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Show t TOE EVENING NEWS rfTpTT'fw'R A - EASTERN N0TE8. The Indian Policy. PIT lit A wonder that so many of -my scat, to trying j Tl A X JjXJ 1 VlXlxV-circumstance and weak- win. o to the ; 13 X bad, A cuanc momt- ventiuMiy SPECIAb 9 THI fttSUXnCT VKWS," M berwtse women will be completely crush .1. The aeDaravtlon awl: warfare bftn-o-n CIS. i ihe edito"VVhopiIng-cou'- .' A5D rial orthography for it iu Minnesota; i TttAX F. ERrNOT'a VIEWS JION TIIK CACSK OF IXOIAS WATtS I COST. WHAT PCB we infer that they have, ':: i whence T': i j had a rpell of it there, s j itd NIGHT'S DISPATCHES i j LAST New Yoric, May, S,;1S":i. American saj-- Uiaft The' Scientific had an The Time correspondent , to im j wtsess or aer nsvtnr rr years most of lesa ''In than twenty i with Felix F. Bru- the will not! Interview EASTERN. nrofc4km4. ant ihmior?, will le and cooking nay i. chairman cf the Board of In- doneheating Ood uia-lWdstedayL make matters niikh bntu-r- . :Sr. not, D combustible New Melviu gas." Orxeaxs, by to in dian one C!ommiMonen, another. men ami women to kc an attache of the Picayune, Indian aflairs in general,regard .and in - The Commercial Bulletin nays if permanent Colin, Marrlatre of some kin. I, of luw been and held in ?500rt particular In relation to the present t he , arrestej PLTJCKY. WOMEN. M racU-rbetween. antl pure chit mint Boston dealers attempt a "corion n charge of shooting at t he governfiaent toward I ner in of If mojfmk- marriaifr-... hoped they it is to policy ....i.iimI ta are manauI woman. r H Win. lvellop:jr,on ragazine st, the Indians, and rumors 'of Indian Wlllslipice," It. int. fraught with suSTeriuif ahl iniaory In most oh the Tthof upon intenw casx i the with . I....L, .. Alar, tbe wHh hocontin.-iiil'pnlaTT'lhoV nlan not-onfor war in the Houthawl T the of killing him. it U allegel preparations nj west. As Will lie feen, Mr. Bnmot !i Thieves break in and steal,to inbucu wise ones, tucasome other kind of jwrma- - tion . . . . . Vi ...... uc wa m not station S.I v.u. that the ;ohn house, ny Cincinnati ." .liii.. 11 ... ..... Mr. . . Girant's . Indian . r i wriik uiifw supports policy, l.ut they U10 to hare the auflrage, la votrtie. I kanw an extent ihat the coiice-- nave lininot remarktHi; .; iv tTect and to .,A,.,h r Xkw t hign .at 'j obk.liiill. f lrorec i are world and iagt-V tif thU ; drcn "Whatever I may Kay is not to " JLJi,.riiiJth fonder nec.M the Tlvcn la'iaarrlturv, hut thpymarry that shall Im Halifax, Knglahd, was burnt on considered ofllciai in any manner, sui4 taJ nUlUUIlMn four1 a bth the watchman. hund wive lust., throwing aecountcU worthy of the resurrection and and whatever opinions 1 may ex- lng private that 1. with tho . . '..L-itn'mtniira their the life a?e) so. coom neither marry nor red j people out of ' Employment. are to be eonsidcml my own jug Thp StLouis coopers art- ment imureil $173,ohj. wA. those of the a are (riven in rurr'mri but: are equal jxm, !j4i,sk p the ami alwut employ ndividually, I'arL A announces huaband Judiciously: the paper But at .ho. told of I ndiau CiommlssionerSf" of Chinese labor In their trade? and onto, the' angcU." rlut-K- women vi iu7". his itUuulonment of tho proposed Board Thee to a question as to who-tlie- r threaten to "stave In'fand "bung to pray itiat. tbe disolpl . In reply ...i iiaw Mtt Were not succtwuu of God mljfbt mii" on earth, it fal French expedition of HO,CHX troops, he considered the peace policy up" the Mongolian interlopers. Morocco, the good offlces of the President had tended to the oUalnlo wxjruan ufl"rae from the evident .hat the sex will not be obliterated. against ot into the ' Kngllsh government having Money continues:alltothepour Modoc outbreak, Mr. Brunot said: New The times loiueatethat a swef4ur and rad ioeul kWthre during tne last iuteiior a under York from which th secured treaty our in at social ical revolution The President's Indian ii polidoor, peace f is in no way responsible , for the banks!, and this would indicate asa tin, yet thjjr did secure sufficient which the relations betwt-e- man and wo- Emperor of Morocco agrees to pay cy and sustai'neil eiiMf, lor tiif committed luflueiife lnthat body to cause an men will bercctUluJ, tioprotlatlons Modoc war. The war originated in continued quarrel between within tho will 'probathe local hv of Ui 'Algeria Territory requirements Instruct the. judiciary them ended, and a true and laAtkuT peace tribes agreement an attempt to drive the Indians fall. until not in and the groat Morocco, bly residing wkk-agiittbp all from their land, which were cove-le- d I egtablubedU-,immUtM td report au,rt to raypa- and unionand of the warlike French liusi expense prethe on This Is t of woheaven, whites. This the nit ercthe mingle artb, married Way. they by policy th property laws for 'A are working-- I.et my kpi-4(u drtp all mere paration. would have given - them the small lie with pleastue in Florida;-0. men. and surfh a bill wa reported, patchwork The' ConvenOij, ,Atl.vsta, own country, teacher in a public school atTiilla-hass- e all esclusive in their rreservation ref'.rin, ail W. wa brcainizcHl tion - i uermanentlV bv U wai tacked the alms man ward, and Mutly woman" practi although entitled to invited tlie chCren tc a. c, whichtthey were justly tlie elcctkrt of Governor Brown, of and j recomateiniation that car and humiliation told them to lrin)j their and the redemption htri. .Vnd.thM wil!4ound "T en bloodshed, i ucuarua, i iu, a presiuem, The picnic turned war would have hatc tho of along."' expense! l he subject w refurred to the next the tocsin for the dent met fan of tnui'fi seK of Ala., A. Jarne, of !Tenn.,H been avoided.'' i utting. to out lie bo Ik hl. h ! si ruction v. women, flshneastpwanls V. Walker legislature! fJr consideration, Josiah Quincy, CORRESPOXDEXT Do you jdace got all tlie sstlclvS he Wanted," wHl inure to Ll--i real iritejrral enTranehlse ,ofJn.j or nomas i ot Houth The women, though defeated for ment and eli ationti. h b t r.ie ti ku to-belief in the A j. or f 'nrOlina, Jn'o. MartTaylor, girl, living in Dein, of Kentucky, any of other Indianthreatening tribes? Uii toujpan lt time, being, were not conquered. warda woav-ii- , who and saved More-hea'labored has III... and catur, C I. Carpenter the from Rumors Mr. in love and truxt i and they have net themselves to Ion, and to kx.k up for year, that she- might, wild of North Carolina, O. ft. Car- - West ofBrunot a1 threatening general Into Germany, to bring over work to Improve Ue Interim by rington, of Va.; Gov. Wood'sen, of dian war are sensational and ground- money her v iliigee, of Florida, mother, and live brofather, and Mo., offense less. A league for among thers and tdsters. widely agitating the questions they DISSOLUTION OF THE EAST vice Over they re30.1, presidents. delegates the Indian; tribes Is impossible. ceived a sufficient At last have at heart, and to effect as tho embarkall sum, were thirteen INDIA COMPANY. prewnt, representing all the late rumors of Indian rough and comprehensive an organ! iMates. r he convention adopted Nearly and threatened hostilities ed on tho steamer' Atln n'ic, and all outrages . jf . nation as that cheap' transporta- in the West have no foundation in were lost. possible. They call upon A letter from a .oiidon correHpon-de- resolutions was tion discus for the . In only subject the wonMn suffragists ' every city, to the Tioston J'ol lias the sion. committee to prepare busi- fact.' What do you The London; ; Correspondent hasstimu-late- d Uwn, and hamlet in the lit ate, following ness was adopted, with Gov. Smith, consider are tho . objects of the to invent, a where there! are two or three, to chairman. of the companies Ga., sensational and gioundlesa reports? method of The last scene in. tins moat hplcudld i and farm branches of the commercial WAsmxoTON, 20. The Supreme doing "stoking", and t; But men interes- other ' aemble which world ever the drama, Court of the manufac ture by for District the of Columbia is steps cities and and of in specwar, ted the in it, profits society saw la about to lake pUcc at the West took up, case j, of the Francis ; - p; an machinery.) lands for Indian ulators greedy deilgned to establish a btanch in minster Palace.. A Mil has lecn Introduc- Daincz against Charles Halo, forto incite war against peaceof the United attempt every war I nd precinct. Thus the ed into tbe House of Commons by Mr. merly Consul-Generable tribes for their own selfish Thie to States la at man rpose' Alexandria, Egypt,, Grant Duff and. Mr. Ayrtoin, finally wind pu agitate, lfestly and they will circulate any FIRST HJkTlOIUL BANK charges that Halo malici- ends, Indians under organiz 9, Organize; agitate, agi- lngnptho affairs of the great East India plain tlfr reports interfered and illegally with mvpr ortolnjurathe Modoc War and public the tate; and th n,'On to Richmond!? Company, and transferring its properties ously his business matters, by which he Indignation against that tribe. It When the! women fall in to line in as well as its unexampled powers to the, f suffered great loss, he therefore is, however, to be hoped ; that the All British Crown. w those to ho down 1 that fashion, go brings suit to recover $250,000 dam- Modoc they mean business, the sea in lesson will not be lost up.ton shhps, the merchants of every ages. The case involve? the judicial the to war the and all sach attempts war, mean, nation; knife, thej and engaged in every department of powers of the consuls and .of the will be frustrated. It is a common JE3n.lt YVhf-T- t ramsn clime iritrihnrlra.I ! v. commissioner of to Indian affairs, world's trade, mast witness the ex in some marketless regions of thing want anything of this kind .very the for referred whom inveswasi it tinction of this corporation with an Inter the west, to get up an Indian ex- DESTOKATEn DlTP08rT!3T ' AlfO PlHAKCj.U. ; fx k IrrsD Bxates. iso, tliat troops may be badly, when they earnestly demand est not unconnectedwlth a feeling of 're tigation. citement' .AGIST OF TBB IX). disThe following ' their rights,fwhy It Is best for the Ciiicaio, for the seteat to sent pay For the East India Company, in its upland gret. was received here yesterday: .In some 7 ' lordly sex ;tol surrender at discretion. something more than a century of exist patch tlers'; surpluswarproduct. "EdwinstonL Dakota Territory, cases made for this WARREN is actual n President. the men ence, showed above all to what heights of May 18th, 1873. Ldeutenant-Gen- r It is of little u HlfSSEY, of In similar and proof; purposes. .1 Cashier. folks td keep on fighting after the wealth and absolute authority 'It was pos era! P. H. Sheridan arrived here this, I will say that a letter from ANTHONY CODeE, J A": sible for commercial spirit and enterprise at 6 p. m. The expedition to Pow- the commanding officer of the mil, battle is lost and worn ' :' ' der river, via the Yellowstone, was .;; .' have a ever No such could to Indians attain. where the history .,"';;! post Apropos of this woman suffrage hare been imagined by the most; enthu a complete success. - The atearacr itary been f.jOO.000 harmless, lately received, Authorised Capital,' long i' 150,000 on second tbe the Weai, question, and the "domestic trou- - siastic merchants some Key largest Paid am in fear that Capital,. up "I of ancient or modern daily says:. ble" argument of the men against times, until It was ,138,000 upper Missouri, went up to within will kill an Indian; Earning,, displayed to the gaze of three miles of the mouth of Powder ot these ruffians om purpose to birlug on war." Itl "A Woman" writes to the Cln- - an astonished world. The company be river, and if we had had proper ap you give ilnnatl Times in the fallowing oeh came hi time a sovereign more potent and pliances to .have taken out two Correspondent of Can such war.iwn instancesme any com not siblothan or loose but rocks in the channel at Key and criminal outrages by the fieisr uiniiEMi n i7i. m pkr highly) utrnln, magnificent f Alexander; it on sexlast the an not c ruled the iUt sterner Fails, the f rapids many empire embracing only mendatpry she could have gone up at whites? but treasures which Mr Brunot. Yes. A short " The writer lil last week's Timet refers to millions of subject least miles further, and at time eight so arc far from exhausted that yet being ago AYhbitler and another Oldest Banking Institution in Utah iba Apoatl Paul commanding the asd to . high water could have gone over killed in cold , train tbu youax females to be discreet, India Is still the most precious and rallied these rocks with ease. At the time Sioux chief were side of their camp blood the ComCrown.British by of the did he dependency the expedition went up,' the serine chute, keeper at home,' etc., but not perhaps read on to find that be likewise mercial energy, and not conquest, lay at rise had not orrred, and the fires by a desperado, who publicly this GENERAL BANKING" BUSIv aort rouDij moo to bo sobe reminded. the foundation of thjs lupcrstrnrturc. It water was lower than at any time boasted of having committed Murderers ilk these go Would not tbtTpea of the rreicnt day bo was the sturdy British firit ofhartcr and previous for the Lint three years. murder. NESS TRANSACTED and the deeds; excito no ' also very dlffsijc'nt from what 'they" ere ii trade which acquired the Brtt footholds on The Ycllowstono ia a tatter stream unhung, horror. Tho public do hot hoar of they would heed this wise commana? No tbe banks of the Ganges and the iTboghly; to navigate than tho upper Mis them. ' doubt the A They, are only known i n also nuove pottle by souri jsuioru.f Montanaofficial circles. Hut when, as will Ayenc-ii-: in l'Jttrntk-aiit- l conquest was to come after to supplement A. Ofx. KoRSVTir, surelv havrten. the savaeen avence TJ. much as poa--i and complete the priceless acquisition. A ilrlnklnr, and t spending-a1). C." Majortind fthe blood of their chiefs, tlie whole slble of their tli ao away from home, which few gentlemen met the other day In one of press opposed to the peace policy !so ta so oomitton, and has caused pure the narrow streets of London rity, who A'lT f t I EUROPEAN. will ring with ciies for their exter- CC(I.W.THNS PKOMPTLV ' women to be crushed aod fallen, who Ttl. reprtacbt the last remains, of the Directors .':'; uJ 0. A St. Petersburg mination.' tiOXDOX, r4herwWe woul i have been an ornament of the East India Company, to settle the Mr. Brunot, Cor REsroN dent to society, and whose' hearts would have final accounts aiid'make the last prepara- special says there is no truth in the of ' Khiva Or what do you think of a vigorous Tiettt warmly with love for the very ones tions for l capture alloweil Oil Tinu-- i lhjMsit.-!- . over the effect e the.Go- - report of tl tlie hostile tribes? - di-campaign against that o rushed th im. Ah I these are facts too vemment-taming arc to receive a Jinndrcd the Khivan. They A despatch from Versailles reports Would it not nave a uenenciai ef lalo, toe roran ou, to be nnkoown. To be d woman per cent, bonus on their stock, and their, that the sitting of the National As fect upon other tribes disposed; to . urv, a relirlou: , sensible, was very be unfrietidly, and be the cheapest 7v is a noble obec tut boW many such ate meeting was so quiet and unnoticed a one sembly, yesterday; (oi. (,'JtowFjts and that the members of M ay or establishing comparatively VTAJf. trampled upou y a skeptical husband until that,1 bat for a paragraph in tho papers, stormy, k ' im would bar 11 know what they are nobody would have known bow really mo- - tho 1 light openly declared their de- general and permanent peace? v MR. BRUNOT Previous to the tlauM noble wo men who otherwise would men tuons an event was occurring in the sire to overthrow Thiers. STi Petersburg. 0. The Shah peace with Red Cloud, the govern have done so much trood. I do not mean to shades of Fancras lane. One cannot help' lounds of eay that all wdmen are angels and all men thinking what a bnbbnb would have been of Persia anlved at Moscow yester ment naa sixty years' war in trying was and to exterminate tne Kionx. jvery the reverse, for, thank Qod, there are some created warmly welcomed. twenty years ago. If it had been day, suod men stUL, But I do say that It Is very JirciiAREST,a.. Alexander Jotin In ulan kilJeu cost us more tnan ten India announced East the that Company - feryeummoatosee a woman made Conzea, first prince of Moldavia white im n. Thirty millions were The Tltghost Prk-, the very pride and glory of British com and Wallachia, elected in 1859, and expended, and 1,000 miles , of fron ': , pletely wretchtd by a skeptical or drunken tier desolated. TransDortera. con merce was about to dissolve into thin air who abdicated in 1866, is dead. hiMband. t f 20. In the Assem- tractors, teamsters, whisky traders, ' There hi hardily a wife In thU littlo town But tbe dissolution, as It Is, has been Versailles, Louis Bufltd was re- scouts and army followers flourish ' Store that does not know what it it to gradual, and now the end comes much as bly, ;i of .Fnetovy. elected President of the Chamber ed at tne. expense ot tne nation ' have adriukiajr husband, and have suffered a foregone conclusion. . V P Pay,289 Mar359 same for The class of people would ballots, against by as they only can. Very younjr wires trem reduction tel. Tbe or of the of all at tbe territoo'i eitlKr, Any aoqnisltion part to voto success The indicates the like see another 'Siouic war. , hie, lonj; for, riot dread the comlnf home of of native who eouki trace their Salt Lake City Woolen Factory, 10th Ward. the loved one, for fear that he, too, has llneafo back two "thousand years, to the of the interpellation introduced by i;oRREsroxDENT-- h is hat your WILKINSON' & MAY, Proprietors, yesterday. ' , been tempted ( J touch the accursed cup. j condition of pensioned rajwalrf, tbo subjec the conservatives opinion regarding the isolated cases .... )113 Ira' 20. i. The session of the Bejilix, or Ah! talk about the "domestic trouble" tion of tbe bejeweted murder and outrage wars tboIndians, by Begums Prussian Diet closed Tlie and now they could be possibly woman suffrage would cause, younr man, carried oa against frUrbtful oddsand hordes speech from the throne was read by but hold your peaco (as. you wisely do) on of prevented?;' WASATCH COAL I ! Hiodoos and Mussuimen in .mr. ijrunot uepreuations ?,or tbe drinking question, and let the women tbe remote Interior; tbe building of Calcut Gen. Von Boon, president of the t'.vv:'"talk about thai For they and they only ta to what is i murders by individual' Indians or of the noblest cities ministry. IiOXdox, 20. Mr. V Bradlaugb, by small bands van tell ol the (sery and otter wretcbed- - In' are T AM now pronare.1 to auimlv tbe Dublio the world, the appointment .of Gover while on his way to Madrid to pre- It ia said murders into be expected ness It has ca teo.i f your own city JL with COAL from the Wasatch Mink, at compared with whose powers sent the English resolutions con of Kew York average one daily ,and those of the Grand Turk and the 8 bah are gratulating pain on tne establish- assaults, ' robberies, pilfering and democratic, tbe gorgeous luxury in which ment of a republic, was taken prls otner crimes count by hundreds. at tr. a r. p depot? ;y. the other officials lived, the noble docks oner by thecarlists, but was soon We cannot to be savages expect rTHE WOMAN QTJESTION. and vast warehouses they erected, the con afterwards released. , ' better than white raenJ Jt is onlv version, in short, of Indian Villages Into an the fro:n A and Fine SALT, dispatch Padlng of the President's Coarse Is , The "Woman ejecitQuestion" of. Indian Oriental inlets and into On Heatxmithlc Term. - . j ; nounces London, an of Battahs policyopponents that ' army seem who to de this 'ing more and more Interest, among harbors crowded with British ships, mark a An.l A4hlniua 1flOAl fifmnrv la gree ot virtue from exfect and at Mitchcl t Jame'it-Hthe Indian-"- . ' Leave ordersFlint Btnith Htrcct., tevrdwra those wlu think, and with many career which It would be. absurd to compare marching on! Gel lia State, on the Four years of general peace with west A Kimball Lawrence's. of com-' nort coast of the island. of them bp little uneasiness Is with the achievements of the greatest the I ndiau tribes have proved tho Coal and Salt doli vorcd in.Rny part of the mercial companies of FhceniiU, Etruria, a smal charge President's policy to b4 a success. CUt, at .uianifested Respecting the artificial Venice, or Gem a-- Their merchant ships u UH0n?K NEKKKEK. With the exception of a few of the and In sohie respects unjust condi- fought and whipped French a thenomaldcand Apaches,ail previ tion of modem society. The leaven man who got an appointment In Conference at Coalville. ously: hostile tribes have been at was service a their L4 predestined 1.000.000 exOf Indians peace. in the ' working and a revolution,' , . , varricd to Bnglnnrt was held at United States and Territories, about District A Conference i tensive in compass.thorough In cha- kuudreds Xbey of cargoes - of silk, tea, Coalville, Summit May 11, lUjOUU are civilized. lZ5,ooo parually AN AND AFTER .RnXDAY.' MAV i. racter, and more or lws rudely dis- spices, cashmeres, diamonds, yearly; in- 1873, Bishop W. W.County, ClulT, presiding, so, and the, remainder in a wild J 1873, Trains Will leave OCDKS a foi- com condition. 10 O'CLOCK. A. K. turbing In operation, Is apprehend- deed, what' would England be m. (Daily Pamenircr Train mercially, bad therKost India .Company How many of 5.40 p. addressed Cl.tnrF the ed, and, in the opinion of most Corespondent Bishop ltono (for Carson aud Vlrjrlula). Sacra- not existed? Their servants were almost these themselves? of support the the objects upon come not will meeting iieaaiuit iror Fort-lan-d it mviiio, persons, all Illustrious men.; Few greater soldiers O. ),juarysviiie, Mr. Brunot About 130,000, and Stockton, Merced tfor Yosem-He- ), be Core It is needed. The petition of than Clive appear in English annals; few Conference. The district was comLos Baa Tipton (for posed of the north half of Summit receive notning irom tne govern and San Francisco. Angelea), liiose ' Massachusetts, women, greater governors ef men than W. Hast and the whole of Morgan Counties. ment except interest on their money fi.0) p.Jose m. (Dally) Through Emigrant Train and Mayo are to tor Sacramento and San FranciMo. whether genuine or 'not, is stirring ings, Welles ley. Dalbousle, of Haven reported or payment for their lands. About Elder Jesse this country. tne be found In the history T. H. GOODMAN, 100.000 more chief! eutmOrt v them nrancn or tne condition at Jin and the ''asaensrer and Ticket Ajfeut. Union, society throughout Tbe power and ostentation of the Govern JD1 selves and the ... N E, TOW N by A. fishing, Morgan Elder County, terprise, hunting will have its effect In stimulating of India .were always Immea Alma Porter the ,. Porterville denciency - being supplied by tne Oen'l Superintendent. J of tbe that than sovereign branch,and Elder Samuel Fran- government. : Those figures show GEO- - H. RICK. l, ,tiiought arid perhaps action In the surably greater CI Lake Aourr Bah thither. Now, however, tbe cis the South Morgan branch, y, the folly and wickedness of the matter of social reform. In this who sent him with Marshall tt CwUht, to hold the Indian race Overw.. Office, pusses away almost without a . . ACo.'sBonk. proposition upon tithing, spoke connection "Blanche," of ; Kew Company Elder.Hooq M. P.'s are its era tne for acts few in m a. a funeral oration; two prosaic m.y schools 1 and responsible i. unity. x ora; senaa to tne, wrqpnu; oi tuai undertakers. The whole of Us authority Elder A. Winters represented dividuals of a single tribe. The at city the following thoughts of hers and property centre in the hands of Her the Unionville branch, Elder tempt in certain quarters to "stimu of State for India; and Robert Salmon the Coalville late bad feeling between the sup , respecting ' The Trials of a Single Majesty's Secretary for tbe future, will be wholly branch and Eldeb Joseph. Huff, porters of the President's Indian Blndostan, Widow a the Woman," way by governed from Whitehall. The great drama SK., tne Upton orancn. - policy and the military is the work i 2 P. M . of men in whom tho wish breeds have ex h) played to tbe end; and on tbe first day of ; Sodng that some of my hi ALL KINDS OF? LUHBERli The sacrament was administered the thought. pressed themselTea in yonr columns on June, 1874, the East India Company will Correspondent Is the Board of tbe sshject of woman's trials ia and out disappear from tbe sight and ken of men by Bishop C S. Peterson and Elder ', Indian Commissioners aware ' of any DOORS, AVINDOVVS, BLINDS, ' or the marrian relation, I make 'bold to forever. ever was there a more iuslgai' JL Salmon. - . , . 5 such attempt? , T so mayuiflcent a romance. to IticuExa tlie neurit emUng C reported Elder Is matter.weak on the If ray logic speak MJfck' BBTJNOT A far ' as the MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, and Henneferville Elder branch, aud my style It for tire, consider It is tbe board has any knowledge or is con liound Val the L Samuki. Carter LAUI, EUv ". no such reeling exists. The language of ox who claims no, literary branch.'-'- . I'.'i to cerned, ley Qkokok Fbacis. Accordhig I TroOcIency. bn who. writes from a barn Pre- lamented General Canby was corElderof Georok Kkreker, oar dispatches, that prince of ec- sident Sandwich Islands dially in favor" of the President's the JONES & FORM AN. lias George, Francis Train, I tvuow what Itjis to batUc with the world, centric mission, spoke of his first11 visit to policy of humanity and justice to d88tt , i. Half Block South C. C. Depot. t. n: t l ltrcserre one's vlrtae, sad to contrive to oeeo ecnionceu, aoraewiiat armim the Weber. Then no one ved here, the Indians, and nearly all tbe officers have expressed but from the reports of the eiders general ep body sal soul together. My late rily as jt appears, to the New York who had addressed tho Conference, their opinions substantially in ac . not to a iryinit Is 'fariiisbrd cet That State lunatic asylum. etperlcnce'la be found there were a great many cord with the -Board of Indian Com- room in the city, the rent of which w jala ; the way to the Presidential cities, towns and hamlets scattered mifsioners.J usually e accord, with thej limits of my means., Is it "not said SIMS. our erratic up and down tho river. In the Which to fill Correspondent chair, iMre per Beam. me that a revolution of some kind Sandwich Islands the work was that General Phil. Sheridan is and himself believes friend predestined. 18 x U ...... .. 1.00 must take place, if decent poor women opposed to the President's prospering; baptising about 'one has been 7 are to have a chance to five. Respect- - The ruling passion was strong in thousand a year. " 1 jr. 22. .......... policy . i. i.T5 Mr. Brunot 2? o. General Sherievidenced by - JJisnor w. O. ' Smith reported "ly dressed,! jwlta good rsfere&ces, I him to the last, as official x U s...... his to the la and report dan, hsre this week' sought out at nearly a his "impeachment" of the judge, the South Morgan branch, ' ' f ar in loTJ, printed hundred houses- - to get a famished room, Davis, "in the name of the people." spoke of the early history of the last Department, said: "I fully indorse the the year, its . FOR HALK increase, crossing Church, AT THE (i nd the almost nnlTersal reply baa been, However, Geo. F. has not ;lost his efforts now . being made to civilize etc. they law of tithing, ' rewild the Christianize and some Onlj iogmtUm,'we let our rooms.God last chance for liberty and the plains, made Indians, Bishop Clufp DESERET MWS OFFICE. only knows what I should have done had I White .House, for the habeas corpus marks uron tithing paid aud un and think that the reservation sys or tem tne and of the instructed government not locn befriended by some aeqnalntan- - business Ls Mill to bo policy presidents puraued in hts paid, the various branches to Keep a cor- toward " the wild tribes is the most ces, who gtTe jus temporary shelters I tell case. , , rect church record of births, deaths, liberal and humane that has ever D. C. YILSQIJ, D., yon, sir, with ill the boasted Chris tUnlty baptisms, removals, etc, and spoke been adopted bskany government the necessity of encouraging toward savage people. These are TiiK aaASsnorrER PiaavK ap upon General Sheridan's words in his re tlclLpatm practice by the generaUty of ana tsunaay scnoois. day '' 'KEAB GODBK CQBNEEt, rroressors I am a believer and no scoffer. pears to be rife In Texas, and jnovthen presented port for 1871, and I have no reason Cluff Bishop has to believe nd my faith ttstains my aching heart, his Over DKVFORD 4 SOSST Shoe Store. that he of changed ing northward, so that fears exist of the authorities of the Church . : n, and keeps front going to the bad. this dread vlsltiiAi in Missouri, Jesus Christ of Loitter-da-y Saints, views since. 'r,;x dl32tf ,", Do you think also . the local authorities, which Correspondent When I see the! amount of tobacco,. Dqaor, .Nebraska, v Kansa Modoc massacre cause IlllnoUi, this will sustained. were any rich food, sUki and satins, stylish dress, ? In other State:, ,v , Thos. P. TmrRSTON spoke change in the President's policy, or H. X. TKtTB. . If. H. TKCa. . .RXKKT MAXtlS. Elder rojUy farnUnr domicllos, and a possibly or wno suptnose with much seal and energy upon in tne opinions TRUE, son tlARTin, ' muUltnde of other thlnz clnttoaoaslv - ' several principles of the gospel. port it? REAL used by men and women professing to be ESTATE, E',X!XS ft LOAM BROKERS, '. urant an PORTER ELDER ib. iTeswent gave According to the London Mecha excellent Joseph and brief dis- knows ijrunot W KIHBAU BLOCK, , um waose wnole teaching he is right in his Indian logical' of that an inventor nic' Magazine, Salt and practice were In the Utah . Territory. seem to Za&eCity. and those who of "All mine policy, city has devised a process ; for . so course, Besvl Kstate hrnrM unit mfM' iTnmM and are thine and in tblne arespirit Stoddard remarked that think they can move him from the Seetw Elder mine," my heart thoroughly uniting ai ver wun cutrettted, nwta eoilected, and all bus haras in lndiatioa at the cant and took the best men and the best right by personal denunciation, iness connected wita re&i estate and mlnea by lery as to produce an article of great it v; sneers at "Peace and Saints. to the Instruct "Quakers,'? or talent promptly attended j. poerbyr snj persons, Mere benevo- practical value. It has long been BUN Jt MAJRTIN. aiusai or at few TUUB, made a Commissioners," flings lence does not constitute "poor the custom-telectroplate silver on Elder Christianity". ? "humanitari LiO," "red devIls" When the external very excellent remarks. sahstujitcd for Christianity, It is steel; butis whenever The following named Missiona ans," may as -well give up. ' .cvi-tthe enemy of God. What ground off, the. steel Is ries does constitute coating were called: C. S. Petersen, W. cago Timet. thereby rendered liaChristianity Ij sach lore as leads one to exposed, and ble to rust. ' By this new method G. Smith, Jesse Haven, Thomas J. ore his neighbor as himself, and Samuel Francis, A. I. nch J.,tW ai leads one to see nojastlce, the knives are finished in fine style, Thurston; human and chemically cleaned by a special Smith, - Alma Ehlredge, A. E. the Modoc This is .the being suffer and starve when he or she process: wiih Hinckley, Robert Salmon and Thos. business strikes way are then coated New York they the is wimng to work.'; vk-I t j. perfectly pure silver, and the two Bull. the expen-sivenEvangelist: "Touching was well attend Conference The aentlomen we let our rooms.' are pressed together by a process v."a of the lata futile missions, well and f enjoyed campaign against the Modocs erery man Is a tentlemaa so loos; as not mentioned by the inventor. It ed, the Saints felt has he pars his war, bo natter how Tile much. the very is meetings is driven asserted silver the that and cost our government more probably 14. hid heart. Hi habits asayU 11. tbtSUSS, into of the pores the steel, and that than all the missionary labor de Crotm ha may -- ktw or smoke, or Clerk ot Conference. s , do both, ine neat ana the moisture have no voted to the Indians for the last ten or cheat, 1 on metals. effect the years. And if, aa now appears,-matter, he may hare a room or board ao perceptible JTAIilfEZS MAKERS The result, as claimed, is a knife general hostility has been aroused, lone as he pays his way. But an bono--,. not will la not stained ". summer rust, the of the will by has the A Pennsylvania paper prooutlays , poor woman, of good descent, pure aablts, cids, and only requires washing advertisement: bably exceed' all that the entire attractive and qulot demeanor is not wanted. Nearlr after use, and following if sharpened any American church has given to the Ko. Mala Street, VP STAIRS, every door hjshwt ajralost her. I do not number of times it always shows "Smallpox signs neatly and handIndians in a a silver surface. dl43tf somely printed at this office." rr0 TZTnJ! TtlV I. - i' .. e iy I til, e supeeid""estey" l.tarte. 5 , r- I -- - tH f k y They OdrOwh are kept hr 2. C operatic Stores 6f tho Territory. tW- - M. I. and all its . t" npn iuniv. The Meriden Cutlery cot, 4a unampers ax., l.Wnch to,f & ciiicAtat. n.i.. ' ean.lif' . at .M-l- y VARNER, MARSTON & Manufacturers itjl Jollxrt fWj of V Tvriiica; Cordage, m Brushes. rooms, Matches. Etc. t Ci lycora WILLOW-WAR- WOOD C and as Itiver Street, - CHICAGO. r good are kept by Z.C. M. I. av all Its ra4cu ur-- , aixi uiso ny'all ihc Mores 01 iw i rni..i . Inoperative disJ-l- PHILADELPHIA TRADE, tr-u- 1 y l,lVii i klng-do- . . 1 war-hoo- , OfJOD. PoW by all.kw.let ;4 . i Tli-f9f' I. ami its.branc-lhs)- M, It Is thn Mat ifurtlU the Cuter ' j Yiv hot mtttr. Wtrk, "Urrlfn Smfor thfra,lc TtorZTZ& are n JJudraulle Itims, Oarlcn awl Fire Tn- . ...i.. In. y If,. C, . w... CiurtMi, etc S Jra 107 Lake Strr t, BraiH-- Hmso, Q.-fl- s . - ZflC JBF. "CCJ : General Agency "for Utah : . Manufacturess of , mrw 1 I t D. DOUGLAS, W kinds, to-d- ay I - EKJnivel!akcn of And ffiffiDilEliTS!! i i all ;taule knives and forks, of v WHOLESALE ISO RETAIL DEALER J'- MUSICAL CHICAGO TRADE. YORK TRADE W. STAYTJEH T0WLE & HOPHR, ORGAGNTS! til j!li'--- J. n r - . sc-lt- semi-uuIJlflrato- ry -- in a .. pi5-ni- w lu-t- s ' : .. le-mo- rs wiM-nuti- t d, I to-hi- ; '' : i. nt . a gas-stri- ke Mr.-Brdno- : to-da- y, -- . al WXit Frcf. Cuss. 3. TaoiiAS Bay f S. I.. OrrT, CT. T.-- , April 5, TJ. Mr. C. Y. ktayittr: Having an fit'eri-i-nwid years as ix iuuk-iau- , of which time I bic. iutn loader of Orrrbos-tr-, a and Choirs la Europe aud Ameii-aami beintf Kuuitod.ti- - jrai Ut la Jny judif-nteon tha 'KAtey tVgans" for which ou are arentAud Jiavlnsr trU'd ami examined them thorouirhly, I eonftleotly them to the eiUzeas of this Territory for Uicir mpcrUtr UtnetMo Vox Jubllinte bt lmr a fine tiultat onof tho pipe organ thoir oloe smoot h action and dulicate touch, exoclleuoe of workmanship in their iou-i- rt motion OiidT their general relUbt ity, makintr them all that canJbe desired lu .) or parkir. y either Vours reepeetfully, (3. J'. Thomas.; " Conductor of Theatrical Orthestra. tlitah:, of Of I . fot-eve- i . or-yu- os for-hurc- rH-e- r, s - - A ; r . 1 "ober-mlndo- d" - ' j : WOOL rOH ir - well-bre- of tuj: : j . . ', i FOOL WANTED! -- e , .; j?aid layinor Oasli, ; to-da- y, j. , - y. - , half-savag- -e . ' nors-Gener- al $7.50 PER TON, r n Gos-cmith- s. f h-e- r , . -- oi.jO-ii- men-of-wa- r; . ;,i;:;G.;ri:.R.;.j re. - to-da- y . V fr ! ng -- . : i. ral . i I a. k LUMBER YARD l- . . - . , i i J v 1 ' f . ... IiVin 8p I ml Km n. , . W. Tf it nt - 1 . ; . ess , fWkrf? orr-Jpt-U x oo a half-century- - ." - have organized irE lUfllK 01 Ouy 1: nodiarevkjf hy'Z. C M t ail it Branch (dM-H- Z.' m) i jrfylC'.l,;i:::'k'- k 7$iji'" ij Jlftfc 1 'ii iiaiii cr-'- z. dSMim j ' - ST. F. F. EpfcsCBR C, A. D. lAaa. and all Its branch Stores In the Territory keep our goods on sale. ! Im The niiipiH STRICTLY 'v.;k ' ": ;- ,! '.;-- ;i';.v' .. - 4 ;..: ?"'-.'- -' , . THEIR FIRST : -- k: .I .'. ; DEPOT SEBREE i SOUTH -- the OF wa nl i- -. . DEVOIJ BULL PF.DIQBESi: I TO. Calvel AugvwtlS, Sired bv Touna- - Wftuhinrten'. '' - .-- 4 " CHARLES - l B. UnpU" VT. Id City, May 15th, 1TT3. t,t j A. VTCTrSPtsry. CHAS. Tl.uJ. KICo, PresiJcnt. nicy's fctores, also Stores lu tbo Terrilory. theW&lr cVxm-eraU- ve . ... : . - TT V in .Jhc lm Straw Ms, Madison Bt.; CHICAGO. ' I,; ; aJLsj Industrial Exposition , 1871, I i ' I ) the memtwrs of oar firm having Jupt returned from the East wbcro ' he has madna ' One of ' j , ' . JJi-- E - . S RL E CT10N . -I -- SL SPRING GOODS k this" WilU-a- Pdnt She?, HUB : ' . ; - DI, FOR COAL & WOOD! TUB BEST BrrtTMTNOtrS ! G00BS- ahu i m ' t rmc 3sr ; ' . 111! mmm mm ' ST v far-fam- ed k as 31314 MONITORS c ' of : - In the World MONITOR has rained a npHB JL. No hisrher encomium can be t reputation. estowed upon a Cookin Store than to who uses It say that every house-wi- fe in its pndse and recommends it clean-Uuefor neljrhbors and friends, aUeoonomy, its opeitlons. and reliability in GBOCERIES. TAYLC.7 HA17T1 SANTA jCLMJS stove, aj iayr Also a full stoi OCTAL Also the Cetebrated k PtATEH, Adminfert raters. "; tSj"! Before , joti' purchase call di4 w lw ana, tee our Stock. '. . ; . . Oooda' delivered free of charre in tha , City or to the Depot. ; - SECOND SPDTflT ST, - - CINCINNATI TRADE. i . ... GOODS! k Grant, i . I i- THEATRE. ; AtnericaD Herd Book. Jfc7 AndtheCost e AnaVs for the Keg, If ,, vootalninr tut b, Adulheration. all its Branch ' 3tato St reet, (NEW GOODS! ' to oall and settle Immediately: requested and those ftavinflr accounts against the Estate should S resent them at an carjjr date for adjuca-- CcMrmitfi.kiM:OilCo , .j 1 to tbe estate of the late Ajndebted W. Player, deceased, are cf Strictly Pure ,POm 14S 1 2SO A 29 2 Sell the; Bain Wagon at Logan and - dll to uly U Ogden, Utah. ApniriiSTATORST NOTICE, and ' Castor Oil, A ttj persons knowinir themselves to be Sue! i3trui1y2f?t,jr 0 .PARANOIC, Ac. , OjiarantM Jhefr brand r 1K5. CHICACO. f ii BJ1 Tn)ort !: . ASCEJ30 ACIP for CofrodlpK Lead, I :,. ' - STAPLE Oil," ' Hiltei ui " i :,. y, V Linseed CHICAGO. dlStf ROBERTSON. GOLD HEDAL! & Hji :!! 1ERITS. OWN WAGON -- SultabW for I. market, 3rd by Cayufra....03 Enough lien) Iloek. ' ' i '"i t . - ' CCS th by Tecumeh, .'-.v 1. '.1 4 " t : i Dam EffieSnd i. tST We are rcocJvlnff a fine stock of by; Don Pedro. 200 American Herd Dcok. 2nd by EXe 451 A II B by Tocnmeeh -, - . 609EHB 3rd by Imported Evelcen, (B E H B by Earl Exeter 38KBB. 4th by Ruby 1035 B n B by Favorite (43 k B. adies DRESS O0ODS Half breed Devon Cows are splendid 150 ficce ' miikers.- - ;. WJIlTE JtoSE. Half breed Devon 'Oxen for work: and 250 doe speed ar unsurpassed. Those who wish to improve tbelr stock can see this splendid animal at the stables of B. Clawsou, north-we- st corner of . Mr.jH. jrr- a ruiL AssoaxMEKT of 12th the Ward, Terms, $4 in advance. Enquire of Mr. Smith st the stables. tflSStf 1 i bird cjges, fishijig tacxle, ' v iiiiWmYii Street, -Lake .L - ' .. 'A: v KEITH BROS., 2nd by General a ;- rlM-rt- in Is one ot t he finest bred Deyon JJulU PIBE, WHITE BAD. mm 22 N.v. 1:5. YOUNG WASHINGTON, Wtllry. ' s ' ' k r' Jitr DRUGGISTS' SUOTRIES, n THOROUGH B71 ED CtotTOdersawtOrindersof ... , x IMPORTED HEW establishment i Lamp Fixtures, ( ; TIIE OIL ' TojSjFancy.Goodsandfiaslefs, v AUD RETAI f, The Largest and Finest Pinch 'on the Continent..: i ' THI LARQRST AND OLDEST LEAD CHEAPEST ESTABLISHED LOUIS TRADE. 7I1ITE AD Ay .v- j' I. - ui Lamps "1 cm if . cxzicago. J. Frifbie, AC. Babtijst, Wit. O. IIiBaxaD ? I Known as tjlie BEST PL1EST, cs j3 i. i I '"MJi-IJJ- mm - . KIRK & N. B. Savon 'imperial Loadiiifr Wap . Aiiierli a. ... B58 to 3B2 North W ater tret, 'I'- - - f t UuH-ersall- blood.. Plant's, e th 80 to 84, MICHIQAN AVENUE, . j Ac. . by Zlon's Institution and by all Its braiu hes. SOLD WHOLESALE Cought, Colds, rtd The Ointment is sold in pots at f 1 and 5; the smallest Pot of Ointment $1; the smallest Box of Pills tl, which contains four doeen. "Sent to ail parts; Full printed di rections are afiixed to each Pot and Ilor- Pfr" Besidence 10th Ward; "alt Like City; aim, can be consulted at htaofBce In Market How, near the City Meat Market, every day from 11 a-- m. till 3 p. m., Sundays excepted. : I . fJ dtf f 4 -I ' 'kiV ki;;: Ouroods are sold O an Glandular Suvl- &ntt, Rheumatism - - Ung. from these excruciaErery one rafferiw ting complaints should have recourse to these purifying remedies, as they have rescued thousands from a life of torture, after all other means bod failed to Rive them relief. Tho Ointment and Pills Used conjointly will act so searchingiy and certainly, aa to effect cures in the most hope-- i legg cages. j. Pile, Firtvla, and Internal Inflammation. Persons afflicted with tbesedistresning enm- ilaints will And in this wonderful Ointment nstant means of relief, and all can effect their own our without explaining their infirmity to any one. Plant's Pills, if taken in small doses, assist the Ointment, as they purify greatly tbe blood and regulate tbe stomach in an extraordinary manner. Both Die Ointment and Pills should he Wet n Vio follmcina Complaint Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Burns, Bunions, Chilblains, Chapped Hands, Contracted and Stiff Joints, Corns (soft). Fistulas, Gout, Glandular Swellings, Lumbago,,. Plies, Rheumatism, Sore tfipplea. Scalds, 8or4 Throat, Skin Dtwtuua, Pourry, , Sore Haada, Tumours, Uloera, Woundu. and Pills are sold at Professor The Ointment ... v ETC., :v ; H lierayigcmiul of the Thmal and ChtA. Ia any ot the alove Istllsoaws, immediate and permanent relief obtained by effectually rubbiwr this- - dctergrent Ointment twice a day upon the neck, chest and back, aud in allstagcsof iuHuensa, settled coughs, and wheezing at tbe chest, the same treatment may bo followed with eilieleucy and safety. Bad Leg, Bad Rrerfs, OldSorctj Wnma, s? and Ulcer. By rubbing thUOiutmcnt perseverlngly ttpon aud around tbe affected parts twice a day, it will penetrate to tbe tissues beneath,' and exert tbo ntoct beneficial Influence: t lie soon dimiulshes, the pain becomes less intolerable, tbe matter thickens, and a cure b soon e eeted. In aU long standing eases Plant's Pills should also be taken, as they greatly aesivt in expelling all hpraved humors from the body. V ) V : SHin Disease of alt finds. In thH class of eoin plaints, no matter tlie age, the sex, tbe place, or underwhat nntne the disease may be cliMiftdd, immcdi itc ease, and ultimate euro, may with ;cer-taln-rr be procured. If this Ointment tie part affected, plentifully rubbed upon" the in while Plant's Pills are taken appropriate doseey night and moraiuKr to purify the r ; .; V-- Never Despair! . V' STANTtARD E. JL. PLANT.a all Diptherkt. .. . k i ' JAMES ss . i a-- d58tf C, VronrJiUtu, k i MAKDteSi Hardware, Cutleiy accomiuotlatlons to all clussos of nseu-irer- s. The Steamers being- alike, travelers Hoctirn tbe great advantage of having an equally aood and fast Steamer for each and ATevery Balling. OCEANIC, CELTIC, LANTIC, KKPC1JLIC, BALTICj AOBIA-TImOTANNIC. SttiliiuT MAJESTIC, from New Vork on Saturdays, from Liverharbor pool on Thursday; calling at Cork Itates as low as any flrst-claboth ways. line. For further information app! v tot ALFKKD LAGElulRfiFN, General 'Western Afrent, 1XJ Kotitb Market r to Chns. K. Smith, Well Clilcasm, St., Fargo Jt Co.. Salt IjUo City.., d38 iy eod for All! i zaAcxzxra'iiB.Y, ' ' mnffii.Boont new and fulWpowercd 'pHR X Steamshii (of this Line offer uflrlvalied toe l ( JrNcnci ' k BLACKMITHS' FORCES, or y-- r . .xf.v Embracing every variety of Picas, Chow- BAJtS, HAKMEIUV Sl.EIXiKM, HNUI.ES, ClUl.tH, Amil, TlMICS, llELIiUWlT, Pbiijj, TtnxKRS. IjfrTtRS, I O A. Gr Stores . I- jjo. 3T3 cm4 a . ff '' 'I '".''; ' :.-- Between New York, Cork and t. ; ' 1'' I IMC--; UIUITC CTAD VT III I ia w Ir I killll- . ' - ;.'"). '4 Miners' and Blacksmiths' Tcols Manufacturers and Jobbers of ',' 1.1 . - .... Liverpool. un.l ITOOXi STEEIi. ; . 8.-Fra- f driving to bobbin. jodBEHs Camp-Meeting- i. r s Heavy IInrlvaie. ! lievoIutioiiM per mi mile, positive CORN EI t MONUOE and M AEKET STREET?, Kiui-trratlo- . i r'. Pkrkixs. SALK CI1EAP, aj&Wall, House, and Tents, complete, n oRtly new, ltt y NimufiU-tu- STEEL, MILS, LE TJTKTIt BRAXClIXS. HIBBARD AND SPENCER : , elet-a- it I "tW- , ; k llmportcrs, CHICAGO TRADE. T. A - - O.OOO : n, and in first class order, suitable for West. Colonization Families Societies, Kailroad Building- - Parties, Lumbermen, Fishermen, Hunters, State Fairs, s, c Also Fire Arms of all kinds, coiisiatinfr of Needle Quits, Spencer' si lireech Loading Guns Star's and Sharp's and Ammunition. Also Swords and Hilie Knives &c All kinds of Military .Eqjujp menu of tho latest and bet pattern, Ordinance aod Ouartetw aster Stores, which are now for sale at the great Government (Joods .Depot of the West. COL. Ot I.TPPINCOTT; IS.', and 1ST Kaxt Lake-t- ., Chicago, 111. 6in dU6 . . A j Pa. PHILADELPHIA, New Ring Spinning for Cotton TENrrsf . -: St, 1 fpp Cull spccla. attention to their new I : ; North Front 0(9cc-- 65 con-lnc- -- are kept .y 2. C..MJ .'k'i--- -i all llic(',i-- f eratlve'Su.rvs of the Torritcrj. i j to Z. C dl40 3n hrmnjhout the Territory!' 1:1.'.- ;Hall,Kimbar!c&Co., CO, WARPS! CLOTHING & FURNISHING GOODS, &r'' Refer, By permission, IVIMPPlfJG PAPER! '- 1 , '":'' BEAB1 1 ft branch stores, hikI alno iA.EOXIA - - to-da- (Mmm illli ulii ill 1 lilli rnMlllHu U VMiii I 11 IX & SOiNS, CELXBMATKO THiB V Sjvtla!. , Philadelphia, Pa., ACKNT8 r IllU-IVri- -- nnmrofiimn ! f Consignments Solicited! ' Advances Mail!. ; , ' CARDING, SPINNING and VEAVING SOLD ON COSIMISSJOX OXIiYl ALEX. VJIILLDI f Hoi-M- c Our Goods St., Salt Lake Cltv, niext 5 Main 1 Jhx. IHjA.nk, J. I . artr No. J. T.nrt - X FAOTOIW ORGAN IN TUB WOltLD. -- - 41 ?i 43 WABASH AVE... FAR TJ&: LARGEST 11Y i rfr. ' - -- -- s; ui-n;i-r.- ut agi-tat- e; -- Wholusalo Af 6, CUTLER, TtVrU ffraxsv . k ' All - 7; r- oWj-Jvf f V nil it Branca m operaiire Stores JL 'aTVk |