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Show OCiDEN DAILY COMMERCIAL; FBI OA Y. AL'Gl'ST H, Ut rtu avi.i !. fl t ti-- 4L.-U.af- :S CJ et'. 1;-- b -t ii !s.b aiitf-L- a !tj :rl,t. a tirl;rJ wf-t- b t was tttl ciltzll at check n roi, J U-- t, tie-- az.4 Rio Grande Western rtu, Cfcrtf iTy Ti.e other piscger jred cot of th wiiidow and atkrd what u the inaner. He vw oniertd to cja tie :ll aaddef tCaitt, uOLt. jiimp oct. and Uke the Wader by l "t to The you3ig kjux iL "U Tfcy to t firrtf Kr r'tCT. af, Bust iLii .t Irkke. climbed down and lL. I - ) ! the mluilU cf the Lues and knot j fcas.. cuf Luni, ia them together. tfcoo ttrivea. 4i.dtu.' A little Uter Smoky came running up t fcii." and eihacctiun. In a state of Hi pleasure at discovering the coach IfeU srfth mj Ua.t aid ua tLeir earthly and bofe nmnjared tock the form of a Tterv i.ci.t r er wander lhy beside series of wild yeJ and contortions that t 'rkj Lju'p ejus u auver uo. would Lave done credit to a SLarta Af u u atii. dance. He climbed back tkti'-Near Vork Becorler. on the box, the passenger got ia, and the stage started off at redoubled Speed OX THE GRADE to make up for loet time. The story went around among the etage drivers. There was one young felThe ttllicg of the itoriet of staf?coch low that mu?t be taken care of. He day f ou the frontier has only just begun. was to have the seat with the driver, no thoo-fcaa are there UU one Fur eTtry j et who wanted it Ha wa the matter U ttf rouei Li Jim ia the inouc tains, "man wot stopped Smoky's turnout on Lanicf in faiut echuci about the camp-fire- s the Pena Valley grade." Evea today if of the the hero of this true tale were to leave jijctrs. If you live awhile in the cabici along his great mills aod business enterprises the Yuba, above Mirysville, yoa will in San Francisco and go to the wikls of nl miner still coyoting among the Modoc and Skiyou beyond the outposts of the railroad, ha would be almost sure thrice eifteJ pile of gravel for the after name and fame were math of '9; you will find oil stage drivers, to discover thatthehisword would be sent that known; with bent and twisted hands, who know the line, "Smoky's passenger is along every noted driver of the Pacific coast; goia' over this road," and the grumpiest you will hear stories of staging ia the of eld stagers would unbend and treat fifties and sixties, ia the wildest parts of him as an equal. The young man who the Sierras, that have never reached climbed out over the wheel and "put print, but have been carried on through down the brakes" on Smoky's stagecoach manifold traditions until they have thirty years ago, is 6till an honorary member of the craft of ancient and reached the completeness and the digweather beaten masters of the whip and the of an of epic stagecoach. nity ribbons. Besides the louger 6tories one hears Perhaps the reader will think that the there are dozens of lesser episodes of the story is incomplete without the name of staging days the episode of Smoky's runthe young man. It was A. S. Hallidie, away, for instance. the inventor of tho cable car system of San Francisco and of many valuable Smoky was a famous stage driver between Grass Valley and Marysville, by mining aud engineering contrivances. way of I'ena Valley, Kougti and Ready, Charles Howard Shinu in Independent Smartsville and Timbuetoo. About lbCl he was in his (?lory, the ideal of a driver, Troper Way to Carry Yourself. and able to hold his own with any one on I consider throwing back the shoulders the route. He received his name from a pernicious practice and detrimental the remark of a little girl, the daughter to proper physical, development; besides of the hott-- keeper at Murphy's rauch. it indirectly intensifies the first physical She once slid off his lap and ran off, sayerror, as the pressure of the shoulders ing that he was '"too smoky to 6tay on the spine forces the lumbar curve with;" she "liked men who did not puff (the hollow of the back) to become more cigars in her face." pronounced, adding another serious deAfter this episode Smoky's real name fect of position, as by this practice the fell into disuse; he was "Smoky" aud abdomen is forced out more prominent"Old Smoky" from the Sierras to the ly to the front, and the muscles sur Sacramento. rounding it are iu consequence weakOn the day when Smoky had his runened through their being constantly away affair the stage swung into Grass stretched and distended. The better way is to first draw the Vtlley early in the morning with two head back, keeping the face at right passengers aboard, both inside. They had breakfast, and then Smoky took angles to the floor, until the back of the charge. He drove around in front of the head is a little over the spine. Let the 6tore to wait for another passenger; he shoulders alone; they will find their put on the brake, as he supposed, twisted proper position if the arms are allowed the reins about the brake bar, and went to hang relaxed and a correct position of into the store. The four horses started the body is assumed. Turn the pelvis off at full speed, and striking a stone backward and upward; this will remove the jar let the brake loose; then tbe the curve in the lumbar region. This is horses flew down the grade like sons of a much more simple way than throwing destruction. the shoulders back, and of more benefit, The passengers sat in silence, a little as it immediately raises up the chest and gives a nobler carriage. Edwin surprised at the rapid motion, but believing that the driver was on the box. Checkley in Lippincott's. One of them was a small, nervous, bright When Is It Justifiable to Kill a Burglar? eyed young man, newly come to Californiaa young man who was just beginThe question is often asked, When is ning a career of invention and manufacit justifiable to kill a burglar? A forcituring achievement that has given hira ble or felonious attempt to violate a place among the score or so of foremost man's rights to his house or goods may Californians. The other man was a be resisted with any necessary amount mere nonentity. of violence, even to the extent of killing, The young man with the bright eyes but not where the felony is without vio began to see that something was wrong lence. But you cannot anticipate killing with the stage. It went too fast; it yon cannot kill him in cold blood beswung too much. He climbed on the cause you think lie will kill you. If after seat and let down the narrow window ordering a man to leave your house he nearest the driver's bos. He leaned out remains there, and so terrifies you that, and managed to raise himself far enough for fear of your life, you shoot him, the to 6ee that the horses were running law will not be very particular in decidaway. He called to the driver, but re- ing whether you were or were not withceived no reply. in your right in shooting him, for "omnia The young man reflected that the road praesumutur contra spoliatorem." ahead was not an easy one for a runaIt is possible to justify the killing of a way stagecoach to manage. They were burglar who has forcibly broken into, or now on the down grade, next came a hill, is breaking into, our house on the ground then another descent, then a second hill, that thereby our life was endangered, then a long, steep and winding piece of but if he has already retreated and has down grade. The horses must be stopescaped from us, we are not, in the quaint ped before this descent was reached or a language of an old writer, justified in smashup was inevitable. He decided to shooting him as he fleeth down the avedo his best to check the horses. If he nue. Gentleman's Magazine. failed he would jump out and leave them. His Limit. The first thing to do was to swing on A disappointed fish peddler was bethe driver's box. A heavier man might laboring his slow but patient horse in a have failed, but the young stranger was street in Georgetown, D. C. the other alert and muscular; he watched his and calling out his wares at interday, chance, caught tbe iron bar at the end vals, aa of the seat, drew himself out, poised a "Herrin", herrin', fresh herrin'." A second on the window sill and leaped tender hearted lady, seeing the act of as coach the 6tage upward just swung toward him. He found himself lauded, cruelty to the horse, called out sternly in consequence, upon the driver's seat from an upper window: "Have you no mercy?" and clinging to the brakebar. The lines "No, mum," was the reply, "nothin' were flying wildly over the heads of the but herrin'." Forest and Stream. horses or tangled under their feet. The young man began to put on the brakes, not with any haste, but slowly hat the aair is a sort of vegetable apand carefully. The great curving blocks to the body is shown in the fact of oak settled down against the wheels, pendix to grow aa long as it continues that it but the rapidity of the vehicle's motion has a soft cell matrix at its forming was now such that there was danger of root, and there seems to be no improbato and the tires them heating causing bility, in many cases reported, where fly from the wheels. Again and agaiu the hair has grown after death. The he tightened the brakes, and released color of the hair at the time of death ia massive the coach as it them, steadying said to be retained in such cases. swung around the sharp curves of the dusty road and reeled from side to side Take all the sleep you can get, but relike a drunken giant At one moment member that the necessary amount varies the young man felt the coach scrape greatly for different persons. Some must against the cloven pine roots of the sleep at least nine hours, while others mountain side, and at the next he felt it thrive under six. Only don't rob youreddy along the verge of the ravine and self of what you really need. The "midiean over the abyss as if ready to plunge night oil" is a terribly expensive illumi-nadown into the tops of the oaks on Nigger to burn either for purposes of labor Flat, 500 feet below. or study. Pretty soon the bottom of the grade No one should play games who is inwis reached, and the young man "put the brakes down hard." But it was only capable of concealing the fact that he a little rise after all, and the horses were has lost his temper. There was once a .xinning at the top of their speed. The man who continued playing, in despite this maxim, till he lost all his friends stage weut on, hardly checked by the but one. Now he plays patience, and doubled obstacles, and began another when folsame go badly, is for days not on the tactics things descent. Again speaking terms with that one which i. lowed; the brake was used with the uthimself. most skill and patience, but au outsider (t ite. d;:r la-dia- n '. . nt tM C Irfi lk Uaaeb.t Anna I'm.. '11 ,11 Arn,l.n Rim... LMnutM kirr t tlfUtl JllUCTKHl..., Juurt.Hi.... Ajti L?a (iruij be.tui Ami Arrtv Puhl.i At. Uulu. f rm JO Atti t :j A' a. 1)ct Un VaeU., 45 p. m a. m a a. 1 i l p. " f. i- Panda I'ae.de Eiprtsa m '"' li10a pp. mm .t p. m 9 ill . lat t.a. Spri gs T 4J 11 4 Prorc Arrive Salt Lake 3 10 p. I M p. 1 :1U M a. ti ProTo. s47!p. 1 4 4 45 rilt Lak Arrive OK'itu 4 111 a. p. i 10i5 p. ci 0 V it 3 p. m 12 p. id : S:45 o 60 p. ni I P. a. a. a. a m a a a. m m. Hfturniug arri e m. 1: o a. m Oio lu&a. m.,6MJp. Lost Pa't Lake. 8 .C a. m., retnrainf, arriv alt Lake 6 .nip. m. AMEaiCAN FOII, P0V(. Sr EINOVU-LT. FL148ANT MAKTI TH18TLI I, iliDlillXi Leave (Vden fe p. m 0(ieo U. K. lOlHiE. 3) p. m J. ien. iauairer returning, arrirr H. BENNETT, Gen. Paga. Agt TIME TABLE. IBcifio No. AHUIVES. -l Limited fast mail 7 Pacilic cxroHe 11 Salt Lake Kxtiret. t 1 K 11 12 '20 p. m) 5::t0 p. to. 7:3(J p. in. No. 2 Limited Fast Mail No. Atlantic hxpie No. 122 Purkt'ity tx reeh 80 8:00 10:15 p. in. AiRivrs. 8:1U am No. 3 Faft Mail 11:45 am No. 4 Kutto Express No. 6 Cache Valloy aud Park City .. 45 p o 5:20 pm No. t Atlantic Expreee DPTAKT8. 2:45 am Fast Mail 1 No. No. 5 7 N. 2 10 Cache Valley ami Park City Local aciiic Express f 9:25 8 :10 12:15 a m p m p m of the American Abociitun. No. 1 Salt Lake and Omaha Eipreei 4 ache alley Mail C che Valley Accommodatiop 7 45 Wherefore the use of the Newspaper is the beginning 0f ziuverusing wisuom. 1'rinter s Ink. Hiiilroail antl Steainsliip TICKET BROKER B:10 5 :15 Utah Central Railway lort Line to Park City. PAJOILllicIlNE"OF T BAINS. Leave Salt Lake Leave Park City Arrive at Park City Arrive at Salt Lake 8X). m 4 AO p. m 10:30 am 6 :30 p, m VEEIQ HT TRALfSi 7 a. m Leave Bait Lake 4 HO a. Leave Park City 12:50 Arrive at Park City p, 3:45 p. Arrive at Salt Lake Twelve suburban trains daily between I Lake City and Mill Creek and Sugar Honee. All people going to Park City will find it to their Interest to take this line. rrrT":: JBices and Depot: Corner 8th South and Main Btreet, Salt Lake City. T. J. MHpfclntosh. G. F. and P. A. RAILROADS NIL1S1!CK. BETWEEN OENVEB, COLORADO SPEING3 PUEBLO AND .'iALTLAKE CITY, fOFV PACIFIC C0A81 W63t points. and aU ni rth- - UUULiI, VIA Ma , fiEADYILLK ASPtN aud GLEN WOOD SFKLNUl, SCENERY HfJUIPMENT Unourpassed UneqniUod. Through Pullman Sleepers and Pnllmar Tonrist care between Denver ad San Francisco Through the heart cf the Ro:ky Mountains the most comfortable, the sfest, and the grandest of all trans continental ron'es. For rates, descriptive pamph lets, ttc., call on or address J. D. KEN WORTH f, genen l agent Santa Fe Ronte.Salt Lake City. H. COLLBRAN, tenetal manager, Coloradf Springs, Colo. CHA3. 8. LEE, general passenger agenl, Denver, Colo.; """ 3 JW 35 THE CHICAGO St. Paul I. G. ritOUDFIT. The New Brunswick. Dbozdowitz Bros. For Softeniiisr the Skin Allaying irritation, removing roughness wind tan and like troubles, there is nothing equal to Wisdom's celebrated Violet Cream. Meats of all Kinds. Fresh Fish and Game. Every Friday. Poultry Deliveries made to all parts of the city. No. 2422 Washington Avenue, Ogdcn, will leave you as soon as the kidneys are in good working order. The celebrated Oregon Kidney Tea never fails to do the work. Take it according to directions. J UNCTION CITY MACHINE W0KKS, W. K. HOLLAND, Practical Founder Proprietor, and Machinist. A Fatal Mistake. Twenty-thirbet Wall and Linooln. Physicians make no more fatal mistake than when they inform patients that Dealer In Bteara Engines Boiler., rnmpi, Kto. I wUl furnish and erect Eng-innervous heart troubles come from the Bollert, Heater and Machinery by oontrao and do my work n the best manner. Gen re stomach and are of little consequence. maohlne wo and lrlnc promptly attended to at tbop Dr. Franklin Miles, the noted Indiana in has the his contrary proven specialist, new Dook on "Heart Disease," which may be had free at H. A. Walker's, who guarantees and recommends Dr. Miles' unequalled New Heart Cure, which has the largest sale of any heart remedy in the world. It cures nervous and organic heart disease, short breath, fluttering, pain or tenderness in the side, arm or shoulder, irregular pulse, fainting smothering, dropsy, etc, His Restorative Nervue cures headache, fits, etc. Fred. j. kiesel Preparing for Hot Weather The following telegram from Texas, indicates that the people in that vicinity do not intend to be caught unprepared: Whitewright, Texas, June 2, 1891. t, Clmmberlain & Co., Des Moines, Iowa: Ship us at once one gross Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea remedy, 25 cent size, and two dozen 50 cent size. We are entirely out and have had nearly forty calls for it this week. O. Y. Rathbun & Co. This is just such a medicine as every family should be provided with during the hot weather. It never fails and is pleasant to take. For sale by Wm. Driver & Son and all leading druggists. Tho WorW Enriched. The facilities of the present day for the production of everything that will conduce to the material welfare and comfort of mankind are almost unlimited and when Syrup of Figs was first produced the world was enriched with the only perfect laxative known, aa it is the only remedy which is truly pleasing and refreshing to the taste and prompt and effectual to cleanse the system gently in the Spring time or, in fact, at any time and the better It is known the more popular it becomes. I Company, GROCERS, Liquor and Cigar Merchants Ogde,Utah. Pocatello, Idaho. AGENTS FOR CARL UPMANN'S s k STRATTON Also for Wallis & Co. Mexican STORM'S hand-mad- e, Custom house C -I- a A R S. - - WHOLE8AI. - DEALERS OF PABST BREWING CO'S MILWAUKEE BEER EXPORT SELECT BOHEMIAS AND HOFBRAU, CONSTAHTLY II! STOCK, BULK AND BOTTLED. Is the only line rnnning Solid Vestibtiled, Trains Daily and Electric-lightebetween Chicago and Omaha, compose of Magnificent Sleeping Cars "nd The Finest Dining Carg in the World. v Steam-heate- d d FIRST-CLAS- S. Any further Information as to Rates of Far etc., will be cheerfully furnished by ALEX MITCHELL, Commercial Agent, T. F. POWELL, Traveling Agent. Ci S. Main Street, FRONK, Props. COME AND SEE US. RAILWAY EVERYTHING & Up Stairs, over 322 25th St. White-wrigh- STANDARD GUAGE & GREENWELL WHOLESALE PIKE'S PEAK HOUTE' Milwaukee The Central Meat Market That Lansruid Feelinff MST THE On and after October 26, 1890, passenger and fn igkt trains will ran as follows : PAS8EN01S Ej n DEPARTS. TTO When Inf cresfctl apply fo The CommcFcial PoMisliP Co. Money to loan on Diamonds, WBtchee, a m am Jewelry, etc. Unredeemed pledges for 31 p m Bale cheap. 101 and 2U0, 1 wenty-hrt- No. 7 Butte and Portland Express. .12 :20 p m No. 9 Cache Valley Wail pm No. 5 Cache Valley Accommodation 2:15 am 9 Railway traveler is engrossed in his Newspaper. Ticket Brukr Mcney to Loan! Idaho Division. No. stretcheth far across the medow waste, but the GEORGE W. JOXKS. Finest Billiard Hall in Utah. Utah Division. No. No. The Sijm Fence ojration. am pn sight he mingleth with the crowd at the windows of the Newspaper Advertiser. l:Wp,tu. 8:4." a. m. THE p m The Sandwich Sijms man is sometimes in Ilailwfcjr cotnimny Springs as follows: Leave Hot Springs am am :1 a m DIPABTB. Sin Wav-sid- o passer-by- Time CarJ. trains Wyoming:, " Division. No. No. if sealed, Jeceiveth for a moment, but the Newspaper is read and hearkened unto. .Vi.irtemtitcth the small Lnv nnH th ri-but the .Newspaper rideth in the pocket of the . U-b- Bailroad Tickets Bonsht, Sold aaa bHiiiwl, to all points. ALL TlCLJt 8 Twill arrive and AMRKD. leave Ogden City Union'depot as follow s: PS Twenty-fiftBtreer Telephone. I'nion The au Taoca Tbai. for farther Information, concerning thl ace. Pt!v to snv Tlrkel Afent or a4drns . K. t-- W ALkr-H- . Ai., tJt Lake City Ifember AND WABATTH. BINGHAM TKAI'i. The motor is not in fKAISS. LOCAL to to Hand-Bil- l litereth the vestibule, but the Newspaper talketh with every member of the family. The Circular Oar Famous Dining Cars Hot priuar it Hi Tl.e Union Tacific 03 runa train to the a Leave dftx OGEE AKD SALT LAE. Ok'dra. 8:30 s m., 5 00 p, m., 8:30 f.. U. 1'. OH ALL ii'i aa. mm s::i a. a p. m p. m p. a Wl- - SW Leare Orai.il Juuctiuo... K tirttt-tr....... Leave tirei-- Kitor 15 The CHA'R CARS KEEUNINj Attack i Vo-- No. Cy. Omaha. FREE THERE ARE OTHER WAYS OF ADVERTISING. St. Joseph, t- .. ... Lea.lvill. LaaTt iincoln, p- - ' i a JW a IkV p. m IvjO a. a 2 a. a a. I li w p. m - o a. a a. m :w Mail Lea a - 11 a. U ja p. m p. mi I t lii I p. nr Bona runta. Loare Leafa p, B p. a. m . 7 YES' St. Louis, Kansas So. . A'.iautie Atiuiuc If Arm VESTIBULE TRAINS' Chicng:o, I No. iADVERTISUfG. j Denver, UEtt.lB't i. jm. cl . GAUGE. CTEEEXT TIME TABLE la U-t- ! SOLID dx-r- , L-- wm i STANDARD 3 NEWSPAPER Railu ay. Ll U ;.-- -. At 4 jet afV tc: i ij beart er fiat Et I la.ti i thrr isOsrl-- the eta--- -, th brought fverytLiLg rp jr. ur 4 t-- 3 it been, ktitiir.;. Atwoieriia a:-- 4 tl.6 torses wrf 6tUl rvaricg a itc f.'.iCtil. Lcra Hwrji, i- -r t. I tfri Wi'.L ijt x w . -- '.! Itr Tuv arO Li a Lett, LAVE 5. 19!. Salt Lake Citj l)F ALL CORRESPONDENCE TO BE ADDRESSED TO OCR "OGDEN OFFICE." Orders respectfully solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. F. J. KIESEL & CO |