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Show ..i ! TCIETVENING 'NEWS: SAti FRANCISCO TRADE. b, k. raosrsrrojv Wha . Ma, 11 ! ataraAy, WATSQ3I A CO, -- i BAinm. Wfcen tana of tha wood, I reachedhillthaabove. to I iw a sas ciar Gha. A. wist-Xui- 4 1 T. Ni so rtiosr rsLasciavo. , UmiHb. tt. WUmtt, Pvttr, iJMSa E. MARTirJ &, CO., for my pencil case, a thin, golden X V t one, wlih my nam engraved on It. could cot find it anywhere. "Whrt viLLkOn hAvalleft IV" I bad quiia loryoisenlu tni sprtnrthat I bad uxl ithSTB dTOPPea II hnuu auJ mlsrht '...1 n there. I oarer returned to tb old fArmhooee. Tb next winter I weat abroad, for I bad a comDtat fortune, mod I wUhed to finish at German sml versify. After-vara i became an auarne, ana t uoi trsreled exreseivt.'y. Ten tjasatly y ars ia Eumro bad oalf macU raa love thelnstituUous omy country tha more. But before I returned to America I went to itome on a farewell visit. To me, aa to mauy others, that wonderful the one city of tb world, to elty waa which to go back, again od again, with el it rrotrtsurs L SIS 1 rraaen a St ! r ir . F - f , A. it s- - 1 ya TL EV-E1- ST PI0IJE1 WJP O f 1 u- fa in."Mist Voaberg, a grtat helrses." 4 Ws Asd latts an srly 'Oerman:' "r-- i niXEDiTMifis SALT LAKE CITY ' of 0 AND A8 USUAL, NOTIONS, f f O S;, s a.u. 9 su-i- y 4 - - ' . AV SUPKRUVTKIUDtt ; tit' t.'Jwi.K , i ft - j bv us. MILHOAD ! f JAH. 21, 1872, ON AHD AFTER MIXED TRAINS PAINTING COACH SUMMER SHAWLSj li li - . ', .... C U Uaa 0n tloa (nearest vont to LtUs Oottrnwoivi yon.) st 8.3ft p. is. fait, - . " - ' ' in J "t . AN ICXTttA rKAIN WlfJUKlTfit ON Carriage mm in g r TST JJL TX--s - , v. Lairing lb UUU Central iejol. - I and Coach ru; WILL V - & t.u:h TS BRANCHES.' IN ALL S SPRING . DLACKSr.lITHING Full aad Complete t DANIEL GRENIG m. auj , ! MIA'.aan' BAST, JOHN 1 AND i- -' r - - J for aU laSariaattwa oonc.fanw Psassaa, apply to o, -o. o&luek. a rra,M t) s..ihr' '.ft . . I SOQTinn VARIETY. GREAT IN GOODS DRESS - J Ferealew, ; ;E0PTEL' at Uis effloss, rut7 esats addltloaai wiu t. sbarsad whan tbs fare Is sollsotad uu THE PREMIUM WHEEL MAKER. AAiP T ," . 1) Paanangars will plsass porebass asir tiottu Of all Descriptions. Is Employed i . SUITOaYS . - ( CARRIAGE WORK Prints, i j . LsTLn Salt' iaas City at 5.3a p. end Ogdsu at S a. m. v . ' i ; rvr ,rt - - tbs ssms. . s. DAILY, IsjIuIsi fall liass of ICsrkst, , , ':) GEO. W. CLAWSON, OmCt dJtf Ia addition to 'the abovs . ni . r if. iii'.s'J V Trains srtu lesve Hslt Iaas cti; 4J Am. aad 145 p.mj arrive at Ucass f. 4. fcu. ASS P.B94 Issts Ocdsa Cty st 8. ajm, v pOAjj arriTS st Bait Saks City la ana. too E, mHE Onsasaa brsod American, though of German 1 that .b. aUir.stnoulr aa-torn uuomrm bi CARRIAGE PAINTING at tu uuie shows. The roeaip M ril sai Colff Ws sr. J ait to ?w;'p' f oar dceut wtk7, ot Ail srs sole tbs Aois ; of tLw liiti wrt, inat she Has nualiy . HAL.K. maJA hor voolce, must be true ; for that swss SBlUMia lu ri.r rto prrTesi U.K. J03T RE0EiVKf AN') waa Priuce U.iiVla, as I said before; and nalr U sum ul U lit.M LATE AND CHOICE .8TYLE3 " af Specialty. trul A CUoios Lrtt of . person, one of the mum tit only eoaie iuHueutial sore. sAfpa's guaru, aa ne la, for example, could rise ae raiwikl)siarsviunriM or a fMtroait to tbas gallary. The A. s. HerMsa 4 cs. Hois A.ut for bare gvt ajkMljr wid M0 wiUa taaca. too, bis FAMILY GROCERIES, mow waa Miaa VOObrs'S Cail armte. M'xuar; w. -r aai sua an lor is You'd orDhan. rriiMUTsv ce, oiwiwruu, Huca ss '' v f fi Ao now n all this If you bad been Laae saa uiaa. ,r '. n: Ji-through th winter, as I hara been, e tnytl Spool! Attei loa, To wic TEA, COFFEE, SUGAR, 8PI0E3, v v, ny. the youn$ EnglUh walls used to f TO TRADE. THE GOLDEN 8YRUP.8ILVER ta&is i DRIPS, i crowd to the tl' hot at Miss Von-berg-'s ... w hotel in the Corso just to catch a Fa Aala la SHare aatd Warehouses SUGAR LOAF DRIP3, HAM3, slft-Lof her at dinner. At last shs bad (M kn i j: E. Ctir wkskr, BACON AND DRIED BEEF, 60 Swrraia l)MMI Kooo wbtasy, to mow to prlrat apartmanto In the in fact our BEST N. Y. FAC. CHEESE, SjS arrM K.dor. n wsi-k- OoldoDs, to arold being stared Cxx-M Oolelslsua i SM bariiv a wbUkf. YEAST SOAPS. POWDER, l tarn s (N Boart--out of countenance." . AGENTS FOB Wmtkf, DRIED AND CANNED krrf U MrsaU tt akjp. Why waa it that,. BOtvithataudJnx l lit Strews a asas gy. i.r pooai.f thla frieadly warning, I went back to S.1 9) ssms J. M Caiur asua-- , ... FRUITS, j my hotel to taint of Miss Von berg aaa aa4s Stosa Atsa la Ax WOOD W ILLOW WA R E . and tboM ara la sad aroaad tbl city e i nt Was I mistaken la fancvln thai, li n ?'itai tlassi tbsa can be Ol Racine, Wisconsin. SsstsMHll brsuJs lT.Tn eltUr.ud baasloc. she had looked at ma with SSS had In S a MttavtM Oeeae Feat Item, Prime Lire evident Interest T All that day her Im ' i.- tisreiifrlt our. iflagnlflceut iiloek aad seeing our am waa tMfera mm. .a t nhrbt 1 dreamed 1U Looking and &c. bnsJ &o.t Wi.t, Mrtd Cages Oanirj Birds, ol ; dreamed that she had made me ITS MmatrwtWtu' ' i iacreaied . i - " lilies lalng' . MOBt Siarr nappy; ana won to noa out my delu SOSMtt " sioa and to wis a a corua bare slept oa 2M blasts ea.es aftsrrr i:' forerer. with dreams so blissful. AailrlUd. ordsrs But sleep would not come again. Ba- - A. P. USriUSU A 4 it J.ekaoa In a Stvla to Suit All. side I nad a ogement with an eld Sum. SUe rrauotaOHUUiforata. H. D. CLAWSON, Sup't. fs oat BLAST, diaJomatie Iriand to aoeompany bins, sls la rjL.U ad turning r coaiai S3 ro A ro ior ABSOlS ... ...... u.l'y itta flasst - , bit wife. And bis .wlfe'e mother on a ; me oa There had drive out campaKoa. Pics and Ifread been soma rsmarkaofo xcavatloos made lately st fcJoaVa, which he wished HOPPER. CO. GfiMT Crschers, ma to see. rjo I dressed, breakfasted I T ly and Joined my friend. Rt Ursods o' We bad riaished our Investigations, S CmpMf ararl.a and were about to re enter our barouche, IF1 DHLs CLD XLT loritea when I heard shrieks and ths rash of many friend to call at bis s on hsaJ. wheels and giajuciag Dp iha road, saw a CArrlago approaching at full gallop. In All Kind- - of G UAI.V bnughl Mud Tain the coachman tugged : at the . AWARDED aT'THKfrtahtaned ateeds. On. on Umt tra.Ua sold. , mm. GUrJEMY trwx side to side baruueha bovmil KMfeLnd them, tbraatenlns; the lives of ar w Isa aTrAactaavo, Oalifbrala, t mx srew BRICK STOKK. t'sr oiv.m..c!t lrie tbatwo ladies wno aeemea to b the tJaU is. at. o Um TraU. l iuwt l.rt Eat Cst Tempi t I onlyoroccupants of the carriage and from Soo iud Door of rI r vi r a4 MMnaMMth (, ., INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITION, 1871 oca wnooi came toe sane as. Anl any snd evarytLla latan be a l fori TJ I Ml R E G Itwss but the work of an Instant for FALL tVISITKU u , SIW If me to rush forward, seixe the cfgh the bit (lif e fciupo linn Uu lid lii twitt until I threw him hone, against his fellow, mad stop the) carriAas fkwt are saw rWsrviM atrwt mm GILMER SILIBURY'S too pole and with a lurch thai hh d when w:ll iiiisr fr .m hta aeat. tbs coachman re.tpped ataaothar I LL--T t L I Li II 1 1 114 ' m Head instant 4 come bad lu JL , AAA aU&AJULUU VI1JV to my aid, the traces had been out. and M 'Mi, :.... t AU uujrer was otct. h "J I 1 f rtMfa.i rroaM sa t Usra.aa j , X .Irssaaas) Twmmtm ffaelSM i" supped ta ths door, hat to hand, to " assist the ladles to Alight. Tha one Ksasirsss tlatas, W.i ftuj Ktaiy Sal nearest me, an elderly woman, whose asS colural UiM tMito 1 ': shrieks had feat the air, fairly tumbled VSsaooa. into my arms. It look, both my friend and myself, she waa so helpjesa, to carry bar to tha bank by the roadside, where 1JU, Va we put her down. Then, leaving my '! - aad the ladies of tha party WVe:ESKtd. HMk ItasfH. Mmi M companionto attend to- her. ir- -hurtled back to the t! - ?f r t baroocha. f rax 'SdV THROUGH fiat before I could reach It the other OeMtA' ' occupant, springing lightly out,' had TRA3E MASK. - .5. tot mo half way. . Apparently sha waa . PUOVI8IO-HttouthoeoHt as cool and composed aa if in her draw .Yf, iooil. VurntAtJnj( For Coal end Wood. Log room at boma. As I began to apoloMMaists la i for she threw back her my delay, gise el! and smiled, revealing tha face of OTatsa stood, IVraons r aid ug n lbs CHy wtll plaaas brlnt , s1asMlhacSl4a, AUa von dot. szTDtxmovs 4b.ro OQ MTMBMdMI Mil Thrf... SJasoa. sstatM frit as if I walked on air. IJIdw ronnlae Lake Salt Daily, LsaTlagCity sad f eistftsa. vfetta cam we thsal you WANTCDt South to i sho said, in tha eaUest,andsufSoIsntly?' ouoat must. OOflL CaOKITiS TwU, U aos, btasav. Tar lea, u of roieee, "I had given ourselves) up Asmsrtssa ark. Hoast Nsoa. BTlr f'A Tiatle, FIoii rnln. E&si waca jwi xnanea lorwara so 8C Usorxe. Utsti; sad Piooh., Nsr4s; yf , brmTely." Mi oJVo 1 J . As ,u,..., ... Passins; throny;h Never shall I forget tha emphasis on '. T v r thea last words, or her, looks as sha Jl lA'f A fi "1 rVrlc Pajso non, SprtscrUls. Hpanlsa Rooad was nothing," yet them. "It spoke BARTON. CECHGE mw.A KtivK iMBPt Cresk. CMck.a Halt Vslisy, kdl M. Crs. BOOK w dlMly mimors, Cora Oresk. Beavr, Miaera thing more than any other would have Uls, saa if r DKscniruox -- or A All tae pnaeip t lorai aaJ Xlaiax Caps la she AtJawaTod, do Vrdi" mJs. t ttf ana ssst Nsvada. aoth thluk so. A area aa mn h.iu. Ooatkara Ctaa rjsrsr vjstt mitiTiK,Y that Um bono wouKl trmnipie you to Also laava Corinns, Utah, Dsliy, rt:niac death, aad only hcroea taasuon rsska ' l FANCY JOB North to aa.tLat,: ijer. great Juno.lJka.ajea HVrw'.W-BO.O- K it bhued as sha uttered thee words. . , FOR COAL Ttrttats C ly. Rslsns, Tor rteoloa, lsr 6bo had atnpued in her enthusiasm.' LsMlaa.1 Cit CroM.ssisaa, aad paaaias Bat cow. as If sensible she had beao r m?UoEud8nt. ObnVenUni anc? oKAKKmrr ' vtws ' tarooh ail lb. prtasipal Toaas aad OF 432 .PAQE8, too frank, sha colored violently and hf taiD caiass In sloataaa. qu.-iwnrsra, "tsx Bas rsM aa rrmMd. sad is rOK aaL.fi st p ii a ;t j t jj i cu m cm, but, aunt. X pereeleaytsg, vev U --CAULog j , : X $ u. n rs a jp l Tt n f vt . raiNcirAa. ernes, .my rxr f rat back to 1 f . Akoo:" cried the poor old lady, who ii;ii.u t. i;tr . a ' ra. i V Well; Farp & Co ths kabkst; r t Btmrfiroon A Meohanionl r recovered from her fmt. InsTsi. 'I fi never can trust myself behind those AAL1 LAKK crnr. ' I !.. 1 .i.;j SHI dSU norsea again." "If yo will Aecr thatha taaia of Urtnt aU tata eliuoa are pagsA aaa t Vif.1. fcEzcn & aainwsd sssooaa aoat wlU tao of co., nay ncnrtAsft xayielf aro at your scr rar a: rrrXcD iruas ii Vintis isata eiasrs an osiy aai'kios; poitB'.rrr,n AAKU STORB t LIQUOE VC," -SUlaaa. Faats of Tssia. filled oit oiaar erowas sre. But yoa will hxre to walk back to at Use ia-- o tae Jtoe. aaa rsstorea. ' . oa Sor saia jiomo." baad aad coBvtajatty on Taata taaartad pra " Ootd Firota lsstronctjr mads,wsi by ewUI eorreate o KKKW Xhat Is A trifle," I replied. M4 stKTAlL, Caolos Warraatsd to glee sattsfsoUon. '., ' W ts, KHidy.aotlflsa asd T4 OB AND ASfieH t ; tKYEBE-HOUS- s 1 lnpslla scriyl fjr tiU Tau Sums, sslsotsd POItTH D'tti IW js t tug EI. RBSSEI GiGo. J. ::, t AMD L4IIP II. rUTTK R mJ. ouii. il v: - MONDAY. JULT 17tb ' STORE Mriit - s- - - STOCK Half Illoolc least ol tlie Commodious BUILisDXIrO TSI it i ; .1 esse - . Second Noutli Street, BROUOIT INTO THIS TEHRITOItY. X UIJD! ever Increasing affection. Only $2,50 for Five Gallons I tie morulng after I arriTed.I walked I STSTI SSLBIS to Bu Peter's to bear, in the cauou'a mnaks of rUwtriaa. - While cbapl, the fur those that like listening; to the cbantlof , I happened to 4HiU of one icallerlea at the gUnoe up private little CUilIamhwert on the left, au4 saw there a woman's face, eo wrapt. m exalted, that for the BRASSPDSIPS! Ws bsvs a Largs Stock. aU aradss. sad at tbs time she looked like one of Fra Aug Ilea' engU. "It won't do.'ald my friend.Cbarley fatBr TaiU, into mine. llargrave, putllng hi arm Tbs Lausat AHortment of was when the couirreifatioa dispersing, m av.w eersdethe M'BalMtarsolUis whom you were looking at, but "I Ml Mr wors abe'e above even your reach. She's bee aeaoou mr dear felJow. Mrs. ' the the bUe of aiiyofl mad bae txtuX lota of earle and count ASD here A. P. UOTAUXG & CO., Stop, dJwputiojr bar emllea. ana come, ana rnnce ttorria uOOODH with hereto whom they say she Is enanjrasjrrs roa vsta Ta ths T.rrltory. T. va bad by this time reached the alale aha looked OLD ' DOCKDO.V WUISItY, As the lad v m "told her ene , op, aa if um inati Aaa Isisarurs oT waa the aubject of eur eonreraation. For oue moment our eyes met. . A thrill FINE WINE3 AND LIQUOKS 4 it SmMmmn San seise. , went throuzh me. Never before had I Sole Agents for ths known what lore warn, but from that 1 waa nopeleealy lost. moment FLUID. DAN -CUTTER I stammered, when If. WtoUihtf SOUTH 7 FIRST STREET, she and her eaoort passed out of bear- - OLD BOURBON WHISKY.. HA. LP BLOCK WK3T OF" POST h St)-- i, wa bays been obliged to buots latoi tbs COAL, OIU! : w -- ut" 01 COMPLETE MOST LARGEST , AND 1 - , ' UihK 1 7 " 11 4 $ ; i Me WGiror of lbs 1 Pioneer Iilxie of UAUS Ul i Tj Mcomaodate tha traptaiy j.ncrdasiag Dasmess to Exhibit to our Patrons the Cat. Menranorar fc X C E L. 8 OTraTGHIlflil BA88ETT, ... J U PETROLEUT.1 f. ATVUOD & BOD WELL4 1 STEEL ;v WHIIKIIJ im4m4 :'oJ II. DER GOODS Cs tha Like a Brilliant, Clear and Safe Light! ol , tour wa Saa. a fU SMortxuaal a watokle. ir rim BMltf aa4 Oaasaile W,toa, CVn OLilE'DfY Wl LIGHT! OF ; ssikru' iftBM tUt ABd Sol COST THE IH Good News for those i.u Kxrna REDUCTION Z, oc-caai- oa ' "f PiBECR, aaa topped at the top of the look back.! ilj mussoqasjDiancw lj mo I bad left her, 1ot whin ma. sha After I took off xaj bat, ecaxteaied, and then I planted into the Tbat night, at Whitby, I had 40X u winon BlOCRiDE! 'A ' CO IUCOCIIUBI TO WtIL GREAT' lUe4teCBCoXrroela4 Baraaeata8ts. at A JeMara Sfajfaearere laitrtirt, TOOACCO AND CIGARS. BOOT THE BOH 7 Railroads t a its ha " ! ' r - , - ( f . - 1 .' .i . prapsr st g.40 s m.; 3ady, BsltLaksCttj.Udp. m. ... ... XiSSTing t i 9 10 a, ni.t - ' Hi l Salt Laks to Blc Oottonamod Staltx :LIUUs 'Bandy y. k ; " i , iC br i I rN-- ri i ,, . 1 i'Ue, ip.iro -- i j r if IT4lne. HORSE ib-- COTTON UAGSl s ' SHOEING t c Leara eo (o1d m a : a i iWsro - SALT DENTISTRY. fRHiJIIia, at si'l .v. Mill un.n.n.snAiip.s.D.. GM t Z)?lorI Pcac2ioi?a Is L smd JJsvlry aoaa eeka. H B, U aa we Salt, UQCID BJUrjei4i. , , sous macs;- QUALITY UUA. M A 2VTE 1 - WEOLSSALS J0B2ES.u. tS&rXJUC, ,1rOTt3XttX:a a4 rsssrci ' Tttf :j.,a1.Re2a J7elGni3Il, Ores Wsstsra Betel Cotasc, bsUtaUoa Uoroeeo, cllt, Cklr, Ialav ' n iit, - . JT vspaisaaaors by A - wtlf is aua. aa w ar-aa- as . - 1JM ! C1TTU5Q EZl efi CHO -- tstponsnoti , AOrST i t nKCIXAsTIOAl. 'it&iil I , BIPiKTHEX Tl tl . i-- YsJoanite bass, T. , , . ... (1 . j . . BAST IKMPLfB fl - . M ssrtmi o rsrL - ) - S- .1.-- ' Vll 1 wsrTar"" i;. -- .ik.& '.li ci !.!! T.'if wOs"...t c y -- ii i.iv 1 i. . i;r Lia j . . aSr'c fT!l.f'tx. v1 f Hi ir "-f- SUPPJU&S ,i.ii as a If inrl lf inHi. . r;rMu.'A-v:"V:,.a- ,!i.-sr-i - .1 aire. i ' - OBTAIWED' BAILT' prom jOrosrs by ssaU or talsgrapA eflilreessd to fse In twmxy Arsnt at Xeao Cttj, eaa be fljisa . tsar boars, e!3Stf crTZCX BOCXS-tt- oat " V iipiprfta'l t ecloex BsUt ISUeo Cltrw, TTtaH a. m. e . battkbt mr.. in ADJCSTUXT3.vr 5 , j, ." jf- -. 1 t7 BALT wia U CTTT, .. to RY , i jo'J JaiifciCI LtiajJiiivi'" i t .JJ vtf loif! ban ttisA :ui " v . , - - - . nerclianLIallors.' "r lrataaS TTBlEEr, u I y ,LF. eonsUaUy on head I ' meat ix of 4 ' a eholoe assort' raUCBUEJrClUfsaAXDAVKKfCAW srtvrvnm. wtuTaaolo 1," : a jsssasaaassi General Ammi ' 1 .t i ... i COaUtESCI Ab ftn&ra. 1 : . woss aorctTS way, as tha i vf aJi Xsaportsrs of i sttsost; i noriTAGUF weiaisst aadBaostlaanroTad Patau t wit. saZs ' Next tact East of "Destra Ersnia Kews, L0Ci!E - trait jjJu 5 Aat.n'.i.i. uw wb inn anas way fan not twist wssswrwesiajf Olth fTKrosa Ortde. rlorofonasi aad XlaratsaCbiorsl. artah Tssth Kztraetsd by Chlom. tadlse fonA or Uydrato of caUorat ssaat aiwaiaba acsasBpaaiedasohsasaslilsBse. ... , ,77 sa tia lislilu eaTetf eiotbea. t' 1X)B 117 rzz?o CHICAGO. I IITSERTED BiJsr and Ool-l- . ' j OZZ'Zri.ClZt sTMlsaJcaa -- TEETH : EllACTlaB snd D CALEBS 013IK8AXXT ;t ta Ibalx adranlscs ta r&OsT WTZHlESt TATfjOB, ; - ., Ttstlaa, ta the sseat tssproTed asaaasr. ; G3AL! Ordrr i lieir Coal Direct j Oa (jo MASTIU ir 'xrr "ass raAtrr ii 11 ' a3wyra BUTKRS .a l ilia . ...j . ! j Absaasae eared aad aU aissssi; of ths TseUt water, onlctly, saally, and , ttms Abd '" tn pruyorty trsetsd. ' labor. ' '. ; ; aast TurLi strrnxsr." IT COAL! COAL! 1.00 J '. !t ! 1 BTJIXDXTXCS, tASSi . L-- Th8KinnmcT sUnnora i "CTinca at lornr xtm QOOZSXXC1XS 1.T5 phelps, ; - Uarorvad .ti. .l ornrc . Cartar, orsr W. r.S Tdr,U.,H . i . Jlgenr. ,I.V .j;J9avlM4aeaad.bis r s : UKK.Cin... A HEnriY;-;- J -- mCli with sfaishsU Offlos i y ? I GEO, W The NEW HYtlN rvas sseaaa e aaa. at asstsarssaa. dltttss J - STfllS 1 M ' .... . : BaBOinavweat tu Arnva Irom Waal: Ugdao. sea ssss nutter, PRIOEQ pn am Wm'atss 1 hi BnttrH' Alspn 13 , A4.5 ate m -- mjSo. 4.0 p SO 6.,SO WOO 4- 1 a 10 SO .RenOn. RIE S I a) LoHfax. AaaAays exsaptsd tsandsys only. ' T H. GOODMAN. A. S, TOWKE, Oen'i Pass'cr sto'd. Tlokst Agt ; Uea'l Snpt. i "aas1"''' .Bacra'to. - 6 40 - Arrive from Kat 2.00 DRY GOO DS Utub, vudn aitl IXontnua, k . 1 . aoioa XjaaTS a Ne I 8S5 K uttorealiut -- A Al . 1U60 4S I n mlUar.'toMlMbl 105 p u I Law oia w, Alive fron tb. WaH o & Oden. Ben Sacramento."" Waxr .... . . 5.4 ! . 4 6S5-- " UtsUrwii sr ArrtvsfronEMt itoer wleftiiwu muifiai iron bwI e rsniseo, isnl oolamns and rea downward. For trains ran nine toward Ban take the riahthandrOOlBSBas and read no wards. DAILY- STAGE LINES OROGE o, Ksst. 7 85 ' rot . . w" r. HUrJCRUiTENDKN rS 8tp m t32tpm 7.0assHaa Oskisad.i AOtt 763 Ua Jim! 8 80 M HO ..4 10 p-- I t ci a-- 1 '! : San Francisoo and Sacramento. - Allb; snts t Tlokat Attn, Febrsiary'aili, ma. I wt Vd t?nrj d2ti G12sl!s SACKS! LC DA , rs a NEW; STORE, . I, .. LINEN GEOEGE BARTON ': DRY GOODS i! " Twenty-fl- . S UiMY, .1 Ir rcl " li . " L.25 Draper easts addition t win be ' when the tare Is eoileetsil an the train, oiirtj fish onos. wagoiis, 1 . 10 so i.oo - n V GOODS, lUWsJSSSA Avsnae. Of tbsBDSsi fSTiAnty sod latest styles, vrnlch ve r4 l&sinost xas'jtaUe snd approved manner. rjuratre)Bas;e CojUsf t erf |