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Show i :SEEi;Lv. ""' 11R7 . September 2, 1M. r. I . ' EHtHG HEWS. no: EOGniSSlOU llOOSEl 5T.LOU1C TRADE, 0 writing for publication are vCLrosvtynon on aide otthe paper only. itML ,rrtt rah be taken recpctfally to ansonnea to tb raopla XI" ana "Hi, "QEQ XJ or uvaa uiaFirtft Arrtralofa Urnvui- LcV thol audience who assemble at aicnaentof tninicht . . will.. havo . a beautiful . t.e "Hm ... .ml excellent urcejuie principal rolo civing scop for a high order of rUrh l?tu.. This play and farce, and the danc a Ciirc, will make a strong en- seatia o&rlv r ".";.,nt- -Secure- vonr .very (urr- -- j vair Ui W FAMCY GOODS ANtvriOTIOF13f f j CTOBEB,! tea. irs riUllS JL nas B. "Young from Elder John the Lower Rooms of tbe- - .n Jarf hy are la irtii h . I Northern, Georgia; Kl- w. &cu. xjoyie, n. uoray, Jbewis t i;,.;iaro la Virginia and North Caioll t:.!tr ua noyt la la Minnesota;, and in Texas. Elders David jailer hhailer is v . a. JJuson M &taart anu will labor berryIrani fail in Indiana and renrnt anri the winter in Virginia and tho Caro-- 1 vcl haxs. " v organizations of the mis- ve oeea ioft w5 Ci"t oaptlsed, three j .',!.rs. two teachers, and two deacons hav onUIned.r and 2C0 havo omimtoH Brother Brown's health la better thaa It has kea, iao?a v ia noi iuuy regained hia Sugars, TcaaCo ffeea, " Klcc, Starcli, Sjrup, . Soap, Candles, Tobsatoi, 8odo, Salcratns, Yeast Poirdcrs, Pepper, ; GOAL OIL G PM1TS, A Glass. vvts&opeuiw turns; ue vrltb ujpllel ! it wttaesa Professor storey's perform Xtigentifinan gave a clever entertainwin periorm scam cjus. eren tii Koomii. Established 1S65. to-morr- ut payers jA Which will be offered for sale to tbe Public at such LOW pricks as win command ! - READY 8ALKH, ' ; . ' ' r. ) - ii, Gress, cicst.: d223m : . . A small oommlaslon only will be charged. Keierences to uko. ki. cawnoit and Buxw Eaqs., Deseret News Office, SaltJcsxp Lake d2i7 3m viiy, u. x. : IMMEDIATELY! I Sjaaa&r I. Kjpprn ' ' SilSEiJ! t' HIGHEST WAGES PAID ! In Casli, Jlontbly. en, I ! I Ston masons i N, - ' &Cs, FOR CASH OR GRAIN. MM" J a Home institution! pler Are r , Principal. - stoves If CII1R ' CALL AND SEE. d!2Jtly V and Eaborcr. BRO'S. ... S1V11TH i ; BOOTS & SHOES, THE RAILROAD! ATI A lka SJAAI asvmv Kt. Apply Immediately at the Month joi ss , an it--- ru gratlon Kqoare, 4 RAILROAD SHOPS, to Contract for BUILDING and ABB prepared the to tbe best and as as the cheapest YODIIG. THE IIEl'l EUTERPniSE Stat Road, HalT BloeJk ICorth of Emi cheap , SHARP d201tf A2TO ios wsmaS salens Akmmlar ISSAn mcu of Weber Kanyon. CARPENTERS : first-clas- .ISvlng Formerlyrart-oeenpiedl by Wells, o Co., fa -- :o:- ' I i . A. OF THE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS. i HOPPER, Proprietor: U-allro-au I SPICS, on ' . 4 6 T(l WORK ON ' CHOICE TEA, SIGAR, ' ' ' Wlilcrt we will sell Very Low BOOTS AND SHOES nltro-slycerln- - ' ' - JUST OPENED ALvi - ' 50 &oodo . : ul i Quarry-il- l z. T KTED OT; A F. W. Rockwell, ecy I a- ,chon .P. Stoek and Material. will lie will guarantee saUsfactloa to all who I " BOOTS, OTOES, i , T. & W. TAYLOR The Products of this Establishment areajnar-ante- d in quality to tbe beat xnanafao-tnre- d . I Ineqaai the conntry. m prrica and Wobks Cor. Main and Lombard i mreem. wm. NEW YORK, "TTTILL Purchase and Forward with PrompU IT; ness and Dispatch all kinds of M aehin- - entrust htm with their orders. Dry BLEACHED ' have acconnU.of a new exploslra . . "-iwTTUr, lnTentea by Profevsor Joseph Hafen neger.n Austrian .cbemiit, who baa resided For Terms, etc, apply to wo years In Calirornla. Tbe new Mw Call nnd see us. at the fine, stew Made for and specially adapted to the wants of 1 powder one door south of I aciea wser ia inTentor, and is modi more Eldredare 11 all din tt caictu people. wuiuiw iu us czpiosire powers tban nltro ereat Overland Teiecrapti oraee, nearly ppo combine dial rlhntAri tAi, velirht. They O. CAlVDEXt, ucav KuvauuiEe. witn Deautv oraeaiirn aim nur. ifiyceriae, as the totlowlng lntereauns extract aite liamnau k jLairrtncf. d2S7dw33:2w ui bow: -1 ! ' "tin luventloa Is the result of seven years Salt Lake City, Sept. 2, 1SC3. t iooitincf viutricr: wltn explosive eompoonda. were first introduced to the public in the year mi.owi mieen auzerentTa iiueauvierau 1832. and at once took the lead, risiies or tiaenew and nave ever one and of two powder; the tuaJs tstea in tfcua lranclsco was since grown m xavor, nnui mere are now a by proved 5C0 times ti'nmeul to powwa GREATER NUMBER SOLD DAILY vmur. a. uu iiiruer istbesirengtbof at aray UTAH r,lANUFACTURE I than any Stove in the market. Oyer not explode cnUl it oiis saturated wish it u'iuiu, wutcu is OXE UUXIREI THOUSAND pt separate. ' Powder utuiu wb littiuiiCHs uuui ttiey are properly are In daily use. and we offer every stove as iH,ud. For theuaeu. purpose of blasting a seli wnerever it may oe round, when reierence, maicn la a of our new patterns were cooiuung orpiece of made, all recent lm. AT wuicnaiew drops atreuatn liquid jjniTrmeuia were unueu, ana we conuaently In tbe matter of relative iJi cut ton Is 11 times as effective as ordlmu-- r e ; 18 Umee; the weak-- x ijucpowder; JYJ8 TJEH OAMZ Hafwnneser powder 20 time; and tbe strongeaV 1 t AS THE. IV st Hafenneger powder 5no times. Tbe latter Is uo lei (lmea ine work of ordinary eiuuuueii E. n. xnrpi-- s old stand, first door north Heaviest, Best CoiiHtructcd,3I08t uv , auu imi IXJ UiU l irom ww tO 7U CtS IViilform and Quickest Bak f lalmball Lawrenee'i Htore, puund. Tbe upeciai claims In favor ot tbe OF A STOCK L1RGE aai NtOTO In tho market. are: Street, us Temple cbea pn ess; 2. u.eQDeger iKwuex. j. itsijreat iireogtb expansive, lifting and crush s The Oak is the cheapest Charter ta; 1 tte simplicity of iUrjaannfactore, nelth- stove ever made. Twenty-eight a class Btock of fine first will and Where with sizes, you ucn t uw without Extension Top,- - sold wholesale . and eijwuwTe maenmery nor ex u3 Bjtui uauruiaary and tbe oeing reiau Dy i saw Kutieruu can oe required, outaineu In any CUSTOM-3IAI- E place; 4. eaiety of transportation and storage: Excelsior toiLfactirini Company, saiety la use; and 6, exploslbillty by simple cuumea ior tneseif iuo Comprising uitM8ra uS manu iu. i. us Mieiy ior Diasunx ST. JLOUIS, MO. " jf UQUer all there being no fire and d2Z7m j aa dangercircumstances, j' of a too hasty burning of the fuse; 2. of 3. and ixQlUon: Its rurntj cheapness and Of the Best QaaUty, portibtutyv Tbe fallowing experiments show FIELD, SAXFORD fc WELLS, ;ae woaderfai explosive forcejof tbe lialeaneg;- Importers and Jobbers of And at the Lowest Cash Prices, sultable4o powder: One ounce of tbe mixture was a. nana v vru, iu ana saanyon uoie incnes deep in solid iron and caTered by a Unner's anvil No. 214 NORTH MAIN STREET, i; wcdrhinirumi. the explosion tbTewthe Between Fine and Olive, ?,d.,?J COFJPE13, (OfdAe. 53,) ' nign. xne steel face of tbe Z,,'t, was indented LOUIS. Wm.W.Sauford, St. by the force of tbe explol Rodnev d. weiis . 1 dlirj-tit attention iriven to j was lOUQd that common rvwfiT Pnrtlralfly BOOTS or used in tbe above ex . ru.mfS tho nianulaetnro ,uueus. ma notcavity even raise the weight, blx and WiUiam a Orr, French the flneat quality D. B.IArxdxlry, a!JX??Jlow pltcT ln Q excavation in Skins. I; Calf German ' tneb ; in diameter A ORR 1IHDSLEY, were nd anlnch covered oest A oi '1 WHgblnK 6 5 pounds. On Successors "to J. JR. Llonberger A Co., arid the waa torown into the air being work snoranteed. six Beven ieet. oaacea of common powder, (whichis in tha No. S03 MAIN STREET, ST. LOUIS. pwporUon of 1 to Ceo.) placed in a large bole. dl99-it ui not throw down the Iron. One-ha- lf .0 an of oouee of tbe powder was In a placed druggist's SOAP, smalt iron mortar and covered by a common ; er aeg. Tbe force of the jauRT, ifr.T.T.TyTfiRii & t'oorhis, threw PRODUCE TAKEN Hi EXCHAnGE. tbe explosion ? Into the air about S3 fee L Tblrtv onncea. Wholesale Dealer la IiYEs a pounds, of common powder were explode DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS. iu iub aaxue manner, ana ine keg was raised :. .ij afoot. And Complete Aaeenrtment or . . r ni ndHellmeni.VT7w Ynrlr. A Wend at oar elbow says: What with oil d2 ly ; LOtJIS. SAINT a.Hurt, ua springing up la every ' i country, giant u.voorms, VBt, LOUIS,. powder, llaOeaezser powder, and other terrific W.Glcsecke, J, tbe world is getting ready for a piives, " . .. . No. 117, Jolm St I : nt txrtostva matc&jaIm The raciflo WsHsMTTaES. -- MEW GOODS, OTO IIOMO IS: 8 General Acrcnta fOr Utab. d211-S- m Consisting of i Book-keeDln- itooMd. xnere was a crowded Uit nJgUt at tbe 13th ward Assembly Fretident , .... Purchasing on Commission AVE reoelred an excellent Assortment fx .a i. of just RtudenU will be first instructed in tbe theory penmanship. Families, Freighters. Gradera. Hotel and and nractlre of Restaurant Keepers will find it to their Inter Ariinmetie, ana "Acmai ummnw," as uagui us a a est to give In Businesa Colleges; and alter satisfactory caiy a place of busiwli be assigned examination, ness in the Commercial Hazaar. Here tbe tofeigned Transactions ofjne College give way erreal business,. ine eiuaentareDecomes no longer with chant in fact. Ills dealings ntsiellww-Biuaeruoua arewiwme tney now baa an opportunity ef becoming ao-lie all the details of bnlnee as QUICK SALES & SMALL PROFITS Quainted with transacted tn First Class Commercial Uouses. StudenU who enrolled last term, and w bo :AimiiLT secretary, WALKER; BROTHERS, ; rr the occasion. osiCbUd" are Jack Cade" and tbe named, with other attractions. a crowded sBmwmu wm nave uiuuuem oagnt u draw a Terr i LEAD 'AND COLOR WORKS, STATIONERY", FANCY GOODS i well-know- "'.-f- : And a Great Variety of S. FLOUR n And FEED from tbe Her- we war cnant wlileb will axilla, M. 4lr. Hardle Is J. iixSFjrr. up for a Eenerant First Class, :ctvuXLurUy mgbt and will present a fine t mm SOUTHERN SCHOOL BOOKS, GLOB S , r a. ps Anderson. .;t TEKKITOItY! It. HUNT. RALSTON, f Canned Pruits, Candies, SCHOOL FURNISHINGS, Kaislns, Currants, Piss, Honey, Maple Sugar, etc., 'ibo company start October 3d, iea oays. II. .11 Clawsox . fre-Jerick- To tho IA lTAIirrANTS of tITAII I ; . . A. . d231:tf i TUt' company "alluded to aro tlioso who We shall alao keep faUy to 1k left in hospital at Now York alrfr. 'then arc nfarly sixty of them, in charge of EXTRA S. i i k- fortiin and Sonutle , , Com And will be farnUbed with a Large and v plete utocK or Spices, Pickles, Oysters, rcat'u iiiu iwuuuua m : Qacenswore, fhntlery, Looklnar Coal oil Lamps. 2rc.Glasses,i Xo. 52.1 Morth Main St, ST. LOUIS, MO. 0Z9:6m ti, Biaram?. Glass Clilna, Table ; ; ju-- i . , : - ; ED Gl AL DAZAAH CQ 15 Tow. Elder Erastus Snow arrived the city last night, from St. George. He U't President Young and company at Woreeater, Joekey Clab and Pepper anu irav.tuvu wiia mem to 1'rovo. I Wush Hoards. Aaei una Axe-l- f elves, II H in goou neaita ana spirits. I itLE0B.M. Wo are indebted to Prcsi- A rYoang for the following telegramt New York, Sept. 3. FrKStnt Ji.; a oung. j, arri?ed this havebeenfittedupasa t MEKC1XAMISE or CASH will bo paid. - . j ireifcrmonn JR J. TT. Meier. ! WESTEKMAXH", & MEIEIt, ii Importers of &I Dealers In Ss - . lirmcn OOUtlOIL HOUSE Elder Uadon W. 'lennessee: jsiders J. W. The Btock: conalata, la part, of .enr.. Win. C. Kmoot. and Jmsa v. f 4, ivcsntuclcyx For Which INSURANCE COMPANY established a General Agency In Salt Lake City, for the Territory of Utah. ' Policies Issued, payable either- la Gold i or . uurrency as may be desired. - t THOROUGHLY PRACTICAI, - CAMP DOUCLASj BBOWir, WEBEJl OttAlIAM, Importers fc WholesaJa Dealers la j r. r ' f DRUGS, f MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, , t. t' ,.j ; j All Lossea adjusted and paid at th Gen-Ko, 210 N. Seeond St- eraji Agrenry. nne s uiive. jast Bide.) MO. St. LOUIS. ire&er. Jot. Graham Insurance effected on Farm Pronertv. Aujia, xaercnancuse, . xuaxs ana juweiungs! a iteaueea states. To tnaka this Institution FOXl THE THADE, r0a,wedated BU Louis Sept. Ilth, with have been favored, we learn that . hich timers inmea uciow are laboring in me Which W flr Low for Gash. Floor. Grain, -A at n uoLLSAL ana iuktaii. Vider J. W. Crosshr. ftinu, and Owen i. n well-know- . President IT IS MD IIMMMilE! No. 413 tf. .FOURTH STREET, aeu at, unaries and Locust.) ' Wlllba Besamtd gs4 tui u Of San Francisco, Xalifornia. ORSTED3, -- fi-i- M fcHM Y R I- lVllW VI IIUI sshiI . The Commercial Department : STAriX and FANCY a-k- " mi i Hosiery, Gloves, Fans, Frcncb Corseta, ' I t.; SUlrte, Ac. Gamtald: Assets, Gold, 31,433,037.81 laa Tka " . insunnncEcor.iPAnv, Importer and Jobber of , LACES, EXOSXIOIDOIIXS, rrrfyjfeSarityforpoblictlon,lmt as TiRicAii-- In ,. ' J r DBESS AHD OLOAKTBHIMINQS, PYPER & Co.y A. C. of anonymous oom- names most la Correspondents their eommnnlca. . i - I'!'-.) RICE, ia. t m or of and Ilpme uooa fit ana -- We keep constantly on hand and Make to or- der, at the Shortest Notice, DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, Etc, Etc , I 1 BOOTS AND SHOES, - !; At the WaQoxx & Carriage, Cm. TERMS to SUIT CUSTOMERS. dl04:ly :o:- m I- rf-;- JnS. L. BunTinc jt 6nOGEIEG! FAC10Y. KRiaa Diowcp." 'txMA -- S r $ PipsarWe find tbe subjoined lathe V.Uurning Call concerning this humorist and - '.; ; s Popatar lecturer; "Mr. Stephen Massett lectured et 'stin the new '! - a experiences in Japaa and China. Acioee denier, and possessing great descriptive Powers. Mr. Massett held the attention of tbe uience ftoca tbe commencement to the close, lasuttoe bits orimltaUon that followed at the ot the lecture were artistically given, and t;soa were aismissea in me greatest vm immor. They had been both amused and wified. We predict will meet ..s great success inthat Mr. Massett lecture in this delivering e States. Urn to leave for New fcjjatem a I?w.day' bQlIntends we Di4rt before ha de-- Sr k wlu avor our eitlzensTby way of fare-aiea- lT ae 4,1 bt9 cbaracterisUo entertain- J-- ... i CHAB. A. MCNATB, . . V. "j j DOXIESTICS, Mercbanu, dH6-- CASH PAID FOR h An4 Tall Aasortment or Flna "S'cWnoa-CbUiaan- d1x4 Japan. He turn I. ilf.nolbc 8lxty ocailsatloa. dramatlaatlon.' The a uf,nia,D,orni,,JS tbat be purposes being ,n clor. when Sr DRESS GOODS & flOTIOriS, AND JDEPAUTURES East- -J Qa Hwi, Ik 8 McGahay, J O W McGahay, Pyt CCole. Mrs AS Cook KSSthJ 1 lirown. Miss Lucy w ,tr1Ion Msjor W J Callen. Mrs OH hZf lwo chiiaxen, Wei-0-4 O F Buttle, Jaxnea OW Vfl nte!rCKbeldon, .. D Brewer, . t Patterson, i. i.. v.. J KotUe, J B Hubbell, James A8 James Bennett, 1 IWker, A P Carter. J K oV;XrarH " "cr en ell, wm iteed. isis Td MiH0?,0 itobrt DanLeary, ,0tUiJSwwph5tt .... Washndparlly. , ...- .4-?- . .A I ' '':';'"... 1"WI ' Wo request tbo THiolcsalo and Retail Trade to ciTO na a call. ' - '!.- - : : ,.1 'I! ' "'' T IB 1 t. ' .. " I J t - , - I"- :- HDisTlID CI2A2T. ; ; ; . , .''".A ' , k il-CIiY- BRIDGE, BEACH ; S .. 1' s CO., Manufacturers of ,' .Doctors ana uruggisis suppuea. , . TADTII IUtlEDIATELYI 1,000 - j soo y: i c- , and Mariiess I DEPARTWlEfJTS (uuim Of the above-name- Shops, d Worst of aU descriptions in our lino will bo executed In tbe best manner. with neatness and dlsnateb. i on Reasonable Terms. l MOHHT ! WITH THE MATERIAL DEPARTMEHT - To WORK an tbe GRADING of tae Gentral Pacific Railroad, Parties wlahinr Contracts can have them at tbe rate of S3 to S7 Centa ter to tbe natnro of cnblo yard, according? tvera se no measured, ana ine martens'te bo ten nor made payments tno entire cent, anly to bo roaes scdMonthly, nntll Contract la fully accepted Appllcatlona most bo made te . conrx V- EZRA T. DEITCOri', AVcan, Caeho County. Will be found 1 THE HOST COMPLETE WEST OF THE ni&SOCBI, the Stock embracingOak, Ash, nickory- and White Wood Timber Spokea and Felloes j Iron and Steel of all aixest Rolta,' Nuts, Screws, Horse Nails, Toe Calks, Ifale and Horse Shoes,. Clout Nails, Flies and Rasps of every description; Harness and Carriage Kalters Tools; . Blacksmiths' t Tools; Paints and Varnishes of &ual Patent Bridle, Harness, Lining;, and lty Enameled Lcatbers: Enameled. Dncki ees and Shoemakers' Wax; She ' -;; , , Tbjreadi Taeks, ste - - . . the-bes- t A-e..--. . . . - Oiolco Applet, Czc j cno's. GGOnQCQODDADD. I"' ! ' Importers and Dealers In TIN PLATE BnXET TINNERS' dlUlm t ' U Ac, .. ! uenia."she baa AuaiM, iou:nuaren, an With wuenia, of nine years never failed experience cure to effect a ' - with this Medicine, r in o nonrs. Medicine sent to all narta of the Territory. Combs. Snsnend. d22S.6m BT imtKi ' Brntat, ua Msrinsrs, Htationery, fwuni c TUreads, Trimmings, THE LARGEST 0TOCK IN THE CITY HY NTACJK. T. ATTIC WEST OF TTTE PROIXOaTORT, . St.tOUXS,21o., On. tho NORTTI SIDE OF SALT LAKE. Direct Importers and Wholesalers In ' " BOOTS & SIHIOES, lux. ; JPainting TKNTH WARD. HALT Vnr. cure can a furnish for the above,' for CITY, j Ii. at C. SPFCK st: Col, No. 811 North Main St., ' ; 1LU. M St., Massl at Factory d29:6m Spencer, ! : i A.TST SHOES, BOOTS No. 500 N. Mala St. LOTJIS. .Massetfg "sixty minutes In 'China and cot simply a lecture. The A tt a says: ;pa ftUtlVAI Olive street, St. Louis, Mo. GREEX & Co., Manufacturers and Dealers in 1 IXICKORY, 1 P,U,ty hUlpr lecture and entertainment. ll . ; JAS. B. TOSBIS. WM. 6PXAB, JT. I eJoco-SentiQtrt.1Klu- lsm m . . ; Os Co., t Wm. SPJCAT1 rANUFA CTTJRER3 of all Grades CHEWING TOBACCO and Dealers in FOREIGN and Pieces of PIIIHTS, ; ? , Also Opened, lOOO . hall the Mercantile Library Association last atng. before a very fashionable audience, on v . . Cholera; Diarrhoea, Dysentery ana Jb JTROIT, WIRE, STOCK,C, dtC, ' 120 Nortk Claia Gtroet, dltai': OAlTeT'WOTL . : ; t - f- - - i v . f - Persons Wlshln tn nnr1iM SI atAfl.1 nvIi.M Cjtien, we&cr County. Work j RAILROAD SHOra done, wlUhnd CTLATJTTCETT T7. T7E3T, the beet, cheapest and the most reliable establish- Odcn, 17ebcr County. mentlnUtab. OATS and BARLEY taken in Exchans-- fnr - . -- -- - . n the ground to Work or Material.. Men tbe lOtb last. let Contracts on andtoafterto work forthwith If go muss bo prepared ; they wish Contracts. . ess&ftse&im a T. T3ENSON will be on f D j r- - v: - ': v'.v |