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Show r Jbr the Dettrci Evening Xew. EVENING HEWS Join his regiment on tht Beaver, were atiacicea pv live hundred Indians; the fight lasted from seven in the morning ocibr 34. IMS. until three in the afternoon, when the QgrCTTAL. .Tha UefTiln fnllnnrtnr Indians withdrew, completely leaving nine killed.- - UavMitr.1i from President Johnson, was received one side of the paper only. by Gov. Seymour !" mitaken "l see it announced in tne papers this or anonymous coxn names most in morning that yon will enter, en the their eommunlca Presidential canvass in person, I trust this may be so, as the present position mil BJt4h!l!fr. or public alum josunes and demands "Wandering Bteenle," and it. it is Hoped and believed by your f . raieuients with a dance between friends that all enemies to a constitutioj cure, make the entertainment to--j nal government, whether secret or . r. R Evans U cast for "Old Adam." avowed, will not be spared, that their i!:,,f of Mr- - Heauchamp, who, ire under and unjust usurpations, toit.tiicK. Both pieces are attractive ones.- arbitrary their wasteful, -- profligate with f tu yield very flae eveninga enjoy- gether and corrupt usea of the people's treasure, will be exposed and rebuked. The should be aroused and ma&s Rrnl Valley, writes on the 13th, and warnedpeople against the encroachments of VtkAt good health prevails la that aettle- now ready to enter raised . of crops, what the 'hoppers tho despotic power . Taty and city. I trust you !. lit to Icmvo them, bat they exoect to barea every gate, cltldal an to sustain them till next harvest and inspired tongue, may speak with Jfi and that your voice may penetrate ' every Just and patriotic heart through(ocxnr.D Rumors, Wo hear that out the land. Let the living priuciplef iro many rumors ir circulation in of a violated constitution be proclaimed t my respecting accidents that Lave and restored, that peace, prosperity and rrel to the men engaged In blasting fraternal feeling may return to a divi nation. i oa the contract of Sharp fc Young, In ded and oppressedAndrkw Johnson. (Signed) MuT txanjon. Thore are various stories, ofllclal returns Chicago. Complete . numerous versions of the samo story, from Indiana show that llaker's fei,.h state, the number blown 1t1o from for Governor is 10G9. majority toi twenty. "We dot know were comltee up how IniladeIphIa.-Proceedinin one of tile courts, to reports get In circulation, but those menced contest the recent election. )t originate them are highly censurable; San Francisco, 23. Details of tho of lt),l anv guilty great cruelties. Such destruction of property in the interior .jU oreate alarm In the mlmls of the the of the State, by tho earthquake on Uo. anil relatives ef thoso'who ore 21st have received. Alamada been , n a iu working on that contract, and suffered most. The damago to property v are suujwkw i iuo ton ares or extending In all directions, back to San .vxiAv ami suspense, lest some of their lieandro. Numerous fissurVs were ret ones should be involved In tho In formed the earth, from someof which Joseph A. Young, Ksq.. has had came clouds of dnst, aud from otiicrj :,',l!Ufrous inquiries addressed to him upon water. volumes Iu tho San'JLeandro of subject by wives and others anxious months for which Creek, past has not ;Ut their relatives. a a been for assure tho runninsr can that day, rapid stream We weareiu public iest possible position for knowing the of water made its appearance; iu some r.o.Vvtiou of tho wrks in the Kanyon, and places hot water and steam gushed forth , .iiouUl anything occur which wo sincerely amounting in the villages of San liean.rit trill never bo tho case we should dro and i I ay ward j, almost fo river. 'immediately infonnetl of the particulars, The brick buildings were all thrown tll,t liable to make them public in a relinu- uninhabitable; ve manner. There is no room for excite-- v down or rcudercd . . t iiieruus wooueo, sirucfcurtx hui' cuusi-- j alarm in relation to reported nt 90 long as no account f them appear derably damaged at Hay wants; only There is not a doubt but if one building was uninjured at Alemada. ur column pvthttir? should at any time happen Mes- -. At JJrooklyn and Oakland tuey all sufsharp A Young would start an express fered severely. The destruction of pronmtiately with tho par tieulars. Wo hope perty at San Jos and lied wood City ifc mont will bo sufficient to quiet auy was great. The bricK and adobe nouses nig Mtutarm that may exbt, and check at the Mission and San Joso were in .;!, circulation of nnfounded ranters iu tho mass oflruins. At Sacramento, Stockton '' ..ure.' and the injury to buildings Jaies Livingston left the tunnels iu was Marysville tne loss email, rcia-tumand Wr Kanyon last night," and siignt u that everything is progressing Ilealburgh, Santa Kosa, Sallego iiiWv, and the men are well. About ii and Martinego felt the full force of the t of tho lower tunnel is done, and the shock, chimneys and firewalls being i.civj approach to it ia being workeil by thrown down. The damage to property ii.yc shifts of men. Largo nres are kept was considerable at Los 'Angeles; at rniiiLr at uiiiht that thev mar neo to work Vi&ilia the shock was slight, no damage . Thrv shifts of men are also nt work in was Moutere and done. Santa nl of each tunnel. An excellent Watsonville sulVeredCrag, loss. In the little firiE prevails among tho brethren working State of Nevada the earthquake was scarcely felt. San Francisco. The committee of oucuvii UiKtCitarACK. Duiiutf severe ruffu recently In Morantown, 11 u tier county, architects appointed by the board of sus.r., the following tinitrilar freak was performed pervisors, report that tho City Hall rls t the electric fluid: A young tady while stand unsafe, and the building will be takenls .ig at the window of a private residence. down. In the meanwhile the city and courts' will find temporary uafcixing the warring of tho elements, was rr.nned. but not otherwise hnrt, by a flash of quarters elsewhere. The damage to the s is trilling, the schools will which passed through the window at .ihtntns, was aicn toe utcrwaraa dis be open as usual on Monday next. .The itwu siaiming. vurcreJ that n perfect iikcoeM of en. alantnns XI. S. marine hospital building has been ;ne. wnicn stood Immediately In iroatof tne condemned seem ;ntlow, wm, by tne proper authorities, Inxty, Indelibly photograph. r.t on the bosom of the young; lady. This Is one and will be demolished; the patients .t Uie strangest freaks of tht one or Nature's are at present encamped on the grounds itattKents, yet recorded. . tne noepitni, 'no proper acAcvidekt. James Jordan, of the 10th Ward adjoining: commodations having as yet been pro hoU in the nelgHborhood of SO years of age vided them, wiaiie The Custom House Is wrecked to such working at a saw mill on the Hon. John ruj lor'n contract in Weber CaHon, had his arm an extent that it probably will not be lenibij lacerated by a circular saw and the occupied again. The officials have re'xtne shattered, on Thursday last. lie was moved temporarily to Hay ward's build-in- g croatht into town yesterday morning', and Dr. on Calif ornU street. Aiidmon was Immediately called, who round it necessary to An morn-D3 army of laborers is at work the arm. This was doing favorably. on the shattered bulldlng?,removing the lo. Jordanamputate debris from the streets. The merchants iioT,HiM.Last Saturday, the 17th, a young are showing no disposition to abandon man named rorter, who had been In the em- locations.; borne or property or ptoyotaPcte Dal ley, of Virginia, appeared In their are structures their being taken down, in netshborhood of Oxford, Round Valley, in and others repaired. The vicinity of tarne co., mounted on a horse the property of wrecked the buildings Is a busy ecene. Dai:y which he had taken from the Eagle The shock at this morning, did rubles wheie It was In charge of one Foster. DuliY. it nee ma. hail Tefnaed to Day Porter his more and injury; some builddamage and. he .hired the horse, saddle and ings and the chimneys of different ajes, tri4ie and eloped. Intending, he said, to make Us way home to his mother in Indiana. Foster manufactories which sufiered considerfollowed him and overtook him In Oxford, and ably at the first shock, now have to be tut Urn on sight. Porter made off, though demolished and rebuilt. No definite vrouniwi, and foster followed, overtaking him to property can again, when Porter up. being crippled in estimate of the damage tae .iiioaidcr, where gave a bail be made until proper survey of the had struck: him. Ike t oter we are Informed, took the horse, saddle entire cltv is made. Some place the Ql bridle, and helped himself as well to forter s money, blanaets, coat, etc., leaving loss at $300,000, others at $2,000,000. The on to the die or not as he latter figure is proDaoiy tne nearest to ainujiDg could. Foster nred prairie off bis pistol, and passing tne true loss, as , quite a numuer oi the settlement again said Porter would trough not trouble anymore, and that arrangements buildings have beenontorn down to be vrouid be made to dispose of him: which, of reconstructed, while many expenses course, were not mads. Porter, however, was and to be made. have will repairs not deed, bat was able to make his way to New Orleans. The .steamer General wnere he had some mends, who took care of Mm. This, doubtless. Is "civilization. Quitman, loaded with "cotton, struck a snag yesterday, above Bayou Sara, and iov in. The ImnUiTants who were detained sunk: all the passengers were saved, "e IU nd by sickness cot In today about It but tne boat ana cargo are a total loss. vlock. with tW teams sent for them. They a of distinguished number Last night were about CO In number, and were In charge of entered the persons parish Jail at Can ratter Jr. c Anderson, returning missionary. ne died coming into tae city; tw are still rolton.and shot two negroes, who had i'k : t ne rest are in good neaitn ana spirits. been twice convicted of outrages on Ntw Books O. II. Elliott & Co.. Booksellers white women, and who had been twice Sheridan and nd Stationers, Hooper's Corner, have laid on reprieved by General Mower. ur table a new bookntlUed "Kemarkable General A fire broke out .at 2 o'clock this vuivkds auu uruiuiuio intra u u iiwij morning In Gretna, opposite the upper Unci. 'by Charles W. EUtott." with original articles by Theodore T. Wooisey, President of part of the city; it was undoubtedly, the i sue conese; u. u., nesi-J- work of ans incendiary. Reports were Joseph Lummings, of Wesievan Kt. Itev. Thomas current during the progress of the fire University; x. u.. xtunop ox unoae isiana: itev. ;.iuu-kHemjr Ward Beeeher; He v. Cnas. A. HtoUdard; that a number of negroes had been Ker. Wiillam D. IX and a ilUt Adams, stealing goods, the nurnrMnf iti work? iato Dortraw ancient caught and negroes, whites in Palestine, the characters and deeds of ensued between the two of the latter were killed. 'u great men and noble women wno nave in which inade that laud ho illustrious, and aho to give a A company of infantry and a body of rnthfui account of the Holy Iand and the of the present day. The subject Is ponce restored quiet., wine uuituiuga ' of commanding Interest and Importance, were burned. Nothing can be grander than the heroic lives Charleston. The Democratic State d deeds of the men of Bacred History; Committee have Issued an address, holy more beautiful than the womanly faith nothing d strongly reprobating the recent acts of duty it baa recorded; nothing of sach power as its stories oi sacrifice ana violence, and invoking the earnest wtriotUm. This work has to do with those efforts of the people, black and white, ao8 deeds and words, wboee lessons of hero-ana check nave to been the mightiest Influ mitt) incendiary language and I pre'n 'acta in shaping modern clvtllxaUon. Mr. serve order. New York, 21. A Tribune's Orleans I'UiorUn, and in purity, and clearness of to-da- y: VI 1 i , tBii-Ai- - . I . i Hfr . i s j g3 to-d- ay j .. , , catas-.'ph- e. -- acci-Vn- ts n . t i, , i , a, to-d- ay u : In-;(lrn- ;ed . no-h- . ofll-cia- -- school-house- j dlsor-ganlze- d, Til PIE'S 1E17 ATTTENTION ! FAIRDAN(,PEC(&CO. i OHIOAGO," A. C. PYPER & Co., it m IEXIlIS,..i BTHIPIIS.. . CHECKS,-;- s SATWrETTS,.75 TJiASXEUi, v 6 ' as FOR THE TRADE. - I nnd FANCY' CO I JEAXN, STAPXJE 25 25 ri.OTIII, PURE LEAF LARD EXPBES3LT FOR TJSZ3, t j Call and See! Havana. Volunteer companies,form-in- g in all parts of Cuba, are offering F. Aiterbach & Bro's. their services to the Captain General; order prevails in Puerto Prlnclpl. For the first time heavy rains in the interior prevent the troops from pursuing the insurrectionists as swiftly as is desired. Information has been received here from Halquin, that the insurreci tionists are committing depredations at that place. A document, purporting to JIIILXS iV 31 e AT, LIST Kit. Wiiottrrfi'" and Uotail Deal v In. be a i l SJ i ; . - l ! Rlee, Starch, Syrups, i Soap, Candles, Tobneeos, Soda, Saleratus, Yenst Powders, Pepperr Spices,' Pickles, Oysters, H EXTRA LARD OIL f dlhl-C- OMAHA ... TRADE. . TOR ItUBRICATINO, :! ': Flouring Mills, Saw j! j y, Ms ' ' : I , . PURE NEATSFOOT Oil.. 8ie-4ii- IMails & Glass. i li-'- e i lm-prs&i- ve Leather -- Findings I Heavy fore him. ICentucky WbisKiea always on hand. Madrid. In accordance with the recommendation of the Central Junta, most of the provisional Juntas have c)2ljCm f. i. cooit:u .v C o.. Graders. Hotel and Families, Freighters, will find it to their InterRestaurant Keepers cut to pdvo us a call. f Paris. Prince Napolou has written a letter to General Prim, advocating the claims of the Duke f Aosta to the lal. , or ;salt Lake City, Sept. 22, lsos. Goods sold at manuliicturers' list price, fieigii added. Orders solicited and prompt attention lven. Price llit furnished on application. d25Stf W : - i- WHOLESALE and RETAIL. - ALLEN n one style,U of the best or American writers. Assoc with himself such eminent scholars and Titers as those who have assisted In the work, 's guarantee that It is an interesting and In "tractive book, it forms one large octavo volume, of over COO illustrated with twelve steel engravings i a colored map, and Is being canvassed In tuy Dy Mr. u. u. muoira agent. bfTT .. . .. . f morning, aiana Morgan, aauguter w Thomas and Annie Williams, aged 1 year, 10 -"nuis and 15 days. &UDg says: This morning a large number of whites crossed tne river, uen. ltosscau stopped the ferry boats and sent a com-na- n v of infantry to assist the police in Times preserving peace. The Evening savs the loner impending conflict seems to have fairlv commenced. General Roaseau has reauested two additional At 9 o'clock an armed; mob regiments. oraerea 400 men uie metropolitan po of Hre to leave Gretna. The Democrat's Little Rt. Louis. Rock snecial says that James Hinds, member of Conercss from the2d'DIs The Hon trict. was assassinated Jos. R. Brooks, who was. with Hinds, wrea wnnnded. but It is SUPPOSed not fafaitw. Jejnea Clarendon, an outspoken ; was also murdered in the Republican m viMnU-- recently. of 120 Fort Wallace. A detachmentCarr ,to nc2,wbllt escorting. General tJ01!1- - Oaden. Weber county. Aog.80. 1SC8. tdward llawjuns, laU of WUUhire, BV? ' ed 23 ear months. w tZl. ' cansed "jQth ea tohhn while is. fCftv by an accident which working with a thrashing O1' 2l. EU euSlJOT.t Ornde F. and Janstte Hsr- - Hannah Jane Manufacturers and Importers of I SHELF HARDWARE, GENERAL 6c PENMANSHIP AT THr. DESERETUMVERSITY. Dealers iu lny Clnse. T:itIN: 3:Oe for Thirty i d239Gm j; JACKSOX Isone. 'IIEXIXT S. V Co., FAUNIIAM 8TREKT, lotwccn nth ? 10th STKKETS, ' 13 Principal. KXGINEER. water supply, Ac., accom roads, railroads or ana sections quantities or wora to ne panied byso executed,or as to arrive at the accurate estima ted cost const ruction. He would also be slad to take a few miplls to instruct In the profession. Terms upon inquiry. e" years' experience in the profession. Twenty THOMAS DAVIS, Trovo City. vrooniix nil en lion ar Special - rrom i . diWly ; j ;c . salt laue 6l Co., WII)OW, "Cf.ASSJ " J : . x -- i i . 300 - i XV. d27tf H. UOOPED. j N.B. The new Issue ol Salt La lie Cllf Co titr-...dl?2rfsni-of onr work. j ! - ; "! f- - & laient out reloading, hence the name of EIOHTLfcJi over SHOOTER, and have the great advantage lor tbey can be used also as a arm, any other breech-loade- r, by Inserting each18cartridge singlefired to be in the barrel,beand leaving shots In used at the rale of two tho magazine. Itcnn shots a second. Time Armi are jpartlealarly aatinst for tlefenso ICJDIAC3 EI a ATT AO US! I w c J 5;. p- ! r-- -- 1 . ,; i 4. Lithographer and Engraver j XS4 FZABL fTBZET, HEW T01X. ! . j f THOHA3 OAILWAH, Dealer and in Pocket Book, IMPORTER Mnsnender 11IXDKRS LEATILEIt and MATE3IAIS, Onssla Leather, Cnamols, Ac.,No. ISO WTT.T.T A T HTRrirr ' s Corner of Spruce, New York. - . AND LOOSE, j 127E O ET-in our T-III-II H I n uL j ! we are tha West, onr line, Pinneritoin maintain H determined ior reputation .y on and the " best the jarUelea pi keeping most reasonable terms Wholesale and Retail. i ' h o d : BOARD, per Week, 2! is S Of New 'Haven, Conn. The Winchester Rifles can be fired eighteen times in saccess ion with- i MEALS AT ALL HtOUBSt fS,Kfc c Io A( of CARBIfiE Brass, Japanned Machines ana j Tinner- Tools andStock. i if ,) Tinners ,i Oook Stove. Stewart the for of Sale the Agent All kinds oi FIXED No 243 Farnham SU, cor. ltih, Omaha, Neb.-- j, assorted StOCK Ail earrr thn larvest and best west of the Mississippi River, I can at all times XL IvITIJEr 8,.m fill orders to the nest ' "' wT s MOJITAJTA RESTATJRA3nr. ! Second South Streetj ! . t I ' I J STATIONER, i MINING POWDER. REPEATISG j CORNWELL, MANUFACTURING , t- HULIN ! MII.TON .ROGERS, I ". Dealer in Also Agents for the STOVES. IIOIXOW 1VARE and LEE FIRE AR MO COMPANY, SIIEETinOX, MIlVaUKEE,WIS Wareaj and Conner. M ? scccxtsoa to celebrated .WIneheater sawsracuon:.j POSTS! " , ; ! recom-mende- HOPES, TWINE. The Larajeat stabllslimct in Hie Wwl, CEDAR Co'si i Established 1S.3. WANTED! to-da- y. - REFERENCES: W. C. Staines, Km. U. B. dawHau,' Esq. celebrated ofr all Uintls.' ...COAIi H in Ilarrels and Safety Cans. 1TTJ4 fc - I If any Flax, Hemp, iouc work oa snares, or omerwise, Dnnginem Flax and Hemp, must be rotted before 11 is I Engraving- andj Lithography Promptfy Executofl. Sole Agents for the whole, west for trie CXCFUIOR STOVF STORE! LARIETS. SINCHES. or Cotton Yarn to one has - I Is a SATT TiAKK CITY, ation Kpeclracn - SPORTING , AND GLAZIERS. PAINTERS ' W. WHIPPLE & SONS. W. A. MettASTEB, 11th Ward, ' to manufacture Ropes, Twine, HAS begun Lines of all kinds, and Bands for cotTwine, ton Mills, Woollen Mills. Weaver's Broom Twine; Garden, Mason, Adoble. Car-. penter, Baw and Shingle Lines ol all kinds. Printing-- Three doors below Salt Lake House,! niosir And nil Articles used by 1 d2t$Tir FliAX I- nooiis.n.uu; to tutofin: ; . ) 1112311 UTAH ! OF Ammunition opened description In onr Repairing of every tory. none nuu m h wuihuuhm line prompuy manner. ; Onns made to order. Will. trade, bnf Wholesale Donlers in , , and Sell second hand Guns. IIS. imisniis. VARNISH Aarenfs for E. I. InnontM.and He i WOLCOTT We will elve one third of the Lumber or f i ItOSIX, TAK, rAv.9 j.i. ... Bhlngles lor Hauling. New York at we to arit Trade the offer LUMBER. PICKETS and SHINGLES on hand Which Chicago Prices, y reigni nuuea. at the Mill and at our Residence, In theixth , Ward. AU kinds or Fay taken. 229 FARNHAM ST., OMAHA, XEft I i i . d2S93m f N. i. V-l- Fire-arm- Als6 Mill in Bis; Cottonwood KanIrom onr . rrom 23 mllea citj-yon, Xfn and rAtest varlei v of in-- s Terrikav nirr Wm ever Utah out . HAULED ON SHARES, XaoKftn St.. KAY PRINTERH, LlTHOUllAl'l AN IT BLANK ENGRAVERS ER, BOOK MANUFACTURERS. :o : j. & Brov F2eund MAIN STREET. . l'AIXTS. LUMBER & SHINGLES t ITAli. 1 11 & KENNARD j- , Oltnr.lt S Io arlven No. OA: General ,d!2i):t;iit And every Description and Style CORDAUH. Af.- - t WANTED! M'Ani.'. 0. SEYMOUR, TiL.i.vii C.TIOC'ERIIX, LIQUORS. ( ICIARV, TOBACCO. PROVISION'S, X d2Sl:lm HOUSE PIONEER , STATIONERS,' STATIONPS, Dealers ln snrveyer ana Kngin-undersigned, to rpHE is prepared get on surveys of Land, eer, or work of excavations for the construction of . J.! nnl i - i : lithographedofand printed to order. Assortment OAico Stationery ' OMAHA, XEltRASKA, fc Nporf Iiir Articles, Uim MATERIAL. . j FULTON ST ..XEW YORK. Blank Books made to any pattern. Checks, Notes, Drafts, Certificates of Stock and Bonds, 3 WHOLESALE GROCERS, D. O. CALDER, SUItVKYOIl ! XKHJIASISA. i OMAHA, I Jonathan Janes. SZOTX a JJt.VJtS, - Henry 1. Slote, ! r Cutlery Fnrnniu Street. 1S CHiaiGO, NEW YORK TRADE AMMUNITION, - FURNITURE AND BEDDING , IST'and 80 South Clark St., Guns& Pistols, Tat i glit by one of the in the Territory, I MA0ZEY, d21S:m At Wholesale and Itetail, ! Will Sell nt CIIICAf.O or XEW A'OKK miCJCS, witli Frclffbt added. direct of Manufacturers We buy best Tench-o- r d239 ."tilall our: GOODS nnd Importers. i h ; ' OMAHA, XEDRASKA, 1 ; 1 r. cnuncnux. TH-ErfJE- j , ' ' ; r.rnitY TtEscmrxiox, Oil Cloths, Mattings, Mats, Curtain? Materials, Bedding, Feathers. . :i9rall and see' ns. at the tine, new Paper Hangings, Etc. lUdredsre Bnildlnn. one door south of oppoOverland Telearrapn Office, LARGEST CARPET HOUSE IN THE WEST. site Kimball & Lawrence. nearly y, mill Kvenlng In CARPETIHiSS! QTJI0K SALES & SMALL PROFITS At-- a large meeting here were made and resoluspeeches of M'nKoni nnd Vngron 31 tions adopted in favor of the abolition Manufacturers or all kind.-- Mo. '253 IIaBNKX htbket, doofsJavery throughout' the Spanish (opposite Checkeretl Stable,) OMAHAt NEB. minions. Liverpool. Some people stayed away Xrom the dinner to Johnson last night, "Great Xordiircst Stove Store.-because Laird was Invited to be present. xvi. That gentleman was requested to stay ALL KINDS!OF avfay but would nntl The climax of COOKING-ANDtEATING STOVES, the banquet was reached when the 8HEET IE03 ul COPPEaViEE, 115, to introduced Laird Johnson. chairman HAADWARi: AM) mXRY, They grasped hands cordially, and Ho. 253 TK)UGIiA8 BTRKET, OMAHAi NKH. exwhile held each other by the hand ' ..i f; d2S9 6BX changing some word. to-da- OlTlt MOTTO ! throne of Spain. Madrid. ALLEN & MAOKEY, ; Imporfn and JobWrn dissolved. t 5 ; j j ! . . Axe-Helv- e. i i j . I at f j PAINTS, -- I - FAIRBANKS i - ""; and Woolen Mills. ; AND . ' signed by revolutionary committee, l attention given toonlers from I'tah. made Its appearance (his morning, MEN'S &;BOY'S CLOTHING, incitlog the people to rie ajtaln-- t the And , government. The exfatenc of Mich n Oeutlcmcxi's and leiier Jockey Club Furnishing a:Qoods, Worcewter, committee is unknown, and as everySnnee: Bnekets, Brooms, Tabs, IM1 fiY.VK on All ST.. nt.r. Axeis nnd Wnli body is in favor of peace, the document . Boards. STAXJfAJSD f d5ni)ii is unnoticed. London. Tile Tim commculs favoiiijms a Ainiorr. rably on the banquet at Liverpool, ami GOAL OIL & ptnuract uvers of of JLLXt KTrrpa. says Johnson's speech, being so unre' served and earnest, shows a desire for F11RB15IS, CRELYLEAF k C. i o. .o. nih St., onaiia, m;i;. J practical peace making. The miuisters 226 it 228 Lake St., Chicago. 209 Market St., St. Louis on both 8 ides also seem anxious to settle Hard lo FINK t TT, CI! KWIN(i nnd :. d2j8;6m the pending questions, Seward, because 8MOK!N(J TOUACC08. he held ofllce when the difficulties 80J.K Aoknta ron TIioihhm V Oliver) We shall nlso keep fully upp1led with tllSHm arose, and he may not desire to leave Virgin in Nuiolilii Tobacco. PAGE, BROTHER & CO., them to his successor to treat in a manA Vn.. Importers ad 2eoZer hi ner which he might reject; and Lord Distiller?, l'.uudedI I.i:it V S. S. FLOUR t Warehouse Smport-ETU Owners, because he has been so far sucStanley, is ft ml Manufacturers ol j 6c Aim! FEED from the well known Mercessful in his policy, .and must wish, sfc CIciAltN. 1VIXES' warwe which will LOUS, chant Mills, Xo. 231 LaJcc Street, when he retires, to know that he lias LIQ rant First Class. Bole Mnnufacturers and Proprietors of done a work, by common consent alORVIIXE PAOE. i ouininn wx.tv.page. LIFE BITTERS, C. E. PAGE. lowed to bo the most difficult In accom- AMERICAN 2.13 ramam St.. OMAHA, Xcl. d21S:6m plishment, which he lias had placed bestocks of Old Ilonrlion and 2-- 15 : . EXPKE8SLT FOR j Canned Fruits, Candies. Halsins, Currants, Figs, lfonejr, Maple Sugar, etc.. i i Packed in Patent Air Tight Caddio 5 lbs. lbs. and 10 lbs. each. This puckne entirely new and found tho most convenient, ever Introduced, both for dealer and consumer. The trade are Invited to give it a trial. Also, JtranufacUtrers of . iicslock consists, in rwurt, of SiiRars, Tens, Coffees, I t . . Which we offer Low for Cash, Flour. Grain, Ac. at WHOLESALE and RETAIL. "tirEare selling oor Immense Stock or ladles V and Children's HIIOEH, FARvi UUOIIH, ftf., AC. J hi i to-da- . m 15 ls. per yrird. PKIATS,...!.. f to announce to the People SIXEETrVGS. . .20 BEG respectfully Utah the First Arrival of a Lare Con signment of DEliiJDrRS?......S5 r ficance and interest. No. 14 La Salle St., . " i roxtcxaN. Liverpool. 23. Minister Johnson was welcomed at the town hall yesterday,by Mayor Whitely, who presented an address from the corporation. Jotson to ellect tho that psace replied briefly between the two countries was not to be disturbed; that negotiations likely were now going on which would give the assurance that nothing In the pastor present will affect the peaceful relations of the two governments. The address of the Chamber of Commerce was also read; and was briefly responded to by Mr. Johnson. He declined to. discuss the free trade question, saying It was a legislative rather than a diplomatic question. After lunch Johnson visited the News room, and was received enthusiastically; subsequently he visited the docks and river ;".nd part of Liverpool. A banquet was given him at the rooms of the Association. Among the guests were Lord Johnson Stanley and Mr. Gladstone.'; made a lengthy address of much signi- CHICAGO TRADE. COLir.llSSIQU I10USE1 yBVBT19r IMPORTERS rBXJYrff, : and DEALERS In GLASS WA TIE, CBOCKERT, CimrA. Ware and Plated Ware, Ilero. Britannia I sene lamps and Fixtures, s Arc., Lanterns, - 'i ,; No. . 12, BARCLAY ; STREET, Fourth door below A ttor JTmiu.)..:...TfEW YORK. d!20:6m r, i |