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Show TE3ADE. THE EVENING NEWS. NEW YORK TRADE CHICAGO I I USE FRAZE1V8, , II CSSEIil. , EBWIN, SlnnufUoturlnir Co. II70. ST - LOUIS TRADE Manufacturers of bewxsg macotice coMPAirr sdUiemffli rreatly enlarged wltb-is- i (lie past rear, and rsmnlns; teevdlly an Extra Time, are & TORWECCE, Bilk, Fair and. Caaslaaere RAYMOND - PATENT AXLE GREAGE CHIOACO TBflrtp ! suable te nil orders aa fast mm they HAT UifflnFACTnnERS, Manafactnred by the ' If O. $JT7 WORTH TUIBD ST.. FRAZER LUBRICATOR Co. CHICAGO, Ills 43 A 47. Cbtnben RU and 23 A 25 Reads Bt. A DlXI(iHTl l I.n)lMRY TO UVEIX. I - C Acknowledged to be the beat In tne world Yew Torsi, and 204 A 206 Sanson Bt. nmu vJl. Up Stairs, For Sal by Dealers generally. I have often seen the centipedes of . m Cenn. dI7S d262:6m i Britain New f Factories the Sandwich Islands, and have killed diss 1 them there myself, also In Bouth AmerCo., ica. But I have nerer ?een Romany, or CHASE, HAIfFORD & CO, nuch poisonous ones as 'we have here. Manufacturers of BROS. SCO., WILKINSON BIasUs Vour coat sleeves, the lining? of your SI Booth Water Street, CHICAGO. SstJppIsT must in fact, hat, your bed, everything Headquarters for before using. When he well ean-heOffice, No. 127 N. Secohd 8tbxt, nnia Mft. aiww, . J 0 II II tm WYAI FIFTY HARDWARE FURNISHING MACHINES! DRUGS, Lit-Sagina- druggists' sundries, AZTEC It U I VS. Perfumery, etc., etc., COOKIKS AHD HEATHS STOVES AMD of FOR CO, WOOD. Which arts very eztenslrely used "in Utah axe conceded to bo and operaUon toVn superior V JU In -- V? iei pie of tha Tsirttory; and n .i .hil are ci,eV"e " ""im uc boiu lor. Send for Catalogue and prices It TO J. F. RATHB0NE 98 fc 100 & Co., Sllchigan ATenne CHICAGO. Sold by u-mn- mm ros mi And leading dealers throughout the Territory. dl68 6m CHICAGO LEAD & OIL WORKS E. W. BLATCHF0ED & Proprietors. I-ea- Co. Pipe, Sheet Lead, Bar d MW d rig Iead. ARD BOILED LIRSEED OIL AND OIL Are requested to call and examine Sam ple of our NEW Ac DeGolyer of ManufacturerBrother, COOK And a kundred other patterns SEUIHG All-Wis- ar.-enJ-e. & ((I QAKDEY CITY, FAVORITE, EUREKA, MORSE, LOOMIS & CO., -- BO II Mannfaetare the you they leave a mark they crawl over A 50 DUAHE' ST. SAINT I.OUIS. TARHLAHFJ, TURPESrnKK,IV AXLE ' No. were if as struck with a whip. like you WHIT LEAD, UUrSlIEK, flRUJIC, General Agent West ol PURLKY, W'I'klDJOD. W. PUTNAM and their bite Is dangerous. We also T. P. Wilkinaoa. CvLOKSt, CI LASS JBTC NEW YORK and Cart have the tarantula, the scorpion, the W. II. Leach. c. no Tri proossion Caps,d287L-6bicho, (a large poisonous ily), and three All Winds ofPaper Mantes Order. ridges or Bale. or four other kind of insect, all pols dlM ly cmaus. Then, for a chauee. comes the rattlesnake, three soecles of adder, the The LARGEST and OUDEST JANES L nORGHfl & CO. Centura, the hooded snake, the horned froes and the vampire bat; but we con Maanfactaers LEAD AMD OIL sole ourselves with the thought that we WHITE rattlesnakes The no have mosquitoes. at this time of the year are blind and Lye Stnfis, Bje Woods & Acl, After three months' delay our turn hai come. ESTABLISHMENT crawl in and around the houses, and Manuafclurers and WHoiesale IN THE MISSISSIPPI VALLEY I are frequently found In' the bed ou Give special attention to orders for Woollen WE ARE ADVISED cool night. A beautiful Mexican woman and Cotton Manufactures. Dealers In found one curled up in her clothing as 47 FULTON STREET. Oorroders and Gruidars of NEW YORK. she had let it fall from her person pre By The FZiOILlir7CJ23 Company, MEN'S and BOYS' vious to retiring, lne reptile eeemed well contented, and, when killed, meas Of the Shipment of STR 1 CTLY P D R E 17 11 1TE LEA D Cbemlesd Wsrka,1 urd 4 oue feet, and hail 10 rattles. I have OfOee lladson stiver weoa amis. Md iye killed under a bucket in my house BULLS FERRY. N.T. ouc u litter the bed, and oue crawling out on the hearth from under the tire d 193 6m given place. Various reaous have been worse AND why this part of Isew Mexico is W1I. A. DODGE fc CO. than others for poisonous reptiles, one Manufacturers' Agents e FLORENCE Ruler has cf which - that the And Commission Merchant In rut one noi?on here to counteract the GOODS other. The mines here are impregnated with autiruony, verdigris and The air we breathe, the water we drink 57 CHAMBERS HI REET, New Yerk City A. BtLXJir, Jr. WK A. DODUS, U full of poison. Our water here has i 74, 76 & 78 MICHIGAN AVE., dlSISm large portion of arsenic. And yet this Corner Lake St., is a healthy place. If you hang a piece Ordered Three Months ago, or raw meat tu tne air, it never necays uor rots, but gradually dries to a hard W. H. SchieiTelin & Co., bony substance. We are at present sur ASSORTED STYLES! Keep constantly on hand a fall assortment of Importers and Jobbers of rounded by Indians, and cannot go half mile from camp. Men are being FRESH MADE GOODS, Wtaleb may be expected to arrive by killed all around, stages burned and be offered at the Which win September lOtb to l3tb. is to pay gener mails robbed and ally Ralston (Grant Co., N. JI.) Cor, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Essential nttrpriae. LOWEST MARKET PRICE ! Oils, Sponges, Corks, diss ly ACETIC ACID, For corroding Lead. 1- M STOVE F0DHDERS ORIENT Ali POWDER mI irtlaar. & TWUVTE PAPERwAaxnoc, F. CAKE OFFICE OF Aew Utxlco THE Oliieag-- Shot Tower-Manulactarer- s Co. m m a I a a Fires, Skeletons, Etc. 170 & 172 VAHniSHtS AMU JAPAfiS, COLLIER WHITE LEAD of Hanta Fe, New Mexico, the Colorado 01 SHUT BALLS & BaR LEAD. 1W Sixth 8treet, New York. Foot Tndlana Street, CaCon, explored last year by Major XM&U X , IV. X. 111. bids Clateaar. to be fair rivaled other dl9Vly Powell, of White by brand Pare their Strictly Qnarantee dlTS m dlSS 6m cations and mountains not heretofore to be perfectly iree rrom impanuec, ana Iaa known. Gov. Army, the Indefatigable wuipay RANDALL & WILLIAMS, special lndlanAgent for this Territory Uioo RI. 9100 had lately returned from a point north CULVER, PAGE & HOYHE. Manufacturers and dealers In of the ban Juan country, reporting GOLD DOLLARS in some or tne most marvelous discoveries TRUNKS, TRAVELING BAGS, VALISES, 4C. X Manufacturers of 128 dc ISO LAKE STREET cost of of the keg, If contain the And anaysls that have yet been made amid the the adulteration. slUhest ng great Sierra Madre mountains. He dl9-3- 267, Cnnal Street, NEW YORK. reports that during his tour to reach CHS. K. vickers, thos. richesom the Utah Indiana at the West of the Manufacturers and Jobbers of rresiaent. secretary. Bin Juan river, his party found the dU61 6m Cafion de Oily. This was explored for L0I1GSTREET & SEDGWICK 38 Lake St CHICAGO. PAPER, CARD BOARD, more than twenty miles. They report canons wnoae walls tower perpend ic Missouri Br mm Foundry, Steam BTAlf R BOOK8,STATIO.ERY Gaa Pipe Works. Manufacturers of and Wholesale Dealers In many to an altitude or from one thou sand to two thousand feet, the rock BOOR BINDERS STOCK, t&-- UTAH TRiVDE JOHN KUPFERLE & CO., strata being aa perfect as if laid by the BKineu nanus or a mason, and entirely MEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING TOOLS A2VD HACHIIfERT. Manufacturers of and Dealers In Especially Solicited. Amouir these canons symmetrical. d2S8-ldll U BRASS WORK FOR were found deserted ruins of ancient BREWERIES, Aztec cities, many of which bear all 4W A 4(kS the evidences of having been populous, BROADWAY, VAN 8CHAACIC PHILIP WADSWOBTHd: CO., DISTILLERIES, ETC, to the extent of many thousands of inJOBBERS OF habitants. In one of these caflons, the NEW YORK. STEVENSON & and Lead Iron Steam a8 Water, REID, rocky walls of which rose no less than JNO. K. COWUCH. Has trreat Power and a Quiet ANB GEHTLEBEH'S FURNISH sfiMy 2,000 feet from the base, and whose and Fittings, ING GOODS. Pipes summits on either hand, inclined to 84 dc S7 Lake motion. and Steady St CHICAGO, H.L. Steam and Water Qnagea, Robber Hose, Pack WHOLESALE each other, forming part of an arch, there C03IMISSION HAT HOUSE. Bel and Power Steam and lng tine Pnmpe were found, high up, hewn out of the dJQly adapted for Mines, Quarries, Founespecially tains, ete. Clatezn. Well and Yard Pumps ol rocks, the ruins of Aztec towns of great , AiEy-sM9 Illustrated Catalognes norsr Ayo cniLDJtEra erery description. extent,now tenantless.desolate. In each on lornuned appucauon. AKIERICAN R0N WORKS. of these rocky eyries there remained W e have now on hand a small lot ot 600 Corner 2d Street and Washington No. FUR AND in a state of good preservation a house WOOL HAT8 Avenue, and No, lit Washington Arenae, of stone, twenty feet square, containing By the tU57sS3:cn ST. JL.OUIB, HO. nunafaetnrtr'i Prlee. one bare and gloomy room, and aBingle 90 92 A LAKE STREET, AUo, JONES & UUGHLINS, human skeleton. In the center of the room were evidences that lire at some BUFFAL0,V0LF AHD ALASKA ROBES. 44 Biter Street, 0, time had been ued. The only solution M. & Co., of the euigma thus far ventured is that FAIULY SEWING MACHIH1S. SAMUEL SrIBTHAR theoe solitary rooms were the altar CHICAGO, Importers and Jobbers in CO., Importers and Jobbers of of some the Aztecs' from that tires; places SIS, Broadway, NEW TOBK. aianolactarers of FOREX a N ANB DOME STIC . y cause the people at that remote period were constrained to abandon their Tbese Slaclilnes arc very simple homes, but left one faithful sentinel in each instance to keep alive the tiame In construction; run with BAR, PLATE MCIIAirr, AJKO and Notions, Hosiery that, according to the Indian traditions SHEET IRON, ESTABLISHED 1832. of these regions, was to light the MonteNo. 200, NORTH MAIN STREET, Snnttle and needle Stralgnt zuma again to his people their hoped Corner of Nail, Ship. Bolt and Jtaiiroad Spika Use two threads; make Importers, Dealers and Manufacturers of for Messiah and their Eternal King. : Pine, MO. 8T.LOUI8, A close examination of many of the And Manufacturers of on StltcU Ixclt alike ruins proved that the builder must BQQKBI5DEBS' car. d261 filled. Orders 6m folly PATEMT SHiFTfRG AIIO PATEHT TIRE, STOCK AHD TOOLS have been skilled in the manufacture Doth will and sides, and use of edge tools, masonry, and And Dealers In other mechanical arts. But who these No 7 DaiaaMltfrei. not l PAPER raTel. W00LEH MANUFACTURERS'! o. May atiHhilt ziaaziiiTr, Moors Kast of Broadway, NEW YORK CAUIHAQE nARDWAlll people were, whence they came, or of New York.) , i (Formerly whuher they are gone, is now, probaboiuun. any exchanged I And 101 A 103 Walnut 8U, CIS o . ly, oue or the mysteries to remain eterTyood Work for first Oold Fen maker in mm ni . u mi i. emvoriai time for a tne United States. Pens are aent by mall ieel sure of siring;; nally unsolved, rijuie of the ruins are dl96Sm trade, weuycii.uw ul otherwise, and warranted to be unequal ed. Wasona Carriages & Cutters reported to be atoue buildings seven or esvenu storle and S.OO, in ts.oe Prfe reached $X00, height, being eight No. S21 OUt Bt, T5L SPRINGS, AXLES, VISES. St, X.OVZS, Mo, D ES, by ladders planted againt the walls. JAMES SI. NICHOLS fc CO. As to quality, price and style of packing. dl55 sSS em Itltl lid hnilM LVntv fmt In ill. rr .t.r ' Wboleaaie iealers In Blacksmiths' Anrlla, built in the moet subtantial manner, of Plow Steel, Oest andBellows, BT PAYING THE DIFFERENCES ' cut stone, and plastered Inside, were al- COAX. nts If and Wasbera, Spring CkrrlseSteel. Bolts, OoU k0. ciiANDfTT.rr.ua Gbarn, Ooecb Screw so found iu au excellent state of pre1ML EBTABUsnm none And If anufactorera ziorse Atoulhlnir IMscoreriee lu --- A 1 Imt sm William st, asm at a. m mmm mm. sasa, m mm sssa k. FLORENCE D.WELLS & CO m o MANUFACTURING one hundred bUUTd ANU DnUED y OXOT ECIKTG GOLD MEDAL. - Waiter dl-l- JohnR.HoolcSon Drags, Patent Medicines, Paints, Smith DRY GOODS, & Clair Oil Window'Glass. ... j i. IP Ei . ss rvUo:i. Sio whirlwind; ent marches luce a caY&lcade or liesry tne a and heary horses; cleverncaj skims llkb swallow in the summer evening with a sharp shrill noto and sadden The man of renins dwells with turning. men and with nature; the man of talent in his study; hat the clever man dances here there ana verywb.ert Use a bat terfljr In a hurricane, striking etery nothlnr. out too miug toana enjoying be umdu to pieces. The man lignt or taiens win attack tUeorlee.the clerer man will assail the individual, and slander private character. The man of both, he heeds none, he ?;enlos despUeji he lives In himself, shrond- ea in tne consciousness of his own be Intereata with none and strength: walks forth an example that "eagles fly are huta sheep sthat herd to-alone, they am Ja tt xh is true, mat snooid a geunex. cross his path he xnsy worm polsonoas txeau . it unucr . dim LAXTESKS AXD LAHP FIXTUREa. No. 23 Pearl Street HEW TOSK dlMSm jay o. wanTPriTiAOo. Mannfactnrers of WINDOW SHADES. t PICTURE TISSELSHID And WHITE A7TD GILT Kos. 441 A 418 CORNICES Aa. HEW TOBU. '? T UE . , , The Paris of the New York WorUicorrespondent says: "The French aol- dlsrs, while running from the enemy at Woerthf took each one a corpse on his back, and so protected themselves against the ballets." Grocer and Irn&glt' Scale, ALSO, UAnalaetarers, Importers A Jobbers In RUBBER 4 tOODS OF ETEBT 1 OESCfilrTIfil SOLES.. W7 BROADWAY, UlKX STREET, MARKET STREET, S3 007 Fine ESSENTIAI. OIXS And CHEMICAXS. Prom tbe Orealars and lntormallon aent en application lfot f. i Hew Tark. 3 M Bast Iraaclsssx dlMfensod MJMS & BOAL Nos. 10 and 12 NORTH SECOND BT., 170 IJVKE STREET, CHICAGO, Ills. US9 m ItcliabUs Mcmxtfactorcrt. "i I Si etween Market ana Cbestnat, East side. ALU sSa-l-y ST. LOUI3, MO. MtUillJERy & STRAW No.'7J IAKK STREET, FOR 845.00. I This machine wsvs taken In exchange and Is irar ranted in Good. Bnnnlnp; Order. Oppositk SALT LAKE HOUSE. GOODS, BUTLER & CO. Wnolesalo Dealers in .:s COAUSE PAPERS OP EV&RY DESCRIPTION. i SEWING MACHINE AGENCY OF CMAQ. Q. MAIIEEEB, of CHICAGO. daotSio.:, Cost $85.00 in San Francisco, Pnre'and Fresh DRUGS, I hakeii, Importers. Manufacturers and Jobbers Family Sewing Machine LAFLin, Wholesale Dealers in Truck, Baggage, Barrows audEail- Boad Manifest Presses. TTITTX IJCJl-- FOBSTfH, OROVEB & AND Bole Uanufactnxars of BUBBEH BOOTS We also ocrer a J0DQ1NG DRUGGISTS PLATFORM A COUNTER SCALES Tfelns, Sln $40 8pelAl attenUoa rlTen to mall ordeis. CO. Always Right, HUFF nOlVXJLNll Hay, Cosvl snd Stock Scales, car ROBBER CLDTHIBB CDLIPAHY xootsnoaia t" Wstrnuitcii With Table and Treadle, & RAILROAD DEPOT SCALES, dJrs rn Pearl Street & snarl at him he may chastise him: but he will not, cannot attack the. privacy or another. Clever men write versea, men of talent write prose, bat the man or genius writes poetry. SCALES, U. S. STANDARD! Bnoes, LNaps, Malleable Irons. 8tock and dim Wagon Boxtrsp Bolts, Bolster Plate ' T22Terri?n Tl Benders. Drills, Etc., Ktc. Price of a Gold Medal Machine,' $25 WEBER FORSYTH'S Railroad Track Scales, CORD. ; BROWN, of York Tribune. Tale xt axx Clevkkness. Ooiui, Genius rashes) like a tal S Oil. S . 1J5 sfc 17 ? Market Street, Groceri Bass, rTFritlng Flald and l?rliitlnff Inks. ' Sookbinderx', Dtock ! d2ie 6m & tlachlnery; Of ErerDescrlptlofl |