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Show don; Daniel D4JonoCUornta-- J Caldappointed Consul at ltev ; John Valr lC of' raiso well, Matte, jsul James V8cfcoflHa!".4 of MI i30url' Consul ) CAUit Danforu i Sow, and examine Ir tr TTVrvHi. M! Dels ?n. n rvlftJ 1 lock ft kts, fehoe Hats, wt:ph Cisy J re o do. Confcal tiingnpore l Edward Me- - Lkennlnfd; tola&lLal ilLE 4i trices whU. L.OOK, uovernor ui wrT57 oiorauo; i ,dl2IS jBverybodyv Ban bern ery fiecre tary of Montanat-'lVK- r We draw attntloa to the noUoe of removal, LiOgan, Postmaster at Boise, Idaho. UL C. Thatcher, TJ. S. AtfoTtte Jl ftftKabo; fiJCitrftdetJtfri cf ftjfta, of Messrs. TUliklU Earl, Merchant "Tallora of this city. Both Cyrus M. Hawley, of Illlnoia, Associate Juatlcrru Senate T limt yConflrraeJ--r A4fre4 it an marry, tbar above- statistics would EY7S; nilow ftbm thirty to' forty men In every .....tl.l JLtiilO-Ciliundrcd ;to take two. yrlrtti tnt when we take into consideration those zuen' wbofUrjiotorcaanotobeylhQflrst great commandment "be fruitful and, multl-rilysea. . I and those again who have one Friday. jtprtj wife who have not the pluck or Inclina- POPrLATlOX AXD POI.TOA3IT. nalqnjotake more ;w assjerjhejiboye ore enough ' ar statistics prove that there . . .i ' to man for. women! as Boon marry as many srery Abe persons generally married In aa they an born? We have al ways bad ashe may desire rlghteousness,and not the Idea that marriage occurred several Infringe but lie rlgti taof 'any "ether man. yean after bi rtb; n but ne.nowaslrfori Everr trusts fcnmiiarcrtiooc OK S. - HPT EVENING t; J ." : t- - -- ' 11 Orrici, serv lee three TlKPOSAl'rTor temporary Jl time from HALT LAKE CITY to BTOCKTON via TtXJKJLB and back, eommra- - i, A . t Ss ir 1 M ? i - QrlChlf tse .. 1 : ' . We occasionally see articles In the pub- I We da not particularly,, urg-e-, these lic prints op the subject (K)f VMormon sUtistlcs M fixgemeats m Tavof of) pel Polygamy; iri whlcb1 tbV;ftlfowing Iygamy; wd simply draw Vtcnaonlol arkurneut is advanceda . a unanswerable, I racU:t6hibieirfoliyofth rforevercstchlnr fit'strawa.ldi! to pro that plurality .mcwives m pptrw the of th f poeU to the I economy heaven and will of OoJ. The writers stata, taa&he oetier, wnen they ..try jtorrpersnade birth rate," in Lthoae( few r countries of thinking men and women tlia't plurality Cbristendorq where such staystjcsi are I or wivepcaWetouC4h Tlghteouaness, recordetf sbow that (here are moleboya is not the law of the Iord. - , a : r irr .f . born than girls, say from 102 to 1 OS boys Forrourselvcf we care lUUe abonatiacll, army has been gradually increased, un- aicn: otviocxs. ov mn a aausscn J npxt door now, it numbeni tortytwo thousand; iolhe rcsfOflice, SaTt uj t9 Tf ?7 W lirM..- atati3titt,3fM theyvtrne or falsa. - We'do til Bay xktk&yi Gen. Cespedea is Commander-in-chie- f, evidence that the Xord 4lld not Intend not, base, our f belief in. this order upon And the head ofithBexubllcan govern Wxitteix I shiediateLY.-t-Obaudred Cords : r any man to have mere Uxaii, one wife; the' fallacies of figures, or upon human ment, rhlch'fs dulir eatalliafced Uhln ff Good frire"f bodTa the'PaperMiir; Sugar tUa lines oUb House Bait to are wl Lakf Xunty.; Jibcatop,fl,whiclarAf still they lling I Vard, admit , tbatjn wrrffomroWfalthMi intne fevelaUbna Having closed out my Business to Zion's of the island, in which about two-thirto other part of the dearth tiiore girls aro of received additions to extensive Having lately Cooperative 'jMercantlla .Institution, Jn trasj has been 'abolished J The patrislavery born than , boys,, butTwe, suppose, they bring us safely through. shape which, forme tbmdiresa "$ used to manu-faetrots have effected th!,toetwith8tanding u&alrcqdx larejindYjarled etcfcrln thefefecd tciurfailUeor r"5eg, JolTWotkTh their sad deficiency in war materials. i??Tall klds""oT large amount of Joots and Shoes, Imagine the millions bora beycmdtbirl thlS osflnd mTS t ing .im i ljiL)n li i III f. off;' J. while tUgTnsmiCal CrdItClyTOmed at my Tan have paie ui vurisieBuuu are.ouuijie vne purarsati iHsxeaaed. from inIjeameflnannfiwtnTed' Hpeciai to the Deserrt Evening JV'nra. toprtelBtyle view of Uja Almighty, and (hat Hedoea and other, establishments can be nery the 15th Ward, , i Memphis. .35 jonnson supplied with plain or tinted Order and Receipt y; not regulate the births in Heathen lands, addressed abdafciCCO pfeepTe Book! CerU Jteatesaf QtocJc, SjnA every. Wpd ofl was a his those of repetition speech only Ina'few Chrlatiarl countries! fcutJ made at Nashville and KnoTtville It nr v s n jj rr we, to be consistent, must believe that BrttifcaentJl are respectfaJIy wRAlU- A- 1 co?ranssio?rAi. J the watch caro of Qo i. iar overall Hi f LVMyJWefeyf,,the Jatesproved are. ana ruuug preparea Forinerexore, as nacnines; The at to much conflagration creatures, and that lie has Anthony delivered a speech in reply ayPittsburg. to do allcfndirTjrtclir,ciEar; the Bros', oil refinery to do with the birth rate of China, or tofr Senator Srraue.and dtf all the. day; rheHlri9$4tJll burning. as He has with ttraftjf t be Uni- certain . citizens of - Khode Island, after ' CXIN8IBTIN J Thirty-si- x .1! Ll.L thouaiiAd'jbairelB' of various ' oeuaio went mio juccuuts kinds of oilvhave wuicu tue ted States or Great Britain. But this Bwloni-antobeen d destroyed, then adjortrncdr Wasblntoor-'T- he argumenUioca ;uqt I holtigopdia3bp Kxecratlvq Session i mrnBerii'1!" mr children increase in age. Year bmy vear considered h Mm Juan, i tmtki but & subiibfetd frreV,ariSHhfel(reH "H, maleVhantf rraialeA camo to no conclusion. Probably the rnins; lt the'proporifoh' it? mains of the Wednes-day-,tiext- -. flrcmanwlor Senate hot will ffcikatlfip before adjotrrri anft'WHA hurriArl tr.Hnth lThA Iaqq in 3ssei 4 Ihuuigeri keeps changing; and we cxaDt Terrain , -, , , , Calf from expressing the opinion that if the ,t ?hloao, Illt.-i-Th- B TWi'fr' VfmU-InEt- (Forsyth BrosHMtimatedrvioeOfr Siting, BUT ONE1 LAST HIGHT special kaya that 'Fan&ridrwhd Ijord had Intended bhly ode Vbman for .w.aa IiQBlntd for Callao,v will be ror&,Bei&lis,aa pculiAJJy.bjeautUa one man, He would have caused-framOoAAiresn, 1 AtieTalenXedJoHaig Anxej-a..OF an oiidin nsn uotmii issnniretw - WHICH I HlVEJi URGE rSTOCK. to ValDaralso. chanced uua... ft to 175 males be born ta nroryil90 fe-- i reffret theremdtal m noTiCLv: Lkxn Crrr, TJ,T BxxJf flwrr lToadonbafjrMthl ColrerftIdtei6bIleT Info'nnjtfToh a tl. i week, cmn April itss), ana to continue tor sacn period as the Postmaster-Genera- l determine, will be received at thla Officemay until 3 pjn. of of t In tei n 9 IX APPEALS to thei Asseacor Revenue. relative to' erroneous or excesBcheduie to beI uxed by the iroatuiaceuepan I sive valuations, or enumeration rnenu , Tand Regula- made and taken assessments Assessors in the Assistant other ReisantOh, by to Laws Postal snbject 'Proposals ctf Utah listrlct,r moat te matl ju Division of aee orfe for advertisements the which, Y nue for J4th 4lsU?V tion'; regular hfr. Frtm oar acqnalntance with the firm: Poatmaster-OeneravnuntatmTofflw. lnSslt Uke Cltv.ton . l.. JbefOre the 10th dayof April, 1869. r t VU4V vv"ooiwu" j fliUUCI 411 all thr pronjiRe.yTbpjr ntw establUhraentl f Ttiecontof this advertisement to be paid for Yorki! Ccxrtmfss'oxfert Ptnl; t; C'Trr.-lruu Ajuruum s.irei car or. i oil.a mocjxeast by the saeeessfal bidder - . ; I ijn,vu AssamaoV Bla&lel f TTIh h- - of w Hi;:-JC Ulcbiarl ' 1860. Marcn 81, dll4itt t diiatd Qodbtfcornery , rr jfosimasier. 1 enson and Adam Beyer. AasocIata'Ju t For a.lk Yarmouth IlerrtnK, Hallbutt, wcea or .New Mexico; Jos. iewisf- Codfib,Hadd'ockViWliiW IlaV," Salmon, Bed C. BonClover Sod, Timothy jSeed, Red Top Seed, ,o flu io to'O on a Mission to HAVIKQ been called branch mint at Carson City; T. M. leavJJJK; tbU City In a ev ther, meltex and refineritto; days, wda.wejntend msklne .sonie 'fhantcs Lath ion BalcbAassat hi our business, J, "....'t -- 1 t AWartW I New York. , AJL perwns knowlns tUoiiolve 1,,. Valient, general agent t & tiarrettVor Of (iar-retf- t Id t tie Issued! debted I5TH A of Fob ahd ' ilorse IL-;Sale. Utile, Bneey. Enquire th.CjqbanvplntlonbjVhas 31 J; f ' A St A A.. C. Pyjer A cbiflc mll dI17 tf Co.,' sr bereby req'ne'stel to aeii i amianxiaareii . Stabik W VblcOiepedfi66u.yijniteai sax meeoanti rortb wltb.' t. tbelr . , llEUaDVERTISEnEHTS IJnitedf States' ' y-- I. HQS BV. ; fi-aa-- ii.. .irnrinrrvir?r,.i . L tfx '- till a tj :R ;s!h , ;' iorjO'LITTLE,lCaRRETT a - . Ctt,: m 'WANTED . , GodndlnTEarnie ds e- 1 -- f- - ? ri - , ive Ex-Presid- ent A : ffl RStr R ATE C R?IFECTi O N E R, To whom constant employment and liberal. , wages will be given. Apply lo EVAN tfl 6 v? o'l if ttl OQTAIXiaCE K1ER-Y- . Til a. to-da- 1 r , - -- Hln-dostat- haa-ontlnh- Xhe-attack- s T; &. & A ed QieahotstnbuW.i. A --ieoa br Exprew, a cool ass.rt lia'Tau Alto a moor mi tide tl ig4 tM ajci: JOST BEvElVED, :.i s, A' RUIylcLL, liAST jpif ITHAtKi. MRS.i ii CM BliOCK-ASn-A-HA- l.F dl2l lm ; j ! i. I -- -- f.- bn O x rana rs..js rn ,6'f f ilany perions niL'aud iioss urowDP. iua ran no benators talk other 7 of incest firan Witral dren grow q a marrlageabley age the of fighting Howard vomlnatlbn. plaeta seen Here, but the fjommuice nave ,reporv-- J electrt current disturbed the surplus la entirely on the side of the 'i ne oreign ine telegrarjh QCJsou. eu.iauvoroi nqminauoM And thJ&ls laKiflrmvOlUn, females. to wires' considerably. to .Andrews ford, Minister, japaln, The .came thai lead la . Lhli chanire Denmark, Curtia to JRassla, Howajrdbj are numerous. .TMost mothers confess China ana r euon to ilexlco., , n ,llM "f 'RTOtfoyii , finiMjl that boys are more difficult to raise than revenue 01 tno vnronx nominations are coniirmed. girls; hen-in youth thexarwTnow1!sa I The treaty for the settlement o claims ver Aoca, Bliss bleto accidents than the opposite sex. with renrxsr ratified. engercara ... r. WhaiTtHe Senator Chandlerrwho was present m m A v MaiaasaavatiaV mu A lihtAI a tho alleged" fito rtny Interview' be for White Eln.e...lL UH IHt UOoti'ATfTV dangerous occupations In .which men at A Altoona. tween destroyed itoss and Urant, contradicts the are engaged, the calls of patriotism, the spirit of rasHnesa andf ad ventnrV, 'swell veraatlon was conducted without exalte1 Stables; loss $40,000,. the lists of.male mortallt. iiv3vit.:i ment, and that the parties separated l'hlIadeJnhia:AnrnifdrardLmsvi j 1869, conneousiy will.cou&lst of BoacJcault Tli rtfQrrxx&iui - The Unltedr8Cate4!?ensn3of 1S60, The crowd of office seekers Is terribly beantirulltaalnjCAteieotrjpAtornxiu durlne showed that in the fetales of'tJonnectl- - angry and fiercer than ever. continuance the W, r, tha WesJL4fo!lihU,Vith- Is understood that Flak does ; not graph worked: use out the the views of the Administraor.ihe.hattery lat.eitner end. aravM-ThHampshire, New York;7K New Jersey, represent juuoral display: was tion relative to Coba,: and has been North,Caxolina , aad; Xihode Island, overruled by the President. Consul tho must beautiful sec u fur yeawjtheelrV there werai 74,SCO ; mors females ' than Gen. Plumb, who is about leaving for trie carrentallected tUetelegrph wires eus rfxlnkoaxoed Artli-ni-- i west.! almost Arnth McllstU instruccarries jptndingi bejoperatloj. males r yet this excess' was'entlrely Havana, preliminary WESTERN I was" ArraUoitbeHl9...tUCiUE s current "the that The' Poufor heavy with the restitution, and Boston wires were worked ... A .Mr t tween the ages of 13 and CO, for between tions looking to lferne J the Khaan, lotl the F4uijr I'owcxs.-.-f.ato citizens for American Ann La Lock hart the aed of 1 and froin up?t all injuries and insults sustained by auroral current aloijo for a'quirler of km at o'ciock. rerformance to opn wardiHhe males had' th"o;:mijorl.fV, them at the bands of the Spanish. Cap- uuur. commence at 7H- tain of Lowell, the brig Mary Campbell, proving the great excels of females to is assured his rights will be pro be j lit at that ne when they Are marri tected. If that the facta relative to the Liz " ' ? ' ' Havana. A revolution, headed bv '' ageable zie Major aro not exaggerated, the Jose Monogas and Acostaj has been n LicieWestoiiraiii Heme. to is determined demand government excess we of take' the Venezuela. President iMonogas in Now, suppose and apology. reparation : Lart Nlgfe vVf sent fifteen hundred,men against Or eat fieniaUoiiial 2females of a marriageable ag e say from ample is stated that Sickles has declined has It vrua ui the Congressional revolution Uts. with 15 to 30, and compare them with males all the appointments offered him, and the view to bloodshed. prevent of a marriageable age say from SStoO, has retired to private life on the full tl has furnuhed the Dominicans, j "The popular tniedieTiwaatoeatirt--te- r Hay ' we "shall find the results still more pay of Colonel. Cabral, means to attack and, Luperon W at onl If 1st varvtfArl thof fha Inva. FANNIE MORGAN PHELPS to this same cen i . startling. According ' has. sion begun. I i i,. GCNSnAU !' j , sus, there were between those ages, in Ottawa: The second session of the MasaaohusetU 14052 males, and 194,379 San Francisco. 15. There is nothing Dominion i Parliament .opened with regard to the burning fenialesj showiug an excess of 47,927 fe- additional London The,specle In the Bank, of mines at Gold Hill; the shafts are still decrease lJX$4xitfyg has males. Iu New York State' there Vere closed. A - considerable amount has England week. the past 453,908 males against &91,74o femaleet.'or been raised for the relief of the families Paris. The4rjuuiou.inine uanicof an excess on the side of the latter of suffering by the catastrophe; the ex Franco has increased four million, Jiiue i 132,837;- - howinff- - in those- - two 'States pense of the funerals was assumed by hundred thousand franca 'during the concerned. There has SXw the tenderlnthetrthanlcstothePnblleof companies week women who a of marriageable aje IN in180,74 to and been no lack of liberalltv on their rjart. past lta reapeettoily beg City vicinity, i d a.Tres cn JustoJV.n gnlllar t form them that they have removed from tbeir cannot possibly get husbands supposing The performance at the theatre in Vir- ofUavan tp .mors flommocUDUl Junta, was cap- former piaas .rBunes; ,theJtevolutlonary for the benefit of the suffer tured f oa every man In the two States gets mar- ginia City, about executed on the 6th at GIbra. lremlse, altoated and ,uw. netted ers, e fayor-ablFIRST OIjfNl 8TREET, ried, which we all know is not a rmbhsh.yery The International cricket match is The journaUere, 9 RlocJc Eart of Goibe.'t Exchang accounts aflalrslu of tf the case. Interior; in this cltv between the accounts from. Ihe rebel sources are Elev Iu the .cities . of. Boston; Ne w.York; progressing and California British' Columbia . rvi wanting and there Is no means of ascer Where will he fonni a saienctTiT Mtaortment of omcers xne ana creates ens, interest, and Xowell Brooklyn, Philadelphia taining , the facts. It la kuownrthat frigate ztaioiu several there were at that date 62,457 more fe- and band of the .English fights have occurred during the and havlnK trrealer facllltlea for carry In r on the the grounds visiting purpose - WiXt.ruute last few,,,days, .but they are,repre$ented basLneaa ot.AliviiJiJ.AJN xaiiajmi- xormer males than males of all ages. But those to witness the closing game. cuaail In walling apon meix mere sburmiuhes. been to The have pleaanre as man v new ones as desire the figures do not give us the slightest Idea Albany, N. Y. The Senate Ubled captured 'American' brig. 'Mary 'ZotzJ, lompri", and ana a8bloribfo Tallora, sertleiM or rirt-clas- f ' to be a of the excess of marriageable women in the Broadway surface railroad bill. with is declated the firs and legalj by aapported by strict ability, priie New York. Assessor Webster has attention to punctuality, atlUaolJclt"-that liberal Consul those cities. In the Statoof New York received Acting. Bpanhih courta,The: InstrncUons that tho average has sent, the U. B. steamer catronaee aireaav oeaioveo. C. TTTimCCLLV the total excess of women, of all ages, at of all money, whether borrowed or oth- General I'enobscot to' Key West with dispatchesV that data was 11,002, whilst the excess erwise, used during the month In the informing : the Government v of --thel of banking, excepting deposits facts. of women of a marriageable age, as we business t if are returned for tax, should, en from Bt. Marie, Advices Ycrk. New have shown above, was 132,837, vr more which taxof ter Into the estimates the capital to the 20th March, eay,a jFrenclvwar this City, on the 5th Inst a small Light than trctv .tiffi$ the excess of , all ages able under the present law. IN Mare MULE, with itpe round her Brown steamer fcfivs had bringing; arrived, jof t contracIn the State. If we apply the same cal ; The French Government peraon reiarmrjiriaa same vtr jo- tjecK. Any one the sinking of the Galatea; o(j ana wara. Will be liberally BUJNur. for houses two in ted with tKiu city tlu at warded, culatlon to the'elght States previously three thousand the blockaders, Insurgents dial 8 by of hogsheads Virginia mentioned, we shall find the number Of tobacco. The contract will be filled in Aux Caves. Many piquets, It was re ported, had deserted 3Mnaye..tjvM women there who stand 'no chance of Blchmond. The Congressional Committee !pn getting married to be 897,815, or Jn the Ways and Means visited the various X XX X X I I , Etb cities just referred to, in round numbers departments , money Jloney Custom house to of the ..4 .n say 750,000. In New York City, includ day. Collector Grlnnell has consollda ; one SALE A IfOU3E and LOT In the Flrtt under deputy, Oa the Slh last at her residence In West Jor- TOR ing Brooklyn, Jersey City, etc, it is ted the two divisions Tbe House contains live room. .Ward. one deputy's and many dan Ward. In calculated there are at least 800,000 more thereby saving War. Jj cannot be surpassed. kod frnlt Well at ixt ,Abtoa Mary several clerks' salaries, amounting ,ta of "Wi- the door, Ac Apply ta J. O. LITTLE, 13th die, wife of Iaaae Wardle. and dangnier wome n than men in the prime of life. lliam aadBarah Ann Aahtoo. ased 0 year. or on waprenuseav thousand dollars. if to Utia coantry in the wara, Decease emigratedband-caThe President has year In the British Isles it Is no better. Washington. 15. 1S56. with the Sbe of company. the ..nomination of Ran was a rood and falLhral wlla and eateemed l?r In Unrland and "Wales there are be- - withdrawn w w, tr Irn.v ijpr as Consul to Foochow; also Keim it dolph . more females and r. tween 00,000 400,000 several omer uonsuis. ITEllEBT OIVKV! TO ALL WHO ARK than males, wbiUt the number of Ladles WashlncrtoQ. The Supreme Court, Tg ... I INDEBTED TO THE DE3EBET nhn who actually are single exceeds a mil tonlay, rendered several decisions bat for Bobscrlptlona. 3tc. that Payment tender case. The ARUIVAlS AND DEPARTURES OFFICE of the same after this date,' Is to b made to Hon and a half. Of these 1,230,000 are none In the lecral. GEORGE Q. CAXNUX; the present ivnior. Blair election caso is continued for ad 1 In the bloom and prim of life. V April 1, 1868. vlsement.' ',-:tun ta Term of Cb1b rrm the lclue 15. Befries, late Super; Nor do these figures represent half ... ptlEtJUAM YOTJXa. Washington lLallrl. or jfubuc rnnting, win prothe disparity which really exists., There intendent W P Smith, M Mclntyre, second Comptroller appointed are vast . numbers of men who never bably be T the reasury. Tm the Term In w a of the Union Pacifle ret married, and still more who should of JlallroaU. with Secretary t Grant is busy, not. Marriage It becoming un fash Ion Fish and other members of the Cabinet; Fire Procf Sale! and Feed stables, L KelkofT. A Stranso, MraT B II Bten owwuw ouuui o u sj.jt . able among some "Classes1 of society; only Cabinet ministers were admitted. house. E T John S iCarraichall, Ihre, (K one hundred are About teoonuuodat the lubll persons, mostly pre pared Thoa Chambers, WE DH Weston; many men "remain single 'from choice; ladies, ancUb eed. tn all lu oranchea Livery were removed from the Registers Browning, Stock Baee promptly attended to.,u.i others for fear of the expenses attend office yesterday; at least as many more It W AIcAUlster, J Ai Joeison. ' a. j. faust. . . j. s. norrr; hundred male ing a married life. Add t6 these the will be removed. Two ; - , ..t daring insane, the diseased, the members of clerks will probably be removed I o the month. present appointments the army and 'navy, all of which tend are being made the thnsva UTAE . nAimiTAcrrranT & , Col in places of to decrease the number marriageable cated. , nominated The President, men, while they Increase proportionof to Flnt-cla- u WAST IimEUIATIXY, Minister ac Baxter, Michigan, Henry of number women, who, the !!! ately, Carriage Pmttba and Wheel aad Charles R. Belong, of Neva'' I Honduras; Ma K era. WU1 pay liberal waes. Christen modern of laws CarrUge to the cording to Japan; Adam Badeau, April 13, 1SC9. Minister da, LITTLE. J. a dom, cannot get husbands. Did every Assistant Secretary. of .Legation at Bon- - n -- ,at e aispiayf-npte',WBr- riii:io Jt-v- aminm jiroilta .-.a- 1 Jtfr. )W7 w AMIEOCKnAllT t mm a w a mm 7 i io n mm -t MVl XJAV JL 7i , 4 - 1 A TTarSlSsff,meri.T5oot rers, or any. orab ana it to tneir aavantage i. .oe-operau- va MRAHJCT11 a full-satisfactio- anoerrulti-nu-lo- the premises. dU4tf. dorneftfC and OR0Cf Assortment or XKY 500li . AlsoPnoVf10NHrtT-f-Teryde;rlpUooTravelers to WIIITJi 111. and tlsewliere cast ba aarplled on r&ascaiatdeierma t r S"'t A was Lot from tbfi Farm of K.Toune. fpiIERE I me Dezinnuuc 01 Jan.. State itoaa. aDoat XnriLaiVrau .aldilav 11AEE. .. Email white of and a little white on three stripe on forehead her legs. Was in foal whea lost and probaoiy baa colt, Ua4 on a rea naiter wim snon rope tne aame wju person ii--remonng; Jttac aied.' Ajiyt i V- as , A, lei ') above. iwardett -d- !23-10a. : 1 -- w '' ' " j- - ofBusiriess! f -- .Chahise: J.il APP'T to y. ! !t2rUcMalitjM6rs,TOK t sup-poeab- S J. Ont-Ofrf- et good Slabn. lor In booth Temple miles the Xfcijon. J Block, whlchl will bell cheap. J..JJ. THAYSE. dllStfi ; : (THE EEST OF UGER EEER ON DMUGHT. j ' f T.rlBl. ..A. .. j. d 1131m'; f JT. IX, 1 BinriOAS, Preprletor. I S j.i?inBonE&GO.; llan k- i mtu In pack Cove Ojaters, Pig Feet. eooata&tljram J&anaVjtcJIfti triii' - f t f Private apartmenta for tenests.! Finest Cigars n factnrera . a. j'f.hti Selected1 Ftesh 'OystOT, ficKled Tripe, and the choicest of ) r a - large: quanUty at my ilill. JUAVE otter purposes, 12 from B0OTfl8 1 I le : r Jimpreirr- - 11 t3 iftCTfinrMTHITA THIRKIBL'&EARL, i AVaVCaSit . REVERE; H0U5E; BASEMENT JN FULL BLAST lyJiHJiii.,- - i; " to-da- " Oysters!; Oysters!; at I otlier - altoatd in the 15th Ward. uu tne i 'it f 1 - ; x Ufeet; containing r j&ooma, weltv SnHbed,,f-- q teU plan , With ' yoang.UM,.Racl r-- , a ; . ; CIULlPU-ii,;. Mif,,. HS6tt6Ef32 f - . 1 ft AjDOhltr 1 , ; FOB SAIJB, ... ! - 13,-a- he-gu- rabTL"TRAfeoirbTbRE, THE accoAhl n S"2-lo- or8 f wliu gwd House laiCwi1. 1 -- n bfaepaTtfire ftsrthast;Applr to A. GANS. aontb Mrfe of U non the nremlaea m. -- Qd 'ior; IIAlrV an v Jntterest I BANCHE, sultablator araaiiw er JJeiry, utn&tAd In Rajit KkDYon. HqrQ. V Ur: '0 nrrp I lJ.?-Teie- Aiti ViU rrwis! r , ''') -. ad Shoe Manufactu siorea, wan HOUSiHflUJ. FURIilTUBE.rPB SALE xo give mracau. v. ' i 4 Jj niacciMAad Jal aoii l " ' t FAYlcXffU, l- KitfH. pf! ihe'Xasle CmpOTinm. Qjae U4Kri 1 . iTilT omen n4X.L ht, flrey-to-nlg- f ei , -t- I - 1. - to-morr- ow jits' s 'i- : - 5 of - 1 ' - , j i. 1M 11 EXSI5 STOCK i Com latin of a 1 trge variety of , : - ! - i - k , ta-.rt- f Gcutlcmcu -- ? . a - i a w i i , - Sal-nav- i j I: ( Gifls9 . I and t w n a - 1 e's s jr . I -f- c J..V iIB i . . i (Fotrndrlca at Albanr child-birt- h, I - f rt v I" . ii ' i ' , ? to-da- , s k I 1 - . - ( ! i nn' ii iW av y, i ! " ! - . - .. ran Htovea Oataloza cation. pa-V-,- - J : . I VIE ARE DETErinniED TO CLER OUT JtCQIHENTAI. VAT. , . to-da- y. j j" , it' : rrards and liberty Palea v . DUNF0RD d!09 2w FLAGS, COLOUR frorder byJAMES PH1TXIP3, Tm Etctnadeto is i u AND: COilPAMY J; ; DAtlO 11.. i w, All of t'laabova Goods a. ! ! '. ADEniGAni. FLAGS! - . : j ew ! . ; Tarletlea, and far Eeanty,' and Utility Is are inferior Lower tnr irleea "'PMWVt:JM I !; CITT STOIT, "TIT3 tbe ii t : Y.) KEPRE3ENTED above.lsand economical com- . ... buatlon of Western CoaJL rOat BtocH embrace, "Anility I JiHEASHIOHABLE i ? i. Also aiarzefctock: of 4,. i, ! ' t" NOTICE .' I , -- 1 i K". i & SONS. , v , tA .AH1) N A I S B ITT ? roa gxi.s AI H I N D LEY' S- - Mala Street, & L. City. dU3 5 1 j i |