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Show EVENING NEWS B5BRKT al rT jtoKMi u. caxxov, Soatit VurKf Cpr LS CA.1SQH, . iter. aaJ East Tsafle Btnet ce yss BMWUM ETEIIM SEW DESMET """fc epe rmacy.j rut jxa on ao KottJittfr Begkn Ths DESERET IHEWS. T7EEKEY (rnMtthtd twy Wednesday.) TEKKS FOI THE TllUTH AND UBEBTY. Sesersl Sesfiwsa f IhtiKoclqr Pioneer Paper SEW-WEEKL- - Yl atxaaont three manIbs TEKKS FOI THE WEEKLY , voa rare Bnccrrro or auoc a.a jo rai tu riciLmn arrive. .,, ,rr 4tt. tnm , , 8 AILl IIaAKJS III. OL. MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 25, 1870 Ons Oopy one year,,,.,. monthSf taxes montiAS No. 127 a ton of pow away, uuslncss la suspended.' The buffalo robe, obtained from Indians day at 2p.m. Twenty-thre- e who were saOering from small pox, t be der were used. A body of water, appar- factories and shops along the rlrer are rotes beine undoubtedly infected with ently 100 feet In diameter, was thrown to uoouu; me uamage to property 1 rery the virus, bad been picked with the to the bight ola' hundred feet. The centre PraiL--Most of the bridge on the tentlon of being shipped to the leadiug was filled with smoke and stones, the Bewater. and Cllde rivers hare been Aiuaissiquo poet in upper Aliaaourl, in uepartmeu latur irolng far abore the CONGRESSIONAL. has ordered the officers commanding at tween fifty and sixty, thousand people oarnea away by the freshet. Reports Utah. the military poet on the river to pre- wltnsd theaxDloslon. There was no say that the damages by the flood are vent the shipments or pasaage of any perceptible far, and only a deep thud rery great. Ottawa. Father Blchott and Scott, aoh paltry accompanied the blast. 1U1I Columfrom the Red Rlrer country, delegate of BritUh o bill sad The government Tbe monthly reports of the bureau peetpeaed. were who the arretted on a charge of being to maintain bia Toted a ha eeren subsidy A large nomUr of bill were paseJ, statistic show that for the ant . aaaaaaa to and the murder of Thoc. Bcott I' nil accessory on land main the fiscal of current month the the on tit rmrm. th. year of V.H telegraph system of Imports exceeds that of exports has levied a duty of 50 per cent on all In thai region were brought Into court isoa, Humner elating that It wu ralue 02f AXTD AFTER wnen the nrosecutlon stated and spirits therefor. cold ralue. three and r a half mllllooe imported liquors ou th statute book connected tu sufficient not that had to it aridanoa Peace from advice mllllooe In The latest Blver, with Utry, prohibiting against : nearly thirty-fouthe cold dlrrlnirs. are J usury the committal of the prisoners, of person. of color Into cer- the corresponding period of last year. Brstish Colombia, MONDAY, 21, 1870, favorable, The dust la fine and resem ana insy therefore were discharged. tain Bute. Alio the laralld appro- Tbe returns of the forelzn trade, for 17 dost. Australian bles the It assay of the current year, show an priation bill, appropriating torn thirty January ounce. are con4 an miner dollars The of Trains wlU leave Bait Lake caty dally at 7J0 three over excee of bill Import exports a to coanterinilltons.and prevent Is the beet mining region Oo. fldsnt it that aon. and SJO p.mu arrive at Ocden 9J5 aja. and a and half millions. it. foreign trade mart protected by a-'tung and Australia. California outside of of the enforcement for leave Ogden City at 10.05 aoa. and 6 the bill The win paaeeu. treaty lupuiauoQi, district la extenslre, and new die rAIITERf, GBAUTEBS ek GULZIKBS P.m.;pja, arrive at Salt Lake City 1Z23 p.m. and 845 A number of bill wefe Indefinitely Fifteenth Amendment has been drawn The Two doors West of 13th Ward Assembly twelve sections, and cover! e are dally reported. including; oat by Humotr up. It contains iHt:oud, Icaprls-onms- nt an-to fine and Booms. propoeee by punish ivr kut return J faiutnu. la addition to the above to or direct Indirect any attempt znn rrom to ting, FOREIGN NEWH. FtrT at any colored O.OAXIBSTT. rive DUtrlct and Circuit U.S. courts none. suca case. In Jurtaulctloa IN1LTTICAL ASSATER UkS. .CHEHIST 11 ACCOMODATION r. die patches. from x'rivat GREECE. A resolution was adopted that leare- - Springfield, Missouri, say th track of Oxnca at J. R. Clawson's Restaurant and lee WILXilRUN " Hereafter granted for an In- tbe Atlantic: and Pacific Hall road reach Cream Saloon, lit South Temple Street. TbeTreeps aad th Drlgaad. definite period, shall not extend berond ed that place, three hundred mile south Athins. The Marathon brigands are A lew doors wett o( Theatre. ON ISUHDAYS. WEDNESDAYS AND dllO-Stt second proximo unless otherwise west of L Louis, yesterday. Track surrounded by troops, but retain their ordered by th House. was projrr easing at the rat of prisoners and rruse to surrender. SATURDAYS, j Hcbenck reported back th Benate laylnr mile a day. Warrea IlaMay, Krank'Paliner, ObmaXbDahlar three Amendment to th Income tax bill and Bait hmxm CUy. DenTr. VlralalaClty. Lea rtns Ogden CltrZe.45 ajxu' and Balgl aire moved how stating, PRUSSIA. & Co., mJSSEY, DAHLEB City. pjst. on whloh fall fare' will enUtle ever, that h would not uk a commuNEW YORK. Bleaiarek atUr Calaes , Embassy at BANKERS and DEALERS Hi GOLD DUST. th poroaaser of a ticket to return on te of conference. After considerable OOI N and EXCIIANU K. Salt Lake City, U. T the same lar hllr-Petltleaiei Berlla Cklaeee treaty llf day and train free, and will stop by the home refused to table track byameaelaaeat and Virginia utyaol ueiena, Moniana, le tbe Oeaetlta with the eondnoter, at any point on krranglhg a and Dearer bul Wafrea latest th bill. The House then refused to aaethee The Co., lloaaey Bankers, telegraphic Berlin. d7d are OMeeefcad-U 0 to Colorado. the line take on or let off passengers. Uea Cental aalaea City, co u car la the Senate substitute, leering etln from Varxln reports that Prime Tk. will pleas parens their tickets raaerel Passengers awlallr Is Conthe SnitAtouk k cococulttee of Bismarck better. tewedl Minister SI attheaffloe. ference. Durtos? thedlacaaeioa Bchenck Fifty cents additional will he has arrired at Th Chine mbaasy A. HIHEBi charred when the fare Is collected on the late er F.ala CMfmt adjearaed Berlin. declared that th amendment Increased train. ornoy of three Ooxxnstolox, th amount of exemption, and laid JaS( llacket better 3lew f a aft la r Bussla haa signed the Burllngame After '.nmbssnoe In rs acsln Earope, Cxelteaaeat ealeMe la that th committee of ways and meant reaty and has agreed to a fair settle tendf t to the Public bis professional service. For all lnoraiatlan concerning TrsUnt baraed raaeral f ment would at eoiue time report a general bill Haytl-Tervtof the frontier question. at bis residence, za souia sw est, Bait Passage, apply to On Lake Utah. HUl UaUeek. a that subject and th laqalaltory ne-tto city, will The Chinese embassy go and Domett Ue OoUeetlons I D, O. CAIiDER, of th tax would b modified, Lie New York. The ship Thorruu JVes Brussels and Pari and thence to tend t to. did not believe th tax could b abol- man, rrom rtew urieans lor cronstad, tome. Tloket. and Freight; Agent ished without oollectlng other taxea was struck by lightning on the 18th mor odloua and rexatJou. Th total BKOJILKT HOUSE, ECHO CITY, in latitude So, long. 74. and JOSEPH A. YOUMO, number of pero part ox Incom tax Inst., crew were saved and Aeov tXa U.T. li. Depot. the TURKEY. burned; waa STJIO; of thle number over 107.U00 brought here. BUFERLNTEIf DEZffT. , raormraToa. killed. ws.masiTss, Captive n uouara irtheex-eoiptloor Is to nu t The A petition paiu twenty legend dU-l- y Congress being rUnc pablle ean always be aeooouao-daiOrst elaas board by the meal, day, or reached two thousand, this merously the passage of Constantinople. A telegram ay wee., vrlth asking signed, Rooms for families. Barber Shop In thoa-an- d a the Turkish Minister at Athens report eliMe would b cat off. Blxty-oldZi&.-t-f Constitutional amendment forbidding to with the Hotel. eonLUon rethe. hi that a between sectahundred two and captives government pay the States, for by appropriation, tained for ransom by brigands, near hundred dollars, while nearly 9,600 paid rian schools. HOLIE over two hundred dollars. tos W. TAYLOR, , T. Marathon, hare been killed. ; The steamer Darien arrived S side East Voorhee favored th continuance of day from Leghorn. Bhe report that Teasple SL, . X. City, AK1 th Income tax; In hU opinion th most on DRY GOODS, GBOCEAIJS, the 20th Instant, when In latiWEST INDIES. Impolitic thing th liouj could do tude forty-twlongitude seventy, And a Gneral Assortment of Merchandise would b to abotUh It. she saw a reesel on fire. A boat was 4 eat a. te dUH Priest eeaeaaa4 Coburn, Ju4J and Farm worth x lowered, when It was found that she Havana. A court martial at was a steamsr, and was burned to the pressed similar views. ' W. F. AlfDEBSOV, H. Bw condemned a priest to death water's edge. This Is posalbly the for OAIr IAKE CITT, steamer Cfariaeoorerdue from llarana. the preaching insurrection and blessing 8u "T oon PlayasiclELXt lnsmrgent flag. The office of Bacon A Hide, FultonPENNSYLVANIA. Je at ateeldeaee, ISta of a box containSt., was robbed eervlee Harxlary Preparing " Half-a-blo-ok as. Don ssm In btate united lEast of the! "Deseret lag f been bnrled of BRITAIN. GREAT bare Millions oyster Kkik. Pa., 2i The U. 8. steamer to a depth of nine feet by the shifting NewB" Office, Qaeeei Eeeaaea freaa Daasrer Caaee which has been laid op at of the beach, at the Bar, Bockaway. r sate faaie-R- J elelaar erer to th deaejuct new.) ora W hum Diimi imm f- CULVER, PAGE & HOYflE, .h,lt 1 KsAOlacturert and Jobbers of PAPEIl, CAIIDIBOAXID, e Asm; Icq-(orUt- lou Feb. iBooix ixrprDEiis sTOCit TOOU3 mini j m j ce, 1 zbBi r it ? - , , --Maasaaeaesai 'inim r..ir taataaaaWatl 1 slft-ae-d. dU-jU'ilo- rrUd M4iaif blll-Cea- jter -a bly - Stock Ales, India Pale Ale, PORTER AMP LACER BEER - and - alt 1 hi- Brewer of a 2Ve-grlfU- ZULCmNERY. AJIa AXE BBETFECG '.COMPANY. Hi I : d288-l- y u to-da- ? i t if;i non-concurren- f i nXJaJTLX BOOlXSjST ATIOJTEK Y to-oa- y; a i5oiiasjk;strket. r iss: r im-luiitn- a: im i i 8 CHICAGO TRADE. Pioneer Line of a4 --- mt-- ur at-(US- ltf 807. jTred. A; Wheeler, PATENT HAIili ail Rre ?. Bnrfflar Proof e. nt LIUSEDM "VICTOR" Tanlta ondVoolt JS'ronta o. Cien-fuesr- fr Xl-,ijit- thla port during th winter being denly nut up In readiness for actlv vice. Ills suppot itS erden have 4 beeu received from Waahlagton, that the movement has some connection with the Fenian operations on the destination Is not positively lake. Iter known. Her ofilcar are anuauaily reti cent. Hh will probably go out snornlng. PHiLAOCurnra. An attempt to rob the South war k lUnx.whoie vaults con talned over ten millions, was frustrated Iat nlicht; the burglars escaped minus inir liaplemeaU. sudser- L to-morr-ow KANSAS. iMiktr IXfeattlac Celtter. Ukavkkwortic The Investigation of ex co I lector Hplers.case shows a still than at first reported; the larger detlolt not fall short of a hundred amount will and sixty thousand. The evldenc obshows that forged affidatained aud vit reports were used, by which were received from th amounts large which were withcollectors, deputy held. -- to-da- y rrJ MARYLAND. r the merrfer ektMree. Baltimore. An unusual concourse attended the funeral of the murdered Manh children this afternoon; the mother who la confined in the city Jail, w 44 a raving maniac this morning. a MISSOURI, T aas? jri.Aiftt4S-oa'tiitaf! ferrr II aye. UmmIm dr. Louts. A occurred to- Johndispute Kearney, clerk of the city engineer, and W. H. Billey, a policeman. In which Kearney shot Ulltey In th face and breast with a hot gun; Hilley returned the Are Ineffectually. Kearney a?ala shot him a day between Inflicting dangeroua and perhape mortal wound. W. Plogner, who. has been on trial oca days, for killing Krnest Miner, for being too Intimate; with the former's has been acquitted. wlf, Five coofpanl of the seventh car-air- y are now at Fort Leavenworth, under order to proceed to Fort II aye, for active eervlce against the depredating Indians. Ueo. Cos tar will com- mand. WASHINGTON. eerier reJeetJeei f Ike Xjrl Cm1 tejrSLklaeeeil f SeaeJl Fes yre vie4-Tr4- e retrwIUlt te erree k AaeMlMt. Orator men loe $25,000. Hanson WondrolT, f Hoboken, has been lodged Lu jut" en wbrfr-e- f swindling; the amount lnrotred Is thousand dollar. nearly a hundred AXJiAStY. A bill has passed the Aslaw, by sembly amendlug th election placing colored rotcrs on an equality with white. Nrw York. The steamer Vetuswla, which was disabled at sea In the latter Eart of February, was towed Into this The Fenian Congress adjourned this afternoon tine die. O'Neill wa re elected President. The ntmostaecrecy was maintained in regard to tbe pro ceed! oars of. the Convention, bat the im Dreealon amour those claiming to be well informed U that a war policy ha been determined on. Becorder Uacket 1 much better and will be able to proceed with the trial on Monday. It 1 reported that theoffer way and to the means committee will House a new funding bill, and that the banking committee will report a bill authorising the issue of 95,000,000 additional fractional currency, without any provision for the withdrawal of either certificates or legal tender. It 1 reported that Mayor Blgourney , anthor of the "Beautiful Bnow" committed suicide A ilaytien letter of the 12th repdrt that the people are again excitedly discussing the Ban Domingo annexation of Information question, U.onB. account war steamer had taken that the possession of the Bay of Maxullo on the northern frontier of Haytl. The feeling 1 more bitter than ever.of It Is the understood that this movement U. B. Authorities Is for preventing Luperon entering the Ciba district. Ban Domingo, with a hostile Intent. Mr. and Mrs. Mernu, residing in Jackson street, Williamsburg, were dreadfully: burned yesterday, by the explosion of kerosene oil, used In hurrying a alow fire. Moral'Mon't use MlsaUalleck. the renerabie aister or the poet FiU green Halieck, was Varied Conn., by ine yesterday at Gail ford eide of her brother. . to-da- y. Mc-Farla- nd : UayTKLjnijyTL " ; t Bar-llora- me DOVE-TAXLE- D -- BENEFIT TO r t . - pr . i New FRANCE. tr plaaet dJseevered. Paris. Prof. Barelll, of Marseilles, has dlsoorsred a new planet. :o: A Splendid Stock of Rubber Goods . J hav for sale at the Dxskbbt Kaws yrroa the folloyoing We JUST RECEIVED, STATEMENT BLANKS AUSTRIA. PreteataaUsaa la She Tyrel. ENQUIRE FOR THRK Vixnna. There la a strong1 move ment in the Tyrol for secession from the Sole Leather, - 30c. per pound. Examine It. Bo man Charon. XZarneM do. do. CANADA. xteerery Uaasppy rrtaee SJasaeets arreeted Bailed aat Xaia4-- harwed. 35clqnare foot Chl eagoXprle. BALtT by Ileds aad Freshets ! & Co., . . TRANSFER DEEDS For the trans Cer and sale of CHalma, DECLARATORY STATEHEHTS to For cases where the Land Is not subject vate Entry."i ' LAKE CITY. Pri- ' t HOMESTEAD SPBINaS, ... ; - . Anrlls, Blsctomltha beUows, " "S X Flow and! us 5ri"r Washers, Carriage Bolt. Hats Coll Chain, Coach Bcrewa. -Horse Shoes. Horse Nad, Malieable Irons, Stock and TIes, Thimble Bkelns,- WagoS Box Strap . :! Rasps, File, Bolster Plates, Sseln Bolts, Teuyer IronsvTlre Benders, Tire Drills, Ete, Etc -- DLANKS. AFFIDAVITS r-- seise Prince hare dlscorereu plot Arthur and carry him off to some obscure place on the U. 8. frontier, to be held as a hostage for the good treat- . ; ta. Required1 police profess to Montbxal. The to a VISES. A3PXES, - Die Spika lcABniAOEHABDWA.It ' 7ood 7orlr for For the sals ofiLand. .' Ship, Soli and Railroad And Manufacturers of " 7ATEHT SHaFTIXG ARD PATEHT TIRE, And Dealers in ' WARRANTEE DEEDS . 0ICN OF "BIG BOOT." AXaramlas; e ! Wm. SILOA stroying the pamphleta Issued against Papal infallibility. ' ,' A prime article. ITALY. Tks adveeate ef lafallibUlty at werk. Upper Bo us. The Prelates are actlre In de Aa 40c. - mRCTXAWT, BAR, PLATS AHO SHEET IRON, For filing before Judges of Probate Courts bj owners of Town tiots where the Town Sites have been entered at the U. 8. Land Offloe. f Clair jQimcriciazx tS Kail. aeeial attemttea ea g-lv- te mail order j 4 the Oertificates of OitizensHp.'.! took tlac Into the hand of. the was impressive and the procession long. Four men were arrested on the arrl-rAn endless thronr lined the streets. of the American train last evening, A lane supply always on hand. Which we 3r at v. Minute runs wer fired, the flag were on suspicion of being Fenians. More .1 J low rates. . eU at hair and business aospended troops hare left for the frontier" The At the Illtioricoi'i Oflloe and the Deseret Orders mail will meet with prompt attention by The remains were Interred at Mount rolunteers are fetill under arm at Queoflered . i hare there battalion two , .. -Auburn. bec; ,r News OJJLoe . eaaoserated aby will ae their tervloes for the Bed Blrer expediaet Bleaks ' tion. Father RichaU and BooU, who larsisaea wwraui ew sravri CALIFORNIA. were arrested, accused of being to the murder of Thomas Tk. niaaaa Sleek lUateelea .3f ew BooU at Bed Cetaamtt. BrttUa Blrer, hare been admitted BOOE: OF MORMOI. eomplete, retail. 1X0 faa to-da- Wblek hare Stood th test of nineteen years wiuiotu a single auiurw. All Ihs latest lmproramsnts In Burglar Proo Work, W'orkvi&olndlagl.'ths aeknowledged by all competent Judges to be the most perfect safagoard against burglars now extern. i4 one 6f over Burglar Prooj r"JToc 0mihjin from 9 to 5. jCr,fit robbed of a SIN DESERET r OFFICIAL DONDS. MASSACHUSETTS. raaral f BarllaaDECLARATIONS of IHEHT 10ft. that fall sddes op uonnon Bosrox.The funeral of Ansonierrlce ment of the Fenian prisoners authorities. - elebrated-3S- r GLE jjoiiLAB Sy burglar or violenoc runaway wagon beary CHILDRER. 10c ADBISSIOM, 50c tached. The drirer of the royal carAgent for Maaofaetory. examine onr lam stock, lorlsend for dU-t- f rui aadand riage, by skilful management of his Dee. SSlo. IStA areolars prices, u horses, avoided a collision. .o.The recent Fenian panic In this city IlallHi Safe and Ioclc 4JOf H ea H. HD was occasioned by the filing of InSS DKAKBORN STREET, 3 P.L2. formation with the chief of police that TunniUQ TZLZU, a large number of Fenians had recently ILLINOIS. I arrired from America for Incendiary People visiting Salt Lake IClty, should not CHICAGO, 'iand other purposes, and that, together nee;leet ealllnKat the above establishment to me nnest eoueeuoa 01 Hoecr Mountain with other building, the officer of the 1IKASTS and BIBM ever exhibited. Time and Pall Mall Qaxtite had been Aleo a Cabinet of Foreign and Domestic THE PEOPLE CURIOSITIES and BKUCS. together with a ALlERICflll .IR0I1 WORKS. threatened with destruction by them. One collection of HATIYK SUHJbRAXS and The Qlobe say the police authorities productions of this Territory. hare received instructions to search We havr Relncea the) Price ol natural amt iomr rr. totjscli i and watch all lodging and boarding onr Caatoic-!Iad- o JUp Tap as measure a of houses, safety. JONES & LAUGHLINS, Solo Iloota to 83 There were great dempair. Liverpool. onstration of rejoicing here on the ar, 4 e 44 Blrer Street, rival of the Cly 0 BnuseU. Crowds ALL OTHER GOODS PBOPOR H CHICAGO, collected and gun were fired. ' t . BLMIKS! BLANKS!! , TIONA TEL Y LOW aCannfaeturera of y; CEASE to IulPORT I ; al - ' ; ; - . n-- at ' -- ao-cesaor-ies i ' -t- . -- ' i- - . fOf- . FART FIRST. feonUIntac US paffesl de- signed Sara Third Reader. retail . .78 . , a-ne- ary EST RAY f AWAY, on Wedneedar the 90th TAlf XV when on tk Tooele about 10 Inst.. miles , road, D Urea at te Wlielesal Pcure west ef this city, a small Qrey HORSE, branded had saddle and bridle on when be started i off InformaUon, at this nO.ce, Any person giving to his recovery, or who will dewill lead ' that liver him at President Yoons'a barn, will be V.BOBT. Lr OAUPBnX. suitably t m,la-'rewarded. ii dia2wU-le- a 1 ... . . ! . ITfaDDins PaDer ' , V to-da- y: " -- - to hall. Toxqnto. An Ottawa dispatch sUtes that Instructions hare Deea isua oy the mltltU department to withdraw the Yolanteers frooi the front, no troablsannearlnff to exist there. The in the rlclnltr of Campbell'a country . V 7 "ported next week. ing lha nasi week. In ua dated; the draw ford is completely rerous most dan Hinaaom Bock, the on and the rlrer hare been swept wr department that a large number of obstacle topiers In the harbor, was blown up ,Pnie NOW OPEN of WAOON TXhTBKR, and Um ported to this Cltr; ; fuiUtC iX- 7- Iia. 1 (i im. RUJNNKR4 and cess Alexsndxa,6 AporUoo wUl beaoldata amall ad- escape: tney were driving near Brde, BUOii.. for eaah down. Terms, pay on delivery Every Day. exoept Sunday, when their carriage was pursued by a ranee of work, without deviation. atteam with a etc to-da- y. Wajhixoton. rrlvaU advices from Rogou say the Dsuiea Canal trvty has T" by the Congress of Coiom- Rajs Prakcisco. 21. Th XT. 8. The Heaat Judiolary committee ta steamer n sailed for Alaska eki Qf aged ta th preparation of a bill to vietoris JY0 Lady Franklin waa a atorce the 15th Amendment, and baa passenger for the latter port. f WAde such progrtaa that It ta epctad a TjaJ tender 801. measure of that nature Minln stock hart been active dur ri'd realaa easSalatsvsS. IS Quia itsmulsttursrs of th and to-d- ay r andOnad to order. hemA xaeayt'on os - Sre-vm- II. LOCKS, tUIBINATIQN f! 0 any 'laslred F EVERT SIZE and la'and. , tlty, of good quality, 4 at AJi ' -, qnan-- - . cirrsJP 'nATxa Aa can de .."TJipoirrErj. ....... , ., - , kj r T ' Constantly on hand .at th Xkssabt Nkws . u - " OSes. who ,We eaa supply ."stores andean persons canno at ms th hare ase for tXda article, on .ter hUl toglresstlsraeMoti. ett, immrtitlaB of WRAPPI & ..... n.n,.wu :i aaawt--aaw bwav a . i .'- . irnaMaamrT. S I. |