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Show t think, iowver, I'Jta bac qd upoauUy; premlrrs; Thef will Ught you sayf they, lichvby inch, Bible in liand,1 provingWery pointin thV "Mormon" creed to their own entire sati3facti6nrif not to yours. Thousand Of mdn and womenrtheyndmihavo rbeeirrledto adopts the lMormon!UhHbythI means. I SpnGE Q. CANnOL.V-Etiito- r 2IAHCH. 20, 1863. EVB5I50. WHDITE3DAY PRES3 ON A 8CRTP- THEENGLI3EI ; " TURAI; COMMAND. J3 . A family belonging to a sect called the Peculiar. People,1, in j XondoB, whoso cbild died of InpammaUon of tho longs have been ;br6ifght up! before tho courts there, because they dill' not apply to the doctors, and. have theirhlld, physlckeil according to rule, Some ofi the, English papers are ,wonderfuliy exercised over tho death of tlils'ctilid; and think it fell a martyr to therpeca liar tenets of Its parents. To'rcad their remarks ono would almost suppose that chiXsJrent did not die In rXoridon, and that tho parents of this child sufifered it to fall a sacrifice to Ignorance and big-- . " i-i- ? i U1 : ?xmr-rSJ- " , leerffiat thelS Bea-lio- re-cross- D es half-a-doze- S2 k - j i e, that she conBldersiierself sufficiently stroDir to appear in pnhllc,aij'd she will read evening In fhe mh AVu'rd Assembly Rooms. For numher of reaaons .we hope she will have crowded house. . She is a polished elocutionUt ed to-morro- 'i 4 . : . -- 1 1 WA ' t i , i?ftee,rj5 Eie5Hf;iAm jrT- - Jf V WKl W X , AAA W-A- -- to-da- tnf y, Arnr,i - 1 n-.:th- . n 1 - 8 f B" . treat. amusing culture and refinement who, a . a in strange place, has unexpected! v stranger been seized with sickness in our city alike on finances and physicial energies' which " awake Chivalrous feelingswHuuMwucw, and prompt tosnouia meag-ureactive to secure her a crowded audience. ! We ad.s mire 4pluck," too. and think the lady deserves a good house for th energy he displays. The superiority of the entertainment offeredand the circumstances surround! ncr i hAi well calculated to attract an audience, awaken uutuiruwuu uiiu eucii jsympainy; and we trust every gentleman wiil consider himself "a of one,", self appointed, to aid In makiDc a numerical ana evening's reading as there financial success, is little doubt but it will bo in tbe presentation of the She Is a lady 3 , w and. reads with anish, feelirjg, tate and exl pressivenessv; Her selections are excellent, and t b Cliinafiian , penitentiary.. j Wili, REApLisle Lester has so far recover ex-doct- or, J His SE3fTmrCT:,Hpw, Jangle on whose trial in Montana the novel cerm! of swearing .was practiced, which we was foiind guilty of murderquoted yesterday,, in th second degree, and sentenced to ten earslu th or-bil- ls 1.:1 , , them In the empyrean of romance. n 'w'; . d noncr tn" ; - - -- -- surely -- e i,v grand Tolcanic erupUon expressly provided r a tho occasion! "Perhaps Nature J iavisK of Tier xnarksof TaVor on and throw up a lew thirty feet tidal waTeHl' honor of tbe 'Great American" a e the Atlantic; or courteously t h dust" with" earthquakes to heyoung man who m In that flight, should pluck a few feathers ft.fi auiirxxjg xancy, ana band th em around among his more prosaic neighbors am mem in louowmg mm on his daztlin WJ'jr; HV&W1 IV1?'-- : . . VeryjobllgiDg of Kature! fealamaader- - mnst i; n.t;inrr. ? . . Great Amrimn floinTn-"muilinuucf,! t-t- lie 1 - Ita CT9 Nies; " I - Vfeftiia -- aSd1!016011-belchenlc up 1U giant by fortugotten flcres?TlHs eand feet above tSe fountain fl(SUr loathe red glar9 lit np theSpburoul Ste-- d -- n 1 f NIuanT"l?last natui? rps advincstlnconflIdefldnrbfctKo . - an espbciijlix the ; perhajis thavDrst understood tbook in, bn the subject, should commence on the . ut ; .;:i:Ai. tho,language. VoK, certainly j tiling Uo. 80th ofMay1tc:ivr.:i: I com mi t-Wash acknb wledgehi en t correct ; l nif r th ey r i ' ati rl Vn it n rp f rnrn 'TV'yi lvtnrW average understanding which tho 'peb- - j ;B6utwlIfrbm theiinpeachment'man; plo possess respecting the Bible. . But ngera submitted their replication to the j they take occasion to scold the clergy President's Hack or knowledge .respecting for mt.'Z goes "i,": scriptures. . They, say 0theyy preach was taken with" the postTdute bills -- ? dogmatic theology eloquently; but on. j' The Senate billrrith regard; tbs the more comprehensive questions tliero 'lis prbmptgetUemehtfof; public account, but UtUo:done.for tho lnstrucMon-ofthI ... tho manner ofi tne presentation; peupie. i We certainly endorse their state-- 1 eent to tne president and .thejreturn menta upon this last- "point, Uowevor r"wtn the reported lpon WfUn'i.witin.rtn -r " wuu mucu umw M5."muiu itwijcow w, may iii mafclngarrnpproprJatlon fortne 1":" 7. ; been..liave-it might savedi It ng their vlem of the scriptures. pensesof thimpeachmetrlaltand seems that chililron are not'allotred to j otherJc6ntingent expenses in the Sen-di"v r: V .v '.. a natural . death, in .that conntnr: hte.v:1 The Clerk o f the House appeared and . JTtwiinj- iVVr&r.) iDcseret they .must bo; carried foflf. secundum t to the (Special said the House had'adoptJthe rfeplIcaf, London k shocked at the" "fervid Impeachment charges. and conscientious One o'clock having arrived, the high v wrongheadedness of impeachment organized in the barbarity of these. parents, who chose I eartuquakesuock in saInfrancijco! court ii8ual fbrm.f lJ: to fdllow-th. 11 XfXiJUJ scriptural method of .deal JPEo members f6f ; the Hous'dk e jatefe'd to in sick the with preference applying and took'theirBeata.; ; After reading the ing to a doctor. They acquit tlieparenta TUE TRIAIj TO PROCEED NEXT MONDAY! minutes of tne last meeting, Jioutwell of .any intentional cruelty ori malice presentedtothe replication adopted by the ' Johnson's answer, which House, Sl.'Lettera from simnlv against, the child, . but say that tho Ban Francisco, denies each and everv Averment 'elders of tHo Ohurch were called to- - Mexico by the . Golden City, state that in the .several answers or in either of tx'iaciao vega, Deingn aiiowea mem .WillUU UBUY Or uraVBraO IDG C18 uenerai gether, and they poured oil an to the flA fn UKfTT of nnrnln rni child'Ahcst." arid thev nraved the Xiord' tho citv of Mexico! cacaDed and reached of .crimea or misdemeanors charged t nmi intaA if ti ftrrnin ii Lnn.f o hAnni n amflii vAoooi against Andrew JonDBOli in the said ar- rtwAi f it fv rrf J at San Bias, and placed himself "5eJhJf which thov vietr aa a harbarona and arrived them, Bay iinHnr ? hateful crtcd and practice that "they Andrew Johfison fs guilty of the high W f W irA i UAiM and misdemeanors mentioned in w Ti cvpjj i,uiug-- uaaaiajara.xo assist uen, Alvarez in crimes tho said articles, and the House of Ee- tuat is cnristian.and human:' ; putting down uimenez.Inalso to Mazatlan presentativesi are ready to prove theThe papers say that the with essea for l aIfJ Governor Itubi bringing Uen. same. Johnson moved that an authenmV Jaw- tho defence showed considerable acuteticated copy Tbe. presented to the Presi- Counsel. ,Tho Senate thenjcon-.- . ncss In quoting scripture to their pur- aent'a excaused considerable which I I atdered c thn motion rnendlntr r....i nn. .rn.. t..i.ti mi..Tti.. wi iuu j. uuiwu luiuia uuioukd. wuoiii.i union iuo. I'wiv oiu . . u,uuu "uu uuwwuua lo nrimnrilpptinn- vntPiSnir .tiiM'.in viousfor,preparatlon-by;tbe.Iiesldent'adjournment, alIowInK ten days tlmo ftnl fhhcii-ordrrounu mk we minuses; out mey .tnem. ventlon, and was favorable to Grant for Sumner moved, to'amend by ordering, wuujuu,' equai w President. I'Hfutujttnmu tliat in accordance with the rulesi the the occasion; Their answers' had the . ThVLelslalurGroTrSfiC w;t ui rtlssiofi tn tho Irish Churcli slioultl! limit Its operation j to matters !of immc 3Iato necicsity pending flnaliaction lestlon.Lwi " Third. Aoitnwhole should be presentpetition " theed to Queen praying Hhat church1 Ireland be .placed at the patronagonlm d rParliamentT-rfi.disposal of WJiea .the :.re36lntI6n8&d:beread-t)Isi-a6UTsaithdt Government would be . com-xhltte- e to-morro- w" The selections will consist of "Maud Mujler " "Maud's Reply," Aa order for a Picture," 4The "Love Lochin-ya- r Raven," "Young ina'Cottage," Belis.V-"Flor" 'The McFlimsev.r a Nnt.h- - ing to Wear,". "Peter , McGuire," tBiidgei of Sighs,", "Long Ago," and the irrepressible "Widow rBedott," in costume. The reading will commence at a to eiehti Tickets ctan be had at all thequarter u I rices of husi. princlnal ness, at Uie Revere Hoose, and tne Tqwnsend House. Price: centre seat, one dollaT; side seats, lKty cents. : A? A. - - The East and. tile: West.-echar.ge says that the sales of Taylor &. Wright, wholeAn j sale grocers of Chicago; the house represented of anolptlnsand causes sHowny the Coun- - by Mr, Hanson; whose call we noticed yesterday, Fnilfie 'coaitry great Amounted last y ear W 'over $2,003, 000. This is a aying HaniU upon and ,PyIng:.ov?A Movement; bf thb text on which a! tolerably lengthy commercial liomlly mlghttDewrittenrUntroducing points s force themselves upon the that will soon or was Which1 men until quite recently termed the weit, and that which isnow&nown as tho twest, or "the New North West." Chicago, St. Louis, and other places of imporKocky Mountains but a long tance, east of theeastern seaboard of the nation, Testament" and 'havrncwronir theories iWay west of the In twill be sadly- deficient foresight and blind to do not sec the forc if they their own interests, i n t? ifir ii h uiikiuv laiEts nTin si nriMMMintr not know much about thUeect of ("Pe- - the n and rapidly growing - trade of these mountain XerrltorlepJ Year after year our. merchants euiiaf People:,l but' soi far ai thopra6 I stock and JVUU1UU ' A 1 JA J kJ. riU VVyl. UAfcUVtVUj pass, to iNewfXTorlif ticeTs involved for which the parents I Washington. The Prcsident has or-- tsthe do and not would pay they and largely ,"which buy ; announced Senate rea'piieared4t?and f if ? travel? dered ii Vx' of they freight,' the assfrrhment of BtevetMaior i that - extra expense nVi' i,AJiiiAU J'J at theon v 4"AUiuu 44tf" Yh" '" liberal connrtence' terms, be could u6 l.npnorn SHpplied equally agreed tp tamAiniit theyhad of the The nearer home. rapid approach points lishpnrts, riailroad to this Territory, will bring Chicago with 'and St. IiOtils4xito iCldset communicationIdaho. ns. and with Colorado, Montana and nai uourt.jt'Beems, ha3 taken the same ;nia continue favorable; nearly, all the ---I- Th choice of marketf, wiiraiso give But'it eastern or western; and his fact is not viewed view of tho ciiae. for thftViawn WVa FPops nnavor reacnea tne nigniitaDie as unimportant in,, California. The thousands lands, though the roads were found to wed-ae- ? to Counsel bo f of square miles1 of "inhabited country, and the thing bo very bad. rTho extreme Advance-ha; parent "rir't.' t vJt 'fr.iJi'fvz.V hundreds of? cities and settlements thriving, choose to prnyjto tlie tq heal their arrived lithdlvicinltr oMiakashar- - qUles'ence,lr,I'" e population which teeming withMountains iloarisblng.and for Butler the maimgeroibtlfied-thor contain, the Kocky the valleys biuw cnuurcn in prcierenco to calling In I Keo anu uau niei no nosuio opposition, witnesses widenXor a and field commerce, show tdcappear opening Tnere,oh(jMonday he little the a doctor; . vo.canaeo "nb yielded countl7 toaUpply to .reoaon wliy.they which puts forth .its. powenul claims ing,! . meat and acrrcat flour: but 'yx' by the great43usiness andw commer anomo: noti have the i privilegOiofsa army exceptstores recognition i dial centres erecchmulated at f ;quantity,of , i t,"'l 'j inio ..execuuTees faith thbyr ;Ahtal6."--Threnort received from the immeaiaieiy-.we.m;- " doing and ex erclalng nil-th- o I ': :. can. Such a course certainly haa 'tho interior la to thq.efleot that King Theo- - 8,lon'. March morning one is true,or:cotirse;and'thLs ' u en irencn iinseir witUJiW . o )'.r, Ji sanction of tcrlptur al usase;oa';: inaa that was t delciousiy, odorous. ;ilt oompllments, smells' TheEiiglbli ror floral taste and energy. hl4 speasis highly caatfliavo gonet out'of their. vaV to fcon- -. Ireoortbe tnieornot; virrr rf. XiianKs lociojr UAitoT nave Our rhilareixpeople Again The has Vienna, bill and J&ormona'Hi'i bless them! lota or them, and we love - them; ItBTUBNFD. The members of onr theatrical with' ItJaTho opportunity: of :fcaying take care .of. the in r own them, and. buy them company who have visiting,pix)fess.ionally, ts: ivhexe1 lHbci jttvenile the isettiemen tnHtah coqnt5vtnrhea to toe someifcfrigj! bagrceAtie ab6utrus in conTlidjrilkeltor candjp neeuon-rwith.thoccurrence could not son and Mullaly. sentenced to bo hang- - T?ho dot nhvf And'e'hke'em to'ceVa pnfV city last nteltitumt o mill ftf tuooii-drue aiiowcQitoicjcapethem.: .Wo beliovo ca I0r ln0 .murder of xno illceman article, hot that'.s&ri ;ptaUrlaAHade Tiof ElsvatedJ Super intendentMusser was hav-- . and similar xxmmodl-;- i ing !a telegraph p61e,ofr merer than ordinary plaster or parls, rbltlncr9 m uio scriptures too muchsuit.thcm. T BV iltUo a close , by our iXionaon. r Juldnlght. In tho v Com-- . I jties,;rritn ncn up .trp dimensfons, put longitudinal .believe"t"tt.? nfnr?fon- Introduced dcal 100 in tho.Imposition mon polhoiis xnatter'inlxe'd niiSyiia office this fofeiiuonU which-- 1 lifts ihewire away ,above theehado trfif yerwlUQfeiKpas- courtpracuco -- EfmUim.. W 'yearand busi-'ies- tht i - 1 and-btherpJacestea- V4 A 1 i 1 .6 mnoo -- .e-ican,nqt4iseo,anytbr- L..,wi ;4'u f, hePil malidfihh mUitadt. nS :7r' r. C;T'" r'tt, 8ay-;oThq- d lord us-th- e J" u - ! ,L! o ; ::,7 nect-r'BrlshamYciUo- 'v?vl . . . 'v s r civil-marria- ge 1 '.:J::Lr:::T':r': ' j ;t.tlfa - the-natio- i tx i . , " a, j .j n. m i m I a, i i, - ' I i , v- - - lalidonfde I fTf, bn 1 e f xvv,vit.. im 1 tn-nfrr- pro voi thovscoitfeo tdei bf ; the rpoctico "ivS rcctiie fi?--bcinforrapcwtto; CtxurctLiuponi tht eaniohn0iw?U tHcif :hlIdslon!i! ftf to us they cccofcrlciigO that thVlorHc of tho ,MormoD,, U inexorable; they J tAU v? J - ht -- lately, and asked ?hat the rrelshtwaa dutetanceot the Yo resolutioha i ca fol- - Denver rwTrrkTT TrtHfA,.Vinn.snj huilt withOUt ft lie t and tnls.. Bldanyhody incii candy rock mPUUUyl vhaMheiipalUy First, Jn tho ojplnion of this Honse quire, Is? Oidld they calculate tlio nri . laborer mix In too Bo7ernnieitliixJ aadrintf rthe;Mpbie3ro :th?rrah:ch aa an citablbhrncntirdoci r'paxdbblij; entire "ciosr or Uto 'BenulntrarUCld-bferor- e id ' It rhad howDvdr;Vforpcrtonai! Intererta : reaay 10 oner xacxaitzj. vc.ncrpo.OUr merchants and rlEhto of property' p tteCAsV CJ 'V-' ftTlPlelte cnrectlonershere whotnatiQanretratewrUclo.'' propyl Second. No nov? personal th 01 rc rat crarket. theo f watery Make your wall. the bottom part away the secure. should be created, that the 41.-foundations . f 1-- v m ween-that-ci- ty, onndatioir-Talsednmientlyorote- ct- : -- -- I tSSTSKSS: i 1 V |