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Show -- vol. i; . : r Great Salt Lake CUy, CEORCE Q. C AH U O H7 ED 1 TO fti r. PMtfijTiecf vP'Tyi i'nint Sundays Excepted. - ; --Y.VrV : 3 Year.............. .........$ 10,00 T E R One Copy, Ono " 16.00 2 ! T. & W. TAYLOB; t . East Temple Street, G.8.JU City,' Groceries, and a General " Asaort-dl- tf Dry Goods, v :: ment of Merchandise. t y II. L. DAVIS, II; D.f .V . ; Office Consultation Free, from -'.4v :ito 3 p. m, y V diu GEORGE 10 f saauie. I'atcum and Stevens led ili,.7r;rr." former being relieved,: at. the ; Uff, 48 'Ana marie umcsueyasiaung powen; the, 6 35 end or tne nrst mile oy Jiiaria jBrouirh. ..-- CITT HALL. : CABTEBV h.ii1iL 57 450 24 . 24 36 28: - 31 10 7ft-422; 11168 16 23 43U I came tne areaarai 53 I 54 I2g O, that beantlfal isle! 51 M41 56 57 58 j 435 7 0 435 9 434 4 ij : . : ' H0OE " ' nacle. -d4- f i . -2Arl2-l , . their Stock of Complete CALL attention to ' ' " ,r ' -- -- i - ; ; -- - Ll:Li . . O t(Q ;v7 IU) i.i; i tl OASIS SALOON,' S I ..il TAIXOBIllri G. ii , Bma vaSLyebrS -.- Tll iondoa irJooks forward f .1 - I- - i :to-morro- . 1 w. : efTort: -- ; e As Cheap as they can affbriJ ? : SlflQER'S ? s VF ? . r r -- 1 Ahi i LY -- ; 1 V1 1 , -- 1 ? . 1 :i 0 c Yet on hand for COST and Frclehf.' mm a TllCi. f f ,hlfll '..ti1IAA r . v4MttifTktt '5r j i ; OurGbo! CHEAP & Q00D! 5 : : - s ii TAYLOB, t.'-- beds-of.pea- tin r:r 7. : E , iVAiiUti. -- - j I ; ,r..r ; i Xo;r ,1- ! - m - i 1 - V r?I Z?JeS I f i 4 -- ; , i , 1 : f ! . v ? . v t d2-l- mi x-a- . i -- 'iii g . i "' : r 1 . to ici 'i i 1 -' : -- f 3 1 -- ; , -- ' .;, k 1, 1 ; i 02-l- m . : . i ; f : 1 AAV - ; i - ,' : k --- f 4 -- : , er " . 5 a-lrSS- l-ly ! - -- ' Ij f i. s , .' . .. "i 1 J f r 1 5 ' 'J ! ' ' . - oountry More riots aro t looked for inffA ih fnrnit' Cr TIAtll?nrrs: Is carrying on the above business, on Emlgra-- ! nAfiCWIvri wonnlotw' otth& several lanre and xx tdw2 soma nave Decran wnero 5 'blocks east of Main street, nrrantinn(i tlonstxeBt, Worcester, intlammatory ceroid re ofJoan rrnr- r-- V i his friends and patrons may rely on his giving father his ever rafter; and motive, w novo them satisfaction. Cutting, Cleaning and Re J wuug ; v? was a better and wiser boy. ' fliga i;nce oi.reaa, bvoi. t Give him a call. pairing. - ..r V3m Alt Idnds of pay ta&en. ; dl:3m oas Peaces uio auinoncies nave oeemea j The Hartfort Oourarit begiho &nrnrU4 -; &': rUrrlliKt;;; Itneceseary to makenpreparaUbna to .UKiplM & IEHZIE EVAH8, cle, J,The attention of dogs is called to disturbance i:r event in the of riots. i.ti0; qupll u ,:nr:o:io vir ah advertisement in another nnlnmn HOUSE BIQNi&l ORNAMENTAL1 Great Veslern1 Soap Factory; : ThestminstereinU . PAINTERS, Sltkat:is ithe; firstIPost Office ratih- r t . " ' f; ( progresa jjuxxiaiix Side Commercial West of yiuu;ux a coming iu;jtitngiana. Buildincs, Bhop: Russian Go- - !' lishedin America :i "in byour Second a that raurtarers;1 South, dnsrark roppkn Republic Street, Temple nt- - BlG1113 .1 ' ent vii Ban Fronr r f m speaksor Tternmf Fe, aono instead'of ;Y tho moiinr t anaPopcr-haBginpresent country. elisor GratniDg i Sd Door MAIN: BTREEr. ZuTXTtr-nEPOTon nKv i; Notice. t - A. i j " ore the B - o t ROAM, I X'wh Godbe. U Corner, . i measure tUo dera Reform late Connec-is o conc KisrTit dledin recentl.y gentleman merely: oil,' lye, iHEATS-- u ckjt oii can a d naa m quantuica JLCuoes not cnuorSQ tieut who had read every article pub " preparatory Step. ; toauit.rt the American length of term for Preai- - lished In tho Journal of (hmmercetor; ':r v.) seven tuuua biovK ioiiari OAr . wood, u - i .X fifteen years..;;!''," Cord. Delivered to any part of ;Q hi' gUU perIt earner , tue city by Express. iXU VUilUl t iXLUAilU a ALLIE3 VUUiCU V1IVIN3 & ADDOMa i exercico of tho franchise; and would the of Qbease Every Desoription : , cay o, he has enjoyed moro happincc3 i v make, the members of., d2tf j: : ' ' BouanT. hold Senate, the, c since joining , tho church than' no' ovor v, "" ' i ; bfficofor life; " did in his life before. ; : u I Tire Proof Bale; ana Fcca: Gtntlc3 : Petroleum and Brick Pom- - Post Master Kelly has visited tho ;r EccDnd Bouth St., G. H. IX CUy. VNasby . on 'tne liondon Post Office and says it ciM Af 4k iititt? tttxfw r , w. were emniovea loseiaer are prepared to'ac commodate" tbo Publlo ex' WEfia.'esLivery and feed, in til Its tonc!iw. iMOTOQIlAPII 0 AIjLERY-- AND VAHIET 1 I u;5i Ji lf.?L --TvL' 5 H'Ti!?.- - Alll! cels our own in tho letter-carri- onlyoyo- . 8tock &a v as . V. prompUjr, attended to. tern STOItE. :Exw,;: .... ' We have on ly 171 carriers yrhHo ' IX. J. PAVST. ;. ti 0. KOUTS.i ono U in lionaon there are 2200.5 Xrcry tao'vntlioplRc. u; i Jin j E.-GHOV- 1 . . SMr ii 2 - , jPa IVmprc Street, oppbsiie: Magnetic Tete . . graph Ojlce, STOVESjTTIN". CO PPEK, BRASS and SHEET '. dltf IRON WARE, ConstanUy on hand. .. 5 to giyen him by his father, : was soon, a workingmanaa one of the: represen-- ; rales., The teacher undertook to cor-f- T 1 ; t and he did as, hb father had f u PB!PlefrjI f r, -- r tottYete''? teothim, VkAfa ttaoK .vtn II told ' Mm. Tharesulfc ' was that John n M'0t,i iV UAlOv UbUU UbUO tUO;OttlU t3W, nanf i Humboldt River, got an unmerciful whipping, :and yrcK: in , Nevada . On-thabove thet Jink, or Iake, there are vasi thoroughly subdued. .When ho wentrf, " tracts oi lanu wnica aro aeciarea to I do i . f r", x naa . orrui x" oaa, ho thine but gotan t. 'M weii, i) licmnn, What!"., said. tlie pldTdeaconf ihA'vo V '"Quttoranipes'U insotno parts Jof Hho' Least to limperti- - yoii let that woman whip you again?" V.Yes." whisDered John.- - "I- - kicked ? nohfclvouncrl men .whoufitandKon 'fiido walks and insult paBsing,females.r8ug?: ter, and fit all T could, but she slammed rc :t i , ' eestlve. .but scarcely 8troncr,enouc:h." me.mpst ormiiy.f' a nr j mP24n;t? 1- Eetueeii Walker Ero's. 'emd Welts Forgo & Co., Furnished xwlth the Finest and Best Wines, Also Liquors, Beer, and Cigars, in Bait Lake.lawful all dl-3at the Latest "Open Newspapers. hours. . Call and See us. - 11 ' haw determinedutovinake'an WhlQh thcx offer for fialo for T E. STEVE1IS0H, H T.I N il ! irefiownsf ofid, j. , colored persons. : i f By SET7ELL & Co., - - - The r Clerk, ; ; Bassett' & Roberts : OFFICE at the Occidental Hotel; ?; Grroi fiaZT XaX Cits, Utah Territory. j i -- j J Advertiser. ! u EL' J Johnson, , & JOHHSOir, : : ; "Anddid you Ieta woman wfiipyou?' . tu tuu uiiucAuuuu ui. iucAitu iu uo i suoQieu wile aeacon.i j a v4 uuneu Duvieu. iiu cuuaxuerB maw. me ;r"Yea. icoQian' neimu." Mexican Republic is fast- traveling to; "Wefl. John.'you little rascal, you goj , f i p fti; iscriool this point. L; ;: j j ; and if iMiso Judge Niles a decision, in which atIck: atrikewith, but bite and flcrtch; j orl in that Stateragainst either white . v - ' - Ooiioral attornOolIcotlUBT oys at ZLaw r; jETorxts. : dltf dwlPATmrir T.vwrtr Territory. i spccirai nouna.T that beautiful isle! " NOTICE. . ? : ! Law 5c Solicitors at Attorneys . .Clumoory, ;ln Great Salt Lake' Ctty, mUlah i: Jt- - -- , . . ( M . : !' : : , A 434 7 2 7 '3 - E. D. Ilogc e, -- ISS1" 6t QUol SEVENTEENTH Members mHE ca aw of the 2Z JUT. Mobrton. I , mvft.r J JSiricklancl. rvt fTTflRl den t H". nln.won,a rMtdenpi SIBICELAIlb & E0BEETS0H, '&k&nA?'nDBf4 . - 1 ; dltf r.- was a staid and honest deacon in !bno this Stat our ?f a vein Old Caslle hen guardseVouU; . WlthiUrrownlngJieepandtrongrcdbubtj JT wno was inclined some summers, , iffVA thequeeniy :; to be a' little ugly wlien not under-th-o f Proclaims tho stop of each passing hour.. , - paternal eye; .IQ; school, especially, j t. isle! of that beautiful isle! that beautiful j John vas a "sburceof constant annoyd . i an co to tne teacner. sea . une aayt tnetne. 'Tis beauty's footprint in d'erlts very name I pause awhile,. j teacher punished him for some mladeMonal sweet name, and dear to me and John went home to enters imeanor, ; BicnABD SitTTii.i j hie complaint, and told nis father thatjj j Payson. 55 43Z 1 6-5- 9 . BLACK, . 1 : - castle-kee- p, -- . O : ( -- 20 t 38 31)1 24 16; : ; 3 . . . m .7 tQJ 2flF' OFFICE. .Over dredze & Clawson's. : Next .,. door to the Fosi Office,; JTatf Temple Street, Great Salt Lake City. dltf vrho was followed by Lady Moody; tho 1 -- . AM 4 6 6 TiOlniB & 6 Reins' 6 Secret Members 6 6 ir.;.. -, 6 Hips & Thighs 4 5 & Knees & Hams ' 1 1 & ;Belly Bowels' . 11 10 TIP 58 5fc ': 1 36 451 And divo to dungeons deep below, 6 6 6 6 6 6 I i w . - STOUT i HOSE Counsellor otXaw; S. ' w CHAHDLEB, OFFICE-N- o. 6 31 6 32 404 6 34 ; t I. 4 A ldtf -- I v y :: NOyEL"RACK;: v," - - CITY MEAT MARKET, STALIi NO. 6. Offer the Cheapest and Best Meats Jor sale. ' Call and see for yourselves, Icttf A-trtoxixo- & Toes 15-- VJJM - . last three miles being run in the"Vamo ' 38 449 Head and Face half ray order. At the quarter-poltomb! ln And nroy aUvlng: ptoea 448 40 43 17 round the. track; Stevens was relieved..;u.. 41 & . Neck and he again at the startThroat i u. inai ucauuiiu usiei iuub ucauuiui uiu Steeprock, by 1,:85 " wWrvt: mpmorles hnllow that beantinil scenel 50 42 446 oy jueenooi;, ana tnus m ro- Ing point 0 V 23 Arms Should'rs 6 43 445 There wasKomethlnff our Treariness to becnlle. tation till the three miles were made; i 6v44 444 I Whsrrfr onr Tllcrrlm feci had been. ' each man being required- to run! one 16., 07 - '.;hi5cJ mllfl ' in ' !nuarfcer 54 29 6 46 44t5 peel had lshannted mile daRhes;" The 35 Brcas t; S t o in ach 6 47 442 where the guards could neither watcli ,nor J race was won by the Indians, Deerfoot 14 1 : ; " V 2Q 5 6' 48 441 - aiccp, in on the home stretch nearly a coming ,;ir 13:019 Heart & Back; 0 49 xivy i vja uifcu 01 o muo m uuvuiiue 01 xiuiiyi bumi quarter I r o 439 50 ibound6 27 ;x II .17 Fi. Moody, who ran the last mile.4u&urn rorra 01 me I '51 " aan. Feet 38 15 4 np 16 ; , ; . Iegs & Ankles 19 K 8 21 ; PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE oxer the Jrug Stored Godbe's Exchange ; JJuildings. y, 7, - ij 14 20 West Side 6 J 31 21 15 20 f ' 1 nilSLE OF i MAN; :. . Six Months- -. v ' M t kd; :;;; On Sandaylast at the Driving Park, Cleveland, Ohio, the. remarkable race bew eeri Indians afcd horses took place, ' 4 isey. according . to , announcement. It ?T7na for a purse of $100, the horses wero to O, that beauliral Isle! that beautiful Isle! run six miles .ana the Indians three. Can I forget Its thousand charms! A.M. 2h. 7h. rcrlceeHd Aposee 2L, Tho horses were the trotter X.ady Patch-i- n, IU hllls llluirte1 wltn a magio smile, AI.: SOd. A.M. lh. Apogee And loclsed In Neptunes brawny arm?; pacer Maria Brougb, the runner La-The frowning, craggar, rocki of gray,, dy Moody: and the competitors. SteepMoon's Slgnlllcation Where the waves aro dashed with snowy rock, Deerfoot and Stevens j The Taco 3 of placo. at j, QQ t t I jl& waa uiiuuueu buut me men were io While Cbove on the dizzy bight Is seen h m hm 'ine carpcv soa oi nniaains seezii each quarter of a mile, and tho change SO 457 40 Knees & Hams 6 8 .. ""-.- -- r EAST TEI3PLE STREETS. COHHEB OF SOUTH i iVATWIt "" First Quarter, 4th day, Ch. CSnu A.M. t'uU Moon, 11th day. 5hi 40m'. F.M. Last Quarter, 13 thday. Oh. S7ni..A.M. New Moon, 23th day, Sh. 42m. P.M. gey For the Dcscrct Eveuing Hew. FOR NOVEMBER, J LCATjENDAB 'DESERET EVENING NEWS: " ke ;City).tuesday.eyen,ingnqvember; ;great:salt : ' |