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Show D.th. A dispatch from 1870. 1850. iUY dated 15th aaya: ThA noAch bound to Helena, with ten .11 r,t whom Rr fThlrLsmen. at Dry on Sunday' evening, wereeapelzed An JUustrtiUd Paper, m LOCKE & MONTAGUE Creek. The night was intensely cold; and two of the Chinamen were immecnaiejy PUBLISHED EVERT OTHER S1TURD1T, xxroxrxBS or froxen to death. The remainder started on which foot for Big Sand Hole Station, AT TBS were place three of them reached bat they on aeaa were round DESERET NEWS OFFICE, 8ALT LAKE CITT. badly froxen. Four CEORCE Q. CANNON, EDITOR. the road. The tenth is missing. GEO, q. CfA'.YOA', Rxnw IK Sawtbttk. Bro. R. R. Hollow Ware, Tin TTare, Ac. Editor and Green PIONEER PAPER OP THE ItOCKT Llewellyn, writing from Fountain on the 14th Inst., aaya, "We had a tremen MOUNTAIN COUNTRY. Nos, 112 114 BATTERY fnC In dous anew storm here yesterday and last Ulk lkM Hair. m fLalL. boswooai Uarnabtnsr fforth wrltb and with very heavy winds; night, Tbrmslng- Iloebloe, tbavt iboro as at any time daring The Jdtxnilb XirsTKUcroK is published i Wlirs it U as cold ay SAN FRANCISCO. between THi of the t'wlar benefit by band or stains; 'a for and Interest the special dXK4m the winter. HacUlae, roodftewlag; is the only paper rising generation. It The people had commenced to put in of the kind published in the Territowill hare to wait now until Inventive Qeolua gave to man grain, but they DESERET EVEIIIIIG IIEl'S ry, and should be patronised by pleasing to the slgbt, the storm is over. The health of the setThings such as man has often And wished the Territory. every family in tlement is good." Would make his labors light t its It is about entering on Importers of Then turned to wcoaaa with a smile. HAS O and TOWNSEND II USE, she FIFTH at ABBITAU VOLUME, And made her heart rejoice, Foreign L Domestic Staple it Fancy For ahe In every household sings 170. We4a4ay, March An Extensire and lis praises with her voice. Now is the Time to Subscribe. TIs the the song. Tls song. Adam Orant. wife and son. Ban FrancWci Increaslne Clrcnlatlon, In every bouse wherever'ils seen, MltaOumner. a a There's There's song. song. Aim AS A ., Tbomu TobtD, Hosiery, Furnishing Goods, Of the beau ami Florence Machine. Froze to rill EVENING NEWS. Cbn. Slarcb Wednesday. 1, 1S7. LOCAL AND OTHER MATTERS. Mkctiso of Landowners. At a meet ing of th laud owners n the lino of the utempUtd ditch for the coamtac of the water of Dig Kanyon, Emigration and Iltnl liutte creeks, to tbe Jordan, held Saturday evening last, at the Four a committee wai empowered, by vote, to proceed to levy a tax upon the land in proportion to th amount of benefit likely to be derived trom the proposed ditch. That committee wilt report the result of their labor at a meeting to bo held tomorrow (Wednes-lay- ) evening, at seven o'clock, at the at which fourteenth Ward school-housplace it is hoped rud desired that all interested will be present to hear the report and to learn the amount that they will have to pay. u teenth Ward achool-hou.s- e. e, (.''INOPERATIVE IltO.X, MAHUFACTURIJf O According to appointment, was held of those interested in the meeting manufacture of iron In this Territory, a few nights aero, in one of the rooms of the City Hall. Bishop Edward Hunter was caueu to the chair, a. u. uenson was chosen Secretary; and the subject received a thorough discussion. Many persons were present whose practical knowledge Society. - importance of manufacturing iron in our midst; for every man of reflecThe chairman tion saw its Importance. proposed that samples of the different ores obtainable in this Territory should be and experiments made with them, and a Iron manufacturing institution be started. A committee of five was appointed to take the necessary steps to investigate this subject and to proceed to col-lecte- d, ! the organization of a, company. Their nsmes were: .James Dick, James Lawson, F. J. I Pascoe, Ellas Morris and T. O. Davis. SOMITHIXO NKW-fTl- IE Mails. Bro. John I Smith, writing from Meadow, tiik: DESERET NEWS. mm, mm fAr. fsss to-d- m ranges, SEWM UACBIIE rs-ln- t lflikr - LAZARD FRERES, ltb, MissMUlikln, Isaac If . Coax. Charles Merrill. R r rerrU, New 1 ok W J McJCaiowy, Kochesler, N T O Cmbli, Mr L Hut. Man P Butler, Chicago, I1L DRY GOODS, ITfl EWORAVIUOfl Are tbe very best that can be found, anu are Illustrations of Y Prsnlarat la eldest rrniao Bible History, Tae Aaeleat Illstery ef Natleas, The Hodera Illstery of Nations, Travels f Hta of If ele. bm Crwm At Towh-UAsllev, UncMh r. Feb. 4 h, Tne Hafctla Natsr, r Birds ana Beptlles, Ann Ash ton.s wife of Oeorgs Uauguton, aged of the subject of manufacturing iron ena- 41 tears and months. Dec. bled them to speak with some degree of Tbe Habits of Aalmals. 17th. 19. Frederick, Essex. 5 understanding. It needed no argument to AtHtraUord, uliow tho THE 'BEST! TIlEJIlttEIIISTIIDETOil 1m d. on of Edward and Kmma Howe, aged K mouths and '5 days. Mill. Star, Feb. 2. jeara, reu. j, ioi'-ui tftTii In AluoaauiDi, or his the 72nd year John Drakeford,cuuuir, . drops, age. Its Reading Matter will comprise Ereats In tbe History or Important A vss e. Plain and Inslrnetlve In form lion on tbe Selenee, He was born at Hill, near Sutton Col Meld, Warwickshire, England. He came to this val niseoTerleo and Inventions, and was baptised Into Travels and Sesearchrs, ley In the fall of tbe Chorch In the fall of HU. 8lrnars;le and Rise of Hen and Nations MilL&ar please copy. When woman tolled for daily bread. From early morn till eve, Uow many eyes were dimmed with tears. How many hearts did grieveT But now she has her household pet' And one to which she'll cling. For labor is a pleasure now. And she can toil and sing. s Tls the song, Tls the song; Us seen. In every bom wherever There's a song. There's a song Of the beuuful Florence Machine, In every home. In every land, Its praise is sung aloud. It works alike for rich and poor. The humble and the proud; Is the pride ot every heart. ItAnd every woman's care, MOod bless the Florence Company," Is In every woman's prayer. 'Tls the song. Tls the tone: In every home wherever 'tis seen. There's asorg. There's a sons Of the beautiful Florence Machine. NEWSPAPER CAO.JJEm3, Depot ADVERTISING MEDIUM R. R. CONTRACTORS C. A UTIPPn CIS OAft mt mAltblOUU. lariat M Kne de L.'Eelilqnler. da0S-6- m ITS COLUIIIS CONTAIN C. Full Telegraph Report. Reliable Local Items. ADOLPHELOW& Co., No. 208 California Street, Home Correspondence, Foreign Correspondence-- , Educational. Agricultural, Railway and flATT CHINESE, Domestic News And, once a week. Discourses of the First Presidency and of the Twelve Apostles. Hany otber Subjects, XT. Etc. Goods Manufactured by "MISSION WOOLEN MILLU lACinu CONSOLIDATED Noa. B25 and K7T MARKtT HTREET. Has already gained gTeat;popularlty. ITt ATI CISCO, CILL Importers of EAST INDIA, JAPANESE I GENERAL MERCHANDISE; Have constantly on hand tbe following: CIIIHA TEAS, JAPASf TEAS, CEHTRAL ArTXRICAN COFFEE, J ATA COFFEE. CHINA HATTING S, Che lee Poetry, and THE Including a copious and Antbentle History of Joseph Kualtb, Which must ever bs a matter of superlative Ralnts. nterest to all Latter-da- y Of DESERET NEWS, SPICES, Ete. N ITTM UGH, and all other d3-6-m Millard county, on the 12th instant says: A. Hayward, A. N. Coleman SEMI-WEEKL- Y, A few words more in regard to mall fc COLEMAX, We frequently receive letters doings. AND PUBLISHED Importers of weeks and weeks after the mail mark shows It will be the aim of the Editor to make the of their having been posted, and someJ ctvkh ix.a LirsTaocroa a perfect cyclopedia of AND EVERT TUESDAY SATURDAY, DEVQrS BRILLIANT EXCELSIOR OIL and amusement, ana ! Information, Instruction, for times, through the coreiessneas of some of and children while (In patent canaj Lubricating Oils, designed specially our northern postmasters or officials, let 13 WIDELY CIRCULATED THROUGHOUT It will be capable of Imparting useful and AND LAKP STOCK. LAHPS ters for this place are placed in the through valuable Information to "Children of a larger THE CITY AND ALL PARTS OF In answer to several OommnalcaUoBS sack and are returned from St, George. growth." of Pacific Powder Mills' El sat In e and THE TERRITORY, Arati Powder. Owlnr to ranldlr lnrreaalns' business, the We do not fancy this operation at all, but No. 414 FRONT BT., Bporung PAY WILL WE two hours Florence arevjtow working do not know how to help Company ourselves. More to And commend all has which it advantages hajs over time, running twelve hours dally. Until who desire to rsaauBCU, tsi. care should be taken where the malls are From oar Lsrge Block or Miscellaneous ana It is the present Intention to Issue the get the news oflener Uian once a the completion of additions, which are now in week. made up, that the pick ages are placed in books Habsenpuon progress, to their' large factories, their agents are compelled to await their turn, as Incoming the right sacks. I have assisted in startare registered and filled In the order of orders in the mail Meaand also in ing Fillmore, MURPHY, GRANTS CO. dow I'ostof&ces, numbers of times, and IN A NEW DRESS. Tionnampum Mass) rree Ten. have frequently found packages for Tooele to Referlna also the above, the Branch offloe of the for ours city, not county, while Sanpete Teacheft, Parent and Florence company, Agent. School bee leave to ask the indul Importer and Jobbqr of would come to hand." For I". C. R. R. Csatrartlsn Orders at Children, lose no time. Send in your gence of those admirers of the Florence, whose are now on me at the Bait Lake omce. We have given considerable prominonce, ttibtcrlption immediately. Let u have orders We hope by tbe 1st or March, to again oner a FUL.L V A. L. U TZ I WEEKLY, number volume the nam of late, to mall complaints sent from of firt. for your full supply of the various styles of these popu lar Machines. different parts of the Territory, at the risk Now is the time to establish Public and Frivate five. 15, 1850, CIIAS. A. IIAll HUB, Gen'l Arent, of becoming tedious to our subscribers, IB rtTBXXSHKD BANBOUE aad fiTJSH STREETS, The Florence Bewtna Machine, has no fAnei believing that the great importance or the combinations or other eompUestcd attach' the whole publio being interested EVERY subject WEDNESDAY, no uncertain wire eolla or win mentSjltbaa was sufficient excuse for so doing. levers. Its manufacture la conducted bv i A1TD SAN FRANCISCO, - CAT.. The complaints of JJro. Smith, are eviHEM POSSIBLE COMPACT, thoroughly to same offer We make the and in Durchaaina- a machine too need have no dently attributable solely to the carelessfear of ever being unable to purchase needles HAS THE LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ART ness on the part of Posffcuasters, and hence Are now offering to the Trade an unusually and otber flndlnas. The Florence Is the OHLY are utterly inexcusable, sir. Moore, of this attractive stock of Its in machines COBPAJiYthat ROCKY EOUNTAIN IN PAPER THE repair We kavt for dU at the Dkskrbtt Nkws free of charre, no keeps matter when sold or where. city, showed us the other day a large list of letter packages that were directed to C H It Is our ambition to have every Florence Ma AND rncx the following REGION. t, ch tne give entire satlafactlon. other settlements, but had been w no to Tbe Florence claim cheapness. Of ail kinds; and would call especial attention to this city. ! rr oosrrAijrs A smofABT or nrs aim at perfectlays finish, every machine koo to their direct Importations from Ma i delinquencies have been londly STATEMENT BLANKS throush the company's adjusting: room, and Europe of News of months three the for of before the must then Week, office, pass nearly Inspector's complained last edition of the For of For before Probata to Oourtstfcy out least the will nllng Judges Tel eg ra pole. Agents; Inaccuracy past; it is high time they were rectified. of Town Lou where the Town 81tes going ds, condemn it. There have been mistakes, doubtless, in MONTEtTH'S CEOCBAPHtES ! owners Local. been entered at the U. 8. Land Offloe. have are probably the hU hest priced Maehiae this city, owing to a change in tbe adminThey Miscellaneous, KKRUOs, In the Ajnerlcan market, and being built of istration; bnt we are satisfied that some of Domestic andj STEEL SKILI.KP BU HARDER CAITJEIt BROTIIEIIS. by ALPACAS, the country postmasters are not free from WARRANTEE DEED8 Foreign News, aided by all tbe aDpUanoas that WOSIUUUf blame. eaa a It offered to Editorial Articles at price capital bring boar. laor For the sale of Land. POPLUS, commesurato witn uevaiue tiearuoia,ana upon traasplriag events. can be brooch tin to about as honest Cobrictio!. In our article yesterday comparison EHPRESfl CLOTHS, And Is, la every particular, witn its numerous cxaanr mou oom pernors about"Blrd's Eye View of Salt Lako City," as a or from watch be Jacat, may Jergenson .TRANSFER DEEDS HacMie! BLACK AND COLORED Hll.UH, we alluded to Mr. Koh's intention to seTte Yery Best A Standard Household. Journal. compared with the Nickel or Oroide ofxerlngs of a atocx tinatnam auctioneer. (street to For the trans far and sale of Claims. cure bona fide subscribers pay for the UOSIEBT, n is a growing- anowieare or these xaets that cost of the view say twenty at five rpHK AMERICAN COMBINATION BKWINQ has gained favor so steadily for the Florence ilrtllar arh This was a all d of the tvnea. 1 MACHINE 1 the beat In the Market. In WHITE GOODS, Machines, and made them the Universal favor other ites, wherever predjudios is laid aside and The word "twenty" should have read two addition to all work donewillonwork STATEMENTS DECLARATORY buttok botes. honest comparison made. Eteu, Ete, Etc, Machines, this machine hundred. The latter number of subscrib eve-lTerms fer tbe Dallyi holes and do overseamlng. the same excellent the American That very eases where the Land is not subject to Pri For authority ers is necessary to pay the first cost. maIt is a strong low vate JLntry. stitch as br York, awarded the FIR8T PRE One copy, one year. Institute,to Kew 410 00 Selected with a view of meeting the req tne ruiREKiE over Tnirteoatwill sew any kind of fabric and IsInasuse. MIUM, or uus maraet, ail or wnicn they oner a chine, . 600 ments six months. Books. By an advertisement in another tn prloe as any other standard machine and iu i ,lr report the commitConinetltors, in rates, currency or gold, Loter than they can " BLANKS. HOMESTEAD 54 S and answered be . will It s very three moat ha., remaraed. "xsii is oettor Inquiries respecting in Auters Markets. OspwraVwed column it will be seen that Zlon's Whole orders irsiy DasaW. DAVID EVANS, of Its class known to tbe tban any recetveiby I S. City. Institution has received rkt News Offloe, sale Jadares. Tensas fer tbe E. B Bail, F. D. Kelloyg J as. Llnforth, AFFIDAVITS a consignment of books. We had tbe It may be proper to remark here that rhe One copy one year 00 .fS Florence Machine of manufacture the of present Claimants. Required 5 0 six montba. pleasure of examining the lot yesterday is vastly Improved, sod the first of these Im classiare those not were SOO and proved Machines ever offered in Utah three months. though they evening; , lOktoceaort to L. II. Renchiey & Ch..) ' Ltaa-eon en, omee at soia Bait at the uranch fied or arranged, still we saw sufficient to Among daniel BONDS. OFFICIAL recent offloe. we beg the from this purchasers a Were us there that great many Tersas fer (be Weeblyt saddle-the- h satisfy leave to reier to tne louowing parties: IMPOBTEBS AND JOBBERS Oh qiaiier valuable works In thetollectlon too vaiu INTENTION. DECLARATIONS of CITY. SALT LAKE 0C one year. One Kast of Faust's Stables, Street. copy, .5 able, we fear, to meet with a ready sale. Second South American, English and German his Trees (branded o. w.joes) not te . 3 00 six months which thev would In places where the Warrants John 8hrp,Jr Warren Huasey, Certificates ef nun narr nnuM Citizenship. Mrs. three menths.. Bull, Joseph .200 price of a book is enhanced by its rarity. wm. Bioan, Chss.Spiring, Htrobrldge, There are a great many old works of value. Mr. F. Smith, jenmy M- - A large and a number of scientmo publications supply always on hand, which we W. D. Brown. Theo. Morf, sell at low rates. which should meet with a ready sale. The Ajrxlcoltnral Implemeiitn, J. IX Hawktos. Alfred Kestl K. SALE. Jos. MARSHAL'S stock would form a fine basis for a library. MXS.TUOUX, Tayler, attention meet with prompt Orders by mall will AND MINING 1' OO I , THE NEWS All who have any taste in this direction, CAMP DOUQLAB. VIRTUES OF AN EXECUTION to me dInstitution TT should call at the Noa. I and 6 FRONT BTKEFTT, ill rectedfrom the District Court, 3d Judicial Blaaki not enumerated above will bo Mrs.Banno. and examine this lot which is now ready fT.trit nr tha Tsrritorr of Utah, aaalnst t'HAS. CCNTREVILLE, tor inspection. SAN FRANCISCO. Near Market, farnlsbed aoeordlns; to order. DA VET Hoi and In favor of HUS3Y,DAHLEK Mrs. SburllUT, Thos. Harris, ana mineen A CO., fur the iam of dsAw Mr. Wood. cents, I have levied opon and nfly-av- e Plbstt or Soda. "he Gold Hill (N dollars hi a tnllnvlnv ntmsl TrODrtT. tO Wit: FAUMINOTON. . vada) Hews states that about fifty miles east North ball of lot No. a. aoatn nail lot do. Wm. Miller. Daniel A. MIUt. 4k also Block In WELLS No. west Hsvlng received late EXTENSIVE ADDI6, BARKEK, half lot N. la, plot of that place and Virginia City is an im lot No. John Oomptcn. TIONS to our previously large stork. In the fv Block 14. plot A, City Harvey; and will s tuense and apparently inexhaustible nlTmr mm.m tnr ul St DUb41 aOOtiOn OS March UOUDO.1 Presses, m CUTLERS and OUTISSHTXIS, OODEN shape of TWO xi at htiwwn tha hoars of 11 a.m. tall pjn.. to of are now prepared to supply PROBATA great variety M soda. owned almost of is It r. Mr. Tho. pure Crawford, Iee. deposit Faust's Stable Mr. Kd WE OUUUT CEKTIFICATfJS lor Ti'les a th hithnt bidder for cash, at the door of the Beeond Booth Street, Opposite on wards. os short not! Btovea and Cutlery Repaired BDITABLK JTJK by parlies in Carson and Virginia, who OuortUoaM, Halt lake City. ludred; also DEEDH ftiAIN dlUSAslSU Prod a taken. MAYOUS OK CITIl-- S AND FANCY AND CACHE COUNTY, JUDQES use it in the manufacture of soda and also TFPB, Tcrrttorlal Marshal. Law. Town Bite under tbe Moses Budsie. Wm. if shoo Thatcher. it as a chemical S. I aty. Mar. 1st, 187a supply quarts mills with ores. For Sale at the Dssaaa--r News orncx. J. II. MarUnau. t.iVW4S-l- f ETC, ETct, aires t in the reduotion of They also AMEUICAN FORK. and where to it stores, grocery drug supply Our Office is now one of the Mr. Nelson. it is sold for washing and other purposes Bishop Han Ington, HOME for which common soda is ordinarily used. PROVO. HOST COMPLETE IN THE WEST. It is free from all earthy matter, and con SCAIIDIIIAVIAN STAR. Bullock. Isaac ANb sists of eighty per cent, soda, thebalance sort. The BATTLE CIIEKK. being salt or something of the the midst; of an alkali flat, Winters. THE RISE, PROGRESS ASD TRAVELS OK deposit is in Hyrum We are prepared to do seventeen acres in extent, and at the surTHE CHURCH OF JESU3 CHK1ST OF SPHlNtiVT.t.r. face appeared only about three feet wide. 1 AM authorised by Elder Joase N. Smith to 171 WikxI M. , licK riff Job Lyman Bcundimmiitm kinds for the . LATTER-DAreoelvs Subscriptions SAINT, down, the solid soda was Upon digginga defined Mr. Maycock, tlii T l'r, mass like a quarts Star. T. discovered in . Crsu'leti. Mr, tviscin. Dest to In BKOta A KEK11S4 or KUn r. i CA&irnBu Styles, ledge. A shaft has been sunk beside it to SALT LAKE CITY, tllstortan's Office tt I.LVAN. a depth of fifty feet, from the bottom of Aim dzspatch, AJrp with paoMPrasjia John WlillWlt, AT KaASOarABZJB KATXS.. which a drift has been made twenty-si- x ' . PAYSON. feet into the vein or deposit of soda,wlthout aU HAND POOTEK3 from smallest of the sizes, Half-a-bloMoor. Ievl Colrln. ck In iact, very little is East of the "Deseret J.Martha getting through it. or BILL, to the largest MAMMOTH, we are preSimons, extent of this huge known of the depth pared to print, I KI OKOUOE. except that there is ap1XC1.UD1KO deposit ofa soda, News" Office, Cok Jackson. million tons or more of it in parently XOOF.I.E CITY m sight. The Revelation on Celestial Whllebouse. Jerry Caxillo Urso. TbJa! lady, whose fame Harriet ge, as a violinist is unrivalled, and by whom to IUmtrcted Priced C.rcular mailed 9 to 6. fromx Airs Every Day except Sunday, also well supplied with all necessary facu the recent monsier concert in San FrancisIt lties for the execution of BRIEF ACCOUNT OF THE SETTLEMENT any ctddre. co was conducted, appears at Virginia, 10c RER. CHILD : OF SALT LAKE VALLEY, WITH 30th Instants. and 2Sth on Mc IDEISSIOI. the Nevada, Tf kind of In ork ETery en rout East. It is probable that she will INTERESTING- STATISTICS, hajl Branch Offico Pioreiico Bawing call at Bait Lake City on the way. She is F EVERY SIZE and la aoy;deaire4 quan . Department. acoomnanled bv Professor Scott. Mrs. tity, of good quality, ana Machine By PEESLDEHT GEO. A. SMITH and Co., Messrs. and Meyer, Campbell Mariner, 7.&X. 3 We T1T.TTI, have one recelvsd of lately all said to be line arusisw CfcureA BUtarian, Eta. AT AH C1IKAP KATES. AS CAS DK . mroinxii. . Tub Famous Jjcrkxt Goosikrbt. a ' fficccft Bait take clJyL,m?! ?? Biiliii nacMiE!, HALT LAKE CITT. . vtlUnt The propagator of this fine plant Thomas reopls a ' ealllBial the bote nealect News on Dssxarr at AT THI hand ConstaxttlT the Is desirous Offloe. E. Jeremy, of the 16th Ward mm a. asoaniain of flnsat eollectlon ihs Koeay --TUT SKhlbited. tVS tavaa-to Villi .nrf do Andareptepared .it thma rvsraons who have ordered ht We oaa supply Btoros and all perenna who CHASi E8ERET NEWS orFICE of Foretm and Dossestlea Aio a Cabinet call hare HAMMER, ooseberrr tdanU "from him, should BOW Cor this article, on terms that eaanot CVUOsrTlS r oao and 7"J BELlOS'Jlf; v aT aS theV EVERY DESCRIPflOfl OF RULING m thmTTalmmHlltr. Bno eollocUoa or -AOEJTT. OenU. CO T Xrloe Mm manv demands and he BUI to give satisfaction, OUrjUL of Tarxitoxy. this hu natural producUona WRAPPING d221y ' ' . wishes old orders to be filled before his jKrTh farther lmportaUon oftfXSMtwSJ Aoooralaf to Pattern, or Ordsr.' Torao. it. Is any jomf unnecsexary. PAFSB stock Is disposed or. haytfard LABO R. E RS lave-nlle- s. m-o- m FIFTH VOLUME SIO.OOO THE DESERET NEWS BR? Established June j LIBRARIES'. SLUMS! G00S3S. BLANKS!! - mis-sen- DOHESTI Stores Co-operat- ive run dSO-- tf I Seiii - !rt lock-stitc- h et hand-aewtn- g. d3U-5- Co-operat- ive m fteral-Weekl- yt d.WS-Saw-tf T. Pre-empti- Linforth, Kelldg on j SRail, HARDWARE r. Co-operat- Job Printing Oice t six-nana- ra BLANKS. flrat-das- 1 -- PliO-BAT- U-t- d mow MUSEUM MENAGERIE! of 'Printing Y Answers to Questions i CEASE to IMPORT riAd?. 1 ! NOW OJPJSN Wrapping Paper - o r r EAST TEMPIsE ST4 satits ui fopied s. I -- ; , , - - - - , E |