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Show of oMJr c. u m A- or ilgllEl wmi EVENING NEWS UKSK11KT O CAWSJOIt, Coyi om IX Utlr. sal Eut Tsayls Etnst f Bwts no yer mnmni os HQ S 10 tnree wUuimMMm MjUS H. CAMM0K, 6Mrsl sesleMs Apit. Ht lwS BOOK 4 JOS PtlNTNi OftiCs- romnrs axsmrw vrcKioa TRUTH A1TO naumi aid joa raxsTixe. - Vol. IIL or a ; t, KisiM or aooc HrsciAI. CONGRESSIONAL. HCXATE. iotal Cable ftrbeme, J t- itai - w.-m- i Kill relating- UOtNC dUml - ; t , . , er Ua4 ' In Ihf rerrttertee, paUle e. liiJU were parsed forblddliir the conveyance of Indian xesexTatlons, bj pre-empti- pre-empti- on ef tsve JTesurisi. DtwvKK. 2. A latter from Santa Fe, POLAND. New Mexico, to the Daily fott from Caar te Wa: Visit ertfee Grant county, N. M., says the new silver mines are located about 5,000 feet Warsaw. The Emperor of Russia above the level of the sea. There Is a and suit arrived here yesterday; a great population at Ralston, the new Tillage, official demonstration will be made toof about two hundred; this Is about day, in honor of the event. twenty-fiv-e miles from ths nearest river. Two hundred and eighty-fivledges GREAT BRITAIN. have been discovered, and over fifty miles of claims are located. Many of Dl.Mr ef (taeyaeSit elue M refers by a Uea . e, them, not being made in conformity with the Territorial laws, are being thrown out, but they are relocated about aa fast as they are open. A munigovernment has been formed, and acipal recorder elected. There la no doubt of the Immense wealth of a great many of the claims. A canal and railway with a capital of a million company, dollars, has been formed to take ore to the mills at the river, and carry the water, in the canals, to the mines. The mines are in the heart of the Apache Indian country, and the settlement will be a security to pioneer lettlert and travelers. New and very rich silver mines have been dtsoeveied. ' showers of rain have fallen at .Delightful intervals durinr the past two weeks. The crops, at one time regarded aa almost a failure, now give promise of a run average yield. Active preparations for the celebra tion .of the Fourth are being made., The demonstrations will surpass any ever made here. Speeches, music? and a grand 'ball and banquet will be the features of the dsy. , to-da- y; et tee NEW YORK. !' J No Ideatiaea Trees ; STatclSe RaUrerS-B- Ia eftuMsae la Brilaiaw plaeed te ieteriai New York. Chief Justice ihdey, In the court of common pieas, yesterday aJ ministered the oath of office to three additional judges of that court, whose election was provided for br the recent amendment to the State Constitution. The new tudsres are Hamilton W. Rob-- lnson,Rlchard L. Lsrriruoreand Joseph T. uaiey. 'in remaie ocera ana coioreu messenger, who were sent here y Treasurer Spinner to Indentify the man thai N the detective has arrested for stealing xau.wu from the Treasury ieparunent, to Idenseveral usys since, were unable . the tify prisoner. Cieneral Sfeennan havtnjr received official news, from Gen. Skeridao, of me sppearanceot Arrapanoet and bloax along the ratine Railroad, beyond Fort Wanders, ha replied and strung the line of the road, as mnch as possLble in tbat loaned with infantry, and to so dipoee of the car airy that they will be - The fourteenth rJtransferred to General notified mh Aml of ?k Jn ?M of Information receipt from the Vice Consul at Pembina, rela-- ff.rff. aL7 f?Lr S lnnePa Au the haye blindly driven in by these OHIO. XJvery CiNciKWAn. HtaIe . t?' I. 'Institution aQ now London. The owners of the yachts Cambria and Dauntless will be enter tained at a dinner by the Royal Cork Yacht Clnb, at Cork, will They start on their ocean race at two o'clock next Monday afternoon. A large fleet or steamers and sailing yachts will be at the place of rendezvous to witness th start. LiVEarooi. By statistics published this morning, It is shown that 13,000 emigrants left this port, during the montn or June, for various American to-da- The Steam Power if- i Wm 1 WORKS r ! '"- t I - 'prpidis J - Oil : STOCKED Uth. Ward, Salt Lake City ' ' 171H COMPLETELY three. mpp li II-- ! HOYELTY . TUcWsvldMOYilEnafItEAvl7EK , hi! ld 1' i'i?l lalft 'I iivu ! , JORDAN STREET, s - 1 uirrc ) rnimiijv'.'t s Don A - 1 And toe PR1CK3 are i i LOWER THAN EVER Tna Ttronrtators vntiUl irvarrtifallei A&Iana. the eltUen ef Bait LJkke city and tJcIaJAJ. thaU vneir operauon ub uiry Bmvm now laaed to doeJr are iMwparedr" elilate atacntne wot as at ine qpoeseet seie auuis orWwki, Eastern Prtoes,frelsHV added. , i.u I ikdi JA .v ;gS.sutwtll i,pi,ci ; JlantusAtnrersofsilklnas'VSrt ,s, ' Bfaeblsasta Teela, TwtmiaatetfMaa.S?lan? v, "iMpfiiH-ArfNcera, OeeurCattlaa eBatlrfrAf a;.J0j Hac hints, AMtintjt,,rt u,i l'l U5fUi life tiiiui(l to at! iiomi'l DRY GOODS .ti Vri : Parllenlar altanUon nalS 4e MotheleotVarfldae kinds. Brass and Iron fjastraes sad Macaunexx, "job work ofarttfriasVBHiWa DEPABTsfCKr. )4l'i44 Mil J ? ) ;l----- 0ROCIER V ersSiq.,sjtfv iLSTicdltorai, Martilniirym.nd takes rank: 1U es ol a ff Inter ,y,J lMei aeptt ve. In -and nan ft iu For fnrtber parejcala3 awptfteitSbe WdrWS. ! i DEPARTMKMT CtOTHING dl88 lm '"l "dj w23 v 'of tstrhi toesnannnveiareroji twenty yean sxpetieaes n .PJojWr.,, i ,i rr, In ttoc.'j !( tial wltn jrelSle dnrawmyv atatatKUvpieoe.etwelM-12areQSaerJeeSAi of snspe to resist all possidle fctr&ina. iroiu standard sraerev rAndItTsrearlnsrls Shsosds el. solid lrea.wJLlh "maUie- . eaeli cnia, (anticlines - lT allllfeiraes, irsti, anAetaaSSiaTtgarigiciih.IiJe.iss e . -, 'iei ', leSieUa.'. 11). I.. tMl H'lll 'f Trkdeitse rate y eUTdesirneUoBi J( the raRWTLAWJ'-- i iowt.pofplrslos 'A1 '.'! ilbi)ii'l mil nvilillil. p iSonvnon to all rougn casxi macnines stoio 1 y. DEPARTMENT. J 1 tne!reeilBle - 1 .iciu,fwqiiwni reeMEnyee'miMeri. li- -i DEPARTMENT. iyi i It'll of them went to New ports; nine-tentYork. London. The Spectator, criticising the Indian policy or the United States, anticipates an immediate Indian war, which will result In the extermination M hs Orders are - 1" f I'lMf rvjaitifil lajcllniror re to tAeliWaeT tfuanvAm li'iti ;y.i'I' In rl.j-- .luwi l lm x.,'VC'b l 14 ulm rrnioo,,,, f7 'r .iui3ii. 's fP- ' - tor complete in. oeclaringi Uaat; cAtO, OHIO. v- of the race. A coroner's Inquest has developed the that Mrs. Walters, the notorious 'llli'f oolite ,Yfib tiiil J.n M.ltl iaeee wbo Intend Ordertnc or Parcbaa-u- il I baby farmer, has been guilty of poison- rAadlnc.woaldoonsalltlielrowiilnteresli i( and strangling several infants left ing .Mil Ixi J In her charge. The Americans will celebrate the 4th Xiv r'd iSAitTJty'i ' i: ' tl liuUn 1... TBtll!T0IMfVl0CIPEDES'.M 11 -i of July as usual. .' I.',", ' ' '. . ,ri Motley, the American minister, has tnin ii made arrangement to be at the Banquet TTsr.sTa"rsrrt av ww K viiiN tSU iuI'U at Man eheater. Wkxvbws-14- 5 The Examiner applauds the idea of Maiiis&Tatn rooVcwinisin8tj an American monument to Dickens, Z Mil rX. tteiLSSV VmY LLt-l- U n BeVMl W Uwpvwn jwwtitacKnv , i t ,.: 4W bat assumes that the project will be ozuiy Itii,x,rl ilupe dismissed when Dickens' objections to any such honor are fully known. (Moil. I flllttiil The clothiers of Cork are still importvnoiii ing general operatives to take the place BHSliaJP33IBsU3-a,MUJ1,1- 'J of the strikes, and fears are felt of rewse newed disordsrs. wsMMifiwii ISSSsiie5Sff5'f rv,j Ixi iiweet"!' .tun i.tl JMitM r0J isiliillj The roof of Fawcett's foundry, at I IQaefS sharers ef and lslaelftaifrsaa, one workman ! Hi hat fell inluw I .fwthii mi'1 Imijj l..U kb.sl Liverpool, iloxtx ;niiiit Jii'ti'idui ry. was killed and several seriously InViiSii' ,;oeo''Brflls rxur snaa. Here I i jured. .KWAifteUHesosi st1ase..n UtJ iM, A J ni f9trtn tna Ja The funeral of Earl Clarendon occur nnircrsal most satisfaction: Tney the hiring ed y. II. IX. CIAT7SD flliJI Mil ,iS..UM,l J.'illi ,J4lOll 1 olqil A JV'J'ttb,,'ik4y .'J'rd'Ml "r ttj bim toaeiUer;.'. i.ivit WEST INDIES. . lit in l,U-J1- . I..IA VLl J Ajfreiitiea V .11 Jmt I'UtiEWnYOlllCeM) tw , tifJ Havana. A meeting of the planters a'nlat h s owners last and wealthy slave When aresxrieidtheTwUlvreU night, neetfjesj 4uuiiu lir "MMA "1 Hi ,BW0lt but HMtlf! rrf34l,uvrruJiJsiio.j out In .' Ja Unnlrersal Jt sxperlence otfarmerswill approved thetoabolition of slavery, Btatevihat trtan.oweJwlWr-ththe aa drtB, to ted desire be consul the n they to TEKR1 5 to 10 bushels ui ji it m iff iii'w'M uuj i'H mi bleldfrom fumntom tbAQ. manner enforce he law, to prevent OOON1 nrben sowed In any other way. the negroes becoming vagrants. The Circulars centTreeiOxt, apflc&uon. slaves will remain with their present X. frbgfaej5lWttn3ee -- ' ' Y nil mum PRICE, e&5.00, ef, reHyy; . i.iuM ii"1 inuni masters under contract, and will l tU kHit baftJtunTin ntU WtUM cetve pay aa other freedmen. There is about the usual number of uanTErvf a Wi HfTirn ,rTrv.Vinlfj 7e t cholera cases dally. There were seven ijic deaths yesterday. There la no percepti1 :i mb?t omjniit .iilmii tlt?lii ble Increase In deaths from the vomit. ti acJ lo dlvuJ;..'t ij ml f.itow t,ii warieed snrS3UOwi4orirlt-OasimenelThe small pox is quite prevalent. eevnMHweav earner or as, tMponnaTttn's box- vret'rcmr4r tn KftlanniaeSarei J ol Uie (CMeantesJ nO malo tPn? toiibeustaini r uinee'nortutenAieveeda tioUi baii nTtwrrsrr irnmiss irr ii r iaetvw.ea.d xio") nti:diM ai rarrva Hesser. frank Fanner. CnasXJ)aalsT Halt! Denver. . airs aty. VlrsmiaatJJ .i- I m m ft m m tr m m taw F.iti ir: .. a rOob Ul setMsw n I, j - russet, DAHLER ft Co., ml .1 Sllil Uilliuil'i1 ,19 wm. fllfi$!f In lli'i BANKXB8 BBS DIALXRB IK OOIJQ fact i , ' t I OAiiliinra 1 i i- uou-uh.m- i -- JL'iJ' -- -- 1 1 -' : to-da- y; ii rtiuJ-unlsn'Mj- 11 to-da- -- -- h5?n??o!aliVpil aps-reved- riTARoWAOo'rg;;:,, J 1 -- e .I'-'jiiii- jr iii CalllTayiavi&Q.' qt4-V?- -- li-f- -- -- - tt?di lo -- i e i Bk wn ,' ,, i i ( tUillii iiw s i 111 a l l-- n l uau i s i ..j i,aiisa ii ,1-V- if M, UMKS "TllT'"' J lu strci ' iAhw " 1 j CliaJ' fix iliwuq i.(l ,il4aaJ f r frafice; to-da- . KE3J1J iLlll . PsitTSj-Tba'nrMt- dii WardaiPdyioVa v. Two doors ,! ssi W litsVd'aJttenitrfw TtoomMi a7JU' I'll il . .4uU bns eaatrwwTopooa jjait Hljfa edT w ,eui R93jnra I a I ..i' : sWeiaTeseJ, iir . - ' 4 iuouauop Rome. All the from P.frrw Ind itinumU,Ury ,a Washington ' Theeommlttee of theOorpe Legisla- - west tnU n?i5?nUZ nlng.dis-Ptfbe- d Z wer' oooof QtocajaEaiKiii.i;i Mm uis.Kx wae itimiivi " Gen. Sheridan. . . i have inmodification of iaaeortaaenreT atwretiwsitssls a required the And Oeneraf DUpatches state- that J2arl Granville I Jti oil lalntll J.iff dlUif has been nominated for the foreign de- leana prtnees, berore considerisr the ' " I ,.v. Iiiio lo partment; Karl Klmberty to that of the subject." , j.. "'mi bus xttmlil 'BIIBBit Colonls. FAAis. General Qoeaada and Senor afa oet ved yeaterday tn a kindly manner by After an abacsioeor tnree yeaN In Tctrrpe, ' IMbUe Sis ro.avrC 1 warraeau to the Udrs ILLINOIS. .orrvr-a11 J ais real dsnesjsd list p - Thla Ilatler e tbe CUlaeae Warldaa,a evsnln?,' after every lotrg discusthe Chamber rejected the petition sion; or the Oriesma princes for permission te v iiicAuu. uenem JJauer is Drenar- - reXxirti to 1T3 to Si. France, lng a speech on the labor question, editor of the) Jlivcrt has beea wujcu lor tne main part "wui compose ruur;u 01 amy aauresv as 'woou-stoc- fslse1'-- accaslUon of ' thi;EmeUtld JL m1 MttSe marAaed to the Chinese he Ajoru jiarenuon.'rrem tne twwdsr' 10 In nzd, JFjaro will take theregard position that while they the Mlltnis.lnwhir MnUnMl ikiu.. Hoata have the right to come here, no con- - months Imprisonment. Street (. iitiii.nv,..( t. tUi'litM lsaefm vra W.aad. for taefts iaas, well as lor xir--- .dnditi sizes ponu W&eWrWrKr j IT5 las. HvkbT jumps- XSbs. x-ax- ljffian?fa HI IU LsVvl "js kqiim ,ffIfr-as- 4srfl zZL r m i Boausreut?naied byiaasWUaCBe,fJgorJpf ' s ,4Ti a 1 1 - odw e97!i edl.ta -- isa eaj Jfc3ssua oj as nai ow "Xitt tiif itfiftAbirtiL Jnifr ivo s M '. i E. BALLVoHPANY, vHA. o -- 1 i rnfol4ntadisiV,,'I -- - ' This' ' mlfchlne' V? tneharvkt4 k Vf , . : Repairing MaenUterylMwrl Sewlag tf arh issf, lffjers . RICES REBMEB'TO A- GOLD BASIS. ri!J 71J iMiHqTq tuui 'oilJ .l j t .' i . V Ths; Livery Stable of James Donnelly and the stables of Wm. Summer & Co., manufacturers of the Wheeler & Wilson sewing machines, were burned at one o'clock this morn JjCBT, log. Both were owned by Alexander COIN and KXC1IAXUK, Bait Lak. CltyJuTT-anSsWtflnan nialaefeaU ISUJ d IhiealtiyfJuaaBttSd.SBilUUiwJ tJ-'.- l Kink laid. The horses were all saved. VlralBta City aad Uloa. Uor uuul Ttti .,,) Warren Uomct a Ox. Bankers. Denver and fcll KlbOTW "! Many private carriage In the livery Central VVIXlsoann)itifrWlof ScistJiiMUt "nstf Usnltofyiteb.4WfniaOei uty, Colorado. !Iqo.M fiii it')itlvr ,aiil 04II yil eo bua muia stable were destroyed. Loss $115,000. -r suJ.WaJiiihfiPATKimrniiiail'J .".,..1 etfj' 'bos blio'U.kisterse-- . ffl oa xl"o uiii-" mioi-II. Andrew, a plpeman. was canght by CES"i'r",", the tailing rubbish, and his leg broken, ZI02T8 .sbt besides sustaining other Injuries. - J as. Monroes, another fireman, was Injured. t.lmw eiH )( oidhft-JIli CB3. 00LEBB0OK, wlsbas t.JLtJorsaSha i.M 'OMBACAlfii4iiorro edj lo UOtjl'UUi1t ml Ladles sb bas constantly .on. A U "I sill a CIULIv2It band kinUl'lIJItli ill. TilUT f T,1 Urge assortment of .tiw Im rifll ARKANSAS. ceireVna. IM fce' lueatrei. L ua oaeio boa bliei MiaHisemMMewicbaUmi lseariUte retnOe aMatciaiSBr4Sat0S rf s ui Isiuian iuiuwomjuo at TRIUHED EATS AewnrO 2Z. JDlXce nasaed here IIEI.SX A. Ths tmua OJ b;nuDv3 w.r,,fM. . , j .uouuhjat 40 and Ibe A'aidUs at &S.k p,m--; the l,.f.Pi OTeVnlliWiterniia ef nrdan- - i AsCUBAPasth tlfKAffca-f.- '' J1 latter broke her pump last night, and lost three honrs esSsee) psainssn ! oio 1'iu Jftvoe is XisW uom jjjoriJiw ii9d bad odw ietift FOsTElGIf HEWH. ' AehlnfTtaUnwentriirtv.u..i m ..m vi ' A WOrdln ta.thA ltt.t Imnmoi Isa.TftrtnrgolJ iUJB BiiatiU PD. EJo-i- k, M 4 IIV'IMiHllll tlS New tetb-.'fftml? kilfl ZtU yia iIw L. T hrii has InimnHTd'i eiiJ J sillol Bslersaee: II. CClawvoa, Xsspo Ajaiy, sU sift4iliwr t lise3sviisM; f alt ol .4 .nwou aw wdl r4l !Sl'sWBeaeUqfWlCbt elqoCBaWiei M SOX7XLXZ30ntt. Trt- was. OMSylrSAISIflCaTF tn odw .risbasi C3o, tttij C SI. 1 iladj lo qadH odw Uxf edi eeTribodW sectrted for ptibllahlnr a false anecdote SBrmSTSiTT? rAJMTimS, UnAU(KBJKJk JWIKftSi of the Emperor and Karl CI area den. wr already reported. C. ' ; On Oopy on year,. MaeeeeeeeSeeeeeSeeeeeMw No. 100 e: 1C1 k fUll IUISUN 1IHUUUIUO rrtles of AraoWand man watering UH place. - Col.' ' Hoffman la tiSSSS . .. . - a a uas reuzrueu SmELS1? vd smalleeqnence parties of .JIHi. .Iff.L. oi In-vJ- feaey farmer, ete. one year mi 1870. re pert en Pablle Itrne-steav- . art, and afterwards killed John Baker, AU8TRIA. her farm manager, at New Kent Court Home yesterday, was horrible; one Nkarp thetk ef earlbeiuak. earthrope broke twice, and the miscreant Viknna.A sharp shock of died after a prolonged struggle. was throughout experienced quake Greece yesterday; the town of Bartorla Is a heap of ruins. An island in that COLORADO. neighborhood suddenly disappeared at Slew JHlstee the time of the ihock. Meases By Hews frees pre-emptioni- New On Oopy TE RMS FOR ITALY. Flohekce. The committee appointed to investigate the subject of pnbuc Rich ho hd, 2. The scene at the ex- Instruction has made a report, which ecution of Louis Kennedy, the negro meets with determined opposition. who ravished and murdered lira. Stew- fJESHStBfSBWSHlESI Th8 M Sem-Wee-Hy erry Tuesday nnH&aixaOnjO iYubUaned i 1 Z. llerrtfcle f DESERET NEWS,' tUil; Tn Tleerey agists; te CesvStaatlmepIe. is going AT.gYAwnniA.The Viceroy to Constantinople; his eldest eon has been recalled from Europe and will as- Tho Several Bepartmenta of thig sume the regency in his absence. f: VIRGINIA, tfFaty, to any other grantee than the United State; protecting settlers on the U. H. lands in the bene tits of the preemption or homestead laws; pre renting further sale of publio lands in .Dakota, Nevada, Nebraska. Colorado, Kansas, Arkansas and .Utah, excepting under the and homestead lavs; and forfeiting to the United Slate the land of the Opelousaa railroad. Julian reported, a bill to confirm to Jsmee HuLchinra and James C. JLamon, claims la Ycsjemlte Valley. The bill occasioned a discussion involving the validity of the act, ceding the'-alleto tho State of California, in trust, to b preserved .a a national park, in the absence of a title in the claimants who settled In the valley before It was surveyed or opened to set tlement. Kandail expressed an Idea that in the case of the squatters or CALIFORNIA. who had improved their claims, it would be far better to comtheir improvements Saw Francisco. 2. The town f pensate them for and land than to turn over to them the Oroville, Cel., was nearly destroyed by laud on which thry or their snoessors fire the baUdlngs were of wood would be expected to establish a mam- and burned rapidly, the people. barely moth User beer garden or distillery; or escaping the flames. Loss heavy, par to lay out bridle paths and cow yards, tial insurance. which would be a blotch on the locality which it was desired to preserve. The bill was finally, on motion of Randall, LOUISIANA. laid on the table, yeas 100, nsys 61. far tbe Plasiiattews. Caiaeee The Wood screw patent extension New Orixans. One hundred and bill was passed, 77 to 43. Chinese lhave arrived to The conference report on the patent seventy-fiv- e work on the plantations. and copyright bill was agreed to. A conference report was made on the Indian appropriation bill and a new committee appointed. CONNECTICUT. The Louisiana contested case of Dar-rReeepUea efflrsJ4eUal vxvrty. against Bailey was decided in favor HABTTOitD The Presidential party of Dsrrel, bat a motion to reconsider was entered, to be-- considered next arrived this afternoon , and was received enthusiastically. There was a publio Wednesday. Allen House, subseFerris reported from the conference reception at the committee on bill to grant a right of way quently, and a private one at Jewell's to ditch and canal holders over the pub- House in the evening. The President and family will be the guest of Jewell lic Lands. over Sunday ,and wllljeavo on Monday morning for Woodstock. on EGYPT. UsuLatUfaetery Nbswers-Celefcra- Pioneer Piper of the Roclrjllounjim Region 8AM LAKE CITY, TUESDA' i etc. a bill to establish a report Ilaimey c telegraph: mas- transmitted by American mm? to rble to llelglum.on vrhiclx, the rates uaii uoi exceed Uvt dollars, gold, for ieu worus, ana thirty cents for add! tional word. Bpeclal1 rates to b w labiuned for press reDorta. The Pnet Olllce Department to leceive a per cent-ag- e of the receipts on business sent mrougu iu agency ovt the cables. Morrill, of Maine, from the commit tee of conference on the Indian appropriation bill, reported that the commit tee coultl not agree in consequence of iue u ueniai 01 me uonse, of the an thority of the Ben ate to make treaty stipulations with the Indians, .which will bind the House. A new commiir oi comerence wu alto on ie tre podtoiHce appropriation ordered blli. ... me fc.uatc refused to adjourn over Monday. The rejHjrt of the committee conference on the bill to amend theofpatent and copyright laws was adopted. The hill to amend the naturalisation Uwk dLnM.4edat length. trans-atJauti- t tracts by which gangs of them are imported should be allowed. General Bhetmati' has received a report from General Sheridan, giving an account of his recent trip through, the Indian country. He states that the very weak, poorly military poets are garrisoned and not strong enough to quell an Indian war. DESERET NEWS.) TO TH 4. .... . - ,li i at 11 et SSSSSBafjsSSBaSSw e k. dlSSlm evad Llnow eesdl as ii,uj ejioiBrssiisis wa '"Est -- WMtr rAV3tToujatn isefiiri cisel(T9asz Jftn niifjo nsflf eiffm eia tU -ib ttdi ffflni HI AXlrtDOIif bfl JUasttEva aCaTga lo hlebVisJstadi Dofe anil etfj lo ran vAivtno oT nsssj l.n..t lielAl.io(rt lV betiqiol rr . " dl5-- jf!irfi-rT'- fij x ri'iiiiv inni i x,bwrx ! fllpfMl loans aut..itt aSPtlSdiWii rials niWsrO UtdJSifeUi4 biieSnJtisUedi ed KS OiJqeals (fotisUvjalt J.tft adJ rt ' ' ' " Inn dons oT neat-woll- it, 4istdlaeseTrssJttan asgswresTOseaA Fu4Krr roT ? ni YQ. Jneia vlbilAJ&IAfiPeiiltSklsfiasia J, BNEDAXEB. leneral Agents, 21a vrant hl. Ma n I rasHMses ?iUDCevKeiieataa?aJgr for w e&utc&A-l&M-iic- tnjt enlssl (Toiwajia TioidlrsjsrtHio irisdii p J.iFifctotrnnntTWAtal dxxrai lip - eiJJI --aeMSeSSSSSBSBSSBaejaMea yxWdkassta ?rinbrsbormri4S.soy t35.0fofArti1ls sbli la el,iaif nill itsdJ doui Svifli sl dl71 lm T tw twli 1u i'aH esiMilnmsfiflii: aaliiti.iiUi vdial6e.tg i to -- li cd fciia aaniis ltujl4jra dmr tis m sisawJita 7 i nts esss iitartan'sonoa. ! 7 |