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Show ; .. . i LADIES' SELECT) battle In which the "Cocoa" or rebels welcomed their departure, hoping to see SCHoJ Lake defeated loes. with Salt Howmore at to our Office this season; but, bo great in the wjcre nnnininn dismay, ever, it Is almost ; a certainty that we were surprised by a large army of the GEORGE Q. CANNON, in the same direction as if not called for tenth' Ealnave's time is about over, for with flyers passing, ' ! rear of the us which E before, a NT PUBLISHER. Mama T. AND visit paid EDITOR R oat means he cannot expect to contend in the afternoon, staid over EXT ' t and Office. 't jfkth. any hope of ultimate success made themselves welcome tonight, some of Letter aKXTLEaiEN'S 1SGS. 4. y our best fruit. Sp(mkr JUBILEE!! TrtT, GBlm) ajrainst mo weaun 01 ine island. they have nearly Jorgensen H A all and what do will left, hereafter TDuring the progress of the revolution Is Vet to be seen. they Keea II M Will Adams B IW 2 ho Li has made forcible levies on private Our crops look well, HAYTX AND DOMINICA. R the considering Lee JHT . FAREWELL West Anderson 11 Co property, in many instances belonging backward spring. We have had rains Allphln au nf lliif 111. LytheT this season to mak n ArmstrongWhen Europeans commenced the colo- to the subjects of . Britain . or other enough McGulre B Li 1 of the seed KO largest gourd variety, if the Badger A Mclntlre POSITIVELY LAST- APPEARANCE nization of this continent, Spain was in foreign powers, which, have been the On3IODAT,Serl7,l8; Balrd J J Maeklntoaa Q away wuiBuiy cause of from OF con the Terms For protests of warriors her her foreign zenith L apply at her residence. fame; Your brother, the Manning L 8O U3 J Uadl so sols noticed in often the X-Mariagan despatches were invincible, and in. almost, every8. It. Gifford. UellJ Mr. E. Mlchelson J M be Salnave defeated Should W Merrill known ultimately of the world, conquest part Bowen Dr J 8 Meldruln J 8 LAST APPEABASCE OF Broderson P crowned with fame and renown the and driven, and another president or . J OBITUARY. Morgan W H Uiiuee 11 E J Montgomery arms of that nation. On many norilons emperor elected, the settlement of these Mrs. E. li. DAVENPORT! Bridges O C W Morris to be will Cor-teBuckley z very grievances likely bring Jeremiah WiUey was born in North- - Banker B Mumford E of the American continent l'izarro, Workmen, can send hV wiT" N on difilcvtlties fresh and Co J advenBarton complications, celebrated other iNiew Express; and they wiU be returned skfelVfL 6d aierrimao Jo., Spanish Nash WH neia, Hampshire, 1868. 4,) O re WORK WARRJCTED. mm nave to was , wnicu ut. son may ine third of Caldwell J M FRIDAY, compel turers planted the croas that' mighty J KfEPIH! O'Bryan PTAVTrn ana fcsarah xsaian I. course measures wmey to JJaniels. He UMQW to tnose Ohlson G A Chandler O symbol of their nation faith, and great- which 'have renderedsimilar xs&snaDe married at Concord . utevens, jiasi 1' Th4 Glorious Comedy of rempje street. Salt Lat o.. r. . I Salnave so an N. i G Paxman ly Increased the number of tho depenW H., JNOV.29,1827. oxIn Feb. 1, 1834 he Clinkerbeard Corbrldee Patrick 11 K receivea tne gospei Jesus Uhrlst as dencies of the Spanhdi crown. Since then popular. Patterson J II O A Darllaton revealed Smith and Darla J Joseph P through J Person the glory of the Spanish nation has dewas baptized In the city of Dover, N.H. Davis D 8 Prime E Instead of being ono Proctor J parted, and !Spfc!ni to tLo Descrel Iheninj Nnc. by Elder Harriman; his wife obeyed the Dai ton JW A PugaE Davi most of tho powerful governments of the It gospei two years oeiore. He reached Dean J fallen from has Kirtland, Ohio, Sept. 1, 1836. she her OB, E posiItlgerT world, high W JtlckeU On 1837. O was he Eastman 3rd, January appoint- Kler J SUGAR, Tlie! Strolling Aclor. ltowe W P tion, and is the arena of oft repeated and ed on a mission to Michigan and CanaC H Uyland nATEXPORT anarK. and almost perpetual revolution Th Rover,-...J- r. with M. Zeuman. While preaching English Albany, S. The Democratic Conven da Krbklne A E. I. DAV1A folt B TEA; ' Dr lMdy Amrantli,..31rs. Sannders J Bloom in ton F ine were arrested adooted resolutions and the tion :Mr D McKenzie they Thunder Sir chy. dorge Hcott J M F M Hardie .Mr J with beinir spies and preacher FiUhngh Harry Thunder Ah It is with Spain so it is with her Tammany mauorm, tne lirst or wnicn charged Huort W Fletcher W LL Mr J S Lindsay false John of Dory as but was T of immediate restoration doctrine; COFFEE, the Fowler Dr A Bimpson T nothing ..Mr r Margetts Smooth Knhralm anclentdependencle,. Tbey 8m to be Hiinonseri : C Mr Graham m states to their rights proved against them they were acquit- - Foster T J G J ui Smith E Y a Mr J K Hyde cursed witn mat disease, 'most inimical Union under the Constitution. Father Gammon... ieu anu conuucieu out oi tne province Garrltt J Stewart S B 1 Crowt ner CANDLES, B Mr Mr Bants an fo officer, and returned Kirtland. Uarrltt J J Ktoucr W to national prosperity and progres- sSecond. An amnesty for all past po- by Neslcn F Mr It Hwlft J Mr.BW3Darke of the In the follow August he was ordained Oarner JWR2 Tra?f::::r.::::r..;:::: T chronic revolution. That restless, ilery , litical otlenscs, and the regulation YEAST POWDKUI. Mr J B Kelly George into first the of bv Seventies Twitch quorum states the in all elective franchise the J by OlolacculnaU Taylor II Haines -which Mr animat Waiter ungovernable disposition Tall G citizens thereof without any Interfer- President Jos. Young. In September Godfrey J -- ..Mr CP Attwood First Ruffian...,. he was sent on another mission and Grover I ed their aneient buccaneers seems to have ence by the Federal government. Taylor J Q B OYSTERS. Mr C M Donelson Second Ruffian; ' Thompson M Third. The payment of tho public f ravAYnil tVuvkiifrH Oil In onH avnavl ...Mrs been transmitted to their descendants, Bdwring Ami!i ThibaultE2 " Harvey JGC i Miss Alexander much persecution. In the winter he Harmon Thomas T jane and to burn with increased intensity. A obligations in strict accordance with ed PEPPER, V Sailors, Servants, Quffians, etc. and stayed there Harmau AL N their terms in gold, as nominated in the returned to Kirtland r C2 Van Evra llarklnt 183S. revolutionary state would almost seem bond, aud in lawful summer of wheu till the persecu Hale H J when T G Veach gold jof currency Ivarce The Comedy High laughable to be a normal condition with them, and is not qecifled. RICE, tion being rife he started for Missouri Harris Ci W W Li II Walters AfriHart of a unsold. mixture as this his At on looks if taxation Fourth. property Spanish, it Kqual every leaving THE DAY AFTER THE WEDDIKG. F Wayman G MlTIiE SHOES, can and Indian blood is utterly incapa- species of property, including govern- time in connection with tho church he Hanse Hancock J H 2 aud T endured boud.s. much 8 ment DAVEXPORT J E. Mr. Hancock many hardships Col. Freelovei WlnegarG ble of progress and Wlsuer II II. I,. WAVtlSf rOKT Elliabeth....!lrs. One currency for tho govern- persecution which caused considerable Hancock AL. W 2 Fifth. I.aly Crows Cut and Pit SAW. Mr J C Graham i Ixird Rivers WlckleyWJ Mexico and. other republics of South ment and people, the laborer and office sickness, and the death of his wife. He Helncke : Wlcklo Mr J E Evans .lames Hendricks J also sunered much from fever and ague, Hlskey C2 Williams II Mr H Haines Groom American, and those of Ilayti and Do- holder, producer and bond holder. H Williams w it . to was his M adhe and G Ciawson confined XAILS, until In -abuses of .Mrs Hogging the Davie? Mrs wagon of the abundant furnish minica Wllfeiiison M proof Hunter I . was Oct. he where reached Far standthe reduction of 0, the B West, ministration, Williamson J J truth of such a dogma. Williamson II P ' the abolition of the Freed-men- 's provided for by his brethren. Jackson II H GLASS, army, ing Co Secure Seats Everybody! To the aHalrs of Hay ti and Dominica, Wiliiampon J P JG2 Bureau and the restoration of the On April 23th, he married tiamantha Jacobs Woods W CF the republics into which the island of rightful authority and the independence Call, daughter of Cyril and Sarah Call Jones JoUusou C F WorleyJ PICKS ami ItAXDtES. On Sept. 15th, he started St. Domingo is divided, much more of the Executive and Judiciary, and the of Vermont. v LADIES' LIST. T where Call for brother with to subordination of the tho civil Kirtland, military our K is devoted than Iower. space in telegrams ItUBBER BEI4TIXO. they spent the Winter visiting and Keslcr Mrs M J Miss they are worth. Their condition is, Seventh. Equal rights and protection preaching in different parts and return Adekeson 1 II Larklh Mrs H ed to Illinois with Col. Loveland, now Beck Miss M D ' almost aa hopeless as that of Mexico. to naturalized citizens. Miss Cutlery & Stationery. Urotterson 1840. The The resolutions continue at considera- of Brigham City, March 1st, Almost every day's dispatches contain C Nutz Mrs E ble length. They thank the soldiers and next month he moved to Green Plain Casto M 0 PI 111 IPfll something in relation to the revolution- sailor., and eulogize tho Democratic and labored and preached till June, 1842, Cummings DMrs M A Parkhurst ItMiss E scenes-noenacted among Candidates. being ary when he was appointed on a mission to Davis Mrs K Roberts Ann the Uaytiens. The Island is inhabited 8 Washiuutou. The Treasury Depart the eastern country, and traveled Dent Miss E L (3210 2w ! M Mrs Smith E to Vermont to ment Illinois and lias govern through regulations K chlelly by negroes, with a mixture of the Horensen Mrs New Hampshire, where he vis- - Evans E IIH of merchandise coast JUST RECEITD Stevenson Mrs E S French and Spanish blood, and the dis- wisetransportation T between the Atlantic and Pacino ted his rather and preacnea tne gospel Harrison Miss J P Miss A Tavlor Mrs M A to him. Thence he traveled to the Harrison position to quarrel and cut each others' ports. Aud notv open in sr at Mrs M Terry L J rsew lork. ine investigation of the State of Maine and to Dixville and Mex- - Hart throats seems to prevail amongst them; Harbin Mrs P Wood Mrs P 8 2 dleged revenue frauds, before commis co, preaching and baptising. Then he Howard Mrs II they must fight or spoil. Salnav e, to and to J Bradford commenced and went sioner Concord, Ctutmau, LUez, Cabral, Santafla, Jimenez 3. At the Thomas H. Lowell, and Boston, Mass., and finally, Johnson Miss M Hartford, and other political demagogues and Seymour died at hi residence in this after being from his family fourteen with a inq for advertised letter 8 must state where Intriguers equally worthless and noto- city this evening of typhoid fever, months, he went to Nauvoo sills expectcdifrom, and aive thc company of Saints who were gathering theu arcadvertisement. rious, take turns at rousing the exeita-U- e aged 61. date 4. of The tho in there. Chicago, Republicans and unstable inhabitants of the Sd district of Iowa liavo renominated From this time he labored for the sup A. W. STREET,. MULE AND HORSE SHOES 41xm1 to acts of blood, and so turn one Wm. B. Allison for Congress. of his family working on and in port iJi i theas most fertile spots in the world Western AT dispatches continue to re-- 1 the Temple. At the end of Feb., the into pandemonium. port Indian outrages and murders. Prophet Joseph and Hyrum having trains were attacked on the Santa been basely muidered.he was appointed WALKER XOTICE. Since Im1 when the independence of Three two at Fe and one Captain of Ho. 1 train, and in company In Hie route, sm r rencn pan oi tne isianu was pro at the CimaronPawnee Fork,One Court of the United 20,000 ycls. DOMESTIC, Supremo train with President Brieham Young he crossing. MtAtei the Utnli. of lor Iltrlct claimed, the number aud variety of its routed the Indian?, the other two were started for the great west. He traveled In the matter of "V one month with the President and then JOHN Y. GllEKN, Iu Bankruptcy. farms of government have scarcely been captured. Bacon lbs. Choice 1O.O0O J TheDeiuocratic imbroglio in the San returned to Nauvoo for his family. He PRIBTTS, Bankrupt. equalled by Mexico. Then it was an dusky District. been has left to and traveled Ohio, AT settled, To the Creditor oftaid Eitatt: again immediately empire and Dessaliues a native chief both candidates, the regular and Inde Pisgah where he built a house and went was crowned emperor. About twenty pendent, having withdrawn, and a new to farming.' He was subsequently callYou will take notice that a second general BRO-SWALKER HICKORY, Creditors the 20,000 of said will meetingSof to to a Bankrupt ed newman. called select Mormon in the when Battalion , , u neia ai aii go years later the Independence .of he convention u me on in said District, iaaecuy,A.D. 1868. at 10 o'clock of September, cpeciatd morning papers say taking leave of his family, he with his the 21st Spanish portion of the island was pro- Secretary McCulIoch announced that it brethren started for Mexico, a march of A.M., atday the office of R H. Robertson, Esq., claimed, and the whole island became is hu purpose to support Seymour and two thousand miles, July 17, 1846. Dur BEXIMS, 7,000 HENRY W. ISAACSON, the United Republic of HaytL This Blair; iso expresses his regret at being ing this expedition he sustained injuries Salt Lake City, Sept. 1. '68. LARGE LOT OF Assignee, L mreeu into mis j.oition, denouncing which afllicted hini to his death, May d2432 state of things continued until tdaiiK or the platform. He lst, 1863. California Blankets & Cassirnqres, when Freeideut Boyer was driven from me nnanciai O. II. ELLIOTT A Co., the 1S47 he in After his the says in only objectionable plank discharge Aug. the island. The Spanish portion of the liepuoiican piutiorm is that in relation started to Winter Quarters, where he AT, Wholesale A Retail "united republic' then seceded and the to reconstruction; but this is paramount arrived Sept. 15th, 1847, after being ab BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, WALKER BRO . Dominican republic va3 proclaimed, to everything else, he therefore unites sent from his family fourteen months. Street." East Corner, Hooper's with the Democratic party, preferring He then labored till the spring of 1849. Temple Mackinaw iBIantets, and though the Uaytiens subsequently us English to the ltecon- - when he started to the Valley, but after ruinous nnanciai policy attempted to force them back into the stmctiou policy ot the Kenu oilcans. traveling some distance had to return FIXEST GUXPOWIEit PAID IN CAPITA Union they failed, aud the interesting b uen. Dix, Henry M. Watts, Minister owing 81,000,000. to circumstances beyond his- con United States Depository. Austria, and Cass i us M. Clay, Minis trol, and did not gather with the Saints little republic of Dominica although to ASP ter to declared have BLEACHED MUSLIN, for Grant lbol. tin National First Bank subjected to a series of scenes similar to and Colfax. Senator Fowler also fa of Chicago, 1S57 On Feb. 3rd, he was appointed to those enacted in Hayti has up to the vors Grant. over the Mass Quorum ofbeven CHICAGO, 1XXS.:, preside present time maintained its indepenties in Jiountirui, by whom he was Saml. M. Nlckerson, President, AT v ice 1'resiuen t , dence! iku ray, Cashier, respected as well as by all who vL.. J. greatlymm. Knew funeral addresses Chan. Gage, For three years after the fall of BoyWALKER BRO'S. Schmltt, Assistant Cashier. St. I'etersburg. Bishop Plattzek.hav-lu- g were deliveredAtbyhisElders A. Call, W. d213 J. 6m refused to obey an order to send a S. Mulr, P. G. Sessions and Bishop er, president after president was elected Sto- And a Large Lot of Xotieiu. in. and driven -frnm lfuvtlv. , u v u kjvitJm unt delegate to the Catholic synod about to xer, who had known him for years, and under tho direction ofhe Em- the testimony of each was that he was a CHICAGO que, a native born slave who had'riseu convene lias been banished to Siberia. peror, man and Splemlitl Assortment of faith of strict by skill and audacity to be an ollicer in Ijondon. An unsuccessful attempt integrity. undeviating He died in tho full hope of FOUNDED OVER" A QUARTER OF A CENTURY. tho army was elected President. After wps made yesterday to launch the a glorious resurrection. LAINESS FLANNELS Hcriiuultt, which with the exwas hand occupying this position for three years, steamer, of above notice obituary QThe the Great Eastern, will be he so managed things as to liavo the ception ed to us some time ago, but its publica AT & Co. tho largest steamer in the world. W. crown offered him, and was graciously liOiHion, 3. The &'la?idardt in an edi- tion was deferred through a variety of WALKER BRO'S. pleased to accept? but through a combi- torial on the American treaty with circumstances. Ed. Propriclers. nation of circumstances was not crown- China, hays we cannot share the jealU230sCOtf ami which ousy with the suspicion ed until ISol. A few years later the ICEW London Zlhict regards this treaty. In LADIESr. ami CIIIL1KEX.S Kraperor Soloqne became obnoxious to it we see nothing which shews that the Rteaai Engines. Boilers. Snear Cane Mills. Ac MANUFACTURING CO., his fractious subjects, and was compel- United States has acquired a monopoly Eagle Works, Chicago. BALMORALS & SHOES WASTED IMMEDIATELY! Photographic Stock A. Hesler & Co., Chi led to abdicate, when a republic was of privilege?, nor does the treaty give any cago, evidence that China is fostering itself Guns. Pistols and Military Arms J. IL Foster once msre established of which Gtir-ar- on W. GATES, lrc8iacnt. roeic of sloth and stagnation, but, A Co., Chicago, AT was elected president. This change on the the contrary, it gives proof that the Large Receipt of Goods at Walker Bro's. occurred in lfeOO. Ueilard held the Chinese are preparing for an advance Bankruptcy Notice. WALKER BRO'S. Ofliee, Xo. 4S Canal Street, reins of power until 1SG7 when .he was by openitig the windows in the great Booksellers and Stationers O. H. Elliott A which separates the Celestial Em- Co. wmi banished as a traitor for appropriating wall from ur Atiikoriineiu coiulctc 111 cvorv Manufacture Portable and Stationary western civilization. Oils, Paints, Ac Chase Hanford & Co.. Chi. pire nnd Me are prepared (u the revenues of the republic to his own q'he contractors who built the Metro- cago. ucpnrintmt, our offer lar&re ot and varied Stock at nn Bank National First Chicago. use. politan Underground Bail way have Iow Itates, and all will do preeeIentel a to Steam Engines and Boilers, well. to call mid examine. In 1SG7 Salnave was elected president; made provisional oiler roadconstruct " in New the underground proposed but six months after, revolution tho YorK WALKER BRO'S. To WORK on the GRADIXO of lh city,t and to furnish all the capital old disease, caused, it is said, by Unau. required d213&&C12w SUGAR CAND MII.US, complete ttToad which cial troubles, again made Its appearance, the projectors may faiUto obtain at WAwf kd, a few cords of Mountain Mahogany Railroad, Wood at this office, for which a big price will be and from that time till the present has home. trnporaiors, Rock Breaker!, Stamp In pay paid tf ready MHIh, Mlninic Machinery, Oanl's continued. On Salnave's accession to 1IEREOY CIVEX TO ALL WUO ARE JH INDI Patent llrlck Machine, JjxtUon, W WEST OP THE PKOMOMORY, One hundred and fifty cords of aimer power the republic was considerably in L Screw Planers,' M1J1. red wood On OFFICK Drills, at the Jtc.. Cntteni, lor that Pavuient lle XOUTII SIDE OF SALT pine Paper hubscrlptlons, debt and through a lack of credit and a tf same Uie after of to this Is and Cotton Haw be made to date, Hay lrease, Wastkd.-- At this office, clean white cotton uiL.uiiu.nj ki. uAijzit tne present lidltor. depleted exchequer, he was compelled 17, 1SCS. MI1U, Flour 91111s, Mill SiioNEsnuno, Aug. colored , and In to have resource to excessive taxation, JZditor Dc&crct 2'cws: rags. ;! the who to People April 1. 168. wish city Fnrnishlnfir. be In- dispose of them will please It might bring them on Mon which fell heavily upon the merchants teresting to some of your readers to hear YOUXG. BRIGILOI and planters of the Island. Discoutent something about tho grasshoppers In days and Fridays. Parties wishins or 33 to sr Mil cJLfif About the2Utof natnre to tne aeeordins: cubic Increased, which ' culminated in the our upper DixicI'? commenced yard, v !..- I liA n eafsw ha n'a.b grasshoppers Hying July outburst of the contest now.raging. CARTER'S GAIXEItlT, payments to be made Monthly.the wu over our settlement; They increased in ; Tbos Chalmers, Baperlntendeat. The lower order of the people, called numbers until the iJ5th, when they, comcent, only to be reserved until Adjoining Wells, rrryo A Oo's.l I). 1C FraMer, AsAlsiaut SapU ana Dranzhtsmao '.. , . Contract Is fully accepted. WHERE Oaten, .Secretary anl Treasurer, YOU KaJph CAN UKT "Liyards" and Picquets," chiefly menced making their way to earth. to W. L. Cnaite.Uen. Agent, New York Ctly, Applleatldns must be made laborers and servants, are on the side They continued coming aud going In ! MabbfcUro., . , . FOUR I'ortrnils of Yourself for . Lae Agent, Boperlor. - - ' of Salnave, and they are .contendiuir countless numbers, until the 7th Inst., ly ' ilew when in ; - Xogan, Caclic County. their away clouds, against the Cocoa" a nickname course they d23ilm HIG1XEST PRICE PAID being a S. S. W. direction. The A. IIESLEK & Co to the Wealthy classes. The next day t lie rear followed guard after, ... 1 Weber County. i 13 LAKE STREET; CwlH' a rir-- i Vnx 7. Ogdcn, but few in the valley to hold wun leaving wKeu considerC Dealers In alt kinds able obstinacy, 7but from recent HASH, HAMOItn A CoJ, y, of our crops. While here accounts possession County Weber the our PHOTOGRAPHIC they damaged beans, Headquarters for learly corn, oainave's overthrow seemed Ogden, " i " STOCK, OILS PAINTS, i Bmwoo4 and OIK FRAMES, carrots, onions, lucerne, etc, and some Inquire of itrooBd to ' a . 1A Drawl ihnnirh mi m All the will l.irvn WtNDOW;CLASS, aud deposited a great Picnes of. vester. of our early fruit, Ac, Ac, Healer's Negative Collodion. 91 1 ! White Lead and Axtcflrease;! - 1 ROSS &. BARB ATT. Albums, if lettntracUonandaXler day contain an account of a many' eggs on the' benches that 'we cnemicals warranted pare. aii to go to work rorWWitn s must be prepared ' 170 we .remember Sonth But Wafer Kir44,T45iitt'ACJdrlIl. them by.v might Salt Lak City, BtpU 3, 18CS. d243.1w DESSBET EVENING NEWS, i' .I5 " AyUllfflli " , COM To-da- . Ik. ch &qr-whi- selectschoolporUdies Re-op- BENEFIT . - - uuia mg en Tt- -f . : - i .. DMEyPOBT! - . ua Sept. CJ ..i. i d2aj-ln- to-da- oust Receivecl! y, f nsr Kf -- j self-governme- nt. i Sixth.-r-Hefor- m U ' ; ;. Dry Cole-brook- e, i.-xuvd I" 500 Packages JUST ARRIVED UeC-far-d, to-da- lx-Uo- y. v. 200 3egs ; IGLEMPOfiil ISRO. " 10,000 -- . . Pairs SOO - Ku-M- a, HYSOH TEAlS, f : y TIlAIi:. JENNINGS EAGLE WORKS TO-DA- Y. d I. i lit" meHI : liOOO 300 Teams. f ' Central Pacific NOTICE - . ; 1 OTTTOAaO. mt -- ! " To make Ties I t "" '- an-pli- ed L " I j I , r.nt ; i 7 ' ' i. t i.'V , Ik. t A ' S tbel". w .. |