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Show '"."' ' i i food. If men cd Jew to thofmost important position hre m appoint wish Mto hblptbuild upZioribcro miJ-LJt men is, uponthi nrols opportunities of doing cor; They can cenerallv. and tho Enclish benefactors: aro become encomiums" means these pubhc paid to his great highestana to wnicn ajone no We bave alluded inauowy, j.genius owes bla present osalted position. He of i nn?i instance e idea appears sfrangeto manjrwho bave, j is termed a man" that never given the subject reflection. nearly every thing we eat flesh of ani- - ful wheherf invtnor whole ;range of her mala and fowls , grains, vegetables, and aiswTOj" ?,lf10Hf pie;can do fruitis Artifici ally produce. raelr not depend upon wild animals and fowls raeli a man of some note in the literary forrour supply of flesh meat: but care-- il world. He was born in liondon m 180o. fully keep up the4 stock by artificial and received :his education at a private production;; and thMnTLTfdir.ihar'zirtlcleaof ViriiS ! -- i T" Editor. CAHHOH GEORGE 1 in'-previousmicie- fl TUESDAY .rtT, EVEHHTG. HABOH 24, 1868. VABIETY OF FOOD REQUISITE.1 FISH CUIiTURE. It isla fact, which ,all9?expericnce demonstrates;'.-- : thatinenr: "are most healthy and more enduring ;in propor-tiohithey vary in their diet and take proper, time to 'eat V A medical friend .of ours, in this'city, wliohas given; the subject of dietetics earnest j and sareful thought, and whoso experience entitles his opinion to great weight, confidently asserts that nearly every disorder of . the RfnTrifioVi nrifVlnatpa in the haste with flvr--wtin-- A ofht self-mad- -- ;e, -- - as I ne ypursuthe S for three years, tWearyof such :'a course lya farmera In our country thatcdulil not, with little pains, raise sufficient' of life and being of "an; ambitious .turn fish for tho uso of hla own family and some to spare. Our system of irrigation mission into the best society." iiVhile presents unusual facilities for this. By still a very young man, he entered uponhi9 literary career.- Htofame:aa a wriu T. j .'TTA i;HO noinc nnotriftr ti -l V5inpr,v nr rnnri would xxu iu:. xuuvi. V ixiuii aunuw ' 1 wiiiun 17 puupm , tersoon eellDsed that of his father, and and health produced, wouldDepro- jno achieved great success. , Not satisfied attaches great importance to the slow mfistt potion of food; and has! himself, 'moted. A farmer, if he onlythlnks so. hwith this he enteredthe arena of noli- exnerienced irrcat benefits from thia .can as wellTaiso fish for his own table, jtics, and four times became a candidate troubledith acachickens, oxen or sheep,-'.o-r practice. .Those who ix uA; weaK stomachs have doubtless. noticed .fortunate,: and was elected a member of uose maue wno tms also that their stomachs seemed more eupject the British House of Commons. Sis jnavo, their study assert that fish is a kind of first speech1 in Parliament was a corn' ,nifiv nnri hiifctnrjiWfi to nnrform ilmfrilifood : that enters largely Ihto'the requte- functions satisfactorily when hey had T7,e tho of "es contains Fish system. phosgood variety of wholesome food to ea-t"klowinprtphelic to a chemical a i no w; become almost extent, have which ureat to large not cat a varietv at each meal: pborous words, for, proverbial: element which the brain requires 'I shall sit down r tm ...... now.i but UUU IU UttU UIO UiVMrlMliVMMW lv - -- T- LSa ; " ' f - w- At the Ume he leaned the ordTTr ing Iiorenzo Thomas! there XnU T In the cy In an answer to the 3d article tv. re" spondent denies that he made pointmentto the War Office, but SlT anthorized Gen. Thomas to artadfaff' answer to the 4th article he "f-;- 'havingconspirediWith or any "other Thomas nrm Stanton from fioldingithe Sfflrf?1! retary of War; he further denies havitf rB anthorized any force to be nswri moying Stanton. He dwells on thia lencth.'an'd excepts to all the mnna a In answer to the fith b.!?r the respondent denies havinc the execution of the tenure of offio either in the city of Washington elsevhqre; In answer to the 6tuartf the respondent denies that he attempt! to possess himself of any property of th U. S; In answer to the 7th article he denies(all the charges made therein and jand states that the allegations are in ;sufflcient; .In answer; to the 8th article he denies all' intention of violence and ;sayshe simply wanted to get the matter (before the courts.; In answer to the 9th article he proceeds to detail the inter War-Offic- e. s . nit-i7Tl- -- at hl . , jviewbetween himself and Gen. Cmorv 5and denieshaving requested Gen. Emorv for any other onlcer to violate or disobey Jany w or any rule for the regulation of Jthe army. He denieshaving said or done anything at any interview with Gen. Emory which can be construed as a highcrime and misdemeanor. I Mr. Evarts proceeded to answer the 10th article It starts out with allusion to the Philadelphia-Johnso-, con11 vention.; rThetPresident goes on to say that the convention adopted a declara't With the mass.of our people there is There isTio other article of food that tion of principles, and appointed a deleI or .neaa so tbotne tn.e.wastn afterwardsrwhen his speech, which gation to wait upon him and present the too trrcat a uniformity in their food: tho supplies years as evinced much fish diet. It is a food rouchlv ability, was warmly an- - said declaration; He then goes on to detail the interview which took place hich refreshes the system, 'especially limited. In some countries such a style in the White House between- himself ol livmg may be unavoidable; hut the after Intellectual fatigue. As an evi- 0 and the delegation. He says his speech indence is of ho finally became the leader of the Con- - on that occasion this, it said, that all the was incorrectly reporlieoDlo of this Territory are not under m r uo ui uimona, ted, and that the extracts quoted in the tne. worm sea:Biiore the necessity of living in this manner, naunanw wwb a r u i doiuyw a . i r uli no ii uf i ftnr P i nil iti Tnn iiiiii articles in question by the House of are or ice to the are tho soil favorable orjgmesc population Our climate and Toid blioneabeH are not parts of hia Representatives A11 tUo 0 D1U 01 uur crreat oi iooa. hn varieties first hAmA nhnnoiw iqw production He makes the same statement jn speech. VY ibo or use of the fish the Exchequer,, which, position he with regard to the Cleveland speech; suited to the propagation of hVora against watersare for two or three, years previous to and also denies the correctness of the held as a diet, and the nroohet EzekleL In flav, w in the article from his quoted .of no inland country which possesses tuo writings 7 cnap. lover.) conveys Sassages hn. speech. In further answer to Idea tfaat even: in the remillennium to sours in 'this mark able one. Bom of A rlpfmiapri Wnd this article superior advantages he protests that he has not be will of, to able been neither boast of course, persecuted race; unmindful of the high duties of caught, and, snect. The cultivation of wheat and tney his office. He denies having endeavored to bring Congress into cdntempt.and 'of oui: farmers in the past. As ia rule, I "nrd.r o H vervih asserts that during his official career he r such props have been raised without political world, and is now the leading always acknowledged the authority and much expense, and they have been sure; Mr. Disraeli's recent appointment to nian of one of the five great powers of- legality of Congress. He claims that all his speeches were delivered in the uicnt.- Hi Prnminrciitn vA Our extensive ranees hrfve made the M.rw1l0 uuvMuouiojr vti;m xiaa v . iJiuum , inuuence for weal or, woe the desti- exercise of his rights as an American i v Mu jy u uu olvvu ltuaiub (for which he cannot be quesv,J citizen, I glVuu . rise io sniucn comment bv . " tho nles of thevorld. 11 1.1 tioned. il nas oeen properjy .muuuguu9- prouiaoio American press: JSTot that his advent answer to article 11 he denies that Uln business. But our 'circumstances are! to power took the political world at all Special to the Deseret Evening JlYcws. In a public speech in Washington he changing. - Cattle require more caro l by surprise, for ho has long been looked said Congress was not a lawful Congress, now on the part (Of their, owners than i noon as thGi'cnmJn Wf wuu t,uv; oui" and would not be till the Southern did States were represented, and insists up they formerly. Stock:raising brings prise is owing to the breaking down of on being v permitted to use his freedom profit only to the, few who are avorably tho barriers o Conservatism and tho and opinion. At 3 p. m. the range; andvhopay personal yanco of Liberalism indicateel by this THE PRESIDENT'S ANSWER TO IMPElCH- - of 'speech answer concmaea. xne reading of tne :'i attention to tho business. It is nbt-prevent. document makes about five newspaper MOST DENIES HE OF ' THBOHARGES! fitable to the massof the people. While, ;InEngiand,therightof tbo aristocracy columnar .. from the board of managers THE FREEDOM OP 8PEECH AND Boutwell," V .uvwaaiujr tiiui tne unaer thobovereign, to be at tho head CLAIMS : be allowed OPINION OF iA.N AMERICAN CITIZENS the managers that requested ana ironc oi national an airs tne great HIS COUNSEL. ASK THIRTY1 DATS TO PRE to copy the President's answer,and said cereaissnouia oo wiaeiy cuiuvacea,-anathe lysine of stock should receive a pro-- I law making power of theStatei has loner JfAJUS. a VLl TUIAIj, ANI7 D0 NOT GET IT! the board .will be ready with its replicaother been, assumed,, and looked upon per ' share .of Uention, there, tion at this court at one o'clock TH&ar ANAGER3 PILE THEIR REPIJ- by House After consultation with the CATION! L articles oi:xoou mo ;prouuctlon 01 which themselves at 'least, as hAfn Evarts then rose and and managers, sbould hot bo ncglectedJ 23 tho After would allow it,. he court Chicago, tho said if that organization I 'di vino right of ?f the Benato as a. court Of impeach- - would request that the President and personiwlshcs to buy a ponnd of ploded doctrine a commoner, ono at mentr, jjavifl, ouDmitted ' a resolution to resh hutter ,wo scarcely think he could A"u iur "sr counsel be allowed thirty days in hlsr wealth and the :et it at ony pried in our trial till ail the states were which to prepare for trial. Senator ibe iDflueAce- suspend 'iltnout V:" aayi it to'holdCHe commands? mbstinfluen- represented,, which: waslbst,r Davis and Howard moved that it lie on the table u ww V :'' xiau uimusi, xiai position in inoeiato councils, he .Mcureexy umwkuua, 3tja-ttults vouog ia ionjy iovor; after :tho managers tad filed their (i ? Mr. office we scarce! in the should entireof SoverLNow, the stated that' himself arid replication. Bingham said the manahighest equally Btanberry jpower and, 99?tow. tbe'Jusebf brother . .counseT had been. engaged gers were ;ho:toof; a: Jew, is his pbrkj'and use ei?ff to argue the question ycbntlhue ready a Without in hour the sinco the court'last met. pre- nowf; whereupon. Ho ward withdrew hiB parallel hft every history anprotneranimalS ??:.JiA paring the iinswerr2 regretted. that a motion. (.GeneralTliogan and the mannation. ; Such an event andinot at all in, Turkey longer time had not .been; crran ted bnt agers then arguedagaihst the motion. transpiring; I aro the poor to do or in; Tepubllcan America would t havol submitted tho answer weather; ;buthowt had Everts followed, argued,at length in faI whichhey;' .'v.1."L rmmiiUi i.'t- JLli inTvtrHnMl-'i.ii-:- -' 1.1. .i I frAnfil Tiffin rf r r Tnnnnr1 j of atfurtHer length of time being Curtis rreadHheahswcr to tho vor tKViWgHe to BunnlvtbAln inbothcpuntries; Judge offices .:oro open alikoto: allclasses 1st article. Th o respoh den t fci u o tea tho granted; fWilsbhi1 .of Massachusetts, ment Keirn8f"W x. i AtMnit. , argued against granting the motion. oi xtibsq icinnnr.n. 'nramiofi rail nr. Rnriv i f v.nii. nifUnn OStabliflhillrr' wun closed the argument ; held so tttanberry are individuals to and difficult :;fr6ni; tho proverv by ly high prices' iorfurther nime.A cure at Appointed by Presidentiincoln and hot trongappoalfl "NTftw :;xnecounaei? which rKr'23L Tlib Janeiro newsby him. After becoming president, and trv'ri dfeneml , Caxiaa has had' a confefejeen,lateiy:tB'lvon may aVe Jhatf AorkaWo" muatra' becoming satisned that said BtantOn was (enceii with , tho: admiralthe result of i i? or r to several the vne.consumpP,uf; the foine creasing ycarspast, owing public service great injury. n,farticles: fora:Biihultane- a been haa blah which tibn of certain, but their scarci-- 1 spread of liberalism the him .under 4ho Constitution. among pcopleof Hu- iii water nttack 9us to byyandarid tV:ii norairoVfithr ntl.HWn in relation f;maitua. it is estrnateatnaii nine iron HoJdenietf'thatrStonto will irilnds. and me war oince: idenicrfi hf h xnake , tho jattacki v. The cholera prevails o supplyMc demand. At the beat citizens of the' country have to a certain I platedV action 'xntrarv"ioi thh'law "nVT m the armyfjbnt iavaniflhingfati5uenos denies that thteact'of removinRf Ayrcsa iThcrochaar bcen aseriousout cbnoIdered a great triumph of lilJer- By taking proper ;meWrourmaTkbW1 rX enme, and ,miad brcakatMontovideo'ihthW'irite am ICcr&LiZl ( - ; lJ-- m . 1 t . , . m n ' r- utttZZfaWaSZZ&Z tIJ? r -- Pr ; - . fulm -- -- - aLt- w w r--w LL-L- - nf "rJk, . I - S wrS fi'SS - ? m" . i j ad-Bituate- dibr : -- o - s I ; w f ' ; to-morro- noDuIar.-butuiowci- Aif . w. ! 1 4 of-th- o S?!" ; . , , - y.atu-present- in-war- , 11 I -- n - ""wjf'-wmikqi'm-tiievijwiae- .. ; 4- -; th-nfnVHvr- nt iJgS?? . he-move- nvprfL 3.01 wo enter upon the nroduction of- . - I 4 cltv fionse of, Commbnsl; IRinVw two or- - three" 'occasions, Jews i elected. to fill tho ofll r m, ofmf j.wv.ui, '" -- r-r- - im, tt r " f n a IUU jt.j DIOOQ jLijsiruun d l.GOO-troonsottla- nd i"! -- nr : , : tion tf fA .n.w SJ MmacEnfrpB at pleasured C I San:Pranciflcot 23.Th6-CMd- e e tvi then took Hurtia' To a.m. otanberry this arrived from Panama read the answer to tho 2nd article hardest, rainstorm of the season has He denies all the charges in this article: prevailed for tho past 24 hours. The sers j -- |