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Show sjaansasansssssnsssnsaaaanssnssasmasaMsa iceot Sandsy.I h m.ok4K hb f w-C-ormo 0P7 'ASN. Editor. H- - 8oU a4 Xnt ...na six monuii mrsithj. d or azj. xixna or rr WETTER!! book 00 rom . vUlC bb-serr- ed NEW YORK. i ork. V. . . .II' 11 I I t iiisi Vt h 1 ..J't . . - 111 M I ' - II 1 II II I I DESEBET NEWS, I Crf .' . TXliiTH i tlelSl. CiiptartMl V 8AUT .. IJAK;.CITYWEDNESDi i jt CIIGAT BRITAIN. Nrw Tons 12.15 pwm. Tba folloiriris has Jast been recelred dated Barerao 16: "The fortress of Marsala, a small town a1 little north-ea- st fof Nancy, has been a captured by body of Bavarian troops, after a short bombardment; sixty cannon were captured. :X-- . The Herald' $ special, 16th, says there is m growiag bitter feellnx of hostility to Napoleon and the Empress, and cries of vive LcLJRepulMqxte are heard from ail classes. The Emperor is reported to be i very dejected. K for a conflict ExEaglaad preparing tbeMltratllenr-Early wllb periments eloMTor tbe war ntlclpte1Asatlt aJadronrCAnn. ' London. A successful laeking .was held yesterday of the English volunteer artillery association; there was ismuch enthusiasm. The British army rapidly; recruiting and at the. clubs and elsewhere the feeling is hourly: gaining ground that Europe is in danger, from ' the military preponderance of. Germany, and that England must bo pre' policy pared to maintain her traditional OHIO. out Sea of the North the ofJteeplng Labor Coventloa control of any preponderating military Cicinxati. In the Xabor Conven- power whatever. Rtory of the tion yesterday, tho President,; R. T. The French deDyVhw lti is feared of in Paris Bltche. Trevellick, delivered his annual address, capture around and at McMahon's that at corps, inwhich he reviews length the progress ; The folof tho various Labor .Unions throughout Strasbourg',, la entirely cut oil.oihcial bulthe country. He recommends the adop- lowing is from thtj Ireucii Prussians in letin: "The any further measures for tion of extending tho system of help and for thepurposa of! great force before Strasbourg;; tho tojarn selecting a labor canaiaate ior xreaia en- of Bi tclie still hold out against the tile takes strong ground against the land enemy. The railroad bridge at on the line between tStrasbourg subsidy policy, and denounces the sys- Ixn don,-15- Wi 1L Hooper, rryr Wednesday.) irabUalied Yi I? ' L.8.HU1S Ti & W. TAYLOR BANKERS, Have . a Well Assorted Stoct of , H.B.Eliredc, HALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. OoktJhuL Coin, Land Warranii and Exehtmg ! boufM and told. j Dry supply KEETS hlmselfprepared kinds of fresh t yearetables Frails, Ion1try, Batter, Fees and Candy Pioneer Line of Utah. ; Sffartlware, ON AND AFTER THURSDAY, MAY 19th, Crockery, lAKOETTS. L. rniKK3 tbU opportunity or Informing bis . w), aim- oiinuonmriH nonuay, juij me osvuuu KUUu. lormeny lauo a constant sap-pleouUi 8U where he will keep 4aerj, of Oysters, Sardines, Cigars, Iag-eisef r, ae., kc. mtionunf mm 1870. Trains win leave Salt Lake City dally at 5. an(2. 45 p.m arrive at Ogden 7. a.m. and an. 4.45 leave Ogden City t 8. a.m. and 5.S0 at Bait Lake City 10 R.m. and T.S arrive p.m Clotliin, Etc y.' r ; ' e ! to-da- y, sts OilUwatrosldcnoc, Sd Sotitlt Ht. to. 0251 , ' WELL RUN . , AND SATURDAYS Oeden City 5 a.m. and, Salt Lake pan., on which fall faro will entitle the purchaser of a ticket to return on the seres day and train tree, and will stop by arranzlna with the conductor, at any point on the line to take on or let off passengers. Passengers will please pttrehase their ticKets at the oflloss. Fifty eeats additional will be charged when the fare la collected on tho Lanni 4.40 City, EAST TE3IPLI ST. tr dl3J ly NOTICE! MINERS & BUILDERS THE TO will be sold ebsap at tho orNew LUMBER Miles at op Little Oottonwood, MUMiuKu a nm wara. Orders promptly filled. Wool-Growe- . train. of Utah rs WLX7ZZ3D SO XZAVZi. Slabs, Sl.SO per Cord, at tbe Mill-C- . TTJ.O.XVX.S For all Information concerning Freight m to ! Passage, apply D. O. C A LDER. Ticket and Freight Agent, J08EPH A. YOUNG will receive T ... BUPEKENTENDKMT. dU-l-y B. MAW LEY. TikV dlS8 2m TILd CCD CCD FROM to-d- ay ms In addition to the above an OH WEDNESDAYS AT THEIR HTORE ON LAKE CITY, UTAH. All kinds of lea:al bnslneas promptly attended 8 ALT i tCCKinODlTIOIl TRIM THAN EVER CHEAPER ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR. ' PUB. ni pre-dispos- DTill CEllTR&L R&ILROl V dZlSSm fv c RAILROADS. j OoocIh, Groceries, CHADD, to bis patrons 3X. l-III- 2 wlS-- U PIONEER VEGETABLES FRUIT STORE t I 8 mnntfaif, ,,, Uutm mont " HOOPER, ELDRCDGC A Co., i -- uift-jiof- No. 226 I Taig-esheii- n anti-Imperiali- WEEKLY DESEBET-HEW- S. ' On IIobt nn klz mont UiTMmont iND LIBERTY. 11! na Saturday CPabumedTer7TaaKU7 i - ! Semi-Week- ly - TEKUfOimSEMl-WEEKL- to the A cable special . oar tem of Coolie importation. A committee and Basle hs been destroyed by the saysCha-lowrites from correspondent pecll labor, with enemy, on Friday that all except military was appointed on Coolie as The Times saya a French victory is chairman. California of railway trains have been, stopped. Delany the Emperor necessary to Canrobert is back, from Paris and has to for treat peace. rone to Mets. followiosrhli coros. Mill. The stories of the arrival of the EmVIRGINIA. tary trainsorencumbered with enormous and Prince Imperiol, on English press Gorman Patrlotlam. and supply trains quantities baggage are reported lot tby are soil, are delayed, the soldiers In the meanenthu16. A and as is it certain that Uij J'nnce IticiistOND, largo untrue, time are on half rations. siastic mass meeting of German citizens Imperial is now in Paris. Our special correspondent from Paris, was held here last night, at which resoLondon, 16. Tho following are the on Sunday cveniug, aaja jhiUUc foeling lutions Pruswith expressing sympathy for the aid details of the assault on Judgo McCaan, Is more and mo re ho tile to the Km and of New York on the loth, during the sia, making provisions were It openly satd that the Emper- of the widows and perorj adoporphans, raising of the Beige of or will nereragiiu ba sen in Paris. ted. A committee was appointed to celebration of the Jude McCann was on a The people rvrM Ihts opluion with connect tho meet In er with tne central Londenderry; to Colemantown, a fow miles east visit withuut fear, but "no sur- committee of New York, Hauna Viu-ke- l, of, Londonderry, and in tho same coun energy, and render" I the general cry among all the North Gorman consul, pre- ty. While at the railway station accomclasses. ajThey cju! the Emperor an im- sided. panied by two priests, McKouiia, becile aud hi a generals courtiers and one of the editors of the Belfast Star, traitors; but the strongest and some other friends, a mob of orange- say, of c jure, the enemy must men made an assault upon him and his ILLINOIS. be driven out of France, and they are me o la I la formal ioM1 be companions. McKenua was roughly unuer me run impresslou tnat tne na- The latest and others of tho party were el alms "Excitement amoaa handled, tion esn and will cooaaer. & Opinion Alama the Judge escaped without but hurt, Nationals ventures to say there isSa tbe Freaeb, Germans acnl Iriab. serious injury. change of government sod that the Chicago. The Tribune'm "WashingDispatches from the Prussian govern Corps Lezlslatif Is virtually a com- ton special says the State Department ment to its Ambassador here, are fullbf mittee of public safety; that the power has received no dispatches from triumph and cause the greatest confiIs transferred from the Tullleries to the either Bancroft or Washburne, and up dence in the early cloe of the war. ratal de JJourbon. to 9 o'clock this evening the only disThe experiments at tihoeuuryness Our special correspondent from Ham- patch which has arrived since the indicate that the mitrallieurs are des burg writes) oa Friday the Cherbourg French began the crossing of the Mo tructive at close quarters; but troops de Wll-helstories about tho bombardment of information that pendant on it may the selle, be annihilated be conveyed haven and capture are impossiwere also tbe Mouse; can abandoning be It into fore they range. The I imes got ble, and that: thfc-- ' reported capture of falling back upon the line of the Marne. at Prussian the rejoices two Prussian gunboats is false; and It is believed, in military circles The Cambria beat success. the Dauntless, equally Impossible are the French plans here, that the Meuse does not afford a Phantom and Maggie in a sail, not a for bombarding Hamburg, Btetteu and tenable line of defense. No from New dispatches Londonto Newport. Koenlgsburg, which the fleet cannot ap- whatever were received from Wash race, Is while defendKiel proach, burne yesterday, and there Is no offi ed. It Is believed hereperfectly that the French cial Information from Paris y that SWITZERLAND. account was published for effect. all securities falling is and. gold rising Ilsbande1. In Germany the grand Pake of has been appointed rapidly. the- Bkbxe. The Swiss corn of observa Thenrinung of all the naperain on AlaState the tion has been disbanded. '! bearing A cable special to ttm fritame, Ijon-do- n bama Department: called ror by the resolu claims, 15, says the reported retreat of the tion of the Benate last winter, has Just French main army from MeU upon been completed. It makes five volumee FRANCE. Chalons, to avoid a battle, seems in- or 150 pages each, ana begins witn the ta a state ofslegre leelarel tended to mislead. Our special corres- correspondence between Mr. Beach and reParis. Algeria is declared In a state pondent at Chalons says the French Minister uaiias, in ioi, upon tne officers are not likely to be deceived cognition of belligerents in the declara of siege. about the movements of the army; he tion or .rar is, ana runs in rough ail tne Paris. 18. The Journal umctau con writes on Friday that all is being push- diplomatic discussions of the neutrality tains a decree declaring Cherbourg, ed forward to Metxr"" A telegram from of rebels in Canada, rebel cruisers and Brest, La Blent and Booh fort in a state Canrobert at MeU, says "the army. Is kindred subjects, till the matter of the of siege. The French left two dispatch rsv battle will be fought on Alabama claims proper is reached, on boats in the l iber on evacuating Home. quiet or Tuesday at latest. It is be- page ZOO. The fourth and firth vol Mondey lieved at Chalons that the Prussians umes are In fine type, and are princi bare other plans than an attack on pally reprints of official reports and AUSTRIA. Metz in front. In a postscript written speeches In Parliament' upon various I'nblle denial. on Saturday morning, the' same corres- subjects connected: with the American Beust publicly denies Viknna, 16. war. pondent addd, "all the reserve of infanto between France mediate Metz. moment is for this attempt any German the All starting shipping, try Prussia. and Mete is been sent ha from back What from or to the port of Baltimore, at the baggage, liOt troops.' breaking but of the war, has arrived Our correspondent telegraphs ou Mon- safely at Its destination, with the exGexebal Moltke. The Command of one ship now due on this day noon, from Luxembourg. "The of the armies of the North sound of cannon .from MeU has been ception ide. German aJI Confederation, been the morning; orders have heard including the The excitement among the foreignIssued To stop all trains to Mets er Baar born citizens over the war news seems army of. tbe South German Htates, is brack; na com enucleation by the road Increasing. Tho conflicting accounts Helmuth Carl Bernhardt tJaron Von is perm Uted-V- I The Tribune' cable dis- received from French and German offi Moltke.i He was born in. Mecklenburg educated lu theDniii Military patch from Jbuxemburg this afternoon cial sources, of the battle yesterday, in lBOtr, of Copenhagen, and nerved in aays the line is again open to Mets;4 eod tended to augment the excitement, as School Danish the 9. to from army until, in 1S22. the each party considered It had sufficient fighting lasted this morning Our correpondsnt.froruludwigTaafeu reasons lor rejoicing. The streets in Schleswig -- Ilolatelu question first writes on Friday, Uoganean was cap- -' front of the newspaper offloss, yesterday loomed up. He then entered the Prusa mem tured by a small detachment of cavalry; and this morning, were filled with en- - sian orservice, and Wa3 appointed or Chasse-ootsoutber the tho Generamudi their threw taken Army in the prisoners thnilastio crowds of French and Ger he made a the windows Of the houses. mans, with many Irish, who sym- 1832. Three years afterward where Sul Tho exhausted population was almost pathize fltnolr with France, and at Journey through the Orient, famUhed. Even the German troops times the excitement threatened to col tan Mabmoud Intrusted ! a with the of hii army. It was not lacked bread for one day. The people minate In a general conflict. There is 1846 he retnroM to Prussia, that until hostile are cruel. and here bitterly to hear farther of great anxiety y travt-tafter extensive were Courtshot throughout Euex an by 's battle, and there is peasants Twenty fur yesterday iut-active service; and returned and murdering pectatlon of a report of other and great- rope, martial mutliatlog - 1856 hei wa In . the yesc wounded. ) appointed Adthe ex; engagements Frederick Prince of William, Our correepomlenffrom Man&eloi jutant Miner, the Jackson villi (111.) police in 1SSS ho became Chief of the Genreports the secouJ line of the German man, whq shot young Newman a few and StafT of the Prussian, army, lie army is now going forward to support days since, has been mulcted ror mur eral such excellent- service daring tbe first. It is composed almost wholly der and Will be tried soou. The caie rendered war ef 1SG1 that the Schleswig-Uolstei- n of Prussian troops, 'and Is perhaps even excites great interest. the supreme command of the army was a better army1 than the first. surrendered to him when the war Our Paris correspondent writes on against Austria broke out in I860. The Hundsy night that nothing is yet success of the battle of Sadowa proved HAMPSHIRE. NEW is known of McMahon's position, but it his calculation in regard to that that he will at the that faneral. probable army ' Preparation lor Farra;nta rejoin had been right. Nota nearer point than Chalons. glorious oampaign GenPortsmouth. 16: Extraordinary pre withstanding his advanced years Mr. Oalllerdettt:ezrapha the CburUr funeral of eral Moltke has been Intrusted with tho dct EtaU CTnt,thst the left will parations aye making for tha Introduce a new proposition for Farragut.1 The marines are here from highest command in the war just inauBoston and Portland. The Lancaster gurated against France. lie has but a of; committee of paWUc and the Grand Army of the Re lately returned to Berlin froai a tour' fresh another he reverse, guard ssfety; thinks, a about be tbe escort. such win will bring committee. public through the United States. N Tribune dated f r. l j IILU Vou W-dy- ,f ew 11 TERMS FOB THE WEEKLY nXBcrmo lbrPniiilftM-- A o II 4 Telecrph Lln, Position rrnch TaroMtoojoi'-rortroo- VNw V 1 - - Bah "FnAitCTSCorMt 'The "German remitted ccXnmitUe, MnlUry an addition! Sio.wo to lieriin. Tb French residents, yealdents, the Fete Napoleon. The Tillage at the new Aimed a auick- ilver mine was destroyed by fire on the 10m; nriy or sixty nouset were burned. Th 11 .1i! J .' CALIFORNIA. MraM ftr iiti II 1 " The jon Tmitm.na. mm 1IBCIO!f ll. Mi 11 CO rc RcvrriooKMioB rsumxa omci surnuoa rAcxxrrrxs n M Tangle ftawts. on ysar, Uxros i JO OCBIN IN EXCHANGE FOR JAMES HAGUE, a3AJT TEMPLE STREET ' - OCEAN "n"S'annaa sasnsSSsaPTm I 15 Mr GL0T3EI & ' 1 " IWBBSSaS THE AT THE DESERET WOOLLEN MILLS SocMsU Cliicago. AND to-da- Mouth of, KAHYON OEBES, - Meck-lenbnrg-Ssawer- Is eln ! sea-bou- nd - er-in-Ch-ief of . to-da- s to-da- y. jt fS, Vl sTAl awaas mm JTvtl siT Jt"Triv at arava omvvs "UWr' vl VI UiAS XX Pistols. Ballets, Snot, Fishing Tackle andt everything else in that lino. Alo Baddies. Bridles. WhlpsSpars, Harness and a Large assortment of Locks, Trlmraings and House Trimmings. Sign of the BIG GUN- 'W "V B d210 1 SS OB) UlOV-VtSM- Salt BRING OH YODR WOOL! J. 4 to-da- y. thees-tablishme-nt New Yohx, The rFoWcTsLondon special correspondent telegraphs that the position of the French Is most critiIf they can recal, and It is doubted trieve themselves. - The Prussian array U believed to be a million strong. He also telegraphs from Paris; , "I learn that the health of the Em d re at as wal a. that of the Emperor la bad. There Is im mense popular excitement InParis. and creat difficulty lu controllnsr tha douu- latlon, which ta Impressed with the belief that the government Is responsible for the disastrous condltion'of affairs." Tne same correspondent telegraphs: "I have It on the best authority from the rruasians that the whole of the Bel gian army is moving to the frontiers of Holland, and the Duchy ofliuxembourg; it is iuppoeea, mat the neutrality of both of thesa stales la threatened by Prussia. The' Belgians' hive voted an appropriation of twenty million francs to fortify AAlsrexps immediately, and the Belgian arUUery sire experimenting MX -- 1'3 3 www settle tbo same Immediately as tbe office or tbe nnderslarnod. M House, (Up Stairs.) East Temple Street, Salt uity. dlSSttf IN MEDICIXEj i :' .i ft) x Ii T ts ,i ;.' healing all ailments is proving to tbe world that Doctors aro tho greatest Lata bags of the age. Mr. Walker challenges tho medical to show him a disease for which his BITTERS are not a cure, and If It can be done He stands ready to donate FIVE HUNDRED DOL LARS to any benevolent Instltatlott in the United 8tales to be, named by the person who will prove that the above assertion is not truo l! Wnleli Is - belnar' laid with heavy j; : i. 'j Kali, txtvlns; Pnsbcngera be ra-tern- lty i v . i s a 7 s , dl j. i ADMINISTRATORS' Throvgh ticket via thi I4he can be at all Through Ticket i SALE ZiziPaciflo Railway mmm n ! pnrsnance or an order Issued from the Iuodtrslgued. Court of Bait Lake County, we, ths Administrators of the estate of IVo-bt- e U3i Jotin M. WooUsy.deooased, late or Bait Jsko . j Ooonty, Will Sell at Pnblle Sale, . : On ths 12TH DAY OF 8EPTEMBER, next, be. tween lbs hours of 10 and 12 or raid II.-- .. day. ktUltMMith frnataiiA Ai ihaa,m., (.. in.i not otherwise disposeJ of,) H't Lake;Cityxw(if r r r. 4. x uwunrini io saia es ' , --. ......if.. Salt 1 um '''iWa -l- lt-'- '.: aalsef5 jtii r nnrb blddle. Gen, Bapt Chicago. .a A. BTi Smith, Gsn. Pass. Agt., Chicago. . ' COL. XL r. XXOOKEB, Western C E. SSOT1X, Ticket Agrent. Ag-ent- - COTTON U OOD hi Offices of th $,at Wells Fargo and Co1 Office, Salt Lake City, ana ax uompanyy Ujiccs at 15 ' Omaha and Council Bluffs. S.S. Stevens, General Agent, Council Bluffs. at.Ito Tlele, Gen. Freight Agent, Chicago. m. tste 8iiasieln LITTLE Si 'IPBKli, MSFOaTudSiFETY C02BKEB Both Trains connect st Cbleaueo whti 10 East Express Trains, for the XUtnt. J.WALKER. in vommerciai THE WORLD IH ALL THROUGH TRAINS. Tw Express Trains leave Conncll BlnE of Trains from Ially, stpon arrival the West, sad mas qnleh.um over a Iborongbly vrell eonstraeted Z j '111IERE is no disease but walkeo's Vinegar a. , Bliters will core. Their great success in c V gVQB alii! i;f ai THE F1HEST . L.ajce u FH PALACE SLEEPING COACH Eh ' r Ecl VTI New Gavs Elegant " AND 1 WM. JENNINGS. A CO.'S STORE. IS WXU. STOCKED :i ft. and no change of CARS. ' i"; , dSOO'ly' BOAltl, , ! : HOUSI,; -. Terrible defeater tho rreaeb at Mela. 10. The following additional Berlin) particulars of the second battle near Metx were received here latnlght,daUd on the afternoon of Monday: 'The First and Seventh Prussian arv my corps vigorously ..attacked the French forces under the walls of MeU: a eangulnary conflict ensued. In which the French at length were driven within, the city, with the logs of four thousand meu; On the same day a grand reconnolssance, . led by King William In person maintained itself within wo miles of the French defenses without any effort on the part of the French to dislodge them. This fact shows the otter demoralization of the French." - , t !'' -- PRUSSIA. 1 , TfElVH. ' mmimt AJJU PEKSOXB indebted to tbe late X firms or Wm. JEaNISGS and Wm. JENNINGS A CO., wlU please eaU and KEVOX.X7TION St Joe, than via NOTICE . roUGIGX YIA'DES MOINES & ROCK ISLAND. Chreatr Central Route TOWNSEND HOUSE, This IB OVER 100 MILES SHORTER Two doors West of ISth Ward Assembly d73-t- l Rooms. at TEAS DEL OMAHA & CHICAGO KAff.v of Ooanty: eonsistlng $3.00 per Day. , TAO LUMBEBINQ MILLS. One Lathe and RATXTE OTLV-,-i ?KUh.,ng!i.,MU,? wlUl My Omnlbnases will take 'Passengers ZIOX'S ; CO-OP-E appurtenances belonging, together With all the from tbe Depot to tbe Home, or XVCfEUY STORE in ibe aforeudd kanyon; said property wll other Ilotel in tbe dry . " " any f"RS. COLEBROOK, wishes to Inform the : ' 23 Cents each, and lo at 1TX Ladies sne has chasers. Proposals for private aale will be on hand a the Depot at the received until the S:h day or Beptember, 1870. , Urge assortment of j constantly rtfi'i LAKlr terms For and condition of sale SALT same rate. I" I 2Z1 to the un13 tn Ward Co- dersigned Administrators, at theapply ly cmrrauve store, or at umo no. i at the City BONNETS ' STREET HiiL . . EAST TEMPLE , SALT LAKE CITY. . . EDWIN D. WOOLLEY. 1 :;...,. QUION LINE BETWEENj ?? As CHEAP as ths CHEAPEST. I CENTRE OF BUSINESS. Administrators, j New iyAAU GROW Qaeenstowri &'Iaveipool York, f ; A fCARKyiAO THE:U. MAILB1 A.moe assortment of ; F. IjITTX'E d21 lm ; 18. W, OTMMXTCGS. dlCT W28U PAfSTERS, GBAI9EB9 A GI.AZIEBS Office ROUTE BETWEEN y-- 6m - 1 1-- W O..TX. BOWZLXZe'Cr dL Co. to-d- ay J PACIFIC RAILROAD 1 ; J d 21 2 2 m L ; UMBER . . t SCMiDinAUIAnSTAH . i - CJTv 1.V y.Ck'i . . TRinniiiGs. m Trrnmi H. ReJerences COLORADO, B. CUwson, Esq., Sopt. Z.QM.I : ' anthorisedby Kldsr Jesse d. Bnuth to .'NEBRASKA, WYOMING. dl79 ly t recelvs Sabscrlptlons StumtdtrtmAmi the for, . .... ;.-. i, alUar from New York every Wednesday 'dz L. CAlrPBELL, , ROBT, ' passKKe irom nsw.Torlc tSO. Gold. ..... ,aiixi fdZy.tr .Uyy ,KisortatfsOBce. BTKERAriE:! t30 front New York; $St" from IJo. Ctreet, Philada- -' f Wholesale Dealers In every description of , i ; i derry, payaoio jn enrrency, r Germany, France, Ac-, j Lowest Rat. s J?liysslclnni OwuTsn? 10atGre' BTMn Lraland and the , : . llaterlals for the same, and ' VILLlAiCJ New?orst otTtOaariwayt POBTSHEJI8 ABTTCI.ES toENXBAIAT : 3 , -I- i i . ; MLNNESOTAi ; MANHATTAN, ' WIBCON81N,-- ' ;' Cl NEVADA,' I SHINGLES , LATH .wanted at the ; - : Pboprietob. I y v ( 4 v , cZanvnn T'joa 7ta tlarkct - colt -- ? Nor-FJtOwed- en, DESERET NI5WS 'OFFICE Sitrjrooa; and ' i . . i r - d!82 ly ! nicely . ..-!- -- ; '4 It ' 1 - - ir. in i' .. I Ii j"" ' v |