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Show f 1 T on w:mmmmmti - rf - . i II. - v . ii . , T ... i f . . i . ' 4 ,...' 7 'I t . .. . a .r . v- - -- - 1 . I. tm - m i, . ..i a w , ... J '',i ' . - ? ' ' 7 . - ' . - of ilcaU for sale cheap.a ' i 4 ! - : Kft 'D-TBESED- ! U ifK tWestfiide-EastTempl- - 1 ' tore.-f.'-r ' r - r pay. r .......... . i -- il ' V, . W A ? -- . . 4 i-'l- :. -- - ;- ( ? , . " j?aid Font: cjkaik- . . . r A. nUCKlVBT. c.-i- r -- at his old standd South "Streof opposite the; Revere Houses Produce Xaken In ..Mm . - ' 1 .his-patrons-- BY ; I G-- i thanks- to PBA:Y. ; " -- o . 4 1 J CTICAXi.?; , .il. Street;! - : n ' 1 - for their TETURN8 Drj continued 'by1 The Drnfir.'Stbre - Wilt' bo andlcbntlnues Rbral attentive! Ttj support; r .to business In hope. of. a .continuation of favors1 ormsby in 'tutttreiaf a t ; t-- v z. .: '.el.'u'i-iEXTftii'MEL- ' EB, dOOtf'nrA; nd STOGnON, TrTi VoY rTTr .5Vol ! : FashionaVlc Tailor. East TempleiSt.Moorsoiith:or City Drug MIX PHYSICIAN -- f ! Open day and night. Best Beds In the city. CLARK '& DINWOODY. dgOtf " MainSt.;Salt Lake City. &x fX' Qajnby, . f .f J 4 j . r HOTBIs and rRESTAURANT, 'JOEIIT-:r.ZLljlJiJ.- J dl01:lm 111. 1 -- -- Strett. SL'Loutil XfoJ JVb. iVartTi , ! .. i est Meats andKeeps the Lowesvariety hotto:--qulclc at sales and small pronte."Ilates; dlll:2mv Importers and Dnlen in Tin 'Plate' and . r No. midst darkening hoars. Pray If thou wouldst. Escape the grasp or stern despair; y Demoniac spirits flee Jn Tear , j J t 111 : v : t i Tho voice miraculous of prayer, if thou wouldst keep from the field Y e Pray r .Ail seed or weed and chosing tare; To "winnow life's pure grain from these; r.Th e angej- - wl n g from God is prayer; Prav irftiou wouldst within tneese3 C : . Rich fruits thy barren fig tree hcarji' " Will fill IS 2Ct OFFE K ED AT The blighting curse Tor fruitless leare ' "1 f: . Is silenced oy the voice of prayer. 1 : h':H ' Pray If thou wouldst; with thirsty sou!,' s streams to quench thy care; Find Crystal desert-rock The of sorrow opens "i " til:- - Touched by the -wondrous rod of prayer. - f .' ... if thou wouldst,. with hopefulness : lray f Life's Marah-stream- s to drink prepare; 43r- NEW GOODS from California are expected Woe's bitterest waters thou mayst quarr r ia bexoro: Conference. . n Changed by the sweetening branch or prayer. if thou wouldst on this earth's wild Tray manna taste that angel fare; Of WALKER BRO'S. The tree of promise drops its fruits When shaken by the hand of prayer. PrayU thou wouldst thy Savior seep . And all His risen glories share;, The seal and stone of Death's dark tomb Yield to the angel-touc- h of prayer.! CAsmr . 1T1 hou wouldst to Heaven JPray ascend, unci jr auuv lUJiLb. . And dwell with saints and angels 4 . . there; Who oft, to bear us up, descend The ladder built by faithful prayer. l . dlil:2m .. . .GEO.CnAaDXER, STALL No. 6, or tho choica Rood . f , e , rI nV j: STALil No. 5. Call tindexamlnQ av good assort rnent f Ralph Sollew, James Klnkcad, f i m 4 DESIRE TO CALL ESPECIAL ATTENTION: f. ;Jf; oiti;iTOiTHEIR: trn ;: . Ezc&pttd.) tta- - r - 4. ... Ljt AAA : j tV; A - DEtMONICO 71D 4 '' . . i i'TTT LAKE, pITj.TJJJSSpAiYj EVENING MAEOH 31; "1868 . TEti FLE STHEET. SO UT H; & EAST. r j ':"-- ! 1 oflera for sale cheap as eholcoi 8TALL'No;i7, Meats , ip .variety as are to found anywhere. . . , uu auq see. . dlll:2m t pjfciaAti KVyrr KvtninQ Sunday i' iiis" I ' 1 ij1 f 6F J i rod I - ceorce' q.; CAnnon, EDiTon.u CORli ER . a -- - - f.' r I Hid OTcLo I -- ' - 1 - i n : I 8oath StrpeVSnow's Corneiv"Ouroiu: - ARCHITECT, r BULDE AHIWBXOR. Prices to enit thotWpiea.il o iu'dlOlrlmi 'cat drawn; anu liina or quantity rurnuued on the most reasohablecA:term: 'leffand B Sal Besfn at tXako references' tore; given, ' u. j. . , SECOND friends and tho public are lnviiea to can. - WALKER. BRD'S: ; ; . 1 . V . T . fHITT.TTff.' w f . i - f f 'f T "m "Int -- IL X A T A Tf nh COOPEH - ; V '? AN ;1 d!10JtslC:2w i' j ; v3 n i SHOP, on State Ttbad, Quality and Every YaTietyi?i, ui BloclL-anhalf soutlx or Theatre, ' exenanee on uana io astocK iorprouace. keeps dl02tr JOHU SWENSOIT, Cheapef than Is to be found elsewhere, d . ,. ; 1 SOLE AGENTS? FOR BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, ) : , 50-fieet:- i2i r 31 ; e the mouth of Salt bia ruins of ,a towD,:canala, &olf rivpr "aro found.V ; The canals; have been built onl the Aground, from ZSto width; the walls" still from 5l to 8 feet which have been traced 10 or; 12 high; miles frem. the' riven Walls still stand-ih- g ffom 15 tb 20 feet high. 0The ruins are from a half to four miles apart, tho wHoIo length of thcvalleyv Cotton, and castor beans are still found growing luxuriantly iupoa the1oldv'--farms around.?-T-r2)txtTimes. : v - ; dS3tr: . f I i; ; a-plac- nVTT TirttrpT.cnTT Math Sti, opposite Union PIONEERrCOOPES, .Office, keeps constantly on hand Tor sale, on the'mos treasonable terms, Best tho a good supply oi COOPEU.WARE of . .? j CV ?f- : - Etjins, South. From;, Saline, a cbtr&ppndent1 of r, the AriBona." JUtfier, ,wo learn that nt called' thcenlx, about 35 miles above ' . c r.M-- ' :lV ii 1 1 nd Razors .Ground. Saws KKrvfi,' Scissors, shATOTii:-fttoves.tc..1 etc.-- 1 renal red. East Temple street, jioutn of City lmxg Store. dlOltf - 'Atchison JPree 'Press: . JScc&lAJSouth Street. Qyrner oJ Occidental, SU SAMUEL McCAETHEy- - &jCa 'IMPORTERS TITHOiESATiK QUOCEBS,--andGent's and Laulca' Fine. Coots, Gaiters and of WINES, LIQUOI, and TEAS, i to order, or French and American Shoes'inado Second ircf, Sifnl XcHi, Jo.j Calfskin.- Superior 415 ife 417 Workmanship, and upon c i Keason able . :Terms Largo supply of ready-madl l .Boots and Shoes constantly, on hand. .: . , . "dTTtl. Fit Guaranteed;r -' iEmpress Eugenie has three thoVsand Willi 0 S E A S ,T O TJ T , -... 1. will dresses;' Qiieen Elizabeth left' two. thounow ready to receive orders,-anARE : Ss Counsellor them In thfi city at COST and Freight; sand gowns whenshe died. which' her BEpCEBAHKAttorney ' i for commission, ; ; with no ' - to-bad- co . . 1 - - ? e. r - r- -- V.- 1 , k. at J n v - - f v , - , Li. d - i:;;,V-ISAAC- charge j; successor, James of cotlana, 'gave to a on tho . SADDLE, BOOT and well ; tho bo of made man. following at his stand, corner Inquiry may who are SHOEManufacturlng j these enknown citizens, using of Emigration Square, State Road, and will sure satlsfactiouiiji blalinaor business. The Prince of Wales will soon; make :Bt$t ;;pr sewing mXchines. j a;vlsitito d77tf i , xcr Goods Continually on hand. --- where'-he' 'to be is Ireland, r H. W. Lawrence, A. Carrlngton, : ! Jno.-Bmadeaknight of St. Patrick. Walker Brothers, Kimball, ; u JLew,s. Hills, i: Albert Nlnde,. r; -- piONfem'Alrtb AriAbND SCOURER; t . John Chlslett ii Jonas Ereksonl , ABE: DE3IEOUS OF Bassett. . E. Mrs. Mrs. S. A. Cooke,, r Mary I.. for past favbre, VReturns thanks' to Now Is the chancel Bring on your orders. or tno same. vrum and solicits a continuation , f 'I .4awTles - 1 1 t t X-a.- Tr, 8, IT Vj tfAIJ OPFIOE No. 4? J . i 1 : oJTenry Black. M. Ji ; Carter: : : h :? CAETEB; ife -- BliAOEr i - Idtf j, , . --- . . . all . v Net ; FFICli 6ver7Eiaredg:e, &"Clawson's: door to th Post Office,- East Temple Street, Sail . aiu .' ! - J Lakatj.' 1 ? '., 5 : his-patro- m ns .d 3l d s . - - STEICKIAMD ii& R0BERT80II, at; XkiTr: Bolloltoi's Attonioys ii lniC3iancory . uuui.jLcn-uoTifaauuaxe i.vyt -- wo.: ! dlU ?v;i:T!? Zr .10 i T Bassett-&-Eoberts.- 1 pjiraoijoaicXii tjajjcutteiV -- -- v.fc A f- -v -- s, o ! .'ior.-cf:?- "" hOF -- Mo - a- 16th Ward :- v- -: ! i i:i Ua: c - :; mm 1 EDWAED IIAETTUy ti Ui df BEE,iHIVJE;'' ; : eifen' T7eVl r, 4 nxtop, Upioriand-TwMarker, from, the We are now purchasing In the Eastern APPLE TREES,' One years ! ! rf--i ..: bud; i .r of FULL'STOOK "Own on Ttheif Vlla PEAK TRBES; worked stocki i English GOOSEBERRIES, CURRANlJ ) KASPBERRYf RHUBARB, In exenange. taken of available All kinds pay ' W i dUOum.'. IJuIuAiu ixvxv. ,; reason-d27- tf , , , ir- -- SAiLE4it.UNION!2USEItY. noilsouth side of anarch : !'d'ht ot. ottr entire, stockt ii aav t ivAti: j:ir,n Main ,and at Reduced Prices.. Corner of Salt Xake City." Professional To the MEBOHANTS of this City ''dHfV Ad vice Free of Cnarce. t - off gladto:walt able terms to suit Uio times. V a full and complete 2d Houthi Street. , T7U1 bo r TR.Assortment or urugs, aieoicines una Ji'XJLIKDONi offers j tho? publlcLon f r 1 - an, early date, to make jropmi for. our At " ana are oneSpring to arrive, purchases, snorp ly ring . - - ''I. : DEAIiERS4n-DR- GOODS, GROCERIES Y El -- : vh -- -'- l hoqe a Attorneys itt ; OFFICE t7arrW , rri Arid every thing in our line,-for- 1 1 dltf .1 GrVteces;;aian:G ment of Merchandise f i mi w4 i I T W-- : r. I Air iv i CALxr AND . ,EE : tn f able,!'! lie1 4tq- 17 - supply aj.i City and -- v; v w 5 ; jf "V $ Jw - - ' Country . . rc J3J"Za f c dl : ' nnefnritivnn .hand: Bread:fCrackerSi hnd General. l'rovisionsoijvuo t Full 'Asrttnentoffexl at Prices to suit tne lea. which hey r r trA ..!.t,.- -' 'B'ranlr'Palmcr. Chas.IJahlerVirginia City: Denver, a VOOLESALE TRADE, i 'lJii : if o I : - East Temple OreeUS:p CUj?r Dry! Goods; r;: at tno occiaentai xiowi. TTrrcnW; . .General X-a- w , And will iii'J mU JZ'P. Johiiion.0'--' j X 1 ER C H A TITS rf !JOHiicon, TtrVRrt. STREET." and r;FlrProor BniJdhaff, Main Street, v.3T0f;e.-l'.S- R. . ' STORAGE MID COnf HI ISS 10 II d7Stf r fl A TC IPriees tliat delV competition I - 7 '1 s I j! ' - THE T0Y7ITQEEID. Learn our Proposa te the Heal :larket, pJJIpci Weslof TO'wrKaENDpkhpRnirroR: first classr turnniodtlona" t6JraY,eiers .u . . uoaruers. jl i u a and permanent ;J to- An Excellent Dancing Halljrith. All the req uisito conveniences, ior rent on ) door South of.EichaxiiBuifding ' J joOno !" ; Main Street, Salt Lake City; ! b-- cH -- -- lr abl very-reaso- fT'""f' X aurmiif oil! I NOTICE- - V LjiIlv t; wan VA SUBSTANTIA OUSR; get, F you I BRICK HYDRAULIC PASCOIirs Celebrated BANKERS an d T3C ATJeRS IN 'GOLB DUST., Dried Tonsuca, TIasig.t Mutton, Pork., COIN, AND EXCHANGE. Salt IaHe City, U,Tt; or CONCRETE BLOCKS. BEEF & QARUCTT, IATTLJ2 Ti from can bebad Stables.', Ward Faust's -llontana. and Helena, I and Virglnia-CltSecond South Street, Opposite on saon r" F. JirXVPASCOCnth at tncirstona, ro.a, xaeat xjAr&et. warren iinjssey cz vo, xuiiia jltou Stoves and & itepaxrea Cutlery Offlca-Souof ndredge U023l3ir aawsonjaln: Produco taken. Central City, Colorado, 10 BaltlAkeGlty ? t . : ; - I i y th a-s5- 8treeU 4 -tr |