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Show tr ymi going fo remore-ti- r "Art ..... mm.; , -- 3mij.-'H- i i t r.j 'r. ni THE y aOUFERBUGB! president I shall taRean aeth'e pitrt in the Jt. JB ' annwwrnt Mtablkhmeut of our --1 iieoplein that eottntry. LiborodfiiithfuJjyforjeara, aii.iM mwl have nniuired a comfortable BEIOHAM TOUKO. home, ana mum witieuvor w It for tue reroajutww,' v my uj-MtfAt.T TiAKK OfTV. future action' la sulwtantialJy May $, 183. ns telegraphed to the New York V .'... ii:t.r nf the IteraUl: , time ago." lli rald nonie President Young for Thanking we Jaule calledJ hi kindne and i courtesy, i ?T ?T.aVe 1 ouvg,herald, hiaigoodday. at one of the Is, , .President Young f"T on President the abropt most successful men of the age, and d uu On account of .how. to a veral treatment certainly posseaHes ability of the . 7hrt liave lately hlcrhct order, aiftl while vitupera .vee wlth President tion audi condemnation may suc-ce-be Youn?, w were ;conlderablv agi heaped upon hi in, yet will hia tated........and prove a ilyioz monument of jivifArinir Vile irnwsiu"" when his caluranuv-tor- s Immortality are laid in the: cold earth and nfflre WiJ nwrfnsr Elm . seated 1" " f more mention of them ever fmt arm cnair, aicmu jmw i'"""'" no .... i black cloth, ana iooKing be made. ; .', if We wish' to ex pi wo tho thanks of of ea, conorort nijiiiiw. and came back, our mo Jicraca to i;oi. caine, or vne Mion we fell natural and quit" at Halt JAfte Herald, Tor hta ha seldom been "our It "AivHwere brusented toibe Pre- - kindness." plea.su rw to meet a more Intelligent. IJeiit memory carriod us back, over accomplished and agreeable e anu Itlio wt twenty-nvyears, man. psome day we Hope gentle to see maix naumK the picture ot mis women In Omaha him and the reciprocate and chil- courteous consideration we have little Lend of Jrterif L moun-ilnand, deserts over the dren at his hands. Lancastkk. n.lnrinzand sutTerinftall the received Omcihn Herald. In the known firfvjatioiijiand jjerila auu category otnuuiau w w.-apo diie Kimpiy: fiecvaauy, ' from tne persecutions and oppresniEsiDura sions of the Christians came vlvid-l- 'v ELDERS AND BISHOPS l)fore U1. his y'As CfturcK of Jei Christ '6 Though President Young is in tdta RoVenty-secon- d age hUt jjatteraay &ntnt$, tn uian er yet jrear, rtcory ana anjocrtc aciuement. lightly, and hi1 body as well as not mind seems to have succumbed Hem y Lewie, Oiieida CO., Idaho in the slightest; degree to "lronr Getwvf wouiu. ttrnmnomn, J. w.aivore, strength of time, and one ' " never guess his age, from bis appear-- a Frtstim 11. H. I)alrj?iiiplp, e fifty-fivmore yeare. thau nee, at 4 iAtmrtih B J ,i Neither his hair nor his beard are A. . .vn V CO ANNbUNCEMENT. 5 -- Clothing Deparim t! OO sash's mj "LVi - fi - :: - &uhdp-iti'er!t$- A'. , ' Garter . i i Tl AOENT8 FOR THE i , SR1L t If ? avoid-ancej- of dissem-llanceif- he . ( ! IE3 f dJllt-rene- ...,, IliH-iK-- ' cttfi H7icA i Wehavo purcha-w- ' "" mil mm Till M iiV J'1 " suiting the tasUs of alL. atf i S lii'r 1i (REGULATION BUT AND BBI.T. i . r It . , HtIT 7 sr- t i. T I n STORES, Etc. - V AIJD C0LI.IICT beautiful assortment of GILTS, BRONZE, SATINS, WHITE and ' vl-x BROVVN BLANKS, now on hand, rt -- - , . , . DELIVERED f " j tar.None but j t& Clean Cotton Rags Takes. will pleane bring them on and ltlnadnyGEO- the Cit Thnrsday. CANNON. 1 Q. : 1 V 3 Shawfs. :X 0ar C3r E5;L- EN S and BOYS' BOOTS and SHOES . -- HOHE-MAD- AND IMPORTED, E . HDXITS. 1 MIXED - ' el i ' "t i i f J oVji ..v. ) tit $ -- t sm mm - - j , mm Ju tatrdna tttt'Uu-ge-s 4 1 . - tram;' 1 IS. Wo " . tt" 0''t ri'i rt-- t. i . .. , . BOARDS y it n t lTBHTIOr . THREE ; I 1 H , I J- - o-- K CITY NEWSPAPERS. -i- QUARTERS 1 : j i 1 ' - - that An evidence , .l.r...;. 4 ot last year, aaloa as v,' aa: ' Tma SvncKBiBOrauSiPKkimi.v vita i f-y- i I r Jf. A .t 1 ame. f J .., j " j i w A nUtat tl l E n-- - m m ak.Jt fl ;' v; Indies Sboes, jSltoea, f !.?? f o- Ml I i 'E L .no? m t II . S T A T- E ''.'' SELF-BASTX3L- , wA. T7 ' j q U Tw . 30 1 -- ? ' SELLING; OFF OUR OLD STOCK ' Xall and .1-O- f o ST-T- Imported . 7. W"1,?'? lta Special At I an Hon 'iVtOl. t - la faet ear ' Xao V .- CotrsiTT. - .'ft. SrrlTL'f'nwdu, W.f11. TMiuo. 1 j. . j ,w. city can. .not have a more,' pfcaasut ;tuae f. ' than can be had tav .boM'wao are In and around ij..i ''. i ' ' SATODAYi AEB it " ii l t , 'i . , wteh Whether Ihey J s v '. t . j to 1 - , I Dnr-Ungt- on . 1 V to purchase or Hot, at the 4. ..'.I. i .,-.- , f r'.- , Z. C. r.l. I., General Atrents. .jwe Itaorit South or 31 43tf- - i . i, i i ' c r . HORSE berths r.on' slecptug;t cars.i' earn be secured. i Arrangement, nave neen maoe fjrnernrr on thru paaaentrers deetring to viait Denver way Kaat can avail themselves of an excursion rate from Cheyenne to Denver and return at gTeatly reduoed. rates. For particulars and all information Iu at ticket oiitocu. ejrard to passage, apply oe coreful to secun) t'aasengers snoukt aik Eantern aid to their tickets paaaaire via tkitheni Omaha, and tbtM avail potnta xoemaeivceoi ne miwiuwm oi a innmnu eleoping car, oomfortable acconunodatjoitf uick time. TUU6. L. KIMJALL, : - 'Xaevls.o Ttaili Olty. j jn Cairejo New YcrL CHICAGO AND NEW YORK xa via ma PITTSBUIIGH, 3?f"E 3FOBT ! ... CHICAGO RAILWAY , i Jt AJmj, , ! Order by Mail receive special and r'.io. TAKENt OH 8TX "4AGE prompt attention. :ltct-GOOD- S. Ant. 61 MILES TOE SHORTEST ROUTE ..fi... 40fVt I3TGELLM011 Si OlDBEIilABLE f . ! . . i . ,r ' .' 1 , .. , . . ,i .. .... !! ... v. r ) .. n Q ' ... , , ;j - V rinaxroa hke. QU1C3E3T ROUTE lo the EAST J i qpiTESK TWO WAOOXS AKB MADB AX RACESK, WISCONSIN, AKD . AKB " .' - XTiirivaUed J i . . i ii-. . hnftl: aT Am SrenFor Bxcellene t thfct Marknt. I TheV "- '- antH.Vncctiatlcd'; -' PnUmans . " Palace kam i. Cart, Through ' i ; . ; 4 a, - tfcia OsaRtralot toalas from the West for FlTTSEuTlG, "HAHEISBURG v CTc rr t.:;.c:::r::i:JT nx::ri:"3fr.nc!'-:i:r,!- 3 Pl.ZadctpMa, Battirnore, t t Washington Ctty iwifSw ....- - ; Ask any man who has run oos of these Wagons and be wIU eonSm these lUtemoots. ' ' mm-4- Ljl.Jt i i, Jii.-- . 1. !.:. : ' r. 1 -- t - ' i - ' business men, as It ". Zh ' Lrtst. i J host r ! mi r - I j t t-- - . ri . 1 . . : f w I f. Aw t M ' 1 'V 1 I . TTa alsa Lumber In Utah. York, Boston cities In the Hew And aQ prlnolpal There havs been XS'jt. ?uan of any e.cr mami?octure during the past season.' Ileal Ectate Agents. ; f J r ijae Cquarci Aiti aeelna -- 11 p And wa point with pride to the fact that no mka la TUh. c&n say tha eitberof firms baa Hot done Thins an their Worrantv.iit General Commladon, Auction and X I Si'.--. :: CAnTcnCt-cun- rp on land the Best Ajaortmen kJt Wsrrak ttookand Bar Wood tly ir.. diii eJS ' v Peinisyl7ania Central R. R. , L ' ' - ! COLURS uti-m-- Eagrle Em perl am, FINDINGS AND "ITI7 OP' ALL KINDS Horco Collars at t (Kb'I Ticket t m mm. : i r. . ( DMlllT. LllClllilt SEUII1G ., ! ita L. i ABBrVS.' : -- and See our Maoluxics Cromo QT Skins, Prices, ue:le:ale aid hetah . Mu--- M. I otlice t r ....0.30 p.m. i , i R. ! fT K . CG38E:. GGLLflOS 4.. , , u; ..i.g.nn a.m. Daily EipreaSi-- " el:ht, ,iy i 1 i "saver, John ' -- A . , AJIERICABT CALF 8KIXS, ' Mmrrmet and Kid SL1nm , ttT'ATX?,Gi TT il - SALT LAKS CITf. t SIllGtn - , ;.,,-- , i. a . itU New-almo- IrOTTcst -- " . AU. At i . ...w, 1 We extend a:uordlal invitation to ! '. - ' .. . 1, i i Tlc-ket- 'f .0 . rnx.i"eri'JiE offick. 1 Hade asfood aa ; j THH1SDAYS . - ( - S. I I ..' --- - , , Tinouoir Provo, Bpringville, Spanish Fork, Paj-w.val raic i;reea, cnioaeii creel. iuiid Miuley, Fillmore, Corn Creek, llcaver, i- raville, aud 1 All the principal TOWNS , and MININQ CAMPS In Southern j Utah ' and ' Also leave Corinne, TJtah, daily, rtinmiiar . ', rl :.f K,.HS irt ' ..:. I ...19.30u.ni. ' :' ' ,j ' DatlyRrproae,. ....... ... -.- 610 p.m. ....2. 35p.m. Mixed, jnaaLE.sETTEEs. .....6.10a. in. Freight, Du!!y connoctlonn node at 0r1en wlih B0ITABLE FOK: ALL KIND3 OF 8HUTTLB SEWINO MACHINES. ITtah Central Pacule road from Halt Lake - .1 . A larfe and choice assortment of the City and all points In Southern Utah. as each one Is Wa Bell to give Entire Satisfaction, A liryan with. stages , for Sweetwater Guarantee Every' Machine Ih. above, our own make and imported at the .1 tW. . We I w.i . L IJ A U.b.l.nnlnd K ... ....1 . I .. . I . mines. i, most roai' inblo prloe. 5 i z - ' . At Cherenne With Drmrer P.r.lfl n.,1 tr, sow with ease all kinds of goods, from the ooarsost to the finest.- - --lt Denver, Osotral City, Georgetown aial all ioColorado and MeW Mexico. ' Laoe, Muslin, Cambrle, Domestic, Denims, Tickings, Ducking, points WB HIKE T OBPEa, .'. At Omaha with ahiotin ani itfnKmt. . ; Buckskin and Leather. . ; '. Beaver, ChiotMto. Hook bland and . . . ern, o f ' r f . - , j and Mo. Blver, Kjuwaa Partner, Any Style and Quality Desired, r t3T' Instruction given Free City, fit. Joe ' t isT . sale to and Council llluff raitooadH, and of Charge by ttoaapeto HttewlanUi ami t MlaHourl : Itiver of line all steamers circumstances. suit tor, all points Kant slnsFAcnox. ft, inii Bira rxiuiu. for sale to all nnlnts Kut at rJttnm OTHER SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED ON REA of Wells, Fargo Co., Temple t, t( J T UST IN RECEIPT OF OUH.ItATE AND.. Daily, running ... j tl further notice ftralna will leave UNTTti arrl-at Ogdenr daily as follow 'V h , Private and Public Sales made j wn'M SOLE IiEATIIEB; Punctuality and Dispatch. .r . UPPER 'LEATHER, HARNESS LEATHER . . . . , ,r ..... .-- WK AhE City South 5 utf It attracts TcTal attratkm and admiration. - i v.-- ' ! Mum tfl,im Sexc Smbr oidery ilttacliment r Ne- st vada and Montana, Salt Lake We courteously invite the Ladies to see our K South-ea- J Virginia Ciy, Helena, FOrt Benton, Brtt Lodgey Cedar Creek Mitwa, and ixuuiliiir throtiffh all the princlial TOWNS atnl aiauiu UAim ia Aioutana. f 4 HOOTS, -. ." " ' . , OLD CC3TS AND SHOES 5 UMkJ i f m. inv. tbHr aekection. We also desire you to see our ' Slippers. For Fine Weather, or Stormy t TTJOKEES, COEDEELS, &UFFLEKS,'-.'V!Weather, for Walking,'' Dancing, BDTDS; QXTLLTCES, HXQXME&S, " Working, SparJttng, Climbing ; TKLMSCELELa, PLEATESS, siLiJi-iUPP- i, ; Riding, Fishing, Mining, j ZTOiSr .. Utah, ' THROUGH SONABLE TERMS. AUCTION SALES mm, " ' " : " j. ' Our Sales in Utah exceed any other Home in the iutr JTIachint Hue this tide of Chleafo. ; L.. mm :,vn fit TTOBTY. ; r j ' t -- Ivfohey to Loan rntA uirad or ' MAMtMrjrtweuBlHMi -- I ' J p South-oaftNtra-- la. tn MaH biIWm hli.utaITIm made Onminttton firrnloliMl i . 1. m I mmmm...j....... ., . 1 i . i .Bk SBSES5a Children V? . f , 3S T. 1 I 22a ... T j h (oat wlnnlnf supreme' favor In the household.1 H . The Chloaam fiESTy HJPEEEV LADIES' SLlPPEaS, x i: - sold over the other .The.Slnarer Companies, .. .. ... , ........ . f Company .... do.- . 1 Br .. ? u1 . Ag-t'nt- c MILLION. ' .iftml-:- f th ,t.. - , The : -- A 1 - And we invite an early inspection r . i FAJBSINO OF . F - t (I . Se- Tlntlc, American Fork. ; Mount Neho, Kevler, St. UeoriTB, .Ctah aud l'kx bo, . '(.-- J i IK TBS . .'. - ht.t. . I -- . V V. ITI01 tOXU IllII I.lJLTk .. 1 ; ' The total tales of the Binjrer Sewlajr Machine are now ; ' Children's on otnl . Summit. op Tim Ocntm Blaoes . , DEPARTMEifr,1 CHILDREN'S The c Pippejfy y Adyerlise; t DULLET1N JflV-'- ,: I : 1 - GENTS BOOTS, "WJt WIXX TO IN r - I. -- r t"lSfWblt p.--- t NEW AXD anly to QEN. SUPFJirNTKSDKN Leavma-- 'Io- Wi -- ' ; . ? ls' ir inta.tlil,3ndtert "i - - Z. O. 117 Jt -t har been obliod to atova isto Uw I von ! t iriJ- . , MJtiKt sri.mr. ond Tlckot Gon. . IN PLAIN, IJEAUTrFDX AND ELABCHLATB STYLES OF WORKMANSHIP, AND " GUKATLY IMFBOVED, WITH TUB ' .. . i JO") !';f ; j j d4n AIA !Ti MArt Varkty or Dewing ivxacnineSa a Bapld Sale. LADIES1 BOOTS, iT--W-. Ever Brought in 12 Pu88enK"fts will pteaao purchanc thir tk-kct at thoofflcos. Flfty vents Qtltlltloiiul wl be charyed when the fare U i.i:t:lod on tH the f Pubrio to call and see our Excellent poctful6ritM4t "yy please joall 'and have their, property ; . - UsEd 8ION AJTD - at e ri u 3 53-- 1 i m. 1:539 p y s fj- 99, East Templet Street, 4 jlUf rj,j1 i',;.j . .M p m. , and Otrden e.ao S ai Citgr. aa Otrden Ultra and PiFreight, train, leave Rait aiLLUR&S&LISBURY'S 1 Oil ' TO BE i DISPOSED OF AT 3raiv5..-f-"- and .j muuu . it SUU Coramaudlng- .?. txHrtmni t thb dpaiTmea IicrfeBir ' tho Itajklly fIX) Aoeqinaoat usaavai 33taco9Xadt'. ta uu.l at Leaviua Salt Lake dU-l- y SHOEtFACTORY -- - TRAINS JOHN SHARP,, - MOLEStoRY GOODafflTIFT . , WILL RUN HAIL Y, ' stsfe.. j IS72,i 'V. In addition to the above, or passaira entered' ' r-- Xivlh 'For 'all Information, ciicerntiM' ' IB Xj IE m3,s j' F.QBBALE WUI , ? f sn-i- i vi wrtaii. '1 Leave Salt Lake City at fc0 a m and 3.45pm Arrive at Cedea at 7.J0 a tm and 5.45 p ni, Leave Osden at 0.4n a m oiid O.TO n m. ' i Arrive at Salt Lake City at 10.10 am ond r sR'3ci6:rjwfeiiiFis CARPETC. .;) i..'it OILCLOTHC FLOOR 'v'V gene-VafTv- ar ; TRAINS FrelB-h- . f 5 OS i Scarfs of JLine DAILY - , People fWm i Oi and after May - OFFICE. NEWSDESERET ' ..-o . i ii :. AT ..THE . AjrtMit. GENERAL BTJPERINTRNDKN1 Pioneer a . Before Purchaainf Elsewhere. A. very large assortment of &ABX23S and OZnTTXuDSaCXSZT'S ' TXLtTXrss of oar own XkXaanfaotaro, beantifully got vp. V , je t. EAGLE HOUSE, , ; . i , w u, anl 4kav sense enough to Tiractlce It." f President v Young, JCcporter. '. ir Tk-ht--t UTAH CENTRAL PAKE? 33 ...... . FOB General Freurht and . - x lalueod'm.to make Extensive alterations' so that this class' of M3oodsai$ now be seen to much Itetter advantage than formerly. A:. , "j JOHN SHARP, iat mx TJav 1 ti .! . Clean Cotton Rags & Gunny Sacks, 1 i. HOUSES, "' JJI.TIES SHAM, TEASDEL & CO LPAPER&MCDMfc ; ; f J ... Ladle will do well by calllns 00 j i .. . !' I and t s. Mozambique Sh'awts, Lucca Wraps. LHli s ! charred when the Fare .la collected on t I Train, '..'i For all Information concernlm Fre ' or apply to j . d Sashes Ottfman it' Made to order on the.aliorteat .iiaiicev?': i?.X4h . only-assume- ' -- IN LAB9E VAItlETIES. 4 ' i . js. RlOOlUII MILITABY SUITS !. L- - i FANCY fiOODS HOTELH, ! 'Patrom ean select front the ChoJcesFSlock InMtaX, NEiVI .WELL CASH ,i 4 , ; . r BSercliant Tauqiiis a orl .V It 1 : ; 1 ii ; 1 j N'ic-ho- f cA, ' Ottoman i Dim, Supt. . Btine' IJCASI AND . 5 Silk Ties, .srf r with a view to Mipuly.U fjienwlimenfe of d t;il . 1 . ; Tjc-p- , daa H. B. CLAWSON, j ..';. Bundaya Tagi Hamburg Edgings Jk Insertions, ALace Capes and Undersleeves, . Love'and Blaek Lace. Veils J . , . GOODS ARE CHEAP. ALL OUR LACE P E LLERINCS, 1 ' t , . u SUick Of . .... . TRAINS J run Daily, Will Dealers tn the Settlements and Mining Towns will find it to tlteir i interest to call and enquire prices before purchasing.' hercafteroarry 00 the wlK WIU In addition to the above; WIIXED : in " - r7" AW Commission American Scotch, and i'illH"' French. English. German. ' Soitings, vestings, Cassimeres, slc , .' O E3 353 auorted liave ever o.Terod, consisting of the finest qualities' of V : moat eztomiTO aud boat are otwiiiug tbj We ly Real Estate, Auction pnd General ' " " .SHIRTS j.. ,i .". Imitation Applique. Collars, ll A ':J '. : LEAV1XO TJIF. . i UTAH CENTRAL R. R, Salt Lake City at 1 p m, and J j ' ' SQT We do not throit "oiU any Baits by Advertisingla few Leading , j , Lehl, at 6 a m. " ' ' .. PaMencera will please purchase tlcAeta at Articles, at Low Prices. the Omoe. tiny Centa additioha. wl U ', . .1 I .;. : , - i i- i i -- CROCKERY. ...Ju--,.-i....... ,. j ULAS8WARC, ESTATE, AUCTION WheraruWr Salt Lake City at 7 am and 2.30 p Arrive at Lehl at 9 a m and 4.30p tn Leave Lehl at S.30 a m and S p in Arrive at S L City at 11.30 a m and ' ' 1 i . M-AOTf- p, c 1 , T-- v HTcclc- - Collars, i'm-iiden-t : f f KfeW AND VASKION A BLB . corMission house; Umlillaas Ntuda, y Lafie JViptmed , Jlarbas G ents' Fu r n ishi hg Goods, NlalvC ; Utah Central B. R. Depot f 1 avaovavzo -- . alrH, Nearfk, ', Z. ?! 0, IS72,' DAILY TRAINS WILL LEAVE' THE A PLOWS, i. ; .1" :jcnocEitiw a iu and after Dec. On TINWARE MINERS' SUPPLIES. j.n i CJIoves, WHOL.ESAL;E and FOR THE LADIES! ' attnrk to our Stoclt'of? calf tpeoial We ' i .'Pi' u , - i ... L. BURKS. TRAVEL. f 1 . . , . ' " Now beiiiff Bccelved - rrrat Tarletr. In Xf - Uuderclotlifug, Hosiery, to agitate the country at pre--. Orfiird, Oeorjre Lakff, Oiielda co., Idbho I'"'. ,, ; ourcuft, Wui. rratt, sent. ' Young replied that for rnuuim, jj i. maun, the greater part of his life he had rretnnia, j llaucrbHtf CacIv cd, UMjih. BaliuuSiuitb. I seen and had experience- - with ibe ClariKtuOk . i. i. , j VV. C. Lewfa, ' Indians, and that when b aetUed in Utah iu '47, with only one hun- Iwlston, Kicbmiiiid, M. W. Morrill, . t t. dred and forty souls, the country Win. Ilydo, Hyde Park, forvthousands of. miles around was Loran, W. II Prewtoii, i , iniiwted by hostile Indians; but by rrovKieace, M. ij. Haiumo!!, MlUville,0. a Pitkin, iionomble treatment and tne . Hyrom, t N. UUouqulst dishonesty and friend-ishl- Paradise, Pavid Jamus, f f " p had actjuircd their W5ltovilJc, Wni. Mauebaa, Mendon, Henry Hugrnes, '! ' ,, . j and kept It. h The Indian nature, he said, was Wif. B. PMESfON i lighting Iformeit by traditions and teachings. 'JSimop over yUM Juregotng Ju-- t im we, the whites, :have tKjen etahleen Wards. .educated and reared to our mode of Ma1ad Otv,t)afclel TtanleUjOueVla eo., Idaho VJivinr, our beliefs and praptices, so BiUIUlrUl, CMUUUClYT llUUIUM,) had the I ndian been reared" in his DAX1EL DAJVIELS, l'retiding prcvieat chilli lie I of life, thought and jjiMop over tne two taut named fiction, and it had been his experi ence tnac wnen an intelligent Jdea Portage, O. C. HnskltHi Box Ehlorco., Utah Ks. of the ,, between the"; life uvwcvniH, Thoinoa urvfvy, Fort, j, )t and manners of the two' races was Calls Bear River City, WnW Neeiey, i ,, . ,, presented to the Indians? they in Maotua, H. P. JcitM-n- , variably listened attentively and A.Briyham City. Alvin JVJCnOLSMl'retidinff JJiKltop wished to become a their white over the tlx lout penned Ward. brothers were. That the (Indian from education had been- taught to Wiilard City, O. W. VTanL. wbber cotrrrr. cTAK. regard the whites t as their worst S, HEfJllCJCl frtHtaUw f 7f. enemy, treacherous, , deceitful and t f, iHsnoneHi, and tnatiwnen once con i 0(dait,lijL Bcrrick..' v vlncedof the fallacy of their belief, J. i Nurtb OBdea, Menrjilrtln W. Shurtiiff. PlaluCityyl by honorable; and kind treatment Mound Fart, David Moore. K. lhiirj. at the liana or the whites, and r Lyune, Robert establishment pfj ftiendshipj they Slaterville, Tbonias ltivhardson. ' David itawuu Harrisvlllo, .1 abandoned their malignant pur- - Marriat, S. P. IfalvorHlon. . iv ' . IKjsesi became fricinds, kept the Wert Wcher, John I. Haru Boat Weber, A. Hpaukllujr. oonci sacreuiy until the rapacious Cook. South Weber, John practices or ineirwruteaaiesproyed ganford Blufhadi.3 ,ZAJ ilnnfcrnin mil tliirfiitenl tliintr r j ' JUverDate, Kilon, Hichard liallantyue. ' HuatsviHe, i A. tauiuoniL rightSjfwhen they 'were forced j to V break their compaetl iuelf defense. HoopervilJo, Gilbert llelilap.. m r J That, had. the ; vw ia been gofemment .KaysviOn, Zayl4ii. Chrlstopber InIn careful the reelection of , jtiore Jobu W. IletM. dian agents, and instead of appoint- ' i.; 'Farmuig-tonCoutrevUle, Will. it. Smith. ' John Stoker. Bountiful, ing unprincipled favorites, political J JKJBOjLK iCOCKTT. demagogues, men who accepted the ' Mountain Green, fill Spauldln. appointment for the1 perquisite and c .WeoaCitjr, 0. S. Petoraoa' entered UDOu.their .duties with the JfcUiOwpriac, JUaveik M Intention of accumttlatlne a fortune ETERS02f ii Presiding i)v tho most unacruoulous and dis Vr8. i , Bishop overtthe three last honest means and, nefarious practices, there aver wowld hava beeii L Stilton, L. P. Christianseu. any trouble with: thai red men. But i, Llttletou, W. Q. Smith. , these practices hat been j carrjed . Jtlchvillc, Juhu Seaman. ' the-Porter." bv. Alma at. PorterTiile, on,, and winked governMortran City, Richard Fry. meut, ever since ' there lias been Uouiwl VaUey, Ha mh l Cjtrtt't-. t. ny connection! lfotw,eeh tlie two W. G. SMITH is Bishop Presiding i nices, ana u is whether over fne six case nameu frlendshlD canquwtlonubie ever be eat&bliHhed I cWla,phrafpt SvrauL place., ' ' ' Ifetween the two ricesA.and ta V.-'stfMMrrcctaiT.' r ".: may ensut CbM. JUehena, r - v. Henaeferville, toT the ;nlailve positions Owing Kvbo, Blias AHiHr. occupied by the whites' and the led Ooalvilie, T rV.di.' 14 r r was the Uniouvliie,' Atonzo Wtatcrg. 'ti'.i men, It of the, former to retrieve the duty W. CliUff? preside latter from their over miserable condition and exalt them Morgan vouttcy tna the above to the standard of intelligence ;of Summit' Co. four Uard tho Whites.' True, this has been , 0. 8nyiler. Wanshlp. C.rViwia ' the cry7: and continued expression ffryaiit. KodtpoH, of the gevernmentj but it has been 1 Horeu.3tM K. Leiuoiu , only a deception.; Strang that the " - i iMi jrvaau4i7f ..... parley' Park, K,hraira Snyder. , , jcoplert tho country should so long U hoilwinked Into the belief that SAMUMfaF. jATWOQDf fresid-- . the .agents' were- - making their i iu(f iliahop oua tLe above .x from the Indian, money by stealing whon In reality 1 1 was the Treasury, cf wASAicitComrrr. tho very pockets of the people, that 11? ttJLT JIATCJT, Presiding were being filched by these men's ... i .4 ; J:. An.idity. Hebor City, ADrahani Hatch. JMlxrlcr KPre$ident Ybiihg, is . Wklwar -AtexunderHenry Watkiiw. thei not a dangor to your .people ! Chariloii,John r Waluburgh, Wot. K. fiutUO. i VV who are about to establish them- - . elves In Arizona? May not the oocjrrr. S. Xm City, Jos. Warbortaw v fet wild in this which - jm Ward, Indians, frenzy ,, jaroea iacu. wem to be spreading over the ' & West, reach that locality, and prove .,4th Tbomaa Jeuklna. i fith&tttb, W.U. Hiokeoiuoperw -.t disastrous to your' project?"" f , a ita,.. wm. J.iri4.; , , , lirigham Indians, 8th , Wootk-v... the Apaches,YounjS'Ttya A. & and othtr tribes In th P roc toe , Jolui that locality, sent word to come, ' . iota Alt-- . . fik Mth MiJljia. J ' siwu iuc nirei saiu iwieii xtrignam 12th-; "L. W.Hardy. yt that we want rtliem to give us ? 14th.. Thomas Tnvkir. nothing, but that if he has work - to do, we will work for hira and ; earn what we can.' wava - J ' 'li. These Indians 18th...' f L. IX Youuir. have long been acquainted with us, . 19th n A. it Raleigh.... - N- f. 'and we have spared no effort to zuta ' ft, jouu oiiari). i " ivllize (sugar House Ward, W. C. A. 8uxuv.! them, and in a great mea-sure we have been suoceasfuL Forj vngbtam, A. ri. icaieiirii. liitr Oottoavroud, Uuvkl Urintoik It Nome years past these Indians have All ICrwk. Iteubeu Miller. , maintained themselves, have adopt- South OoUODWood, J. & Uawllu.- West Jordan, Archibald UardiHr. ed mrrlfMilf iiml Tmrsiiltjj ml an mm South- Wiih'W Craek, I M. titewttrt. and other grain, vegetables, grow room. cocirrr. sheep, and are la a state far In ad- JOJM vance of Indians in general .They JlOWJJfJtJlY, Presiding will remain our friends as Ions as ,we prove true to them and violate . run agnywi jiosea uraiL t v f none of the principle of honor and .GritvttT-U-Clark, we nave x iionesiywnicn St. Johns, O. W. BurrtdKl-- i. . "and lead them to believeincuK3aiea, Jortlau. Jami CentrerUle, in a hlsh decree. The innate sense vernoo. My rum juennhm. Bdwin Tad look. , , , Deep Creek, of honor iu the Indian is of "the BkullVaUey.B. f, jCaowrtoo.iC0?j hizhest order, and it onlv reaulres to come in contact with Its like n ' others to be' .brought out and faiUi- - A O. SHOOT, Presiding Jlinho ruiiy practioeu, bus the moment it First Ward. 1. P. tL. JnhiMon. see that a delusion, and proves Pecoud Wtid, A. H. Soott, . V Jl it Ls only an assumptiontheyand does 7t .TlilnJ Ward, VVnu Tanuer, FoiU U, TVnrth Ward,Hyram not in reality exist ire the whites; . David Kvaiis. iehl, then they are angered and become CXdar 'ort, IL K. Cook. Jfoha Carson. assert wild nature Fairoekit revengeful, their itself, and the fear of further treaFZ) EVANS, Presiding liiihoj: over the three list named places chery drives thetn to rashness,' TheModocs cannot be excused ? ' but OicUr action Ls, at tended by paV lptoe,lVJ.MLdujloiurh. 1 ciroimstances-i-the- yi haver LEslSfARRlXQTOK, Presiding' Hating fotreat-t- xl ..- oo'longj time been"andre-duceBistop over the two last named- t with d contumely, robbed places. to starvation by those who John Drown. ' P'aaant Grove. ' Proyo, A.ft Smoot. m, professed friendship and goodwill, Brriirvllle, Wni. Brlnyhurst. , which, when once proved .false, Bpanitth Fork, A. K. Thnrber. for mercenary pur. fUoin,4lo FraidtowB, BoU. B. Davla. I'ayson, J. S. Tanner. pose, their faith was destroyed, and t IT.Ilorlav. . RMrifun,tln. I mey aia iusc wnat tney anticipated was being endeavored to he S. is presiding Bishop practiced on them by tbe Commis- J.overTANNER the four tost named. places. r sioners themselves. They, the Mo- Ooshra, Wm. Frtoe. .m o: i . ' uucs, nnamg mo wnites raise for so JUAB OOCXTTo.f-t- l 'f, I long a time, reasoned in their dark- JOELGIfOVEE,PrtiUng Bishop ened and illogical way that; ;the "" . MooaEdwaTTrajf. hitesintendedto destroy them.and Nephi, n'io Walt Creek, Joel Orover. made-u. levao, imez.Zayto p their minds consequently w. iigm ana iie nae men. It n Fountain Oreen, R. 1. Johason., too late and useless, Hiay we .,'" Moronf.aW. lirwlk-yshould use every endeavor toyet make ' Kuirview, A Bum Tucker. ' S. vith them." Their portion 1$ W. ttount Pleasant, eley." , T , htronz, and Itwlll rnst th f Jrrr.m- Kprinir Cits, FrederkikOitwa, V.iihrftlm. k &mit PutKnwn. 1Meu' thousands of lives to accom- MotBtt. ,i. iUnti, A. J. plMh theic destruction, while their J- - P. tiorn. uunntaon, r notion and heroic conduct may ex-- ; ite the of other tribes and a generalpaIons arf ensue, which must J". 4. YOUNG Presiding, ; Faliim, Peter liaamuason. necessarily, a, iu the past, prove j ttis. , V-- r" ; GtonwooO, Heiemaa Pratt. dsa9trouft to the country. , The Klchneld, Nelson Hiarrlns actuic. est, from the Missouri River to .Monroe, Moaem Gftfqrd. . . . . 4 t he Pacific t3oat, is in such .Aiinabt-V'acon-uitlo- n Sprtaw,fc4rar4 Itobertaji, Joseph, Iver Iaoacaob. that an Indian war would . ; ' retard settlement and couutuirca, f muAiD ooowrr. ' THOMAS . CALLISTEI2, Prestd- destroy capital and set the country back twenty years, and.thia tone xng Bishop. Daniel TbomMoa. would be a great disaster, '.. 11 and prove ar Bprings, alias Uoiden, David tl utter foolishness of bringing fildnkan. on an Indian, war. It Is a sad Elmore, Xhotns CallMetv ' , ' " picture Meadow Cre lc,W. IL and 1 Uncerely talJFTkT1 Oak Creek, P. Dt, Lrtnaa. ... .J fcaoobh, Uuibert Klu. yet be .obtained. AVe , an In the I would ratW work to JOHNl.iMUP.JGClKc PrcJbig itrport i i I icapectfully liulted to the followlu: A "a6ove Wards. 7 e Iff Goods! . t '? " ly asking 'resident Young hlsopiu-- . loa of theIndian irabrogllo which i Froin. the: moat celebrated makers. M (lured, the exposure autf privations lie haoisutferca. one would uo wu w hiiit tlourepid and anile. , Kaudolith fittwarti lHljve We were, received courteousry, Htuuhivh, Wnudruif. Heitry Lte. troy, Hatuiiel Pike, ; WyoiuliiTerrllorj-and seated, 'wlien your correspondnt oienel the suhect of his visit truiunoii, win. u. uurrou, r - .Beaver nCt7 E!elt JSCats, T '? ,, St. Charles, John A. Hunt, XaAtc atkwi Jthica, Ira Nebcker. alid r i i;- I 1873. as the Popular Styles of Also -- iKray, nor lils face wrinkled - NOTICE! u fit r. f 1 and Stylt. ro I' 1 First: in the Market! FKBD CABTRK la aH the Kewrt. Fitbric 1 1 tw riEri'S,;YOUXHS'&BOYS'!Ci:OTHIHG, ;,!?!! ewre It I lyk'JiiilliiiVyyJii A-Eir- t. f.u 1 -- ll fifk-A-TTEMTIO- or Sfii -- i I 4 - "ioir. 'J n& ". -- -- x3- S I Ir I ' I 1 1 i, NEW ARRIVALS OP m . :o:- M J - r- trns and r ' "y" -- .i , ue ' wtt, at the Cn- auu v" -- 'v . |