parliament from Taunt- manner Jn the fall of the trjo apostotnte; fornufteriiig- ita.to bo wet, ' Leaver Heaver and ' WedneedaV) Monday, year, annN $?ojular the Vie cetebrated ' robbed, lost; destroyed, Character lor bv aud Awocialion , ,',3 rXmmnnroi1. l Suppirtvl and Frklav at 6 a m:. , ... . i .... on.-. ' V will be a much surer crop. refusing, after demand, to ffimey thu mall at bU Arrive 7 next of Georg-at vernnry at v as as inauguration Aitor,..., motor days the coul is or runs, frequently ... .Failures aro anauucod . P lat : f concerned lu running, a coach, car, tr Thoma . Edwin James, in a speech to the Cot Leave th;ooperylnstitute.i 8k Wedncson George a Monday, BtcamiMhat route. lln. WiHiiririnsfin ilnllvered tho mtrn-- electors fit, JMaryJebone, ad vocated. sKpald- be HARRISON. i auy, ana r ruay at o u iu; 7. 'the Postuiaster Oeneral may annul performed with the MltiG.- W. Wo r Jjarficulars of thJ larapren- - IfltrrlaTv d leceiveaiai A rri ve at Beaver uex I days at p m. fSpeeches- - wel t woman isuffrri-ivnutbe contract for repcaud failures to run rarmer ana wnere tne vote of John thanks. .' care, Mew will Klelivered ra service. . :, jri'ment-betweet men the' gore by Lucy Stone. Wary address his constituentsBrightRoc hi greatest asreeably to contract; for violating" the wishes to improve pood, variety, it 'at: , 41117 From Cedar CIry, bv Iron City, Pluto, post oitice laws,1 or disobeying the instruc1ft thg 4i rebel tteetiearCjvrthagenaJ Kastman and Miss LeosanL t)raest1ay dale on the 22nd inst. ; done larbe the should Hambiin. for refusiinr ta P rt by tvnjrjOet. Hhron, aud Clover tions of the Departuetut Lawsuit Commencocf. w when required by the afternoon see Valley (Nov.), to Panaca, 114 mliea dUcharge a carrier gest and most perfect iheadst before The Great Moral American Zmm.t, tcftA a!l . j,t diturdiy oo to so; ruuuuur a wtseis. au t- -. lor uin oacsjnea ueparuneui SPAIN. A suit" has "been" commenced be nas to purchase columns." 4'-j- l tt I7irtij Fyets, ' as aforesatdtcr for' Leave harvesting.be J.careful edar City Monday at 8 a m; sons or packages conveying jnaMabaQ. taut- & t!o., to te- to do from a should bo he m Arrivrnsfanaeaweduesdar-bySKenyon,tCdx against . German he: . . government has Tmim Ha at S a m . Navaj EngasemBnt. r ter8. otic oi tue wau- f . man. PuiBl Drew, st special partThe Postmaster Oeneral may discon"Arrive at CdarrC4ty aturd by 8 tinue orders to tho expulsion from 1 strain lnLriaalDht rlKiiile: be a hard matter for any ner of tl flrni, "frofrfJ diposlng- "of a cbanice or extend the contract, .;-! . Aml-schedule aud imnbd of a route, aud alter, xgie country, &i au r immigration hi property, which it Is allejred- he fleet has been defeated by the gov- One to! tell how many varieties r ' ov mm vlrs-Icitvl 4ius ToTierrme,' uacrease, dec reuse, or extend the Service, iti " T' agents. Z is doing in order, to escape his lia ernment squadron. , The Aght. took Wheat are raised here.or in what pro Duncan's Mstn-at- r Graf i ou. ltK-k accordance w Ii b law, he uIIokIii? a pro on Saturday p.m.', near Car portions they are mixed with each bilities- In connection place the with e, Bnonesbarsb. Bprttisna vite, .Tisit will rata St. Austria 3' locro8e of cotnpetisaUou for any yEmiciorof ! f Winsor, u lid Kauab, to Johnson, tS Canada Hontrwm -- railroad bondi thagena- - and . , lasted abeut . tww, other,as farmers ha - generally been Topsy. (with J J AVaA AMIBST semk-w niilo and haak, onaea week. CI . .- i thereby reoul ed. or for in . hours. j. were vessels The vnrv Petersburg. creased oarelefurinfiisleetiiiir Insurgent cause which were paid ;to the fail thair hkmi. speei", if the employment of le Moudav at a nt: I xayo ta reudereo. neces,. stock W."HARBI30N I P la. rarr1crw w "were Q. and nt Ferry Jobncoa uczttUy by 7 Th threobswt rTimtimw considerably injured, ""I Fere - .Arrive Jolumon llyacinfn has been elected ure of Kenvon. Cox.& Co. sary: aud iuieeof direue. curtai!nirut. Wednt-sda8 apsf Iave at to m; to return muo ot hooutluU compelled or vs afull in- Carthagena . into serviue, CQnsiaerauooareJ,XheJ ArrUi at: oaerjll next day by j aemaitr to saw Q!ne of the CathelJcl pastors of Ge- - Resumed Business SATURDAf, Ortobil !8fh, 1 Injunction harbor, The government muadron milling cintractor, one pionths v line: iaus, tuo.iuAUPiMur auu.ie oa of the extra pay service dia-aoiouut s,,!V's,i'K consisted ot tteiAhKittayitttoria, vt .:", Modified. 41119 From Fi. GeirveV ofPlne Valley, to , r.,-ChUCii But whichever variety may pwused with, and a pro rata coiniiciisatlOQ pev.j reIlirtot.. The National Trust 'Company ProvUltd-- hotrnwr-uamiert, tnta 'two smaller 'vessels. be selected, no matter how clean it FIRST ALBERTA' HATHE. ati,back,,onco a tor theservke week. ' , j that ta cote of lncrea ed expedition, the JL CHANCE TOR BACHELORS. sumed btrsit rng eT rdmlraI Loboa was in command. may appear, it should be vitlroled Leave U Ooorg-- Monday 8a tn? ;" ''"I s contraotor a may, upon timely notice, Arrive at Pinto oy 7 P ms . By' Way of experiboforejsowlng ctoe ,J . , ment X sowed One sT ii nlJo well ladles, as our readers Central o? clean bnnhel '" no a will taad colleotlons by lias not 3 JtuHoauUoaal l)rma,i lueuexprcws-V.'Trusi Arrive at StOeore ty 7 p m! . from, or dm f yet begu seed wheat, In which there was not -nuuah.iMi.iihi. Sara well aware, are getting averse to navCompany, : ' 11 denositors. tor Miss ALBEitTA," b John 41130 From a yet t toffnAsison, 8 miles and wise, after tho exi.tratlon of ni-one kernel of smtt-- f It was' sowed f. srnea.ji'rj t . t , wackrf" la back, oticea November, say Rfjnodjtw tho to February, Esq 'I and ho Nkwrow, My, aud Au,'eutit'ed, Evangelical delegates unmitigated in the jto everlasting without "fc smut 10 Leave , vrnvided L spring, at that lany a gust, m; Fayette Monday i roquiitd tvkietice of Is said that Don Alphonso and 'S ervlcwbasbeen Arrive recelvcu. uunisiu at ; spinsterJiood, and. as the Legisla- - Alliance ttett, XYSUT morning! fat .It m; by from The j crop preventive. it, ; LesveOunnison Moedey ati 40r The dUtauci-- gh-e- are believed to be IX nliort stay Will be witftjiave recrossed the Iroutier into ting ; turn of the old Bay State has done Phi lade though fa veryxheavy . vieldT was . ... x ... a.5w. -., i France. wnera Arrive at Kavette bv a n m.- pair stibstaui tally correct, put no lncrt-asd pay tne madoat i'rinceton, slmiir Antcfv imill.be allowed should they be greater thau ADiilSSlow: l received: by 'President 4i jothiosr. for themi'thejr must bo41121 From Oflrdi City, Blen. te Bunts- - an by in-- . not to if vvrtix is be ever, the tbe case; ml are lametitthe pobita of advice tho McC'ofcli supplied 19 every and t lio facui tT'Of the eolPRUSSIA. 1.W !BllH sua. Dacx, .twice a studying Parquette and First Circle.-.iHJt?,-tattut inform eorrect lyatated. as other experiments RA have stance, rvcoiKi tircMS ... ; d Greeley, and beginning, if not . mm oa rervr-XQ, b aiiKt r tftemsetrai In Leave Afienta t and' Ojrden CJiy VJednesday and Emigration Third Circle, ..I.ff? Ta4 nMst juodl-CQ- si ; nee to ths weight jpntnt, of the mull, the condition V Ju. y peinsD. U.tTl Judge Blatclrfprd, e go M'est, at? least, by way of pre ReserredSeate,tweiiity-flvcents additional. sand . 19 simple, Au of bills, roans, stEeauis,. IF Arrive at Huntavfllc. w and all t expeIitiot; 'tho lnjunptlyu sufficiently to Leave Hunt-vilt- o or Wedneadav and sit-- obstructions oi applying vitiioi to BERUH, 1 iSTiie vinlaistersJ of turnpikes, Trivtenoirs,rroW7 to$I2 eaelvi ferries, .Uimlnary, to wHto wst, judzinz by permit Blake Hr03.' & Co. to sell the commerce 12 lia mi . kind of which exrenre T, by i j any at ze r. follower-pulveritirday f la m vf seed heat of the interior and have oo xwr luuurreu. comDs7rs may nociaua. 7 at andulonat m. Arrive aivgnen city o'qliefc. VirJorTna.net op;n j loaned issued instructions to the district si ue lonowing puoiwyeu jh ine securities held for the money ' of blue vitriol and disbuy. bared ousucb gnaiud, can be consider.mtncGHtt HarrisvntWUo ed; , onepouni one 4U23 From 0jrdi City bybyp 1 demutakt-- or Uiisapprenor for Virginia, ier.i ,Hterjprs4 of Oct. O. Jjrrd, Grtnnell & Co. This of in to expel all emigration solve it hot Water, B ixOrrt04 pen for sale of tickets North Ogden, ,10 miles aud baekf honfioii as to ihe degree of service; ntr tor gallon m4jf tbfowon."tlie-- jraite authorities -- r .nt r 9, and received at'the poeC offi?'In cision twlcea week. cold water- to reduce every uorningr at 10 o'clock. r .nf d b rid (res destroyed, terries (Uscoatiuu.d. ot ald.ulUient ten thousand Lake Shore registered d, . Ogdea Monday and Thursday i at other" rthat cityt addres-y .Lev It to a? temperature Of about seventy Obstructions causing or inereuains Tril:tSwt- - fc llehlpTftn - Houtliern registered 8 p in; b..,', dUtanco degreea.4 On a" clean,"tight floor occurring duritur thu at I looking Unmarried man overlhlrty, sinking fund bonds. North 5 pW etrdeat tn contract .yArriw terui. OiHoea vstaWtsbed after seven f bushels p clean seed AUSTRlAilt.A'r.'. Leave North Ovdeu Monday and 'empty " " In Virginia City, Mlaaued.aod this advertisement U ta V nloTFalth. C.nlno n VlsltlTT'BTl.i wheat,- and "With an old faaMra tne contract term, ara to bo vkltni without -rr.; ' the wheat with the TlteTO Were twV8ignl1lcant!slrvl --lit sprinkle 411XJ Jbrom Ojdeu Citv, try l.ynuo and Sia-,- .' extra "pay, it tbe distance be not bicraancd, iquid 13. LcrwBix, SepteulW Atb, 18T3. The of "SVienxa, " are carttloned to mail ihcir Emperor it. (Udders tervllle, to Plain City, 1 miles And prop You will, noaoubttbe surprised cea yesterday at the conclusion of Austtlawill visit the Czar at 8t mix tha, grain; thoroughly VrtU 9 sals tn linio to reach tho Department shaveil orgralrrscoop,'and continue aud tbe hour named a p.u. r'eb. Z, by day to rccfivf a letter (rum hm, a ttraorer; the Evangelical Alliance.' At JDr. Petefebnrgj'drtHtff jfM'Ltaw Ogden City Tuesday ani Tri- - laTt). as bid received Iivlidays at toi prldkleand mix uutjl the liquid tm1I after thut ilinx ti.nl but w icu I Ml you my motrrcrfor wrltlnr Hall's Pcfcbyterian church, tite theEuskiatfehtirtrttAS." In coin petition with bkht, bs eonsiilrmf tf :t f Is ' mixed nn with all Arrive ftatn ctty oyvn j the wheat. Tha t hop yott win pardon the liberty 1 bare communion service was adminisoc reasouooKi amoautt reoeivaq la tiuieH . Lea vo Pialu City seed: fwOi tie. ready to sow In two Tueadoy aud FiUay Neither cau.bids be considered . taken. I am tody at good aoral charac- tered by the.,' Episcopal ;! Bishop Which are i" 12 m: SWITZERLAND ' at : XaV ij kix.o ,, ievit hours, or it may stand for a week r.T Arrive at Qjdea GMptbavSp nsv ,.4.1 t without tha guarantee rcouired bv Uw.m.d ter, apd, like aiaay otkere ef tbe same Cummins, of Kentucky, assisted S of cert ideate , the of such gua Pare Hyacinthe Elected. suiheieucy without injury, 7 41121 From OstdouOlty, by Alma, to class, Am employed in ane ( the many fac- by J)r. Arn6t,tf Edinburghy 8nd Hooper, rantee, aud ttbeoatb or t he bidder accord14 miles and !...- . X4rt, act of June 8, 1872. . to eectlo.t tories Here, thereby earning my own living. De. Corner, of Rorlin. tfTte Bishop . Geneta, .13. Perd ing ,rT THKlBRIOATrOS . Hyacinthe Leavr Ogden City Wednesday and 12. Bidders should first propose Yorker Z hare very 1er ujcd oAraXpPjtisizvirr orrespaeyWnts. sad as I remarked that in al hlmjnistry. has been elected one of"- the three of ,fj to : ' i according yiealstrictly t, C3 is no' means a small Ayrtvertfoopj m; 3jr aud then, If enjoy frecelrinr-an- d answertaf letters, I be bad ""rJeve r "T?eforerco ni ni u neu TCufesHbf Uoneva by the old Catho 1 desire, aoparaMy Jour to. six bushels item, i;xave uooper Wedatxla and Sihir. for different sen ice;they audit the regular bid thought I would like very sauchtoadd one with his Presbyterian b ethren, but ucs. be lowest o, tbe offered for acre tbe advertised is often lost nw not. per aayaiipm; be' t e last time. 7. --: snouia or twe more to tho lfet provided X ouid ;tbrough negi at CVden-CitArrive m. ! JefeB or the othtr propositions by be conIn this matter. may FRANCEn: And some, inexperience ones. .. I jtreMime I At Dr. Booth's Prcs? torian Church 41123 From Corlnne, by Bear Hlver 4 i rvSim mi Um'tf f All ditches should be In good order City sidered, 1 J. There r should hare adrertiaed, or answered an I?ev. Dr. Freeman tie.of the Church ivt kvp be but one route bid for Portage, MaiadetClty f Tdahob Tale, tlmer-anbefore In a proposal.shM Xi Koss Fork, or land watering Consolidateo or the Fort iu.Unaussi-'tedHail, combination -. CorberVs the! tlnf tHose advertisement, but paster payers that lor- the adlUinistraAiowi Of - Market "U " . . PrcMdtnt. AJUiKJI BtTSSC,. FX n 3, 13. The Republican dep- should be so laid off that it will not one sum for- two or more Mr5-- r, - i;;,n' tia ndmMnni ke, btd ,'pcv.po6lngbe merlj published them will do so nomore, 1on.v AJWaoifT Ooobb, . . Cashier. uties wash Thiers Into and routejOcauno im?considered.; holes the Both congratulated gutters churches which vrero upon crowded. o 1 have resrriet tne? tmpit nay. taaaocr ado ruuic 1 pt ThMi el- -mi i m- atjrrtvtM In fc ita7 the name aud rostdencoef the i f fv"rfL ivwr rBv JlmLJJL nprl. would make it uneven-an- d v uu- -3 result of the elections yesterday, Udder tthat ,1 lift iwn rough " IJ rettlar.oue, bopiag- that I my succeed, ITullovT; HalU He Boulder his usual -besides Is, fbr;the reaper, necuon witn the letter of tlie late a AtUoHzed Gcypitaly trnTrT 500,000 posbottice addresx), and tbe expi3ed"gratIficatfott:Jit;the destroying will now l you what kind or a correspondname each and of to here a member of a Helena. Clsncey, firm, as trjnrr.Cl.y, 40 of the crop. result, stteugthening .the oppo portion misslocarv UlshoD or Zanzibar.-t- o ent I wouM n Wcmkh llkf Mei o be etso rwv eouip.tny otTerj,... should - be distinctly or &e Wheat should nents tne never monarchical schemes. watered Stated. f ' hitv New Bishonof ;..,,.. York, in Winter schedule thirty tm forty tf JS, Uiddoss are requested to use, as far as members of thefeft ntM'Wlll Iw Qld weather when v"ery young, JUitmngz ... $175,000 HummcrscboduleSSdays. , J4 days. t v ilea n or CAnteri The the laori eneracser,aa a lrfceaa aad tfd wnicntone uKi f f meet on the --3rd, the extreme re as it chills It and; causes' it to have practiuaoic, tne primea proea8 ruriitened task for hbi nnrtilM aoie correspoiMlcet. 1 do not ear bury nJWQL , . .' :i j to write on la full the by the the Pre'J trrta n en nxv tti cn ulrtBtj publicans on the 25th, audi the a yellow cast, after which It seldom 41128 Front Brishtm Ktatlnn. br. Orisham suiaot. Uepartmeat, their biU,aitd to rutaiu copies of iuki ItmaIs maa nonsense ne writes, , moderate on forms a to the Millard .Is. 10 that ear republicans City., tbe 27th, mTldcud ear, fc.bl reuiaorlatmoraf; any week, Lndtcales-thperfect mlk of a and Cby. probability W $87V50perVCeat Altered bidsshouid not "be Vfibmltted'raor' to, designate the .members ofthe is email wB Ml he' kernel, tamw or i oat :m wouM not be arprec- Umes a week gTKJOkl bills o WO Submit ""eo r should wheat ' one from elated. Sow ' you "'may" think- - that I general commjiietpr maiaaSepaent, to ohedole ,t.fao-t- o Efnl.r or aaaraator dderbWlthtrw. Hoffman 'for' Con- - which under "VDy the law of the four times, according to the allowed unless the withdrawal Pwtmaster at 'BrUhant am some f rl.ri feff tanif 4 stank is rc- rn nours season and At land aualitv to, tho the tnthaUoKles. . previous Dividend. m m, e H vt m ausoana, ror you tamr Jt bits been Pep.Ceat. ""Tr-ro111 tho case of the -The eleetioSsfor bijMtAbli L. holding moisture; hut jn alrcases froiored bid must be aruarai otera oy two res. by somepapcia qwXewaJI fitif art I m t WaJlacki for. heIn r.rn--men xne oi l and guarantee i Leave Welkivile Monday, iit can be allowed to cover .j waerf want to et;marriwf e bad'that thfi i"""1' ..,il should bepormnir the ground before the iHret tijmd plainly with tbe fulf name Friday vT"ry?, bare sent la, petltlou o be, pi Ijlalure ta ad u if sioii ta the1 rclresftrS cffcl 61 s I , Tisr)niji Barttin IstMttojt)t Is bettei toIo so.: ) j ng noBoonMndayn.Wedaesday, - ine ro matter Oeneral. roserre. iions win aio i jjeju an yu samaj Dripni:, have a law passed allowlAgr every man to uieiueaire. Jud?e llairett. fnlnv the , of the allowed the defendant to put In an uayrn the departments Avoid all:quartels about iwabar; ana 7 a m; have two or mora wires; As he 'Wa at rejeci any raa wnuti uiii.biinm. nxmuj ?ii ed extra Varant; and aim to diisrt aijelo i ? Lower your-ar- e Arrlveat Seine answer-lit and 9 and , or--and Finis WelUvlliieby , am. of uiiTvnutfu Oiso, deprixed gard ,r thorn. your support What a libel But that is not bids of Xauiua cnutnuinHi uut hi,).ri,th It Is rpnnHf.fl thai. a TS feel 3 llghta, 1 take the quiet ..way , to. re--, A GJINSJtAI. BA.Vllra BXTSIH BBS TK AlfflACTXD 4M28 rgMyto?".t' 1y FioVBIBflBPyfrmi fAcftSPJuire lerre. ,&si3ni my motive.'' T' want an' W'eab!o and y i - v 8, 187. soetion - 1 PwiE.-VraBcover them. J t. is better to lose dmiriafted by the Sentenced to Dar-C40intlna- ii bid sbonid be sealed,t.supemoribed ".jparad is,US pleasant corrcspoadeal for a short Or ton Hoflman'wHfli . Tar. PranaaU. tTtah of e water uemwram Ums-itt- stai than little ior congress, as the sucJo. get we,, are suited wub J. f.A.r. n. . . i A Aami tut,, I' t;tlon.of Biuaine. , , r i trouble.other-- to ZZl thd Wke Offlcr." Contraet Bids of nip r am sure tlmT 4o0 per .warvvbemre council aauuai The 6f wWcli and onward must be UKoonanUi h there arecentlei i.Tii leading hnnuu in l,. ..t. pleaantlr.nd M. Ranc check, or draft, on toins solveui uaV j aummenad,ha Unjr any intuilil,B declared ln "like a,npleasant isantix tlort would trade, i a lonai sanx, equal to him guilty, and msaed is time that Is always vrlshei for, - A'few, ofUie per 'teht f t Mt and Paturdayat t "ptnr Wa?8ladyeorrespaadent to beh iv-al o bids- for ServW which Mr .w amount; of death fn hontumaciutfi although somewhat dreaded w be- COIXECTIONS Hw-rcoAseu" hra sentence whtls awaj hUipsra time like koer where annum. Wkervtiw ooUM,uorte more per 11129 tlons for ashortilm&rnwrnTtint.iv A The Journal t Pntim Hm,i.. ing a time of hard-Vi- turried . Mua raie. Ana now, or uore, U U staUl in P4T. VFti'f my dear" sir, if you' and Bichmowf,1 tae Held, Sdvurtiacwcut is wrrcwhere scarce." Someuudor . tha Appropriate co- -. that. peTJcene?&eitfoas3aemdl inabilily at present, no c help oot la to saoh a corrCtax. lectJofts. , tui '. to route. lU--i,.fdence. W.1 sorael t 'j,..- irao tne necessitv for th K.rML times for t it Mp, hare you no reaUemafT friMMi 17. 7ht tontractart,tih&t.rrlt.l T,tj'T,;t "Vant fof tbt of Tens tion of a monarchy to prevent 1m- - times en A$aw& would like toT thould rati decMatn nrri s, wheat Deposits. thOuh, t1 lurnrtl lotht Department by or hrfurt the I1- - U lowed. "t ' me e with an ineo batil ,10S-"tKnce thc aectpUd btl. ; drist i 'dead Amrtsi (.r.j.B vr'iRot nuitkiiiwni. 2"v causes whfeh? ftaeinff otll, and y.enpi ?tT Kit? an oDuge yours trnhr." m f lt to ripe,", i.or xuarsnai isazaine was l.t A M--rs i. Man r. V 13.-de. and appearance, flinty r.yy resumed haya Tlie President of teriorates the aualitv of its flm.r silgiit'ffrost tlie, court teaay.V beiran the mi nat inn nf 41130 From Logan, Lowell, Mass. Newton. Clarkston, Trxnsfsrs of fraclsf'eroT InferWt tn P. tne accused, stating that he.ab.ou Id Wheat tOMiuldUjways Ae ftjf whllai, Ibis.. fall Into Um iiandsof n',.by oi itracts, ara f orbkidHi 1 Tml (Idaho), to Ox SVtI' I O as noon.. some tor lorn old baeh, or rome lonesome An import int feature Is vuMuer ine prisoner rponsibIH-t- y thekernsdli4altiogyj tl Kiftt. oaunot ana ' allowed. Keith,, uuujs S i. tr Litm.t t.i l.l. la k. That time and cram ma v not he 7 commenced with the 12th nf ai.. widower, or some poor miner wife' 0 eor- - uoUcdblo In tho disease, that it a to other pirtit-s- . - bklderi will igoed gust In repTyrrcT'jtt;t'N a irepraiiQHs.,enouiarce m; therefore take notice t will bs expected suaue some time previous.: Kucn Arrre at Ovfood bv 8 n ra: i .' v .. to perforin th servioobeyawarded rerolns the disaster 6? Forbach, Bi-- ' extras be reeePath Cob to them as may be needetl for the PHOPOSALS isin Leave Ox ior WWueaUaFahf zaine-salhe had no knowledge of treet wnile thote of this Department until 8 whnsae street trm. the thr.Htgh .1 t ItK- H should be , as soma reaper, 24ol be on deckled lbrUHrjr (so thiiartnr JiiiKl proeused, ct,fi earper are still. confln4 to Arriaa, ir,r r Pwtvirtaa forC-vathe lack iTAtlOTiCrhctg titles of small or bolt rvarssr . a. a v wti . Ity ,of the horsblepostrnMtorj their o MM 1 rom Keltou, b(f Irv Creek Khali w. the ta'ion mail of uiaid. of tha Wortoary putiU report states f Ter ia the tuory v.n 21 Indian rf noon yesterday till noonUo, 4 toestbidd r aaHctent Adkison, on reading 'thiadeJicate from was die too, ' aiks;;-i)orlOtusjLmeu . La be thrown ,idunnHi ii Psvette tefor faithful iKft irMtuM. i forty-twday, of . x which ther thirty-si';:" He one 1itrFcaler4k"'nrmselr epistle. were yellow fever. ndlv rrn was then resolved that he can te aUr I he re per should ' 0m , 178t, , ' nocwMiry toprovu for therefrom by putUag the totter into other causes. sr aim t fi ttvemi fMM i18. yWie ex!"!" 1878, Carefully and w; U'tha ty ray-nwii bret .,t nuts tightened. Keeo vonr ma. On 1. ,t kr3 bwi. MiitO H WU-v"lendle- Fred Beegle'. tVe routes and9by the.ntssnn aUcansesforty-si- x qf, JfiloiLfevtsr scbedujes of Wot loyIFredid lon, Meadoirrtl t Wt,, M1 j chijne end wf evert-with --cdcrltv.cer andf arrivals Tieretn fg. othwr and, eetbat JiJ.'?nsr?rt't,M'B!tI,s teniVoii decline tliat direction , on le ail n tjl!owtQa Ifae.riaLel, rwt-- s andSp..h am iablfc.bed atthfr.rs5noi htsm ttrci.Ua tn K(ir1l!.-i),.tMcupliaijaexfeiii 7J the otea o noon m.les ir t you llth.After aal..bk,-cruSaturday reaotoirf; J.i a ...vuj,.irja..t,iDa Sunday noon,,one groundbeing o'er onr to The trains-leavintUecIJy lia?e hOkt.it - t hoalw.5jot construed e pro-U handle iare . ,,, ew. t. he no received t conorderto thU ity r"t7or tBiM mad. Suaimrsuhedi ". i your tinue crowded. inarry yet, or to think of a-- . : ammunition. Leave lC'J',on-'-r ' ner-- e a tnrsfun th (?r?" UfKfrw ad inst -what pei, frm$, the carelessne of the lntelli'-t;ij- ', At rive ,Tht en! vv a shaping that tray with 4 r iJU I,, r Stands t unt FrlntfuU i -- 2 - (' .t4nn-Tr4.. seTVtos. HeLuiJ not receive . .A ;13.18.. oiio , aud n . cbers are oontidcrt-d- , i u or other lady who. was 1 precise n. . . . The fever Mm Arrlv Keu frisrht-titw --. oi ccwtl tuo continue t western ravages information Im"ameAV n of tr. utn ra TV'lCPi hnn Mr rv. t uwrrnn h, 157S, . Jim v m. man between thirty And CMyZ.j. fiUt-wl-r- 9l 19 Mat hfds ihe-13t- h; i.id.fi, ion of a bid Jii tVmt' f5,(WnN4 until i lb, cf orcw to ' fny t t ... .tn w I ter truant. thick r overt sanltarv WartA la m, . throw a lruige jRi.t.le oes Itoit t, 0 r w tf wi wishing other bachelor ffi?.. across the Mm. t",r"r"2a iout i otbid.. . , rris . 9 e i erLi is1 The J t r it. "Ti.a li. cmi r ' r c pushed;' It chance he fcant!3d hopedtbe reacnea Dim vnly fr f tail-1 s"6r...M .ill f' tt I w icoi-5r 1 rlawiu j be cannot! K uded I denied ton lia lseaUatrHttJfoar (n that he could Le. I slj wiiere- Ani, 'i CTAn;-t onewspapcivf.ThoX.-vrjari- ci k Prea PAj-; ix ii,t. help can be procured on" 4i.1llir!ra 'T ' " C.y, r'y akeTDL Is" i . VITl,clAI 'thlukt ba worH responsible for the delay snd subseto be careful not. to LtiuMersare F. str-ji t. eer Jennie will havef J!eiilyit Frfn -f Thv new cases aro not fo quent r"".b!et?38.'.' h TTT the su ruff Jacob rt - ". t4 'Vad 2 Cilr,, t :l! i -&u'. m I 1 v .jtan), J , .C?tri..ouI3,-LetCi- k n c"--!- n j .iiuwiiiiT' a cacx, six tit, .s j ijrthfr ( vrlz i the pondence tt 3 otisnorsornalignapt.eve--- oioiit reno . i V r "r-aJw r. U to'pisvent (n..), enemy's pursuit. tbV t bb'ues ' of .t. j have TV? f .i closed Irrrs ts u Char;. of and g r lw . fn( June. If Jennie c i't finla pnf1-llklni rclegraphiodJitches i.,v H. Ll!rv v - in Ln, q d uring -- the RtS ictlon: showin at uy under, r ..J...' the io.,,! All "rt.fleate vrBum 1 fa l.hat o..4 , In Oeorgetowo. ti ' t ; hir r is cstlmatit-'rt.rBirp ml ' stacking and thrahinr: the Hank movement of l2fcau:;-miles and back, t -ui' iiy rxcej:rstvi epuriact " :. t, aniay, at jusand bc alio d d. it Utah, where sk-cK persour remain Leave the n-la'the U Evjnvtoq ar G:?rmat?f, Mim1,v" ; m , v- rdri a J All .v the Arrive societies arid at io- - i jri f vented1 him iroux carrying OV A. i4 arrive atSatt Lake City next ekjx by heing suited. Not any i: uty. i JTJ fwwu ok a;ta and-loto; m. P r;st thoronMy c'-- i to the plans. ,The I fsirehal, 1 k. .f r to Leave. f tory boasts so many pr&r.J bach charity of the.help Post" S IT.tl FromStHIke Cyt-kT:- . -- .1 wrs are tltn .)'- of Lul , the y i t a r . ranworkLr la i, f uxtket It . conreported qthe-iiuestons, i elors (though perhaps blessed .with iron especially ... to. th 14 ioc('i.r, at frrxlzrkinr. Arrive !l( Evanston i xr-Afev.er it 7 52ilthe.. Texas. Kir i, t Saturday by p d. wglns near cerning J quite as nnylreiCen"feJs ctberl UrowMsville. unii tie fcsu rr of I it '"STKlss we see 1 r reporledHot-nts-nW( lu 4 . , his country! Hestorn Territories Und : i . I.i. t 0 I tr. ,f , 1 I f.' v -- v ' j 1 v. t-; .. 2 t ' , I Ol the r"usd tt-t- h I by Everybody khows thitbur citizens 1. . 5 L - or' I i was etberw: r aroattrri:ed . I ! They f W" Te hire the happy fecuTtyof tettln? ing from thetity with theiA4tctLri V 63 unaware that re 1 r ct y n. i i . re ty-8 p .-. fnl r t' r ;.r in- - .. i t'-i 43i svim r 't t j ti eor . ,r i a.M l J a,. Prevty well, married, yet 'married In their avfttf'm. t TO ' CZZ t fck ... 1"! f i , i an art as tlilaast.,:.:., I v ,iel r i:ra--. u.i - ..ive.y " . - T" II l,i rs practicA-- ' I H MB. I ' t Pt 1- -t I - :, !! 5 ' i l??lJ"Z - 1 TVS 3RyEi;3Ti i 1 say OKK TllOC3AKn of . , 4 rmst "u fi. t-- 11 GIFTED MUSICIANS; . tm c i i 4 , . Buui-uuiors- For f a by Z. C. M. I an' a ls l ': Stores. in;::-.1j- ranch - ft - rr,l '.si - abft-HnklMi- I i s r . - -- . e ! . refcW-ti- pusiuou, r ." ) J. p1'. - lfantuat lure if isfllj j . irj .ri i ni c h A n b s ivi J " TThcf j rsTrlea-rai'- a AFr-IXT.- n i j , Bmb4 aad .Parler i ; 4 Juru.Special r ana. . ,,j JTAe te.' : Va, ' Uniycrsello tw- - Our roods are xer in run raw ny he principal loouag; ""TVhout ,' . f t"o-- ct gnen at thn - - t a :..V' Wholesale dealers ta . to-d:- y.i - to-da- y' - cmk-er- j t, bUi-.ter- r. - ij -- , ; lt ti-d- - luvina r mza, , I- - " fc. M- j-- - ..-- xs.o 7 - A ., - . .rJi-iWttEA- T-! 5 thenor4 , d . .'- re-b- T !. !;nijt. Oompaaxy or 4' &' - Stationary Engj SAW! 31 ILLS, t i isji Dealer. Ia woon and. toon wortKiso maciuk- tr noiTivn ur, T ni?AUTXl - ,. WATfKK WHEELS, ETC., V , ....... I .. ...... - .Uf .. nt, .K.- . 1 XJOS ! d -.. -. , iy reg-uiuri- pout-her- . for-trip- s . . Hilln-lale- , - one-tiHir- th BY. .TELEGEAPiL , - -- h s- -i 1 5 '' -- re ot ALBERTA, iTf., n.--tie- nry s iaBr ,V"U-.-- telo-graph- Jie.' Pr-p- ,. : th t tit tral.f-iwit-iln- sr. ' Louisua' n.n r I i.i ir-"- i as. . . '' BnciTiiVCal; ? - -- ' th . ; s . addl-tiou- al , , J i ! dele-gntfcw- OkiTT ill --- Pi- ' ' 1 ff i 4t '.sea; . ta-o- h to-dn- - y, si-- -i - - i 7 ! ; - . . S - tuiwt-ivavu- y plank-rouil- s. . WHITEfATER , AOmnLTTJRAI. 02 t ! G - tiulf-po- Nejr.'W s aik-sc- awo-diarlu- a SrstlMoniBaiik ; IX-M?- . thr-- ug hout Utah.; , -- 'If 5 , oity, - 1 - - 4lt2 . r' :. ,; - . -- : tijl-- w i Uia & Col Bridgo Beach !,!:.-,wo ..'(''! . ' ywfactgsexa.efi o. STOVES! ' Importers aud dealers la r Tin '5 , Sheet Jron,. Wire Tin- Flat, .t'-t- , , .isers' Stocky ea.-.j- ! t ; ISO 3NrxrtXa f i;. '"'a-- ; ... i ive Storjs lu the Territory,. nzos era j . ujr- v n. , estorm lonndry,ri or; xztvn-.MXivcaAc-rdau- ta ta f i?rH?f5 i PATENT,:; '. Steam ttotUr and Shett Iron tvHty. Quarts i !)iO ttj-th- k ; aaa - i sraracs a. :jUou- A,yaT it l i . -. - - . thIjrd .. pro-rkll-ng e ai tt(n; d iratk-r-ing.l- t . : lnte-wors- -- sf.te .5- vh to-da- y, lLlS - --s- '-rri.;' iTlrlal ... njnM.tnrrived hereto-nksMvm- A : 'i ' td- ii - - iweVak? . "1 J. Kos. roomie r! V' ? s .? ttd 0niu Vi-oi- tt cl.mc", eu.-exie- ..,.v,.-.l- i'lii - ' 'cotiwirmu iLSKj 1 ' it. 1( LEiiMAifir. de-rrtr- ea - nt - trte-fette- ip -- v?-nro- teJoy 'jr' t'f trf KvH ft!a Jia:t:. J ''-u- . ;. -- "- ! orcan-izaUonsne- ed fa j u hii u .J, -- s . ri.r. .JIa lc irr, -rtr-v n-o- . -- -- . iz-j-ir- - " . u' :rT elsewhereWslJW having the well un FOREICfJi advantage of a more. extonsive event r j: than hry hay,,, or ou3ht l.'.itA' cheat y 1 i .to have. V,,'".. 8t CuiHon Or Arrt3rlci- -' i Lrr;:.n,r-fIn Fallyra .S( , t.rf :itf A Ccriocs Statement- v vr:;:.- - C".&liei In one i' his recca kvtur ici fro ;i t "i I :. ?i r : v xjaou ' f eo, to ,', j. Jt Is pudUugh - 'ion. reported tahaveeaU ...! a "iti t's 1 . r- f tn -I - rr L. T ' - .uj v- - v n ; III '! j IVai. h .Va.4 CM 1' 1 The .Ir'i'V Aaai ':i"'"' 1 i : au i 4 " ". 'nl WMsaaai aasaSMIrlifall r- Ara - , " third.w p ;shfM Mr. wLT r -x The seaof hlstH be that the Wilsf-'J-.-aia- M tbe sold audol as tM but aod. i'Tlli -- f ---ery YIIATi pelmli tbi f i v E;!: r- - .;.Taaa any -- Tj,; r '-- r ft r ---- it j -- Lw-i-, r-- ft -r-:- ther ' i.'a i.i, y(lK, f ' VJ."( " j,. , ' ' ' 7 - a Coo!r'nT'T :r L iaathe fnpe)1 ssr Wilson SswhUJ j JSt nouneed the most capable at S io ma bins lams worm both dry food and superior tolhat of Z.TLi verdict, St S. Worlds teif Uwtrr7a u -.rW r T t e WltaTTi X i S. "WT ie for brstwimptes of family ladetT.;dva on the hoMtK Ttl sweeps tbewitire have comprt4 before t commr ' for tftors t ZLuU-t- '''a'lor bet aachsnical I iavlujf. sewing1 -- ? lL?r-,t- another fur .the none by the Wlfcou, and c I a second sold msdal WWTaabufactttrod-r ! ....i., h '. received (ystrrtay :- r 1 '"I we Mpositiaswt'. " a rw'-- T - j' T, ;VHi;'Aut s .,Tl. ...;- , t- iii ," A KB UNrXHTBTEDLT TUB . , ..... 1 lV:..i.w 'f -r V A "" s - i aceood was .the JS Press port compiled from Iks. Hew ror:ifcriMt.4kV: "VrtJsoo Mwlat Macau., f Ohio- ,- traanaaed as aur to Cuy! Choapeet Coist to Uso! 'Tl: - t-- -s- i- it '! . -- T1T-urs- ! lors .!The -- -- ; 1 w y '41 - . The Wllaon shuttle aewtng inseB" anarded tha rraial srlx at the Vaw J"'. pusiuoa tor brhuj the boa asf H !SSTl . , - , 1- - ,,ltiT? vl w i t a fi,.;. wa saacalbvrsf' , -- -. !V tobs" - . f.j ,; H t hril.a w -- 'f Shrei separate dirpatcbrs $ost eabhM to dispel all fjotisi) tn snachlae has won the Brit tooerItrratBirosirion. 'The flint Sras ta.theVw Wk p.ea, en yNortlsjt 4 . 's yi4sh? luL..'i 1 tv -- ""f .' wt'l r .(. s'..i'ioF4VS.f'! i ''.; I rriHU-ralu- 1 T-,- awi jr i sri e' r ft",u ( hoir . i- 1 ',. i I 4 J! ":' CTf' 'f . T. 1 a .il..it '. i $IA SeFA&VnKlUJJLXQJXromMBS. r Cblomrom. Fiber, Bnioa Kitrpeciaillos: re, ABdall rOrtA tit t!ential muand ii Flavor. ww, m (Vim t.m.i L.w. f-1- me-V- ii j H CHcricALvonKii. -', uee 5i ; 3 machino-yorrrselfyoir-l- iad ujudOd, j-- l . e, -- g I v- I - - aalf ruTJ f f-- .tjj-yti,- KorJirtalB Street."3 - ss o, ft -' 104 itrid Ida J .01 t,..,i - dt-te&- M P-"-i" f f. SALrxjLKACjrr jr.. ttntK.-- ' toi,.., ) Ml HOME coTto- Mft.T Agents - u...iraa k.a c'f JtTlveryiprltleathv y 1 ' it S.-S- hould osq-itW- ; i . gt , crt'l - is i - -- , - 1, - d-i- c- d . - - m- j f of-mU- sswCTf-yoirftf),W- . -- . tJUMK AND BEB C. - -- i? - f I" ; ifAnnTnn'Knxf. t Preiatam Tarns ati4'aViet Chitln, asasne niiianrctinsa. Batta, etc .1 U U odsj..i V. I. inA a fi kt'M, .br- r. ..i.. IU Urauch c - v - , p.""! 1 4 h " d IJ:lralles ' re-por-ted t-- 1 .J,'": fcit-- i ., , ?u,nna - ; eet n.ga. -- A. ,.-- 1 ! SXUCX fitnr ti-l- bs-twe-es r Finn jEWCLtiYj ASP ELgoxWVAi"- - jQosoa - u) 1.4; d - 1 U ti -7 Bci-vic- - elg ;4llfiBtBfi GOOD i i t .j i Corner Mala and Mullanpby Streets, - U Tr ltfn.tA I 1 sin rilininii ivtt UUtlADlU I f, i. ' liKIl ThereSHJ Is None bs P.nl tfarsi ' ... o j " ATrrrv j. Waff A a fTerranUd h$Sfxrlt Certeafr; Slrtid or. Prfc lit. !1 ! 'diri ' il'.irJ.-'- . STREKSTH FM.; i i Shntiimj ana fer-lc- J " .i rm.m . ; STEAM' ENGINES i 1 ... STATIONARY, PORTABLE jaiBers,rgrier9&usilrosd J t lTheu nrr Iht ttimt trt H AND UUADLEr. i u f'- 3 a lyl..','i.l i x , ,i,.. fBc ayi-eeah- I tkeCe-qptr- a , as1-fro- ;' , - MARSIIALITCOMWlW; ' ' 'lyKWcijj f ..ttlt Alaa.-a- .i. I , ft.,nwwt. mm. its 11 ranch Mores; also by all - i , tt ,; KiH'bi' 1 several exteiadve. JTaetorlns of Agent forand ... i IrnDflmrit. Hrdwarti Our Good kiav be had at the Mores lueaf iiQei sua tneir l.ranstiM . -- - . " WAGOH." riTt? A M AM'XtBr; MACliiNKii XAUin,ANTMKrSHIN1 BOHR MILLS. . . -- rost officiJ " i - i so a reliu-uln- j ! laAlra e i Nation&4iie$l& i the' 'Vy Manufacturers of y . o. 2uc.l xlkJa..r. N J -'- .j a. - lim' Mti. .- v bit DWl1wa " ijtrrs itir Vsrvsa'ts ),- 'J.Tho I ' cprosiTE 1- " Call, and ia. urocx iHiiTniiw--- j. ill l AkrtA SEMPLE,BIRGE&CO i, . . re. 13th Ward St "peace r, Job u X)u vis. SAINT iXiOlilS. MO. (r ic Ii ..i$, ,1 lrtttweAfarfc.tVntHfrTrriuf.l v l Fr tend, ar Ii .r? - ; ..' W. racPHATTa Wsasa'i v , l? MateRoml, below flond Snntn Dtn: fcK Like CM f. JtrrvnY .Vtof l tttid . 'F AVrntlcd, . dfA if - i -- i. WiX .Wrt4.f UCS ff.ftr, opf, p j" A. i e - t overs. agon AWNlicos and all kinds of Cab made by baud.-- Por saleaV ' ,, OFFICB No. 8580tmi MAIN STHBET, j. ti .ii ' .- -- v , 31 gashing Madhjne, Brewers gaa Distillers Use. Superior, B on rxhlbltlntt and for sale, JiVi U .. f,j ii j, pu,.,,,, f ... I STrticMon. st Mitchell Si Jim. .. Rr . ems ana i .' " fh .' - - Till! M8T iXD CHRAriT. HOPS, SAllIaKY . f t. to-nig- ht t And Dealers 'ut !" :i ':i ;t X T S TE R !!'; ' . , II . - Elt; Cbas..'Ildeppele & Co , - Tho-fallu- ! - - QALDER 4& OARELKSi ptampino ro. OFFICB ui-auo- WORTXr . i Louis. Saint or t. locis 4 i were . I. on J Affcnts fur Vial & CO., Tin Hat tV Sheet Iron,1 Copprr, nA MiL - . oo. riM ono r.n u afia t m FOTJJJD J. KIKKCAO., K.CQriSST. SELLEW R. Uwro''j Of any, not even aa Inferior Metis!,' '4 ; K.ttUAV. , AO AITT stamping w1 Na.7i7;st:,st:LouisVKo. , ." T Other American Organs r-i . ' Best in ' the. tlWULAU 'rsf? ORGAKS, . J ' '.- -, i Thus ' 2- - ac-tt- I p, ,'-j.- i MiNcrACTcntns Fortabls y. ro-ua- ,5 , ; . 1 - OWENS; LANE & DYRR j Kllv-e- - 5 r T- STV UTCIS TRADE. t- - li . most Eminent s - ii,t - Ihw Peru from dilTereut couuirkT" awaididthe V; s Cranches. a Qtn- It. Ik. Ko. HT Oibce and it rehouse, i IU. gan Ave., CHU.AOO, W. s73 3m ;,t , H. I?tJrr, --tffent, - Y - lacludlnr Ilnti'AftJpana sii i n ouiig-auon- '- r kert-b- lustltutlj-tee by ll . ' rT'nltrir-- Lt.-av- Instantly e are My M ATCFIKS rrativ Menanbio Wo r, cf j- - 0T V ine. .,. u t ' i ' 'Jsi if !: 1 ' . ' J , 11. A ' m rjAvl8 -- f V,r-1 .7 i. r ; I -.-.r. t 1 1 ' -- ' n 1. . |