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Show LOCAL 'AND Announce that are roiuuaFOSDtjrrs writing- for publication Lstedtowi eon one side of the paper only. rv ntiee can b taken of anony mom com- - their 6 ., - i lo purchase And will nil e i cor.ir.nssioN 0O,OOO! ' OrUylucda-- m 1ara1sn.n51uc1.1vw., t at the iiOWiSsx rxviux?, IIEV7 YORK STORE, ; NINETY TITOUSANn DOLLARS WORTH OF W, j DlT . i 3-o- o 9 IbaSSETT HOf.f: tion. The railroad company Comprising, ujing rocs: on the 11th. foucav Jefferson Keller was brooght up yesterday afternoon, charged with being drunk ai lying in the ditch, lie was fined fa. 1R8 CLOTHS and CASSIllIEiraS, Mills, Saw Mills and Woolen v j j off STAPLES. IMayro.lses; Ms, WDLUIIStE Ac IEJ r3T & WHOLESALE "Zir ."" jiPA'Ciric., RETAIL, &, ! Manufacturers of PATENT MACHINE ?L1DI- - All the Varieties of paper bags, staple H--xr were gratified with a vlit, tor Hoses.-- We this morning, from Elder Isaac Kimball, who nired lat night from his mission to Europe. He baa been absent two years and three months, bavin started in May, 1SSS. lie mmod from England to New York In the tiraiCMhlp Minnesota, and traveletl from Lara mie with Captain Rawlins train. lie came into the city with David P. Kimball and J. Q. Knowlton. havlnz left the train at Needle Roctc., on Yellow Creek. They passed Mur-toctrain at Beaver Dams, In Echo Can on. Yesterday moraine, captain wuraoca s train and will reach the city about noon Loveland and the trains of Captains Rawlins mar be looked for on Thursday, we were pleased to greet Elder Kimball again and to see him in the enjoyment of good health and Merchandise INSURANCE COMPANY, k' d222:m l Of San Francisco, California.;- at llis. AWll, . BUMHAIS LOOK TO YOUR TEETH! and Maturdaj', at. Thurtwlay o'clock. il , f t s. w: JOEL & CO., Attstlosiswa. yi ira W. H. H. SHARP, HARDWARE! are In receipt of a HEAVY te MENT of TEETH pltinccl SIEVEK, Ami W5I. II. H SHARP'S A3I AEOA3I. Wwrrantea to giTC satisfaction. GLASS DEALERS, d!29:ly lcntit. Xew Yorlc Office One Door East of "Deieret Evening News." 1 d222;2m TXXB UTAH, PEOPLE'S1 EMPORIUM d222;6m k ; , fnr Tariff from tbe East to tlie end of the V. P. It. R. Is tbe same as ' S.-- Thou BARBOUR 3,57 . w rogsa 1 TvIEGEATH & CO., ij ifii i trim-areprcha&- r ; " ; cmcAao, XX. j .pw 1 For Tvlany MONEY POE WORK! 1. -- ! ! FREIGHT ri PCneye. i now filled by young ladles, who perform the etnelent mia- duties of their office rn a most " ' ner. 1 . : ' 1 - ' i '.' ', . Knd of Track, CM6ax j 'Echo, Aeg. 13 X89S. diafcly ! . Keep Money in the Country ! have lic in general, that IBS "CD" "SST Good Pasturage for Stock ; within tlie City, HOME MANUFACTURED 1 I , j ALSO, of Ircss Goods, tin- Iinporterti ens. ana wnuo uoous UUUT TVOOl- Iiam nf imprlciin CkttOIlS. ! HORSED, ens, Flannels, Hosiery .troves anaxvotioiis. i HARNESS, I Yokes, Bows, It. W. IIALEJh . - . . 'JT. fietxoarl rew f (.- V I, AT THE - ; 1F I 33 E & 3 C) East Temple Street. and Clialns, w : ; " y BBOGANS; the best, only S3,50 . Jfor. i rftieaao. GEHERAL e " and Manufacturers ofof Cbolee IMPORTERS Dealer in alt kinds - WATER STREET, VMMVfw.MMs A Co'No. irrnmART w MEW TOUlfV. - - Street, Water 146, irrKm " MERCHANDISE Includin g Staple and Fancy BOOTS OF ALL KINDS Af LOW PRICES Women's Slioe's, f CWldren's Suoesl 3E3 09 XIX OH Hardware,' Precisions, fiEATHER! LEATHER!! ... Tinware, i I-E- vr. .... D rS O O ; r As well as a Complete Assortment of tt. v n s ?rii r.?rniA L & Co., - i 1 - a Gr j - ! ; -:- i ' EAST TEMPLE STREET, j PA-Perti- cular 1 BR0.1 & to inform the inhabitants of Salt Lake vriSH 70 Ultclilfraik; Avcnnei W Hitrand vielnltv. and tbe travelina Pub we Thou . W. SHOVJELL Groesbcck's Corner, ed T MEB TAKE STREET. Call aiid see tliein! dl9&6m j 1 Thou 1 , " V aSk. AgenU, Sail Lake. Cheyenne. MEOEATM A Co, Jf . II. IIOVEY, ATeU I'orfc. EO. J. DOCKET, osfm. And 75, 77 -- rrm urorV TTVeirrht fAr rvlnrodf and New flRBi'n WTCSTKRV TlKHPATCH." Care ot Megeath & Co., Cheyenne, For Utah and rrva vj jr. Montana, uare 01 juegeazn k ' i j AKT rA-rl- v Dry Goods JofcrsJ ! COOKING, PARLOR Railroad IJnes. moSTX A PERRIS, - R-- or 3SK3 w " AKG12 - STOCK 1 by all the principal d l.-t- fr. bear Express charg-e- Jchnsoa's Pass, and crossing tho west end BAWft, BUH and ClrdllOT, of the desert passeu curccuy to weep tTws hou shalt not make use of any kind of me unless eoods. they are bought at Ajncrhach and Gravelly rord, and thereby give wmwV? sAt nil Mr. M MUM Store. Bro'B , Salt! to frandker-cnlef- s r,nfr,l rnmnflnrftrhanrfltobulld a. Thou shalt not use gloves, hose,come from Nevada and fancy .goods. uales. .they Ike City, so that California and Store. & Bro's Auerbach Ho also says would get tho trade of Utah 1 or daughter POCltet shalt not allow thy wife I , .. . unless or that Major Howard Egan, of Beep Crekf they are domestics, dress rood A Bro's Store. tobuy who is well acquainted with tho country bought at Auerbach walk tho streets, unlesstby not All of which will pe sold Low for Cash. west of Salt Lako City, desires to convince Tare bought at Auerbach A Bro's boots Tantrahoea ' t he- Central Company that he can show them Mora. a route 100 miles shorter and easier grade than that which they hare now selected. Uro csvorw. d219-2head e. Thou shalt have no covering for thy Tho route proposed to be shown is from the A Bro's Auerbacn at are naU bought on ia thy ...,i.;.V. 1 1 umbo kit, at or near Gravelly Ford, to Salt t tftoce. Ne not walk Into thy honse. nnleu and r -- t, cnt-California .h.it lis thinks mattings are bought at W.D. Thomtu, & D. MegeaiK carpets, vada are in a fair way to lose the trade which 7. Q. Mnet . . , .. . AUV4WOV for would iemaie railroad allow open not the shalt nojiHeuuiu tny they expected or waiklngV unlew their ahawls. cloth merchant fans.bal-mora- J them; for though the Salt Lakewestern cloakZsacksVbaaqnefuipails, marand all sorts ofs Store. "tlesiro the choice of eastern or Takirtsnibrohiery A Bro Auerbacli at lew kets. If looks now as though they must go 'hfineunwail shalt not go to with walls are covered tjast for if the Union Pacifia Company run with oXeVSd and thy bed covered I Aaerbach at their end iw mues nw nniTinnninTT blankets, KefornU - purchased f ' thinks California and Nevada may be com- - I UUUUUJulUlJ A Bro's Store. . MdVtt fh-- toilet in the tkat 1 i i on . rMrvrtAtion w t.rav ptrucc tooth and thy sosp, atrtumery, morning, unless uin mllon ia nnronnftlila BS to forCO the A Bro s. Auerbach are bought hair brushes Btore. trade of Utah to the easterncities. A. N S , M C 1L Thou shalt not buy goods of any that imifoiTautomArmuuLi-W. find the a tates Auerbach A Bio' Ljldixs as vaiea local lowlot ta an eaehanf F. AUERDACH & DUO'S, offlee in the elty of New York thara rph are fifteen yonne ladies encaged In the dntiea Opposite Wells, Fargo A do's Bank and Express of send! oz and recelvins muuits. Tkeyare Office, East Temple Street, Salt Lake City. e Territories the to under the charf of a lady of snpsrior xscutire attention paid to the Whole-saleetve and rorward Goods see MONTANAAc and a abilities, and nrsKlais operator, unjoiy sa, of COLORADO UTAH, Trade, at the lowest figure. Come For- - , " and of thM roan ladle. It is revortsd. senl ; Storage IbTAdvancin. 1 tn for yourself. Charges and received 3,133 messages betwten 8 a.ta. aad wardlnx at reasonable rates. half rst 4 r.m or an average of 514 messages I asch. On Jaly 7th the tame young ladles sent TJITorli REFERENCE! and received over 1.000. The work. It is stated, -. mm i ; was done well, neatly, correctly, and to thalx To th MerenanU and Bankers el OmMby Denverr creat eredlt. With inch a record Uisbe and Salt Lake City generally. Tr. o can one doubt the Itevedthat aq capacity ladies for this service. The daily number of oemeasases sent by this corps of ladies averages ajjoo. "We havs maintained the fitness of la " BAIUioaD, A find emnloyment on tbe Contractors, at dles for this and other light occupations, which kULLEft ATTEBSON, MARK LJ.- -'Echo should be much more extanslvsly filled by of Cation, i head ' tbe them, and the men now so employed turn their Mexico-C- are ef Megeath mTk LW- Winter. ..hi. attention to other labors whlcn their lacaUr And tor Utah Tin was , Tsr-rainer that In this And Omaha.; work ! to to ttrength fit thsm perform. parUes who prefer A Cov, md Montana Care ofTJ. T. thani ritory a mnjority of the telegraph offlces are R. - &C MONTANA, COLORADO, that will i ! THE ELEVEN COMMANDMENTS! Cutlery Have just received their - SHOVELS, . STORE STOVE and Host on BEAT WESTERN JJISPATCII 6Fast TUE a Freight Linewavestablished by tbe at flllctl niil Orders Promptly r VuaKve Mvnwa amjiwv Lowest Market Ratc. Merchandise from New York and Boston west not cnarges. OJ.VO.iJ 1 General Aarenta for Utali. a J. M. ALLEM & CO., hut it, HOWARD DXSTIX.X.ERY, nn T5!cr Cottonwood. o WALKER BROTHERS, d21L-3r- TO CITY. ADimwiS JOSEPH 110RHE, SALT LAKE - L. HUNT, JPretidrnf accrciary. fast Height line i AT FORKS, Table & 1.1 W. H. H. SHARP, S.D., torn atxi?, wnozntyiLMS ifLOWS, Insurance effected on Farm Properly, TATT?rrnT7TiTT If If idiW JL AJTiiM Despatch. nt MQUOK! . . Mills. Reduced Rates. A. J. RALSTON, Gas, without palp. A19 Electricity, , " rhinrororm ntiI KtnenaiBnt npi-wyI reeoin- nscl. Freemlnr Proee meiMl Kltron Oxide nu tlie mot piew-na- ami unrest way of having Teelli F?s:tractexl WITHOLT PAIN! Mcelmiilcal - All Liosses adjnsted and paid at tlie ien. , Will find it to their advantage to give us a call. AbAiBaa mmm. GLASS all Sizes, -- Country Dealers 1 fc INSURANCE COMPANY n payoie Currency as may be desired. oi, SnrgMu well-know- cciohiihxi n. rjpnprwi Avencv in Salt STOCK Lkeh., City, for the Territory of Uta.m eimet I'oueies' lssuea, 8II.VKR, jffos. 1 &z LiAiswurxL nn-ft- m Trrrrii inertoI in CJOI.l, UffcaUA L (Corner of Mlrhlgnn Avenne.) and BVDDER PI.TES at Prices from 9100 down to 0, per SKT. - ILLINOIS. with XlllOU OXiilC- - CHICAGO. rvvmftB ASSORT. If I I DRUG, PAINT, OIL DeiM MMllIini! PKOB1JCE, auil And NAILS, Cut and Wrought, bn & YAH SCHAACK, FIRE AND i with CJOLD, PL'RE ' . Capitals Assets, Gold, $1,433,037.81 FOR Wholesale f preserved should Tnose wishing their Teeth call on tne NEXT THIRTY DAYS. Argusot tho 12th tells of a "shooting" at licnton, on the Sunday evening previousf sawhen, as a party were coming oat of a -j man asked who would treat next, another repliel. with a compliment ommon In such localities, 4not you, and Hteoplner lnt" another saloon got a pistol. Mine Ktek ami fircnl at the man who asked iU question, thoshot taking effect lojthe iwiwals. from which death ensued the next day. Tho murderer was arrested by tho military, was taken from them by the mob, was retaken by a stronger force Of military, and held in custly by" them. Henton Is a railroad townl A Nearer IIoute. A correspondent of the Virginia T tt Ciss, in a communication on the two remtes north or south of Salt Lake for the railroad, says: "Reports have Bubllshed that It was a nearer route around the north end of Salt Lake. . IIow this be known whea the southern route has never been measured? Only a been made by tho Central hasty 4rlp has " Company's survey oV crossing tho desert in going from Humboldt Weils) near Salt Lake, when be should hare gone through 11 CASH. Ac, iVc. Bk:ton. Tho Cheyenno l.)on and on 11 - GREATLY. REDUCED PRICES CLOT1XIXO. to-morr- Suootliq t j . ? - - I f ATJS2 Cu Fire Proof Sale . and Feed 8taWei, : 1 f - AGRICULTURAL; And, In Second South St, S. 1 Ciy. 8tock Safes promptly attended to. "f ; 023S3WWS2 '. ' .. IMPLEMENTS, ot, almost eTerything, ' which we will Bell Cheap for PBODCfjC AND CASH! dia-i- y ; . 1 SniiMl to IliU Market, in IheXORTII OXEY MANlT.MTmERH WEST ! TAILORS TRIM3IIXGS. SHARP & YOUIIG. NOTICE OF N. S. RANSOHOFF & CO WHOM IT MAX COUiSK w souiy ALIj that our partnership wllltexplr on the First of January nest, and we therefore anv and everybody knowing them-to requestIndebted to us, by note or otherwise, to selves settle within $0) days from this date, save expenses, as at that time all claims most be given into the hands of;our. xm. o. coiiecuon. iwbait Liate city, J uiy v, vms. y t uao;b.i7,. BBO., Keep Conlnutly for SAI.i: ton IS rxc itri - d2vllf '! AID in v TrrkST TRAINS from 4a- - Apply iiumeliafely; at the ?IoiHIi . ,JT, . r.r, i rsrunM which will of WflierKanyoli. mkKB our Ansotuuruii vuwvwra ... ; 4 J i , - RATES LXoiie lwl CioodMcii nec4l apply. in r ;rorcrt. IrMia:i,l,, Itnkers. A MtSMXS, DENIMS, roa EXFBE8SLT iWiig FOR 1'TAH. BASSETT & ROBERTS. to-d- ay tay. J dlllWw from Henry I n Towx.-had a vUlt of T. West, Eq., Chicago, cousin to Bishop C. 'a'. West, who arrived this mora in g by stage from the east! and will remain for some time in ihs Territory. YlsUlnz.and attending to bnsi- We wih him a pleasant time during his t We At GREATLY REDUCED LARD OIL EXTRA G X.TJBIIICATIN FOR. , THE RAILROAD! Coal OH, etc., etc. j by TO WORK ON Nails, In Patent Air Titrht Caddies of 3 lbs.. 5 lbs., lbs. and 10 lb?, each. This package Is entirely new and found tbo most convenient ever Introduced, both for dealer and consumer. The trade are Invited to glvo it a trial, f Also, Manufacturer cf X ami BojN Boot and llro- gansJiwtOpciictl at PATTEItXB. Coffee, PfVoVftf! & ROBERTS At-KXT- M ; Lnbovei-M- , and Fine Y.H. Tea, Fine O. F. Tea, Soda and Saleratus, A. Flue IrfOt tr Woineii'M nutl PURE NEATSFOOT OTX. Special attention given to orders from Utah. Men's HhocH ami Uillrcit?H t commenced the erection of a hotel In i nevenne. Lby 38 feet, and two stories high. Th hotel is intended to be a commodious and eamfbrtable building, ;wliu rocSt foundation. mnd the upper part of wood. They commenced liOIlLI. 8MALL Stone 3Iaons I expeesslt toe t Sewing Blacliinc OIL, I - ' ' j f PURE LEAF LARD - j or Xac3cols JUST RECEIVED." Also, and number of friends more or lees devoted to the maale&l profeslon, ere bound lor Springon a plVMure vicumgo. irm e wish inera a merry tlrae. l'aorxioxAi..Madame Be heller arrived In Ulena, Montana, on laet Tuesday arealng, ud eapetd to com me ace playlns to-th cSoie of tha wk. AYtcw says that Lawrence Bar- The Oo'J ml JohtX. MeCnllOtlsb r thAattAtiU twoBtgtit In Piper's Opera IlOuse, Virginia, ,rTloo 10 eiarung ior is&n LaKe city. We lure not heard before that these eminent artist w,r bending their ktepln thlt direc- this vn " Clarified Sugar, MACHINES SEWING --- TiT o BroTTii Sugar, SINGER'S art now opening at the OLD i C A FEW OF - - " i i Picsic. We understand that the gentlemen composinst the Theatrical Orchestra, ana cap tain Croxali'e brass band, with their families. Hotki BARRATT, HIGHEST WAGES PAID ! i: ' :i Sa Ai pldly appr , In ash, nionflily. pli anaslrT Sst offreieht n1t,lltb1 this Bummer a & date. Sell FAMILY-- KAiLtioAD ixjiois.' KOSS ' For Machinery and Family Sopplles to be Freighted through this Fall, d208W .: t b-n- - - orders t d, t--m- rartlenlar Notie to thi Cnstomers of Za Sallo St., - ITo. 14 cinoAao, FALL STOCK OF GOODS. a to-nig-ht, it well. FAIRBAN(,PEC!(&CO. again start East about the lrth or communlea-?"B-7. bat a. a - pabllcaUon. rurantf e of relhUltr.Til EATIUCAL. "As YOU IilCO It? .OCCU- no of the .most pies the boards .tharmntc productions of the great master of dramatic composition. It ia in this com-- 1 fdy that the celebrated disquisition on the "Seven Ages of Man" occurs, which Mr. McKenzie, as Jaques, will deliver. Miss fnce has a beautiful character in Rosalind, mud her personation of it will, wo are satis-tiebe a source of genuine enjoyment. Go and seo "As You Like It." see how you like it, and thero is little doubt but you will like ior;- BASGMS!!! WILL BARGAINS!! . T. PERMS fMO. Mr, ; OTDM WATTD23. WAW TED IMMEDIATELY! TRADE. CRONYN & PERE.IS CHICAGO 3ESERET EVENING HEWS. . . Aaiutllt.llMi WE TAKE PXtODUCE! 1 oxa-i- y Wm.SLOAN.& Co 1 t |