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Show S E ij E RE T j an wary 0 !. i writing lor publication am vut!tiwNPNT cm one aid eltba paper only. to writ (nuu notu can be taken cf anonymons FOR THE SEASOH N. uuaai mut la their communiea-:'- ., Instancet'orrespondeuts rny not ueompuT necessarily for pabltmtlnn, bat ee a AT mate of rsilsbiUir. ' " ' . ' uiinii'.ir, GEO , - won 27 A n S II I A i Wbitmdxi i fr 7 i great long prepars-n. 'the great Avalanche" scene will Ih will be done in unexeep-uon;ib-le nct t tlWtivt'.aml manner. Several ot 'ier novelties. hii 'li as Jtrougham'a "Lottery of Life," and l he KU-- h of Lightning." by the author of ruler thf flight." rO Inat tiVO prepara';l tion. "IltvAHni anu Homu." We have re- d the first number of an illustrated pe- i i entitled Itearth and ITomr, pulv- I iu New York, with Donald U. Mitchell and Harriett Jleecher Ktnwocdit-.r- v B. Lyman and Mary K. Dodge Joeph editors. It" Is csesitrned For the .r in, Harden and Fireside;" and itn iirt iimnticr U worthy tho name of its editorial ri . Agriculture and horticulture, while inic prailnontly treated, lo not absorb liu rary ability whkh it displays; fir ith ll written articles on various topics, 't matters, tale and Morle?, a art for the boys and fcirls, ami ivuHflUmHu matter offnteret, and IUuh-- i it amis at bom u family paper j:tnH. .rthv t uitronao anitprcrvuiK. It MHlifal, aiate AND , por-i-n- t . .t.KitiH - Mtmi iai;e: in;.. :.'w vui. The e pri-- l r miniiiu. l- . 2:- - - a ' niiiii'tii ? ' WfrnikelTH i uu!nrtm.l article wasn. Paints, Brushes, Varnish es, Window Glass, the garden Inn Cheap RESENTED aboTe.Uthe Utest ImproTed fET 1 w move lor a inorouicu anu economicn coiu bamion or western ixmu.t hale. IS MEN'S V JTlteillKltll ? a euiilv they split hU head open. The re a even not favored reinterwith prv ment. This i one of the most inhuman Iir.XUY S. JAC KSON A. Co., and horrible acts we have heard of in a long unto, though it is not the first time the amc WHOLESALE internal otnduct has taken place in tho iiuitv. Ten or iiftceu years since a. simiPARNIIAM HTRKI-rrItweenth aud lar net ww perpetrated" by a young man, .in. hail he not Ipft that part of the country . a OW AHA. F.nRAUA, 'Hh,rt order" he would have ijeenharari-!v- , ii hnt very Justly, dealt with by an ami x&perated community. There Iealera In m no punishment too severe for the acound-rJHO KHII-I.IQI ORH, who would rob the grave, even of a CIC4ARS, TOBACCO, PROTISIOXS, It'Md Indian, for a few paltry dollars. WOOD F.N WAKE. t'KNiTEXTi ART. William S. Fair, Jack Oeo. Wilson and William Andere. CORUAGi; son, were taken from tho City Hall this Mf ftpeelal attention Uen to ORDERS morning about tei o'clock, and transferred from ITAIf . t the care of t'ol. Rockwrxxl, Warden of dtaiy the Penitentiary. These are the four men tried and convicted at ItrighamClty for They are tho four individuals ir'uKht from the Promontory, and if the tnodo of procedure usual in railroad towns had been trittl on them" they would have timhinbtiMllv adorneil a telegraph jole. Thev have an enllms varietlr or aliases. aml'will probably stay in tho Venltcntiary 433 ly lnrin5f the term or tneir imprisonment, viz: the tirt two, live years, the latter couple. t hreo yesir. They were brought to the city l.y Sheriti" Cutler, of Itox Elder, and John Hurt, of nrignam inty. EXCLUSIVELY M.RRXKt. In this city, J an nary 4th, by II. Welli. It. Mr. I. Mi Almira J. FrederickbotU Preideqt and 13 . AV Nebeker, WALTER A. WOOD'S lAirnnr, 223 j!oolH,Iiln- - lreH Importer eun unci M'hlte Goods, mid Job- . bers orAmerlean Cottoii,Wooi-cnFlannels, Hosiery, Cilore of Over mid tn.tin I d2S 3m I 115 lar-smi- v. II OLES AX BRANCH OF ALEXANDER STRON(J rthUcitv. IlKLCA THE CriTAL OF MoXTASA- .- Iktity Hcmld of the liil olt., 4vi, a private dlrtch had been reeelvrxl ftoui VirxinlA.'whicrAatated that a bill, for lit removul of the capital to Helena had msel the Montana Legislature' that day. 1 1 tnklereil certain tlvat the bill "would the Council. The Herald aara: 'in no ttr way could tho Legislature iruprwa the eople of the Territory with the idea that not completely demoralized, that body than by Kivinsj thl.i evidence of returning r'tiHti.' Jtsr ltEcnvxo. We received this iiiornin.t; from Mr. James Dwyer, 'Ra11 The- Helena" -- BOSTON MASS., MANUPACTliltKRH OF Calf. Klp,asue Thick Bata, Fine 1 1 , ni i...d !. tho moat of them being ltet datert, Mr. uirrtrs enterprl'' January vth. ;tnl vnersry are ruaklns hii buslneswi a feature in the city. He anpplie prominentnews at tne ins, of the and Dealers in Fieui, . . a er. ; L) ton Bend for Catalogue. Special gfotit; , .'As the ship built by ITalaon Field, ort& Ooldtn Gate, was rotmd wreeksd this morninf , they bsre reaolred to eontlnae their business of luiklnx pure candy, and are A Blocks of Old Bourboni and Kentucky Hcsry o- -i cm . Whiskies always on band. F. T. COOPER SEYMOUR, CARTER A Co., ' 1 IS1Y, MTE ; , , rtdtf .1 - ;DtnnroaoSoa, - - N, Y. Ufflos, 3 1 I . . pe-te- tne donrsoath I Office. A.c.PrraC&, Union Tslefraph of ,Wfterni 31-d- tf )V ! WHOLESALE i " i i- -. AJD iND-PIN- - No. CROCERG, , PATENT SHINGLE, STAVE & BARREL j ' 1 MACHINERY AND PORTABLE !r j J-L- PAPIfflS B MILLHl C Water Apparatu&c. 415 LOWER BEObWAT, ;? S. A. SIEGEATII & CO 1 Wboleaale and Retail Dealers' in i 419 Ik. Fan Blowers, Mllla.Dlmpftl's Bteam Paxapa, Condlsfa PatentAsherofl'a Company, Btaam A BciiaTTer Bndenbnrgs and and other manulaetnresw a Gnage, Of Aly SHIM Q LE MACULNE has capacity ! rlne b Lumber from two to four thousandChlcaxo sell in the Cernoor. which to 60cu per 1L hl&her than the best " r v Of ETery Deseription, TWINES AND PAPER BAGS, and 44 BUte ! BU, opposite City Hotel, tmrtnirtA r shaTsd shingles. r . Factort 50 to 63 West iul J . 1 (i , t aa4 47 C7iJwe JjgT d2S ly it IsasnV r ITMuto JS?reef, jsrrrer, ssnsa, sssCsssT" 11 ssbC!!3bs Freah Baltimore Oysters, Steam Afanufactured ssrasv: And all kinds of Nonoara aitd nniAj ooods. BROADWAY, Opposite Padne' House. Ceaarll Sla0,'lewa. t :i . ' Orders from Utah carefully filled at Rt. Louis dZem ttaiesLf "I SMITH BRO'S. CARPENTERS An 01131313 0 ; ! ' tM orders promptly filled. God W. 8. Refers to J. H. Lanrr. with - - ' be.; Ad areas II. L-- LATET, - Cor. cf lx0ias - and t?th Btreeta, , dia ly OMAHA, HXB. v 1U StAte Road, naif Bleek Xerf h .t"'4'.' grraXlon Ksjsuiro . At the Lowest Wholesale Rates. Ernl- - -- . . vet. 'GAliLTtT7irX &! CANDLE WORKS, SOAP ' ' ' ; j to Contract fbrBDILDIKO aad ARE prepared the work equal to the best sad as chean ss the cheapest. HsYlrj r r Mannfartory of Superior; A RAMSET,' MOBRELL - dUtm a j ; 'M'J h " Proprietors, . f f OCTATTA.yEB. Great Xortltwcst Store Stopc,, 4 1' - OF THE LATEST lUfBOVEUENTS. 5 - Wo keep eonstantly on band and Make to or der. at the Shortest NoUee, DO0K3, SASH, ALL) THE NEW KINDS OF BLINDS, UOTJLDtKQS, KiA. Kte. . C O O Kl HGT AND H EATING STO VEJT, iec3 su ccrnsTiiii, in, im J(o. 2S3 rXJUQLAS.fiTRET, QilAIIA, NJCB. Saf " Y Hard nradBen SOAP, and CAXDLES, xaxsrt rox A LeaTltt'S Saw nn4nniJ UvWnrki. LeaAmerican M eter ' ' - EttablisJied 1&5. - I 1 i j CQMCTIOIIiRI Wrought and Cut Iron Pipe &FittiBgv Finiihcd Bran Work, Srtut Casting, Babbitt lletal, &c., Saddlery Hardware, COARSB 1 CO., OIJTFITTIXG GOODS, tc. eteM cltl- respectfully Informshetbe of Dtan is now that Terltory prepared to am all orders lor - Manufacturer and Dealer In sSc C sircwssor. Brewter, ) sww a. EXCKISIOU STOVE STORE! a. V. RavdoUes. J tvvatiii sLurrst 4239 ly HL-'LATE- IRO?i AIO BRASS FOTJ2f DR1V AND MACIIEVE SHOPS, ' -- j 'Dealers in; FSESH OYSTERS! ,1 I. dZt 6m ailoraersto the tejt sausiacuom DAVID M. FORD. : Rear of James' Block, ' ' - I u ieeTDCCT rniiurn ot' ncre inwi times west of th Mississippi Klrer, I can at all a- -, a 11 Jabbera nt Eastern Prlees. ' . . .Supplied j Tiff. SHEET IRON and COPPER WAKE. Oinnfr, Tool anaJapanned nscniBMsna Tinners Tinners Stoek. for the Bale of the Stewart Cook: Store. Agent so zu rarnuam du, out. hui, umini, neu. a I e'srrr tbe larcest and best assorted Stock t rr Manufacturer of k 1 III. 55 Stoves & Tinners' Stock, JASllAU.tSHEET IROX, Itmas. snd Wares, Chambers 8lreel. I Wholesale and Retail Dealer in COLLINS, - Uaunfacturers and Wnolesale Dealers ad U.S. ROYAL D. AMY, ; Lake Nlrofl, CHICAGO, 4 OMAHA, NEB. COUNCIL BLUFFS TRADE. dl5 6m GOODS. SAW Axra" Chicaoo Btocb: Axb on draacht at Mannftetorers of 'Wnarsn Tragm Ha dlSSm theSaltLake Billiard Room. Seartai. of aU kinds, ta. ISA II a ST Htvbxt, Cbeckered BtableJ QmAUa, 2i4S. tax The best Quality of Rtatea soap redoeed to 30 oppoetui rents bsr, at U."W. TsTts two doors aorta or Kimball A Law re ace" a. Wastid. A yoonf or eWlly woman comIn ant tn do general houawmk and aooklns; fnrll family. Good wages siren. Apply at 4 IV :.. ' f CO'S BOOK STORE. STOVES, nOIXOW WARE and XAFIsIlT, BTJIXER 5slCb. Soda and Mineral ladles, shoes for chl! Jrtn, Tsry low for cash, at d77ly Dealer In d23 Sm ; HcCABTHBY& Co., and IMPOKTKrUi WHOLE8ALK OEOCKWV LIQUOES, and TEAS. 415 A 417 North Second Street. Saint ZjouU. Mo. ROGERS, dC8Im SAIXTT LOUIS. m SAZXTTEL BOOTS AXJ SHOES, Importers and Jobbers of GLOVES. dli-4- J William D. Farwell, Tlie IJirsreat Establishment in the West. .iobn K. Harmon, " Benjamin F. Ray. 3IILTOX Charles B. Farwell, Samuel N. KelloaK, LEATHER CARRIAGE GOODS. nrepared to supply the pnblle at wnolesale and retail rates. r Roots for sneo. boots for boyrj; shoes for the 120 North Main Street, Also Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers In :o:- John V. Farwell. Itke AMERICAN BITTERS, . , SU, On All A, Seen. atl isrssnUFjE TINNERS' STOCK, diC, d6C. ' American and Freneli Kipnd Calf, Roans, Findings, Ae. Keen the LAltOEST STOCK IN Tils.'. NOKTli WEST. We Invite the InsueeUon of our Htoclc. and Wo guarantee CHEAPER JPRICE.S insn oe louna eisewnere in the ortnwest. :JJ. Bols Manufacturers and Proprietors or Importers and Dealers in TIN PLATE, SHEET IBOIf, WIRE, Wholesale Dealers In i bar-keep- BRIDGE, BEACn & CO,, Manufacturers of I G. H. Wabash Avenue, GARDEN GOODS FOR HOUSE, iValers In Jamti Thomas H. Beymonr. ' Another ahootiag acrapo II. IHiane. TboroasTwsrpiey, B. Carter, Thoroas neo One in the ha ottirTel 'magk city." FURNITURE AND DCDDINC, Hlinkey Jack" goes Into Harry Power IW7 rsrmn ia Slre, uloon. ceta into a row with the HAYDEN & KAY, orer the . bltn head the with who smajhej OMAItAr .ut end of 'a pUtol, alucz shot or ragon ' d3 Sm strikes) for wheel, thereupon "itlinkey" ilua door, but deeming hLs life In danger clla CHICAGO, Street, 45 sk 47 . harye the contents of til tterrisgjar. into Distillers, Bonded Wsrebooaa Owners, Import t Powers bead, other shots were eiren ers sou aianaAMturers h Dealers In wountUntc "lUlnkey" seTerelj. thougn not rataUr. Powers in not expected to reooTer . jLIQUORS, 1VXS at CIGARS, suirwaics:. ami -- ! CiiKTKXNr. & dl&5m CHICAGO. SEEDS, AND ORNAMENTAL ;' mrvrrrr, TitinnLr. earuei poesiMe uate. the latent --1 ROWERS, Importers VJT Garden and Flower ALEX.KTBOXGACO. 22 sm dZt HOVEY A UEFFRON, A( , d229:Cm 0 Chicago. Leather, Saddlery Hardware, 42, 41 tfc , St.IXUIS,Mo., ij Direct Importers and Wholesalers la " . 1 Stock, Jobbing which wa lilsaoort s ABBOTT AND, WOOLENS, WAREHOUSE. aaei, Flrst-CIo- B. C. AMD SEED C. SPECK Co., t North Main SL, ' AT NOTIONS, HORTICULTURAL AND LAWN, Deptt,copieaof7rntrera lltmrth and Ifome, Stare In CEXTItAL BLOCK, 22 Farnam i"arjf. It(t:aart the Street, np Stairs, OMAHA. nwic JfontA'.and Wavrrleyi Maga- Abo at Vt and W Pearl Street, Doaton. Mass. iwr 8m , The beat West of the Hirer, offer at the ery lawnt Itatea, and gusran-te- e satis Caption as toFrtee and Uoality. Deai IPeeJt- - era are In Ylted to eail and examine. News C ra. CM 0V1.V X f)a, Sole Atresia for Utah East Temple &t Bait Lake City.d28 ) rnedTrk. We Intend to keep the beat of Goods and a L. CIIAS. FLEURY A Co., BET 600BS, Kb,' A Plssgli Shoe, Brcsui DotaaJit IIffMi, and Ldlc, 57 State Street, 02X100.00, Ills. and Cnlldreai'B Sewed and Sllaiera 3f 1 A tX3 Reaping Machine CIIAS. AW, General Western AgU, sm Lsute Htreet, uuiuiuu, in. "r LOOS, Factorymat Spencer, Mass. Board. Waller A. Wood, Mowing Main St 500 JOHN V. FARVVELL&Co Stonepappe ROOFING, AND ROCK RIVER Sl3LocttTi 1ng WHOLESALE Office 184 Fttrnliam Street, N'i Foldlnr Bar.Hteel lined. Guard Mower the lightest draft, most simple and durable Mower maae. WOOD'S gLF.BAKLG BEAPER, The most perfect maeblna In nse: All machines warranted, manuiaciurea oy Co. ' J. flEEBi:'tiiti';' m ANlrsn:oi3. ooots: sL xi Se, Oenersl Western Agents, N, dU-e- Manufacturers and Dealera tn 6m i out-tMe- el ' Louis, Trls lnsrs. Brwsbea. Cosaba. Haa KURTZ, MOHB & DAVIS, and Htringa, Mtatlonery. erslflollna Fnrnham Rtrret. OMAHA, Nebraska TTaresvda, Ac, Ar. ' Hie only exclusive JIousc west CHICAGO. VSL W.Qleaecke, ) DRAWERS, It. W. 1IALK, ) F. A. HUNT, NEW YORK. . O.Hurt. C.Voorhis, NOTIONS A5D FANCY GOODS. K. HARBOUR, STREET,' ' Or. cf Otive. SAINT LOUIS. CCHallmers.S New York. Gloves Hosiery, Shirts, Aim TVotionH. J. F. HUNT, CRO&ERS, Wholesale Dealers In AND NOTIONS. DRY GOODS No. 222 MAIN O.AIIA, Jobbers of & REAPERS. MOWERS 10.000 made and aold. nCET, HELLMERSA tOOBIIH, MB HB1IS! GOODS StIUl ; IVo. 211 FURTiiSHISS OltHIIDlrKilft -- k; 229 DOrOLAH HT, .of uoaney u. weus. j BOY'S CLOTHING, And & dl9m CHICAGO, ILLS. r t WIEIJ. ; Bx-txxicl-w Oentlcmen's Xnrnishing' Ooods, NEB. :i, 5 iV 7 Lnkc Street. 77 a-rt- Etc. Cottage . a McAllister' Mii,r.s Wholesale and Retail Dealers In ! ' UEEJmSmmJL It E CHIJVJt, OZJi&Smmd No. 2H NORTH UAlS iTrREET, Between Bine and OUre. (6ld No. 53J , Wm. W.Rao ford, a. ED ELST JT .. t Importers and Jobbers N.R. We would eall Kpeel&l attention of the Trade to our BraDds of HURFORD, BWEET A CO. '8 and BANNER LEADS, which we cuaran. tee to be equal to any Lead in the Market, and our long experience as eorroders, and acquaintance with the manufacture of onr line of roods, enables cs to give pec Lai Inducements to our enntomera, Rinr mflnnfactnrers of our own Lead and Colors, we can supply them from KL Lous, or Omaha. Keb..'at Factory Prices hy addresstna; u At OHA11A, oxy 1 - I I Mineral -- .nd all article osu by Oar NtkananbraM over n HunUre! for Ueanly, DurablUly Tarletle. PAINTERS AND GLAZIERS, nd L'tlUiv u nniarvaMen.' mr Ihin Inferior Oar Krl l tMKkl Iwr Alo, Htovm for. tat himui ou appiicataioraw ana it ice luu USSm OILS of itll kiiulN. ( OAI, OIT cattoiu ' In llrr'! and Hafety Oini. l on Paints,gjj.iss, ifz.vxj and Puttys, every lamps,-Sk- FIELD, BAXTOBO OILS, VARNISHES, BRUSHES, UARBOLIU c: X.JFLW. Jteter MEIER, Dealers In,.. Oil Cl Mala HU, ST. LOUIS, Mo. Nav. S23 Martli d229tftm Mauufacarera and Jobbers in f mt. LOTJISL MO. Jas. Graham v !' ifi Oloss & QaeexisTae, liino, Table Cmtlery, IlclBffr j-jT'-i' (FoundrlrK at AII)iiny, X. Y.) Si. , A. JT. Weber, Benry Brown, d23:6m or Ientl Made for the Trade at Factory Price. CHICAGO, ILLS. "Wholesale Dealer In NjSJ Importers of eeliU 86, Mieliigitu Avenue. & C0.f WOLCQTT medicines; perfumery. drugs, OUa. Window Glass, Ac Painta, if aio w. ssid nt, (Bet. Pine A Oil re, East Slde, WHITE! r.EAI A5D COLORS, 011 , WEBKH BBOWIT, CialUR, ' Importers A Wholesale Dealers in WESTERlfAinr CHICAGO. dllfcly OHIAI1A TRADE. -- ESTABLISHED . rOUIS,Mo. H. WeMermann J7 HANDOLPH STREET, A CODDARD'S Mitrr j:, t rtii of ItOMN. TAIt. Etr.. "A short tiuuo ineo an ,h ul Ittdi tt w a1 lurUxl in Siskiyou county, Which thTrad'at Nw York and ponrto a U the cutai, hLs property, auch a !)Dtl Ht. Louts prices. Freight nddeu. ,w. Chicago mm. money, "etc., was bur1cl with him. 'i '! I.utr roivitM of twenty-si- x Uie only Western AKvnl.i of the dollars in v HA5P powitr.it com ,v mi'tichu ruin which was placed in hLs llrKr snirii hiu! l'AXY, was roiiAtantly on hnnt s fnll the After all oer, Assortment of Rd'p .tiiotith. ceremony tut-icfjpornifa nml the dirt was still loose orer hLs gTave, s..rm inMivs liavlngno respect or dread of iuo portals of the tomb, proceeded to lume thox Uxly, and extracted therefrom And all CJra-- or RLASTINd IMWDEIt and dollars from the mouth. twenty-siTh liHturters of tho dead were not very t iirti. ulur how they extracted it from the Farnham St., OIOHVLA., Neb. Indian JtioUth and lelnjr unable to secure 239 w em -- nun mi 111 nun rii BEX &OOBS Celebrated; CIDER ! d2Z9;6ni ii! i I . IS, mioiESAivi: OIIOICK APPLES, . and OMAHA, NEB., MO.; St-XOU- fl ;. a sensational dram: "Pauvi:ii'icanlt i now near lr tt,"' readj for production, t iti. r u deal of labor and IlMlerx, GlaTes, Turn,, rreteeta Cmtli. 5 Xz&f ) .i ULCXS, EUBSOZXiruzS, j , P.oUUoes, DRESS AOTOI)AkTBnilIINQS. fatf mSgrtcultvrat ImpUMtntiZ . r,f OMAHA, KCO. 3 , Importer and Jobber or j ZEPHYR W O RSTED8 SVEEmCb 1IUI u IIUIll FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS; PROTRIETbES OF.THt: j J W. FOUBTH STREET, .o.(Bet.413 r r St. Charles and Locust,) WEGTERN DEPOTS St. ' v . Dooslas St., d2i ly 216 J.F.nATUBOHE&CO., : in 27 Hoston. , Jobbenr DVAREr IRON, CUTLERY; AILS. MnfEItS'BTJPFlJES, v Oa -- -- ST. LOUIS TRADE. H AR is." Randolph St., ; -- 9 $HDE$ C Broken Sword" was 1 to a fair peated yesterday evening Lyman, from 8. Boyd A Co.. Bymour mosc and the elegant drama passed off in A. C Aldrlcn. cnirago. W. a Lincoln, ui excellent manner. "The Swiaa Cottarc" :o:W. Lyinan 5 Myron U witn Madame Scheller as Llzette, Mr. Manretts a Natz, and Mr. Hardle as Corporal Max kept the audience In a constant Frrolt Italtlmoro Oyster only y.r 6f laughter. ThU evening tre bare axaia a comedy H2.00 per flu. ill. 'Glraldl, or the MiUera wife "with an HiuttiaciBiir cm xofllent cast. Madame Scheiler plays Don f: t Manuel; Mr. uralda; Mr. Waldron, MargcttN GU, the) Miller; Mr. Graham, Jaiviiot: Mr. Lindsay, Klop ThUip' Oiralda n very amusing comedy, with an Intricate SavccA plot, witty dialogue and comical situation. Mr. Marietta ha full scope this eTenlnir, ll U i'.tr the display of his comic talent. no of the bet comedy-part- s that have been written. The Comedy r01ralda" will be of "A Roland : fallowed by the comeuy-far- ct r an Oliver," which h been n favorite' BUTTER BY THElKEG OR POUND, punt of the public. 1'uiitricaI-7-"TJx- 6 . m'm UHCOLNr" LYMAN, ALDRICH lfanaiactnrers aud Wholetale lealers la ;i : ? ' T OMAHA. .TRADE. CMICAOO TRADE. S.- MW-ADYEBHSMT- i- - AND iri'UEH WATTiniS. X.OCAI " EVENING NEWS. NEW "ADVERTlSEnEIlTS: TERMS to BUIT , fJUBTOMEKA. 7' r |