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Show London. Advices from ParaTuav great satisfaction to architects sons injuredseveral seriously, and $wo state FAMILY; CARRIAGE FOR' SiiT giving had arrived at Vial-atLopes , EVEnina tht soon ana ' and builders, 'i t: .promises I ;n:' Qnr addt I10QSH come .into genera, use. me various menao crowd in Court Bauare: his New York, 25. A special, in a cable tests to which it his been subjected, as new and will mtE wS.ae&rly M rrr flli GEORGE ?. CANNON, speech was essentially tho same as that dispatch, says that loyal Americans, v APP1V to bi"UAUUE axe . friends said of his made at the attacks Union, Bafl&lo, English principal namely, of various kinds by heat and su EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. KT1?.vufomi. where the bles, n Carriage ... een. being upon the Republican financial galled at tne recent proceedings orxiinwMhinm An.i Attrition d286 tf .nri .&iBn hv . " T. ' went ster ... he and think that Johnson, oetebe lies. wiux rresn, salt, ana impure water, policy. New York. The examination of Bo- - too far in greeting Laird in sucn a & Co., , prove that very few natural stones are eenberg, charged with forging natural friendly manner. 81 to Londcn. Izatlon the The papers refer papers, commenced JELEREBY CHTVEW TO ALL COMBINATION IN MANUFAC-.- .. as durable cr uniform. closed of The the and Johnson speeches Stanley. registration night Friday OFFICE lor Subscriptions. Ao.TKWk Tb.B4 process of the manufacture of .Democrats say tnev issued l imes Deueves tnai in a iew uays xng-- 1 TUBES. nerc Tne announce to the People of the same to reBDectrally after tf re described was this useful 'concrete of uun the Pint Arrival of a Large con- - GEORGE Q. CANNON.' the 7,000 papers the Republicans say they land and America will be united,: with- - I to ' W'ltor. n nn&rml. hntthat Tnrd alanmentof it f Bomb months ago the Ida of oxg&nlxing oently in London JZngiiicaHnff, which issued 2.072. Both are undoubtedly nnt thA .i Aprtll.1868. r Tne v2riotmc says Stanley's other iessreprema- companies for the manufao says that "Mr. lunsome's patent con that 20,000j naturalizations si have been ture. tnra of all kind of fornitara And CJ crete stone consists of sand united, not The Daihj News says Johnson's task, STAPLE and T. Ilomnann. the referee in the in settling the matters at variance be-rlages, wagons and alelgha was broached by any mechanical sticking compound, John ST-LOUt ii t fSS" IS and discussed, and was receivea wun but by chemicals whicn transform, it case of the .Nicaragua Transit Company, tween 'England and America, is ugnt, considerable favor. by those who gave into a new and homogeneous mass. It against Commodore Vanderbilt. to com f?Ti (7 TT3 V Ti tne latter to pay tnree millions, his predecessor, ii Referring to the (7SL R. GUMEUSEUd, Sr., the subject consideration. The organi- is particles of sand, in some cases mix- pel whlfth hnfl hi fin r en dint slnna 1 RArt Viaa friendly meeting between .Johnson and ' store ' r wholesale a of united . zation ed with a little limestone, by awarded the company one hundred! and juaird tne :n Importer and Jobber of tnat jonnson-siiys is j list now receiving considerable atten silicate of lime. The manner of form elchtv-uv- e thousand dollars. The ma charity towards Laird, who built the DBESS AOTLQAK TEIUMINqs of the claim, for good-wi- ll FOR TUB TRADE, AlaMma, applies ; equally , t6 ' Semmes, tion, and It occupies men's minds; bnt ing this silicate of llmo in the mass is, Jor part receivea ' who sailed her. ; .:. by tne commodore these other enterprises should not be in fact. the ?essence of. the invention. money LACES, EMBROIDERIES, was tne from Mail uompany jracmc lost sight of; they should go hand in The sand Is" mixed with a viscid solu aisauoweu. believe that the following Is the sub- Which we offer Low for Caah. Flour, Grain, Ac.l lIoslerx,$ Olom, Fans, Freneh ' wholesale at WHOLBSALK MM. RETAIL. . c; Skirts, e. 2o. The hand .with the . President has stance nrotocol which has been agreed tion of silicate of soda, which produces Washington. to for Lord a Gen. the addressed to Thos. letter and bv Johnson Stanley Kwlng3 store, for they are equally important, a pasty mass, readily moulded. When in relation to the national r- ss E s An c Alabama the of settlement dispute.' A The Stock consists. In part, of expenses W to p the the; required . forms are; produced they the and it is essentially necessary or debt. After recanitulatinc mixed commission, consisting public eight AND NOTIONS, Coffees, ". prosperity of the Territory that they are treated with a solution1 of chlo briefly, the history of the publlu debt persons appointed by . Great Britain, Teas, Sugars, should be successful. The same argu- ride of calcium, when the silicic alter tne revolutionary war of 1812. and and eight appointed by the United No. 4i8 r i stheft exam tne States-iStarch, to Syrups, Mexican lie Rice, and to in war, In the debt says London, ;rai at nhorioonnj r sit so used in ments that are convincingly acid and the oxygen of the silicate 1SC8 was $2,800,000,000,000; ine every claim! presented, wnetner in merchandize, of soda combine with tho calcium February, favor of Soap, Candles, Tobaccos, and that the expenditures, during the English or American. Each case is to sill manufacto form force and the calcium with of three chloride last of the equal apply years have been respectively, be signed by the claimant, eitner in T Soda, Saleratus, BROWX. WEBER A nntir. S4G.000.000, and 373.000.000. person or by counsel, The commission ture of carriages, wagons, sleighs and ftatnnf lime.' while the chlorine of the 523,000,000, T tv Tmnnrtcrs Whrvlccoi .i -i xxo awara. to rrne tne a tnat auestion q . iroaieiB in say Yeast Powders, Pepper, startling win. mate nnai furniture, of all kinds. If timely mea- chleride of calcium unites with the sodi factsproceeas licniniuro nmr thus nnimo 10 on to is reierrea law stated, concisely international ie suggested sures are not taken by our mechanics to um, and forms chloride of, sodium, the inquiry as to the cause of this the arbitration. u . Spices, Pickles, Oysters, rtalnts. Oils. Window oiB ' . articles such for afterwards demand is V. increase In in Nn. the which tit'. WNind lrt the and expenditures anticipate: (common salt,) Canneil Fruits, Candies, of the country. Durincr the (BeurLneunvef East Bide,) ..y that will naturally spring up as soon as washed out. But Mr. lUnsome had no debtedness war the civil maintenance of Fede on the this In Dikd Sunday evening, city, the railroad is completed, others will sooner discovered how to provide for ral government was the one creat rur Oct. llaisins, Currants, Figs, IJ '08, aged 37 Sherwootl, 25th, com-of our Henry and field from to abroad, ' the chemical reactions tli an the our which step in the animated pose people, and Honey, Maple Sugar, etc., IT. Vftttewinn E. F. market .will be glutted with eastern merclal problem of cost materials as that economy should always character years. M,r Colorado copy. papers, please our was over ise ilnanclal operations manufactured articles of this description sumed Very serious proportions. Sill favor- Worcester, Joeltey Clab and Pepper is notice above of the The subject in the great effort of the nation known to this community as a proto the great injury of our people at home, cateof soda, the!chemicai upon which looked Saneea; Ilrooma, Tnl. to preserve its existence. Many abuses ably Wanli .and Axn Backet, Boards, of his to time the Cltinn Olass & Queens ware minent Illness, clerk, up Axe-' and to the detriment of the Terrftijjr. fthe process hinges, wasj indeed, produc which had their origin in the war in the office of Wells, .; elves, 0 in this Co., Fargo t uuerr, lAOKinr GIshhim.' , Coal We have as many and as good mechan- ed by two modes, both of them, how continued to exist long after it had been city. His numeious friends in this city . Oil LamM.?2f reXo,523 Motnu1raIn RJ., ST. LOHS. ics In this country, for the number of ever, expensive, and neither of them brought to a close. The people, having will learn of his early death with deep ab& GOAL those wifh condole and become to lavish PAIHT8, accustomed ths gret, sincerely expen our population, as they have In the adequate in degree. The solution was diture or so sent ones who are thus deprived of a loving money for an public eastern states or anywhere elsew All too weak to .answer his purpose. The a ear to tnem brother, His funeral took or tne and dntlfnl as tne preservationobject SOUTHERN WHITE LEAD AND COLOR WUBkK 2 o'clock this afternoon. 8.' at place and is Is of free wanted their institutions anlentiflc Imnortance and that the good materials, integrity practical I I 1 11 1.1 11.. ' mornthey can manufacture as strong and as difficulty of the improvement, a this We received call, Called. oppressive character, and have al neat and elegant furniture, carriages, fore, lay just as theyjdid in the Bes most lowed large sums of money to be extort ing, from Elder F. . Anderson, just return- We shall alo keep fully supplied rlth wagons, sleighs and agricultural imple- semer and other processes not in mak ed from them. which have been sciuan- - ed from a mission to Europe. Elder Anderments here as they can in any country, ing the desired material, but in making dered in useless, extravagance. .Enor- son left Utah iii May 18G5, reached EXTRA S. S. FLOUR mous expenses are demanded for a t The great object now to be achieved is a material aud Mr. of in the it. to make which n with August, Mer Liverpool carlyj part And FEED from the the accomplishment of which was warwe will whieb to the Scandinavian the importation of materials. (Coh Jesse Ransom e's great invention was the purpose, in chant labor Mills, appointed a large army, namely rant rimusM, few months afterwards he was C. Little has been appointed, and is production of silicate of soda under pres requires tne constitution and mission. A. tne perversion orstanding to .over tho Edinburgh preside of the States to negro appointed Cfonference, and 1 subsequently over the taking active steps to put the business sure. While powdered llititstone, boll the subjugation a establish with military Bristol Conference; where he continued unin motion which has . been entrusted ed In a" solution of caustic soda, at the I domination, not ment less of time in peace, til last May, when he was released to re' coating, to him. We learn from him that the atmospheric pressure (or many hours, I than a hundred millions aixi Families. Freighters, Graders; Hotel Interand turn home. On arriving at lNew York he Restaurant annually, to fiml their It will 3$V REACHED now a Keepers Wbeing organized with would Yield but a weak and inadequate a debt, tne interest or wmcn company is draws one assisted in forwarding the various compan- est to glre ns n call. , III! was to term and ies tho of thousand uunureu anu of dollars. stock inns, minions emigrants capital Fifty annually nity fluid, whole flints so boiled, under a look after those who were The shares are Fifty dollars each. It is pressure of sixty pounds, readily dis making a total of two hundred and fifty afterwards left to sickness.at Ward's Island detained,through MOTTO the Intention to expend this money for solved and formed a strong silicate of millions. released from were The company hospital. In these two items of the public the for on started ord and the hospital instj the purchase of ..timber, iron, steel, sodaL expenditures, retrenchment has be bankor an come absolute eimf. necessity, paints, .trimmings and "all materials The great strength kuul durability of . QUIOK SALES & SMALL PEOFTTS TUB ftOOUCU OX ima.1. Sta011sbment 4 air needed here for the complete manufac- -: the artificial stone renders It, it is said, ruptcy will soon overtako us, and Intured m tne country. volve the country in paralyzing results. entire line. One of this company, named Cot. Main and Lomham tare of wagons, carriages, sleighs, applicable to all purposes where the If, Office and ASrORKS be wise a left Christian however, Petersen. (was unavoidably economy ... adopted, Streets. ' reploughs, cultivators, mowing, reaping most solid thasonry 3 required, uch the taxes may soon be materially Wm. IT. Oreffp. behind at New York; lie had the misfor F; 3V. Rots well. Pres't. Sec'y. the fine, new at door fall and se ns.one and threshing machines and all needful as the buildlncr of railway bridges or duced, not merely for tho benefit of a tune to break 'his leg while crossing the of i south if-d229;3m Baildinirs, Eldjredffo on and g few, but in the interest of all; and the Atlantic a board the Emerald Isle, oppoOTeriana uoce, machinery and tools,also in other engineering enterprises;, while, revenue neariy Teierrapn was not fair in it of Ac way recovery, f would remain sufficient for the tlxough v I v" establishing suitable workshops and from r the ease with which it con be administration of thegovernmentasalso deemed prudent fr him to risk the journey site ULimball Lswrfne.i ; if;.; j Salt lAke City, Sept; 22, 1868. other conveniences for carrying on the moulded, and the facility with which for such a reduction of the public debt, tnis season. U258tf '. as a few business. in relieve the peowould, years, the most elaborate ornamentation supmillions of Interest now annuBishops, presidents, mechanics and plied, it Is considered specially available ple from from them. Tho idea that drawn ally leading men generally throughout the where ereat beauty of architectural de the debt is to become permanent should various Wards and Settlements should be discountenanced," as involving taxais desired. I FREUD3D sign tion too heavy to be born, and the paytake shares In this enterprise and the where Utah like a In country ment of an amount of interest every should also obtain and forward the flffoan vanmi on o tr fl n nricrl rial aiim Lessees St Manager. H. B. CUwson 4 J. T. Calne. of and stue transportation names of others who wish to do so. If quarryingbe done Manufacturers and Importers of at an enormous ex- - The gradual liquidation of the public there are those who have means, and do can only THRILIilinS DRALIA ! pense this is a subject worthy the atten amount of capital f invested in the not wish to invest in this company, tion of architects and builders. securities of . the government, .which, send for timber ; themthey should FARCEl seeking remuneration In other sources. LAUGHABLE . BKAilatlv aYanfiwI fw iho imnt selves. t We- "need timber and other aU nuu ' ABUO ivi would Income add gsrsacaaAj cvuai'wu the resulting, ' Western people; . much to the wealth of the nation, upon materials; for we need carriages and isprt'ini mi the i)r$fTt combine great weignt, uisiriDuiettiowr They now a is which it best advantage, with beauty pf design and pewagons,! Ac. If suitable materials be great drain; This TUESDAY; EVENING, of manufacture. to become 5y rfection; immense if debt, permitted '.clfflroph. imported, every kind of vehicle can be OCTOBER 1868. 27t stove and must evidentAMMUNITION, foaic tocoQicimr ciueiftcx necessary permanent manufactured here to better suit our the year in the were introduced first public be a Into hands of few, gathered (the ly have ever and once the took lead, andrKr 1332, market and wants than those which are which would enable them, to exert a Will be , CSNCItAI. since grown in favor, until there are now a. presented,1 the romantic Shrilling, and in There the been" have power controling dangerous imported. fc Nporlliiff Article very' fewi r.orATED NUMBER! SOLD DAILY Ban Francisco, been affairs have MeloDrama.ln 3 Acts, entitled. Cutlery as of debtors the Government, If, any, 'carriages ever brought to. this no more quakes since yesterday morn than any Stove ln the market. Over become servants would of then ONE OTJNimEJJ THOTJSA5D country unless they were made accord- lng: the excitement has entirely sub ers, and creditors would be tne mas every stores Is of estate real are value sided. in daily use, and we offer The ap- ters of the letter concludes The ing' to a special orderthat have been found. be people. it may GUN wherever reference, unailected by, the disaster, as 5y declarfng that aa new our adapted to the use of the. people here. parently ,i is beiufi: rushed wnetner uongress iml krhUA" 1 nil work on new united, and we confident! provemenis-wer- e This Is a liard country on .vehicles of forward with buildings energy. . .... offerthe'i of shall sumptions authority supersede THE every description, and they must tbe San Francisco, 23. There has been the supreme law of the land, or whether, constructed according to a different several slight shocks of earthquake in a time of peace, the country shall be AS THE GENEVA. OF midnight!! one at 7.55 a.m., of ed,M ot rule to that which prevails among since eaTiest. Seat by a multitude of tax collect- Vai lUHtmitWHtMrtttlMM' . mConstruct av a n1at ..MrDMcKensle considerable duration, caused some controled V UTAH OF .i HOUSE ors and a standing army, the one as Fontaine .Mr J8 Lindsay ROflEER eastern carriage builders, or they will alarm. . M Jjaraio as numerous Mr the thus Count de J tlio markets the other, Morvllle, StQTaln making not suit. Even If properly made out of Tne sieamsnip ueinorte, wmle en debt a ing Mr J K iiyae , .. lcad burden Chardrthe TheOak is the propermanent upon cheapest firsVd was route to mtaa IvavlgTie.... irom nil n victoria, t imit' Twenty-eighever our sizes, wiin stove causes made. climate ductive ' of the V: 1 k m.k 1 i. rr timber, Mr A MerrUl r people; whether JDeJparc industry ti irom iuct. -- ibi,, uuuui, -- nnfi without Xtension Top, sold wpoiesaie nines weceu, nil lt the with rjonRtitntion. them to shrink and crack, and they the Miss Adams 1; retail by latter port. Countess Morvllle..i de j',Ur?,JA oon need repairs. But timber bought at the time,! but "the Mrs M . Mrs BrldeL-..- .i ' iivIMiictiiiiii-.ftapi...........m-.?-BUin the east and brought here will be so calm. .Tne passengers anu crew, ana a nrav . on fthnii Ia mndo fnr n,ft Nannette........ Peasants Holdiers, Male and Female portion of the stores and cabin ment of our obligations at as MAIN STREET, thoroughly seasoned before it is used large etc; ST. IiOUIS, Md. servants, early were savedi. The furniture d227mi that there will be but little shrinkage ably, will be a total loss. vessel, prob-; a period as practicable, that the fruits of Ta conclude with the very laughable Farce, ' f Three doors below Salt Lake House,! their labor may be enjoyed v by our citiIn it afterwards. ; Bt. Louis, 24. Henry D. Christian, a zens ; ' SALT UKE CITY, hi buildrather to than used up and Ool.', Little Intends to start for the uetective, was lounu last nignt in an sustain a money '' IT ... and at home Importers and jobbers' of p monopoly s with a terrible wound in the back abroad. The contest out iof and Now offer him the Kast about the 15th of November. He alley, greatest variety is not merely who ever opened ont in Utah Terri- Ui 4 or Ammunition ne an ills nead: died about ln hour. will be accompanied by Bishop Nathan Christian bad been active ln shall oecupy the principal offices in thex KoVili'kORTH rAIN STREET, ln our description tory. Repairing of every In beferreting a workmanlike done and line whether the but promptly Nlcodemns Kobbs HMtM people's gift, high tffjM Mr P Marietta Davis, whose' reputation asm practical out frauds in tobacco, and had been hests Gums made to order, W1U trade, buy Mr Mackintosh Moke ..Mr J B Lindsay manner.. shall of Constitution Federal the second sell hand Guns. and : mechanic and machinist Is well known. instrumental in procuring witnesses be observed and' maintained, in order Mr Eglantine Roselesx Mr J O Uranam Wells. Rodney various see man Mrs Wood L parties. against Jnlla.... They expect to, remain in the 8 tales isew ork. lion. James Brooks re that our liberties may be preserved and Buean....k.....M....M.M.4M..........Mrs for C I. Dnpont's and De BTe Ajfents M A Roraney Sc Ce's eelebrated ITCLLXTEILH A TOOKH. our mosir tne tnat will to the and union attend irrjET, restored, winter, during ceived the nomination of all the Demo-- 4 . riter. Brf Wholesale Dealers in v8tem may be unimpaired, any business entrusted to them. Per- - cratlc organizations in the eiebth dis wl. POWDER. k"? s MINING SPORTING our.naArtiste, TnaFaTotiteLyrio that narfeellncr D R Y'QO ODS iA N D N O T- 10 M i sons wno wisn to ooiain carriages or trict. i v x No. 221 MAIN STREET, our Indaiao Ictliua RturXTiEU ' 13- - Sole Agents lor the whole west for the New Orleans. A row occurred to- tional strength may be renewed,! I Cor. H sgons, Instead of sending east for them taxes CXJ.HeUmersNew Tork. a most concluded that nTkrs. successful celebrated1 diminished, Having night about, ten, o'clock between the expenditures Is dally expected. once engagement In Montana,brilliantly G.Hurt, debt tho would do well to consult with CoL1 Lit white be and public may light v oorius, Due Notice will be given of her and negro clubs iu Down street, more St. Louis, , ' ; inhot it that may at this House. .. extinguished, tle, The money they would have to which are in close proximity, when W.Giesecke, property-anthe allect life, juriously send east for the purchase of what they several shots were fired ne' and three HIFLE AUD CMUIIIIS! morals of the nation.VDHrCSrAir ve pet 28, ; . disneed would materially aid this compa- groes killed.. Canal street was filled the of The New Orleans. origin iMaafacttirers and Dealers Ut : , with the debris DCGCO;; Irof. of ; torches and disto Prestidigitator! is lamps. dlincult Conn. Winchester The Rifles Of New Haven, last night : SHOES' ny, and they could have an article made A large and excited crowd gathered in turbance In.au entirely new Programme of can be fired eighteen times ln succession with the negro O0-icsays cover. Tho IHcayune under own their here out reloading, hence the name of EIGHTEEN d eyes, that would the vicinity, but nothing was learned abused and Insulted the Demo- 3rA.GrIC find HYOTERY SHOOTER, and have the great advanUa over ?IoJf&oojr.ainstst.Lon 1 tsuit them better than. If they, were to with regard to the origin of the difficul- clubs f were marching .In who as can also a cratic for be used other clubs, arm, ' OPEN any Perfdfmanes at they 7o;iock. Mass. ' t ' aTspencer, .. L J Factory r, ty. ... Irnrvirt ft TVi ftoA whn tn.w vlK t the first, 6bot CAme cotoraenre punctually at 7 each cartridge that and single Inserting their by rear, d22Jh6m '; 18 24. to fired be in the barrel, and leaving shots in Gen. Cassius Fair- from the negro club.. Three,whites and Milwaukee. ' tain can two rate of the at be used the It magazine. any kind of vehicle would do well child died an of .old, wound re six blacks were kllledi ' The; stores at shots a second. j i to advance the money necessary to pur- ceivea at the battle of Bhilob. ., ' corner of isaronne; street were .the rio SUJrolrtli SZaln St These Arms are) parti cularly reeam chase the materials By', doing so, and BU vliOuU. The IienublicanU Iilttle marked with bullets. r--. " asmended Bock defense for affainat of the Rethe i 4 , special says, report Intelligencerl Wheeling, 2CourThewhole giving a description of what they want, sassination of was Hinds ;:l irtM.i tfr.nnr. nft wholesalers id State ticket Congressman says publican, everything necessary to fill their orders uistrusteu; tne a ispatcn-- ' further Inti was elected, by not less than maPfJSTSI! 3,50Q would be purchased, and , Immediately mates that if Hinds had been murdered We retain almost, If not quite iKUU-tA(upon the arrlral of the stock, theirs car- - tha .Radicals did the deed, -as Hinds' jority. ; In the legislature, usual ' majority xiao Agenu forthaii lu f t p Vlollnaad Strings, coarse lately had been doing the Radi- the mz V three all elected have and riages or wagons would be buflL"; Tu cal Congressmen. cause' great injury. " The Badicals The JiegUter, Democratic, .says thejre-tur- n d279tf There should be no delay about this tcc.FincAnMo LCor.iPAyyf sl'!l AivU;:t on the Democrats. . the charge from eighteen counties show net business.. ? It should ; receive the early necrroes on tne tilling 20th llftv attacked Democratic gains of 2.500, and should uii'iUcniDGEfCEACH & CO., . I t 'il xjl-fof houses the I 'and prompt 'attention1 of' the the into Dardanelle, same exist the firing ratio, the, leading rallied and drove them State the Democrats willthroughout ao emui men, mechanics and people generally- - whites, who carry the State Public Sale or Forfleted Pro u irf FTTKlY ANn TaOOAITL u.. All kinds awayv-r,: j.,r.i ... ; a handsome 1 a v;ru.i majority. u .i . . i r is Auguijr AAupvJtwsui ana neces Tne Timet In this citv savs mere are by ; tl virtue of the Internal Revenue Law of tae i it sary move, in which the peeple of the ten thousand stand of small arms in St. I wui sell to the tilgtacstt ...UnUedStates, bidder, for cash, at tbi Court House In ntir Territory are interested. 'Porrciaw.'-"lf'",V Louis, purchased for the Governor of ' Lake City; district or Ut&b, on Thursday Salt ijaportflTsand Dealers ht .j tbe Governemisouthern owners and The other of Arkansas, the 6th dy. or November, ppox. at 10 o'ciDCka.m is! ors, tut thfct- it- hes been impossible to 'Hamburg. IAebritzi-wh- o As ritaetrali Vti TTr- - In" cat Tlr- -: we are were proseJPJLATE E2XEET BIO flt ; grant ship T,tt! 2 4 our Tt Iron iiHa lion ISaeet for EDrroniAi. cuzuiahy. r Bt them shipped Barfelkro&e Tubs;-. cuted LUer, : south. to for here cruelty-passerers double and one slnsle; 2 Kes contain lnir 1114 -ri kl ki pon rvrrVC Kr 4frC Albany.--- a. of a train of the during the voyage to America portion llectlfler: t andTlUxil. so StvM. hc:czJ haye gallons old Spirits; Hudson IUver Ballroad was thrown Deen acquitiea. i X3Jr?eiS.I2la from the track last nlsrht: three cars Madrid. The Government will irims "?S5i?KHlM? r?i u Office. Bait Lsir J.ucianat Collector's said to be were smashed to atoms, and forty per- dlately revise the pnsloa Hit, dCC31a nirm desbbet . OOSKSOl a. ! I . rrt : 1 a; c. pyper I ; to-day-.-" NOTICE in , under-estimate- ? 1 d, co-operati- ve ::"J :' m co-opera- tive .! ttt ! TRAnc s I ; co-opera- tive -- ? . t . v- fTB??8 fourthI ! . j . a s co-operat- ion f j . i Zt a m Ar r : -- j ; ) ' TT. H - . Oil -- ' i i i i w . - v Z 1 A m 1- A i , weU-l&aow- i m j W I i aT r - . . dWA IS: OVR ib'iSI . , . " . labor-savin- t i TEES A'OCS&ES J j a 11 ' h iBRB., 1 Quns& Pistols, - ; Q- , a-- tCv-rtr-,j -- ftf .$ ; I t the-lea- ' d i i MATERIAL. re-doubl- . ' -- i - . well-season- ( - . ed 1 u ... 5,? a t Prcund' C Ero : . :: , . - ' Idbbs ' . Fire-arm- , t j -- . "" 1 1 ed, X i I I . Re-appeara- j ., Hlti d ' - . , i . ; J i , S3-DOO- -. - 1 .. . ; B3 j breech-loade- i - -- to-da- y. - . ! -p- j v- .- -- - - ! SOQCEDARj w. noopEn. , Sa" : , - -- ";; f Vl.-- r: . -- .. r'. . . '..i-'tiu- . .. t .. . ' i i v-- ftT u. . ? nH-- - t jr -- - - . -- .- -. 'vt-r;r.- i . .. |