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Show j..tf- y coostltntlonal 'probild-tlons- . the prtacUng f thegoepel to the pation aluoo cl nauona a,ry,And tbis Is t Lrt t. The preent Tenitorial suffci tne e&rtn in tnese last the elttectssbJpof SsJtherq Been tiaoe the Lays, the of old England rage law of Utah is as fellows: r He seagirt has tc!:.-ate- d the Saints and the tam Sas Fracix, V He H vaOtd bv Ct Governor EJ.Le&'mtaKte Elders of Israel when other coun- emH JLeeemttt r 0 the Ter-n-t & tries have discountenanced and ex k Ophlri W T ToeMeeft yef V. ATnatefery asitwen-eepe''tnem-.ha vf' ed years, A. com one 'who sKwt , next m .d- though vpezt hla la tia Tenktory six l 3B; a"42. I S) or . meni vetlar. txm tana suu leeia nimseif ". a uuvt vf no maL M . .M . Tooele Co. St. Jojnfa, it U a PiuokOs. V who la the wife, wltow or the dairbtrroi STB Point, Bt: February I J, 1873. t, W1'.'!1 ,' '. THE EVENING NEWS. CJEORGK l- t. W"Art rc 'i''f't - CJL1TSQS, f tT. . Mares) mTiuty in vy, that jzamr uetcrti jcu:k Dear sir I am happy to inform ana ids puuiic tnrougn your you kew ia Ti columns mai me raaupox naa left ; to sell, and made juom.U slmpl thb place. Tho diaM bail on ft e ccxax.ro TBS BSAXKST STSWS,1 FKR rpurpow it run m iu? what pciucmest jueis)TKu tor en- was known It was.' reputation to aoquire palaM SISFATCIIC3. and publish- Juvlg9 and the eelertmen of theterprise la procuring" W 1 aenaa-- a county, neanngoraoi-eaerpreadof r new-ion in tne niace, Kent v. tu tkxid. ing n fJ . A. . - .el Purthor. ing wbftb it was. mrf , Iw hi. JX. to tion returned and pronouTTCod It to tm KasisxtLtnXb Biiat.'yea, ai than It fl-nirpi- w xTterews sJ 0 Jt ff ecn terday, a resolution was reported by shrewd habit ef setting It sails to smallpox. ue committee on education, allow. aown cae with it then.' He wa it what the prevalilnlrwlnl, r Ing the Agassi , Museum at Camsent to to baet attend and theMck, oonsl.ler to be sueh, It lias no spe- If povibJe to stop the spread of the bridge sso.uxx ; Itsxldiai and tit a win An. cial reputation. For reliability it in malady, which he accoinplianed to JohnScotch diew, thesatisfaction of emigrantwho arrived Wist' It iays thoAe that were afflicted all, especially m toe steamer deckled lj- Interior Juaua with the auv orr "way hav heen . 'There havo been, thirty under the name of Bcott. yesterday, disease. n WWI' as the caset down with it here, and. o' arrested on a cable dispatch from a ':lle1y Edinburgh, charging them with thoeMX death, which happened serious iWvn, and therefore f tho aspub-an before ; frauds. Mr. Dodd two arrived, it except regard lic - his roro mill The of the American Powder were too which far for hahle, gone !kbV, 'bright, lively; j audacious, asHixtance. Five of the six fatal Co., at Acton, blew up yesterday, were two, workmen, one named everybody .not whlchj caes hort,v vaccinated and killing "newsy" Wentworth. and ' iniurinir thro relieve in just as; Cur as be may, the sixth was an ' od gentleman others. , years old. i wlilrh odo, rwtjvps as gos-p- tl alout seventy POBTUtXO. llc-- A Mihnm ease the last that happenSeeing IU upon any subject, tause of' foled In my family, I thought It would dUeaae has appeared. It affects , In cliaractor. mem so weak tegs, not be amiss to inform you of the tueir untrustworthy making as it proved In that it Is difficult for the animals lowing what it dwnW !thr public good of vaccination, .While was to stanch JSo fatal cases. the some family. my malady sometime very drift, it sy4 amtf York. Thu utMt thum I vaccinated two chilour of racing itfcrrepon(i-vruVauthe murder, of Ooodilf h lm good thing,- But. dren which did. well, and-- - on tbe about r.f Interviews ninth day Hunday. I vacvinated that he was t murdered either iti'pyrti a woman or by parties - Instlga ihterrt 'can oir biby, fonr mouths old.' On the l,y and otter 'matter-fwas ted by a woman. It appears that iilv4Wi waft-lreceive! witli a following Tuesday ray w the deceased was Intimate with two tho with down and rrr malady, tikn of ; j!allowa"uv the bahr nureed off her mother women, one of whom- - he married. lAn?e'x-ckjrof thete two caused the deed. C'ar.foiiInt aad v' Interviews through the time. Htlll it did not One Two letters are in the hands of thw now--a trouble to sceux the fo JntrnrWnJl" Tfpers baby "except ' ' In- some two or three pimples that ofXiclala, one is addressed to the raadw tare up by frequently day or tne latner and de deceased, on out her broke which the veotica sMAkr In 4lngy back Doctor pronounced face, tn bo varioloid. mands reparation for the conduct of nis son. The otucr Is addressed to omc cr any hotter jronvenient Mycl and the other- - two children Goodrich himself, upbraiding him bo to Irresoeetive if any r proved thoroughly protected. ''LThLs Is the most hateful, of all ior us innaeury. s. WTlfA the if th imagination fxeent rumors ofi tne approacblnsr diseases thst can le imtortexl with the among era. IHueJwaa the cause erent uncertainty in back the plains strikesbranches Jferatd New of trade and indus Yoft the f report otopped'all euclt dWasea, but timefi manybut notbina; is known of a nm. try, "sperilal commissioner" bf a profess nave cnangea, tne iron borw )and Itivo nature, except that the Master ed interview with President Grant them rhrbt amount us. and I. for Carpenters Association has decided trust and some one, that hope upon irunvnl topic of Interest, Utah win oe lAKen to irtspecw ftteps eml- - that it will no longer be governed hour ruh?. Many em, included, and which w.i republish granta before they: are ' allow by the eight ployees have eo arranged their bus ed in the News a few days ago, if ed to le fccattered through iness as to guard against risks from wee may Judge by the following from all " our settlement,, which -- are st ilkos. iTho representative not with dls , ; many acquainted . York Ccmmer&al on the other hand disclaim the New 418-I eaee, .. Y. !. ' especJaliy contagious is intended. . It is strike that any w .iinnii. 1 1 A'hp iVra&fent autlmr- - eases. 1 expect It was one from the there is a evident, however, of same an company Ues a MM( denial of the Story of emigrants that want of unanimity!thatamong work-ingmtervtow with bun, publUhed to yesterday's started the malady in this place as on the subject. Kothing BtralU br a ipectal eomtp!looer. In other settlements that 1 ' have reliable will probably lie known un;i Wbo proftwiieJ to kv caad the PresUei.t road of in your columns. oflicers some til ta'te their action. . Yours,-to unboxota KIomoU open tfce pubct of The Manhattan Gas Light CompaK. J. AkTHTJR. PPMlnra, te. Tbe lkml-Cttbj8a ny apprehends no strike, although abafc th had of prWaWfe, coleilcnr from this date Its workmen's wages tiur haiMki wltk th imidgot, mud making a have been reduced. Another gas rvmarit upon Um wvataer, but ta courer' t . , ;!?ii:rFlFi D, England," . company, located Inj a down town , March 1st, 1873. Mtkw oa Um part or the PrwWeut did not however, think its does, distiict, " : : v reaeb;beyoal tbi. Upon thU basis the Editor Dc(rt i2C'.vs'. men will strike, .but it has ar' waa built, atir story of tb Utrview We have cot no Imiwi d Suuuc ranged to secure new men. with tfcb aJd of a UveJjr UDastiMttoo. t here, but we havo a coal famine. The officials of f the different and that Is a verv bad cotHnlalnt oteamshlp companies at thl port or truo ionz sensation, in the cold weaHterj.for.the pnly think the bill now pending in the ' fnlne well founded r laselew, suit renvedy'that fcome ixor peon Jo have legislature, Increasing, by one doltike Jltrall will be against it la to go to bed and cadea lar a head, the money collected the public to obtain from their blankets Tom emigrants, is against the in HiwUlned, Vat Vtth t be ommence-- i vor the waimth that their empty terejts of the city, The emigrants C t dlft-renwill era it meat of fail to In largo titl- are already taxed two dollars a grates dwindle awsr.. 7, es and placessupply. remote from the coal hea-d-. and the bill referred to will x' r f districts, there is some acute: suffer taue additional Injustice, j m I of this scarcity of A. wasmneton special says that ing on account " tlE JAWS OF HU. coal, and it la reported that chil- up to the piesent time only half of "i f IncklenU of an Infamous business dren are induced under the?e cir tne memben or Comrress nave to go ca errands and drawn their extra pay. The Inconcarried on by infamona persons on cumstances services a prom sistency exhibited W many repre little perform the Atlantic and Patlflc shores ise that they shall with have "a few sentatives is well illustrated in,, the are thus sketched br the A! la Cali- minutes by . their neighbors' fire." case of three-NeHampslilre mem i Some are endcavoilng to fitart ft bers. Hlbbard, Bel lard and Parker, J. j'ortftt of Marco movement to place a lurid oh coal. all Democrats, voted against the Uix-iior a tvi.Tbr and thus prevent raoM a the exportation Increase of the Salary, and tho exol of that article, but to this the coal tra five thousand uollarp,;nnd reprnclkwof kwplnjt hotisea oriii-fmimportlnK yenn womn troM the East owners and dealers are decided y turned to their homes amidst the Uni4a nil rii ffA nr.itan iu opposed, arguing that the pri o election contest involving the ques iiultc xWtlrt)If , and enjy ;occmlossUj tfti proauct, as wun . all others, tion or tneir own re .urn to tne 43 ru be determined by supply Congress, making considerable cap the poUc snceced la rovslng Km poor thould and demand, rieeing that the coal ital for themselves ny prolonging (dHjatt i she litnJ on lbs felds for the mot port belontr to their opposition to tho bill for the Incomla trjtm the oerbrad trhln. One ol who nobllitv and thoee who have crease of salary. As soon-itthe the kwyrrs of these dens' of tlee on 8e- - a voice In i'&rliament, and who are election was overj Hlbbard, who rsmentostf et exntrtrA twa vomn from mAtotlaliy beneutteo. ty tnese ex- was not returned to Congress, and tortionate 'prices, it is t 111 likoly Parker, who was, Immediately to follow tliat the rich will" have wrote and drew- - their 3?,1W extra .heir comforts and pleasures, but pay.' Mr. Bell: whofo election Is Bifrtnye MtiU Involved, doubt, has not ap he poor must pay for them wntseii changed her ralud 1 Rnto sra re; The Athanaian cieed is a, subject plied for his pay as yet." Not one ' mtiisM' tbotv. The othrr mrt lust tnaw nas oeen uixiuruing u.o ponti of the membeis of Congress fiom jts errniT)i( a the OjVKtvt heat by theaa-r.lt.element heie of late. Connecticut during the last session liMiAtaay. 'irhu hfr t'Ootiti-- Very many, among whom Is a bish has appneu for the extra. In her band, sent iu sdvanCn from New op ana other hlgn cnurcn algnita-rie- s, Another Washington special says are desirous of excludinir there- - that Attorney ueru W illiams ex York. A sha apprfhcdi the woman. ,'rom the coiidemnatory iottlons pects that Mr. lVrry, one of the which positively anlrm that "ex- counsel empfovedto, pxms- to Iseyoan wentss,ii- cept overy An4stefins;ap tlif 1 iailrood, will one do faith suit this a0t' keep wj 0f her wUeLhc ahe waf SMSB. Of whole and undoflled, wlthonsrtoubt anive here in a few days, when a thehusMheiraa eoinc; to atxltbolifr ho aiiaJl peiisfi everlastingly." , On consultation will-takplace between she woald lead. The wAnar replied that and attorney general In adlng ft, It appears such a' com the counsel plication of Incomprehensibles to relation to beginning the proceedout here as rhsmber maid jfor a privstr the ordinary mind, that when one ings. Mt ha not been, "decided yet ' fitmUjr. On belag lafonaed jihat she ws has got through he is really puzzled where the suit siiall be brought, nut a boat to be taken to a house of lit fame, to state whether he believes It or It will probably bo In either Jfew M she saUl she did not wsnt to fo there, sail not, and In many instances It is a York or Boston. Yomc The Inquest in the is understood New whether It question the la pUcedbcrsalf theehartjeof Captain. at all. In conclusion it states that Goodrich, murder t ease-- adjourned who braeht he to Chief Crewfcy,e eiBee, they who have done good shall go last niffbt without doing anything. an the chief after, bearia ter story, dl-- Into life everlasting, and those who This is part of the programme of roc tad Uiat she be taken to some rexpert' have done evil, lntoeverlasdng fire; tne autnones, to Keep tne facts which except a man believe faith from the police as much as possible, shlo botel foe the night. j fully he cannot be saved.!' 'Thus but from all that can ,bc learned you perceive this Is a very warm there seems now no. doubt ' that for those who disbelieve In Goodrich was murdered by his dis ltos'r Liku IT.Tho Denver subject to in It and we can fee carded mistress. It seems that he, contemplate, iarmcDi and tne saie iVViMswtCthat tli on tne part or the four years ago, seduced a young wopolicy for if those tenets In the man of respectable connections objectors, She tirv ntm-l- mil of liiimnr wit J th ereed be true they are certainly lost, under a promise of marriage. - seeing they do not believe in them; I tore him a, child, and the Ucuon octluu of the U. P. and IX l tney do sirticK out they had been continued up to the time ivwtdt Iu reducing the; freight on ana snouia have no doubt some eeliou reflec of his death. Many persons have w heat, let ween Ogden a ud Deuyer; tions as to whether they are or will seen i her entering and leaving the ihnt Hntlftvcently tho freight on a be saved then. 2s ow, seeing that houson In Degraw .street, and part of their faith sitting on 4 the; stoop beside of wheat, irtwen the this creed became eurj not Divine command, him 4u the' summer, Goodrich if by royal poinU mentioned, wm $200; and ny legislative enactment if not by has jxeccntly been , paying his that it b now $75, thereby enabling supremeauthority.it really, would addresses to a young; in this city, and they were entltn holders of wheat In Utah' to teem in accordance with the liberal flood '.the ' Colorado maaets at less spirit of the times, In making gaged to tie married. Naturally he religion easy and accommodat endeavored to rid himself of the present ruling ing, fljfure tlutn t!e for the same power that other young .woman, but he made . . ' made that belief so tfndine upon the attempt probably' without inprices. . the followers of the Church of Eng forming her of his faithlessness. . i land, to exclude It and kindly re She discovered it, however; and L'scbpatiox. Tk following, diag lieve so many thousands of their charged Mm with it. and It Is from such burn that he denied it, and to satisnottlcs of usurpation, as presented fellow country-me- n future. For fy her he went through a mock in the probabilities ing reto wero run alia hi tn. the It by she benotwithstanding tho present high marriage performance, but eeutly quoted in tin fienate of the price of coal and the scarcity of came aware of his deceit soon after, miett niaies ami are. wormy oi .uei, the prospect or such a close and violent quarrels ensued. At to madness, she shot consideration of proximity to and everlasting-continuancthe thoughtful length, goadedown! ... i his with him warm element in such it pistol when his cuuen , , that unbelievers are threatened back was turned, and twice In the As wt bd la the history ct all tnrptns; with, would be too great- - a change left aide of the head as he swung around, one In the right side and tovcraamits, ttsse ehsuumi aoocsaly Into to oe at ail axTeeanie. the forehead. He fell Parliament is still In sewslon, the once across ftjvtem, and Injury iato risrhts examples be--t custom ead eustosa rlpeaa tatto law, atxl papers state it Is a dull one. The on the hearth-ston- e. Tben,Tealizlng the ttoubtful prscedrau of one reovratkie members are azlta ted mostly in the what she had done, she washed lwone the faodameotal maxims of anoth question ar iMisslan aggression and the blood off his face, at ranged the the Iilsh University BUI. There body carefully, to give idea of suier.1 ,; am evidences at times that the cide, took his watch and money for j.l her present necessities and fled. 1 1 A JfOCLR AMEITIOX.j-T- hc AUa skin is yet very tender over that is that Goodrich was killed of the loth' politic that reluc part C.dirnla take this jview of the tantly 'conscnieu to the - Geneva oncertain Friday morning. A light Was I Jatc minliterLtl crist lnEnzUnd seen In the second story about awaid. The subject that engages the twelve o'clock on the previous .Thees has hee sa exaibttkm of statss- i : Woof attention mLrdooaries, - the night, and thej suspected amaJpluEttteud,a kwe at country aad most is ; theus, dissemination, the-- previ house was In man the of OHIre for st succtes aad prtypertty, which the principles, of , : the gespef, ous afternoon. That she has fled is vr ..1 pi .ii Li which appears to us to be o also certain, became, although the there may he who win att ritmite the decUn-ath- Huch she is and vital importance .and of which detectives know who f DisrseH aad his poutfcal sjI part) we can for ue been we have to her, she has know searching say it truly f rinods to roeetve the keys of edlee as suc- Yet the people of this nation not leen arretted. A mysterious " ceoe. to GlaAftVtne, to SmUUoo, not to such. the present time rejard it as of man, who is said to be an Importany his her motive, and will say that the at or no consequence ana treat ant witness, was captured in this uttie Coeserratire leaders decUued 'only beoaose thoee and its expoundeis city this morning, ana is now in they saw that they could not, succeed. , But with piinclples In the closet ' perfect iudlilerence. Anything custody In Brooklyn. we taluk dlXKeetly. DisrasJl mimoubtsdly a new room old of however a front that axrainst us, speaks thout-h- t ' had been It weukt be better; foe the counwhich was found,! shirt ' try; eudee exbtloir J etreumstsnote. accredited. A Mr. Ilaxdy GUlardy worn but little and never wann uias uudrteoe sboaUJ eoermue ;1 m recently exhibited to. the inhabit ed. ; On the collar band bloody oasithta that he sheuU assume tho ants of this place a panorama, show f nger marks were visible, and about Aad OUsdstoasv Kaeuh on which the via .m an Inch of the end been ing tse route irom coursej 'fie-gaaxlous for retiremeet, gateway to the isan sewn waa col lar button had AJl Francisco. rae( demaads mvto upn htm and his off at Ogden and took his audience torn oCT The other buttons hung f rVudi to eontUiue la oAco. Xeither or down to Bait Lake In the draw CI:y, to "how- merely by a thread. ose mea eaa desire efflw merety foe the lanre Brig- ers of the bureau were indications the them Tabernacle, hooor or the emoluments. Both lurreaeVt ham Younir's houses. of the room Tithing Office, of the recent occupancy cJaos kmc MMwa-- to aaUafa reasonable medical some some and as female, neat and the other by dwellings they ambttkm ia that Bae, and now they set an found in the wash stand tne hidden half apparatus by forth, peered saaapie which ear own loaders mlaht study beautiful trees, which go to confirm this belief. The inwith profit, of ahewtoc to he world bow oliage of the scene was best the by far to my eye quest was adjourned until Friday, he lose of eotmcry may be than that waa exhibited. 1 ft It that I owing to the absenco of mate. Lu greater toes of ease or love of ofllotw we should be I could not still while that view witnesses. ; batry to nt as favorable a,rTrverattioa was beforesit me without remarking Petrlottsm amoac cur owrrn. state smea as to was tryt:.".1 :m UU. Who and where are reat mea in mrfneighbors ra they Woinan Suffrage in Utai A Nar- tad that country, who prefer the fond of the oobatry to their had recove 1 f.cn tie t C'-f c eusmVtioaor - their own dc e foe easb? a 'Mormon's rrrer reC3, X ai marked "tbat U - Ett Irck r ach We consrratulate the friends of CuSra-- o that the "Utah to ' Woman t r!:r averywtckel . CiTircsmitr or SocTnEBxeoa. 1. whic i tl- - r Bill which t- - -- -1 the Eanats l"t w. i 1 The iVdJowlng from the Kew York toldtLsc.l l r r the concurrence tld not wek, fictions about the ef the House, and through the efjrerald U agreeable evidence of Such titt.:-- U ar c: ::ly re- forts cf cir f..-z- t3 has fii:?3 to an ora of Pogrs towards ': a'thca-- h we tave dis1 ceived, . .t ai "- -i, and greater roll Ileal equal- tributedarl Is fcivlr-- Informa- I by TLIsi Lnuil Ull, fr.-1 li. ity tuan Ima exUted for some time, tion of onr place of taeeti - 5 and f '.L'nn, tLecf C l.'sw far as tne South 1 oorweomed In the news' vrs. f ivT Jerey, a- - Jr . jvt flte it Jud't-'ryCr:'"-3- ,Jty was tliem an rportuniy of ltr i March 11 mm finis hi In tn ctnor etuo or tao quwt:tjn, "A bid in ai-- of t.H erecutin 0 ha aothariarS Tst iite verv few comprjtt.wiy rive the latr in V.e mUirg of Utah, be"L r we t: vy ant for ' it tru't elalaw ot uloaatkiu on purpart. L it 1: ot scrvV 'irf4 t ai r j-o- chp M -- TO-DAY- 'S caste e Jnn- is ' . -- r - mr ; i l,l . - - d. v - -- t f r l..,-o- i. n.l 1 ! fe , - T - work-Ingm- I - ; , en -- I en . .rf jjegi ft 1 f - . tt, : j j ' ' r- w , . i J lm s e, 1 1 ferry-boa- . t. s initn-it'tnn'-Jieef-- 1 ut ht-l- a h 'iJ e J , I -- ; . : i , - - - i , 1I t f lady-residin- g 4 ! r. ! 1 f : m up-stal- i 'J'-r-"v'';-- ' . -- 1 rV fr -- L-- Lt be-cor- good-roell- -- nx : ; -- - . r-"- tcr -- -- entii l.-a- i aout Tbe lutsrlor Urrart mnU m a lor Vm. w save expanse t tJainutaU, hi prrparna a lorsii, statins; that the lot rw mn-- ,ytt lers have f- -rx-l u. t"-7,- r.U t-- Jt n'' ia tl a r 1 - 1 cr c'rr . f' "' rito Vf L Vv..n i.liTr-rritv-- 3 the 7, it ' as-- t tit :r 1 1 1- -to iaro rx -- sd pr.;.:'ca r.s tr) i- 'ale " X70 imperial, aUa 90 Al)tta, Belcbrr, I3 Thf Frelinghuyten.bBl llaica; mi ArV ot MiC fnuw-hise- ' r S 10 .....AhMslls'ts , e Caledoula, "l S6 . forbid their presence on juries by ' declaring: - Sse 5 That enly msJs rltitens of the Uaued 4atea, over the see of twenty-on- e 1UU,S. ud . b dSltf v v i 3 lSTrfoAfcLE- I, No X-Aii- years, shall eomprtmU to seres as rmnd H . or petit Jarorsltt said Icrritory, Brutham To ns- March soncf Wav II. Folsom ... SSth, nXXM AST DAT, and Mlm DAUB Alt A - , j- -- qaaliaed to vote, r ..: j. j. Va.M..a a TXf liny woman should ;i hereafter endeavor to exercise her right of suffrage, here Is the penalty prescribed by Mr. Frellnghuyeen. a- - That if any psrsoa not quallfled JtoSee. vote shall vote, nr offer to vote, at any kactioo. or If any oaalioed voter shall east or offer to cast, at any election more than one vote for the same officer or otPosrs, he farwVlnav fwtllAii neVVtl 4 t- queue imitations of Them counterfeits are the univ ersal trib, worthkesaess pajs to merit. The ute which sterlins-- worth and popularity of theCharter Oak Stove la attested by this standard. dWM S9-- Ch tar est Ilovse ui Town for Ptcr framed or unf rawed, at Win-- - F. turce, (or ess) shall be deemed ruilty of mlode-meaaone door North ot Big" Boot, Rayboukfs, aud shall, upon couviouoa thereof In the district court of the proper district, The country people will do well to call ami be puidohed by a fine not exoeedlur five examine bis Stock. ' wfl 2 , . hocdred dollars, or by Imprison mmt fat the not exossillne one year, or by penltsotUiT both aueb fine and in the dis-vreuuu w ue euurs. titttwit. ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW thewords, "or she,' because the clause Is so framed as to be equally applicable to both sexes. r Not content with thus ' crushing I the political . risrhts of the women of Utah, with the strong arm of f tne reaerai uovernraent, eenator t rrobreungnuysen to proposes actually every married ' woman in the Territories of her person, nropertv Tuesday, and earnings.,-- . ; ,. pxtlied ti.Jiiir I : J Remember, ladies, that : "The common law of England," thos extended over your sisters In Utah. expressly gave "The custody of the wi.e's person absolutely to her husband," gave the husband a right to use "ircntle 'restraint" to keen her. and to administer "moderate cor rection," to punish her; deprived her of the power to sue or be sued, or - to make a will; made her the "sei vantof her husband; gave him all her personal property and all her earnings, and the life-us- e of all her real estate, if they had ever had a living child, and subjected her to dest ic control, v, ::v To this infernal law. almost as bad as chattel slavery itself, Senator Frellnghuyeen has actually Induced a Republican Senate to sub the women of Utah. Thus has ject the Republican (Senate shown lf mindful of its obligations to the loyal women of America! This THE ACC0.VPLTS1IED ; ANO GIFTED ' IdBTisfis:, MISS ' r 4t HA 13L . K3BO ' -- lt dierry MHB. B.W a i t cs. i ternwruu Duuwgs a;i, we which publish elsewhere in Ail?, m 1 exnresslv IlmlU anTtage to women rre sue over twenty-on- e years of ageAnd recognizes an unnaturalized woman as a citizen only when: she Is the wife, widow, or daughter or a citizen permanently resident in ine territory.? ; Wei can nnderptandperfectly well that the "Gen tiles of Utah' who are principally miners and unmar ried men without families, feel aggrieved at being outvoted by the Mormons, of whom a large- portion are women, y A husband, wife and grown op daughter count three at the polls, an unmarried man counts one. But, after all, this is richt. These women are entitled to repre sentation. 1 r tne uentiie wishes to count three, let him also marry and - Filley's Fa - rear children. -- 7n Ii a' mmmm-Bfofc: -. A s . Hunt .Tone,, Variety of KfTeetw AND 1.x preUn n Tttteranee, Kmoolh Action AND numbllltyt i. ; ! Xma CI.OTIf , , lIIi t j LAROg. VA9TBTHS.' I , J .... ScarlX ladies Kill do well . T i:etter TEASDEU r rne Mm ,... ;! HOUSE, I' EAGUE ; - Torrltor.and 'wftrv i ca 5 . , i :il'S? iSiS To TiYy ive In llr. L. 1- ry .zr tiiy And Sold by All y atUl Comrnandloa- tfa VBapll sale. I dSU , - R.-.- K ", t . Ja Eiron Ihomaa UrUliu Mws ThataV - '. ; "Krs.u.r IWtnu, HtHwe JVm B TltomasWrblht C Morris LoTan Uvtd Ostler i,rAiwAsun JtWihard Oneaon 3ol W It Lmmn Tfcomns Uurtmm Joseph Flah . y lhsfker M -- ' , ' ' Dates MisFBWoolWy Arthur limuiiiaii td ; ..Taoob l ; r.f.l i tf'H i'. .' CALDER '. aA . ; TO CARELESS & XtiXl. J CSr-J33- . AZabrMkrstl Sta ' ' sr. oivwvr:. ; . t 37 ATi EAST ; TEMPLE STREET ' LAKE HALT CTXT. t '''. ' A , .;' ... V PIOMKFORITOIIESTOMS! ' t 'I'"'." TEM 11 ESTABLISHED I 1SS7 AT SI ' ... fetu Big Boot. WHOLESALE 1 LADIES BOOTS, These flams are favorably known in this to ' eouutry and. Kuropa and. fully equal : ltcfst Brands in Mnrltet, Every Ham Branded Guaranteed at Lowest Marerf The Trade supplied dl02 ket Kates. . 3wzaw LiRB SALT i lUOiVrCO.. I tSCOItrOKATKO ... t - V' ( :" r IS ... Krtr.TOKt. - v. . WE HAKE TO ORDEK. ' 1 CtapTftoorda ;3 bs&s's CisTiKa, '2 , the 'aw i r-. ; FinST II ATI 0 HALi'BIDE ,x ; , of Depot. - P.O. THE OXLY or Salt Xjals.o Oity. i t DBrosrroav Finawciax. . r AoaxT or thb uxttkbaitd btxatbs. -- - 1 V DcaxoiMTKD r-- . V IuilArftU CalT Skinsi. - I K i ,' t 0,K!;;.i;.::'.G O .O.iD S DEP ART IVIE .i.i NT. '7 1 1. i President. WARREN HUSSEY, Cashier. CCS2S, . Authorized Capital, Paid vp Capita:, . DITIDEX3 Dl 18H, 50 4 1 j 1 w w u .. . -- -S yniaj ' ; ' r! TV? 'i . .t 5 r m " 'l '! ( i r: "".'' " il l ' t u itait Teeeivv "peclal prompt attention. . and h 'I . j ; ' s f ! (i " - : . !' . . : 1D j' TUESDAY, APRIX....o 1873. ; i . ECKIiT. VkCCL tcTAti difrf nEPABTMrXT. A mJi fa the mattter of ts 1 ' Opening WILL TAKE PLACE Order by v:::clccau l ...1 ; J 1 Annual ; t- I. : ' 1 f HIDES iaTJtai au a t ;l - ! ' ' . n 1 ; STORK ILK f OT. Oldest LVaaidzz Iz;Ut-U- oa sti -- Hat and Glove $500,000 150,000 r- - 136,000 Earning et Tr 5 i -- r , HORSE'fl;COUiARS - v. .1 Horcci!CoIlaro 1 CHOI-- , - 'no. , EXCLtrSIVB 3 O.iO r rw-- -i t rA -- i t Jltr. .jt lC2:SirOE FINDINGS AXDKIV 0'.,.:. W ' , ; 1 A3IKJRICAN1 CAlVF . S1XIXS, V. .ii;:! J nARN.IJ3ATIIER, ' Boxrs9. . . 1 1 And Sprlnf1 CXattress( 1ST THE BEST BED OUTf ns : . ' OUR OLD STOCK , dS6tf at Special Inducements; to, Conn.17 J i a .: TTvv ,t T j l.r L f: Below Cost. n A Safes, XXlrrors and Mirrer T-le- SEL LITTg 0 FF Iron bought at the JJghe tJ, i tX Market PrlceJj U k. U . SOLE LEATHER, LV. SUTKERUSD, Manager.. ttrPEK LEATliEll, One Block south - . . ecca u'crx - i4, OLD BOOTS AMD SHOES as New almost. - Tho Wdndorful WoVcii Wire Miitlrcst, ' , Mado nc good r DixwoonEV't. T rutots rMtbeTt I jii Any Style and Quality Desired, ' A5D wsrsE MTisrArrioi. Di.vwoIEVV, I WINDOW CORNICES-A- Book Cases. , f 1 i t EXTENSION TABLES At Dikwoodf.v'K k WINDOW SHADES AT XJlxwofiBEv'tt, a OFFICE and PARLOR DESKS At WkwootKTH, V . and eholoe assortment of the above, our own make and Imported at the most prices. ; . GOODS. s tj t t s :M; AT )r . Hi DPHOLSTEBT AHD NIGHT COMMODES At DixtvwuKv'K, PARIX)R SUITS AT' Diptwoodby'k, f i ROOK AND CLOC1C SHELVEH-- At i A larire IN enry, Dinwoodey fl. surrEM, Chtldrcn'e Slipper. , , " For Fine Weather or Stormy ' Weather, for Wailing, Dancing, Working, Sparking t Climbing ..Riding, Fiehing, Mining, ' ji Ete.t Etc. ' l Tl CHARLES MOORE, President, HESRT J. DAVISON, , ; Vice Prest. d: Trefta'r.', F. F. JONES, secretary. ; ' Aftst'icf trrr rf Old Cast One oala red hHfer eaminr three years old, and calf, white under belly, square on eocn ear, email upper mt in riaot crop aud swallow! ork In left. THOS. WRIGHT, Sew., IMtrtct PouiHt-keepedlOiawie Kepbi, March 2S, 1873. ANTHONY jb jb:t" SUPrEB VjUDIES ' niMITUEE t r o ,o 1 GLW ' " RETA IL & DEALER t l 1 IHPOKTED QEXTS rGQTSj 1 ' HTHEET j la. ! E.VHT , ' ' 1 ft Avurcs, Chicago. A rent for the Sale of ' ' 1 . 1 . r-AJ- ' ' ' ' ' AND 75 'FIRST SOtTTH" BTREET- - WON OF THE r Sit-,"- ' ' ; i N'.' , East Temple Street. 90y ' In IiEPARtMF.NT, Ordrn Promptlr rxeentrd in a workman- ' like mannfr. following-estrays- 1 ". j AJCALLA.MUa. AEPOTCilT.. I. . It ditf Agricultural nachinery ESTRiT XOTICE. hs cin pro' '"3 Ir.t tetUiur Ppritis-Tlll- Price M Alien JJohnTCald ' !:. John ' HKJrkham F J P Paocoo M. Si Rlisa Thomjeon D Barter n strius bam "r TMcKean Bait Lake Theatre r;t"l ' k. Ii ' , II P Jettaon .. H M aroiwbeek L, M Wood W I'rUnrliuM ' - ' SHOE FACTORY le DMWISTBATOtrs SALTi Xotlce jTA hereby Riven that the following- drst r!b-e- tl CottonMliilajr Claims, situated iu t.ittle wood Cauou, tho of -- he lut Win. T. Bower, will be protwrty sold at the County Court House, Salt Lake Citv. at 2 nVlock in. Thursday, the 7tfa lust. Viz: SOO thewJeutiie Lode," Ojo- PlstMitterest iu " the 'Welliiurtou Tuhihlib feet in the'Lake Lode," and 10A feet in tbo "Owm 1QU k Gardner Lode," aud feet Ut the "Orw : phan Boy Lode. The above will be sod without reserve In pursuance of an Order of the Probate Court bcariuK even dat herewith. GKO.J. TAYLOB," i i, w-t- t Admiulatrator. J. i Salt Lake City, Marc 5, tut , iRoa my possemlon the T HAVB inwhich, If not claimed before SatutMay, the 6th ot April. will be sold at Ui Est the Kephl, at o'clock, a. ray pound m.. as direets. !jive filrs o v Fivo Hundred other Names can W . SEVIflS PMCIUHES AJLwyia n. n ,c tssETi; dill paired to order. , COUC.- -' 1- (ipoLOrwlhl MeetUia lbawu i A Johnson flihop II U Amnll O W oxxXXaxxdi. Satisfaction, In t -Gait' Lake. d74 IW modesticians i" 17 Lave, czc-slv- e ty la no t one cf the n ivxr. , They Agency-aro Innocent cft'iit crtInly. j Nk-hn)- arnnoriLLE.) ' - ' i t H'siU , Illsboo A Jlrum It llwwi lilr-hota i mo riTrllw Mwtlntf )Mu HBKms-I- Janxw Ksiih. lllaltop KHV VVsWeThi'.jio,j' i BliWlMVdTV M. ATPPIJCAn0 Fartn Ins I Bee ' V I Ion 1. Farr.l-- ' John Watktna W MllkHt J K UatiioU tleorse Taylor '1 MacliiTiei?y. Engine and Emlert Made and Re- LIVE BTOTE DILILERS Tho Union U rl;ht In presuming that whatsver vices American poli 1. 1 ' : w;ire-;arraiitei- , . i . ; AMMusser Ueo Teasdalo ' 1 Thoanas VraJl 'barb Smith W it ttarftm ' Joshua Mkisley-- ' wm roster a n Rout U. Ilukl t l - pnofo .on u if . : cooxikg xhe ap MINING & LULLING AITO EAST, . t v Mofliis: lloie. Wm tiranu ll Jobti Auarrwvi d Ilom-Ilowrlns M Morton ' y . ' ill s Kubbor Jtelttus;, 8 ream Pavkinr, wairon :. Timber, Sioves aud Tinware - wroBlfrj a u Hinooc W TUul...(f lksislae A Hwati FraiH'ts A Copo (I U Henoer ' - 1 . . u n V.Nl- -i II ttramV BUbop r!owl llb hard WartajAj' i lluu-hlum- Oronre Omtmn Mrs 8 Ktohanto ebon Kuitioy ' Before i Pure hftnir ''Elsewhere.' i NOTICE. " . ? ' t--t SHELF HARDWARE ...... ; V J ..i to this Rteet, Nails, Tionent' Sto-k- , Tools, Plows, MUter Outtlt, ' . ( ? . , Johu II Kelly Kobert Watmm .1 O Walknr .raitMs Mharp N II oit ., r rmius-to- Kuowldou v'- -. Iron, ' i U F Culmer , tsy callbiff on and JfStst Assortment Ever brought ' K !' 1 oumr Wmlltt. Mozambique Shau ls. y i i , ATj he FOR COAL or WOOD . city with which Americans rush roromce ana crowa into places or responsibility or their own volition, and without rereience to the general estimate of their qual if cations, form a Btrtwng contrast to the dignified restraint, the courteous ceremony, . the considerate reticence which seem to have governed the English statesmen during their late crisis. The question there was " who can successfully represent the The question nere would country? be. "who can make the riSSe and gcttheposifh?w If the Queen should ever again find hersrlf la tzed of a Premier and a Cabinet, and will announce the fact officially in this country, the American boys will respond with alacrity; and set her eovernment in motion soquiCKiy and so rao'dly as to ma&e her Ma to an 1, perh-T'- t jesty's hc-- 4 swlra, swIn.T entirely T?om ter snouiaers. tvr..3?t. ,lU Mrs I. W FoV ' Ward MeeUne- - llouiv Ward MeeUua IIouno ash Dra Beuedtut r. : M cnurcn uuwhk HrotT Grow OoV Wootla u -T C Orta-fr- s It Hnrton Mtmoiilo Hall ' John Haul 1Mb L I , 111. omoAG-- Send for- Price List. AD j Lucca irfrt;:. o - - Ottoman Shawls. 1- - AT HUB ..:;' or m Hon - l N G wr. to doc. anl Sashes ; . Ottomaa GOODS,. ,. I 11 3 M Chamberlain A Taynuut , '. L is i otiiitf Harriet Mrs lrtrrvv Wm Clayton v f J W Vox" John D T McAllister It V Morris S ; ASm.A.f.U': ? geyIS3 cow to June ltft A CarrtiMTton Bishop A it juut'iyn nop r KeaM'r ' Geo. K T Burtm t if Jm Hamilton Park a Prof FANCY-GOOD- C,, CURTAIN MATERIALS, Window Shades, D D XALT LAXECtTTf Preat Geo A Rmlth HouOeoQC Aiurus M Cailuton itoyal - '..S-.- '. CmLDREX'SB00TS, RENOLD'S CELEBRATED Cent' Sbocs, Lntllca KIitx, SUGAR ' CURED CnildrenlN 8Iioei, Mor-monis-m f ,'..' .. ARE MADE SOLELY Br TflB We have no sympathy with it or any other form of Sectarianism. - We abhor polygamy Excelsior Manufacturing Cp,r and long to see it suppressed. That frauds may have been per , I 8Te,U0UIS, MO. petrated in receiving the votes of women under age la very possible. Zfc But this is not the fault of the law, cnnxir:n. and affords no excuse for its repeal. Fradulent voting Is not confined Quicker A cheaper . to women. J i v ? Than any StoveorsBmecost Hon. W. H. Hooper the delegate iltZ rftAKE ALWAYS !iM of Utah, on the i 9th" of January, vindicated .Woman Suffrage from i:Sto-PricelBeMIii- , the slanders of its opponents on 'And Operate Pcrfutly. the floor of the House of Pepresen- ' latives. woman 9 Journal, juarcn vvWW Will Do Tour ' Not tho Americaji Style. Great Britain was convulsed for nearly two weeks on account of a "crif Is! caused by a single vote of the House of Commons against the Ministry on a measure of secondary importance, relating to the establishment of a University In Ireland. Gladstone tendered his. resignation and the Ministry , theirs, and the premiership whs oxlbred to several English statesmen. None would accept the position, f AH .rues and all factions stood aloof, ing unwilling to "accept the res ponsibility" or formingof a Minthe Govistry and taking charge ernment. Gladstone and. . col leagues at length resumed their po sitions. A similar state of feeling has never yet been observed on any occasion la the United' States. (Ho vacancy could occur in this country rrom the presidency or tne united States to tne chairmanship of a ward committee, whl. h would remain vacant a day or an. hour because anybody was unwilling to accept the or tne .toot on or respom-lMiitdoubted In the lea?t his ability to fill It with success. The unanlml- - -- IX PArnit-,- . HANGINGS, Ko. ':',ramS ota, .. j CHICAGO. H. io A HANSON, Wabash j ; PUOMIXKM CITIZENS: '.'.;:','. AKl ALLEN & Til ACKEY j i - ," , it-- rrt 1110 w481y ' CIIE.i.I as llie CHEAPEST ' J. . '...ftn;tatiotiUtptlqit'OofUirJ f I . CAXAbSTBriET 1 NORTH j , its "respectful consideration" for women of the Ter- FDILDBAIIAT1C COIIPAUT! the rights of the " i' ' ritories. 'i Thank God the bill has, failed. But this failure may prove only a respite. The snake is scotched, not vnied. the women of New and Fairy Star. Jersey call a public meeting and der ojnee the action of their Senaib f j tor, who has thtm hwwHwl Wwu. &OXOTTTCK OpenTor th JjKlTot tfckt-- pri hood. Let them see to it that Mr. the day of performance, at 11 o'clock.' Is never Frellnghuysen to the Senate of the United States. T - Silk Tieg, ," HEAVY c , i . V ,, rtl 1 -- !. Manager. j ,, Is U V7 D. tSftfcSOH, JLarffest DEBORAH! t"" -- Havins; made extensive addition, and alter? t loos to his premises, in now prepared r , v , to Hhmr the j- i Will be presented the grand emotional drama, entitled ; 1. I I I ' it . HARDWARE. c. ii. nAtunzir, her it-i-e- ' t Angnsta L. Dargon ' L i, - " ' . , y Who will appear this evenlnx In srand ImpersonaUou of l , , - ' BE i . ' ; ron 'prick rJfn. UPHOITERY SECOND APPEARANCE -- 'Vun-ORetO- Tttniiactl 'liarba?'u r j: '' , j ,i A- Edging " Hamburg wrfon, WE THE CNUKItAtGNED, JIAVINO I't'UCril.Vsl D - t '! n. .. . j Undrrelecvc, A Ilumlln I.nccC'ojKtand Organ TAKE FLKAHUUR' Ijci HTATtNhiS? . 'I !.'. TDEY II.WT3 GIVEN UH Porfot riatlsfciclloii. .VXD Vt- - VJAT ' JitacK- Laer Vtif, Love DIALLY ItECOMmNH THEM FOR TIIKIir illM t V.. !XHi : I v -- V, . ' Uu..(u.kiA: GEO. CARKIJK88; Conductor of Taoemaclo Choir. PnATT,Jr.;TeacherofMuslcanJOrKanL.tof('nu,nU, C, J. THOMAS, Conductor of Tlirat re Orehektm JOIIN CIlAMBKRtAlN, Organist. , MARK CROXALL; Captain of 8. L. Hmi llanJ. " ERENKZKR REEHLE, Captain oif Martial Ttaml. ' C; T0IJKE TAGGART, Tlano Tuner. " 1 -- March 25, ; .873. IllTX.FA'Itsanl lkuUWortieWt JOcUII, t.y ' ,1 I i Triniiiiings. ; . sE.xn " " See. 23. That the common law of Enir-lau- d, iu force l i the colonies of America, at the date of-- the Declaration of Indepen dence, Is hereby exspuded over and dV-- c larod to be in force In the Territories of tne uiated states, so far as the same is n Provid&t. That nothlus hen-lshall be construed to prevent the territorial Legislature of the respective Territories from motUfyiug the same. i' i j , i J-Ltir. K t.jcARPETINGS, I ? -- i wlIOLESAUt d H LA v - It- - or. I Undertakers' of tho exoolleuee of an article than the f - 'r IWe have Interlined ' e.. LAC E - P ELUniNC S , TESTIMONIAL FROM u ' "i ii t: . H. a - 1,,,l. T" 1 f . . .. ;;As ths . BEST and, sure to give Purchasers perfe . ftl , TTsnrltrmiiri f In order to prevent the mea of 114,11 Utah, from restoring the exercise of loaiJlliCi cLUii uiiiGiai naiusaic, the right of suffrage to women,, tit Ctoaacv 3os. Salt take City, Monday, bill provides: s f r. ; r March Z4, M73. by Kb Bev Blahop Tuttk,, IT1I0LSTERERS fiOODS, ' 81c. IS. . . . That at sH eleeuoiu. none E. CLOIfECl'rT Salt "Lake C3ty. foi. bat male etlisrns of the TCnlted States, THQS. KOb-merlv of New Orleans, to KATK over twrnty-oand who yean of see, Boss of this clly. AKI as resided k thaeosmty torn ssontlwc daughter Of MsJ. Stephen J : r t snd In the prerlnet or elretlon district No card". i thirty days prior to the eieeUea. shall be - iNiiiamtttii . .. , ...... - BUILDERS, Eau. "ki George Itomney. i DemesriehappnuUKmonrr-wOf paradlso that has survived tho - t . n.' iwiMt V : k" GrQO UHW ADVEOTISEMEUTS. VeiiDict reoomroond lh a i . ; - j TUP. rotLOWINQ aTthe varlrtteaif OrSatU; wltk wblub Z FOR THEif LADIES! .(Star-t -- - wffllle. ; U fie k RRXDFJl 1 : if with-Well- - . TA 1 UV aiiz 111 4 y ft 4,1' .iJ-J- . A Bkwas'd of 253 wtll be paid for the re- rCe- covery of a Bar of Bullioo Ko. i,S23 Ray-moEly, lost between Provo aud Ixhl NET ANT Ctles about the fist of Fobruary. InforFsreo A Co. . mation ronst be WTt . ed or partsFryssry of sets so far as ibr same srr or m eon diet with the. prorU-i Ivesyf this act .j TTsvlng thus coolly dlsfranclilscd fO.rno women voters, it proceeds to 12, bia. b Psc. Se That the foUowW sets snd pans of sets passed ty the IeMstin . W Utah,- - srr 125 riokaotier. AmaMrsf the JZcerttory Se Uefcher. St 3 hereby rilsaypiosed aad anoalleil, namely.. OVi; ....An set rnlltltd An set ieonfrrrbrr Overman, ,lV , r pea wniaei the rVetrrs W1aroor,r. 1 Bala Woffoo JJepnt. ail Coujs. Sudden thau-ges- of j etlmato are sources of Fulmooary flfeeHoesy laiw ai uuu! 'Brotcs's Bronchtol Trot," let the CoM, Couch, or Irrl tat km of the Throat be ever : dl03 3 eod soshsbt. - .saKv ftrt 4lw 3- Fix BaUW..lUT General Tithlue" Tard. florsea for sale. EoQulre of - Tinnd Smtcis, Oooerali'ltbUis; $toredb - First mi - i IXA Cou Va, 48; 46; dirt t Cocoas " 1. S7; 69; e; eo, n - rs ot e-- ' .1 sup-pos- ed e - '.:' -- n i - CiLtnowat tho Concord Carriage rrprttorr anl see those liiK Carriages atl exiresTy far Hut' wt roeelved, maiSo BoBXBTSOTf,! Sshazs this- trad - sV or ttatnrsllsed eiuzra of s the United 8tte.nhB mtrdca to von at any rkvikm In this Terrttery. 8or. 8-- all laws or jarttot mweonlUeU lag with this set ass berafey rrpesJcd. j ' atrre-or- par-- . -- '"Tr "-- - ff e . . ft a v....'.:a 1 GOODS SOt.D N 1 I ftntrt At a Pmall ADV ANCE ' I'll l-- A ON dtll.TJ , COST 1 r tv- -4 J 1 - ii-- - I. -- Br" , 1, t i ' -i i- s 1 f n r- - opou tl-- ea--r-s l--""" n-- 1 i t t is ' tLmvm , the ltrire sn.1 1 A.t m. ak:;-l- d. . aiWiV;,',,.'.,,, wTisl ' ti "'"" "VV'-" UK cU4rtMf r the ere ) 8. I r CtTi ' ,,- -( s -..... 'ft, v. ' tta I- i IisIIiM - - 4 li ' , |