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Show .SrsciAX. TO Tn THE EVENING NEWS, AstgwsS 1I,1M. Nw York. 13. The war between the nuiroui noes to ioo yui IS Deinar wair- w wiw tocreate r intensity than ever: are niTTECS. LOCAL JUID OTHER CabangOTenjment. to. Jreafc rithithe- 6 kr' opaaua aumoriues In reference to aothe In de pence of Cuba; he snowiedgiog left for Europe on Saturday and expects '. IIorsB abo Ixrr ros Balk opposite, Dr. As to meet Gen. Prim at some point In daraou's, 13m Ward. to S. II. Ooddsrd. Apply " France, and will at once enter Into ne at I ' j e22M residence. gotiations, concerning the promise of fiTArxatBBT Bxaa-xroraalsat thla Office. See Gen. Prim to , the Cubans . fourteen months since, that if they furnished the oar adTerUssBaant In another eolama. (Spanish revolutionary Junta with "Why Not T" Why should not B arns it's Cocomillion and a half of dollars to aid In alas for the Hair be superior to Us best French overthrowing Isabella, they should In oils? return therefor be made Independent. "JSaraslVs riorlnsl ls a Perfame remarkable Chicago, The JZepvblican'M special foe deUeaey. freahnew and parity." CrUUm says that Admiral Davis, late comman- Owtrtftn Toronto. .." i der of the South AtlanUo aouadron. has .Orocjars, 8 ptce Dealers and . i all sell Dmsjlata, been ordered to survey the Isthmus of ; Fiarcrlng Extracts. uarien in order to ascertain the feasibil Bamstt's C jsa-Is Beaatlflsr a BornsU's of the atslllaton a ship canal across plextoti and a refrsahlns Toilet Water finely ity of constructing the Isthmus. -- I Trcs. J . J . case of Pratt, mm In the arrested by. a perfnassdv JVeride a Ko sstabtlahed for thla remedy umiea ouwi commissioner, on a testa so well as charge of murder and treason, It ls Wnlloomh's Asthma erttlcal . Item edy. believed that the Secretary of war will sustain the Commissioner and Insist Tnosa who suffer rrom Liver Complaints may that he shall conclude the trial and not rely upon BLOrrt, beeause the be prevented by the State courts. Immediderive from Its The President has told Texas poll- - ate end eertala reltaf, when properties ell the asaally pre-ticisos tnat tno Aaministration win serlbed remedies bare proTed uael not give its Influence to aid the people Th sax's Ho ttvesWoBB as raiu Tbls ls in regaining a full restoration unless la using . DooVy OtrmioJ absoiuteiy they elect men who can take the test 794 HaJttnjtrue tor so perfect Is the eom- Potcdtr oath, and choose a Legislature which blnaUoa oT the Insredtents entering Into Its will ratify the l lib and 15tb Amendthat rood manafaetare, bleealta, rolls, or laws and make the ments, securing can both be made end Itcht pastry, nutritions, most complete equality and protection ls time. It every always already; always reli to all citizens. He has not yet expres an I ut half the able, qosn lty ot requires sed preference for either Davis or Hamof those end manafaetare, ls,eonse ordinary Governor. ; ilton lor J et seper. for ssls In peek sees to meet New York. Specials say that trains qaeatly, will probably be running through to the wants of all. by grocers generally. day over the Albany and Susquehanna none to property ttaiiroaa; tne uamage during the trouble Is estimated at $20.- - CE3ERET 2JEW8.J ta j 7r7. r to-da- y S?"i.;VV rMdtbdlrloa . m t to-ds- to-morr- y, to-da- to-ilM- T. m y, , , - - . -- " . ::: 7; 1 5 len, five-doll- ar w-- . - ; j U'JOIIN Hi KELSON, f HENItY G. FIELD. , - , ? od -- ITAKTED. or AppIX. by letter, O NB GOOD COOPER tSAULSsk WIGHT. WW J-d-tet , ' t d222;Sw2-- THE . ear-neat- will recommence the THE UNDERSIGNED of the SALT LAKE DAILY Thin TELEGRAPH In s'fav ' ' I Paper; All prerloaa aabaerlbers woo bare failed to In consequence recelTe their iapera regala-ly- , of postal irregnlarltlse.for from other canses, ' than Tin St. Joe, and no change ;' f, of CARS; daring the temovsl of the eatabltahmsnt to THIS LINE IS TTELL rOCIEI Wiria"""'". , -- Ogdsn, will pleaae call at the TxxEOBAra Office Immediately snd notify the clerk, end tbeir papers will be delivered with promptness and NOTICE. r regularity. AND ' Babecrlptlons are so received at the office of the paper, 1st Sonth Btreet, between East and PALACE SLEEPING COACHES mHF. PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing be-- West Temple Btreets. ; A. I ween J .00b Ornatein A Charles P ipper. T". B. IL fcT EN HOUSE. d22LU FOR ALL THROUGH TRAIK8,r! rjt. under tbe firm name and style of ORN8TEIN A PoPPXIt. is this day dissolved by mutual eon-Two Express TralM leare CoaiBicllXUaffS sent. All partnvrsblp liabilities will be settled W JOE 0lMfIdN3f Daily, open avrrl vaJ mt Tralau froaa by Charles Poppe-- , by whom ths msiness will ; late West, and raalte qnlelc time Proprietor, of the Revere House Saloon, , be continued. ever a tboreasjblx well eenstraeted All pervons lndtbted to the late firm of Orn- DETERU INED to pleaae ercrybndv. n k recetTedantroportatlono Brew a, stsla A Popper, will settle ths aame with Cuss. J8baa last A Co.'a celebrated ALE nt POBTEB, Popper. to artiitlon tA I.AGKR BKER, OY"TKRH, CALVES' lONQUE PIG'S FEET, CIOA.ua, Laid wltb beary New Xtall, slvlna Pae- dl71-t- f CTT ARLf Ft POPPER. Ac Berrea Lunch at all boars. aesrera the adTanUco ef -- ! .... i- - . Bait Lake City, Jalj 2M, d2Utf 1869. SPEED, CQ5F0KT Betb Trains connect at Cbleejro . with aat Expreaa Trains fer tbe East. Through ticket via this Line can be had at au Through, icaet umce oj tne," ; Pacific Railway 9 at Well$. Fargo CO-OPERA- WEc; 5 IliSIIIDTIOIl EnCAIlTILE 1 ana at vompany'M Ujjiee at Omaha and. Council Hlvjfrs: SCAIIDIIIATJIAII STAR. Dry Goods Department. S. S. Rterens, General Asent, Council Blnfla. ' to N. Jesse Smith Elder Xm Tlele. Gen.-- Frslsht Aient, 1AK aathorlsedby Chloso.(,. - er j for Scandinavian the Babecrlptlons Gen. A. Asslatant P. Bapt Chicago, ' Ilall, v i SUtt Chlcaro. : Gen.'Pass. Iff. A. Agt . Smitb, ROBT. L CAMPBELL. , T " HUlorlaa'a Offlce. d222.lt ? I . - ; i.. ; Mil if , Retail BOPDHinn -. ! i SllXS, MERINOS, it; FIin0. oooxo;a;o. ' avm worth. at Juikt." backward, yesterday,Jcca ilanutl ila- WYA!r. Rrtor cals has been commissioned aent of the Cor. ol YTxih Avenne, CHICAGO. aaai Si STATUEfT:BLIlK8 ef stable Varieties ? ) ' ".' PlXIirrs, and r r' Uiier tie DOMESTIC, . r r. - 1 - . . - C . 0 LADlE3ein find a i it V rrf -- A LEADING FEATURE, i t -- : 4 j V, Carpels; foil line of r ! 'fi ii 4 j , t . rnURPHYy GftAnT i v JOf large assortment and , J i i t ?. , . . . I ' " T jmm t , .l ass f ; i Connected with tbs.-.- 1 ' SB AXSO Tfce Btee Saisi: -- 1 1SC7, lor the carriage EtablUihed January of - . T In the only-routeOf all 1 and wonid call eepeclal attention kind; t of to their direct Importations ! AlPACAS,. . t i - XXEXtlXOS, ' : I JWmar Gencra'J CtuLaexs he fore Ml Depart- - - :1TCSXEIIT.TTIIITC CSOOD!,- Etc., Etc., aiwcf - ". tnat. ofTera to shippers of ,,f sins cj::e us the u::n Fxanc cars will run oa cozapTeUon orer which these "A ' roid. CARS CUE BLVn LINE KUILD.tbua .'. - , sippt rlrer to ths bcaboard, aDd is of lh o ' '' ' ESPCKl CLOTH, ELACH AJTD COLO HE D -- BAnrnfi." P.t : . - and Albany; Providence and Rlret; lioin Worcester; Worcester and Nashua;wIlonaatontq and Jacsaon, Lans&j and Bartna uailroais.v. . - larmly UNIFORM Ate ALL OPchances tbe t i l of 3eT from .aenlnE s annatiriMInn fi Tl tZxi - the M repairs wfille reaots fxo.a qnentdlfficaljycf roads. own their tue i-Ths Blue Line ls orratea bytbe Companleawhoownit.irithoat unn r7inLrmedUte parties between ths Lu.j or Line and the public SILK, .1.Z .'r.hj Etc., ire!us tbe ' - i- - The facilities of tbe Liue far tnaTilag nalformly qvlcU time are oaeqiielled.. -- Jl claims prcr2ptl7 settled ca tic'r - t..i),(-,niM-'ip'r- vHOLZCAL enoenno", ovxriTTir.a cc ;;i:, etc. cic, I'o. 415 LOITER Er.OADTT prJera la at lbs cfHctafQ ll Ti OompaaLtslaiiewloiiiLa-'.vOn.&c- IT; Tm flAnCETTT,' . , ," rrcwtpr, ) 1. Urewfter, V. XlaUollet. ) council ei.c rm, iotta. " V-'- 3 . 1.,-:..- 3. AT, C. i Cl reqnire-roeota- uf Belcctfd with Office Depart- of wr.lca VUey oiTerat E Street, opposite tbiaaaar&t.all i rate. In earrn rr toM, lynoer than ' thrv ran rant, V7APTIIKOTO, IX.& bl purvJuued in llaxtert Muriiet. cUlni O. p. Adarece, Loca liax 79 Wm. to Hon. II Refisreace, by ' pennlwson, " ; ; d2l(Uia Eooper. l - - ' - . r tell Mtmtbit'TranB . s crczts cf ths Corerxuaeiit,' OCicer 4ZI .. v 'v t. f Are now offprint; to ths Trade an unnaua ly attractive aipck of ' " Attsnls te - ii 1 -- a ft A. N. ZEVELY, Lots AuUtant 1 -- t.w CLAvoon; etrpr. ' lllch- Line tLi'owned and operated by the . This Pn.Hfi. ihiMsA CAX. ll.i.fi..li.lt SAII F&AirCISCO, toi and, Qalncy; Ctloro inl AJton; Great w J 7- - 8AKSOME and BUSH STREETS, , .... e-?-t"s r IN IRICI3I H. D. i GREAT CENTOAL - ., f . wit host ehange. tbroogn to Rochester, la una- The paeaenser equipment of thla Unaand will In the other ooantxy, any qoallea oafoaadbyrrr patrons to ponaees all the reoaittea Of SPEED, C031XOUT and sAFEnr.1; t - The Fubllo are atrtcred that their tcantr. in Style 0 Goods and Price, tciU be carefuUy ttudied, " diMi r ,wm j .. p the Let eat Styles, conatantly en hand. J A Very JL,OTT ... Va'-.!;, Window and ' Tabio:6amaskstf r:i CO of .Importer and Jobber . ; i I -- ANollxHfXEcirioxs !TJnlle inrnnnln FOm KXPItESS PAI REXGES TltAIXS DAILY between Chicago and New YorK. Boston, and all lnermedlte polnU In New Eo gland, New Yoik end the; p - If -- CurUlps;;,; ; 4 u'.-u'(u- k Rugs, Hals', 1. iif ; , - ; I A - ' ii i" s rt hare for aale, cenp, at tne Dassatsrr WE TUa renowned Pnllnaa . SlMplar Kaws Omoi BUUuent nianks snltabl from- - ' tbla Itae. exclnalely. for filing before Jodgvs or Probate Courta by the Cars are run onare on all night.. . folly anpplied osmers of Town Lou, where the Town Sites Cliicagorast.anJ '" 44...C4 ", trains. CAR ItOTEL have ben entered at the IJ. 8. Lsnd Offlce. ' All PtTLLJiASf The frnions rnnnlnr directly trains ; d22Ltf , leare daily on eveningN.Y-orders filled promp- ly. . smii OP SHOES superior i : .1 v Surrey. 1 1 ALL CQCOS AT UHUSUAU.Y LOW FIGURES . C r. VJ Av r-- TJ. 8.- - GcTernEfint 1 s 1 THE HICHIGAH CEfiTML UILAO&D a. A- - 1 f i a V GI?GIIAE1J, , is. . I ' e row. ,;m OWNERS OF TOWN LOTS DRESS GOODS. - r I j nbxeks, f 4. 0EUIHES, ALPICAS, tatt " to-da-y, Fitch, Williams ti BHaHaMa - - i" M ,i I Ad she usual a, re-celvlt- )rln fni aaMBami i aa. X Closed Upper always oahand. Cro.BbcrVe RxVdimg9t Timple tr lrtom fcn!h of Ctty l.'na-- Hiore. tRedj A CHOICE SKX.ECTION OF to-ds- Pen-sylvaai- - BOOTS AND SHOES, -: can -- .? H- ) -- r bare commenced GRl3X3ri &. TtAJJOIH ait klnda of . ted ata-Uc- -- dasiy A cent. and can sell them, wholesale or retail, of Price as a more oattmUhty Low tham ruch good have ever pee off ere to fe pecpie cf cxaav otfre. - Vmr 00m Knt woikman-far, dxneemandxcsiiwa. DRY GOODS "BepaftmBiit ! atup Ibetr iKKUmnmii ' . .m, ItKPATRfXf UOrfR ' fur i(J3l.mJt aQdbetled, wnxftB witt. nc rotT j V 4 - re-publi- C.Y. RSItTlT,' Ticket , - : ir.fcwltafT. 1 .. Bar-uard'- a - T ., rtMIE DlRECrOR3 of the above InsHtntlon. j lmportaiit toitha Public, : X to meet tbe demands of tbe Pabllo, hare . utr.2ieu toe on eaiesroom 01 tne j KEEP. .YOUR LIBOR; AT HOIilE! ne . F;HOOKER..!:r.'WEHTEBJl AGEXT. COL. E. x-o- - - r 1 . - if , .. x. : -- ; " ; '. ZION'S tnree-qoarte- rs ' ud SlFnrCOIBKEIl , to-da- v Great Central Route days, as a Morning ad .... "M 'i ' i - r v-- " I VIA DES MOINES & ROCK ISLAND. 1 - " OMAHA & CHICAGO 8PECIAX iXOTICE. . i i i IS KOW OPEN BETWEEN : ? ' 4 j, Great Central Iowa Cento Bpgham City. 1 HIE DULY TELEGD1PII. HEW ADVERTISEMENTS: -- on L PACIFIC RAILROAD, - : non-interventi- ; AN0 C223-- 4 IS, 1869. 1 . j' Islai CMcago, Bock :. Salt Lake City, Angust . ; ' Eelson. .. '. i ? ;.; THE partaarahln antl-huio- ns 1 i u uua amy aiaaoire djibuhwi iuu, All liabilities will be . dls-Uhato- thef x - 1 , " setued by John Kelson, by whom the bus! ness wlU be continued.? All canons Indebted to the late firm of Kel son &. Field, win aettls the same with John H. " Am , un OCEAN ! TO XL " ... CX consent. , , fTOIB -- ym PABTNKESHrP heretofore exlaUng X htiwun T.vn tt Tr.ivin mnd Henry O. Field, untar tbe firm name and style of . reduced to elrh Yocjto'a D iscocxs c la to-- freights Chicago cents bandral The per a last dlscoaraedeUrered bsae appear? ij's morn! jSunday are crowded with weight. depots merchandise n President Drtgham by waiuog transportation. Yoang. It should bo read by the ladles rew xorK. A. number of appoint- In brthose bat the especially auu con urea at ona were Qta mean X ...rrTwhr, w Kinaocn 01 woo, muk "tc In the New York custom boate uny, wigwinRiao mwu wt u juuuoaw Wflj VlM' we,?her In la which Uahonia be exercised., The welgbmastera' frauds case has over to Wednesday; a largo nam a. gone TsaaiaLK ArraAV about 8jcaw. WT witnesses will be called.; of ber 10th Chronicle of tbe The S. F. inst., mays McCann the bas adjonrned Judge that on the day previous a dispute occurred In Pratt case to await the proceedings at a fanner's residence, six rnOes the action of the U. 8. Commissioner. from Tehama, between William Jackson, By this action the danger of a colllsloo ami John Batler, a negro, Jackson stole with the federal authorities will be Bailer's sqaawnd when Duller demanded postponed sod Will probably be avert ni aqoaw Jacxson attacked him with ed. The soldiers still remsin at the knife, whereupon Batler blew Jackson's U. 8. Court room. Marshal Barlow shot gun.and does not leg off with a doable-barrele- d any attempt to ar Jackson, for wank of Um ely asslstAace,bled rest himapprehend Is not to be deteriuioed but to death. Batler cave himself op the went He: home to authorities and wul hare an examination caught napping. and wksguarded Staten Island bv soldiers to the ferrr. ! sited Madams Schxixcx. Br letter, dated The Chinese visitors, Castom Wall M the O. House, cen Street, t'orlnne. An. 12,from J. ethos, Kaq. tralPaxk.de. we learn that he and Madame Scheller were Washington. The War and Navy then In that city. They expected to leare transferred to the departments Mr. Methoa for Helena, Treasury the have Saturday, power to contract for the Aiadaxae Scheller for Salt Lake City, an or vesaeis. reuerat or rebel. recovery where she will take a short rest from prosank during the lata war. imntonal labors before going to CalfornU. HU iiouts. An excursion parly of A. or BaxoacAX Crrr. Our thanks merchants and others of this city wbo 000., ti are due to oar correspondent "A. a." of desire to bring to the attention of Call fornlans the benefits to bo derived from BrirhamClty, for hla letter dated Angnst trade . ronxiiarr. ' with 8t. Loai. will leave here loth. In relation to the election for county Londoo. Five yatchs started in a are officers recently held at thai notorious burg September 1st; two Pullman cars f race from lide to the Isle of Wight, Corinne. lieing a matter ao ntteriy rold of enraged. a ronrmenf fartv.Av mil vesterdav. Is Oen. Hancock his friends vlsttlng siirnincance, we ao not wisa to attach a here. Yerta won In alx hours and thlrtv- The tmlnir Importance to It by publishing It ' minutes. Louis. wife St. elght Joseph Copping and in me akws, and Emellne Giovanni were arrested by The debut of the Oxford boat club Tax Mixstbxxjs akx Coxixo. Aa may a U. H. detective, for dealing In coun causes a favorable Impression ;lt is said forty that with a little practice thev will be by posters and an advertisement terfeit money; m box containing finished crewa ever on Eogllsb on Jewett'a the most awa notes, in the Nkws, Messrs. Clawson Calne, thousand xne xxarvara crew are out was bank National waters, IMeee and Managers of the Theatre.Intend City wormscaptured. Oalvestoo. The for practice; they , show have appearevery day giving a series of Nigger Minstrel entertain- ed in the cotton along the Guadeloupe, decided Improvement. Yesterday they menU.commenclngon the erenlngof Wed and Ban Mary's rivers; but few have rowed to Ches wick against the ebb tide, ' and returned and made good time. , nesday next, having secured the services appeared In the upland crops, i Palace The Pullman uubiin. The celebrations of the cap Car of celebrated Chicago. and troupe of the Murphy M aok . The public may depend oh hearing Company baa made arrangements to ture of Derry passed off with much ran regularly, one day In each week, enthusiasm In various parts ofthe Island; the bet of music and fun without stint at a New York no disturbances are reported. entertainments. The members of tdthrough sleeping car from tht!'troa Havana. Count Valmazeda cantured Hudson via the 1 IUver, A In Promontory, are all the profession. d tsi haviiHr no superiors and few equala on the New York Central, the Great Western. near Parraneague a rebel convoy. Gen. Continent. The fact of their having per Canada, Michigan Central, to Chicago Jordan commanding, which was raot- formed jux engagement of Ufa months at ud thence via NeoUto Omaha: the ng towards llolquin: the rebels took Mau ire's Opera House, in San Francisco, first car wilt start on Monday, the 16th. flight; After a short fight the com- umcient to show that they are ; not mnuer escaped. This ls considered 8L Louis. A Denver says one thams but the genuine article. Each one that Governor Mitchell, dispatch of the most important captures of la It rumored, tar In the profes- bas Issued a proclamation, declaring the war. is an acknowledged , sion, and they will certainly give such all the Navajoe. Gila and Apache The authorities at Santa Esnerltu re entertain menu as hare never been beard Indians found outside of that a rtbel plot to poison the bread reserva their port before in Salt Lake There may bo a few here who. In the large dtlee of the East or tions, outIaws,and authorizing the citi used by the inhabitants on a certain t day, has been discovered, and a number heard the equala of this zens to kill ail such. Europe, have of suspeated parties arrested. 3rd Lieut. United the the of ot J. J. bat Ellis, the great majority troupe, people to do so, and States cavalry, died at Cimarron. New hare never had an opportunity resin. ueax and his psrtv approve we sincerely hope L seo the enterprise Mexico, Yesterday. from Injuries re-- of the policy of reconciliation with evinced by the Management, in than cater- relved by falling from his horse two Prussia and in the ing for the public amusement, meet with davs before. . nternal of questions Germany.' the rem ponso It deserve sod that there will Xiew A of United Paris. The Committee of the Senate be full houses every night of the engage- States York. Is oncompany duty at the United s progressing In the examination of artillery , ment. States District Court room, fully equip the Smalm (XnnUium. An amead- LxABvXxn Fo UL y. Professo r Owen, one ped, each man having ten rounds or ball ment, has been Introduced, providing In case the senate refect a bill of the leading philosophers of Great Britain, and cartridges: they were furnished at that blch-ha- s been passed by the corps Marshal Barlow; who, request of is hying to expreaa hla faith In that moat the an order from President Grant, eglslatlf a mixed committee of sena under foolish of all theories, ever discussed by Intends to hold the In tors and deputies shall be appointed to prisoner, Pratt. earnmtmadamad philosophers,--- - mean- spite of the Bute court, to protect him adjust the dls, uted points. Madrid. Twelve priests have been ly, the theory of spontaneous generatlon,er self from arrest. It Is rumored that arrested at Burgos, charged with taking generation without agency or parentage, Judge McCunn; has directed the Sheriff to summon a posse if necessary to en part in tne jariist insurrection.' , are now so ly about which the Schools t force hl order discharging' Pratt; mlso Part. The pro! ret of emDOwerlnsr laoooraeai followIn the contending, thai the 69th reel men t are ordered uoder the general lscouncil td e.'ect members of ing trwy learned style: "It aeeras to me, then, more consistent arrest to enforce the Sheriff's authority. the Senate disapproved by a majority with the present phase of drnamical sci McCann win endearor to avoid a d reach of the Senatxu Conruttum. Madrid. A; wlde-sore. Carllst con ence, and the o&served graduation of 11 1 of the peace, but will satUln the dignity to that Valla- or the of his court. Barlow. Is confidential spiracy has been discovered Ing things, suppose sarcode, - at a peck." should be forma-bl- e that be baa auflcleut force to resist any dolld. "protogssud Jelly Alexandria. The lownesa of the river through concurrence of conditions to rescue the prisoner. farortng such combination of their ele- attempt Nile excites general. attention: the wa an of the order la Albany. hearing ments, and involving a change of force from Ls Is ter lower than It has been within 150 what Peckman.on known productive - cf their contractions and as theJudge cm albas complaint, njsro' by the years; The prospects for the cotton xtenaions,moIecular attractions and repulby'agree- - crop are favorable; the crop ls estimated sions and that sarcode has so become from Susquehanna, railroad y, carJoe. ths first period when Its imitative repetition men&tna counsel postponea 11 tut Au aj a minion ana i A. new Minutry naa been Xjisnon. molted in the Tmat, indefinite xnoaaee of gust SOih. 'votoon. exemplifying the earliest process Pecsnam nas gran tea an order, fA.mAil wn.u.i4 mt f. .tin . IT. . . t t . . Judgewas of fonnlflcation.or organie crystallixatlon which excepted to of the .rie coun of the Council aDd Uinltterof the In Cua that all existing sxreodes or proto-Z- n' se), to tenor, Duke LaoJo?: Minister of War, the Injunction, and ' Barare the result of a gsnotio descent startcontinuing under siaiuonia; minister or Finance, lira ma; Judge from a germ cell, daw to a primary act of nard'sproceedings MInUter of Public Works, was made to motion A order. Labronvila; v miraculous interposition. set aside the order of Judge Barnard Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mendexa It is doubtful whether any philosopher (?) for bearing the case at the special term Leal; MInUter of Marine. Rlbadslaz who ever made a fool 'of himself con- - or his district, which order, appointing 811 va; Minister of Justice, Lucana De xcted a greater mass of Jargon than the Pruyn,Kece!ver, should not be vacated. " St. Petersburxr. The assertions, re v After an argument on the admissibility above. Peck bam decided cently made by some Journals, that the of the addas-lts- , Judge naa . lniormauon or a letter comircruoxm ajtd Jova-ma- that they could not be received, the "ThsAx-f.-Amxbxcaw The Angust number of this Erie counsel excepting. He granted aa promising tho Viceroy of Egypt with or ' order setting aside so much of respect to His reiauona with the Crar, very nsefal and well conducted Journal has as conflicted order with one the pronounced utterly false: no such xme to hand as usual, it contains num Issued by him, leavtog In force the re- are etter ex lata, and the correspond erous editorial and sniscellaneous articles mainder, which relates to .the bearing ence exchanged withonly resrard to the of Interest and value to the builder, archl- - of the ease on Its merits. , . .: .. Viceroy was a notice sent by the Aus, v. . fL Writs of been trian government to SL Pateraburtr. have attachment MVil HUH taned Tm)ru may be mintloned "The Use and Abuse of bj Judge Bar 0 aid; business on thu road hat it was tho i ttentlon of Iimacl Pa ArcalMctaral o3ament;,, "How to build has been resumed. to visit the Russian Court. - To this Agent Banks In acha Walls, and the Common Faults; "The favorableas with McQuade Superinreply was returned by the Artistio Treatment of Piers, Pillars and charge, -v tendent. later. Con-rte Column;" "Sewer Ventilation; Vice Colfax President Havana advices and the Capreport that party tain General Buildings in Scotland;" "Disused has sent the Iron clad Vie Cesspools under Houses' and several reached here tonlght, The Court dismissed the writ othabe-a- t toria to Demarara to attempt tho cajf others. It Is a very chptp Journal, being onrv three dollars per year. It Is publishcorput la the case of William Varley, ture of the Peruvian monitors. es Msdrld. Estartus, at the head of five by Charles V. Lake, 113 Madison Street, aliaM ileddy. the Blacksmith, and the tWcago officers started for New York with hundred Crlits, has- entered Spain, from France, .at Plglordla. nThe entry 1u.cxb Mrjrxa rx MorraxAy-- A gen him this afternoon. are fifty- - of other, bauds at Various points is exr unusuxlly'actlve; Freights tlmoMxx In Montana, writing recently to one engagements are reported fur July, pec ted. Considerable excitement has "aconsln, says the placer mines la Mon-Jfo- a, tonuage. been occasioned at Malaga by the 3,uw registered representing Cotton e s, movement there. accord ng to carefully prepared prospects-ar'ie Memphis. hare yielded in the past seven years favorable; it Is calculated that the yield .Paris. The Emperor signed 1110,000.000 la gold; ef which amount one will not be for of In this vicinity than several decrees amnesty political larger " o Hence. ' fQich sione, the Alder gulch, has yielded last year. i' . l,ooo,oax Ban Domingo letter of ,.i New A York. Com York. The New Congressional mmmmmwwmmmm mittee on retrenchment, together with the 2nd, reports an Interview between AxarvaLS at saxx xaks iiotrts. ... ; i senators Mo r re 11 and Cttell of the Gen. Babcuck, of Grant's stsiT, and SenJJOBU7,ObK v Finance Committee, and D. T. Murphy ator Cole, with president J:acx, followthe ' of tT- the Senate, It Is reported, left last ing which many of theoCicersof m OeologWsal Barrer. a wish that the latter ladies Baa for several expressed openly Francisco, night American flag will soon be raised. ; accompany I eg the party. London. The Harvard and Oxford some Several days ago suspicious U were out y, crews ) both showing a to sell Wall Mich. Street characters oflred , jao Voaaltrott, and The afsome bonds In stolen good pace strong $125,000 pulling. operator i,M VWu, V.r CalleyrGaJ. been of oth ternoon has finally time ago from BennehoST Pithole, f August rAp4abrM.caiaaa,iUa. for $1C3,C!00 gren bscks; the appointed as the time of the race. It or in raci ana has been r;ttlcd that the Harvard crew police were inrormea be composed as follows: Day, yesterday detectives were scut to Hud- shall bow: ' DorUt.Urata. son city to coLClnde tbe negotiations. Lyman, Simmons, and Lorlng, stroke. Hotel. tic at Bash's John met Ths par Laidiow, Gabriel Gorshyn and Arnold Brown passed over to the detectives a 0iTmauam. U'l Lroy. naeksoiadd to contain the bonds, eor. Cur. , . & Go. return a pacir'T containing and S1C6.CU) in coanterfeit soon after Laid low and bis partners aae itili, Ctty. were arrested on a charge of rotting .ex- E1ATG, CAPGs m . ArrAta av lovxm "rsra tijry Benneh:rj but wbtnwas cond 1 to foan amined the paclis:: bond dollar thousand tain one genulue GTHAW GOODS, and about three pounds of old rper. 1L0 feat XSXJOIIZOJXXTS' Yeston finally performed and hours ten In miles of walking fifty ' C3 end V'i ZoXs . ; frcctt iSfie'.ChlesgB. ImKsiDKST OCEAN FROM s . RAILROAD IlEUADUERTISEUEtlTS. i, - If troll. D. ITATTJ?, Uen'l .Mnaer Bine luue. dl07lj 9 1 |