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Show 'i ' J ' r nro conctantlv called cpon to .zatch tho in-poliUcirias. ; end; tho: pollticlansaro. ; . 'mm.- - mm mm-- - Z m nil .f 11 , a- - Inst Ctr iton, Stuartrand Pcpo, rccondont; doolopes the fact uSu?' ria from restrained' President casured him that ha ttW Srvrn that tl :oy be nfirtr:ln rto contemplated by thoJ.miro reannf ceccantly laboring to provo how disindiscourt for of The violation tho laws. the mem"reconotruction ty terested and honest they, and tho nuref T nco act In casef tthe restoratinw orl treason tho for that it bill tho missed of bers of the party to which they belongf prescnta a political quesuon, ana mero-lor- o Stanton. ,; Tho Board of Directors of the Miki are, and that thosciia whom1, thoy ard does not properly ;fall nndor ito;ju-- : this Pacific Bailroad,- on Friday, opposed Tmust of : nccersltyr bo: corrupt, ricdictionrr Tho Juinlcaithat ciJ nlco applicablo to a cimilar placo tho machine shops depots & opinion venal,Tand mnworthy; pi jpumiC;Conu-dencn tlon frcn tho Stata of Mississippi;! tho road e&Rt ctChoycnnofor fill Thus, liko a hugo cauldron dlS! Nelson said thp court was unan- Imountains, and Justico tmouhtaii t will-nounito to ed with ingrcdienta that imous in tholppinion with rpgard the; at the eastbase of the mountain nation regaraea point and mix?reely, tho politics of tho Georgia case. Tne decisionals similar casea be- The decision will cause the expendUnr e aro kept ceethlngand boUing, witn ino as virtually cottlinff alt the recori- - ot vast aumsof moneys courtrarising-und- en J tho fore cook and aa chief press .. San Francisco, February 11, a. i When' the iniluehce of tho press is ex- - KewYbrkA'fir6 IntJohn ntredtbn Tho sremoval orrthe;capitol of thefiUfl -- xuesdat ETOHnra ! xm lit .issa . THE PKE33 AND POLITICS. The great preponderance of politico above everything else, in nearly every paper which reaches us, is very distinct f The subject' is not confined : to Jyrhkt might bo termed political "papers. and of every kind periodicals religious journals devote a largo portion of their space to the frai tfunheme.3utl seldom 'does: a paper; coino to ;hand which proYessci.toitake an independent position onVoiitics. Party and party "Interests are all absprbirigVand it'seems as iflho bollef very generally exists that a newspaper cannot live and flourish i t: without being a poll ticalT hack. iTlie great questions of the hour, sdmo; of which aQect the national vitality, are viewed from a partisan stand point and 5 dealt: with In a partisan spirit. UJ)aid tho character, niotIve37 opinions and actions of political opponents aro dragged through tho xhire of vitupcrativo con- troversy, while leaders and members of tho party in whoso interests the paper acta, are lauded beyond all bounds, .their ' very vices being torturedinto apparent v',' virtues. This condition of tho .press throughout the entire republic is highly suggestive. It marks tho tono. of public feeling, to a great extent. For though tho press may sway the popular will; it musttravelat least partially In harmony with that will, or Its power for good or evil Is greatly limited. 7 ;: ;,::) It ia but a few. years since this su- -. premacy of politics, as asubjectjof great public interest, was confined to the evo of election contests. Then, in the heat of, excited foelings, utterance was given l: to many things which In calmer moods wouldhaYObcenunsaidi and which wore willingly forgotten byairparties as tho excitement died away. Now, this; is of daily and continued occur- . jrencer The bitterest epithetsaro hurled with recklessness from either, side of contending parties, against those from whom they differ; and the wound thus mado aro kept rankling by- repeated thrusts of envenomed darts. In are- ! t- -- News-"pape- rs 1r " t o. Z-VZ ' v--- f , , - t publlcanfm of government1 such? as ours tlio acta of every public servant ,aro open to criticism, and tho higher his .position, tho greater the trust 'reposed in him, the closer is ho watched that he f occupies with honor and , dignity the ' position in which ho is placed. r This is. according to tho spirit :oft bur national institutions .But to seizo upon very v trivial saying or act of public servants, rwith tho eagerness of a vulture fastening on a morsol of carrion," simply because thoy hold othorrviews ;and act 'upon; other opinions, is, to be, be- -; neatha great people represented through or-oug- ht- .l its prc3 r That politick has become reduced ii most to a Eclenco is: well 'known and i thatmen mako il aprofcc3ion: which too 'theVfDllqWrcxiliveli . well oubstantiated to bo" controverted. And in tho pursuit of that profession; n every lover is used that can bo, and evo--Lry means aro employed, no mattor hovr 1 1 unscrupulous or dishonorable, to "mako pt;pay,M arid.: secure;, thb triumph' of " w.- .s. i iol-- ciarty-ThdUmeapwh6- n dovotion to country and constitution, ;and not to a party ,: and when ,lpatrlot,, did not nican partkan.aro rookediipori . faa .antcdeluylanV clow and a lpnc way I; behind tho of tho: present. f;.Tho oplrit v prccs teems with1 pcrconl tnd:putlld ita atu2ci ; i the fino censibllitlca of tho y dui, who ( aro b!comiacr co accustomed to tho II b-era! viz? of foul cplthcta'thatrcanca lin-gu-and truo ctlcmanly'; polltc-b- cs cannot but ouCer from it. Tho peoplo : Ho -- r-- : . firo-tender- nr j Q ortcd to honor labor and cgradpyfaslil-on'abland1 cojtupt lnldoldn!c6; trhen men are Bustaineci for pfllco because thoy are fully qualifled; and will labor for tho publics good ; when virtue iin a- publicn servant is lauded, andvjdipr,corrnp-tioand dlshontyrreprobated without men respect to party or opinion whenfellow-citizewho claim thfe suffrages of their1 areeridorsed. because;theyBeek thejreountry's, nota party's good: then thb: press :1will,beekgage labor, and will challenge, in lin munite-l- y higher degree, ; the admiration land support of the; 'intelligent and'patflotic f". j.;r throughout the land.: bl 1 ns -- : Speclal.to . the: DeserctnEvcning New. -- , yl -- Rafnpfw nierht. caused a loss of over from Sacramento to a more suitabU w VUUH J UUiliK UifllIUMCU ' U V LOB ifimaK half a n&U6n; I turotrSanrJo3e offers the State theBft" Paine aro tno neaviesc Jjosses. vj, i bulletin froijivr. uwusw uso auv 'live year, Chicago. Simonton says thatTickeringrs messago also to grant several acres of land S the capitol buildini? is all rIght.oWashingtonspecial, to- the erection, ofSan Jose has also invftpJ the President has nominUf The people of night, says J. of ither legislature to Yitit ted Charles .Tiicketmatf jOf NeYorli tho members that place at. the expense of its citizens minister to Greece? 7t.t .riir. j Tho invitation is accepted , and the W The Housecommittee resumed , theuchargeg. Bgalnst Judgo islaturo has adjourned two days for that Field. The editor of the paper in which to purpuse.rr the statement firsVappearedJ refused answer the questions, and the commitmxxm'imj tee not having powerto commit him for contempt,! adjourned.: .The" PresiStI Louis, Mo., Jan. 13,1868. dent will nominate Gen. .McLellan for Editors De8erct&ew8.r-Aceordin- g To minister to England; The Presidents inform ; you in relletter,, was sent to that proinjsergrioreply to Grant's ation to labors will here confess I my officer, at , noon: its; contents ,have not to ou that T did not much like laboring y been disclosed Dutlt is said to be toned here in,. St. Louis, when I arrived in -, j down Xrom the firstraf t. company with ym.H. Miles and H. J Marquis Dazeglia. Richards Xondon, j on;thei21stf of November j It the Italian Minister, has resigned and me4the place f where the asked to be recalled immediately. Much appearedtchave rendezvoused from the excitement at Warwiqls in consequencb prodigals: to the present, arid I of the anticipated attempt of the Fen- days of Nauvoo, in War- really pitied the rnan who had to labor ians to rescue Burkef confined th at it would fall little dreaming wick jail. Dispatches kfrom-- China an- heref "J:. i nounce that: Minister: Burlingame : has to my lbtP j experience departed for: the: United . States, i A .v My labors. ,,and show, that although St. Louis shock of an earthquake; has been folt at aTre for every unclean things yet Shanghaeand'Ningapoo; no destruction Iis find treat' there are many honest souls here, of property or life is reported ; but it caused great consternation; The Impe- who reaUeithatlhere is nothing; but rialists . repott another battlcT;with the the.husks here to feed, upon, and they rebels and elaim that theebels werb: are inakinevery effort in their power defeated in, all these encounters , in d to gatner tattnei nome.pt, the Baints. that the Imperial farms arojjrapidly re- where j they can live byevery wordof . : k that proceedeth from the mouth fj gaining Jost ground.' Cork.Last night squad of police- God., On our arrival here Br.-L- .; D. Rudd. men patroling the streets was attacked to return home: wishedjfto be released stones and clubs; Cthe by a mob witn released accordingly fell President;?MIIesf , werbr outnumbered-an- d T Bhould take back: and .when reinforced ; the crowd him, andt deairecl that"Brown- arrived. until President had dispersed and none could be found. charge Berlinl-rTJticustoms con- I took the responsibility upon me with national heart; feeling it my 7duty to ference will- - soon assemble here. It ip adoprayerful iso when required ; I .K i this to not as important only regarded .i Bro;;MilesV;Rudd and myself labored interests of commerce, but likely to in concurrence until Brother Brown to": progress; The German unity rivediSLhicounseledrBrotherRudd national party are assiduously4 laying return home, wish, with their nlans to cive a political .charaoter his wife andaccording; to his daughter. In the to the approaching conferenceT r' J. , JEldersi Crosby , Smbot and Murphy: nas President -comWashington;--:T- he the: good .work, preaching joined ua innmd nominated Captain Green to bo comforting ithe Saints the, gospel on. the mander in the Navy activelist, recital of theirjexperience in Utah. in place of : Cicero v Price retired, ; also, with Brown gave us much valuacommander John Cboper(to he Captain blePresident "counsel exhorting us to seek for the j of r Green, promoted. 'intplace of the Lord, in prayer, to direct us spirit 'The Senate bonnrmed tho following: in our labora.in the ministry, t Brother H.' Bichards went direct Gsacea, Hiago; "way of Chicago, where . Ybrkby of the land office in numooicu, her called iieglster itoivisit iarelativer Brother Cal. ; Pardon Dodds, Indian agent in r went 7 to rlabaina ; Brothers Utah; Xit Webb; superintendant of Crosby Smoot andiMurphyitb Tennessee. Bro. Indian afTaifs in George Miles returned to New York by way of M. Halle tt; receiver of public moneyih andlBoston. Bro. Eudd, Colorado; Irwin G;? Stantonf Begister clf .Cincinnati' went to spend the the land office in Central Cityf .Colorado. wife and daughter The President recogniizea O harlea l"Wol-co-tt winter with hia brother in Crawford co., of moving to intention the with' Iowa,' as Consul of San Cisco, Jran Brooks, ....... his home in TJt in the spring. T. to, Japan.-me ; Chicarro llWashinnton specials ,:PresidentfBrb7n remained, with the 23d of December, when he too say that ""a5 delegation of railroad" men until wbre from tho east "went1 before the Souse the cars fbriJDu Quoin ,iiJllinois, tne he is at present. Hb writes me thatloncommittee on rPosttrofficei an increaso In the amounts paid spirit whisrihvtbT wait a little urging ror carrying tne mails; they represented ger in Illinois j and he says that Brother W ' worfc. iitf good; d6inJa heard notning that they cannot afford to transport ; tho BuEsenberry hos but has mails at the old price:' J Micsisaijppi, to Grant con- from Bro therov Crosby Smoot or :Tno Prcsident'o-roply1 tains the end6rcementb"bf Decretariea have jpst had thplpleasure of peruYfcUcs. Brbwninfr. McCulIbch Sbward . I and Randall of tho iJIcgaUonb mado by sing a letter from rbf old friend and laborer Henry Gf uBoyleiHe writes the President against Grant on tho ccoro of voracity. Itia, boliovcd that,, had Tory cncoumginGlyli Vr cf thoro bconiaiull Houno thorc-olutiin ,i;,Wo meet in tho Broadway HaU. favor of tho fomoval of tho capital to tho Loub, and liavo gbod.meeUrigsr wnicu vauoy wouia navo pacsed. auasissippi 10. am at present. . and have been since Halifax. Tho Hbuao ia engaged I in.diccucin'? thoroticilT-islntfo"R. I left' homeoiL tii6 lOttf of Koyembef, of gbodi: health., w in thobnioymcfat 'mcotingo cbritinub 'to b'oVheld pial Ja " vnrioua parta of tho country. - : f! I f warita"aro fow and-amprovided ipr. No w York, UiTho j World's Vcpccial from Uontomcrv.. cvn t! vited mo to thoir ;liomc3:. tbj partake, oi concede tho defeat oi; tua'hntrrarirititii Ifc'.tia-- VariciI2l'7fj: Ctirnnta'-!:b'fi- t Mori .to nia, w aro aU the Saints. teSt. ui isrotner irememrmo tho voto Is leca than Iirlf rcacircd bV In conclulcn; mo frcm ten to of t7itlra 1 rayer; Ijcttcra from IXcdrid choY7 th- rm3., hmdl torlciCantalronngKimbaii prccont,; careeif d Perry, tho Cicrctar My adorer is, for tho ia caid that Hala ttUL czao A.' e.lKerohaw,006, NorUi i4insu-It nomo unices Perry ia recalled. St. XiOUis, ZXo. I - w A-privat- eer -- n-:.- 5 7 ; - tpf con;-sideration- , i f -- fc F wltriftroJ lO.--T- he - CAPTMACKAV COMMITTKD FOR TKIAli PRIZE FIGHT AND SOME 8HOOTING ; t 8CRAJPES AT.CHEYEINEt; " " , , t earthquake: in china i , :i ' i - CAiLiFORNIA PR0rbSED"REMOVAXor the t STATE CAPITA!! Cheyenne: lp.T-- Ai prize fight for $1000 aside took place: this rauernoonf( a mue and a half from fthci city, between Job, JBean and Joo Jllley; eighteen grounds were fought in, thirty-eight-y minutes,; when Bean's seconds discovered rosin on Riley's knuckles; which was claimed to be foul, and BeanlwasT declared the winner. jLargo amounts of greenbacks chanced hands; Two shooting alTrays hovo occurred sinco tho. fight; no one was seriously hurt. JETouse. Paino offered a resolution de claring that r:tho f seat n of government ougut 10 do movea io ine vaney or tnoMississippi; r rejected,' 77rac:alnst?97a4The House next proceeded to1 draw for; seats, which occasioned much merri-- I ment. Tho Speaker presented a mes- sago wim a pariiai report xrom tno Jfresident, In teferencoVto tho trial and conviction of American citizens in England. Stevens asked leave to offer a resolution that the evidence; taken on impeachment by the judiciary committee be referred to tno reconstruction to report at any committeo,,with.leavo Brooks-objectetime. when Stevens I to moved suspend tho. rules. After some amendments in : regard to providing for printing 50,000 copies of tho? testimony, and directing, the' General of tho Army to send to tho Hons o a copy of the Ia3t letter received from the President, the objections were withdrawn, and the resolutions were adopted. ,The Houso then went into a committee of tho whole to . consider, tho" legislative and executive appropriation bill. After some discussion, the committee-ros- o and tho House adjourned.:-- : av ' ' ; Senate. Bamsoy presented a petition from the citizens oColorado asking State. !Fomeroyi Introduced a joint resolution relative to tho ocean mail cervico with Chinatreferrcd. Henderson Introduced a bill to cot apart Indian territory inNevada and othor Territories; also authori2ing;tho distribution of surplus condemned property among. tho Indians. Tho rcconstructib bill wasDupplomontaryT. taken up;, Harlan and Tipton opoko in favor of tho bill. - ";'-- r nontgqmerv.-TrSovcntcb- n counties in Southern Alabama havo given-- majorof 3700 against the convention; other ity countlca will Incrcaco to 10,000 behind :i tho .voto of last fall.: i i IiOndon.Capt, Ucckcy hca been for committlnrr ani assault on tho Llartcllo: tower at JDun cannon; tho ovldcnca was conclusive aid ho vas fully committed for trial A- vcryyoun and csvcral Tsian, barely twen who to rcssuo riotors, attempted also committed. In tlio.nio-Ic- o two policemen wcro d"ercus3v : -- u,:. ;;i wounded. i In tho fiuprcrr Court, Vcehigaton. Kelson pronounced Justice an elaborato : 1 ! 1 d, -- -- I ad-misslon- asa -- f l- - o : ; i ; - . subse-ciientl- 2(EW INDIAN AGENT FOR UTAH! . ' f : j ; ei-amin- cd ty-cn- o, 1 Ilao-koypwe- ro : ' ( y 4 4 - j po-licem- en 1 e V ; ad-vdhc- oT' v ar-- mean-tim- e ew to-N- -- -- Now-"Mexic- -- o; t . r ;.- I s - ? 1 -- : to-da- y. . ; Mar-pheyfoincbaafte- dIri 1 iei-lo- w : . on I n. i pl " T-'H- rTT their-hcspitalityTh- : ; tT7cnty-thrco;t!ic--n- d.: oy ijanei" , |