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Show JrrT," iHE HOIiY Ii V K f Ifhmnfph tho roof bccato no approve cOUid1;o mado to tho door; no Trondcr I Hla audioncca 7cr0 bo raeat at uaiiic y ijf , I t a ship ro to preach from had BiXDwnJSviri:. GalileeSept., ,W. I that ho a wv 4Via nhAM 11111. Jt.4MtA J-".- Jaw i .rjnoin Ki; l"u.ui".,V SSSSiklnn nndir Wd'fo feed them tnrt - ;r youncr; wuuuuiuij nuvu uu commotio dor when thcro.T7iaii irreat OTwSrt: TnTyplIow. r I I :r sijirobJi-iil-.-- c yrii.ioeun . ? i-d- ; ! I ! .. . . va apxa nnrvAie i" . . ! . . ' . . I ( . . I . . . . J.I. r ' . . nd jSInffi - . c Si ,4,., ,-- rf ; v. D ,. . , I-- J kW)fEEM f ,.( . - ja.is; , .... :?i Inn.d and uncomfortablo. and savage that he Ib-b- o P?or-hous- than in tho Chiof Maglstraoy o g STOCK or ttutoiopeiraroM I jin o.A.l:,, XfJSVf.wSoiVuTiaiiVi; rojjiumnintkuii:'-'- TDflU-- 'i - w.?r? S wanta to exterminate the whole tribe. or rl Thaan nrkTA nKftttf r pecui t tertras onlylS or Ifyean old, I I lUilUesNfich-- have noticed In 'tho noblo red man, too: they carried pas andnad avery the onlv Syrian iSmaiS m.Jd JEi'U XLilTIN T 3? i. .r-viqteatlieVrf- . ,r,, ,t4 J "- - I - ea-r- 24 ', J' dayo, one neighbot por?ao In a city In those it to anotherln wordo tothlo cfci'Theycay that Jeaua ofNcAroth liux uh.-.men and children looked Trorn and cad;- is come! ire? o.i'i; uum? aick. Ifa manwould distressed xrith hunger. Thoyrel Ho healed the and ,Ul0.taci inr-- ri tr. mnrTi nf Tndikn did thcflfl have crowds to attend nim au tne my peotlc."'Tiley hadbu t imi6 clotm.n Bucn as tnoT naa was lancnui aracter ana fantastic in arran Fmcracfc "wellTI was saying, the doctor disj trilne&.cciho4onn3e littlo absurd gowgaTr or j Any thev had ther disposed in such . uamee una aay. among faia i v to makalt attract attention most rcadi I mighty in j . t , , , a, h t. nation tfl TTflS tno cmia OX UXO Daeui'a .h!! even this poor, rarcea daughterfor Icsspatienco watched our every motion fifinrifnl una i Bin nas its royal with that vile, uncomplaining impo ShoIU- -a of botca AVE now a MAGNIFICENT lookeclas old devil that poor Htonca .which truly "i T t HiiJT-oiy- 4h fa mcrr Urti! f r i a fi ; .yact-o- t piuoauy .r-v- Jl.:iUJ XS Tf,:nrilJaiMIi:TO Xf plIOTj J bra :wJ,:.U.J if u '11 'P'1;-- at : T v : . uuo vuu- -i jr r in em 1111 it amouniea 10 oarK. ,.T - If. ujr Saturday night without breakt ThFIIitla children .wero;ina!pIUabIe oclock ' noiv-icondltlon-th- ey all had soro eyes, and ling tho Babbatnv.aTO a mm ,yr'CTtffl TO" rr. v.j . .j X"Tair.TrH'f-'M' ' '-f nw ' where .bffietWbo aflUcted'lar.'Tarloua I lot, though there wrnftoucn oii pg qoodi: , sav that hardlv a native to mako a pie. and tho poor littlo tiling ways. They ao pleadingly up at au who camo ! phild'ln: fcill the East'trco from core1 looked Ym 7 If Jfcxadwn PRINTS. tiinnoW ida TiIft eyes, and that thousands of them i i sr .r r ouua aiiono eyo or ui every, year, jl uuiii;u i f j was UU filled which must bo with see for gen think this f SUiSITIiNUS, compassion so, I auvul plenty i of blind peopIo:Ql?drt'dayTand T don't I time ana not puc on. v Mabk Twain. Tomombcr seeing any children that 1 Tr oy&ftT-Andhadn't core 1 6 rmi?f 'ft wouIdoifcuDlI ., . fVt:n fit i: it J .T oi an flit American that could mother pose ESALETa& 3ETAII! WHOJv HICKORYS, ; for an hour; with her child Iii!her arms; ..r ana let a xnouiana nies roosL upon its 1i7i3 i s.aiekfc cj.-'lo' BED TICKINGS. TJl .ail' that.time undisturbed II see Itb fiild that every . makes my ; flesh It day. y vl .8HIKTINGS, wo met a wotnaxx ridt a & Jncr on a' little jackass, ana sbo had a chlidn-fco- r arms; pxmfnUyj tho chna had goggles 'on asf thought wo ap p reached and I wondered how ihj motner could auord so much style. But ESTAiiB 3&N Vrhonrwa drew near, wo aawrthat the K0gglc3 w6re nothing but a camp-meTEMPLE STREET. around cacn of the ing child's cycSjTand at tho same timo there . ,r; Agent, for .the Bale or )uuy l TA BII6?I13EN;f Ajappoina was a detachment prospectinnitEiiiosOt m4&murif "ofdli The flies'wereliappy, the child Wai con not in ; tented, and so the - mother-di.x,. terfere. MILL , Aa soon as tho tribe ound 'out that wo liadAjddctor in!ourcrdwd, they in from all quarters: Dr. B.f in tho charity of his nature, had ' taken a child fro ma, woman that cat TNFOTtMR HIS PATROXS THAT HR WAR A r;-';iftifnXt-Aitivi.o n'.Vnr?. iivcxib I ifL-- ri near by, and put somo sort of a wash j upon its diseased eyes. That woman went otTand started the whole nation, sopriCi's and you ought to have seen them 3.i LARGE STOCK OF swarm! Tho lame, the halt, the blind, tho leprous-r-alr tiro u,, . i.i&;-Tiv. r;t. ' Xhq distempers that arc bred of dirt and Jnlqulty,! tfer repreft ' .rnuinnCi trt jtu.Lrl nt iii sented in the congress in ten minutes, 'TOBACCO naw...-T&TTW AilSLISi and still they came! Every woman that had. a sick baby brouchUtalonr! V: n aud every woman that hadn1 borrow-- & .i i1 i ninVio t?iVat:cI j. a one. wnat reverent and what worCONSTANTLY ON HAND. shipping, looks they hent upon ithat dread, mysterious Power, the Doctor! They watched him take his phials out; ircpat,Tor7hcatnorcCSi3a.i na0i:a ft nfort '..HAJtNESS thqyj watched him measure thoparticlea I '1 .... ' I shau bare in a few days, a of wliito p'owderj'lhoy watched4 him add drops of one precious liquid, and dropgoiV another; . they.; lost notihD slightest; movement; tneir eyes' woro ,'. CALiP SKINS,' 'trrfiogr riveted upon him with a fascination For Floorlnir." et c ln oneratlon. ll r that n o t hi n $f co ill d; dit roc t . I believe able to Accommodate theXnbllc on SHORTEST L: 4J-t. ; stationeby,: I was he n 1 cifted like a god. notice, rtrr thought they When each Individual got his portion :3JC rrOIcinehls eyca rero Tadhmt1 xith f ' : nu bun Milium Joyuotwithsttudiffgwl7y; nature they t? 0?f L"3 COTTON'YARNi arc a thankless and impassive race, PMCCS f1 GI1EATLY EEDU0E1 I , and upon hl- faco waa wrltton tbo earth, rf could prevent thethatmothlngn from patient gettingHARDWARE. weirnow;-"):-- :. uv n bt i IN TICK 1 Christ knew how to preach to these f" . FARMINQ'IMPEEMENTS , simple.childish, ignorant, superstitious, disease-torture- d vagabonds; he healedn BTATS JsOAPS;'inu: ax;:K tick. the our poor , doctor this morning when. tho BOOTS & SHOES - j famoof whSt.ho hadrdonp-t- o tho, clck i .child went abroad in the land, ancj they J him with 'theif eyes while Assortment worshipped did not know as yet whether there they .XTTHEItCriie TTilii.keepi ai.GQOdi Article or was virtuo.inhis simples or not. The ancestors of r prcclselyliko4 f "A' them in color, dress, manners, customs! ignorancet sinipllcltyllbcked In vast In thislIarlidtI iAli:f. which tU1 lift multitudes after Christ, and when they WWVMH r saw, him makefthe amictedwhole.wita tho ' jooucoou tac,T;jjuowKatc37toisult J o caUqf-ctitho tima.iand word, ;Qf aljr our . v ;jacdhim. Iho wonder his deedsiworchlpv werrvtho no talk of thooiatlon; wonder that" the Joj;fI"7 v.iX'- lz'iiiiti sicl.lu fi filJfi r:v; multitudes- that followed Him were tb great xuai at one ume su mxlc 'from wtf aitai-t- f a "-- i ': H-- i""" "f CO : A- 4 y-.-.--.m TARN ; i" -', 1 I- - . I; 1 V I . r 1 i . t . 1 . ! 1 t FU creep.?,-Yptorda- -: ,- qui--for-'fli.rn'ff- e y tW -- MSHiM et ofJUcs-atsemble- a , xvP.:--irJiJi- d ; 7 Ixjliq-qrre- i;;,:;: t T " - . -- t bo-g- an o-flock -i- 1 te',. l li t i CI -- , -- r 1 L- -- I V j -- - 4 - f n l:;i? L-J- r-- H . : ;v-ifU.M- 1 , I . i. ; i i f . 5 - 1 k hu ' . nnd-nhn- V ;oil I - -- -- un-lucatlonlng-- Taltn - 4- - f , They-flocked-- to hu-ma- ldhfBest thesc-peopl- o 1 -- '.TTr-RTnrrr- .. ft - - : - itiodhdaiicy : . I ;-- :" - Ii - I 1 i it ' l! v-- . I ! |