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Show In 1S60 he went to New Orleans, and taught school four years, when he married, end after that entered the position TUB EVENING NEW& ths TO ARRIVALS. to w.ys jtjvz) Ro van DESERET KEW&J S3 airgraph. GEORGE a). CANaO.V,' korrun of porter upon steamer, which he retained until called to fill the professor's rst Jir ss. isn. Mr. Minor, it is said, hae always been noted for the courtesy and dignity with Aricmoon DlspateVies. and FtnujaaiXB. - nets r Say, Music,' published in yesterday sen-log'- s Issue, has called forth a reply from rroeeeer TbofflM, who feels, nataratty enoajb Interested in vindicating his credit as a musiclaa 'and the leader of aa orchestra, and placing hlmeelf right befaratiiapablic. Wa think there Is not the least nec easily for us to give the public crur full opinion of the Professor's merit as a musician; he a mas ter of hta profession and the public know It; and appreciate his ability, and the Ulejst which ha has combined and evoked tin the orchestra of the Theatre since he; last assumed the position aa its leader. I WlthWhers, we hers been delighted with the maslo of the orchestra. It has beeQ a positive trest to listen to It, end added to good performances on the boards, has made the Theatre a moat delightful! place of resort. Bat to maintain a really. good orchestra and s Ulent on the board there most be good houses. These are not always to be obtained during fhe hoi season, especially with the thermometer ranging aa high a It has done this summer. If the manager of the Theatre, hat not skillfully laid his plans, he could not hare kept open a he ha. without sustaining serlou loss. 1 " Tir--a.iJa- e whieh the duties of bis position have In personal appearance be Is strikingly handsome man for one of his color. He Is a bright mulatto, with the features peculiar to bis rsce butsllghtly developed. He is very tall, rather stout, and dignified In demeanor. Ills Is fluent and idsasaut, discos-sin- g readily any subject yon may Introduce. He has always boras the reputation with those whom he has been connected as quite a remarkable man, and his appointment to a position of inch eminence is not unreasonable to expect may exercise an important Influence in the social regeneration, and future history of the colored people of the South. As it waa It has been difficult fur him to meet expense. We hare beexi sur- -' prised, baring a pretty good Uea of the at the amount Uleot whieh has been em same time we baVe adat the ployed; mired the pluck which haa been displayed ia keeping the institution run nlflg when there were two circuses in town. By good management a combination of "star" performers was secured at that tims, which coutd cot ibe excelled at any Theatre ia the Union, which played to good honses considering the season, despite the attractions else whore. Bat, from the liberality and en terprWwhlch have been displayed by the manager In other directions, we feel assured that the only reason for curtailing the orchestra hae been the necessity for re daeUs aaexpeosse to avoid actual loss, and that when the season becomes more advance!, and psytng honses can again be obtained. It will be brought op to a standard that will make Its performan-ce- e a feature at the Theatre. Ws think that the Manager of the Theatre has exhibited unprecedented pluck apd enterprise In catering for public amusement la the manner he has don, In furnishing a succession of first clam artists, aad a eerie of entertainments of each excellence that are rarely excelled in any theatre La the Union, f This opinion, we doubt hot will be hearUly endorsed by all the pa trons of that popular place of resort. i ; con-TanaU- The anniversary of the entering of this valley by the pioneers will be fittingly celebrated at Og dsn. All ths settlements of Weber Co. will tie represented la ths Joyous demon-stratkbesides there wiil be a targe number of visitors from more distant places, Including probably a great many from this oily. On account of the two days the Fourth and Twenty-fourtbeing so close been such an together, and there having of the celebration former overwhelming In of which the in many good day this city, 0den participated, and there people ofturn-oplace then. It Is biac no mors st that nttiog that ths people of probably this city should rotura ths compliment of Uis citiceas of Oirdeo and go and help them to celebrate ths Twenty-fourtrather than to a'tempt to have a celebration her. la a day worthy of The Twentv-roort- h la sacred remembrance not being held latter-day only by the Saints, but by all the inhabitants of ths Rocky Mountain States aod Territories, sad even by ths country. Tbs crossing of ths dsssrt determined and plains by the persevsrioic and their entering this valhardy pioneers, years ago, on the Twenty-foley twenty-fou- r urth of July, was the initiatory step to the developing of the great West. A great work baa been accomplished sines they, first planted their weary and travel-stainefeet on the soil of Utah, an immense extent of valuable country has been redeemed to the nation. Well may ws say then that the value of the work of the Pioneers In the development of the West should be recognized br all clsnees,and that the twenty fourth of July should be held in sacred remembrance by all who have the wellare of ths country at heart; and the day will oome. "as come it must," when thews who bavs labored and taken the initiative ia deup ths Rocky veloping aad building mountain country will be appreciated, and when demagogues and will 101-- 6 the contempt they se richly deserve. Tbxe who came here In the first cams to breathe, In this free mountainplace, air, ths breath of liberty, that they might enjoy the religious rights which, belong to every man who is worthy the name; aad that frsedom we are convinced, will be maintained notwithstanding the efforts of empty headed upstarts and scheming politicians to the contrary. TwKTTT-FocaT- m, h, ut h, en-U- rs d, wirs-woTk- er 4 -a-- 'iat - ! y , od, appointment result or favoritism r partisan iana e propose to fur a Ub7 oar readence ers with very brief aketch of the M- tocy of this man, leaving them to form .heir own opifiions. IT I ...: I ' Ths name of the gsaUfiman ' ls Lawrence) Ifinor; hU mothsr was a slave, ; aadsortwosoasandadang.hter to i itch planter' la Ascension TArixbi Loa islaaa. Tha father was never married; and as these children crew up ha had tbem'welarools:em"'votit twe seat theoi Kbnh to Ccish thcU tdnca-Hon hut death prevented his fatherly dealamv llle will mannmlttsd their mother and them and provided means fur their 'ibxtherdneaUoxu., Ia, the preeect proXeaaor, enter, , ed OberUn CoHcffe.'.'Ohlo," . cnlshed himself by his" proficiency ' la every study he nndsrtook; hat qttaxTel? ' ling with ione ef ta tatora he .was dls-missed because be would not apologise atranefUiBiaway"rrrea . ia ny,"jLt ' rt f T.u t When I eatsred my present poalUonand :4 : i 1 1 k i etartsd wttn the omalssd the band. smsilsst aamber possible, to render com Boaidoris aueh aa I knaw would bs re X a aired, with say desree of eXficieaoyi but aince then, the Jdanagemsnt of the tre. althoaxh. folly aware of the sa of a ,flrst-cla-ss hare, throne beeu under the asceeaUy Of circumstances, mseansrs ox umbmaa, dtsohsxgtag ssvsrssoar pest efforts, sod. for thus Deutraludog euljrt: for tnk of lattimsots..readsrln3 1 have no mmi hsrsalter hopsleas: but will, se they have doubt the JdaturesaesU carcum stances wui promised as soon kasthose members who UmSf were dii5a;lvmthmbecw-staor- s oar duty, ea.weila tdsasTXre to do ail inproduce a firtdasscs?chesourpewerto bhtw- -j "i rr. r tra, ana to Aperroma time La n rttUT lmrOSSlbUltT. hlS , if och mars mifht bs said by way of ex nlanattaa hut I 1a not desir t Wo largely oa yew spseet an explanation will be so Seise! of Music," rod all that msnae ox rausi- ? GsusjrtmBaiSijseiJUy-rt''vA,n .97 i I am. verv rvTexAfaIrv.'-'- nw fVCrf JTsse-AVre-ene- 2S ' ffff a.?---5- ,;.FwfactrofOrchaa HALOEY. DAY & v 21av. AQKNTS FOR K mi' bell. Toolsjawd Milling: Tool Axe-Edg- Fran: E Watson. Saratoga Springs; J New YorlfW Itoss, Chicago, A Q Freak, Oimhirs.ii Frin: Ed Conwsv. " YT Q Clark and wife. Mr Quinine, Mrs 0 Ellis, Miss Ellis. Miss A Janata, W Ludre, Cor- tnne. 9JLLT I, A K M BOU3K, DEPARTMENT, r wood. e. 4urt-f- New York. Ths earthquake yester day waa felt at LeedsTiUe. llotb the orange ana Hibernian odr.es of the city have greatly Increased their membership alnoe the riot. The patrol-maImogen, was tried be fore the police commissioners, on a charge of Insubordination in re fusing to do duty on the 12th. It is said that fifty thousand voters held a aod meeting last evening, to htake action use their Influence the Commissioners to retain Logan la the force. One Branch of Father Matthew's 8o- oiety. the largest in the city, voted to withdraw their delegation from the Hibernian II all Convention, on account of it action In the recent riot. Lotto Branch, 21 President Grant remains st bla cottage receiving no visitors. On Wednesday next the lead ng Republicans of New York will be here. The President will hear them on the affairs of that State. New York, 21. Advices state that Sir Vm. Logan and bis party, who sft Hi. Johns, N. II., as a geological survey I Dg expedition on the 12th Inst, were entirely cut off on their route by severe storm on the 14th, whloh awept away the bridges and flooded the principal parts of the only road they bad to travel on. it is probable that the hnrsis and baggage attached to the expedition have been either lost or bad ly injured. The party are believed to be safe, inasmuch as tbey were provid ed with portable gutta ptrcha boats and one canoe. The storm has done con siderable damage in and around the towns of Topsail an I Halyard, of Nsw Foundland, and it ia said to be the continuation of a hurricane which blew over the coast of Labrador soms weeks ago, destroying three hundred and twenty-fiv- e fishing smacks, twenty three dwellings, over forty stores, and about $300,000 worth of dried flsb, fish end ether property. The log nukes, lives number of already ascertained to be lost is ninety-three- , but many are expected to be added to the record. JutT atrt,;: are. Cholera is raging in Loaro!, rersta. It la reported there will be a confer ance of the Ku rope an powers to agree upon uniform import duller. Tne weather throughout England is fair, and favorable to the growing crops. The engineers at Nswcsstle met striking aod resolved to make nc compromise with the employers. Ueorge Francis Train lectured at Cork last night, lie explained hie plane for the invasion of Germany. The ursnd DakeUonstanllne, has ar rived in England. London. There was a destructive fire yesterdsy at Lisbon. Several per ished in the flames. Buenos Ay res advices to the 25th of Jane aay that yellow fever has entirely disappeared from tnat city. 21. y PRUSSIA. Hpot atnwsTV 1 llshed organizing in Alsace and Lorraine. to-da- y. 21, Criminal Paris, been commenced ! LIQriD BI.UEIXG WHOLESALE JOBBER. J. .T f! and wlfrt. T,a PoelS. P.Wpt Ia; Rev John F Kendall, and wife, Syra ITnn u. n. xv. by 9 uepow deep, Deal, RETAIL CO. & I) EPARTHILN T, Ilvill ln Emporium ' Dry Qoods. IJress (Joods, and The FINEST Yankee Notions! 15th Ward KE a DISPLAY AND T tt Doon opsa O Assortment of Goods st 8 Psrformssos ts oommsscs 740. EVENING, JULY 22, 1871. MINERS' OUTFITTING HOUSE! cut in lany lengths, We LAST NIGHT OF THE SEASON! 24th July. On Boaelesalt's Renowned Drama. enUUed CLOTHING. HATS & CAPS, Will be presented. Hi: FAVORITE ACTUS, MR. D. MCKENZIE! HUAUN, THE POST AH 1 ARRAH IH" ae e; e aw stsjor weamtsa si nu.n.l fMttB.1 POGDE D McKEXZIK Sr Ih. (Vflmt. NAi- M. IVllrxl Warden MeTnel. ibe McOuuiMr Mr Mtctaael eDT Mr W T Harris Tb Hwetry TtMMlal Mr Mr W J Ongr-aohm ya.i Wtatrtotuiu, M Tb Mr Korster HrMol M r 1J J ftfaekiatoeb Mr a Kaiiv Otn-- y Karrell, with Haxn-coHruntm raui Mr It Msttbew riansaa Mr II Hnralev Moras ,. Mr H W Park Mr A atsnn mast 0n amt Ktu rur rr Hi'X'a ! . AND Mil oil i(i Ar-- MEBCHANTS! i Conatltutlon Baturtlay, Xuly 22adf " j' "' " 0. GALDER, D. IMMENSE STOCK, SALT LAKE HOUSE. aaottr And la aasb branch a great Tariety General Freight dc Ticket Agent and d2MU an entire ootflt of Nsw Machinery, HAVING nrensred to do the folio wins: kinds of work, at greatly redoced ptleer: than 1000 ft L2Sperl00ft Planing Flooring leas 1000 11 M luo , " Is large -. f ' . HnrfeeiB- quantities tO t BEMIS & BREWER, cm ' " I ,i nalf.-hls- lim ft. - lumber 1 BOORS, HAIE LAGER BEER, Ale and Porter, WHOLESALK AND RETAIL. , PAMILIRS SCPPLIED SIT THK QTJAKT OR IN QUAMTITIFS TO BUIT. kocLDixos j (CARRTINO THE U. 8. MAIIA WYOMING. IDAHO, MINNESOTA, at AN H ATT A, WlHOONaiN, SKVAOA, OOIORADO. HEBRAaiCA AND FRAMES, s" iar- stock A riRST-CLAl- S SjXS I ajttj v VMADE TO ORDER TCItXIKtr'ltTHE J- Depot, Few York, Qnednstown & Liveipool jAT VKRY LOW FIUUKKB. , e Vow Tea every Wed aesds GAimf nsaaaee from New York S80. Gold.. KTAJOiAU st: la) from Nsw YorB: tZZ tram Iaesrpoot, Qneenstowo, Glasgow or Ltondes- i- I .Od2rsTAme..pPERATiOStt 1 rOTRtCTIXaASO BULDIDeXE UlOTfflilGDEPT I sosaae nets or w- uwbubt, rrmav, 10 LArilATI. 4207 Sm dZOO US V 4 T. OAKKY. I . .1 T7XTKNS1VB Aoetlon Bale of ramttsre and AoeUon Vj Hoosanold - Uoods as Oogsn' s mr s as, e m ewe tre TVLSwmsssi vm w Mats mreec. Wedssadsr. Jair Ui, t at M o eiocK a. m, Ct amber Bstts, Barsscs, Tables, Chairs. 4fes, U wan as, u utsssss, vracmmty, LAsotea, ana Uisss useasssmrs, uooauag t-- vs -- -- s -; , Hiove. a e Ae. WM. COQAN, AncUoneer. saoit , r P A' T JFOHlSri All ' f f and mm ' 1 ( OV torad t .OsvpltAA Uiab. KaysvtUs, Xiavis a.txv. 171. dxrr Jaly w Is l-- a LU3IBER, BATEDSOW. formerly oT Lan. ml SaSiar tale Jha rjevtdsosv, OoaJmeaVer, brotber.tas Xsat SaUaflray. to anas KUseArteK. LAoarksblra, Is reosastad natnala wlltinnl iilT irlth S7 Kais, Vto- Roosrt afeO-ra- a, Aseosataai, o wtth I. PC' Taylor, So eaat SHreet, OtasfW. rial lor, i Baiat VlaeMst Etrest, Ulasgov KoV iUBdS Uae. rnrn Til i . r 1 1 VIA VT w w a f ",fEfeat Jerdas Range 'oa the 39th . r- - 1 cuvawt : er AU Kind$ L- stSOTM1 WlTT: s-s-v Kaeeiiesis V ieeeteWeseWi k t4ifcsesaea!"-- svssi jaeasi- - . - , IHKB, SET, IHAST. c All tltd JLCEER, , II EWBX, InrWOODCT8 vi A IIikt to Oisucrnvs3. A phy Uphouury 6hoB.Q sician of no little experience) eeya ha baa known several oonsnmptlve patients cured bT obserrlns ths following teen peratsly, avoid epirltno n s ml: Uvs CTTT LOTS wtth eooerete house eos uosors, wear sen sal next tne sain, ana 5! iT",.rf. roosne. as Barer , Hosee take every snoralnsr half a, clnt or new sold Por le part, mux mixed with a win- -; lassfull of ex paeMeslsrs, apple to r of w uioe vt green noaxnoand c tiaTapiBi7 sse.ssst g hprnaa oa ittt vrt 1 n .. VI"; r.i ' wTrTT i. VheU own. and Worhnm to .i Tvii ! .1. ' HlfeS : ; 1. ! . W 1 " Hi - t . . - . . . . FAUCYAOBSIllPLE ODOGS Patent; TIedlelnes. 1 r-- t saspplyer. sun i A kuLii ii- - T THJB AM:BM0AK HOTEL, , V maXXLj BoowAjChsmherWork; - i " 7 er -- 31 t, I wlu stiver, ts " ren QtTt, ,;, j-- y ta order. sas rir ae n. mmisGion ,i r LJ7Tca, jy - j- I 1 1 . Vt:l . . few! i mtmt aaa " : s Grsst Variety. , i M'- -l t. - - tlnciub Uo and Prter, Arerlll Paint Oihtf J 1 PHILADELPHIA. WSf Til-.- ' anda Kttehea. 11 . ar permwain, so Joaepb Btreh, .. .t.U I t1 r. ,. Ilcrchant, Ctrest, ... ' ILiimM;(I)IHl il'u . e. h. DAnnon, ft ,j. . ,H t, tAr 1 a . rrCSaiTTr;CBR tarp. use taosK Boats it. a. Depot. 11 t ." j j BEKBT B. BKIDMORE, Bsw Boafta; a u Korta aide UtRoath Bt, West of n Townsstid Hoese. t'j....-- 'iv i.( it.; b. Ksfereaeato Ksary Disatoa,PhtL,rs. Mala SL.s Doors Boath WaUter Bros. - ..'.... - ! pvmpily. A leer doors Booth of the Eagls Kaaporlnsa, eoxLsxUng o a Large -titore, aod prftaiaessrods rrom tne froautTli-.r- .! : n M. CAIN, lEsVieireof W. RICHARDS, or i t4Sta Ward, j JaiyM!S7L S1SSU J, , :j Warranting Sallsfadlloa'. ! ! ilssss SssiS through the JYsatdsnA of THlCtT. , PARRICS. - i ! SAWS SaIDCs Promptly FlUed. for sale at gIsTWrOi.1r SSwaajaMOaB . , EE 1 . tS InlcLm TOert & cdl order S! X HAVC K0W OS tlATTD , ( a Mad tor GsmUsmon ... .....ordertng t i i I sd sue 30 JX eitr ikt. at Har Ktrer Clly, BoxaadElder ut emnanae ut irsss uuo, w"i7, good city property, at '':-.-- i . nOTJSK Jsst flstshsd.' with S larrs twssnaoSiiwis ftssess. Ctoeeta, H aU. 4. Mtsatad oae Sloes, north of Temple KUwk. aoitaAOe fee Boardtag Hooae or Private FaUr. H alWOOpwon thsertnlsaa. EBealrsot Jars. oe UKo. wOJUJLlAvHXl. Mala ht. fduau a .Mjft A VAIUf rjONTAINTNQ TOOD-TfORItEH- - Uedwood, Cuiile Siding, noorlnrj, etc;, cle. ' JKEfiLlsn ssd AMERICAS - J TO THE BAT I AM NOW PREPARED r WOULD .m ".O , CallToriila . ' SCBaYAjr, . ...... iiiii FOR SALE! ,J( F REST CSS. i, -... OANDCRO & PRATT. SUV - BOIE.KA9K,' Trlmssalsssai ? . . . ,. , ZbvJdifa,t, CTIitco Sbar The." RVC' 9 .r 4 ? MasBlsetored from Aasiesricsua Forl&'ICaurxyoxs, lsy , ' AlvjCPslEfcTiEl THE AT ffASB Floe Ctatlmerea, Cloths and - fM C W. VAH ETTAiV'"Wes arfsraismy . m nmrv An Trmrt ; I ri - ON Uorae wlsi s eeeale es. owserInstaat. ss re lasted to proes prsertr, psr shargss asd tsasltawas. - T5,OO0.00 WI5DOW8, f. ttriLUia real d la at, arkablre, tsoUaad. sad tataty JHshee Waaalen eonevy. North Asaertea. Cuy. use I eat aass1na ais la aatatr V Stocl. iiZHijiMiiiHiiTfriti sbsrfss ana issaoatnest away, or iser srty. pysold vUl be st eeblte sale Satvrisx ths lUa asy or Jaiy.iKi. CTT AS. IX BXafRXTT. KYEKT KISD, -H- .it' :, IlBiti of BeervCfeEa; ! Joly tttt, iaTl, J BED AWD Pine Eiumber! r V HAVE ta ray pimiwlo M tsare asi oott; e me A saaie wlte tfaaOali avaad) rta-ammr eotor mm .ooai 7 jmmrm ota. isics. staisatss seen bed d As esrees. above ths sal eaasi are reqeestsd to eosae sn4 Srsvs ores-- WniTIS FOR SALE . tsesrera4esl ' CIY. euas ly ; HOME-MAD- E - Beiaruaaoas to Greas Britain, Ireland sod GODDARD'8 BUILDING BASEMENT, the OoaUneni. 1 Bank. National sir. St., door Booth ol First AU Work Hone tTfA JZtatneu dc Dispatch! is WILLIAMS A GUION, 29 Broadway, Apply ew Tors. f j WSU CALDEB, Arrat, jil- J. PM1TH, UTAH. 8ALX LAKB IlIlKWKIt on the presslsss. A XI ; f G0ION U5X BWWKKS t ,.;Xbs; V sae t ' t k u diw All Kinds or Hawing Done! CO . OMAHA. CHICAGO S. Bostie flfalTn ! Machinery, T. It. JOIVES & CO. Hlnen'S applies a Special. gem in ef V. C lii far Ut maU of TleU perforwHa, at 11 o'elack. tAs dov Retnn. STATE StOAD. i Tools and CAR LOAb hair Blacks Assist sf TTasavtrs. . IiiipleiuentH, For Sale by the or Ofxrt Utulldlngs. Purchasers ean here find an Koat Temple Nt, Opposite AT CALDEB SKOH. ua-posu-s.or OffICS Fawllie, Hocurod not In. tor titan Arrab Msetuo, nicknamed br tbe peasantrv Aria Arrsnoiioe sua, STtss Adams .Cam Carter Fanny Pewsr, ofCabloteelr Katy Walh, with Barn-doJi.Miss K Rowrtna Old Bfgr Wnmm .Mrs Urtal Tn and feasants, I'tutm uiria, se, Ac 1 tor TEASDEL & CO. HARDWARE DEPABTMEXT, all Laatry. This U the Wliolenalo and Retail j or Sallsfsetlon Osarsnteed 00331317 and back only ! Sir x'Tborn Knllsh rvfTlorMr J W Unas K B n advance on Wholesale. CefntB Fui'iiUhiiig Ootid Will leave Salt Lake City at 8 a. m. and Ogdenon return, at 5.30 p. m. rare to it a sm ih and HPEt'IAL TItAIW ! ilrrali-IVTa-PoQ- uc 1 ! TEASDEL & CO. V SATURDAY ! I TEASDEL CHEAP EXCURSION to-morr- bat a Tory pleasant experiment. ; It will perhaps reveal a mass of sediment at the bottom of the welt that has been UtUe thought of, but which may have neon a rrignirai source or disease oj its decay in tha water. AL.TJ, J use tuoez houiu I Mil H proceedings How to Bcb Down a Wklu It Is not asnersJly known, ssys tne Lan- csvstsr (Peon.) InUlUgeneer, bow easv a matter it is to explore tne Dottom or a Well, cistern or pond or water, oy tne use or a common mirror, rvnen tne son Is shlalnr brightly, hold a mirror so that tbe reflected rays of Uf ht will fall Into tbe water. A Lrle ht spot will be seen at tbe bottom, so light as to sbow tbe smallest object plainly. By ibis mean we have examined the bottoms ex worn nrty reel osep, wnen half full or more or water. The small eat straw or other objects can be per fsctlv seen from the sarrace. In the seen way one ean sxamlns the bottom of ponds and river. If the waters be somewhat clear and not eg luted by wind or rapid motion. If a well or cistern be under cover, or shaded by a boildlof so that Ithe snnlifbt will not Ball near tbe open nr. it is only neoee aary to amplor two mirrors, using one to reject the JUbt to the opening, and another to ran set It down Into tbe water. : Light may be thrown CO or 100 spot desiraol, ana yards to lbs precise We then downward." bar used tbe mirror with success, to reflect light around the house to a shaded well, and also to carrv It from a sooth window Into a cis through two rooms, and then tsrn under tne north aide or tne house. Half a dozen reflection of light may be mads, though each mirror diminishes tha brilliancy or tne light. Lea any one not familiar with the method try W. NNELL, FCTt SALE! 2 rods front FOR GROUND HEW ADVERTISEMEIITS. BOX to-da- y. Dealers! , IDAHO STORE, Revere House Corner. dlW7tf x. STOCK OF RST-CLAt- Bayers ninliMt Rrlr in I'ASH nald for UKIED PJEACHESt J DtT 22nd. SALT KULL FI Buddings era, pleaae Inspect. Grocers & Provision Grain and flour, cnild,4an r cuse, A Emporium HT LOW PRICES, - Wholeiale sad Wholesale and Relnll Halt, j MANTFACTTRED M Jenks. Omaha; Austral U; Wm Wlnlle, Esq, wife and ran. CELEBRATION have against the Avtnir National for culminating the government. uoray nas been presented with the Cross of the legion of honor. The Prussian will evacuate Itoosn Paris, 21. The bullion in tbs bank of France has Increased 11,300, 000 francs since last week. The lUdioals are actively canvassing for the municipal elections to be held aext Buoday. Notwithstanding the adverse report of the committee of the Assembly Thiers intend to derena his policy or protection, before the Assembly. it is rumored mat jjuo oAumaie and Prince de Jolnvllle have reslgnsd seats la the Assembly. their ' Thiers will ahortly leave Pari for a to tbe watering place a. visit ' In the Assembly, Minis tar Lambrecbt explained tnat the state of aiege waa still maintained In Paris, because the reorganisation of tha police was not yet completed. . P Y: rttiK. 'w FRANCE. t Table nntl Dal-4000 lbs. Bacon, Jcxt 20th. J E Alsev. N Founds Coarfte Salt Cheap, D Jtssdav, Jsly 24th, IS7I, Grand Bpeetsl v rerfonaance. In Honor or TUE PIONEER a court of law arse vwssee AmVAam easv RAVskfftsil CPRRiC Tbe I'srrormsnce will eonsisi of Boaeiesnll's Masterpiece, tbs World Renowned Uresis, en U tied GREAT BRITAIN. M 200,000 , E R 1 CA IT MOTKL M A. to-da- y, to-da- Condr. Carson: M Dillon. Stain, Manufacturers! STAPLE DRY GOODS, JvoTionSii BOOTS and SHoS, TEASDEL & CO. LitUe Cotton 8 A Itavmon. San FransC'L Perkina, n, airlks-Destrwet- lvs 221TD. Up wv ' ; J MeQsoie, Nam el, Chloago GO. Steamboat & Ma BOOT & SHOE r.n..... 1.. NEW YORK. k TEASDEL Railway, of the Internal Revenue Bursa u starts oliiziiiU for California for the purpose Supplies v of Investigating ths manner of fruit dis lOMn . tillation la that state, complaints havYORK. ing recently been made, by the vintners JULT 21st. of California, that the regulations of TT n A T WVilfn rtnhlr ths kfsrebant. aad Iflalnz Oosnp- aJaa Wa ask the Internal Revenue office, In relation W nf Hm.lt uk tniv ant vieinttv. vo examine bIm and M Stons W wife, Uoageon, ftZhiU; to tbe trade to that branch of distillation, is not ap Tau V .mk W V. 1 ft PafHrk oar Goods, frlees sent by mail, - a'lZ Osm 01117 In manner whloh to the is it plicable O H Conyar, Untie: W B Hyar, Dr Omaha; carried on in that Btate. J M Teele, II Myers, Lake Point; J J Mc " mm wholmib e r to-nig- ht, mmu siffiis And Manoraeinrers of JULT 22HD. a P ITIllver. Wsshls wpnitki. on. D Cj 11 A Ganger, Ills; 0 R Ford, Ban members t Pan Fran; jf and Wholesale Deaiera in, Iopoxters I ... i New ZssSand; Chas Hoemer, San Frani IIARDW ARC , CUTLERY' , MeGarty, N T George Triflta, Leipsic, D R Callahan, CMcago; P W Osrmany; J VY Joseph, Mo;M nail, NY; L Dunn, St Beitlmore? E E Hooper, wife and son, GUNS, RIFLES, ETC., Bmitb, Q F Beers, Chicago; Ed U Camprvw- -i WASHINGTON. Washinotoh. One of the f . Net York State! oa view of the visit of aaTJja.T0BT.-I- a President Grant to this city asxt month, at a meeting of the City Council last evening a committee was appointed to make preparations to give htm a fitting reception. W have no doubt that the preparations will be ample and the reception worthy the occasion. It will be the first time our city has been visited by the Chief Executive of the nation and doubtless he will be welcomed in excellent whan he doss com. It la An tnternatloaal movement has been expected be style will leave the Eastern States Initiated by a large number of German for the West about ths 15th of August. bankers, for the purpose of strengthening and conj&rxnlng the confidence of MLajr or tub LaxsT This is the European In .American securities and name of a small steamer recently purchasenterprises, and to guarantee against ed ia the east, by John W. Young, Esq., worthless schemes, thereby "titrating and shipped to this city. It arrived last by ths same train that brought W. American credit abroad and benefitting nisht W. Cloa's company of emigrants. The their Tarloas interests. A bureau has little vessel is ten by thirty feet and draws inches of water when loaded, bee a established at Frankfort, which is twenty-tw- o wiu be usea sxciaeivsiy roc tnsso- entrusted to Messrs. II. Osier berg end ana oommodaUon excursion parties. If it Is M. Pecere, and they publish, a weekly found that ahaof ess. navigate on the Jordan on shs will ply between mum Journal m the German language, en itRiver, entireaod the tket and if not will sailpoint cono titled the German America ly on the Lake. mitt which is entirely devoted to the elucidation of American subjects, and is edited with the view of meeting the oxtt$povuXtua. requirements of all classes of business In" Genii any, and Intending? emimen 8a tT Lasts Cttt, Jcxv21st, 1971. , grants.-. ?i j ' Dtirrtt Yni: ,:, )tr- Editor Sin In vour tame of this sfterwooeiJi notice a comrhonlcatlon signed "A Lover ef Ths legislature or the Btate or Missis- Music, com contaiaiBg eomswhst heavy, bat pels ma to admit, truthful stric sippi, one year ago, founded Alcorn candor ture on tne oreneetrs or utexaeszreie uus University, which has been located la City. The position la which .yeur corres Adams Co. near Natches, an endow- pondent has placed me la an exoeeutngry delicate onet for, In replying to him, I may ment fund of $50,000 per annum for five seem to reflect somewhat on the manage years being appropriated for its support. ment of the Theatre, aad hence, would let his communication pass un This Institution Js to be exclusively for siadiv as mv professions! ebarecter la eotioed: the education of colored pupils, and somswbatbatImpugned, aa also that of the rJenator Bevels has been selected to fill oeotlemen of the orchestra, this eonsldsr- Impels me to reply, and I trust that the position of Pfesidsnt of the Institu- atioowill kind iv sraot rov note a piaee ia too i j tion .' j columns. ; ti -voor . eve it a i urai pises, iuea, a wiu The recent appointment, by Govern- some is ias Saw mootns sco, vtaa I sssramsd the or Alcorn, of a negro, who for some duties of my pre ant posiUoe, I did so with years past has been a porter on a river a determination to make the orchestra attractions Of the in mail steamer, to fill a professor's chair prominent among thehad twenty-alo- e and years having stitution, in this same college is an Incident so experience in the profession, I felt confinovel, and at the same time so fraught dent of be tag sols to da so. The mem here as eager toaooompusn with Important conesquences to ths of ths orchestra were as I we, and the 'plau end desirable this race, that II Is worthy at record, prov- dits of public and press," soon convinced ing moal era poetically ,taet only that one that our efforts were appcectaiea, ana our tabors were not la vela, for we prejudice is ylsldlng to enlightened that received many totally unsought assurances public otOalorj. bat that if ths tnat tne musical portion or the entertain at the Theatre, was becoming more character possess, as some claim, the sle-- meats attrsxruve utan svsr before, a Iocs tne sssso- to vindicate and main 11 so men I was opened. mentsrnecessaxy tain mental equality with what 1 Sssisg tatsAsMaav wasths ftsts Is, ths been termed ths sspsTlor race. It will and as mv "late efficient band has not "been reeleced br men lass eaeable of e hare the opportunity in the United log the ca aad brass,' t aadas Sheas sin State of demonstrating It. In the his dtotoMy "st oe s Krssg ,- iamsg-waU toe pssi wees; or two- aoa nonsoan tory of tha settlement and deyslopmsnt heurine more eaagrlnsaM a it tnaai ana issm of this country the most remarkable in hers of ths bead, A. Lover ex Muskr may wall tna aire "What is ths matter V I a stances in the world of self-mad-e men enswerts g this query arises the most 1 dsU-oa- ts are to ba frond; ; tat U Is doubtful of part the task no w devolving upon mi; whether tha caA&feJb circumstances bat justire to myseii ana the pena joroias is wsilkaown by all lover of art and social position in any one of: them eUsncswIl a eAa. f ssers ia painting: depends le more striking, than In the present W squally aa much, at Issst upon se artlau flaUhsd background aa opart trulh- stanc, frera m steasaboat porter, one sally wen asansa ootune. At is jsu so niisnd of the most ordinary callings of life, to In musUv A band or a choir, to be ssceess-a ooUeg pro fsasor,csrUloIy , one .of ml ia laterpretlag diCleult oomposSJota ot in other have a coed beck the most tspctablc! And this Is the mest wards have a eapseftv 4f IsstrumsaUUosi more notabla when It is recollected that or vokwe eufficieat for the perfornisnoe of a arraegemwac oc uas the subject is a negro. - Oae Is forced to BOtsrably full barmoniai or the perferTsseese or sung, played pieces so the conclulo thst be who. has been a discredit to composer and play are this, and displeasing to all cultivated mast suddenly eleyated is ft remarkable per- - ers, and herela Ilea ths secret of the oal earsi Is the that his aoaageor or XUtrtliqnake In Bhettk Nkrk Thk Jcxt Mr chair. tlrst-etan- eoet of matting the Theatre, Fsies wrfartstw ELM, HEW ADVERTISEMEIITS. . Thk communication from "A Lover of been performed. t SrrciAJ. i '3- - tJ-'- l . Colors t i , 1 t.r , ' . As" Fressrlptioaa tram FhyHdanf rOJ bars pedal attention. J ,t |