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Show THE EVENING NEWS. OtUWr Header, SS, 171. Thomas Hawkins to Dayaflne of fit hundred dol an and be Imprisoned at bard labor for three years. Tha defend-an- t wu charge with adultery, "with hUown wlTM,Hon tbecomplalnt of his first wife," and convicted and aentenced on a mallnterprctatlon of a Territorial statute, passed bja polygamoaa lerlla for tore, f.r a polygamous comrnurlty, , . . , .... r fw . IRREST VELLS. In our humble opinion, OF MAYOR : " 7. thorlly in the New York court; but ciaimeu mat me opiaiorj in oioer viz: aa to the jurisdiction or me Eoinu, ( Courts and tbe want of Juris diction in the Probate CoorU, waa not binding In authority, aa not being involved in the facte of the eaae then decided. He th.n dlscutsad the question of marriage I and divorce, claiming that marriage not merely a civil oontrae",. but. 3 1M dou by Bishop aud other more. It Is a writer. wu something reason of thia tta'us, a conuWkms, By latter the legislative or political power claimed and exercised a right to declare, determine and define the status of the cltliena or subjects of tbe State. the right aud the province lossy by whom, under what circumstance and through what forms the contract ahould be entered upon aud consummated, and equally f r what cause, upon what terms and by what tribunals it might be dissolved. While two persons might enter into the contract of their own free will. It wm a rule of universal accept that they cannot, of their ation own volition, rescind the contract, or annul it, hence, differing from other ctiois in couiract, a divorce cannot be decreed by default, and will not be y consent alona. I he bala of which ule is that the Htate itself as well as rules of the Buprem united otaies. - ARRIVALS- r of tbe .Court row it PEOPLE'S 4 VERDICT HO.UBMi If S K !f D I The daclelon of tbe Court waa defer red until a future day. Oct. 23th. L. Haad. Rawlins. Blngbam: Mr II and Mrs H IT PhilllDC. Honolulu; A. J Mor-San rell. wire and dangbter, J aa umcago; samuei Hmiin, rrciAt. to Tne yr RKFran; juu J 'k"iP Ogden; O 11 Davia, Central City: Spauldlng, Treasure City; Alfred La ftclcgtnpbs Brunsr, Sacramento. Oct. 29th. W Til iw. I. P Hancer. Oorlnnei J II T T Ml M L Power, J Vlnoeot, Camp Floyd; O W r..ri w V Tawl Omaha. T H Mitchell. Zee-lanSt Loo la; R Walker and famllv New Miss B F Talbot, T B Sage, Boatonr WASHINGTON. U Stone, wsw xora; w n opajim iiickey, i WaHHimnivtM Th Prtaldeut ha lng. Central City. Issued a rrxlamittoii reeommendiog Oct. 30th. Thursday, Nov. 30lb,arf a day of thanks John eon. Nevada; D M lloamer, giving. San Fran, JohnM Lee, SUver Creek, !ff Y; Cap J Tonkin, Ogden; F B Velre, San NEW YORK. Fran. C Ui nr. . --o 4, rTF-S- r " - M WLVBM - - eODB Ower Haifa Mill I on sold and In use ! 4,000 made and toid wek .either the ver diet of the "law abldlor Jury" nor the Os Saturday afternoon Hon. Daniel sentence of the sorrowful Judge is just- H. Well, Mayor aKthls Ofay, and Stain, Bmpvrrvm BwUUgu to one tittle of respectful re-entitled Uoaea stout, Lq.,w It. arreeWj by the y from the public. Indeed, we are United States Marah New Xswel Sileat delA Indict- - gard not cure that Impeachment would not men. found several a aloca by the be is that and in it order, presumable a Grand Jury, charg them with mur- - ere long either that or something equivstock or a kull. der. Toe partlea war taken to the alent to It will occur with the happiest FlUILI Third District Court room, tha Court effect. Thomas doubtless felt very grate GOODS STAPLE DRY being then In icmIoq, and by their ful for tbe distinguished consideration Varlaas. HOUX. LAKX HALT couoh! made application to be liberated of tbe New York. 29. Judge Ledwlth Jury" and for the OcTrTssth. ou ball. At It wu then late, about a of the committee of Beventy, sorrow member of JVOTIOJlSm ebullition Judicial affecting Tamfrom . . tbe nomination V 1. llrlftTt " four or hlf past four o'clock, the and mercy, theioOO and the three years accepts The Seat In tlte World, Tbos liinoro, u w"uuuj, many. va and BOOTS O u"1""'0! SIIOES, Curt eaid it would be impoealble to and the hard labor aud the contingent 8 upnu, Akin, anrlJlcwaraara, In view of the sailing of the Uusalan Mrs J It Van AuKlu, leiron: vfr . entertaiu ibe question then. Couneel recooimeud at ion of pardon Included. .11 fleet from Madeira on the 9th of Oit., ii fKtton. ana mn wire amgoier, a ary lar; proporUon ot o2"f l.e- v eaked that a laue be died for the the arrival or tbe Urand Duke la not R Car and wife niMMlsnd. O: John The sentence waa an exceedingly cu owlu to tbalr tOK parusiij or tmpraetkrable: Cal; Tboa Boole, London; John Carrol, our:j hearing of the a li1i cation, and 10 rious one, and may yet be honored with the parti ha uu iutereat In the rela- - looked for till about the 9th of Nov. Tweed Compromises. New York. o'uiooa ible tuorutug was fixed for that a niche among the uulque cuilosllies of t on, or status, or condition of husband SV WboleaaJe Bayers and Narw York, 30. Tbe Times states At au day in our hispurpua. The arrested partlea were American Judicial literature. For us. nd wife. Oct. 29tb. plaaaa Inspect. 0 most f theearly and at that Tweed has concluded to pay legislatures, taken by tbe Marshal to Camp Douglas, w have always considered the Haw- tory, A S as or Mrs dinot a Mr and to this day HickeraonBliigbam; dollars Jackoon and Dchultx, lew, tbetn, grant iiU ib-- r beld tu ouuflaemeot. t LaTsroxan, king difficulty a mere family squabble, vorces. Aud it ti n long bee u a ques- the alanee of Kvser. for work and Coburn, Lt Cottonwool: A BkechoB, wife and child. II Tula moruiog there was a large at unworthy of the dignity of publfc no- tion whether tbe dissolution of the material forniabed to Tweea'a bonnes San Fran; oen - r- ran: Miaa M Mctraaaen, that Key - Corlnne; ' tend auce at the Court room, to hear tice, aud but for the aide Issues forced marrlaie contract, be a strictlv leclsla- - Tweed's original defense was conuuemjlx Ilf O' Toole, I U UUi. JUi wjwmwuwi, "II THE 8INCER in to work eer fact do his The function. tveor Is, W Mich: agreed E Shear. judicial Onhlr; the dlecasetoa on the above question, from it and Che adventitious import- it mav bo either, but eXDerlence has Hon or recelvltip certain rutrac s. vrr.th B F C . Texas. L Uawkina. Boyd tbe accused partlee being also present, ance with which it has been designedly proved that It isuuwlaeand inexpedl This act'on of Tweed will atop one Euit Pat McMann, J A pentca, w umpiwu for lt tflslatures to grant dlToios, hlio NEW FAMILY MACHINE having txu brought from ihelr mil it invested for ulterior purposes of politi ent Mo; N Wlnea. Elko: T C Sc John. Ogden, the ulter tribuual is the Judicial against wire.J U Kelly and wife, C U Marlon ana ry prteun for that purpoee. Major cal intrigue, we should never have com aud arm of the goveruiueut. Ho that Knuuiii: W R Revnolds. Undeu: Jtr u erKENTUCKY. DEPART.SEWT, Hempstead and Hon. Thomas Fitch mented on the difficulty in these colJ II Fordbam, Bingham; u a Har at this day, the legislature guson, Official Arrested. City ou of the Denver. behalf cause of defines the aud rison, defendants, umns. appeared divorce, LEXISQTOX, 20 TU" mayor and the particular tribunal named the district attorney and his assistant Tbe judicial reaeona for tbe infliction directs OoU 30th. of the officials of this city have S by It to determine the case. But the many on behalf of tbe people Emitorlum IlulUlnsrw from the on of both fine and Imprisonment were counsel been indictments arrested claimed there was no authority W W Maranau, Means. Central II range and Tarleiy ofwork navar beto., J City; th arrival of tbe aocuscd In stupendous in their ponderosity. The courts ever aa- - federal court, charged with felony, D M Flilt.CP K R. tempted upon a stnla that Ogden; boldlog equity Bila, TwUlLJnen or Cotton TtSamdTa'J1 curt rvuj, the prosecuting attor tine waa needed to "run the ma sumeu jurisdiction over aivorce mat growing out of the disturbances at the wltb lac uia eqoai fscUUy Uenerai indignatiou ooareeat materials, or anyUUnt betT,,V ; 'Walls ouv-rslu- g y eaiiS wlto Mr. chine," eo the fine could not be dls ters for statutory causes, by reason of Augustat election. out a aousldered U two what the exists axtremea. in la most gioss beaeuxai auu w i! the absence their chancery powers I abti.m&ud that he la about BtanUa) manner. The matter la being luveetlgatot pensed with, for money not only makes of direct legislative authority. That a of habeas corpus the mere to go, but makes the courts to divorce nevrr was a aource of klcg etep 'or writ Tne New Improved attachments tor hy the leading radicals of this place. DISPLAY mln, equity a ad (any wknta) Brsw D, umAor jadujttbe prisoner to bail. (To Mr. so also, it is an excellent miujr to Jurisdiction, either in .agland PENNSYLVANIA. as that you have keep an eye upon the main chanoe, America, aud in aome or tne text-00tb. saDM, time, OcTng ?ito) Dj I understand rati lng, Trlniaitnf , BlnaiL.Vnii? Q,aUUn as a Is ewC.?. matter laid of down Pox. it Hmall subject the application In form? as a matter even in so grave passing at lie Jurisdiction. quoted re equity 30. The and hfaltii wr adjasUKl Mr. F. No, not yet. espwstaUy PmLAuaPHU. ttiu MacqIbs. sentence. Then sympathising friends length irom Ulsuop ou marriage aud port ehow eighty-fiv- e for last Goods Pcoaeeutlng Attorney. That would might club and pay the flue for Thomas, divorce 011 thia point from small-pox- . being a elight He then traced the history of the Ec deaths present the leel quaatloa of whether or and he escape lightly, and that I he number of cap U large Folding Topa and Cibinst Oasw, loorease. of England, and their U Btill not tots oourt has the right In cases of wouldn't satisfy judicial vindiotlveneea clesiastical Courts tli disafio but COMPANY V.4r.I jurisdiction over divorce matters, from ly Increasing, murder In the first degree to Issue Jar roldin Topa and Oabtaet Caaea, paoaEJS; Thomas so escaping, the hand of the the earliest times, quoting rrom lilacs-ston- e oonflued to the Twentieth tbaBliurer Jaacfaine, are la srer? VlinwVS Is to Mr if but Fitch wru, and other autuoritirs. From time argue Lord might have been acknowleged In ready ILLINOIS. wood, tutln wood, and from tos platnet votai that queeuoa we are ready to take It the matter, and that would have dia immemorial down to the recent Wit cut ta tmaU moat elaborate pattern and ttnun. Tbs its! a at lengths, Rbst t& Iei4. aay of divorce the statute Victoria, W creating take this the that ehints.tbemaelTea are plain or hlshlr rrr,. up. position the sorrowful Judge, for how courts in Great liritain, the matter of pleased color30 mentad 17I.' with aad to cold Wholemtlc on advanct lKfrsrsle4 Jaly.l7tki, pearl Harry Williams, Cuicaoo, otjrtmpona Oourt baa not the power to do so, with their tables or eabtaeu. could he afford for tbe Almighty to divorce waa one of the subjects of Juriswaa last eveuing wooi nei ' Mr. Fitch. We can proed with have auy hand or credit iu anything diction of eoclel!' leal courts, neither eo, " Cbariea Orocr, ;i 1 In laa Storer ttie work: is red nr I tbraurn tbe Machine In tna astnrmi nrM that argument without the presence of Judicial la UUh? So to prevent the common law nor the equity courts quarrel wa nbout wot.i u. la tna Xma tor HtOCiC fT5,OO0rOO! Departroant ramtlia,: uaaiy.lroas ia operator. aerialUiiur b m .tt Onpltal ever assumed jurhdic'lou over the sub the prisoners. la a natural and noaitny poatuoa. In many Thomas's friends from dividing his ject matter. otber Machines lbs work passes from nstii to Proeeoutlng Attorney. The question punishment amongst them, and the we nnu scattered tnrougu imp text left, or tbeieveraa, essmnaU&ig th opcrteor tsat w o bmnl ami uJtMU) VveUicm. and la whether thie Court has power on any Lord from delivering him, Thomas writers such expressions ax that the mu-COASTDISIMTt'iiES PACIFIC of kJnde all in mame of tha baeJt, cf&f law o' Kogland waa a pirt showing, to admit to ball In thia case. muat needs be both fined and Imprison of the common law, but wherever auch Tbs Sinssr osaa a flHDKr Ban Fbancisco, -- ). The Republican IJIJIl.lIIMO 31ATEUIAL Major Hampatead opeued tha dis- ed, every neat .bit of judicial diplo ... NDL.Ev. wbtob w not U&bl m fariTHiw:m occur they refer to "com- count expressions V certiil luv.. ive: tbe Macb arm auteb. man able uier as In a and and ciijiniit'.ff ttaay of the and cussion, lengthy matic strategy, mon law" aotto Its technical and u.ntial quite worthy crooked needle, wblcb w lUbla to break asd of electiiMi to Lwi aoil FrauRlin, ner contended that, though tha custom sorrowful Judge. iow, having ruled sense, but as meaning the whole body cate--o!l to nusa tna sutca. frutn lit cutniMiltt DOOUH, waa to refute bail In capital caaea, yet God out of the Hawkins' ease, wouldn't of laws in force iu England at the time the In tha Slnar Macblna tbe Bhattle Is ear'rlsS. Ward, In spite or the i roUnt, on the migration of our ancestor, viz: Flrat tboa aTotdlna nearly all wear. It requires as aud The of the blghret oourt in England the the aorrowful Ja igo li izrouud fraul the la rule liiui of iileuality. the couioiou law aie statutory laws, imnresaiou is alL, and dosa aov aoil tbe or aoocu. vtry ifeiieral that the old Court of King' Bench, baa held that It out of Court altogether, forbidding Him equity law, admiralty and Otner Maeblnaa Sss their BanVUea, in a noa ecclesiastiIXHncLa, etc., Venetian be reoouatructed. will rlnf had that rigut, aud iu otpttal cases In to raise any money to pay fines, for cal. aolilax tbetnrsad and geda. Los APOELE3 ht jrht atresia were All Kindt MrmUugt, to came O anewtors wheu ir they W tbta country tbe aue rule waa admit bidding Him to deliver prisoners by Ml Oa the BJafer, thsTanaloa on botb Lbs upper of Uleti made tk Chico Stffar Fine, brought this great body of itiu; part iu theriolsuucharged lower threads ta abeoratelr nndsr ih. ad Cable ami tiM b rU ettUirll UleS followed any aart of procedure, however Inno America did l'nursday ulght,u them the one for fctealitic a iliamoini rli'K from not with but control of the operator, tbas readsrtat laws, ready bring lu ibw Uicrtiuu of to court, except cent they might be, forbidding Him to tribunals to adailuiater It. But from the Maehlae always araUabie fcjr rood sswiaZ STAPLE FAI1CY DRUGS wan lisniteJ. The alter hu wbiea la not tha eaae with any other. Msur In caaea where the evidence of guilt work any kind of miracle in regard to time to time by leghdatlvo act erected Chiuamau wortnimL ahaap Stacblnaa are corouer'ft jury have adjourned till Mon to mo mrm muy ui vneir new really theae tribunals exercise the proper ua waa conclusive aud the presumption court matters, forbidding Him to in pacauanUs sud are The police Implicated day. city a their circumapposed adrantca. several of the for utglict of duty. At a tntc-linPotent Ilediclu3a, tronr. High common law authorities terpose the tip of his littU fin stances Jurisdictions required. Fir; they creat- common council lastnjKht.whortieptit war cited, and atatutory enactments ger to hluder in any way, snape ed comm'iu law courts, theu equity The 6LGUl Is ths was informed that the police ed he that Perftimerji courts. then admiralty quoted by Mr. Hem pate-a- in favor of or manner, the operations of "the courts, men, including the marshal, conductOldest Practical Sewing Machine, Our condition did not require or our ed hla position. authorities of the United States,' institutions themselves disgracefully at the riot. Torn la Call Redwood, allow ecclesiastical of Bains: ttxnt twenty ysars la the market. Tae proaeoutlng attorney and hla and In an especial degree of the Federal courts: but mattera which ware in Eng that policemen ottered bribes to men to lmnrnwul by IB HTtaff been eoosh&aUT HuHtic to A tue in loiu riot. them Induce Hiding, not For haJ In Utah? "this land the subjects of the ecclesiastical tbe most aaiUad tncanolty of tss aaalstant replied to tha argument of tha Judlclarv pwyaaaatof - ' been aee aata has committee nallralted eapttal, U Is now diTsstsd appointed or wnnane defendants counsel, and seemed to community ought to begin to learn that Jurisdiction have been from time to topedal all Flooring, ary parte aad poasassat All a inveetljcate. It in proposed aul warm fa Great Variety. time committed to our tribunals. The Very Latest In Tendons aad Improrements. to a raise advocated depend chiefly on the Territorial atato- - Ood doea not interpose to rescue crimi subjects company ly military u tbe Macnlne It ecclesiassold on Honest Claims, of Jurisdiction of the OfderS lOf MILL TIElDLnb likescenes. tes for its rebuttal. aa all its only are PraeUeal and will do all that parts nals," and therefore that it la the height tical courta were three, vlr: 1 Pecu- for protection aKaluHt ia eisiraen lor tnam. noma otber Maeaines ar Filled. EoKllafx ! and Porter, Cai The injuriea recniy- Mr. Fitch waa about to commence the of resumption to suppose or remotely niary relation to subtraction of tlthea, Stockton, Promptly Qrsavtly OompUeatad, to do Usaleas aad UlUf by Mayor Holden, of Stockton, at ca. ana tnaa axe ranoered Liable to t Avverill Paint, etc, ed oloaing argument In favor of granting hope that He would tnink or rescuing non payment of church dues,offeeschurch nualaaas dona through the President of are more much railroad the accident, Derangement. TbaU Blaser Seldom or and dilapidation spoliation the whom Merer sorrowful the Compear. rlTes sasUr eat and the ball when the Court said: was readily Judge property. 2 Matrimonial causes, au un- serious thau anybody reported litilte man aaad trytroable, those urfco saVrly fati on aim Nev. Joe. Lang nuoiui. hash. lUJUinev Boui.DXJtua remembe must condemn? It City, Virginia MacMrt. of and disturbed might unquestioned subject "Without intending to have It regardforeman of the old Belcher mine. Olla. Mala 8U.S Doors Boeth Walker Bros. lu the ecoteelaetical courts. dou, ed aa a preoedent in any other case, I bered that Ood did not Interpose to res Jurisdiction was at the 600 feet level when a large to And causes, 3, uor nor wit, lump or clay fell from the side shaft, Teataruentory SINGER'S jonn tne liaptiar, Colors will hold t at I have power to laaue a cue Abel, mattera of probate or wills, &c. orricrsi-LDHBnor 400 tabd. Jesus the shoul him feet, upon Christ, martyr Stephen, striking li; For the first of thete eubjecte, of habeas corpus and bring theae prisonOne Bloek Boath R. B, Depot Glsksa, lllcm, E.tc New nanufacturing Machines we never had any der, and badly injuring him ers before me, and aa they have come no? the Jewish apostles, nor hundreds course, in America Has FKArcisco. It is conceded that dalm tha earns ad ran laces over others of Utetr esrly Christiana. Why, there need of court, aa here there has never the eleotlou of Hwlft and Byiugton as class aa the new JTaoily Machine. Tuess aid rlU PraecrtpUona Pbyaletana In, being' brought here by an officer of the H. BARRON. E. state. of church and d and to rescue been any union Sawing slachlaas ars apytteaU lent of the new Tree I eat, durln the progress of the argument, I fore, should Hebe expected to aw mui of as my ad tLgl ssonuaetursv The second haa been variously adminis- f reeldent and attasUoa. psejj from "Mormon" clutches the ia a full committee OotAs, LtorUAmr, ste, aad raa In tbe mosi peneet lepublicaii county wtil regard them aa being here on the any poor . W. PARKIIUU8T, tered, sometimes by tbe legislature It- defeat of the old ring aud triumph of rauaoia manner witnoat troaoie u The sorrowful of the vested lu it and sometime the Judge Jodg? self, by habeas a of will of I writ return corpus. tax the element. of tbe poeltlon payerj a demean hi rmlne by ex- cotntnou law courts, and more frequent 15 Hlrtell, German therefore aay further, that although I never could OlTAltLIlS IAIIL.EH, portrait painter, ror In the courts, tbe ly Third, equity to r aid of a comfort f Treaa iaetf waa well aware, before thia argument, tending particle we ilud the only tribunals lu of 48, ehot and killed hlmee f at hla and here could be so fanatical aa thia who oir in persou Washingany Tyeon plarte, lodglDgs to the land, bearing any aualogy that la Great Britain and in the United to expect, believe, or Caune, domestic street, A FuM Asaartneat of thas hope that Qod ecclesiastical courts of Great Britain, we ton AU V. WASte. 8 la tea a prteooer obarged by indictment did, Tko, R. Jem. trouble. atour or courts for would could tbe determination have should, might, The timn FracCiaoo aaviugs uul u han OANKINC HOUSE with a capital offence Is almost never Beaatilul and InrHalel to do any such ridiculous thing. of testameutory affairs, the probate of recovered ' admitted iu $3,000 and costs, Of judgment of to ball, etill I waa willing to tempt estates administration of the willa. cases where y In the lie did interpose decedents, etc, variously In the several against Geo. Dal ton, collector of A. W. WHITE &j CO., 11AC1IX5TES. be convinced that In thia oase It would and reecue tha as those rjtates denominated aurrogater courta, internal revenue, for tax paid under coudemned,sach KaaS Teaastle Sirei, be right to dspa'rt from the almost uni of (Tae nnmbora on which ebow a mannfjAor Daniel, the thre Hebrew children, orpheolj eoqrts, probate courts, etc proteat. O IT T of betwera rieeasellx HsmSraa Two- LAKE SALT versal rule. Not only willing but anx- - and nearer to courts These several approach nioaiaiH af tha -lxffareal .vansusi din u . . many others, It was all a mistake tbs ' aaaoe loua to be eo convinced; nay, more, I on His wmymmt. to. or, in aud the ntnaar Mannxacmnni wUS oy Jurisdiction analogy would been aud have s DEPJaJlTMEXT, ptrt, aaUat Jaaatarn Frtaea. aawesbaU ecclesiastical courts of England have tried to ooovinoe myaelf by arguUoa of rralbtonly. Toaeoommooata onparwt and effectually prfwuted by the take promptly and In the than otuer, auy place autaot wbs ments in addition to thoee of counsel fine or, p&y slii dors, we will atl omen tor both If the sor- one system occupied by tbe latter in GREAT BRITAIN. Impriso Ilulldixifce. Oonatitution thai It would be right and expedient rowful Judge bad I en there. Because it Great Britain, and are seemingly tbe L05D0N, 23. The Manilon Home successors so ecclesiastical of the to do eo in this case. courts, fund for Chicago amounts to X 42, 250. to "law," you know. waa not accord far as they are applicable to our condi- Belfast subscription, 5.000. : Liberal Ih "In the eaae of the people against A ahort time lag ancrusade th vis tion and constitutions. 8a that when contributions have been received from Daniel H. Wells, hla oounsel properly nounced in a ago aa waa new shape "Fed-rUtah it the compeLegislature, towna. Se that an may possess one of these U0" eay that the defendant la the Mayor of Authority vtrtm Polygamic Theo- tent La do, desired to tlx the tribunal to other eulo- in a speech Gladstone, fHtrnSaaars t m. bare flna aa War the ertiTssi tms 'at oas Fauoaa jars h the city, and is at ths head of the pellce cracy," but, If "coming events cast take Jurisdiction of d'.vorce matters, it hla the sarrtoa of a genUeiaaaoaeacf complimented thsQieen, earaaad f;lsed and almost neoessartiy vested roars eXpwrlenes aad force. Camp Douglas, the place where properly to vitaltbe l with baatwwaty ff pride poiote seems their ahadows before," it really seas aklltfai erparta to t s world la rStria moat tribunals ths lu that Jurisdiction declared the of Liberal that party, Hs aa napmtont Bwwuur Madhtnws. ssaoueai prisoners swatting trial in this Court as If the next announced abape of the nearly assimilating to the ecclesiastical ity a waa now mors contented and saan Maahiaa la eosaaiete aad are usually dotaloed, la aome miles dia which ex vt termini Ireland ImUWIW movement will be The onur s, andcourta" UaTee the before order tt a In of reduction the troops had Jurisdiction promised tan t from the City Hall, and from the Sorrowful srUl alao Ins part lo parebaaera all BsedfsJ reforms. colonies and other rertu tbe Lord of "Probate Saawwa eaeat a araat Tanaari seta a Judge as maa eaa taas xoey sarwncia, already of one branch of the ecclesiasreeldenoe of the Mayor. In that camp to causes. tical i law, wit, testamentary trtefcerv wbaUrrsr s It would be practically Impossible for to 8PAIN. A court too erected and name r7 S law by a. as . . Lmplcmenta, With , Bpleodld the Mayor to attend to any of tha da Waala Twaaly Mlllleas. MerUe se, Congress Itself In the organic act. And so grmXtiM M tnaat as lor d tha ties of his omoe, and therefor heconjd Iffac CISC or CLATTOS e. CLATTOS, yet it is claimed that the legislature this, aa fi.il Madrid. The coat of tha war-ialUaoosJi tba Singer CtKnpany aoa raers nas no power to conrer tnis jurisdiction Cuba during the past year was alxty-tw- o Xoolavaiid not be held responsible for the quletuasfm r . oomsi,iw eotapaates auouMrariveuet JfEWSTQCKot arsasor mm taatr s'dasa.ea mtim but that the Dismlllon dollars, aud the colonial A suit for divorce and alimony, en- Upon Probatebava Curt, .1 I win aaus Wersa. ,i teetr to extaaa ettli paUaw. Courts ,t trict waa defleU Governeleven millions. , exclualvejorlsdlction Ui fore admit him to ball. (Applause In titled Clayton vs. Clsjrtou, waa Institut- because the Organlo Act confers on ment wanted aoredlt of twenty million GROCERTEsi sy.TVinabaemao KxtanaU as losscars slnc-Judied few a thaTslrd days tbeua "chancery as well ss common law dollars for military purposes the Court.) In the. case of the people the Jurisdiction." The whole history of J3u All on the arrtalaea. against Stout I will further conaldsr cial District Corjiu Ibiaclty,were General Ccnlral olgentv, glum jurispruaence, text writers ana a ths application and the arguments, and preliminary procoedUga ipwhioh And of Jarr ITALY. Sapplj the contradicts and suggestion reports, of Friday overthrows the argument. The legis will rvauh and announce my condu-aloo- a commenced on thWmornlog IXIncraf Supplies n Bpeelally Formula Tarrttory. waextand a and ' : Qlicrlst ap Handry lat. IfAi : i the V. . hereafter." been published in which. r-lature, quasi political aoverslgotv, fotm to au ta erwne ana mtm i I whetaertbe jgfende whllee reoznises tha .bishops ap-Defendanta oounsel asked tbe Court peared for the plaintiff, and Messrs. of the Territory, whose power "to all rightfot subjects 0 legislation noiar Jba bv tha Italian rovernraent. aa to fix tne amount of the ball. The Hempstead and Klrkpatrick for the consistent f witn lhOonatltaUon of nowiaaalni? tbe reonlalta anallflaaUona. In The the defendant. i. j 1 complainant ; Court In reply said: and of tha the thev Italian provisions Iba; solemnly-- repudiates Unltellcs, i "The defendant Weill may sire ' ball cassTwas Emllle, wife or asMr. William IbeOrtTulC Aft," hadlba right to the tn- aud ajralnst protesU UHt' XlecaUnM TTo Ooaravaieo Clayton, of this city; and the partlea mine wajca 01 u tsbiou oi ana ixoij oee. uo auio con Ilcoolyod I uj- dons Io exerclaa course such and ahould of tiiiuu ths ana Congress are well nere, dlvorcejuru Dolllnger aa. Proa. Att. "I think, if the Court very fm eallre aatlsftetlea ana corrsctiy ana jogtcaijy ir aa are following his sxample in warring please, w ought to be consulted aa to knows), far more than ordinary Inter dieuon, ood dlraxrt robaW Courts from not wieely naauad the J Prloosi, decisiona of the Ecumenical agulnat the est Is manifested In tha proceedings. .. the amount of bail." . t . for that parpoa. Council.- - Tha counsel alao cited as.tnclualons Court. "I will hear what you have to In answer to the complaint, defend. i irxio 1 ant's counsel entered a dsmtrrer to the of tha Dropoaitiona that Ahie court as a aay." In District Courts of of court the batnr tha court of !;' cjEIE jurisdiction equity I Ass, Pros. Att. "We ask that the ball tnis in suits ror aivorce ana United Btates has thereby jurisdlctioa ' Territory eisir . dol-"i " alimony, claiming- that by tha act of of divorce cause-tt- ia be fixed at five hundred thousand deciaion of tha In , Oct. S9m, of caakr, AITNIKtU ait--aauarusrol ritatea LOKSTra. nflCHlRE C tha Territorial Legislature,wasoriginal Ha preme Court ofa tha'Unitad W.H. a4 AniUa Fosrmom . ... BUTTOIl-HOL- E n confer Barber vs. iiaroerzinowara ostnercin Ur, al I rar, t nosibi ssd 11 StraWard.and exclusive Jurisdiction j atraaidenee.irua raaarai Or, Court. "No, the defendant may give ed upon the Probata Courts. The point Justice Wayne saya; "We disclaim al- lis, ,alTrtl l.i I i iw a 10 a aa. meads are raapeetnuiy utu Wedf Air. In l it court waa the Jurisdiction to ed by any .Klrkpatrick ably. argued auaad. ithseaUyFraaUoaiaws la the together ball, with two sureties, of fifty thousand last of the Unite! States upon tha subject Friday; Mr. Ollcrtel rerlyla, tae i.t Rj.hm. Um.h rvoBT."'0t13LEii : iLR one dllare( his coubset to draw up the log the of the proposition, as- of divorce, nr for the alio wanes of all- - KstaLA.Saacbterrr Dornegative aaS Wdltsca ibete bond and submit It to the Prosecuting sumed by defendant's counsel, each of mouv. either at an orisloal Droceedlnr raab binm l mrmm Kara at Daoaaie. !we ; it. J lii." .VIC tha gentleman rruotl 113 largely from then ia chancery, or aa an Incident to dl- - VaeUuuaatooaaJre, KBglaad. November 2Uifc. ) attorney." xrAi- to support his posl-tle- vorco cr vinculo or to sosirtipp cod and - JitH, Star eteaae in . aAcnixo , Proa. Att. "If it ahould turn out, may hhjheat authoriuas axvriJa .( copy, . . x t c" r -. f9 ? Major Hemp- board." poTTTririniy" It please your bonor,tbat your hone r has ; On BsiirTtlay afjarnoon, from read oalnlon In ssms And tha. ' u " THERE one wtore fml Vrfl to , jLrrtsled, thia let 'to has the stead dosed and not tha authority lt party argument, . case of Justice Daslell concurred 'ID as 6 til Xn on Hain Street beam our food fortune) to listen It vaa by C. J. Chaaa and J. Campbell every day fcy oonlosu per-hail, it sssffli to xae that the form of rarely STX1ATE1 id a mors- masterly, laoid and logical aa follows 11 i ll above views is "From tha U'ad'tndaicme, rzvi.:A "Down STlTlsaT ball would be worthless), bee bquvixtf '' an Iron rray Kara, Milt wan rtoaaTth Ward pasture of law, and as the point at would seam to foltavr, lasritably, that braaaae exposition .O.Sli. mmr " m , On Wkw U on GREATSt Sale faonMoidl ths J ftsoui4r. UNRNOWNl prtaoner.jtinleaa issue is one of vast importanco to the aa tha Jurisdiction ot tha chancery In Aar aran lt would not bind Tiln! H5 'i t, : 0A ham . a.arraiicAk air- laiuraaauoa at taia sffita HAIR RESTORER ' x' awiac 6 lL'J to r into of this Territory, seaming anlsaal wui f andJk yoar etaia civil people tha Court has authority grant dosa not extend to or ambraoa that will Ia4 to teooverr ot said a7I w St u , decisiona of all tha pro- Kngland , . .. s ail all volve the , berewarSad.; H divorce of and aska the subjects alimony. : c ::a,ci& aJ ui ! Conrt. "Wtll, a tht prlioaer a bata Courts In the Territory, from the of.the courta or answered c tWajruL'e, tli if pruotitr tbroofhhU counsel,, and U. in yovn time they wera crrxniied until now, In asdatthtJorU4letlon Clotfca end tithe the United BUtea ia chancery is bound-e- d mmedl ESTHaY! cmxrtd all caaea of divorce and allmeny, we apIf rioted.' when It Is dona, there will be other e in of tha that chancery England, by ?atwelx tJU''prwn& have ta nr iwnssina pend a brief outline of Mr. UampaUaoVa ail power or cognisance, with respect If aha binding nature, win ttfar the to those subject, by the courts of the Q Mil mmr. il tmm mxtrrm ewftiwa matamt la Agmn as CmU-B- r 7 as imm bond la disputed. I have expreeely said Vfa nfrrf j stitvi' ilia! t' tt j.rtu v J'.'iw r. a sruatav tmm Oayatreaa rtats, U wijj as O gum xff read ' from and oommen tad at United 8tatea in -chancery Is equally ex- M laoi.4 eisfs that my ruling in this ease shall not be OnflbZw to pay eapaaara. p gottle,) n I to length upon the decision In the case of cluded.' 1 immZmU ej precedent. I will allow no coansal to OoIhea'refsrrtd k o' the . Oct. PavU HemptteadT IfTl. of 8op Major Baaurol, Taylor rt. H7lssf Jena Una Black 439, n conund-- a cases of Nonaan ts, Le eay to me tnatl an toand by lt In any rerne Court of Ulsn, rvl sytH of thS 1 Wallace T?, " therein decided and Orchard Hugbet point the only ,!.:S Ji that v. 4, ' ;s nil f sil decisiona of court t thia . court to of aud a the . repeated equity, mthimvuof . i:. 'a en , j eil w m W ely-q90LM A.QSST thereunder i thai It U la! U. O.' court i OOOD OUALTTT at Ui Tltaias; Tari usatat J decree a divorce on the ground of fraud and saj . 131 isani fcaasVtaX3Sw jw ;s?i;;i In chancery derives all Its powers marrlaxe . in the making of the original Ox Eataxtfiy, as the)pttboiU weu Mntraetrfbutr rnvrn auaxe iavrs aome from the waa English chancery - - for which there filTir, ChUf JcaUce Uzlftsh Nntenced WMs 1 "law-abidin- g SINGER'S ds A. mm 1 m riRax-CLAs- SDK mm mm n r-- i. 1 PRICES. A.T LOW - 420,-00- i-- geu-erall- B-'o- - W m. m St - TAIL y re " rfln" : The FINEST c tllwi. 0 CALI FORN" I A. w-e- Assortment of i LDHBEB - I l. lr-mi-n I . i ! . DRUG depabtmext; Uu-aa- to-da- IB Ccilixxg. ao-oall- FloorlnQ. ; d IL H etc, etc er JD 0) IHl S Ooo-- la(l, i ER MmT- viue-pre- Q-o- weU-trie- si j -- to-da- QRO E RY y. HAVE ARRIVED to-da- HARDWARE . . FOREIGN HSWS. m mm mm . tins Opened II al at to-da- y, 1 raa-al- non-deecri- pt i- ro- - 1 ta-H- n . i ; J i.'-- Haclusry, H v"- - si Me-jsr- s. Choice Teas 1 oia-reaiaen- j J 1 ts eJii, ".r--a..- , . ftp at f;i lii r .. ' mm. n - " .'SISGEIt in ! -- ire HOMErMADE . -- srl "' mT Irjaportna: - k ;n . ; - 1 - rested " 'r-Uv- 1 i ? . r M - m "T . ulaciuiics -- lot i of-th- a-ra- a tclntmSo iilt eon-sdderaU- m T . -- ' M a V ' - ' - I :'-,- i t f Trrr.-mw- tf-- , 1-- v Jrib. $- - |