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Show THE EVENING" NEWS7 Srtoler l. 187. fiatareay, - PSIOfi OF GOLD. Qrmti tarnaof tbaattaaatb Ward Seminary, Mr, "Ai. Rigga prlnd-pai, wuiopea i ! Monday or by Bawx fXaZb to commence Danxjtar. - i.a uiit. eepiemuer fTCTtm 111 fH OTO M . .1 1 Mn!rs flnallv. wood"' on n A - fmlT" i.:' vv h. - UCAI AND OTHER MATTERS. fTeM:... a,. jrfTO! ''. : t ml Htfl . ana nan. ' - ; T " "w aar. 3 MAIN STREET. T w av ltost' lUiOc. T'li i . ' xu n i 1 fnn-oratln- " V J" fae-D- na. i'wuu,l "i"K::ZrI JJ UCTim (O u hi ityaown thalr wwu' na I Hiere win be unaer promise of Drotetinn witneealt who all were abot down " h. tjT . . "-a- ni UO SO. jXlnh ! ( ftft wlU be preceded J VrT.. f J6Jentn taken. In pt I I TtTKsnv awtVaVmOn" chll-celebrat- ed .TI -. . . 7 7"" " ' wptmbib it ' m,.awT-r-- .' W ai -- ' " I lOT.' , J" OJaVOl. Weil-know- oltfn-U-V,'.fr0bll- I y STUB HODS, on band. ' LTONH U. "p AHtl Jn! dlapl.yedi floral apeoimens. Borne of the dooinnd luentveaeawereglrfiola - L Partner I' ?? nJ?,'-"''.- a whbouto. a11'," Who w w rah I H i The Acoord.ng to arrant " J. a? eateraay. itobert ChaHa- - th. nirh . " rb.t:if" . S..7 Ti Broad..,' , i iMnMtf.n. TrraPublic .5 tHi "J ' "H"JJ1,"n8 to hla wife. The c.11 ? the award made the 17. V-I"; f;informed court the prisoner with regard to itne urtoanal of axbliratloa will T7. Vie nature of the on'y I T miuioo pounds by a trifle, charire. and the i.ttar enXJ!e!d th. 1 . aiwoiDE . nan. thA lir. nfki. .ru.bk nai ,h; that the i . ,Ak1W Psd autane uotu uuiamiinrni ry him qUoned as to his reTwns for enteafn! lt!f8 V7 s . ... . ." ii ww : acawaw BiBinB if--P e Ubtlt? .JWba -- 'M,'to?doabootingtbe aafnt iafM eJt -- d tb-- fkfi' nroduoed u-ji- er. :.- -a table. seven children. bf UcSTO n"i. ? Hraa f.nalT an- UWUUCI - j of the, trihnn.i t ' . -- MOT. ' trl V'.: t G TT sr--i - I W h." tflfli V7l.i-i.- "r1 r , """'1? n lmDmr J labors. twm - Monday, andr tne Amen T. saddi. leJe vyuutDU, to w " arx' tjeua VTC Jm 30p bonds, the Probate Court, to a wer as the first anting i in e grand Jury. M wuer I Worcester. ''uara1. inthlatneeonntr? Stata many Walker occaplee the foremost , England. a "aT 0 ayner baa opened bn.ino fn tv . . I oedeor south of Savsgea' photograph g... He has reoeivad u i. lry. aood. from the ; . ji j . " ' At.1PrMtnnwtha tiiuiuaie n Mn...l. '"HWOfc , MA "SJ et, wltlAliS tun Toa wUl find ft S w.. e--- - I ST ... tf ' , ... J Orders by ; mall 1 reoelvs v ! "rwu,,u T.x vo- - y" . no. a. boom, ' . tere. aBaltlmoretww.i.-- . President of w c liinn awn r 7 to-nig- ht, " r AT iU lftS! was oommenaaiwi , ""lherchitf. the K.T r"""!"?' - -- .ir' . aa - eat i Tlt!! thaW - J OAsoiiim. o I - Tt Owing to importera failing j procure gaaoUne to anonlv the craa ma. I Qore!-.- Sain!?' hCit7, th WkM H0 h" compelled to xtoort to oU a. a maans ply to- j aa ww ajraaB BBBi - at OaU sac -- SwS55 e-- a w U 1 a. 3 j n r;tburf W .- JCmi -. : MOWU Taraple Mt. AJJ'Et ' - - P. Ae TWSia'ABBrrAi. OTJ.TTBB . Tynisn-Ta- nocrxDojr; I Aa Imeertars of Coal & MiAing Co. FINE WINES ai Mati OLD - :yaS? I H mm if V A ' iv' f & CO. UOTAIalSTQ f .7 I AND LIQUORS Pra.taa. He CUT! ED OOUnOON WHI8UT. r.Xoae, JTeT SFB Bntlfla Lam ..a art.. a. .ZT Cutter wntaiir. and tSg EZTZlS breed sre tee aJe Aaenta for iba 1. T7rartied vrwaa um na to be -wblrkv'C. "ITin oto r to prevent I bit Catr karm atletwa eaara. 1 XT with' - i j. I f 1 '. 4;7t? -- 2 .a.a. . . rti'lj'' i- --"- - JZIT?: 'TT has now garnet a reputation unequalled br l w i Th tetat sales af th dlflDtf HIP, AND Inn ai... I ar.s.. - " ' Jlaoount on au. B-- H , wr"a,w LaJai We lASf IS faf - at, la- I 1 I i II II j ii.Saf .iJ sa.fi ' : . iI iLTO-y- i T f A do do Sails I ted. O--. 431 Jackson BU dlaiam oar, and UiabT 7 1 I j TiJ 1 7: ' . ' . ., j. & -- 0 - I' lrlS 11:1I I ' a " " Ifn wna aaaa Wv- - ' " ' "t.- f.; f S - T3 5w"o ii ( irbteh they are now receiving direct mm snuTaBjaacompriatng in part admbraUoiu Wat 7 Treseb and German,: Xrta Alftaeaa, black and eolorad. "J- .TO GIVB ETTTrUC 8 ATT and. b r A rrrrnw lrtS?.?22iUm .Ji": r. toOf CharrebV eomnatlaa '.aVlla. 'I - velvets, nubosit. Berlin, LadVa. Wlaaas,' danU. ; f 'rhV5AdatfAof to tne aaeat . .7 and eolorad. H slept W JI . nmfAMst let en tf aWanaaW,, 7 - ,1 Uirdss xsdaa. watte bad acls .!.- i to a .a toCa 7cnr.:o. We extend a cordial Invitation to all to I 9 a i t In - pub. rTfl ........... i... f--t I- -J , 4 aJaodealre you to aae our W.a0ai r- -a 1 J,t f attenuoa of tbe Trade to ti..ir"i.t. i jjw roiTallliaBiVTOIW ..1 Z ii.-- al a Aaaer:aaai and . atnrooean .i anaeosEylatfttkof czzi, I a - Oaa the 1 Taelxera. - .7yfl g. 7T''r""-IXXr- T w.m DRY GQOO is, 172, tonrujoaiy Invite the Ladles to aeeZonr It attracts seneral attantiaa and 9Tr-jp'jS- ale aWMaakM I 6 0 a TrtoT",..f !KtSTAPIi:;OFellIcy 7 aa.J. a - wtnalag - OaiX.F 77 III f e- ! ! r.i .CJocLaprr, M 1 . fca '4- - anaviin,i;y . rraat I one Block Bontb of Tbaatn tt - More, Kaat Temple Btraet, - mon. IL - ton--vtr, aae oflaCSaaagr. B; Order aanu for Bait abake Cmeaey .ajd oro u,. omer coVwtaa. & KLY aSJ fir '5 Oamnittaa. r. Ji.saL. r'' VVso frak . ... . 7 atra aa suwr Tiinii ttt1- aaawsaaie"wi Ma w i a The Cbteaao Bella aid thv .w'm"twc -- ! aieaidf avatal octaves rasaa Saarry do w I V I the atroaiseat fer the price. Alee tai aaere i WOKBTHaaJTB tl.ger Kaeklae are " ' An nvkleaee that It 1 aaiaifaetaureel , ' uock WblskV. si & rJARTEnS:OF-VArj The sli 'of last year, Q reaveaeat whtaVw. RMawaala. .a. O Ooleaen HOTAUIO small traee of sulphur. sed XOO pounds " w aaajajavuK w. t TOE TRADE. B nnoa 15 !rp- - si rabaii ntak7" y d?-'- 3W aiawwuuMIOUXalUllll arl ! f THREE-- CO, Agenta for Bait. w-l BBAUTIfUL .AND J ELABORATE BTTxJrs OP GRIATLTJIIPBOVJSD, WITH THrJ 1 SI t as' Sr" : CO a T.I " vi'l'i r W balTala 60 The 5 s t t -i Imnds of aabaa to Ua FIJI V . .'... Srin-t. a nxkait, ' OB UtMO. ... . ,171 4 4 Ann ' fiSItET.tWparlaLlant ii daortf Ia a LaUBir -- EXCELSIOR - 1 - .v.. "jr Emi aide .f- rtopeotfnlly - invite tha Pnblio to ; ; ..r;.. ..4.,t4,f If CPLii itaa l"su' crIDIUdSaa ap,, C: ' wraMilsum a oui .i 7 RtamnA - dollars per one thonaard enble feat . T) A M I Kl. W u Ifl raa '! LAR La - w auiummate their houae, much' to their SOtf Haam Nawa oaee. 1 . Call andaramtnai- h.f-ar-wuujaiMia . aj.aa a.. . WNHilWf ".rVUI.Ull w aiai. a 1 I XTiSTtT ' jut 'Dm'COOPZZl gramfrom WhltUer. Pniler&cS to mS v . ., I BITOi-K- It,'. , I . wtiaa In thla it th.t e.. I ..1--1 vTT? f ATTO R N Tr AND QOUCITOR kasoiTnaTahf nnaA A u thV h m iS " I ' wanaaies EE.-G-GOiI . J , nrwTm V itniciii I -UTW aMaTa. a ijieiJI MUa'S xouaaery I Jt J a- .-' t... OAia t 1 t"ff-- ;- t--.i hoicks. 4 Bale ta aaanrei 5S2 Si:S fl.a2 10!T&Kicef?tqi?3IilS am be four rr, m V i. Iba tb ear; at ImltS. !irSfwS,5il!!r. that ajrranceaineSe for na aerviee may be taada, ...... .7 HO a.aa o vampoeu t Pattaaraon'a Tample 8t, or to Geo. B. Clark'a, " ''it "It,, re .Till Mr LocKTircaif m J R OTa-aIim-at- aiy a f af. """towim to ereet ther worka and t l- Link-moti-on WE Laxb Crrr Gts Oompajit I I No, 49, MataBVJaoL ,1873. SAitT on tne Bta.eito--d, a onild's Hat. In "ratlii sprln. "V ?i CJ 51 i '4,1. people will per. w1 mit. The new acbool bouse ' mttchaenU - , owner will Had u at thla And atCaanxaeturar'o' will be on the site of the old one, the latter having been Omew. the work oasa -: . i.a .. torn down. We are pleased to learn that fw aTV .: Wo eog rHooOlng the people of the Sixteenth TZ. . "Ml oaeord Bog. Ward b.v moved in thla direction, and wish them tT' oa.f j 43 6 j AU tbe working parte are now entirely closed from eight and thus making tbe runntna aear PttbUo building that -- . ' aua anrKiavara. Apply to itorrla aa I nouasieas. . Tba Euaaa Quoa. win t.,ff DAI THK waaaiif Evening. Sept. 14th. In Tntae.aa4toaL bet wean thla altv .... lfI nmmf waw. ..rl - Aoaso a.ff. : f ; Wyonitog Tr? T: .. , T?7777 tr :t iro !i3 w . av vaia ' TO I We nnderatanrt --Til The elrcnmatancee of the ' 7 & JTs Lit "f More of those Caiebrated . n. .r- - A Dsllfary War gen a kspt for lbs art a Ion, of so have Taan "5 ooox panrTBsuDD aa.T 3 OB OR TEAS DEL & Cffifl P" iiMntfii.h. ? a- --- VAB.aIBK a oumr.h? J?2.55ta ?. .Th. wing will be Plor oW7o7ohT.hl auiuuwuuy aavancea mis ran to enable tbe "ariy ezpeoted. For partloutara read bia JZZXlt nZlttlag9 ln J during the j sdverilaement, which will be found on -- ata.. aa 4 WU.Z. -- . r , .a. lg. n$ i j SaU1- I . . coall, v aw Ltoiltri Z'i' fiv. il!W i "Yr7,"u" J.Wali it mgl VAJIXKO. H. H. CLAWSON, x exas ; alt T T lit &C.wnurVW Omoa r at. ,rii . wau wiu. lT?-- w uiurvn, '' h nZ.iT. . ataie! UM ; asaieaieaiareef u araaevl rm tne laM ewra. Br. . . . A. P. aeTA i.iaa an proaipt attention by. lis. Cxonprov. whc tanetby eKparienee ln Ute trade ennblea him tm ww wiu aatlary oar patroaa. Snd m. ' nlaervancPhlla. ' .. , a! BCPABTHcarr, ' . . i Iberdo thai Daily. Mid tVm p Pific. or S2nd Partial railrotmj aenator Harria, CoL annua and otha r croft, Mr and Mra J wu iwni arnvva m tnia elty thla murnlng at 11:20. We unde'rsUnd the party intend remaining here and a&wtia!' i? den toT "Paolal tralnim. Z'llr.1" - - - . - orniDB; a servlcea ail r'.. ' k m aaoeroaie We wlah them 4 pleaaant and agreeable journey. IwrmuKijrTa ! IasTatricaiTTS 1 ! Charlral . i has opened business at the i W.SUyner 7 ; vw avvu uvuaa. .t aa. new f acboolj i new aland next to SavaWa MilaVw bafs bonae la belnc bnllt ln tha sitaM. w- ry, . ,. when wUl be d bald to the eaterpriaing residents to dSapanae to apme, credit PP--l of the Ward.- -: It wfll be two storey, y high, llTekl'fiZVTZlJZZ?, androcalathematerUlW for It. con. n bU goods and the priceatbw-aatrnoilon. The aouth-ea- st win U so far l f. Mm . & eareoi and aaaaaaaaiaaBB,,. t1 7 Sftoti.n. ..... ,..,., ': Hrn auem. ..r wiui a preaeni, preparatery to renewing our stock for autumn and winter trade. i Alfclf 4,g rr rs" aat a . r n.i T-- mmmmm. ,u -- AVaa SUBS BroTXCK , .arf e I uuaer nia ilOan ant- ata.paia.tav a .wvit wiw axpenenoea oannet ha azoelitd either for i ww.aiaa OOaaJltV Ai wlf4.tfBta. i jits police conrt this jnornlng. The i 7 TowB" WD Hotwa, Sept 13 and 14. -wnom that charge waa H D Bentley, LCtottonwoodi O E n-made, and whogias appwred In a wretchedly Evanetoa; J W MorrtoTlanwortbi wTfeT L Peter dilapidated oondition. wM the arrandaon 5rS?L. a man who used to reside 1 a; ' BOOaIHM' B at TunarTolio! In Heotlaad. and who waa mort XeTmin of m'"?i CJ ??reao,0 .... n -- id ii..r.i..ki. opponens or -- Mormon I vaiu: u Hnnin. and waa well known to manv of th- Am Pork Rinieme, im. ...us...h.uiq S w'W R: O P . J. I S3 Leather, r.a-L- ." : th fl -' i f amm- - .. rT.tLattend. - vaa- a Hit s W at "W'VI SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. A Large and: Stock Splendid of Goods ?4 expected! lit i i "TIHir "PtiTftlo garaJheTebynbOlieirthat tfaroV of tWf city, romralitt.v..l. . - UJ UUB il DaUDm.ThifaaaaK.li1.n.L " i.J Id, the Tth M C'i - 3"- - tathe L I I wen, secretary of state fer . .If 3 - ' uau juid. See i 5 GTs.lI LULD i' S LITTLE WASHER ft YRINGERI, - 'Og - "nuago It It .n.ka -so. rcertainly ;t not: WabaUr HiiaOjiaiH I. ., " P ace In l -- vACO. if,: sl.h.ugh Baf K.-- fc - ! 1 4 '.a. ' nam wrecked on Kock, and all the crew sanpos- " ' - aMaaaai a '""n veeeel "r," " i .... 2 rw. tneaaat (MWlrtT.aHABJCET FBI0X3, I ilae naeatpoMt In the world, SB'. 3BS of. which we always keep a large assortment 'i10"" d to be dwwned. This is M " .best and cheapest. Harness Leather. iwL he. th. .UDU"BU sale and retail. r t - In. p ABM' t, for SsTsnnah. and hla Uemblarna:. nervonaSann j ui- - lr.r ",,u fort wire, who I .7 ;T . """"F -- I Y4 "aa.SSSaiW 8 I ' mw,ftold" the oViv :'. 1 be court . i; a wbaletale and retail.' ' PI11KI 1. ja a NEXT DOOR .r" 7 af fBaUsapiy fai -- tne trade in the shape of rquiriDy Saf ftaa inaiTlsTl llbl K I ortp: A 4, i""3-- ! t,:. - work completely. Can be teea ononjr fnb ima are . to fa .i GHEIJIG ba fonmd In any atnr h. awi aST ;Jail ? 9. EVERYTHING wtx B THE-CX)t- ".iiTifni:-. t j ! ft? m ad ai i a mmSimZLlSS CHAS. W. STATHER S STORE, ,J ' " annmr"w ,i 8B w ' HI ITTLE. - ttUALITT Ajri awrr, .A. It aA. "',Jf IV TP a - 2- maintain it by contlnnlng to manuoujinre goods that ws can tSSSK th .wnm.i,,. .1 K liu . ta 5 Si? I6? b a: rli a." ; -- We intend to - .1. . ji . . !u? WUUBj Ciuiunial WAB COCkbllm ravfalaa.il I A - Ik w pi 1 TJiey aaave labor - iM it A aaKaal :::V; . ' j elTe ladier.nJ"ten- li in our --Jag I ..Huiuaaiai a reputation ior I ; . : if a.tera t- j "u HTrT a. m J. one bad - AU our own Make, h"ui r. M,r L7ry'b a aaakavaB. 0ouId arfe no aatlafao- proor to tht II B a u"Dgno mElVS to .li, A. " pursaaia irtie bad four '"c ' wtTlJi. ln the case of the aeSmSooA nn. ceil- Mw I Of Messrs. lng a m ma atore. be . annu .. - w.v. three o .. Haeaa'a naaiaaa i Dinar Alt j T hw a present- trouble, and Dreaentad 7,Y" "Tea .ia. tha -- 1 noth.r" UU5U .neb were -'"""Kr . attempt 7 I uiiMeu DV th. mnrt ,- nu- upon mmaeir he ihoaM t.k-- --. n..i. 7 77'" rtof w.,. arjwae.s.y. mam wlin., to Piove law ofna-iMra.Cbarl, the wife ortbe prisoner. iT0ly tnu l XL mm - ?ai;o' u,. ., am p?.. 1 . . H DISPI.AT OF niaa .fAAl iriLii .aiwiug l? reUuon to Atobea 1 2T"lca ,c"9 , COMUtatet the ueinloui lam '.Dim. the eae of th. w?'fuy rMntoH a. vote or " -? . 3laV! Hi I ..L a mm PRICKS. . " Wl.tnlfol 0 a5fii 8IQN OF THE '- - j niMai DAIUEL- l..'aL: Arqcs is a new weekly Forreatortotrf "?andel xnomas puo.iaaea at ceaiortt, xowa, erery a : of Jtntn Thursday, by O.N. Udell. City, died thlaVml, belled to r fro UKDroBD i 99 Eaat Temple Street, w bnht eoaa.- aat. Way p--ir, ! r TRY Oil ! DEPARTMENT. " t.waaaai UUIUXM. , T " dabilu, TerbeDM, aators and petunTaa. , , lJe babit of .gning cheSBfSdVJS The garden of Mr. Huasey is one of the Wednesday, drew one for BOTenty thnn. fineat .nd most tastefully nd. arranged In this QaUjTrroaV - aMaoinilTrJLlTl--l !??5 au70a ; H.;B. CLAWSOIV, "supc" Hi 111 t- - it fhe liV pildlntof e n FACtIt' 1 SHOE the country, J-- d X. 8t""t 0? la xaavr v.. , !?. RrTr1!1 a. celling .hooter, wii I ' J 1 PLl.JimgoyilOBS! f1.7- - """PWOn.ail(l vithn.. :7Ti7."' 'ooil BTO& CURTAlHSr uaianratad :.;LT""' " u,bl1 IJ , . Notloe..Tn. evarrnTahVi, one receiving m mortal In c,ab the other from thU Territory. Not only were the deSIer U s choice In variety, bat the bouquet Arm of Clarke W . I .. a Mr mm nuaf w aiTHnM or nvrtm , J I yara " '. NOTTIHGHAM LACE AUD MAM i sxeam -- ; dth Uij wnbnrah delicate tinta of color 1 ; t w Matt Iftelahtihi rSSSi" Wnni- s . , if of oarcarrlera. from Mr. Hardman uU-dt- la gydener toMr. Warren Hossey, from the garden of the latter, 7th Ward, one of the ,"!frtI,rh0? one ..na 1 l..-- COSt tr awn dixtf J. """" rn t . wrrisu atrST .: 1H i i - --- Pa - Thlabarleaqae Joans; by the IedUn aenaatiolnil mm drarna- I Charge of by Nick of tha Wni. saved. liq appeara aa the -- Jlbbenainosay!'' I rVBW, YoaK. 1 A. oontradlota the reportedcable dlsDatah "Bloody Nathan," 'Nick of the "The Aveoger,', "Reginald Asbburne" Aiorecht, Austrian army. . aavs It rthi ' nsc in 'trr'-- l Tj- 7??tbe rr-r7Ji Ior - a n j It . w rr X tnia role erave an additional nroof of kA L.A "'UPJU 1U !JO" - y Wllty and TeaUUty. Mr. 'CJiaplIn ThLt timlth aayef Strathmore" waa very eneotlve, and thl -waa tlmebe -t Cedar City. Util, T.h -ivarion. otier ?"i?P I ItC, IWD " .rT.-frT... J muster with the t" tained. Grand Prlm.Tv,. 1-1 milltf. . W .' i-Tthn Bt Ai for Uia mmt " " r w. orime: that the . uuneaque, I . " narrwilrtlnn AMXQISA. bar n Nhrm. t 7. i, 'J 1 c aYl W, ana J . ? i?- - floa-er- I wort. Hij - I I a pi jsaid fifes n..' imo -- . . - . DEPARTUErJT? I r ot, I 0,0.JO- ' . " ni -- j r ' w s j,ltwiii 'Mte;T"!MMw' aeaii the Weatera .Centra. ENGAGEMENT- - t: i 1 Kai '"" " 7. ad aa Ute tetat atea 04 In the Tabernacle :. the teatlmony of aoSaSSL XfFW, on Bnpportad by ' XfTfiS ' TP1W atitenandtfroo'dookaDd in the rarloua Wbettoer saoh an aJBrf.2i!T:?. Mormon.' mm. ttoned b been m. MAtLA "rth r Vard meetinga In the evening. WALTERS we kn0m.enr 1J" m iiiue: we aredeoldiw1iw.L M,U I 4 FCril. nniuL f'STBATHMOBa" AT ' TEI Ct avary pattern ta pmSt the r "Strathmore, or Wrought by Hla own Hand," presented at the Theatre laat niarbt. la! a i ai' inrr an mv a very good piece, especially when I lbment known to the law. ( nn ? considered that it ii the dramatization of UflOIS! anav la ran or love, plot ana oonn-terplTo be foand In Cub or on the Panifl. jt and apoTi. hate atn now arebaaad to Mntrut vengeance, giving aoope rr"r" ptng o atoraa, affloaa. onUdlaia ndn-.-t m for aooce fine actlng.but It la too hearj ever mar I AWTaTmiraV. I wat to be very popular, there being an ntter 7 c Beaioald Aburna L" --VW ' absence of the oomio or xJL f,l I which at times rendera it somewhat ment, ToBK. Th. w Kiw t uwi anintv-ta iL.i 77 . j uiuuuwuuub. meaaow masaaore ik. uaujr t nwuur givea i - r owron and and " . i . r.T.r-',"acope for the display of artistlo skill, and j work baa been fatly coni dally. ' j. Mia Jean Clara Walters, who personated Confe-sioof Philin r- I" 21LGI- - t wo ouierpnM, it STKAiaar een by our telewamaat iiAsrit "V1" that theawmt nf ,. AHUimarejtTTT n Got g" ray ri a .v .; "ra3toaaee to oomssboc at 8 ,1- - ic. uny. at hair pee open in ". . will u 'rrw u uii t miim"Jn Junction - Wtowfct'iJpJ seiiins ttuy& tu.bc 15.-- I -- Tj? MthStJZJZE1 aV? of the PaPtb open-- 1 ing term. i . Aaaembly ' ii r d3K ' ar i jaw MaSaaa ijjt, c.r:3 , , -- TThether they wish. to Aurehare or not. 4 i at A.isaU7Aa,4?-- 1 1357 - L aa. ,.. vera' j .. laAAa au, a.tJJa1 A- -n 4 fir - ( awaaw 7 Mr M .,CK::37:r::.iLiCcD( l.r nCnA2TID DriOII3f .7, w tK. JtCsss Cru r" " T- a J. a 7 aVa.1 W4 affm't saasaaii loom and blasettaJ Cask. Ltasar. earrtam g-- "j fy VakanVn. T bSCy( V - |