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Show SchoficldU.whaapproveti; the ordinance. nuci-fixing the pay of members -ucner l. 'i ... ... j , nesl unimportant. v T York, 13. "Now clerki:was robbed A Clearing-hous- e in the street of rarsatchel-containin- g $000,000 in.checks, and jfije hupdred in currency by;twoineu Jnraslelglr,ofwho the beat him severely. The payment " checks is fitot)Ded: Ti-- FT? . Washington,. 13.. A conference 01 soiaiera ,anu sauuio; from all parts of the Unibm is tcr be) hold fn Washington on the 16th. to con sider the prpprietyloT calling a National! convention to nominate canaiaaies ior' . President and Vice President. muster to : Grant has just issued orders reserve out 124 officers of "the veteran i ; Continued from first pane. eilects of ;CatholicismJhen it e exercised great power among the nathe thought of any Church tions; and getting feuch" apower strikes a terror to theniirrhatKchurcht professed! to be the church of God upon the earth, and seme dread Similar results to I those . .which : r CEOIlGi: Q. CAXXOX, Editor. SATURDAY EYEKira. DEC. a ?14,"1S67. s t -- I 1 ' -- 1 j ! to-da- y ' - 1 I ! i : 1 ' 1, " -- f . i : t , Hi 1 - T k! ; ; ; ' ' v-r- n I 1 the.de-monstratio- ns , 1 ; . fk -- ; .," I 1 , nt " v.v':'-,V;V;- . Y..r l . ice-bou- nd , , : . ; -- : f 4 5 r ee . J I -- T . . ; ? . i 1 . t to-da- 1 ts . i . I - nt ( 4 -- V j - ; .v :, 1 . l , : 1 : 1- n, " : 1 - V 4 ; ! ? 1 : Con-ventio- n.; : - . I r-a- - attehdecKthfttSupposingthe early Christiana-.hadr4notL agree itK4some-chai.rmalLerd.v:l- to departed 'from truth ,Lbul the keysi of the never kingdom,-there the .would have been a man putf t6 the test) with- regard to his relicious'faith ' af an Infidel had ,abused a Christian it;wcmld5haye been -- lace1 and tcelL tho products of nheir lah and it will only take a little capital to start them such kinds of. Wor Where you have; brethren who are not jBtrong- enough to saw and splitwooa prsohie;kiMfout-d6orlab6i- v ; -- Owing to the pressure of. interesting matter on our columns t outlay, ;we .xire compelled to omit our editorial It would have given us pleasure to have "alluded to Senator Cragin's action fn the U. S. Senate, in reporting a Billlfrbm the Committee on Territories regulating the selection of Juries" in .Utah But we will have time enough to thoroughly nArta ..uH I3i ventilate this and other matters before 1i.u.J:d(:vnflo . Attempts; made in Glasgowforf and Con grcss adjou raW the Delfast to hold public funerals executed Fenians were checked by the (Srcclat to tho Dcscrct IXcninaZ'ciL. va'to interference of the authorities. A;daring attempt was made confined cicnvui i)Jt. r release the Fenian Col. Burke, Powder was exploded bein prisb'n . neath the prison walls: the whole side COXGUESSIOXAIi! : was blown into, the air, and wall of the . ANOTIIEU UILI AGAINST rTJTAU! three adjoining buildings were destroywere Fenian ed. It is rumored that 20 persons Attempt to ItcUaic the Desperate 120 killed, but jtho confusion is so great Burke, Houses bloxcn up 40 Bcr-- , that nothing is definitely known: Two sons Wounded and 4 Killed! men and one womanf are arrested on IIKAVY HOBBKHY IN THE STREETS OF suspicion of complicity in the outrage. X&VT YOIIK! Burke was confined in an inner, cell, failed to! escape; .He has befen reNeapolifan Iusnrrcction JExpectcil! and to a place'of greater security. J, moved in ther Georgia Lively times The 2772 es says after the recent speech convention of Minister Bouher the 'EuropeanE'-Con-'i Stanton's ference jwould be a indekery. The Senate Jiefuses to Sustain ; ' V I V, Rer,J Suspension , Advices from Shanghai say it is Biirlin-gam- e " Minister American lieved the f Chicago, 13. will soon leave Pekin for WashThe House proceedings of Wednesday ington on a special", mission for the U il ;' have been received by mail.; :: Govern Cblneso ment; : Washburn, of Wisconsin i ; made a .7 ;j. !;::', rParisVi! strong speech against an appropriation v It! is saids the Minister for Foreign vl.-- j Affairs has sent ja dispatch1 to Florence for the purchase of Alaska. The bill passed providing for brevet with regard Ito" the claims"'of Italy upon: commissions only to be issued in time Borne, based-upothe speecWbfBbnner con- in the of Trar for gallant and meritorious '.'i1' 'r''J:: r r Corps Xegislatif. duct in the face of the enemy. v i j It is" reported that the Emperdrwill ' - dissolve Seward sent a communication stating soonthe ; preseint Legislative that tho correspondence with the.Brit-is- h body and tliat a new: election Will: be Government regarding; the arrest of held in; January : v naturalized citizens is beiug copied but - is 7 - ' r,"; very voluminous, There are serious atmrchensions of an The Military .Committee has reported Insurrection In Naples.4 wb ere adversely J-to the paying v., of 'the army tne l Government against. weekly.same Committee nave oeen unusually violent. ;v ? The bacla reported bill declaring that no officer 'cashiered Theaker. the commissioner ofpatents, or dismissed Dy .court martial can ever has'ieldea to the pressure ana tenderfresh be restored except by y-11 appointment and confirmation. '. After consi- ed his resignation derable discussion, the bill was recomCornelius Vanderbllt is elected Presi-de: 'i fl ted mit .r of the New York Central Bailroad. i v : .. . 13., : Schenectady, 14. I r:; . London, The Times counsels the acceptance of . Eight hundred boats are .for President Johnson's; views on the dis- the season, between Syracuse and Troy. puted question of naturalization and There yrUl be a'great loss of many car- allegiance . expressed in j his Annual : Message, r ; ,: il 7 . : ,New york,15. to decided has Government .The prose 8 Thc. Herald' 'special-gives details of cute :Martin r andt,othor.: persona whoj the explosion "at Cierksvilio Prison.1 :No made treasonable: speeches, at Dublin escaped.; The stree t; opposite prisoners : i ; . ton Saturday thef prison! is narrow, ..and:'liheavwith J ; ' : : 13. : ; r :i Washington. three story hoiises. ; Twenty ; houses are iHousc. After the. transaction of min- almost ' demolishear and entirely forty Com-mittor business, the House went into. ,: have children men and swonlen persons, of tho Whole, and several speech- -' beeh fou hd wounded; of whom four have es, were; made oh' the, impeachmenti: already; died!' .The house opposite lias ...question. suspected for a long time jis being Senate: Wilson presented a memory been Fenfanf head, quarters: The street is ial from Warren, an American citizen' the ripped up a considerable distance by, the : confined as a Fenian, in Dublin, who force of the .explosion.' The' whole city ' ' declares the offence for which he is im- is , terribly excited and everybody prisoned was committed in New York; alarmcdjl not knowing where the, next Cragin, from the; Committee on .Ter- blow may fall. Government will resort the? to more " -ritories, renorted a bill regulating ; measures. stringent V. ' selection or juries in Utah. ,The bill 8 The Herald' Atlanta fsays special forhlds o polygamy; : makes 5 the Issue there ivas great excitement in tho. 'Contherefrom illegitimate, establishes elec- tention y. Blount roso and charged tion laws; ana repeals the law exempt- tho majority of the Convention with con ing tho Church of JLatter-daySainhi iraud, and being determined t 1 'j: niving from taxation; r uo wrong to tne people ' or ueorgia. Sherman called tup 'the bill to repeal w Great excitement ensued. Blount re the cotton tax.vlMbrrill opposed it. Af--. fused to stop, but fihishedliis denunci- ter further discussion. the bill waspost. teuuereu.xus resignauon. uuuuiiuliiuii i ,t u poned. u are There prospects : of, a y ery stormy Wilson called up the House bill secur- - sessloni IThe niulattoes aro "very 'inso-lc-, famof to an extension bounties the ing to the whites.:. ."V. TLl ilies of soldiers who died since tho pasThe late storm swept With fury along amendsage of tho law. : With a slight the Atlantic 'coast, and there arejmany ' ; f ment the bill passed. 1 , V of shipwrecks boming'in The House resolution of adjournment stories :Tho irpra'8 sxcclal says tne Senate reduring the holidays, passed. The Sen- fuses ; to. sustain the President's suspenate :then went into executive i Bessiom sion of Stanton., The rcsitlentrvvill tiU Monday. - ; iStan-toAdjourned probably; issue aii order removing? ; : ; j?i i KewOrleans, 13. to : the Supreme an forcing; appeal - The Convention ordered tho printed 1 to resolution directing the Convention V j a proceed at once and organizcTa Vci.vil . j government in Louisiana. fFnoir .Dixie.!' Bro.; Samuel West; - from The per diem of thti President is made Washinston, Washington County, informs us double that of, the members of the matters and that thrngs In that Section tore in r an' condition.1 excellent Good health prevails V 13. r andprospcritr abounds, though Bichmbnd, they have had " The Convention laid on the table a no rain for a length of. time. Tho people feel resolution requesting the continuation considerably encouraged having. their cotof the Freedman's Bureau. A com- ton worked up at homo Inwith the factory at Washmunication was received from General ington. ' r :to-tb- ! i?1;! 5 had-retaine- d -- - chairs bottomed, and get rushes and set ;the brethren ' to; b'ottoming'the'i Chairs ypu cannot get that for: therni to do, procure some flags or rushes, and let foot-mat-s, jtnemzmake them, ibut j do not ask too and,asell, for price .high do not a ask dollar or two dollars ;them, jeachfor them,two-A-for one can? in nd iU if the market if jshould get stocked with them, get sonie willows and have willow baskets made jandlyou can scarcely stock the market with them, for they wear out almost as ifastjas they can be made.' In the Spring t have these brethren sow i some broom-corthey will enjoy working a little joiit of; doors in the nice spring weali and then in Fall they-ca- n make broomi l with the corn.. By pursuing this course a Bishop will soon be able to say, "I have accomplished a good work; the brethren f.and sisters whom I had to help are now in a condition to help themselves.' And; in a, short time, ffj their labor1 and time are wiselv era-ployed, you can! build- for! them the finest house in the wa rd. You may call if you choose, though it it a poor-hous- e should be the best house in the ward: arid there its inmates cair enjoy themselves, the younger ones canTbertaught music and thus a source of enjoyment be created; as well as' being taueht in various kinasiof profitable employment; and the lives of all;b6 made a blessing to themselves they helninr theenjby-ment.o- f .happihess ana: comfort. You may thinlt that lahi; painting a fancy and. those sketch, but it is i practicable, aire places I intend to visit by ahel by J Now, , Bishops, y qu; have smart women for wives, manyi of you; let them in the organize female Belief : Societies talentvarious wards. ; We have ; many ed woman among us, and we wish their help in this matter. Somei? may think this lis.aZtrlflihg thing;:butrit-i- not; and sisters. will be the you Iwill find thatthe .' ;mainspringbf the movements ?z Give them ;the benent ofyour ?wisaom ana experienced give them y our- - influence, and direct them wisely and well, guide and" they,, will find rooms for the poor, andlob tafcnx;th e;means for, su ppor tirig them.teh times qhicker"tlianr even:tK Bishop 6ould.J If lie ;shouldgo or send to a man for a donation,. and if the person thus visited 'should happen to be cross or out of temper for some cause, the likelihood is, tha,t whileih that state of feeling he would refuse Ctd give any so variety of causes would thing :and the mission' an unsucoperate to render cessful one.- But- let a sister appeal for the relief of suffering and poverty, and eshe is almost sure. to be.successful, her specially if she appeals to those of owTXsex'.rIf you take: this course you P-- r -- . . be-ma- de lence; but no religious test would have been applied. ( Theilaw of right would have prevailed.tC'Some sujjpose " that! when the Kingdom of God j governs on the' earth,4 every body who .does, ' not ;bei Churchy of Jesus. Christ : will long he persecuted and killed.; This is false an Idea its can exist..;! The .Churchand Kingdom of God upon the earthuwill take tha lead- in--, everything that is praiseworthy, in every thing that" is good;l ih everything that isi delightful i in everything that will promote know an understanding of ledge and extend truth, Thp ; Holy;bePriesthood andthe Inlaws; .thereof ,will known friends habitants of the earthand'-thof truth, andithosewho delight in-i- t, will delijght in those laws and cheerfully submit to theni; for they will secure the conclude, from rights bf airmeh.Many reading! tho history of various nation gran ted' any thatj f Cathblicisnx never ; unless1 he ijWpuld rights to any person, believellt ad he wrm required:, tbnbelieveJ But it is hot so in the Kingdom .of Qod; it is not fi& with thelaw; nor'wittiithe Priesthood of the Son of wdr iYou cah believe in one God or i n thre o gods,; or in athousahd gods; you can Worship;the sun or tho moon, or a stick or a . stone, or anything you please. Are not' all mankind c the workmanship of the hands of God? And does He not contrdl the workmanship of His hands? They have the! nrivilece f of tworshippinc: as they please. They cart do as they please, so long aa xney,uo.nufciiiiriijg uuuu me If of their fellbw-beihgthey rights J , their well reward do, they;wili;receive and if they do ill, they will receive the results Of their works. You and I have the Privilege of serving God, of building uptZion,-sendintho gospel ! to the nations: of the earth and preaching it at within homo, subduing: every passion to the law all andl subject us, bringing of God.j We have also the privilege of Him according to the dicworshipping tates of,our own consciences, with none f to molest or make us afraid. ', am now. going to preach you a short I sermon concerning our temporal duties My, sermon is to the poor, and to those who are not poor. As a people, we are not" poor; and we wish to say to the hut Bishops, not only in this city, take "Bishops, through the country,The care of lyour poor." poor in this great many. I city do not number aover poor a think fthere are a few; seventy who Will' relieve1 thewanfs e draw! sustenance" from theGeheral Tith- grat dealrbetter than 4hey are now Female to the Tithing, dealt bvJ We recommend these ing Office. They comecomes for them, CRelief Societies ' to be organized imme-Office, jor somebody to draw; their sustenance. If some bf aiaieiy.-- , 'hn - iicy ,hu our clever iarithmeticians will Git down Ahotlier.thlng;Ishrto say. loa in each, and make 'a calculation of the hours lost know in coming from the various parts of the month iweT hold: Us a tast day. How. in wait-- ; many, here knowthe origin of this fast city to the Tithing Office,, and then ialuefthbse day? Before tithing was paid, the poor ing around there; and some useful em; werifBUpp6rdJ;donationsi The hours,1 Jf pectfpied in and a half cents cameT:to .M osepnand- - 'wanted neip wa ployment, at twelve each, every leight of themmaking(a dol-- i Sirtlandj and he saidthere" should be lar?, it will be found that the number jof fastayl yhJcK was 6cidcidA upon. ltjis dollars) thus lost by; these seventy odd! was ' to be heldohce a month, as been: a far go (towarda howr iand'air that' would haveor bupersons in wee'krwould J We have them. among .us eaten that dayi bf.flouf; or meat, sustaining some brethren and sisters who are hot' tter or frultor anytWng else wasto be strong,! nor healthy,1 and .they must be carried to the fast meetings and put into the mdst tne; nands oi;a person j seiecteq ior m?supported:'' "We wish to adopt economical plan of taking care of them; burnose of takinir care of it and distnand; we say to you, Bishops, take care of hn trAf. nmnn rr tlrta nnrr Tf W6 "WCro ask (thoiquestioii;1 tb'do this now faithfully? do you .thin thorn j oumay thatr Should the poor, would lack" for fiourj or butter,; "Shalljwe take the tithing go to the Tithing Office to support them or shall we ask the" brethren to donate ithing. they, needed to,' et?. No, uw for that purpose?" If you will take the wouia oe' more tnarx couia ue uscu, time consumed.in obtaining the rations all the poor iarhong us. 1 1 is econow drawniby-thenx.out.o- f thejGeneral Tith- in us to takerthisreourse. and do better vand sisters taj every person ;who is hot iby our; boor brethren ing OfficeJfor . 1 hithertoi-beenIonebyable to'eome must send some one for they have them-4ahave that time profitably' tnat. employed, there Will be but little more tet it be sentVforth.4 to the people, to seek for their sustenance. Get a house on'the' first iThufsdiar of each rnontn, . in: your Ward, and; if you havortwo the fast day, all that would ba eaten sistersi or two brethren put them' in i it. make them comfortable, find them food seryahtsr shbuld be tut in the hands w and' clothing, and fuel; and direct the KAqRfsrtoTv foriHrie Sustenance oL time now'spent coming to this Tithing Office wisely in profitable labor. Fpr-nisthe sisters with needles and thread poor fin;Md-I;ami;wimngit- fi to work at sewing, and find something, viae wicn tnose waras wucxc out for them to do. Take those little girls the "sisters will look If who have been coming to the Tithing rooms for those sisters who neea i Office,' and have, them taught to taken care of, and see them proveuni knit; edging, and tidies,1 and other you will find that we will possess i -- t i to-th- n, -- I ; -- - J tb-th- e. e -- - 1 r ; , j 4 si s -- g -- j I -- - -- of-th- f ; thatHhe-firsts-Thursd- ay ; : ! i -- ; i : , I -- J 1 nd 1 j tf A I w h: . j ; r.' . m ' V |