OCR Text |
Show ivm? inmxTTXTn ximiro miles high around UUbt by Utah becoming a BUU, and tho only safs course Utah In tatelagt for, CosgTets In to and rtTlat tba UUk legUUtlon so as to at? securt xsxtob awd rvBioaaxB.: r Kay X. 1I7S. Hulswux&je will b found an artlcls from the Boston Glob upon the "Afor- aoaM ques'.loa, Ylrlaally dropping the Illegal coare of lb Fedsral Judiciary Speaking of tht McKean uaarpatirs method of eadactlnj courts, the Glrim aaye, "la thJe way alen coal J a fre aad Impartial Jury b obtained." We pardon of tbe (Xojx, bat that eUts-me- at Is erroneous. Instead of th method parsad by Jadg M mbar 2 'prTaU4 th Kiu b a Tin of 1m sad Hornon ttwaiiat packd Jar secured free oarse to pablla Justice," taking oat thselazU word "Mormon" It U notorloas that th peculiar method mentioned had an exactly oppoalta re-a-lt to that mamid by th Glob. How a long oar of flagrant J a dlelal mar pttlaa aal unprecedented Illegality coal 4 pitlly eecare the free eoars of publla Jaitlce larpasjee oor.eomprahea-lon- , an to far a w ar concerned of , mast be left to the superior acamea bt , " the Glob to. determine. The moUrs of JaJje MeKeaa may have bean good and his object laudable, a th Olol asserts, yet wa ar by no meana assured of that, mad it It were by any poaalbllUy the CMethenhe had a moat strange and unnatural way of j maalfeatlog the earn. under the Terr I Th Gfooeaaye that or traTerae Uriel law" "no grand jarlea coald b obtaload that were not excla- alrely compoad Of Mormon." Bo far aa our recollection goes we can not recall a single Instance of the lmpannellng of a Jury exclusively "Mormon" by the Territorial authorities according to th Territorial la wa. . Jo Thar la no Jo JioUI ."dead-lock- " j . against UUb, zept th dead-loc- k on brought uaarpatloa aod Illegality, fci ir, dead-locby th utarplm which oaght oyer and ortry where to praTaih B far at the balk of th community la caearnad, th court of la TJ tab aa It la laatlc la aa free y was or ersr la any Territory or Btate la Union. It U the Judiciary aod the and and aide their abettors, them alone, who hare .caused aaddo ciaie each obstruction aa there U to th freo course of Jaitlee in Utah. Th la cannot bs truthfully dsnled, and J! k, i to-J- no additional .Congressional legislation I la "to add th aforeoment of the j lavs," except legislating Utah lato the Union mm a fciiaU, which wUl b legts-UUn- g th official obstructors of Jaatlca out of the power to oba tract as they hare beam and doing. There would b no absurdity In conferring a BUU gorarnment upon Utah Indeed f It woald be an eminently Just and propel j thing to do. Nobody asks or ; ex pacta CongTeaa to eonfar a "Stat government upon th Mormon hierarchy,' nobody dreams of any such thing. -- "Mormon-lam has nothing to do with this' matter of BLats gorsmment, and neither Con greaa nor any other body haa the right to lax "Mormanlan," Methodism, Catholicism, Freebyterlaalam, Bhaker- lam, or any other religious lam Into BUU organliatloa. Tht organlxatloD of a BUU GoTernment la a mattei of ; mar politics too frequently, bat ahoald b la matter of etateeoa leaving religion to take ear of It-Iwhich It ought to bo amply able to do.'. The great Gloix lUelf paya tula voluntary tribata to the Conatltntlon o' th HUU of that "tho ooaaU tatloa appears wall oaoagh, and would ndd in ; en-ah- lp, t, Dart, aaawar a rary good parpo aa tho or ganlo law of any normal community in thia country." 'Bit, here' tho laer lUbla bat, when "It will fix tht political atataa of ansa an xotloBMU aa th "Mormona," "th In atramant la only so mach wait paper." What doaa thia msan, only tht eld mob doctrine that final lawa and tqaa rights art too good for tht "Mormona?" b Their political ' etatoa ahowld fixed, bot aaoartaln, oadaflaod,. the prey of erery adreotarer. What right has tht 0!o6e, what right has any A mad can cltlsao, to auert tht a test thai! bo tsUbUahedas to the Htneaa of an organic laar for any pom inanity in tht republic? This is the old prcatlog, tryannleal, "I am holier than thou" spirit all ottr, a ipixlt which la not eonaonant with tho rlghta aad Ubertlet of any American common-Hom-maait- nt rt-Hgl- oos eqaal-rtgh- to ail oUlxana, art U simply nonaenas, betraying tht Ignor ance of the writer In regard to the condition of thlnge In this Territory, and the character of the community -generally aod of tho4 political ad Ten tnrars'who haye ao regard for tho public InUreeU and are ever bjey In diffusing sensational reporU prejudicial to the interact of thia community. la eonclaaloo. w may aay. lbs only eaf conn for Congrea to wards Utah ia to act la a liberal aad eonaUtatloaal manner, rsaolaUly ignoring'.!!; rellf-loa- a and other Irrelevant elds Issues, so peraiaUntly worksd np by designing praona for th acoompUhmntof their own ulterior and nefarious purposes. Senator Cbjloix is evidently work- aa flaaoo only spurs Mr. Cragin to renewed effort In the bad cause In which he la enllated, tike as Pharaoh's heart grew iiarder after each successive Judgment. enThe Benator's laUst deavor appears to be hU "Amendment," which we publUhed In the Nrws on largely, of: the features of the Voorheee and Wheeler bills. It la open to almllar ebJeoUons anti-Morm- ; raesday,-ParUkln- on g Merely technical objections we leave to the lawyers, at eujh objections do no always involve principles. Oar com ments are based on broader, lntrlnslcal ly soonder, and mere general and grounds. Discussions about technicalities, though perhape Import ant and pceadbly necessary oocasionaiiy, re by, no meana attraetlve to. those srho love Jnstloe and equity and., are not In love with pettifogging. ; ; One great objection to the Amendment Is that It clothes the very officials, who are largely Irresponsible, with the very powers, arbitrary as they are, ehlch thoeeofflclala have not tern pled U oanrp for many months past, and which lave J oat been Judicially declared to be aot only illegal, but contrary to all pre-- . ssdentln the nation and at ntler varl-4n- c with the spirit of American Insti t tutions. ve oom-prehenal- Ai lUted la that Jadrment, the principle and practice have been for th popI of thTrrltorls to oonaldered entitled to local equally with the people of the 5UUj, and the eantlmsat U fast crow ing that all existing policy restrictive f that right ought to bs abandoned wum o tnorouzniv modisw aa Utisens In the Territories to be eubatao- dally and virtually In the enjoyment f theeame rlghU and privileges as tltUsns la the BUtes. Bat this Cragin amendment goesx back of this enlight-ned. Impartial, and J net policy to that f colonial, despotic, barberoue times, md seeks to' Imp see the lreo- policy if those times InTtdlodily upon a Ter ritory and aa esabryw Btatevf . this treat repablLo. We caaao bring la; believe thaC the popU iof an-raryi- ng nt - our-elv- es UOIWU Ml DUHM Will UUCUUU or' permit; tack a crawfish policy. How woald It read In history that t jiimii CGPCCIAL NIGHT! -- H- t ; - x DEi?AROTIEMTi,Z. C. M. ; , : : Groceries, a 1 . law-aoiai- ng T l?IOTT BATES , CKOCKEUY,I, nr. t XI I W ARK, vanu n lk3 HLIS utmnr S SillVI, v mm mr rm ITS B IV B : 1 Li ' n; 'after-repudiatio- i t We do not tltrow out anty IJaits hy Advertising: a few Leading; Articles at Low Prions. - ALL OUR GOODS ARE.... CHEAP! j? hi 44 't v laerore purrltasliigr. - - j 4., 7 111.llnl H. D. CLAVV80Nf ' j Singer! YKAU. Americn, Jane I'teiwllJU R. CoDstltaleit by taeComea Jof thel people 1 -- ....-.. rr behind. Aeardel the aitrheet alee aai4 bar left alt rival leMl ihattrmt Sold in 1870 10,1871. Company Manufacturing 'OT'blR Ji " AT TH E j -- THtPAsr SVKKB MOLD WIJCUIN The Bu,Vt. SEWING MACHINES SINGER s tr1'i ... 4 Dealers In ilie seUIements and niliilnff towns will lint I it to ttielr Interest to call and' enquire price s. privl-lege- i ? . machines f 127.833 r y . i . western -- . 1 . i. - , ,,- American Battoubole rll OF UTAH, ; the MonaoHs. ' JTberecen tiactlon of the U.S. Sup reme Court in overruling, the proceedings of Jud?e McKean la UUb, openi to view toe fundamental obsUclee whlsh prevent the recognition of the Mormon community as a body politic with the attributes and powers of BUU sovereignty." The acope of 'Judge action was to regulate the draw ing, summoning. and empanelling of jorleeio the Territory of Utah by the law aod practice of. the .United Statee Government, rather than by the Terri torial law. in tnis way alone, could a free aod Impartial jury b obtained the District CoarC of Utah. for the 1 dlctment or trial of prominent Mor mons for high crimes, and for tht punishment, of. bigamy, ,and. polygamy, Under the territorial 'law, made and adminleUred by the eervile followers of their Mormon leaders. ao- grand br' traverse Jurlea could be obtained that were not exclusively com' posed of Mormons who regarded: every bomtcide instigated or perpetrated by Biignata xoung and nis associate Jia ere as a a acred act of religious duty, and believed tne practice or polygamy obligation of faith and conscience. The tnetaed purauea by Judsre UoKean of packed Erevented the embarrasment and eeenred free course to pabllo JustUev? JUnder it Indictments were found against Young - and other Mormon leaders,-andthere prominent was a xair nrosDecs mat tne abuses and abominations of Mnrmonlam would be rarmretsod by tht atronr arm of Justice. irtuiDV lae oao pi ucmsiFanosa.us aadrronx i ))' tne rrormorr J ed But though tne motive or Judse Mo Keen was good, and nia lanaabie object was In. a fair tretd of eueseas, it appears by the decision of .the .Bapreme Court at WaahiDV ten. that the coarse pursued by bim was esaiiairy uifgai, ana that o auresra tne tern at bad xto fight toriallawand practice Ja coastitnting Juries for tht. District Court. : By this their former condition; th indictment foand fall to the . ground, bail where taken u discharged,' and ' th aocnaed where under arrest are released. .How ever much suea a result may be re gretted by all who had hoped to tee tht " Mormon question disposed of .4he taifmghr wetb seeinterposition r no? reason i whatcourts, ever to Inveigh' agalnat "the 'action of tht Supreme Court, or to call la qaeetlon the motive en f . that high tribunal. The majority of the Judges OITV. uur ' ' On-ha- L.Sahlsr C. t -- . THREE-Qand all. ia Bat Aatheay U eaacrriOAU U3B. wkkk kta.ua: Wilms THB PAartHaKlC YKJtttti thjrjeftjnorwweor oarHlay over all other Mftatilnea. bolus withlo tbe past year 1 Our KfaUI nets are t lie lie t In tho World The New tc -- -- cs, r rilachine Family Singer; Sewing T7ith Attachments for All Hinds of V7ork; I a-r- n's AUTHORlZKil Send for Descriptive and Price Circnlara. own Bilk and eottnn L ;ts 00,00 e OA PI TAU We nannfaetare oar faratsh linen aad aeelleti. ail of aapanor qaallty bat whleb eaa be railedtwls'; on only wnen obtained or Braneb h.',.1 Offloaa, or Acenelea. , PAl 8 1.to tJC A PIT A U. D-- U ,e i.te.ooe EARNINUa, iYiatEifa is isri.ao pkk ffie-r.- cr v. Ictitati on in Utahi. Agencies In Colorado V PROMPTLY OOLLHCTIONQi . I?'" v i :j I ' -j T i i t : .4 S Allowaal zaontana. ' Ir " ' it I' , B. CLAUSOIJ; Sup't Tay-n- M-yl- o, Joba o. OsUf.! r -- r, ,i ! cm tdf ...4r mil h TAYLOB .k A. j o t UAVB iXJSt aUBCaiVKO ) A ,i ?j I 33 :;.-.- ! . .. t ., ( i ujtisrt. , , j.- snp-t- ! . TINWARE, t r rue., i etc - 1 , 5 ' , , GASH riUCB. -- Pait KOK 7 Commercial Ob's, nr. Br., aud a dill S.e tmT Af D 3hU BaUTHI , I'k ! , , . : . , f..f'. j It."'-1- ; . - . . , ' - l!"'-- s : ' ' Territory of Utah, dated Feb. 1 trUorr, aataed anbaeqnentl r, and nor . ua.-wwuvw wtu. WMWI AUTiHinai MW tne TerrK by tuJs t reaird bonds, Ae.. . dVv aai aw ftSFiaaJ 4w in aa...(Ata wum suv n 7 ."zr: vwtrw arrtjuwevas if BEFORE YOU BUY ElisilWlIEBE - .' CALL rAKD i SEE . i ' vi i H U lii t,. r 11. TOIL fcyyyMfc i s 1 -j ' , . 1k. lit, Vll'i.,., . . i 'tt.Jfl BASSETT, AVTNa exteuatTe O leraUoamade to hla premtaea,atkllUona u no and t c.rh; ..v. XAreeat ;:: ? f :. a - wT aud . .j it Cest t. . Prtrat ;a ana? TUmg';r'u ) ii at all aeeaoa, Their medlelnal nr&nar. ' laLr kLUbwn that it la neediaax la 1 r. eui WIT 81D1! east tkuplx ex.- - -- J tla ta PrlTats Eatbt. ta lar fcrf ldU.,,.4 r tUlmf4a.mmama,ftttktHlt,ymti, Si end avcsivo vt ITST broozbt ' '. al-JT- wpreparad ...VV Aausoriuieut r , tothisTsrrltarv. and C3 tlio Clicapcat I Clicap SeeL V.W Aiosv I sU-h-est am a w is . . ' -- E ITU AY Mjtjw.fi. l A StJ , . -- j si : Jte j t i QFTUCK, - . a. TTTTTTT -- j 1 er l-- ajt aa - A aii - TQK lermitty of th Notarial sets of tbe abor nt' ed ana-I- s staqaeBtlanab:, aa they act made by tbe JLef lelaUr ppe9lnnta AMy the j HAVs.ls any tae bay Hots Kaewnue faee. epaauh brandwith ia poueeahm on ateowt otu. dIb yeare If m b)". away .Uu tea ears aaut suaimal will be aaid t pettue eaie oa Catnrday, IStn )fay. Ktiii to tl rm-J- t btdJer,A i2iZ 4 I .trlot lor- - i la the 14.a Wart. Ponnd-keepeJUiilfU HOUSE, City. r, '.x . A 1 u jr.".-.- . GRAtri AHD PHODUCC WHOLC3La.UK ,11 , , i j a. j' ! o o if y r ano b of aatraaea to 07caOancat j .aue)csi ssa, BXM3leilMiBjs;tA;s ft ii HiAiasr. j a rpHa HlQHaT J& 5 1 uan m i.x W. Btalaibarn , A EAST TESrU trraECT, HXT DOOK STOBTBf US B1TK OF DXtKBKT. Wear aoar arepared t hoy aad aellaUklafla AXO BJBTAUm . , j f Salt Ease City aad daoart. mly taforsaed taat ibia yletalty Iosutnuoa . . . r. . . , haaro tt, B ctatraoir. otui win , . npt&rlca Public, J fPaakua. Pflffslai'd hooper J OP B;!'DEED 112 atlag at f ' Se f l"a f"?1 eaaaj a Tm VSTAriiBURir ! i Which they ar ncnoviL of phodijce 0 Ixsz&Atzttisi&iAU : - COUMISIONEUS ' AT 1? i: t I j . fcrt ai - KmJaU UlUeapl. , i f D.RY,g00'.0S of to tnt Biovea so - r - 1 Secretary. isn.. it UOIxfflll: cpnHDtccti lt. Lf IasW Gl(rv ''" - j H t". j To anneal (aeeUasor tba 8tO:khollera OI the Utah Central B. R, Co for tht e'eelf nt of oaeer.Wtll be beljoa Batordar. June a 10 a. ax.at the offlee of Prtat. Yen nr. City,' DttV Nir., ' wpeoi J y. .;if.i Salt - tsa-tUUo- n ATTKNOKD.Xa dl06 ( i'.t--i'llv- i OBNCRAli AGBrire ;Two doer Sonlli of JKacle Rmparlaav Tbomaa lai i ' to all to ee.n an i U Mil nee. whether ibaa wish .e?.ri1J I all other.Oet do not bay irllhout roe seethe lh.hi TT j alteodaata. , lostroetion freev . AH UaeMnew mfmJ.KmiwmtrVmmu mrri befor diuery at tbe perfeeUyadJaeted or TR4SACTi: IfESS i" , , t o f Su s m 'i s." 4'. . 'I Oldest' B inking thread end o tr- tbroacboor Prtaolpai - OtW Sewing llachines Repaired on Reasonable Terms I We Guaranlee every tlachine we sell to give entire satisfaction . EZAcnzxTca DSXiZvczizn) rsins zxnorjonou? szza city. J or Sat X t' Pre't, , 1m-bre- Ue ag-a- "w"t NlOtsb ler,' Qekbe-- . rte alliv twt in tbe booeaboid. aa ebatem by the tmetdty laecaaeta Slaoblaia la now capable of a rnze and Tartetr of wo-- k eneh ai tu tboocnt Impoaainie toperforaa W elataa aadeaa uw taat U thereeaaiaiy tertjr ebeapeat, moat beanUfni. deUeately an edJiTcely vljasted. eaa ly operatedTspi ataonmee. it ia reoaarkaoi not only for taa rTTl arlety mni dlflereat kinds f textare which it .' ,?wlBJ.but Uo ,or ilIewJL?-e5.nJf?oiiUT. ailk tsrtst, Unea eoitTO fln r pertloa,aaliBg fi .laaarleeked-elaatle-eciter-i. on both aide of tbethread, alike fa brio aewn: Ipoare, autcn wniea ts at- - all adapted ao airaMa or weerfc. Thaa. beaver cloth, orunlTeraally leather mayapproved, of be aewn with etreartn aai aatArmity for fla euteb, end. In a moment tata wtUtng and never. weary! o tnatraant mar aatlaated LPrestdent. J.Viee '. 1.7tW of our Otgantlc Sales uow iiearh! k RTERS OF A II I L L I 0 N lf auwri Sfaw Ibla Va-lte- d XZasssy ., ait ttapaaitatryj aad riaaaelal Hlaiee. Aceat f the Warraa v Me-Kea- . weu-eetaouaa- ?""f la Cast wlamlnc DaalaTMatad. - 14,573 tng her, V ; Pirham...,.. Wilson . .500 And eereral otber oompahle wboaold a tew aiaeblaea. It wlH be eeen by thUUble that the popularity of the siarer Haehlae far axeeede that their aale betas: aiebalf kveater than eraa that of the famona wnular a Wllaoa" maeblne. Thia la owing to tbe Cms that the Si surer sjenapaaty bare lately oom. ntt ana mauu laaiurinK taseain. eroat ia aaiuna in, 'Hw known as their atabe Paaaily Staehlae, whleta la efailaal out ttie ! ajyie." meir toiai aaiee ror lbJl were 81.781 maehtnM 1J7J8 of IH70. laawiat a laereaae r balf f a She I atter yaavr. .Vui York Hull. il.TIQHU r to-da- y. - , SEWINO 1UA(I1LE .SILKS FOR 1S70.. The tnaanliade to wbleh the man ufacta re or Hewlni ataenlnee hat attained la aUowu by tiie "8WORN" retnraa. (to whieb aay oae can bave aoess) of tUa ni4aaCaotarera for ibe year Is7v u uia own era of hi teaamg paieata, oa waiea seer . the aamber of macblaea sold by each maanfacterar in uhv ia aa loiiowa; i.,.Mu.ia r.$s ;:i', p'"""1"' Th MsMr;r.,h.;,;.,f. ,.'...;..; ,, ii njzm ,,, ., ,. .j,,,,, Gold MedaL. 8 Vli wbeeler k".h 7&.1M Ho- w6.80 Ororer A Baker. 67,403 . 8,61 Empire., weed. Flnkle A Ltob. 2.4M XOU.VIM Wilcox A Olboa. -- . al tit I . . a ' I . WI.4BHWAIIK e. a r. BETAIL ah , u.-tlo- I- - ;1 Hardware, i"wiumuu . " AHD WHOLESALE . afUr two years'" outrageous Jadlctal usurpation bed heea aathorlUtively and lrrepealably condemned by (he'eii- preme tribunal of the nation, the ssaen- tlal characUrletlcs e t that same asat- patloa werelmmedlaUly enacted a part of the law of the Union? How would y, bat matt bo relegated back to tht It read la history that the free republic time of bornhig witches aad hanging of the United BUtes, with a popaUtlon .Bandaymoua-kllllo- g cats. If not to a of 4a millions of tho met enterprising still mora llllbsral, bigoted, aad barbar and Intelligent people lu the'world; . violated a line of preoedenU ; '1; .n J. ousaga. Ths7A?o manifests Its llmltod andar- of she Undiag of tho wocklaga of Tarriiorlal tlon and enasted lawa smbveralvegovern-ment, fundamenbal ihe of when principles If it th goTernments says that of the charactsristlalnstltotlona principle of clfll liberty, joatio, and boas ted'eplrlf and the tstabXlihod ntorale coantryan4)he" net bt tan pubUo th'elawi of CoaaUtntloa'anaJ InUnt Iho undar thai kind of organization It fof Uaare 'the eonilitsat with purpose would be wiser to abolish It entirely; rather than to ehang It to a BtaU goy of making effeetaal war upon the religof a community, of, 100,000 of the anmaot, which means' Jtrwoold' bo eliontisens, tinder the tiypooritloat plea of battar to rddo th Territory to an anarchical condition than to endow It redaeiag tham. to . submission . to the Ilras universally known with Blatahood, an assertion too wll4 Uwt,-whefor sarioas oonmaW ! t:j -- 1 m I i and generally ;iuskaow!df4 that that ThtGtoo go on to a vy that tht dls- - community was the most anUrprUiajr, tlact aad abaaiaW'abaadoaaoarit of herole, coaaoieaUoos, --peaoefuly lnduat clTll ml by th "Mormon" church, urioua, oraeriy, moral ana th repudiation of polygamy. to.,tnaat mmanlly la the Whole repabUe? The ,bt coadiUona precedent to ihtidmla Is preclaety what Crmgln'a Amendment and ail almllar Buls aim to accomplish, slon of Utah. Where is tht cone tit aathorlty for requiring religions and how that and all almllar business apostacy and, tht abnegation of clril will be regarded by posterity. If Senof such honor, rights as conditions precedent to tht ate Cragin la ambitious 1L to bels welcome tat Buck goTernmenlT assumption oB .OA J A a proposition Is tht height of absurdity, arrogaaoo, and laaolanc. Tht "MorCEaXBXT ICKWa, 3 mon" church aa a body corporals bat have doubtless acted oonsclsntlously ncr el Til power, and tht lndiTidaal and wisely in tht decision which . they citisens oomposing that church have made, and nave truly, interpreted TaxaoaarBr-xthart inalienabij th same civil rights frsVssTrt.v varcot th Uw aa it atauda. Whether any additional legialatlon. by. Congre In re as othtrcitiaeiu --.pCthiijepnblit. gard to constituting jurlea for the Urrl-toriIt la a. contradiction ln( terms to ask District Courts, can release the dead-loc- k "Monasa" . tltlxszw, toj xirt .nj ih'ttx which, ha beset the wheels of Justice In UUb., la worthy of consideltii rtxat la order to enjoy tat bone-fi- ts CHlciooriO. The 1W5sp's Wash eration.' We cannot help thinking that of BUU organliitloa, a paradoxical special baa a aeavsatloa story to- the ington vsy out from the Mormon proposition to which they neither will the efTect a been diseovsris through' the courts of Justice has that riot not eaaocd,3tate t no BUts.- As to aU Whl&h CSir-aeo- di Cia TZ'ttLlz Of rathsr than govarnmeat organisatione, repudiating aay fa ad mental princlpl UraoitbytnerniUdelphU eonveotion. and .that: the possibility of erecting of thlr religion, tht "Mormon" who ana an eaeuro'j-"- i oi 'jsr ziorton Utah into a aovereign State U rendered for the pmiUency. It is still more remote by this reversal of would be raUtJ of that Sroald 'thereby as eandldaxe, Bur bank, of Jndje McKean's action. " alieid that deny hU rslllca, an! his raputaUoa Isahov' a trt litr-in-Li- tr cXUoxtca; cow . Ia the preiet arpect 'of t&t ta would bt repudiated by. the "Mormoa" residing In Omaha, baa been aendiar U of. conferring a absurdity oonfidaullaI.letUrt , to thitt!r-tcovsrnment upon the Mormon chorcb IbJtlf. -appointed to the convention, hierarchy f Utah, with lte dls?raofal Tho lUUmiBti con core Ing abeolato inready which tlim plan ia ttt -- rth,aad their icsUtutlon of polygamy, that it eeems and arbitrary eliaatical ral, eom eoUdted. Th OoBgreas should entertmpoaibUthat that one of these letUrs despaUh was for- tain the project for a moment.'' Yet, a monclUzsnship aad rot r and na tram says by a daleraU to his Bans tor, b?i"-- - 4 no wooing, oa before the mslad lntsrcoam bttvtaatat EUUi warded, wilt lay It be.'ort wbf Pmlisst to- CciiiiiUe oaTtrritoriea,' npoa tht balng nanifled and sat at nans at by day. While there U rtaacn to bells vs question of admitting UUh Into the Mormon" policy, wall of trass fifty that tome tacit letters bare bean Union undar tht title of the Bute of de-libera- v orainance unoer constitution aad anas tne new Dtaae bieh It U asaea be admitted. In beaau or tht application it la urged that the proposed con- Doora opea at half at 7. in its provisstitution is very liberal . farAmoaaoa to eomBaanee at a re publican in it and perfectly ions, It has ratified been that and character, of the , people. Of the by a majority Territories Utah eUnda nine weetern about aoond In population, having tOMO Inhabitants, according to th camana Ar i(t7n nf vhooii Tery large ma- The ataaaaemeat beg to anabaaas that at Jorlty are obedient subJecU to the Morthe earnest solicitation of saaay ; citisens they nxon nieramny. nnderanthorlty bare Induced question was aaeembled of a Joint resolatlon of both branches: pf the Territorial Legislature, and the Patriot,' "New York, World--!' "Pitta-bur- g whole affvii-- from beginning to end On Post' "Philadelphia Age "Bal- was Mormon in all its .aspects. . timore .Gazett,M--,Bavaanconstitution appears the face of tht Ktwt," It, "Boaton Poat," "Detroit Free Press," well enough, and would answer a to postpoaa tbalr intended departars for a fsw that speak well of the ticket, bat await Tory good purpose as tht orgaalc iaw the action of the Democratic conven- of any normal oommunUy in tnia countion; and twenty-fou- r including the try. But whtn it la considered that the "Albany Argue, and Times," the constitution U designed to fix the po"Lonisvllle Courier Journal,'.' "Chicago litical atataa ot such an exceptional community as the sabJecUbf the Mor;' lev' i6t, York Ex- mon hierarchy, It Is evident that the Z ,: :,,:;m ax PIalndealer,""iew; Is only so much waste riU b press." and the "Mobile Register." that Instrument Bemaatle Drama la S tae praaeatadt commend the ticket to the aupport of paper. " tt. tu.se aets. autiM far the Democrat; sixty-fivenough Congree has already gone Including the "Cincinnati Enquirer," "New Orleane In extending a territorial government Times and Picayune," "Illinois Stat overthat community, and if the prinjustice and pubRegister," "Dubuque Herald," "Rich- ciples of civil liberty, mond Whig," "Irlah Cltixan" and lic morals upon which our republican ' OB, "Dish Dsmoorat'? N. YM "Indianapolis Institutions are founded, cannot be es"Baffalo Ooarler," and th tablished In Utah under that territorial THE SCULPTOR'S DREAU! 8nUaJ," three other Democratic papers In Bs. organisation, it would be wiser to Louis. The majority of the last named abolish it entirely, rather than to raek.aia lkaUtilttAS The Bapbaei BachaUet, a 8calptor class are country papers, many of them change it to a BUU government. nATma distinct and absolute abandonment of wealthy. BATKfl K Mrs oo P Mllr. Mr , A Washington special says the op- civil rule by the Mormon church, and bill of of In tariff the polygamy, ponents any change the in any are preparing to make another charge should be a oonditlon precedent . SATORDA.T KV&MIMG, which-Congress against it. In the form of a sport bill tot constitution nnder Last Appearaaee of the Popular Artlale. sweeping a aay the Internal revenue might admit Utah as a BUU. Nothing TP. MI. BATES. taxes Dy wnoieaaie, ana reaucing tne less than this would preserve the hon- - SXa- -. do AIx-Income of the government so maUrlally or of the nation and malnUln its con- BOX OfFICJC opn fmr Ik tola pf Ttekati en that It will be expedient, If not neces- alsUnov in unholdinar republican in ; thtdcrt of performmm, at 11 e'olaa. . to let the present tariff aUnd. The stitutions. Never until the people of sary,bill run be to are to be off the will aald Utah throw attempted willing shackles which trammel throoxhon Monday next, under a eua-their citisenahip. and nullify their penalon ot the rules. New York Information haa been civil obligations; never until, .they received at the Naval Department at come forward with a constitution Washington from Havana, that Moro which duU the seal of reprobation anon Castle Is being rapidly strengthened. their obnoxious heathen institution of and that fifteen Inch guns, pointing oolveamv. should they be allowed to. seaward, are now being put in position tak upon themselves the1 high and lmmunitiee of State govern Workmen are clearing a way the debrU ment. Anything short of this open oreoarltory to rebuildine; Midas. Tbs body or a man was found In Bast excision of the hierarchy and absolute river yesterday, thela bands 'aadw feet repudUtlon of Its most vicious insUtu u, auppoeea b , wonld make the United Statee i atrapped , , osae oi muraer. traitor to the cmurtwi liberty, and ' A Washington special says should an accomplice In the perpetuity of the next dispatches be unfavorable for polygamy. arbitration, It is in contemplation to The antagonism between tke repub Issue Immediate orders to recall the llcan institutions of this country and U.S. agent and counsel appointed to the absolute and arbitrary ecclesiastt conduct the American case at Geneva cat rule of Mor monism, Is so strong and In time to prepare for the next session decided, that the proposed new State of Congress an exhaustive atatemeut could never be In harmony with the and indication of the action of our gov rest of the confederacy. The .valuable ernment prior to and under the treaty ruaranUee of the national constitution for the double purpose of setting the for common citizenship and free and ooontry, and the administration right an trammeled Intercourse between the before the world, and conaervatlng our 8Utee. would be virtually! nullified and interests against such future measures aetat naught by the church polity of and opportunity aa msy ariae for Alormonism operating bemnd tne eatisfactory aettlementof the dlfflcul strong barrier of Bute rlguU: and for tlee between ourselves and England. all practical purposes to the rest of the Union. Utah might as well be surrounded with a wall of brass fifty miles .dispatches;:) IiOS Anoexes, Cel., 9. A drove of high, aa to be erected Into a sovereign Btate. under the rule of the influences 1,000 horses and mules start which dominate there. The urgency for Salt Xake."" the Mormon rulere for a State organ ' 8LaH Francisco. Octave Meranda, of explained. They want a saddler working on Market Bt., who isation U easily to give tbem an absolute state power, raised a row and smashed; in thing monopoly of Utah. .True, they are now Macdon aid's broker's- - office vesterdav because his order for fifty dollar's worth in a majority: but territorial power is and the territory .'may of Dllilan Hall mining a took had not circumscribed, so extensively up by the uen been filled instantly, la believed to oe settled tiles, aa to deprive them of their num have become insane through the stock erical The only Bafe excitement and will bo examined to- - coarse preponderance. for to is Congress reject their This Is the first oat and oat vie 07 to revise the legls application, present tim. .k. ml . r Kiove iuu .uruuumr iort n lation of tht territory, so as to secure ius C. Brown, No. 1104, Stockton, Bt., was equal rights therein to all' citizens of United Statee. and to trust to time burned early this mornlnz and ; the the t; ror the settlement or Utah a major Brown by premises above, oooopted by me mormons cioaa cor and wife and Mrs. C Rineold. hair icy opposed to areaser, were Daaiy aamaged. the occa poratlon. Motion Globe. panU barely escaping with their lives Brown was badly injured by falling from the awning in escaping from the e&IlK ta tiding. FIQST Darning H toe ce appear to be atronr. wltn an no ward tendency jaOKMiuana Jas. m organ are nnaer arrest for garrotlng and robbing Henry or si7o. on uroad- Bartei. r ONgoo, . , wayBs.ri un-wtvran-ted 1 ot McKan usurpation ea De&eret. This hearing takes place up- MOKnwa ea a Memortat auuiooaou torramea vne -from the oonvenuon, wnica FRIDAY EVEIIIllG. ing for fam or money or both. If b rould tak pattern of tht "Mormona" and conscientiously adavor to do that which la right In tht sight of tht Almighty, he might wake up some fine morning as the "Mormone'L have done, andflod hlmMlf famous,, without tak k for such a con ing th trouble to dition. And aa to monsy, why the promise Is to those who seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. that all other things shall be added That, however, do not appear to be Senator Cragln's way. He evidently prefers to seek fame and fortnnt by attacking peraecutlngly those who do conscientiously and faithfully endeavor to serve th Lord and eaUblUh ble W eaa-okingdom andjrlxhteoaaneaa. commend th Senator's policy. , It Is uodoabUdly and Inherently and thoroughly bad, and whaUvar snccsss he msy atUla thsreby, it will not be permanent but Umporary, evanescent, InsubaUntial, hollow, and lndsed apparent rather than real. The 111 euo-eeof those who have adopUd suoh a polity do not; appear to ? dater htm. Th written by JQurbank,tWe U also reason for assert lag that ' they were written without Morton's knowledge, and that ha was gTeatly lUpleased at the use of'hU name la them. alL tba rnaora of Notwithstanding combinations and plots to defeat the nomination of Grant, it. Is notlcable that no republican newspaper has, eo far, ever indirrectly favored or hinted . at euch a movement, i , The Bt. Ix)ule "Republican" publishes a list of one hundred Democratic papers in various parti of the country, east, weet, north aod south, which nave expressed themselves upon the Cincinnati nomination, aad riaaatq, them as follows: In favor of straight-ou- t nomination by a Democratic convention, eleven, includine; th "Washington Tamer , Stocft, ow hTer JSefKr EtMMiIhcimr. 1 ul li Sunoaria&ce ai fctfi.it taJ. '.wavtl AAa oa Aoad t 'a eaeeeiSSSI A A AAAaiaA w . |