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Show .t- ff THE EVENING NEWS. rriday, - 7- TtT Dtaibr ST. UTS - PRICE OF COLD. ' , clock to-da- 'i , ' y. th-T- We near .Thkatki. 0ldea opinions from all aorta of people ooaoerning tha acting of Mr. J. T, Raymond la the char acters of "Major Wellington de Boots" sod "Timothy Tool 6,' In 1 tu" or which Mr. K. manifested the able and cultivated artist. Other principal character were sustained very creditably by Missea Wal- tera and Kent, Mrs. Bo wring, and Metiers. Marden and. Thorne. The tveDtBg was unpropltlous out of doors. 'exceedingly Ttils evening Mr. Raymond will appear as "Caleb Plummer" la the beautiful drama of "Dot, or the Cricket on the Hearth," Miaa Walters aa "Tilly Slowboy," Miss Kent aa "Dot," Miss Simons as Bertha," Mr. Lindsay aa "John Perry-blnglMr., Thome aa "Me. Tackleton," Mr. Dunn aa "JEd ward PJummer." Tbe performance concludee with the farce of "A.Oapltal Match," In which Mr. Graham and Alias Kent, Mr. Forater and Mrs. liawring will appear. Ths heavy ralnatorm of, last evening W(ia something like' thatot Christmas ere. The mild pletsant weather of to day ia n agreeable change from the fog of the aurly morning. The beavy rain In tbe valley, aa naual, waa accompanied by iia counterpart of heavy anow on tbe moun '':'... X.J tains adjacent. . ' , w """""a ne Cottonwood; Utah, 2MA" LltUeiuuna aeaa, generally known T" ' wu, iuui xnpiett an 1 a are brothernot about the Utter-n- d teamaters one of Stiffle'a jwo oi tneirname not learned, and two of leaxnaiers are sUll .gone, and ttiaaaldthey bad three minera aboarrL a: If . .W 7 must heve ue iaw. min lonnd waa ioa r","1 mot Wghtfal- manner; 200 mm. of tntm npwarda 27.-O- r. j e," i .itJ .t uiurs, jLiie aanenntand- well aa every spare man in Alta, are w uuu Mio xnedoing slide was two hundred andremaiaaer. 4fh nlnatv in in end came from the very tope of the moans Uins, rearly twe miles a end : t swept evervthtair before it leng.b, Pob. Doc We are indebted to Hon W. H. Hooper for a copy of the Message of the President and Reporta of the Heada of De partments, also of the Postal Act" approved UUUIUS i . ira rU to-nig- 1 J Jane 8. Fob OBSTr;oTiNaTHiTKxcK.'-Saltha- MlSSIORAhT APPOINT MKNTS, Sunday, 29tbt' Afternoon: ..... ; w IIOMK Ronse,TMaln " .lB TujtiofOXirtKB 47 Lin the had at one --- " LJI ; ..fcsSS' - orteama from both Twemch other where the Mld HL dlffloul the number of men and teama bniied.learnSoma JSbt end others twelve. mnleato, al were found. aU badly ufuiaea, some dead. One with its lea! WM Mast a be lmpoaa- lrh.1 until TkT Pf"e 'oathere ETT J" Kr. excitement caume tne search in the morning. raruealra-r- at Laaa of HATTERS. - BTereaukatta ratals Xate. The andarslgsad wishes to call the attem Coaof the Kar Central City, chants of this city aad vicinity to his exten from six to sive Wholesale Notion.. Roue, foil lias ef No buried. tions end Gents' Furnishing Goois, Faaey Goods. 4te , at prices not to be exoallad this side of Kew Yore:. Three doors Korth of CUft W - -ril JifJ--wer-pf,- , r jjiucap XJ rapel r- corttOVyf LOCAL AND OTHER 4" trfal MwwaUdeoookrred nelter. below ZTZT' TT T-- T " m.i UOTTOjrwooB, TJtaefDOc. Joijr 6y lXSKKXr, lATI(Uf AI. BAR Kavt Laxa LTrc, JCMeember 27. 1872. Bt5 titi al'gl.lQ, selling at tLlZ w.X- - V BeaWeaaSa" Km . s been commenced, before Justice Clinton, Fourth Ward, R. F. Nealen and George the Street Railroad Com pan y'agalnat by . Charles M'arsden , for obstrncting the com" . r.v Evening-ar4onauoooaaiona.; The .v. pany's track, on W Fi rat Ward. Woolley. a involves anlt of oonalderabla qaeatlon M. B. Second Ward, Sbipp. importance. If parties are allowed to oh- Thfrd Ward, R. F. Nealen. struct the line of a street railroad, even) liJfth and Sixth Wards, Oeorgo S wan,w cense would, doubtless, be JproUfiotoaroe Eighth Ward, O. G. By water. of accidents, and for which' the company Ninth Ward, W. A. Mc Master. oonld scaroely be consistently held reapons Tenth Ward, H. W. Naiabitt,' . sibie. 4 ?!' i : l'l- s? H ti i '- l ; f ' ', ' -' fJU Kleventh Ward, Jobs Kioholson.fi ii j? i . ' : . . i i . i i tTwelfth Ward,leorgetTeaadale.i , ? I J I Teat-dale- BU Ct a ui7 e as cle ax jraiuiT lw jstjv Tbot. tx.w. vatib: ' ' 8T & Bnonn. uodell aid ceaaaatala Ametteai 1JaevcataMte, ' . i. - ' "... a . For the sale of all kinds of - . MAUrACTTJRKK Etc. Also for wMAIJr. FRCITF. BCXTXB. MLTS. Bends deposited with tbe City Treaedrer to secare Consignors. i x- - . SOLICITED. 00HS1QHMEBT3 IT -- Don't W. AND call your LIBERAL CABII ADVANCES JlADF. Bbires, Toys tuljyou npen bey one Ooor north of Oampbsll 4k PatMrsons Book 1 Store and nearly opposite the Poet Offlee. n ., ateXAralvalaw--caC.aaniiiasehas marte a large acdiilon te hla already exteaalve stock of elegant, Clocks.'fatohas and Jewelry, of Fbrehm and Domeatlo Manufacture. ' It Is his Intention to make such a dls:lay, during the approaohlng holidays, as to piease the most fastidious. Call and examine his stock, it la made op oi, the uaefnlaaweU as the ornamental. He proposes to sell at cost. d2S lw Viral Jm tbe VfeML A Splendid Aaaort meht of JTramca of every a.lnd. Pleturea lor fresents, from 2Scts. to 5.' rue Portralu In any style, suitable for Presents, and evert thing in a son for the Holliays at the Pione ciiU at Qal lcry. c. R. Bavage. Wimr, Corn Meal, Oata, Corn, ilariay. Ae for aale at the very lowest flgares. by Qordon A Murray, half Block Booth of ft. "R Depot, 8 City also at Branenea at Bandy Station sua. dS86tl Lehi. (UUh . B. B.) overlooked. Cawgha and Calds are often A continuance for any length of tlmeeaaaes Irritation of the Lungs or some ehronle Throat Hlam-uJtrcvm'ISronehial Troche" mi an . azsseoaA erootaaijUwago emeoy. Great W;ad1iar., ad rfaraeas ataaerai We axe aellla lob t of Horse Co lars at $24 per dev.; and al Kir lati.. atocf of Leather and Collars remark i oly erf ap -d4U Big Boot'! S9 Eaat Tenr St. ; BTOIIAC1K EAIBM. & AHPIVE. s atUaded te Ceantry Aaetlon Balee promptly at reasonable rater. - G. VT. GEE, AucUoneer, Notth Temple or Post Offlot, Kast Btreet, f. Bnala -- CROCKERY, CHINA, sastiAaf CAB Kb, ani. noiiday stiift . I - lo rr er. f, i. w iet iuboi ram. j. Chicago; ills. : roltoa dt . bko ki(,TK N.Y. PAR fa, ' Sooth tft t Offlsa with r log X mil man a.., Hmpaf 0 r. F.un avanaa. 953 PrUSI, OnttAM. Banjos, j Flutes, Fifes, Drums, Concer- Whole--mal.ool- y, H.H.ATaa.i-- w M "SI?,- Clarionets, tinas, Accordeons, Music Boxes, ELGIN WATCHES, AHD BILVKK IN TlatB KEEPER?, AT &c. Tambourines, &c, FAOTOBY PB10BS. X Watehes Made te Order GOLD 'OUTLKRT. 'BTC.-j'h ,v I Glata and China made ' ! Wedding . n ri eservivr ST. LOUIS TRADE. la. 'A. a&sjjstntfiv djgy M JCaataraetnrera and Jobbers of " A N D FIRS EN GINES. PPitPS ' - ad. Lrad tna aatd Sheas Itwai ripe rittlBge, BelUag, Uaaa, ; Paehtag and Agrleultaral lafpleaaeaia. D QUAK-AMTKJC- WABU.saoaat, LAMrii aat-ASM- VJaATZIO Ke, SM. aw A v Keeps a Full Aaaoruneat ot , . - '. Pianofortes, Cabinet Organs, Tlollns, Vlolinceilof. . s OYINQTON BROS.) I HP KT Bs (; V Whelesale aad Hetatl Dealers la '" ; stock ot vivT , SCOTT ' Worth Main 8L, MT. JfiO Adirls, with.. Hj Own Kew and Imprevcd Patent Attachment. Caaaiasaaeeaa.-- Watches. Ctaeata. Bex ' amtred aad AdJ anted and War at - Gnaraateed. SIT RTOCK OF JEWELRY has been selected with great eare and la cf Good Qsallty. I sail noon honor at erieea that cannot fall to ave 8atiaaouon. aujy NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ; t . To call and examine their large and splendid PRACTICAL. WATCHMAKER, rivet Baatla St., Kaat af Xeeerea Bi ' Goods Uncle Gloves, eftc. a0- da MADISONd10MTRCXT, r..CHIOAOO. tan JESPECrFULLV. INVITE THEIR PATRONS AND THE PUBLIC Bait Lake Clly. dSOtlr XX A.JQBBXBS Ilata, Caps, Furs, Straw i' LATE CALDER & SEARS, c . t . j neictotoe.HoioioliGcois.Stost, KvrJboey ruffs. Why aet CHICACO TRADE. SVrar. DEMPSTER fi CO., 2000 PIECES OF SHEET MUSIC To Delect From, . OYER ' . V 10,000 IROn & STEEL C. II. BA881CTT. ! Embraeiui the moat popular Bongs and Piano plecer, a splendid chance to make Volumes tbi dU7 U . " S.-A- ." i also, Asotrr osc SALT : , r. ' Fifteenth Ward, James P. Freeze. Nineteenth Ward, N. H. Felt and Thoa. . Harris. Twentieth Ward, Thomas Taylor. ' 'R. Millkb, per R. F. N, Still Soms Left. There are still some ' tickets left for the gift enterprise for the ' benefit of Mr. Giles, the blind harpist. Tbe will, prizes bave arrived andofftbe drawing at the time and we are informed, come ,' i place announced. Cohokbt. We bave received an account of a concer t at Tooele, on the evening of . the 23rd, given by Mlas Clara Hill and ' Profeasor Croft,' aaaisted by their pupils. The performances were highly ereditable, land were instrumental and vocal, and also lncluded recitations. From some cause : ,tne oommnnieatkMi containing the aooonnt - iras three days on the way. Too late to - , . publiah in full now. pilous Aoais. Elder George Nebeker arrived from, the Sandwich Islands, y, ' In good health and spirits. We learn through him that L.ot Kamehameha Kapaaiwa. Kins of tbe Hawaiian Islands. aiea on weuneaaay, uacemoer xxtn. . Diad. Mrs. Mary Griffiths, who was shot by her husband a few weeks sgo, died about midnight. last night. An obituary notice will be found in another part of the paper, in which, however, her name appears aa Mary Thomas, which was her name before marriage. Suroioal fsattoi. Thla afternoon, at their office on Eaat Temple St., the Dra. Benedict amputated the thumb, at tbe first joint, of Mrs. Marian Ferrall, of Elan' City Ogdeu Valleyi iThe Innfartunaie lady, in ber August last, a accidentally prickedwhioh felon supervened, thumb, and wat badly treated, and after intense auffer-- i g for five months led to her preaen. loaa. Toe patient waa placed nnder tbe influence of ether, and ia about a quarter of an hour the operation was completed. eiBBaaBBaBBMMMeaaBMMaaM n 9 - to-da- DASQKBODS ABO UPCtA.8A.IT--,Se- V- S 5 ? tpei at Tf.a. WW "- . riIf . . liB rIbri-n- a t. Spakish .FokkDoo. Editor : OECEHBER St, lY3. . This , town .In i rainy respects, is most promising one. it does not present a very grand and imposing ap-TlUTJlMPna.WT OTJOCTJOfl may be aooonnted for Eearauce, which of site a few years since Of the Talented and Popular xoung oomaaian. and a scarcity of good building material, most of tbe houses being built of brown and handsome or durRAYMOND, able adobies. The place "baa a population of, 1,500, who, for the most part Who .wul make hla second appraranoe In. this city aa "gaien riammer," m tne follow agricultural pursuit!. Among beautiful Domestic Drama, of the many advantages of the place are a or e area arable land, access-ablvery large THE CBICKBTX OH THE to water privilege; and a splendid DStl OB, HEARTH. stream to furnish water power to any number ' of mills aad factories, which offer facilities for the support of an In- Will be presented, .the touehtng dome itle crease of ten fold of the preeent Inhabdrama, In S acta, entitled itants. . Spanish Fork can boast a ; store, r too, which will rival if not eurpaaa in m prosperity : any OX, THI other in the; Territory.s 3tf was started three and a ago. CRICKET ON THE HEARTH! with a capital stock rf $450, and has steadily increased iu stock aa it has Caleb Plnmmer Mr J T RaynaeaUl grown In the confidence of the people, John Perry blngle - -- ...Itr JT S IJaidaay until It Is now an lnstltntlon of considJean Clara Walters erable magnitude. For some time past Tilly 81owboy.niaB the business has been too large for the used, and a few months since abuilding new one was projected. This week To Conclude with the roaring farce, entitled the new store was completed and it CAPITAL MATCH ! now presents a very finer aDneantnce. is redwood of It frame, with siding. ia aBjawa 24x44 feet, with celling 12 feet highland V unuer or Dasement story tne In active preparation, a new domeatlo drama, The cost of the structure by the lata Frank Muricek, Esq.. (written. building. was $2,907. On account of the axpresaly for Mr. Raymond.) entitled new store not being completed at the time expected, the last six months term for declaring a dividend was extended to seven months, and this evening the shareholders met! te UNION PACIFIC R1ILR01D CO. hear a 'report ;of tha bnalneslLf I The dividend 6n the cap tef stock:, $3,630, in General Freig ht Department the ast seven. months waa sixty per OHAHA, DxcKxaax 2S, 1873. net increase "bf air dollars eenfc, f" on every share of $10. After deducting : jo the coat of the new building from these was still left an increase of profits there iK ABD AFfER JAHUART 1, 1878, $3.43 clear on every share jaf $10. These a!l EpctAi. Batxs and Coktxacts of were not an made by charging? profits not Ir accordance wi'h the exorbitant price for goods, for, they every nature, TaxlOa. C aaaUteaUoas and Balea .printed "at been retailed have; generally! will terminate and beeoaoe of this Company as Lake Salt in the prices secret. Ilea- la the fact thatClty,but in the laat Votd.tr; ' i seven months Ithey have purchased .ytpiovedt' S over to amount the from of $31,000 goods Oen'l Ft eight Agent. the Z. C. M. I.t wholesale stores f of T. . RICBELS, , Salt Lake City,- thua reinvesting their DlW Gen'l Sapt.: capital with ' its suoQeaaivef profits at v least five times in that term. They have also shipped a great deal of flour aad grain to different markets, and are 0SO HEWABD! now filling a contract for twenty tons nvRAVEu or btolxk. from mr uli of oats, delivered at Plocbe, Nev. The O aboat ta 7U of Xfoveaaoeiv a ancht bay mhm: one baa hAruaaAnart. Sveareoidand basiness has been conducted with abili- two one. Both have the white other; feet, and lively agent, atara In forehead, branded O on left thigh, ty, and the energetic left shoulder. Any person deliver-Mr, Jmes Jllllee WbAmakrs a trip to vented onaoove tne aeecrioea animais to me wui in two weeks, sometimes in theeity once me aoove reward. oftener, takes care to purchare only reeeive AJ I. K,VKKAB80Kn such goods aa the people want, 30 a w la a MiU Creek Ward. r and sufficient to fill tha demand, that no "bard atocJt' may be kept on their Ui 4 i of the institution bands. The TKAT El from. Walker? Brothers' pasture, limit the capital stock, to ,410,000,. with CI of Market Street, near JoMan river. O foot the addition of tfcanjw btlld ng It now one Iron gray mat e, roar years oldt 1S hands no breads an hen - A person Vetern- amTll fi tLbugtt ad- aicB.aame amount ta $9 to Walae .Bros., wul reoelve! the lne to allow above visable to change the reward. (S4 an increase to $20,000 stock, which) it wiMi probably f rach inf hev pfrr six months. Suen an Institution would "'FOR HA.XVE2. be a credit to any settlement in the er tfrlW&KXC rJoubleaad SlBleBaiea; nvnre, at t at a low ondhant. rltory, as it certainly is to Spanish II 26tf alC&IMMiN&CTABLXS. MAKK : r .... Fork.. n t r Hetnectrauy. i r aw J tt-!Deterei 2?ew$ not--ver- j J. T. MR. y r DOT ive half--year- .;.. - one-ini- ra ' jyo Ticm rtg-sl- ar e - the-Whee- ls a -- by-la- ' " 11 MM TEASD i X ' i .r- ; . II f J I II ' ' 'f . w : . ,1 '' .. I ; ' Paasing throagh ' Prevo, Sprlngvliie,'' Spanish Fora,' Pay,u Salt Creak. OUeX an Crec X, Booad VaOey, .nil more. Corn, Creek, aeaver, Xlaera , i"4 .,: rme,andt...;,, All the principal towna, aad ifialng Camps la Nevada, Southern Utah and, South-ee- at also leave "Oorinne, Utah, Dally running ;;! t:..:t V"vKs ;:' ;xJorth to Virginia City, Helena, Port Benton, ' Deer Lodge, ,Cedar Creek mines, and paaalng throagh all the prlnefpal Towns and Mini ag Campa In Montana. ' , , . ' m ) ; PA-- J, ; rKuoiPAii,'orrics,. ..v i. ar Ae, ditt . ' Famo Wells, & : Biillii Ca. SALT LAKB OXTTi! - Clirlslmas Presents at New a i Tear's Gifts at for your table on New Year's Day, to' salt Epf.'.Isit LADIES' FACTORY fr s PRICES, nnnnY A C 13 ,17ATid nam returns his thanka to l-i:- be- 03 a . m - .!' " ' '. PURE I" ? a, at , a! at Q luheeimd, d2Mtf IN FAV0B OF, TEC M iO a S Qroea'iiew. -- l?xaotIcal ,i; ... 5 'mm V wn-- .... 'a'6od JSOTSOOiraTA.ttTLX' ojr hahi) r w .M aa M IDOLPn Beaifdeaea Xeemfag'S . CANDIES. and ' fti near tha '. a rr a nnnjkn avaaiuvAACi AAX 'WAV .. UOOE-nAD- E Staplo GROESBECK'B COUNEIW1, :t'a j .,:.);.?: JHtm Was. Next door to Mrs; 8tanhouses Itnllnary K laMlshBiautj where I trmst to see my old r rteada. j'' .;fJA Oholos stock of ALSO, Vies, Kate. Balalaa. Oyatera. P11IJJCE flRGM! OOTO'1''-1- '' twin s9- 3 oTonia emuwaaaaa TESTiriOIJIALS "' S aSemtls Stare. CO'S. ' v ar- bualnsia to mrlt a eontlnuanee ot their favors at nay t , & - at Tan OLD' CITY LI0UOI.rSTME, hla nespeet fully ena euatomera far the liberal patronage stowed upon hUa, and trusts by strict TEASDEL. - DIcY COODO. l.tiitaMtit GENUINE LONDON Gfll. Special Notice. Et Tne Best In the Uarkct at of . phelps'. S U&C0II1E, : T or a SEI'IIIIG I KAsrr . TastraJt err. dts ly Or HTOO Ordere ami be Utkea lor Lerc Oiaes. BDILD-BK- H will Had It to th.ir advantage to give hlaa : their oror-He also keeaaom daae a well eeleeted atoek of ' The pnbtle will find it 10 iheir avntare to rade with him. t DeTID HAT. At kls old Stano. Sir at 1'liESENT CHRISTMAS o -T I E. M'-A- . OPRN4CD A FINK ann Ketau at the Whjoh beoflervi Wbot-aaivrry lowest priors. He kreps eonatantly on head tne best thallty w m . tor Hal La, Hew Years Halls and Holiday Parties at TEASDEL ft CO'S. lOUt Wlfi HA GROCERIES & PROVISIONS SHOES! JEWELRV - MAKE DAVID o 5 . .nil i TAIOTICE. . ; TEASDEL ft CO'S. AT nibbons. Feathers, Flowers" Xfuslina and Fine Goods tne. XAdiea for Cnrlstmais . j PULL STOCK OF A Ctaoice Gooda r a - . TEASDEL ft CO'S. icures, W Cents a Pairt. CO'S. TEASDEL TO k. Prizesj . BOOKS, ENVELOPES, PENCILS. PER. IfJIC. PENS. Ae. w d2atr ; and . S,: Olirlatmas Groceries at TEASDEL et:C0'8. Cbrlstmsui Fruits at TEASDEL & CO'8. Cnbrlatmas Pudding- Fralta at TEASDEL & CO'8. if" : IN ..' ''' ' " i KODS OF AXaTa v a ., ' . Books ' ; Learing Ball Lake City Dally, running w ..! ; South to ' American rork; iCouut Nsbo. garter, .rmtle, " A T I O H !E1 T BLAnK COMPLETE. STOCK 110 JSaeli. I EAGLE HOUSE ws f - ' IN ENDLESS VARIETY. ; ' to Reward ws - c- Ctnb, Soutb-ciivatla" and Montana, 8L UergeV Utah, and Pioohe, Nevada; Cards, STOCK COXXPIisSTE. t50 From - ' -- - a I THROUGH s. I a- - STAGE UNES CELEBRATED WILSON SHUTTLE HOLIDAYS, DATT,- BY STANDARD AUTHORS THE Salislnrfs Mt - - YEAR'S - si cijii " VOCAL AND IWHTRUMBNTAL. SACRED AMD SECULAR, tlltlfaut I aaete En III G- - IIIB. FRIDAY1 E 21, "1S72. " ; era! amall catastrophes of somewhat dan geroua and certainly -very mnpleaaaat char- ' acter have occurred during the past few ' dsys in connection with the trench recent ly dug on First South Btreet by the gas oompany for the laying of the main pipes, ' which is about three feet deep. The nigh ts are dark and the trench is not covered over the-samIn tbe evenlnga, neither la there any siaaal to indicate the presence of the ezcavatioo. a few nights ago a young man was .cross- -' when he' unexpectlog First South Street, edly plunged into the opening, sustaining several ugly .bruises by tbe shock. On Christmss eve another young man was rebe suddenly turning from a party when on dropped into the trench. He alighted for- -' his feet, at the bottom, but doubled , mud, to the great ward, dipping into the detriment of a fine new suit of broadoioth. Another oaaualty in this connection waa on one side of that of a wagon, which dipped into th trsp j 3as a It would .probably be advisable, preventive against accidents of a most serious character, for the oompany to or either cover tbe trench at evenings, so that people might be aware place lights iv of, tbe ganger ana ayqw . PacoitiAB- - Pnooaaais. There were some peculiar not to say partial proceedings lu Justice Clinton's Court this morn ing, end which grew out of the eommisung of an assault and battery by Philip Kolhy by-la. er, a butcher, on another party on Monday fined 910 on night, and for. which he wasaxe ' the asaanlt Tuesday morning. At tbe tl Officer was oommitted PhUlips; arreeted resisted latter him, and Kolhyer, and the Jt said he wonlf not be arreeted bjmy such : : awavw y wt tixie warn aa 'B same wf d paahlng dsnrub," at the him away. Tbe officer then, it appeara, - struck AS. IX 3t OK r8a Kolhyer on the upper part of the race wua oraaa anucaivo. f.J-- i tld't lift .j aeajrrac j ' 4t the time Kolhyer was fined for assault naafaaaA Tlaa and battery, defendant's eoansel, Gernre . 1S3 Uo, sS 5; tiiSU Ri Max weir, preferred charge against Of 145 JjUi Jacke 73; 73. Do 'fiw Phillips for striking Kolhyer, .hence the proceedings of thla rnjornlng, th feggk leV V4t V Mr. Pblllipe. There, 855 Belcher. BHIIta plaint 9: 891; 89; 88i; 88; 87; 87. b; 10 a waa an being moan. to make evidentagainst attempt ot tb Uin antor. mala hill on th ,(rCoafliaaea.lU nouiDlainaata. whieh la manifest from tbe CO Ooa Vm,-t- -a fTT?! iiotortbe complaint oovertnf aaohaarge 145 Owmun, f:J0; b GO M $i m tetmasMflays k- " Gilmer & irrr.Bxarr niWDsTop IO B o o M TCJ ; aid nrnr nrjiroKED WHIT C AND RED s IIAHCHBU1I X7atohnakeri ' Eiumber, ' " .M - l.tKi'iJI '.11 t y-t atnoruDt (dnex5ansel c4V s complaint on the forttJ Aaoey,-x"- - motioned to afimits the ground that it not only cmUinea: eeverai ' 50 Tustlce,6 peoific charges, but waa brought jinder .Caledoaia, ZHi S&eX&l 241o xeJ waa. 7U00 more than, ooe: statu teurTheto mnUna '65 Knickerbocker, 6 the amend- mmm leavi suuintd oom plaint. A.rtr- ta eomplalaa 1 amended, the defense a till objeot4.iosit Senator, a wwa nr more ISO i on the ground that it yet contained conCourt The lO I than one ipecifio eharge. .SSBeat 'ud Belcher, cluded to - bold the Utter motion nnder 100 Ophlr, 10; 4, 4L, b 80; 41; 40J rv ThurtdtT nntll net, ;S0 0 &C, 175; 170; 165; ICS j;; ' nrka atatnta under which tbe complaint , 60 Savage, 75; 76; 76! .Q la brougb isnakea tba charge at felony punS50 C hollar. 62; 62; 62s 61); 62; 1 a ternt of for ishable Mfc . 4t.JSJS3Al Hi, h t imprlaonment by "mmmwm. iwbML haprta ' on ment. i a ar Uro- a- j- - Christmas i " Wlk li s- . MMm nntt.n toba a verv C WlUASIllTTCSEir, aeU i . . . S - on the part oreome: Individ aala U tnwaxt u u v- toe local amuurii-ii- - " And wishes to call special attention to his beaaU'al afaorUBtat oi fins . v Present 1. II. weHa, ilr. Oa Us J4ta the laws, ioatead of taking inch a conrse, Kathaniei v.tootsy Lad lea' Geld aad tUver nUtitCxace--v Jonea ana auas Janet i, di if such partlea would assist an oGcer, or both of the Ward. leta, ravateai and OewUeJaiearwanadDaeef ' respectfully eugest the baa way. for" ttaa "Vhenltasrahd'kwASf is union snake, gttaawt Ckelae, Xeketa when lie ia reals ted ; to near hla priaoner, nauons, two 1 whom it ta hla onty to air eat. They aybrhUaePm a tmmc4 by partiea grea variety oo.-.-,.- ; J,. ; HThn 3 offapaf tx penmwrw oowd uetve tothw paaoe - and would farxefl, BEST THB good order of the eommunity than by givin aid and comfort to the taw breaking BRJOC3E3, EABRraaS ASD FULL 1 element, , o Aeoapitte assartaent of tie but Who is to Blams? JL gentleman " in I-forms na that he posted three letters for At KagleTtlTe. Llnwm O.,T0'-- t, 7 , Hhia city at Spanish I"ek, fJtaJar Oomaty, Yfeemost ' suitable tor Railroad Travelers, u. blm acea year Jaoody, an orn in p. last &Dd p posing they ay. m V .iil Harpa' - ' Kur t--'iuBtMlukdSBOMnrViHuii DeoeaeedkUTeaa fcwWaa and Bve wnnM - reach1- their destination, aa they of of the gospel takh m. He a. on to bave Monday, done, are ongbt al4 araaj'xreTeaaal CaSrfs dJt. Oesda hiroself came to the city by Tuesday morn tte Church of ieaua Christ of tatter-da- y 1 i rCLZLA't ing's train, aud. fcafti Xhty twp mimw p The pntUe are ecrSlaliy iaviui o tars mentioned arrived slnaulUneoualy Ka3 Deo. In the 15th TTari cf tl'J ith himself, end were received wliV?t i as u years. t . - ana t aged vttHAa, rd. cancelled, and the Uiestampa being rxs i rt aTif -at, ,r ca waa uirecteo w ua x. exxx. r. b 1? orpcsrra meaw Can tue J. Jf-- i pcct ofxxcs, an In g ' appet Jut J ' . vtted to attend. " a Fork P.'M; give an explanaUon? - ;i lk Ttr SKfOTBO-eOIXrRCaUUUS- , EH3ffl2K t"ja - tiiia a . Sals t-i- eMMren-BhaBTedandetttr- un j Uk t" mh.j. a: onna tlo t nanaktT -- ..- VakES y 3 xr. aeQl as , aJ'T&ontsa;; I, 'KOtJA AST a .t 3 VE ME AA CALL'. tree a. Veata ae PAaVAoai na OKAUEB3IH - LATII GB1IW, FLOUR iKD FBBD , OonincwrofTfiMirsOrtliUtrA. DO ORB SASH BUNDS, MOULa U 5 "' iv.-- ' Oea.g,l$7S,X; j4u DINGS AHD BUILDING Md otI I have laspeeted theantrtmm eina taawaaaan. eaa werttaysbe .. Itaa , HARDWARE, iiwiamtff ,r'0 i and aoM In tea variety oiVaa Slop t and talJnK raa la Liy .U AU VJLV. Uskeeptdaatlromtarjewtoieaa Jonw auxuaaa, ra alalia. xi aad iiarmony. Prof, cfglaging CUILDZ1 A2fD IUF0SXC3 07 EUXLDZ2? tast have ever t tha is The Prince Or ran lor variety of effects sod s weetness ryed on CTAIIeO . r rr?"-Tahecnaete OrganUt. Ot Ail PeserlpUona Imported and xat Up on .; Short Kottee. WOrvana wll fcix H topaln handsome- Black W. B. X have alao the Aganer forw.L Tna ,, WauaatCiaeae. oLL.w-aoUo- . P a e-.- iki ' L, j ri P-- AJTD j "-a. -- 1 D03XE3TIO f S. - Wa fer Churehea. 8ehoola, Organs anlti . atcs with eaven BWr for eise. tin's Eeonoaay aad K EtitLaxsCty. tT.ricf c-- i eczir: r rM Xast ot DepoU Cts, 2 0 ' r.4 ,' f c L . Bait a- - 'V:'' .f I CT3. PER HUNDRED. ; ... 1 e . KOTICE.; bat CIaas eUtwUaai dagoU th n r;avlcrrTji'iyto OltrJ vi ri f aU o .ereaniile olaaaia Is Ugun- - 1st firem atata diaeOrdai aaaat to that effeov la totallr hdae aad eaa only baneftt Sboee dealerd "who are reiing a t pecnlale on toe 'neeaexltiey Vlists. ', i i ; ..!,". i T A ' T7eaooeptoar orders at one honors! sen lka-Ofile-a. ? a T7AHTHD Eajly, - ' ;.- JTrsl-C- J Corn, PasJ XiiJ rreah rJzitat.aawl Xss. oath dollar ani tract tie holder "cf'tMm Pxxii, will, hi JusUee to thamsalres. deaan4halr ' vaJnaUoa wheaevvr dlpeala of tbam.. f - i da7ewstt n.B.ci-A'waaiQn- '1 JS. per.Foot r. Ca-6per- arrtTtot th tUml 1 'eear k" Otn-iabor-tBg Oeev I2e, ond Oono ALnirocra-oouTmpie vt r CFFicn - 1 I . laUrra 'V. a; ixtTJicaTojr, proprietor. J"i Ui ! - , TUX MABUKET, ; cash Aim pcoorcc Foa .3 - rOKKIOa 1-- . v . 1M PBOflnrawiinTLiDT, LUMBER & PICKETS, i si ' ZX. - Tfee. X lSra. ir-rn- U d, t 28 M s) . yr-n-i s--' at - Cly, Orgaa. and' . :i havsevauilaed tha rrlaa Instrument. eaa morcmend it as a flrst-eia- j -- - O. Za 'pIBRawi ebeerfa 1 v a e .rd it nuy appronaUon ss a Good Osvaa. apsve4 alue lor ha OuraoUlty ., aad Bwsetaeaa oITona. EL. jr.- . Rtr en. orsaa. Bunder. it iaski'J y t ud trJ , - Th.i. bs-at-ae 1 ttsnuy: t eVBar-attt'- great-anxiet- aatl. fwt LaaOty,J'i.a)Ui,lS7J, Htm. Dcyn$ 4 Sw: I have eiaintvi the rrlnee Orfas aad The .ftott Dciffciliflpper' -- ; i Front J. B BJdgra, J kT nt v J ud GaxAT XxroexTzoar, KAnsat City. which took the Prsml The Priare Org-aa- , eiltlon the llaaoa a eoint strung na.mst Harnlinavd tne Kite? Orvsna, hat vanquished Whea the Prlnea is pl.eed tbeat otoe lritiamK t Ha c a pert r Vo'einc even po appwiat, tbat pwv b eMMll fvor . ..r Ma anarr.sra Um nrrt l M City a,li.i . ?t. |