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Show - r a &: nil cd arE Z. TP of lb wholesale slaughter r- - ft if vnlk?. wife and aieter. San Fram cmI; ta the t A LT L. A K E THE EVENING NEWS.' proeecute the eurrey and exploration of was to obtain the entire inheritance. Oen Meixmam ui who, t xx uuaggw, l at U4J , Wm' (tatnm m.na r mr rt "uumpucee were arreated UmjEViUlM TaiiI, the central polar region the aeoon and taken to France Oneida Co, N T; C Osborn, for Mies L wife. trial. and the third enmoaer to strike .t.Thi!eird0to.f,.lheteoTerilot' lammen aaa w "m'm .V. r x'laas . to ?I. t (HlOItaE CASHOY, eaatwardof Behrloj 8 traits If possible be to retain In office ail A P Stutevant and daughter. Conn; alls charter I XODITOR AND PCBLX3HER. Geo II Boston; Ua., J D Stuterant, present city officials- ,- several of Killee, Oakland If theee expeditions reenlt In the die the Cal. Chick. whom it waaepecially to designed a or habltabl get corery of an Inhabited lt tUU thmt inst some stay it. isra. country near or at the North Pole, It orlf.Jm rrlJey. these officiate other tneaaure SATORDAY EVEIIiriG, will i i will be the great erent of the century now be takeu.and it le understood the i lSlk. BilIK FCRMSTENT JtTDICIAt. lUXOIlSCE and the next question will be how to attorney general is acting tbrongh W. FIHST i H.Peckham and other who atllise the great disco very. have been engageorthe lawyers, or members of the ring, andproaecuUnr Chief Justice McKeen or some equally have prepared an Indictment against Hall, Will be presented. Watt PhUllp'a Celebrate! learned Doctor of Law. la an article Tub season for excursions of various Tweed and who will be Connolly, Drama to 8 Acts, "recently produced with f j i. of a kinds hae commenced. The 'weather ceeded against prH i published la this morning's and the greatest moose. eaUtled Jointly, grand o from the Washing-to- jaet now.ie beautiful, tho stormy tlma jury of. the court of general aeeelona CITY. SALT city contemporary, been called upon to find bliie. ChroxScU, dq4tUi:m to parry the evidently paaeed away. For have le current that the Cunard A report effector the late decision 'of tb So- merly Hayhaving could be pretty eafely relied Itorjr - mimml rtataaelal TripoU from Liverpool for U.m.blp er VJalteSiatoa. prano Court of the United HUUi, la upon for fine dry weather, especially New the Aftat York was wrecked the Irish the cut of Clinton vs. Englebrecht, and after the first few daye of the month coast, and the vessel andoQcargo ail a BlAtjniUL 8CENKRY! Warrem ZXaaeer-,Praal4anl. thus one ) more derndttstrates his utter but of late years, with the Increase of total 16.98. The passengers were safely cHARAcrKBiarrio appoist; Cslill'UKtlY, .Vice Prea't. t L.Daklar . Ignorance of law and his Incapacity to spring and summer rains, and occasion landed. TUK 8TRSNGTH Or TOU. TO TSC CAST A special from Haugh-to- n Cahlar. Gedbsunderstand the foxoa aad effect of Judi- al heavy thunder and hailstorms. May Baltimore. Aatheny the hlatory or the recent company. cial decisions. I order that our read' has been a wst, cool, ;very uncertain atrlkegives of miners la that region, from TIWVAUE, era raay at the matter correctly, we which lt appeara the trouble originated month, and little reilan ee can bo placed mainly two with Cor"Fair-playarrived aide " decision of place by side the upon meteorological Indications and nish Miners, who recently are said to be mem. AUTnORIZED CAPirAU s.iee,eoe UcKeaa, and that f Chief appearances for any length of time. bers of the International Nl( J:! Uult, Society. The Justice Cbu, delivering the unanl-mo- m Consequently It la not the moat trust strikers originally numbered two thouMr HAsXBT 'l.OllBtAIirE sand men, of whom seven hundred and opinion of the ableet bench In this worthy time for out-dopleasure par fifty hare returned to work. The other FAID-U- r ISO CAPITA I We do not throw lout Baits by Advertising: a few country Uee, although, when It le floe. May la twelve hundred and fifty, belonging to J . ea Low Prioea. - - - j eay.Calumet and Hecla mines, are still tne th one or Treading: Articles Supnm Court , months the MAY 20. I ICS, MONDAY KVKNINU, la Orchard ra.. Hofbr. . u l(aa try Ct la these valleys, thepieaaaniess are Idle, bat One hunbeaotlfal and abun keeplngqulet. It nitHM i U. S. regulars are now at EARNINGS, of trout tee Territory of - Thm i.t-- aiss.ooe r - .v dant bloom of the fruit trees, the new dred and fifty and two companies more are Haughton verdure of the grass and grain fields on the way. Grase and Vivin, the two Mr. d: SIreu aV. II. "TSe aeoree la t&e- by cta under and the pushing foliage of fruit and ring leaders above alluded to, were reupro oouxreea, but shade mw" tci oC nos niVIUEMU IM IS7I, so t:K IT a few daye since, by the sheriff, ueraU u-- w ItltonJ tne tree, with the comparative mois but were In the settleniciits and misting? tovroa w II m II court, tndi lt aa ueeu eourte tbey aresaetae ture of the rescued an infuriated mob by atmosphere, the absence of of miners, who threatened to bold, court of or llvee the M e court nut rlvonai) cat Alatu. Th the intense heat of summer, the usual tne an en ii aud poese, and frightened eooey tbe Cue- - lM court lo their interest to, call and enquire prices WM rtaetaa tone since E EMILY! freedom from dut, and the frequent the cltlzece terribly. Agasalz, eon of Oldest B inking Institution in UtahJ professor, and the Drealdent at tho ot i; but by therr L- - , li'KiKi' ii) u3u climatic geniality presenting a combl the before pureliaslngr. Hecia and Columet Companiee le on -wmture ot Kua Utmr .tr are which i nation of attractions rpeoull t to scene tae the the of troubles, and rr. under ana way iu.uur -lt wis tjf TUJtrtt on aak lair, r,i thm . arly favorable to pleasure travel. the authorities await his arrival before GENERAL IIA.KIU IHSI- BOX Q9F1QK ojmw tor wjes ? la at 11 o'dook. iecukiu4 V tas performance, juruaUcuoa aoa were- - m,, tu tfc oooeutu-u- y day NESS H. B. CLAWSON, rfiip't. ED further. 84 of trr Til and proceeding the In conducting organizing Mlllin law, ueu-uUou Wlia.tt woula pr tbe la vot coUrM ' lore tromcoa- pleasure excursions, several" points ' EUROPEAN. Good ewea. Lee uoe not arpqr. Ut VUvkUvr e a . should careful attention. receive aa it ia. i ae .'eaamg editorials Arenclea la Colorado 6i tVXontana. um: Juurs were vice tea nuaopmion r faith ahould always be maintained with in every morning or tee -- laou. TV. imopw paper are devoted to "r tout ateiC u .rmory eia oomiuf the public, and an excaraion ahould be the aupplf raeutai article of the Washkept truo to lie aanoaaead character.'. If ington treaty. The delay of action by tXUL.IOJT10NM iROMPri.Y ATTKNUKl TO. an excursion Is devised for adnlta.let It be the Senate la regarded as fatal to the article. WEStK NOI.U Wtrtiral TUE:PA9r YBSASU ;U-wytJlmerlcm, June 10. i7i. UuUer toecooiutu- - so; if for children, let the arrangements proposed Tlireupuu tne curt me London crew will row is said it myw.r lMMl auU law ox u be prepared and carried out In view of against the Atlanta. It is by no laterest Allewed ea Time Deposits. w in to Mas roriwua. their pleasure and benefit. means the strongest that could have O0Sly w Brvwuu been aeleoted, but it ia thought amply ' ' tuoat axe Tne urn Vat- not or . pleaeant partloe mt imm in Ui U .Z 't.,..Z1-... 'Z neoeaearlly tM Mm iM"r7LrT moat numerous atroBK rUOUgk to brat jVmirtoH. j the HTAIXIOIT BI83IABGU. IIMSIUU "1 '.I. fliend trur th m numbers to become . are ri Joseou raoto acta of ta Xwrn- tuvn wad (iltOUft Large no apt Drvwi IT A. Yoodv- - ml l . .t. th. turxM giT Uir courts crorUioa ta mat i trf en one to llrroleGlrl. portion having we hare a!rMii unwieldy, V7 dure of tedium the llsVLl, KIXQ WILLIA3I, long waiting upon Ui An Ives a sinauII Uuty ar ka ttxm Jvurnil it Augsburg rvooat tmry pertuu. ' ou At the same place, at five (f'.OO) dnl.kra to d- BiAtwa coarta another portlou, unices excellent execu lar accouut of theierolsm and presence vanon. ConslHuled by thefi wines of lhe people ' ' 8ecou4 Soutu Street, w LT IWH. UV u. u. P&HK. ppv m tive, ability I possessed by the man of mind displayed by the daighter of a Keeelvod Ihe Ureal Aw nrl of the Illtfliee wlee aa heve left ll rlrWla fir belilu.t ' nua I. Eothuilaam Is a very good game-keepresiding In a solitary agers. Ittent, for they a r ' ' ' i ' near house Welheim. Her father aud um MUSEUM S oUwr. bo In MENAGERIE to la all who have uust do with the rtat of the thing, bat Utuuoa, bad to 'I aia la ta loeical cuo- - xorj it gone family STATIi HOAD. Ql cond acting an excaraion. rood venae Is ehurcb, when there ! entrance 1 to '; the the appeared at the Opposite - u ee--- Ui wo. aa a far more valuable quality than en- - door an old man, appareutly dead half Tabernacle, nor u tne juriaUictiua iapeiromii. 1th cold. Feeiiug for his situa thuslam. JOHN W. TO UNCI Srotrfeor, she lePHilou went aud In, All the arrangement should be as per tion, Into the kitoben to prepare him some fcl (fta feet a poMible, and ahould be carried HElVIrU; MAfJUIXK SULKM FOIl 1870. soup. rial Court Through a wiudow which com- ADMISSION, 50c; CHILDREN, lOo. -out ae promptly anJ efficiently aa poa-- municated room In which she from mrm it the t uanuletnre of Hewlu Maebtaea bat attained la shown by iu9 71T I'owu " Z'iTJZ!0'.0 u or tiw U Un orraud returns ,?.whl? bad lefthlui with the kltuheu. sue ier- - Open rrOttt II eV.tXaVe lO G lKld mLTmm, mZrCi (Ci wtilob may ous can nave aeoe) or tb iu tnuraolurera f.r tbe yar lS7u eil? torr. TSiSvillTmViZ la virtue aiw. Whenno thlnge "go like clock ceived he had dropped tne beard work, wiiu coafudon nor unfortu he worelht tee eeiuber of machine m) 187u le m folio war loa when he entered, aad that he UTAH A.T A. GLANCE. Hlae-enate Tk ever r.saaJ ad snleealonlatlon, ie norBM..M neeului rako body 17.BB.1 now a mt robutt aud appeared mao, tbat vbealer Wllnen OMm 83.2 Medal iae cuw nttw ! wets Haw write tares. ftnmim mires. Bat bungling and confusion in he was pacing the chamber with a Heaae .AC ma 75,156 6.H1W rover . Q Baker Bare cnrleeltles. c. 67,402 .,, S.SUU Empire A t Uowari, --41 vae fcctoC2la? to United the conducting of aa excursion change polgnard In hie hand. Finding no Weed. BoUUil riakie eeess etsaea eeeaee 2,1 JU Lyon. ox Wlli A of Olboe. 28.8W rxraam. Meat eeee aaieee the pleasure Into disappointment mode escape, the armed herself with est V American ButtouboieOverseanalng 11573 It Wilson. Chopper tn onejiand and the boiling and disguit, and crimination and re soup Aud several other coaapsjiles wnosoid a jew MacbUies. In tli th aud, other, entering axe too apt to follow. room where he was, Hrt threw the soup J'?Iulw ,a.by tnls table thtthexopttlarUyorthe Slarer KchU far SSSTor crimination odyol OX iMt hrk4lllio wi v.iSoUuVb. m. OoTru- - cixtiara The weather ahould l considered. iu . mi oe. auu .toen struct: mm rwotla 11 blow with the hatchet on bis neck, wan, or or Hunt "tit." On the water cold winds, even la sum Of all Deaoriptiona ttUow-riir5to the etrenitb of ralao ;j, which brought him to the irrnuud K weeeaaa aioumrurv-w- propyly uiklerstooO. tner, mty prevail, and suitable clothing senseless. At this moment a "fresh 127. of im. .b.wl- - aa I.er.aS. raXflTe 3LX T s.T una u uia ouurvuio . s a a ee iao nrsl 01 tHe4u rftUK t L w Wt weot upon Ue around suouiu os proviusu, so mat such a con knock at the rior occisioned her to coarta to be tbat look out of an upper window, when ebe . 4 .turi.. tingency may have no no pleasant con vouru cTr ta vwwiiucwKinxumiki ri..- . tbo chancer uoon oi our fuiigautic Halea( notr nearly t saw astranee who demanded tato. w vvmi vi uo ienv sequence. Thla month and occasion- an admittauce,hunter, on her refusal, FAMILY -- MEDICINES! tortaa by too Orgaoie aud, ally further on In the summer,thunder- - threatened to break acs .waa berooa a the open door; she -THREE-QUARTER- S V J i A ' ' ox Trritonai storms msy occur on brief her lather's and. ':'.'- - immediately got and A Bj 1 cud. nolloe, .v L I 0N fao f lriaAUoa; saa the mo-- some sort aa be was proceeding to put uts threat oud ta waich the Terrt-toof, protection for possible Into execution, abe shot him court oX appeals rain should not be through Warranted Uo be BelUf. than neglected on water the right ahoulder, on which be mm made vuou court or " :' ' : t 2 ?" ' , i j ta rirtt J was or on land. hla way back to the forest. Half an i ft'-''.- : MADE AND REPAIRED. oorr lstDdubutM, todtdtio-vuia- a i and Best Give P. the a hour nerson third AN1 AU. IN PBACriCAL. U8K.I WBKB MAUS WITHIN TUK after, and came, a On few land excursion a imported, u Irosa state things TMKK PAir asked an after man old couxx. who have should be considered neceesary at the pasied tbat way. Bbe said must all other Mthlawt. tm lutt Witniu tbe abe knew TIM a laooateUble oront that past, year Amole Satisfaction. The above extract side b U'v Uow place of destination. There should be uoiuiujr oi mm; ana alter useies menaces. If ahe did not open the door, he that the Territorial Chief Jutfc, who asufficient good water to drink. Thla la also Oar JTlaeltliseM j are tUe Rent In tlie Worll ! proceeded to break It In. when abe In In sum this prime requisite region claimed to be a United SUUs Jude, shot him dead on the spot. The exmer, as everybody la thirsty. There citement pu and i now utterly unable to com- should of her courage being now at be shade from the euo, as few an end. her spirits Family bsnan to sink, aud Sewing Machine, prehend or understand the decisions of and screamed from the the Supreme Court of the United Statee people are anxious to brave the sum she fired shots uuiEitr .v windows, unttKeome eene d' arms were TOith Attachments for All Hinds of WorkJ la Orchard . Hoghea, Hunt vs. Palao, mer sun's rays hereabout for long at attracted to the bouse, but uotbioe: Parsly Vegetable. TUejr cleanse aud put iry to and accustomed many people, i!l etnw nSl?briuetr-- m "r0t and Bonnsr vi. Porter. MA second time, " would Induce her to open the door. the blojd. atotnaeli and bowels. Aot power- r tbsa raptaiy tueri,!., to to a Indoor much a uw new ar anii w aMaaenninaa let nnev aaeKia, . i until the isturn of her father, from fully opou tbe livsr, klJnsys ant urluary life, long exposure Daniel eome to Judgment !" o wu "? ner miAniiiar "! lv IRhMfUMt niiMiti. tYaftalf iiuu'ioiiiuia .Z"rr.. . ua usri.irm fierce June, July, or August sun would church. 1NCLU1J1NO j .t.,i and Breaktoeup haaiilllnl atraatibaa dUe.tlou 'a . . not only be unpleasant, but might be brlan d. roy bus of beallu Ui faces Wwelatie afc. i. . Are tonlo, oathartlo. atloaalaat, sad 2OT laaa ihaa ftrt axpadiUona are seriously Injurious. The moat agree Fires in the ..Mountains. The eooias, uy rauoving lb cause of disease. An to proceed tn search of the North able ahade la sylvan. By all meana an eeason of nres has opened early thla eaiseaJ berualsts la alt ees bar ratbar wor is at .11 alapteli to Snt-tt..- . -. approved, Pole, or rather to endeavor to find and excursion camp anouia do m or near a year. Before the melting HOUSE & IIIILB SUOEINCe aTitlh .J. IS. anowa have tteiare rqu red. f r either kxior sewn wb S1'11. or ataermy au I ,eallormity be ret euroHrtn or . .iiir n I.orm . wm . youujw ariiiin mm. s tm i vr.n.. .i u .. . explore the open polar sea at the north, grove, of something taller. If less aro scarcely ceaeea to saturate the earth. 01a. xrytbent falrty. a I you will uevar XUOT or or or Mt tne of ui ana r!: tartaiso. tuoainr otbec X.wTi. rumiri. aoy I'vt. when the newspapers tell us of any kiore ltaportel oitta. r e A. w vm the ensuing summer. a i . wnu u a rni tai la matic, than sage brush. There should northern rivers . . and lakes uw choked with atm w ua uvuvu iikuo naauiae. Thera Is the current American expe be not only shade In case of sun, Hrlee 3 but, If ee, the Spring fires have commenced. ' dltlonef Captain Hall. sen for IJesorlptive and Prioe Oironlctrs. Tbe e ua of telegraph-tellpossible, shelter In case of rain, should i We IU aUU Picture or ilfa hmIIm alltr anrl tri. . fanilst Keen n4 MUraj Oar Ban Francisco dispatches a few corns Into the calculations. I Sand ' and urea in ine moan tains of devastating; r, JSew , York threl and .MI-l- uly 4 i"-A vaiaa oiti oe re. tlx oe Ji wtaa UaaJ taroukuoar enuolp.i' Vlllagea are only daye ago spoke of the expected early gravel are useful In their places, but for and Pennsylvania." or Uffl cm, or Arenclea. firaoob CARRIAGE i from PAINTING SCTSC HtLttll. keptenera-- destruction bv the determlu. ueparturo tnence or a dog, sledge, and a plcnlo or other excursion ground the ew or larare bed lea or men- - wow aiweeae of v slo. wm or Other Sowing toaxMnes Repaired ou' Eeaaonable' Terma I 7 ; . rafttxpediUon,; green, velvety grass la infinitely pre- Timber, acre by acre, is a wept away eyeiias. luaauiei eytm. o I nt r. eurea,ro.,,4u nun. The Swedish government la also con- ferable. When lad lee or We Guarantee every Machine we sell to tbe devouring element. How snchl worta, uuere cracked or re lips, baa Ii, Ae, . children, es by give entire ialtstactlon . AMD nres can wueu and how kindled kindle, ; the J exof a sledge rts. frlee templating aeirding In a KAonm-3DELtvpecially large numbers, constitute iu) r they can spread at this season of the rJknu xnxiouosoirsbzzxi pedition toward the Pole Immediately portion of an excursion party, there are year, when is tbe earth and moist the north of Spitsbergen. Fifty select rein- certain other conveniences which de treee are throwing out their leavee. Is deer have been In training and exercise cency demands should be beyond our solution, and Is eometblcg' provided i i n for this expedition. , v certainly not quite in the order of nt. CttlKUm MALTE, for thir decorous , tore. e la lain aumr not after It that or for Iu ta are wsUcqsm eflbtte sUa,' twos. EnergtUo being made to summer arcutns a aoarb mav h ereast. psina or locg otber iu sysUui.cuU. organlrean expedition from Oermany charactera hare multiplied I tDe cauae of such conflagrations aa via- - wounds. sores io. parU tf to go nortbward, under a former ex or Improper I Weaxte d aoor.llal itivuait- - t- ' -- n . .... .I ted Wisconsin and Michlean at the ... els late years In our cltlee and aettle-ment- e, dose frt ionk with ate tea Mae ilea, wbeteef tbar wisb t ' is do rv,?w of last otbera.iQt but bur ltbo t taulaetbeHINU-rArea are it plorer, by way of ast Greenland. , year; Spring and lt la one of their pecullarl-tle- e : ( t. or eoetei "aded l.Mr,.LwV.wi, and prompt the suspicion that IusirueUtn free a tju.ied .1 el t Anatriale also projecting an expedi ll Mactiln ealut. at to push themselvee where their unusual, very the are in preparation for tbe time uuuge tion. BInoe the discovery, by lleuten- - preeence le not deelied: Such ' wnen tne "neavens shall roll tmrether persons ae a scroll NEATNESS anu veyprecni and Payer, of the open anouia re excluded from excursion DISPATCH. SIHG1R. SEWING ; MACHINE and tbe earth dissolve with aaitjcac-- ur uriC. DIPABHKHT, Be Polar between Neva Zsnbla and parties when iiervent neat." ibacramsnto Union, A4JKN1 TWO we dnon o practicable, although lHh Kfte K asporntm. v reaetiera,aiarruoBa.a:itu iter co.uk! tlura VUy Mpllibergen and, northward last '-" must confess that It la neither charita ettftltea enwgne. in loothaeoe.. Dr. Petarmann has been act- ble nor otber my eaj The Bath, in 8m Pox. Dr. manly to confine such exclu : ! frlce ae ete ively exerting bli Icflaecca in GermsDy sion to feminine character of tbat Blokes, regias professor, of Dullln. u We cannot says: doubt mor la behalf of an xtecsire and protracted class. the that AvHOPPEn. r ij J In email nn Ki. tl 1. 1. w-- 1. t.. Wit exploration of the North Polar regions. If like 1 the be above particulars greatly diminished by the ) use l of the SteCUV MOVNTAIV LIN! SENT. Throughout Germany the spirit of re- - erly considered and provided for. prop-bath." After describing a verv severe plea eearch has been aroused and $37,000 baa sure excursions , .1 ease of confluent small pox In which the present season may the . ae aaoat eerut B eare ever offereIt 1 for rbea- been privately contributed In Austria be was alive keot he onlv patient . a I m a a a a numerous, agreeable, and satisfac eaausai. aeoralgla. spralua. uralaea. stiff and oe or a warm tne alnce the return of Ltents. Weyprecht eays trial uoiuiautf, Jwlula. palbful welllnxa. con Iran La to was s arrested to him bv Mr. weak laiaenesoata -, and Payer. An expedition on the larg- tory all concerned. all dleseaes of horses aad eaU sorde, - "The effect was . Instantaneous 8myJy.t PKINTKD iNKYeSUT 8rYLWAT THk'I i. ' '. est seal ta being ntted out, to which . WariUSAUEKAJBetLCS, require outward appiloalhtu. It melt and manreloor. The dellrlam ceased nsetaal is aa It t be Btasle; Heeled, try the Em per ax of Austria he contributed Sam Bowles, though advlalogtbePhU- - as If by maglo. It waa the dellrlam of frlee aa els . pPJCCIAk AOINT FOR THE CKLKBRtTKD Convention to endorse ilrve- - pain, and the patient exclaimed Thank extensively of material aid. ' eaejphia a Uodi God thank am Qod! thank lo I This expedition U to sail la the screw tey, cannot be very well pleased with heaven! I am In heaven! Whv didn't TIT I iemer Admiral TegcUkoJT, now build- the .Cincinnati Convention, for he you uo tnia Derore7' The fetor Imme '''aWBMSBBajpajaaJa at a - Iff . w a nifaiai nnra iI i ing at Bremerhavsn. She la to bo 220 talks of lt like this In his rper, the diately ana completely disappeared, so T tea Medleiues for aie. 2: , r r u w ma tenng 5:1;aigajgaCAB- TVoOi.. toaa burthen, US feet long, 23 feet Bpringneid Mepublioa. vara mno one could Behl&c at . . .. . waa earJDOee that UIUUE3T a -. I RICK . Y there 1 m 1 .' .li STAI . . . & : rr. r - at i...i ..- Pail, oh GILLESPIE t . -wu Bi oeiow uecx, rigged - 11 -. imi a iiiiM- waa t.nt -the dozio tie . iummontu . .mm wu" il . IlEi'All,, r i ae a tnxee-aaat-ed uepia eebooner, with & -- -t HIDES ; WOOL . f keuteu. tne tneoreucai rerorma- - waa i nours in tne bain. Tbia FACTORY PRICES, I AT . I eloruiar result added to tbe In force, so were the disappointed br ' engine or a norsc-powJ. O. OOLTRIN A CO. capable of there W experienoe I a 0 T tv 1L pVotarlesj Ta w at W. j, Hooper A Go's, I toe reoommendatloxi Oummsreui Ht .. au ... wrrups Zlou'a l propelling her fire to six knots an hour, - k inuiguer. :i: 'a Ptteala Inn..... Tannery , IShJi Ward. una a a rgog men wno waere not I Wl iU use ui tne nam." and accommodations fjr coal sufficient wise, anaerwtnere were - wise men who for forty dsja use. were not rood. There were nr-t- it Searelters ei IU cards CAnixEn, even i;onnectea wan the expedition will vviiwi.ui, uu statesmen, earnest, . . W LOCK AND GtJN 8MITH pVTLKSt, . . bo Lieutenants VTeyprecht and . .. i mm .. ri. ''- -' Pajer, are anown f u t--x a in ine nanai iiitiiar OO U ' V. 173 Y fV SA US SHARPENED, two etner 'Austrian naval, cere QrUCg-O- m Uroech and Orel, an accomplished ma-rtebtoreatraaee to IS? . Im Kwk Beard, RefdXBwIldlaiw. - -- - now ,.,. aa resMeou or chisUt, twtrVTyroItse glacier guides, Isn't that rather aour-grap- jr e at 10 eres f - - tomorrow (M- s- 17Ui Frienda parenU s Maia-r. tha rf ana is picked marines, in all 14 men. t .. . ... . r.ti. wouns wirucueca--, a. wealthy and lib-j eral savant, wh has contributed SO.OCO a Notarial acta of If--? SSsexxx, to ras PKHKBET KW&) arm r ?' -Is e- - theVeS fnnasrw toward the expedition, win unquuoiabe. H. BASSETT. toy tbe .Legislative made ayclr appointmenu ST . r uw ay w si C, Slit tarYu-...a....in.h iwriiwrai IflTioxarn Hoca-M- iy awiuijifiiin Jjo tccorapiajr 1U rommir 1 R. , ruaxy 18, lWO, -and eoa missions of tbe Uover-aud al--- xlm ddlts Oe7 a . aaaaei af ftka to not roar toyijfi, If la ta uu w prep. kept itoraa,uk youi Mercaaau inrea, auruiuiB lerniorr, issaea SDOstQaently.and and will esUUUh and maintain la M Jizaes Watson. Plttibnrr? T7 T! 1A Just JUcelTit wtsui Hue i,l . ". eoaapllad wltit botoUie Territorial Uwi Nova Zambia a depot or f.xovtelona aad l. .1.- -- tockton; H 1)1 nonaa. an in rvauirra uje .r I -w niiie. j umi tdrlal Lareeail and Deat Asaertiueui ndiiAr'. rm.. wmca ae rartner rBtm Stores iaroughout tbe Territory . - Tw!"-""W Wae4 "itw - lSUeMarsaii. ... f wrrr7r " -- - r.i r- -" Inrf.. waaramar trarosr Taxsnaaxiz contributeo a large amoant. t a er asz eeaaanteainn. " 5biot eotd xy ad-at rataa s eon .ii--vi J end uxi two or . Klp,r. to perch. ears. The plan of this expedition Is to BJT Tt fir--.- ii Of HEAVY aad SHELF HARDWARE if pcstible, toward ths Polt, on EASTERN DISPATCHES. iijB. xKn1 are -.aaworissa to .refund tha r wife and B McDonald, O 8 Smith. J sister, a a the meridian east of Spitsbergen, ta the Ngw YoRat. 17. r.Art rmt ,. Chieasro; J B Emerv and wtr m.k money, wusre iae neaieioes do mt mil T-i-i-t Ever brought lo this Terrrtory, and iTanf. freai AfarHni-- -8 Wilkes, wife and motha? cTtlJl-- i' open sea discovered last September. eebooner as the poru massacre TtabsV H . f tbe a lUUey7 of piua ejtaaass palUbrnla; viDiinu.. The expedition la to bo provisioned and v uai family of Ua E Oobb. Ill: J Warble and rfalT t!xo J DC tweUlb of amount In the Marble, Mass: D S Tom tbe Leb17'""" namea JTouarter. llvtnw ;;,V sus4 Fzirate Vr pi' i Wlleon I Ftaxtge. t of thoroughly tqidpped for stay of three Mar-oratory CaUl Sioc. Peters, ae" 8. f1"01"'Bertlsmy, and two of and Exitmlae. eelebrated baths are open to the pub. rgxitcs swy xoota, A'taers' Ch4Q t- .!.:ffLoDl' lift Bt sM aaianna ytanlathtArctldrrsioot. Il ia uoston: O h.pnM..! A w Uee i ne are SO naa.li.oVV. la front known Widely that for It to Winter the first vear at ranee. IUrtlim-eH-.Kit A aom texe-- i eni-- -. urocghtiit. Wsahburne, Cal; W Q Monroe, Ner: lira ,Vit .i. "T limlert Stout and Wage R n r-- J.' C. BT, Half it Block XorUt of JOHNSON. Capo Chelynskln, the northernmost TietlmstOSlX millions of franca, and II ant and friend. CbJeaso! is tne prrvate Baths, the larpe and ue -on hand. .2iitwahoct STACI imw, naeuujgion. sandaomaly KMPOBIUtr. DATMfi." BT. QKOROX, DTAM. axe now w umum uafurnished PLUNGE lolnt of Aeta, lontliude 10U ot-jeo- mm j a mmm ' C.;M. DEPARTH1ENT, j IUTI0 Hi I aar BET AIL Groceries, OF UTAH, iu AND WHOLESALE i . : Hardware, m. ". ) vt nrn 1JU1 Plows, GUILTY. i . :.- ay or at ALL OUK GOODS ARE CIIKAP! - Afc-us- ' i ar-reet- ed eutbor-,xoie-utttbrr-- lealers ua LIT TL I l-- ut ti lt t 1 O . OOO oa ;NM lsr, rT, X 4 e? RAILROAD SHOPS! SEWING MACHINES SINGER a - -- 7.- I, - La.. - -. The Singeri Manufacturing AlTi THE OA ! " .! wmmm mm i ' S FAIR , Mr,,Lua er ' ! t EAT ' . ' 1 - Company , ' - : ' Sold in 1870 i A. Gr ' i j Machines 127,833 0 30" r - , OKK CAKKIAOK - a - JOHNSONfS OMH M - - m ..Mj. til uueuuu - HARHIE t-- '7-'f- V-.- ---- - mi ? i. I S S ll OF Sold, ? 1 BLACKSL1ITHIMG The New Singer nut, ' tr.ni or-(an- a. ex-peet- w f4r, . . w euia-elate- .S - . ed aa4ur ,.rt. '". w w " w ae . ww .j. mi : o-- r : T r ; euf-ficle- nt , mm Terms to Suit g 'i ? city li u-- , - . J. - . Sep-temb- , er. I :i ; all CLAVS0M, sjup't - . - - '- i QAHHOTH POSf SS fi BILLS - CARL.C. ASHUSSEN a. . THE DESERGT TJEWS . l?J.f31ir L t-- & ... ... ut -- a Mm a.i --- wu . , S iT . .SJ . jui a a u" 1 ; - er, lulIlc, :! a. Co-Operali- vo -- - Brug Store, 1 a -- mivrn job j IVCMUS. ,f V "-- -- "- w-. ad-Tijj- ce, rv ''" -- w- eaBSBsawasa OFFIck Ww 7,MM,-MaaaBSBawaesaaiwaawaMaBB- ' OM I J a 1 Wtr-u- on. . a un w"rt lI. aweaJaw Die ay. ! auu 4- a a a glials " ' - .fr' . - if sed Cheap ca ClicapctW m. pro-POt- od nrT irir ce, J. " ! enuia-atsthe- mT --- asusv uwutmu, K . u open. Alls a. u. rr AJismT. |