OCR Text |
Show 1 '. 'Ml f il .MM A to be Issued in trust, by the Secre- BY TELEGRAPH. to epectAi aSBBBT. AJI wsitb," nrar riC il tACt' OFFICAL DiaECTOBY. ,t i fv 5 : v i United Stale Officer for UtalC i tary of State, subject: to the future diKsition ot Congrem.: I Hie fol- ' PinBff !? f-- r Panpr sf thr taekr Hnnntnin triion DAIIXERS. HOTELS. lowing receipt was. given r The THE EVENING NEWS. . TBACT. undersigned,' Hire U ton Fisn, Wee- PuhliOud trery urtning, txrtpt Sunday. ' retary or State, of trie u. K.. herebV BecretaryOeorge A. Black; that he has this day re Chief Jtntlce-- J. B. McKean; THEO. F. TRACY & CO., Lnli XIght' JDIspatrlic. declares one year. In advance. Lfiaoo ceived from the.KIsftt Hon. Rr Ed- - Associats Justices Jacob 8. Hrreman, One copy, bix r. L mont&s, ' ward Thornton . II. B. M. Envoy Mo.: Phillip IL Emerson, Mich. litres tnonthg," ...v.. EASTERN. -". MtWl 'M V. s'Hrt.ilcai Extraordinary and Miniftter PleniI 'Grain Receipt. f u V- C. C Cletaeats; Esq.. Her Britannic Ma : The receipts' ef ehilM, Ctncioo, Reoeirer ' of Public Kaaeyn J. B-- Orcr- Consul Xew at Qeneial, jesty tiiis continue' in Exchange onTew Yort, San 'ran- fair, York, tbe acenta of Her city prain i semi-weekiI- y. loa; Majesty's been. soo, CMcay& and principal "there having l,500car loads, ' in thin behalf; the Bociatcr of Caad Office Georse R and 73,000 bushels by canal. Wheat Government vitiM of. the United PulAithd every Tuctday and, Saturday. is coming Jp the liveliest, there sum of fifteen and a half millions Maxwell; State akd Eu of dollars in gold coin, being Jtlie rj. 8. Anosior 'J. P. Taart; ' Oue copy, one yean In advance,.. ..1. .$4.80 , having Ixtm saNeais. ul 0. Holltetcr. , J. " F,tf.Co!iactor-" 2.40 six " ....J... L9U whole, amount of .the gross, mm ; " , threemonths, Taatt- - award 4 on toe lUti or ttept. I87Z, mouths, Eptstopaf Convention Territoiat' ' Officer. A - General Ilankifts Uusi- by the Tribunal ofrArWtrailbrf.then Goo. Q. Cannon: i The annual convention of "Upls--, sitting at ueneva, in accordance ADelegate to Coojrrma Zerubbabel Snow; the provisions of the? 7th .arti copallan ministers met in this etty-' with ? t rv There was a. full attend- cle or the treaty of .May bin, 1871, AiKlitor Wm. Ciflcettona promptly attended to nMf' rimU-U-d WEEKLY. Clayton; A. and II. the said U. 8. at current rati. auce, nearly all the parishes In the between B. M. Jn witness whereof, the Treasurer James Jack; 3 , Publish td ivfry WtdmUy, t, 4 J State being represented. On Saturday p. m., at the bro- aforesaid Hamilton b isht Secretary- Superintendent of Common School Rob- One copy, one yean la advance,. Benaftt, Whitney aod Sher ai.OO Attorify therhood of the Locomotive Enel- - of State of the U. 8. A., has sub- fert !. Campbell. ' six month, " .... " ... 2.00 nam to this- raeetct, in " three mouths, " ..... 1.00 ". ueeni, Bloomlugton iivWon. .Ne.f aeribed his at Salt Lake County Officer. WauiDrtoii, this 9th 19, presented to airs, u. w v. duplicated . s day of Heptember, lu the year of our irrabate THE i Smith; Pierce, of Lemont, ah elegant sil' Selectmen Reuben Miller, " Isaao M. OFFICECorer of South aad East ver water service of five' piece, as JUrd 1873. --(Wigned) Hamilton Fish, a token of their gratitude to . that Stetrai t and J. C. Veal: 'Jewpie Streets. t DESERET NATIONAL BANK, State. Secretary Coroner George J. Taylor; lady for-- her kindness in caring for Sheriff R. T. Burton; ' ?. light. Polish Party-JUll-ed their brother engineer. James The Ksws Book and Job Piwrrmo Office 01 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Proeoeutlnx Attorney Z. Show; injured in the O'Neil, Who was nlng. has superior facilities for the execution of weeks some theJ ; coll Won at bridge ), , De3 Moines, Iowa, 9. A party Assessor and Collector R. J. Goldlnr; all kinds of Book and Job Prlutlojr. . since. . of about iX) Polandera will leave Treasurer Theodore McKean; PaldE up Capital.1 , f 200,000 on an excursion County Clerk D. Bockholt; Pel la Authorized Capital, S 1,000,000 Ravages of Cholera. AKD PAPKR-WhlNvisit the Holland County Becordei Bdwtn p.Woolleyj Cabij-svii,i.e- J 0. The to Kioux city, towent 111., from Fella a Sehool 8wpertntendetit Bobert I Camp- cholera still continues It ravages in colony, which ' n. n. Vil.IIHK.lltM. Vina aianSi. k few ago. years I BRIGHAM YOUNG, r the eastern portion of this county. O. DAVID WrtilAV. man. nam. r.oat a volmist CALDElt, Wm. - About seven miles from this i Director Officer. jknxings, City fcont-J"Ginil1Ii.vlD? " h?re He ! in the western portion of t L" "EWt6ll'AK ItBLISHXa. . gomery county, where it has raged I ' Ulf J lightning.. L. oTiHlIXS, Cashier. ' r ) area' Panic-in. with a tanAwva Wells. with considerable violence, many laden with coaL The wagon bolt aldxrmcit: OUU LTBSCKlBEi la' the coufttry weaiJn exchange, Coin, Gold DwU deaths occurred last week; at the of the' neck. 1st Municipal Ward Isaac Oreo; l can at any time ascertain the sate on which ' Karae time it broke out in two fami- struck him in the back College Scrip, etc tA'.Oin-A Miner; i their suhacrlpbeii expires y referrlnr to Collection made and promptly re lies near this city, and in three His father was- with- - the team, be- f mitted. 8d N. ,, it ,, H. Velt; I tno r neveri persons of the two fami- cina. to taeir names on dys The indications now are that about 4th FOBEIGif EICIUXGR Filft XALR. ,, " Jeter Clinton. their paper I. e.i means first day. : lies died, SOOJMexican veterans will appear at John Van Cett. ninth mouth.thlrd year, or October 1st, 1873, tarvinterest raid ion Bavinrs Deposits. th; -m comtciLOBs.'Election. 4 here on the 11th. the means February U, 1874, tc R. T. Burton, Theodore McKoan, Joseph Those names having no numbers close Me., 9. The returns .Ad" Interim. , Rockland, F. Smith, Brlyham Toiiny, Henry Grow, I with the end of the volume. a, make It certain ; received he.e y IrJl SPBiaia FIELD. 111.. 9. Charles John Subscribers understandlnir this win be Clark, A. C Pyper, John- R. Winder, lat Webster, the Republican can- - Dickinson, WELLS, FARGO & CO., collector of Mc- Lewis 8. Bills. , deputy able to renew their snbseriptlonS prior t didutefor senator ,haa beeu f Lean -county, has been appointed Recorder Robert Campbell; thetaaeof expiration so that their paper ed, while the Democrats, have collector of this district ad interim. Treasurer Paul A. 8c bettier; electea tne remainaeroi me couniy He has entered may continue without lntrruptioiu, Vsrshal-Jo- ha D. T. MeAlliater; : upon his duties. t ticket.- ' - 7 Bobert Auditor of Publlo Aeoonnts Washburn vs. Butler. Double Assassination.'' Dealers in Exchange , Campbell; 9. One ballot in anHEW YGHK TRADE, Worcester, Asw not and Collector John R. Winder Mo.vboe, La., 9. Judge B. 8. On KBW TORK, SAN FKASfClSOO, CHI nounces that Washburne has 592 Supervisor of Streets Isaac Groot; . Crawford, and uistrict attorney A. 4 CAGO. ST. LOWIS and OMAHA, H. liarris, of the 12th Judicial dis- delegates, Butler 452; not reported Suiveoi Jesse W. Fox; -U i . , i, 57. announces ,,t Wash 12 that Another murdered were School Bnaatl Profentor of yesterday, trict Inpeotor AMO, f. .. t FRIEDMANfJ & UUTERJUMQ, .. .. .Guiles southwest oi Winneeboro, in burn has 5J2. Butler 506: not report B. Park, Robe it Ik Campbell, Henry I. Manufacturers and Importers of DRAJFTS OS LOXVOX AND PR1XC1- vErankIiu parish, while - en iheir ed 75.' At 8 p. m. the Washburne Doremus. -LI ULT simgLIT, claimed 603, giving Butler Bealer of Weights and Measures IT. Da PAL CITIESr. OP EUROPE. way to hold court t at that place. bulletin ........ . ... 14 Warren Street, XEW TOKK, thus The bearer of this information 495, accounting for all but two rts; " GBO. Im JGBBATHOtTSB, Agent. J.? : J. CBU.TaiXDMAinr. f states that they were shot seven delegates, the total numbering 1105. Captain of Police Andrew Burti d23U Caa. B. Lautcjuvro. 1; times, and their brains blown out. Butler's bulletin declares that he Water nUrter Isaae Orota ' VW Our Goods are by Z. C. M. I. and has not 50G, Washburn 527, murderers are not The reported Inspector of BuridinKv-- A. H.Baleifh; known,' but all Its branch stores, kept and by all tbeCoop- - A. W, WHITS. The-ti70. of prominent lead ....,, W. S. VCOBIf ICK. ewns n lam xerruory. it is thought that personal said poli imtiiector or n oott ana Mimwr--a. urn-- i . tical differences were the cause, aa ing men; of the V ashburue party woodey; WfllTE & MTOXICK, . Crawford was a radical and Harris a is strong ana united, While Butler Inspector of Llqoor Robert Cnmpbellj f ArrnioriY & CO., is left alt to himself.' There is' a . laspeetor of Prevtalflb Jeaee O. Utile;' L & H. Democrat. Both leave families. chance for success, and for this he Superintendent Insane Asylum aud Hoe-(Sitcetatort to Al W. White A Co..) ns naoADWAT.NEW YORK, I Married Fifteen , Indictments. Is marahallinir his forces and work pttal Tboodore McKean. v KEW Mamtfacturtrt, and Importer Jobbtrtaf lORK, 9. T. Yokes, ing zealously. He looks tired and Physician Insane Asylum and HospltaH-member of the celebrated Yokes weary from overwork. The execu Jeter 5c CIIXIOIXOS Canton. AMES, I ' family, was married to Miss Anna tive committee of the State central Temple St Smltlmk CVfy, Btereoscepes and .Views, Albums. Cele- vhwdw: v'. Giles, a brlties, Graphoscopes and Photo- I wealthy English actres9,to- - committee, assembled this p. m., 1st Municipalrxitcs . . dlO-eWard-L-evi psalibsih trapaie Materials; t Biter; w day. Iso theatrical celebrities were ana sat wnit, closed doors. They M . - Samuel Turnhow;, u 1 8 continued till p. m. Sd present at the ceremony. GOLD DUST, COIN & BULLION. ,, Gideon H. C. Gibbet The erand Jury have ordered fif-- They claim that 19 delegations, in4th '' Ktllea Atwood; " C. L. KELLY & CO., .'' teen bills of indictment against two volving 94 delegates, came before n JSxeAanffe em all 'tike principal W. G. A. Smoot. Imperters and Mannfaetnren of r of the prisoners indicted for recent them tor hearing. At 8 o'clock, Mh.' n . eitie of th United State. when the state central committee bond forgeries. 9 had been decided in favor of met (OSTICIAL.) rARtlOtTIAR ATl'BHTlOir GIVSW TO COLUO- Mass Meeting. lYiadew Shades and Trimailiigs, TULMIS, AND FROOKKDS BCMITTKB AT and 18 for Washburne, Butler, Malls. lrrlTals aad Departares of ouBBBirr BATB or kxchadgs A maw meeting of colored citizens while 9 wre rejected. 784 BBOADWAT, NEW YORK ;. OH CITY. was held at the Cooper Institute PAy. Or PATMSBT. ;r y ' ABBITALS. wben toe IxHiIsIana dele Z. IFHIT.yjEr, .....Attorney. mail, dally.. .... ..740pm gates . explained the condition of, LQCkx-cc. Bono City, ' & Local COBBKSrOBDKBTS; l Osdea, aoalrs In tnat State. .Many promt-HA::::i::aTo:jf Wasatch and Moreaa Coon- -' - I w Ban Francisco nent colored republicans of this ofCaHknk. -8PAIN. Hew York J LoaUfiX) Ckues, Les m niinr, Looking Glau Hates, Cook 'Speeches were ' ty, daily aiaWmSBU5w eou- city were present. Morris CMcaico Bank, County National Summit : , made by GenrT. Both Haskell French Louis Chester, Bank, German. and DeerKeund. ; The Mirror; -ties, Tuesday and Thursday, 7 40 pas Alsa, State Bank of umaaa Nebraska, ,.i Hon. Henry Burch and others. kinds of MANTEL, ewtetker 9. PJXRj -. The mbu Madrid, English yacht Alia, Tueaaay, Thursday and FRAMES, to Order, l Deerhouna hasoeen sent to Ferrol, Pardoned. ........T10aSB ...t.. 7 Saturday..-- . BU, wyo.,Sl5. New pearl to York. i the of of await result the trial her 9. m W S The aaafli t vf..H-IMayor's PmLADELPiliA, dally 13- S- OorOaeds are kept by E. CM. X. and crew for aiding the In1 1 message in relation to the bogus captain and Mi au wimsm mores irou(hout the Terri-- JLahe Htn I in their operations against 4 U.'.l M sn tory. ua y v rlman, Tmtraasy dipiomeeof the institution styled surgents U i iii 1 w . the government ; .'The American University of NATIONAIi s the City delphla," torecommends Promoted. Council pass a. resolution re Twenty-seve- n I general officers ,:;,;, , questing the attorney to sue out a have Samifaetyrpn ami Jobber of Blajham, dally, except Sun-- j Aathorized Capital, $e00,000. far thus left the government ouo 10 ana n i ins service because the warranto, writ oi p --w I ..7 ' day..... , laVs and Men!, miUtary Clothing, Boys', Institution is guilty of the practices were not enforced, r Genetafs Aorfh Idaho, Montana, Orerori and M. DcRbix,. PrrWent. a .314 and 81S Broadway, CoAier. charged; to secore a.forfeiture of its Washington Ter. dally.... ..10 10a m I Joeara M. Bcrdbtt, Ceballos and Pavia have been courts. Jxwal-Da- ris Hkmptskad A KiKBLrATBicK,.'..Attemya S. B. Mnxs., the charter Box. Elder and VT by , Cjrx'lx.. Xiieuten-to rank of the i f . Ex-co- o a k " ncil man W. P. Sever,and promoted " ' , , ,i I emmties,enflr.Xv . "T Mis am ' ij , oosiRBsrowBBWWr Nathaniel Marks,' ; convicted : of ant GeneraU;,Hstleaml Bssk. Park I f on February last, have "gambling iwtabd ) UommI, Saturday.'."..."..." .... '....1010 m opemUv Stores in the Ttrntory. Changes Will Surrender. dS41y l llWMSAt'e. been pardoned by the Governor. nrMTON. National Bank of North America. Rich oounty, Monday and There have some been modifica Bank. . They NaUoual Third were, sentenced to a fine of tion in the CHICAGO, 40 p m ........... .7 Af !7n.. Benor Itnuretlrt. iAHi is, 'intra national nana. $500 and imprisonment for 2 year, orj :' rrTmed aTminlTterof Smith Thursday........ To Ploche, dally. . .... ... ... .7 10 p m OMAHA, Omaha National Bank. and SiX months, nearly aeren e. SAN rllANCISCO, Katioual Gold Bank and St-- Oeorse aad Arixona, aV has been annointed minla. DOOTG GHOEG, Co. oas wmcn Trust montnsoi j McCulloch A Co. publJo Works instead of Senor ! ;ternatedaysi.:...i.4.-TlDpi- n Deenservea.jtero? LONDON, Jay Cook, No. 134 and 136 0 BAND ST., ' ' 1 COnavan, and Benor Debro has re--1 Sanpete county, Tuesday, 00,000 Defalcated. and Saturday. - - ...7 10 p m Corner Crosby, ' .' y-. IIOBOKtM,5C.J.V9. If Is now said -cefved the portfolio of minister of j . , Thursday j Cedar Valley, and PalrQeld I " or tne defalcation ' that " 1M ivlenner, tf Vkzxrlalternate days..., ...710pm Cashier of the Hoboken SaTinRsI i,Gen- - Warslrey has relinquished c? v I ,uo me cumo iwuuuwu lianit. amounts to sloO.WO: It is also 00 pm reported that the. bank is unable to land, forces besieging Carthagena. &J1I.T IAILE CITY. TTiteaMsiWliorftuieow ? ' ,pay its uVpoiltors, and will cfte ton ?d.h," o. .v. r. ,('--- ' T l sjT morrow. ; f i of Set Special AdTerUsemeot on Second Pare. as commander '..V-of the i Ai tThTpty ..A11- - i 0en. Compos IHr1. .i i 1 i .1 rariMTiv Hniv.nr r t j I now raiuro vwtuureiub 1 Summit and Wasatch eoun1- ' Brooklyn. The directors of the lums Vice Admiral Bir Hastlnirs Yel- AI 00 m and p Wednesday,! tiee,MoBday , . Trust .Company met XJ1 ward's HeUx Needles and I verton, commander of the British Alta." Monday, r.SCELLAi:iC-J3issued a statement denying, as squadron In the Mediterranean, has .530am and Friday.. ARE TUX BEST. .; wholly falee,all the reports concerninformed the government .that he Nevada and O- dS41y' its insolvency, and affirming will surrender , the frigates notr ITut California. ing mall) daily .. ..1 ap m len, (throusa - Its soundness and 600 crew of a if at neld Gibraltar to meet XocAr-W- sst ability Jordan aadffeiS i WICKC3 & WINC, I men oe au us uaomucs. piaceu upon eacu vessel. t.iv taursday . .iJ . . - B 30 ant VILCY, ! ATT. no TutaAtm ; . ua - jf- J TOWNSEND HOUSE i- ,t SAIiT tLAKE (3TV 0 , THE 'LEADING HOTEL ? The Deseret News i is r - DESERET NEAVS: al ttoruey-Gener- : - ' ... - to-da- y. - ... - -- v, .1 . JiaUw-rEIU- ; i! f First ' to-da- r- l&-2- -t B " i ANKERS, ? ttoo O . j, Mineralts ' tar Chemicals, rl & MUSEUM, i -- 0..(,H-- . ..'zsicSit .. ISrfett-'i- . !, V .? W u S.J !H 8 io 'Nil ;P""2 dinwoqdkv's, 1070. w j : . '5'" - ", T I ' , t- S; ' , fj - ' Ba'"iis Li - 2 rSaf !' ' - : paper or tijk ..fj. . ,. . i , i . . . ' ?1TOla,d - - 's . 1 to-da- . Hl2iTniilcr.i;i.;vt ia O jp oo m.Mimm Cotton - i .' . fn - SANGIO 4- l- -l 7-- ii f 'v t 1 t It ... .J .I ' I ! East of uiKwnsruil Ssi ! BANK,' t at w I i . ' ' . ' .. Elgin Watches : AXD 8ILVKH CASE8, GCAB- - Mv.. r f, ; B- ferta-Iuaa,- Plrnv " 'l?e"n! liil - ren-Iouae- 1 xar. tjrM 1 mm P; Cum berr Yard'.. HIJ'9rd,, v, FLOUR. , " ' I r '." ? ,; GEO. to i... otly fcJ', "' U , SandIt G. av-- 1 .i,-iv.- -- -- nai'QY .v khoi, W and l" vt.; it o p,fT; & c nATES,1 ATT0RI1XT ' . Jleswfaetiirers and VaCKiisa. . ' ' . OwMra. Coletvrooka x fHrtreJ fiaet y ?a a :1 . ! at - T JT- AriERICAII 'IIOIBL LIKE OF G,Li.Tj;:j.:CiGD. T - --A A z:rnCA2rniE zicjrs ' A "Tcrr:x Ar3 tc:;: --rra (1 J'r1 f,";:'?aJ ( ta f ''.-tint- - j.-r.-a mi a i Cirm Immolate ty. t'J- asasAC,, ... ,.j ,,. tt.-- i ut ETinntitts. 4W I j :' . 'f 2J. . . aVriaMratavaa.aWM, ar A-- k . rf- i- t I V. " r-- Cawyeoa ar Abkav 1XC3 !.....1 V dt8-- u 1.: .1 rtT - 1 ' - ' iu.. .i t nriu-U-irt CKUrai CASTTSt bP TIND3 Ali.7 ;1 ;..!5 t V 'fCK Pi '1f r it ft J.' : v...- - tit K L, " . n ' a it L. - T I r- -f , . ,. AWB IT ' ... SJB. a " I 1 F 1 ve , 4 a ...i -- t- - l ft a. . R rT ."'ft i It., sa. - . 4 j H- - I ' f NMi' IW '. . -- ; - 1 I t r. i t . r f-- w- - rr) l ti J ! UABBv - - t ccll;.?.c! ,i Sad Sowvo ti., tl UVZ -- t 3- - ,r ta,- - r t OaSS " J- WUfcat,' - rais1-- A..-- Jl 4 r t-- o l, . .... J ,!; . fit, r. Jm vrr . t - rrrrT . ..-- --mtl JZza ' . -- - v ia J t- nit - diw?-- , eiii Lima 1..-- U t.;? .waaa.aw r .U I -t 1' X I 1 : j (i v'eonL C3AX A.T ".T:- - ': '; i ir t . . ..4 1 I t . '-. p - " K i' ; n . 'Tr "f ) 1 1 rsrt. , "T .t- , ; - V f rrs ' - ' - - '. r . 1 '4 i j . . j i - 1 .1 '. w ; . 'ifAA-- - . J ( m: 1 if ,'it, Tf " . .il i ' Wk..i. .. s,f 1 i. A. r- a -- "' wr-l'- l '.iA::t.y ,...a(..v( ...1 I4 'rrrrr' Mrt4.iraZ? etta AiJCcJl!Aiir-'- l 7 f " la . 1 ill 't ,.h't ".K.O -j-j-viJ ii . 1 ' , ; aai..M m ' .V ' fa an" ite. wfree of tTTcrsscuf - 1 .I. - ...a a . w '"f.ll-e-r'-- - . - .il.T?"Tatli if wEAuias'tB' I'M gtr-i.-mt- At Lovmt JPrice. fmlMr 1st -- I it' 'it fl elUt of Tbratre and half a biotk fnda tntr wit f rwrt aadflveTpt! liatl. wHh-telVisrrlgo south front. Title Perfect. s -3 - 1 J . INSTITUTION , twmtava. m tbaUMhaod IStbof rn PUELISKED ETXST f-- r i, ST.TO, aa-', f r txsa curuuM of takiua' r itccb couoicl .. . ' aj Bxorpt aunday-- "IT. B. CXAWftCf. ji ' - .i r'--r J3H laf i r.r-- , 7 Jvp rtutcudonti rl.-n- w Ot ii'; ( 1 . : i ' .',;." ";U...laa.waiara a- - Crcc:ry;crJ !:rJ.;-f- 2 Dnp:nTe:Ttin-nv- bxauxa tx l ESTACLIS.:ET Jtttiifrp4 Vllrr. r rl:"- ;', t tor Machine Bwln-- . II .' it.l TlaEQEANBf::' trrrT2 tEiiDJlliD OIL t wsi.j.dl Aim.imClTQW Orf icat Mi;Hn-r- ' ' ; ..nfT-twOO.SI- t i ;ts iTiiAnV chkW,.-- aki r oij Mbers 'fcrmrf y Hone Jan DS8EOET NATTOMAbsBANKW to i r UMtJW- - Are, JPX. SOtt WaehhMrtPSv tkifr ptpW 1a f - fl?!!; tt FT' I J"? a r. i A .1 tt.-- .; . OTr-lC- 4. '.' I rn' T. l- -s r-- ua -- ai a? ON 111X3 A 7UIL H ATI wsureewcted,.:,', , . a, i MAKTJTACT17BSSS - -beea ceporited la'amthaTreas-- 1 ; frJady L a . "-- r . J U...J rta.C3 " 1 l tie men transferred to the tne certificate therefor, secretary " which I CfOtCa cSS he Jmmedlately'aellyaWd to the hands 'tkwos the ' secretary or V Irsurj', Ur'js T. u. i hi u.i mt.r ' t oe you t t non- ing into the treasury the fifteen cuu uraiianir'wii. t ri.irta. . . and a half rJiiions, to bv nsed ai provided by tbe act of J'rch,4?n. e . .m t are sett ty - c U. 1. flTft meant. rt;tl::.J w ail UaL.AacaGs. . a CO, F. CDLUEIl And use ! The Ceneva Award Paid. ji jp,. - . The the mannnrjWlewtnwwtalguieutpof UUe Genevaawrd tarvhleh was pstMeadey, Is fenttebed bjrtn ili I i Cv.hir, i4Hi u;wsa. b as V tat, xjeparuaent or Mr. Thornton, md Aenbibald, Xim-- 1 1 sulGeneraiof GreaX,dtaln,HantjlM''J:-r1 toT pay of the British t the Geneva award, called at Ua l NerVV ifrs, b vo uie I ""wu oi i.; is; '"rma. a half ST" Vr Secretary of Btate 1 ... .aa . . millions of doliar'j'rci'rded l hi nm Geneva tribunal to la nai.l Oorernmentof Great Britain, to I wcho'ilrtlj "r" n ni av t1' aJL '.DUiillii . ucp Dep t, ' Wasiunoton. KTT in C c o ynsEtoR-AT-tAi- ttrrv a. - " tunni .Ornct a. aa t a tnr j . a has been ordered to command the t'$ SALT I. fTTT. tandaMas prnaiptTy at- - ti fLate of WashlDftoa, BkC) OfrWosi Jtala t?trre(, fhnr doors aorta, of tne rmttao. . d&Eitr. rrit-oltora- z. c. :. , - - , y Ait or n o y a eXstaw7 'i . 2H' it. j t. l.i I ll v.laAKBihiu. ClTT. UrAB. .)tlUU , . :f Wat rai.r-n. vise, V" ! OKlitt--; ' fcr od f Ca-t.- i W, - . h J ; nJkttSllAtl V ItO Y1LE, ATTOnNC YSrAT-LA- -- the-JVatwt- - :nr'Oonds era keMrV C. M.iJsiiJf .1 !; Rtotwat sleo by a)l tie ts Mve fetores In tbe Territory. , v ' .1 A I ' " "- .'l.i ' Iti. I j cniiDiro's v, Alt khals of sale,; tfOR -I-- 0O.j i''PhHadolphlaPal T. - - ? etc.1 lDOIfortli XnKsa.lxs.oBBt. Tii ATTCnr.'EY AKD CG U.VSEL0.1, cmir at KnMriKf, AsTM 8BCOND BOCTH-fe- mim .,rii , 'nerV-Stock- .IE0AL--.;V'- 5 41 W 1 . : r- fl ' I'lIVU'SlaWXIS Shot. mi - k nriaieTfre&l 't N'-.-''; j i -- i. ' Paace- - -- -- .- taiportera aad aealeWla vs , Zt t..i. I. ' rVOur 8aoes are kepi. bt X. CM. I. aud all Its branch Stores, andilao by all tbe Stores lit tbe Territory j B mr and eaB far Sammrr, Mioh--r A .. Co' . at4-l- ' i ( . IN GOLD iSrtale d B4inff . Of; Close) Importer and Dtakn in Ophlr, Tooele, Stockton and Reinforced. ANTEED TIJfK TDOKBEPKRS, ; , ; , , . Matter.-.h ; ".: ' Grantsvule, except I dally, A fearful accident occurred to dav AT TACTOBT PB1CES( , Barcelona. 9. The Republicandl38tf 080 a Sunday "at the aet I garrison at Gerona has been reln- I Brooklyn ibr Conta.tia a Ronimary t4 Ine 'firvnot " Blnaham, dally, except Bon- , Watches JladB to Orasr wtth-- my own New wn-aBdTer bridoe.anchorage, 84 Washlncteo St New York. b wKik a.h xj i. pa AgrtcDlttirsI, H me ....... ana I I .uuprerea .. May---r -. k? Ori i i w.n i wwwVtiw, MtrelliUM(: 5 Fnwln n - Our Good art tenworkmn...u.i hiallJL C. Mi T. tutKewat Eaaitoriai ArU-- . Dooitatto i ,WashJnctoti4 t , ana two others nearly lost their I Carlists. A regiment of govern- PATENT ATTACHMENTS. cles WRAPPING all it Branch Store lut PAPEJT. and the Coperoou aud CurrentJSvauts, ; i i . , ..180p CLOCKS, andOreon,dally lirL t "S:rft1 nvf oujtw n uw itrnwj. , j, .oh ly chbOnomktkrs, watches, uu mu were wuvum. i wueis uicut Davis vwv)a LocaJ vand ... I Wpber 1 A ivismxa ADJUSTED AKD . .1 KEPAIRKD 1iU r Tire a shovinoi i ftO., it-'i tf mxt,' i " ...iT v. uv o tmr j ycsieruay, mv wuipviivu ivaueuj wiin con-- 1 muuiiieu 00 p m j ' y- ' AND WORK GUARANTEED, ' U.EI' countiea, daCf ij&i, W BCSSEU k OWU BLVCFACTTELi CO. ' 30 "u? iae tramway, which the omcers to leave ine curt m .1 km ,7 " p Box Elder county, daily.... theTwelreapeatlea. been uddenJy, Wo, down. .'Hansen has JEWELRY .1 OF STOCK r-, ' -r a OTKT ;,i a (i ii i, i cacne county, Duauay Jiuenj oi iGoodQualtyof fell wuh the car, and his head , f ; elected witn rreat care and Is of Good . FRAarCE. T apn unnn nraior at In Ict'i that and Thursday.... ...... t30pm ' P U AlfcDSSUI ' XT ATt TtVTJLXLn Ibuehtildi7ounal;''' "A day Oitalir. Standard It oeiween and the trestle I ,,u?ut i Rica ooaaty, Tuesday and Threatened. i work and was crusheu to a Jelly. WRAPPING PAPER, oanuot Sail to tr amUsfactiioB.A tdU ly As u Adrertlidair Hedfum..to taoa tea 4S and 4TJOnaSBtiers St., New Tern: O A nf KMarmmi" F H lrThejnday, fHW nntnw.- -.. BBS pi Pima turf, nrriM-r- , Ua country ptwaia, aa an canei SoU Agent tor Rational Scrtv fV Butler HatMftiUir.nMU..u.t . .tsaa ITood Eiercwm ... v. .rSsMta Woeke, ... ... . ... v. I Better than "rmer UA. i. .U. . V - wow ft staatni uurivalletU . of thettoaaniuuity, A Ward -and Buritall ll.ljl.I.II Kiueelt, . I wav o. i to t Amcnn. ini rnni cami TrM. r4 I iim Kaon riir rtaoe noua.,. tar aa. - teraate ae. x x. i aa a Mae ti,- as, a Prefeetl that inHfUl.hv ......a)a h. Mrlee 94 per yeur fit Tf rffstce. i emmty, funuay, a.mtt"is - Sanpete days..... pert McLaAB Jt m SrorautraT. .. r wwom Or.ce.: w. W a Bl TueelayandTiiursaay thalr Fcp Sale at this DOCnS, SASH, BLINDS, L!0ULD 1 m anC L'cLea:j co., OIl ter cocimn, The I clses In WuhlicTheV win be exnelHlfiurBy H&rd&sd ...... .530am UzM.r.i WKimmiT..... importers and Jobbers of ' Ajurnal (rives nzurea howlns; that ed from the city.. , ovrxen axnjBB. i Washburn will receive the vote of The Dpseret; Ilers, 58-fware.;; nVleratea. and Battler 4171 the neBBSaa I a euiataoea Kaatern excbani; nays f eroZd srvrea vvaanourn un I AoUomm Cnder aad Beaistry Pepartmcn "ond WooUou. akma wlll postpone the 4irt- -' tht Chlcaro ImiIIm Butler 4dB,4M inft 4U Broadway, .UKW.T: open from t a as to 4 p m. ITt t rrt J DntU. JMgives ' anil nllkan MtarU lhtifder and importer oJDuUd-' HUUDBIBiIJIIIUU Outside door ooen from a m to f n m. or tne a . number admits that erf Finintdng Work.f fj : I i 5t v ', ' ..(-''. ATO0 Bt, JVirfjaoikr.' f Washburn men are favorable if an4. i; 'SVESQATi tverf fvMiht& j to Butler. The TraveUer regards HI If I If G. ST OCK8. ) . .j SATURDAY V .w tbe result or tne convention as I IT doubtful. Geo. Butler left here for J AFTER NOOK BOARD. & COATS' en On i 8heet 97 ,x .39 Inches. Or aQ Desexiptioas Imported and pot. w orcesaar mis poa. ) Ut appeared w lv"- - L f 4 Saa IVanrinso, Sept. S. ' MOTICC SHORT in a uopeiuj ana connaent mood . K3T CK-CCr- .3 when called upon, by his friends, N. B. I have' also the aenj for, f 1. Clom.y "Printed ' tieadifo,, fatter TQSua s r30ttomj mho curaaa m TOnnrfM. TTotne Stld so fhamix,Sc , unreliability of the returns as re-, VV JL1J J3T TTSUrjOn Foreat CoTreTH)o!'-ice-i,lU t He Ii . SO ftoebe, ported . In the newsreaders. Svnroows: k i bfjoissr Forelra Weirs, Wijtorlal Articles elIkds, ArsSt XeXaAad, wtOumt Vu est of any The above elS of roods eonstantTV ar- on L euts. seu urreut tor will .w 1 whfcfe 4vf M i rrnna!'-t coeap J h(.iS MOTJUDTNG 3 than flre hundred Votes, and that !oe K BHUSrOLES, p. "Se1 anTiatiWHS aJtntantc ta pradtKaven ... Come and see me. .s thecontestU by no means decided. ,S nnsT'PnteicKCT la slt-::n-: " a M. ; tfta the Etc. aiat atom, Utriby pravrciM tr, tfc IA1H, The brokers made a . clean sweep J2 aZTTLsi. W- - a AITD RAT.KBOO-oa: Tele thread. perior strenota aftx-eor- d Btraett haul biooa fcaet- c Wspobt n u.tf last week of aU the print goods 1 in 1M M as aVirts f, Th isms sf ' MJIl Bn ylifwrHieir Jfftm tt offf.r , tbe manufactories, and bonds and Ptirer Feak: 1 suhsn pMutA,andut miw- -w.e. " nricea are firm r 'ritk an ..(.. r inrocmrr, laCXICwa ; Calf CoclBOtnk U, C Depot. C iSStf , log tendency. A large rortion has I iss chwof Hill,-- r i , , uwat I i T;?i s Fatal, Accident. R'! a AI White aad Teilow COFFKt SUGAR Ui j s Barrels, Half Barrels an Backs. u Coldei Synip utl 8Tip lOUSSEt' ; In Barrtls, ITalf Barrels and Keg ' All Of eupenor Quaaty. ' ORDERS prenrpttr awuulal. -- f . , , .' f AddrssBt-HIO- .. , Y. WARsT. Secretary. TV-e! jrno4s ere ltn ty 1. C. V.J. its bhakCh ritinK by aJLATlVal 8TU10J In tbe Territory, i thXMv. t. r,.l ii misses COLU UII G EIGHTY , e Mautrfactureri of Superior JuaJJt7 7 i: j' ; ' S9 lnctteay i Toabet 33 a --a . IVEEitLY, Jbwc IS, JMoUMrd ' ' i Practical Watchmaker, DBSEBBT BOUta Bit. Blast 5 xo SAUSSER; DANGLER wo3ii3i ' '' PublUhod ..... 'T t7eiaesday. . '......,, ... Cttry '. il Ii ii IIEI'S DESERET ' - O. Ll EtlAGOn, y. I ") t ' U : i.'- jr . il . S ; : att-nlln- f nil. ST. LOUIS, MO. Manufactarers of CUT, IXJAF, CRTTSTH Vb POWDKHBD aM O BAITC'Ij ATX9 tl- - . ii ii! i.w .. . . i. Fbrfeties, feluterlor Onrxli at ftrleca rrAioM ta siitt , ' tbo Umea. rf.,, i ,. arlvMi ta Proinot aud careful Orders received throurh ttiu taall. . ' EnT" Onr floods are kmt 1n trill lino the prloHpal stores lathisvltrand throush- T dsily. oottheTerritorr. 'jr. i i hlS wanusALB BUBTracrraams os ? Fourth Pt., PnlltMlelplal, art vnmtrpned,anA inclwiHcH Hundred lhrrnt j i 1 -- BELCHER'S , Our Style RICES GREATLY REDUCED f, j( CO., ena-J- a.- No. 00 North pieopf.fi ''TKffRHlOBr. ! i1"" i tirif rtilladelnvhla, sr. imis . IkW ilridgo ileacli & Co j h. - 4 5 ( Mew ( THE LARGEST CIRCULATION I 1 i 45 - and Ju-tle- Ptrt, .. i M. J. and all ' j Our Goods arMtf ' Its H ranch 8tors: alao by all tbe ' i tn the Territory ; j Uveetn ;v ' 4m-lj- r . animaieea. . North Front wrjowi-rentn-yBfc"taian aii iw airam 33 , . nail V m if . f(-- DUTCH AJiCUOR QEXUXXE , lockj lotmlain Country, Of the ajvd r;ri " -- U., a LATIUER a 'VV-.- ' STS., I raesaae H sua rammed ry thr mm. , . i.li. WbUci Bfavtarers, the Poutbw-ixaa ana ixnor works, ht. Lenin. ountala toe adiiltnrartnn Mo., whatever. It is eoniposed eotlrrlr of perfectly pure carbonste of Wwl1 and llnsoed (il, and Is sold supjapti ' to cWnih-s- l analrnla. DOLTI NC C LOT H 0, . - .i PIONEER PAPEK MSP I J ' , j. AKD L0KB1KD . - SACUEL DUfitJAiTn & Salt d, . l ! The White land omitailiuNt in . ' 18. '1 Mil CCR. - i , ! i ; ' AB--n ( Paokan of one smicn.Y Pcbbj. Warra Lsao txani tbt to!kwV niaranteit. .' i. JAMES NEWS. rrrt-Tnre- oxh Gon-x&l- ' 1 -- . u ."' ' Pvery i . , PlSTASIJBHIO i ..2' "3- " PHILADELPHIA TRADE. Editor and PabUsher. , ; COLOR WO BUS SXirrorai and SXirrvr ! i da vux.o,- - r a t nrn St. BANK. " , . to foonlrj Dealers. it , T i TS X Dinwo odey 's. J VAX . GOODS. 1.- -' i j ( i' 'i S TJ ' At' dWsf-ly- , Dlin -..-....-....-74Spw ? fiTHlCTJTVT! OPHOLSTEBY TJSTJ5! D -- ' IN meat Sales, a.8so. H; & p O lVT! 1 I ' - o Inlnremcnf 2 L. r u-i- j WBkBaaaco.Prrt.- -- ,s ." Special attcn t Ion git Far West Trade. The Wonderful Vovenj Wire Wattress j y"irT iar'TH e Best bed oun tBt Pffal V 'I Southern "White Lead -- 1 Cni-board- . . (a ! BOOK AKD CLOCK SHELVES-IA- t Dmiwoodey'. EXTENSION TAnLES--T DurwoonBv', M WINDOW SHADES AT Dinwoodky'b, Book Caaea, . "-- j 7, tt Jolbrr 1M AHD ' Bud -- y 1 DKA1UKR FDRHITIIRE t.' DRY GOOD ' ! j . " . j Upliolstery Goods, :u a sn OFFICE and PARLOR DESKS At Diitw'oodby, WINDOW COHNICES-i-A- T ; . , . Dinwoopey'b. . . 'f ' commodesat 1 . ! ' llfn ry .jeI j J Ban, K E R S Fit : 'if it.:.. .. - 31 EAST t TEMPLE STREET , D R 13 OE : . Opposite 'I the Old ; Tabernacle. dl43tf '.I i - :. ' Of 1 .. i";jj Al 18117 AT 11 -- I KAKFOOir, Ajreat for the Sale t. Bait-Thro-uxh XJ-LUl- ( ! 1 Q?- AKD 75 FIRST SOUTH STREET. mPORTED; JOSEPH - to-nur- bt. inV. WHOLESALE miscellaneous; or - ' PtujyaiBToa. " J sion j , ' ' ' , I In-ses- Theatre, . " Importers ( t- - ESTABLISHED Quiet House, of! J - , JLWJUJLW VTJb 1 r i nv a ft'la pi nn fifir tmUaa.mi t.i i raas nt UUtf ' 1 Tnuoi f3.00 per dat Weekly and Table Board at reaeonoble rats. -- . -- .ii I'. K - SDIt Lake City. d Biuntiers-aHacbe- - II 5 ' g.'S REGION. HOTEL One BlwtfjEast . re-uni- on W Class A . 't' t "'""', AltlERICAN III . ',. .. ji ft r i .k: . 11 Q. r .v i ' ij ;i diiitr ' " i jtj iw wa ROCKY MOUNTAIN . i Q a ' Complete JE$tublisimettt . . 11 i1 hi uuuuaji cm ! 1 - BQOX-BISDIS- Is now . t X ; pmaHa to build la nte aduitlonsfto bis Hotel, which when finkaed, will render it tbemost 7 - ..'i,t-- U08 u ii r.''l ' ! aAi f 2, Worth JIAfJ ffllj fi, 10 -- - lnat JPKpratlKTOa CO DAVIS & CO .'Si JIIrV ' r u n M CO SMIL II cu 1 pleas- antly located, well furaitahed, and has for ISO GTJESTSJ , SW . A, Proprietor. .TOVtNSEKD, fST THIS norSE is ceatralty and , ? .i , vrav; aJ fJBa:'sB. pTj JAInES otSTP i III - "OCT t 5 VanSchaack,Stevenson&Reid r 1. : ! orreyor-Oeaon- ; 1 CI!tCACO";TRA!E; u. Si v- - |