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Show OUDEK DAILY COMMERCIAL! FBI DA V. MAY 2?. 1691 REAL ESTATE. J ii k4J ttAjs. .A- 1 -I ij ri UUmraasa aew f at-- (iukt--iSaw. muMi. - -- t.L (7 " F kt xUU iiaa View. mi ktik. w frasa cask. J0 street per lout. l-- ngkta ut fca .i. u. Jeili.ii;iiia tares Unci.. of Us. It. tC. fe Harras iiML .at 41 aa tr tk--- Tariity-fc- b. f' twras. mi car vu - cy eorarr af Teaty-ti.ir- d fJC 71siS7 ttfc4 EkliMrd, fc.AJC. ur rijrlts. c'.ii Kd 4 wiii gtoj Jo atla.Sr. . 1 Hwrfauwi aJ aial J. r. tr4. ta 6ILL, 2401 qzIht ia Laks adb'. t.ia, Xob good View. in Wi.4iii Ir siiey ktrfcg it it tUoe or htxry it ia th proa&d. So (reTkbt is tkig koinilng kaUt is Frame that tbe silver eoins r Urgfly witiirawe frw circui&tioo. TLe FrviKb pa$aat dom eot iavest hit trissg. Ef tiiEpi j- &oris them op. Tbe on tb ccotrwjr. invent Urir tooaey as cooa as they gtt a tcJS-citsquantity. Tbty pat it into real estate, boude, stocks, kaia it out or in--t it in industrial ecterprisea. So they tuakc eacb dollar pay ita ay asd giv a rtaaoa for its being. Tae money keeps moving on and taming things over and making a brL--k circolatioa throagh the Cnancial veins. So tba people of Great Britain did before as, to tbey da ttLis day, waking fur England the financial preetige she has won. The tumble shilling is the word in both conutriee. The Tribune says: Only thorn who da sat knew th. value of CGIEX. P.ll.PIlVJr.0. Aait-ncan- MKUf. kl t 0i& t. tS.Wl a, j a adr t- tt'' ! ft f K Ut City, mjA a atd tid tax li-- iiJ aid t I'; ritrdsy. is ieiie t m4 et ivm, 11. lUi QxuAmt 32f :d Ux that tb) day at twelve t'cWt Of it City i af leal said Mew uay tfce lucal ai iu '.!, will day dour at the north f .ell to ausrb (A each of to as is 1 rit ajei.t atesedS.aant n. AtMiir and Coiiertw. Karnes tf svun, akd tlte sbkhuiU and SV : y M rrnici. M ft. east of th A iuu, L 4. inaiu A. rcacicg S, U. t.f confer fc41-- o-- E-- Bor(hv.et ft mmiit I thMiC to place of besnriftins'. at Adaaaa. L jamrth eororr of lot t, k : 34. plat A. rxjiu. tiw IA u I t. ih (Ml. srtb 9ti tt place ul taryiniiii g. IliSJS. al the4 Anderson. IVr.er L Comiwwier . A. I, bik ruer .f tujiUnt mw.b wilJ Si, i ftM eat ewti. 4ihCJl, metHA to plat A wt til.Pt ut .. 1 ruo-su- Siii. 4ft. eat Viniieiiiir 4, uortLttlur.rireatt.f it'.4 ft.,Ukeputh 1!. 2S4 Braadberg. Ofcar trvm tne plat A. ruLtiwt uur.t 40.1, h-- IX. anses-- V t - .f piece 4Kt tu-tiwr-. bUk 1". Pt . Burrup, KM. Booty allow it U lie idle. Tb rest keep dollar in eireaWtkio. (le aim being to BuUe U Cuirado CcI at.a In Co. C B wuicf at blk6. Varre plat cf keep at work earning to its owners mora auwey tbeMiiiiwttLei-i-uot'.b et li"Z I!1. ft- -nrth in tie shape of business profit or direct internet A. munii t 51 d ft., uml mm., for its use by others. S. 4 mm., eat--t i ll.U H., et.ntli &4I.5. The practical result of fhiststo coavertali H7.K rn--l :47.i.utli M.uthSS:! eat the avmiUbi capital in the L'oited blates into to place of betriniiU-- , beii all of lot S. 4. i and . bik plat A, ana f ot iu wage fund. It is utrfxl to pay fur the aiil .rt ir tCSH.w. perfurmaace of work in any and every possible and eta.taiiiiMf X acre inure cr way, that being t he only available means by Dallinuire, Wm. ('omnMECing at tl.e northwhich capital can be made to have an earning west roruer t t lot ' Hk M. p:at A. running IA north ft.. thence viv eat 13Z ft.. Mnta power. Froia this follows a general qui to iace of beguiuini:. SH&.7S. on the part of capital for channels In which to ' of CcniJr.er.eiric at l)iulale. (iirge. heirs invest, for new forms of Industry and fren corner .fl.it 5. b!k 4N plat A, adaptations of natural force to supply the the wmtliwett eaft t .. south '!., north ft., thence Sl.i wants of consumers. .t; to I lace of Ijeginning. For the same reason very many try to create we I lin Mlnle, Kaehel Ccnumeuring at theHiuth-eae- t new wants which they can supply.aad thereby rurLer of iot 3. bik 4J. plat A. ruunnig End fur money Ubes whit k did But exist before, ft., torth M.'. east thence weet ! and every dollar, as fast as it is earned, is in- iil.'i to place cf betrritniiig. 1S1. vested over and over again fur the sake of its Eliza-A- ll f the south half t.f lot 4, earning power. It ia as a consequence of this blk li, plat A. tl.ff.5u. motive that the people of the United States Wbv. 11 Ail f lot ti in Etve hdditi-tioFrct,the have made such a phenomenal stride in adto city of tV'icn. f id..'. vancement during the present generation as to t" ir.mKcii.g at the cortli-eaFUlier Jeni.it-take the foremost plaee among the nations in r A, lunning e. of lot U, blk regard to activity and comfort, as well as thence outh 1H ft. west ts mtU lol.eamo, S.S0, to place of power, and tiud for every willing band something to do at the highest rate of wages ever Faulkner, Jaiiies Conimencing at a point lt3 ft. muth from the uirt beast corner of lot I, - blk paid on any part of the surface of the globe. thence wet ft., has same and 4, the arie plat A, running poftey, England pursued north W to place of beginning. by dint of it occupies the second place in the south Matt OtiliEation of its resources, while It is the cred(ireenwell. (ieorpe H "omnieiJcii;g st tbe itor nation of the world. We are fust treadcorter of lot 1, hlk 4". pint A, runing en the Uritibh heel In that respect, while southwest west tliej.ee ntulb l.tt Iu .east 40, sout h 1 lealing in all else, with every other nation far ning JM.!'.'.. 46, to place of beginiiing. In the rear. This prominence is directly due Also ctHBiueticiog at the southeast corner of to the fullest possible recognition of the earn- lot , bik 1, 5 wrr4 lat A, running tliejice north east 1SZ to place of ing power of capital, and to the fact that it tsi'i fx., west i:U, eouth beet performs its mission by finding employbeginning- - tH'j.'Jj. ment tor skilled and well paid workers. fireenwell, Catherine Comniexwinpat a point 46 ft east from the southwest corner it lot 1, blk 47, piss A, ruining thence north ft., west A Word, , i:2. st.uih titu t llli to place of beginning. In the trials now going on in some of (iibHiu, Henry E ('innmenriiig at the nor corner of lot 10, blk a, plat A. running the churches over certain divines who west 132 ft., south 115, east 132, north are accused of heresy there ia one thing thence HVi to pIhcc ot betrinniug, K'l.'i.M.1. the ministers should remember in their at a jKiint l4'i, tlrant, John A t".niinencing of the fcorthwest corner of lot 4, hlk 4. .V discussions. This is that the eyesof the east acre plat A, muuing tlienc enst Mlft., south l;tt, world are npon them, as deeply inter- west 5(1. north l.ii to place of beajnuing. Guiver. E J Commencing at a oint fP.5 ft. ested almost aa they in the outcome of weet from the southeast corner of lot 2, blk 47, IW1, eatt the trials, but also quite as much inter- plat A, running thence west Sift, norfh Sfea.5t'. 'Si, south l!to .!nre of beginniLg. ested in the conduct of the trials themGuiver, Jsne Commencing at a point K'2.5 ft. selves. If the preachers themselves west from the sotitheastcornerof lot i, Uk 47, A. ai.uii.F th nee weft 57.75 ft., north lief, plat those who teach laymen the gospel of east 5.7."i. muth lis to place of beginning. . E K Commencing at the southHooper. gentleness, forgiveness and love grow lot 4, blk Kriliil A. rnmi'ni- - thence comer west hot tempered and fierce; if they hurl north llZ.Ki of ft., east IKi, south lli.t'J, west ltsr to abusive epithets at one another, clinch place of betrinning. if 10. commencing nt the southwest corner of their fists and otherwise behave violent- lotAlso 5, blk . i.lat A. running thence north 1:2.!'3 ly, then the outside world will judge ft., east MK.tot.ili 115.5, west S3, south 16.5, west 165, to place of U ginning, $2M.:5. them and Christianity accordingly. Harris. M A and H Tyrrell Commencing at The fruits of Christianity, as the Scrip- the northwest corner of lot 5. blk plat A, runthence south 23 ft. east 132, north &l, west tures teach them, will be looked for iu ning iZ to place l beginnn g. $l the temper of the preachers who are conHastings, Jane A All of lot X blk 37, plat A. All ery nmi t l rfc-li- st Real Estate. t SJ. at the southeast wt ltd. et wit f '4 It. vt run-uiii- if Twmty li arth St, 3-- 9 UTAH. OGDEX, Eut-icii- , u OlIAVER. M. JJ (Member Real Estst st Eicliuft) -- Real Estate and Loans. CHOICE LOCATIONS ia ail part of the City. GOOD BAN0HE3 ted Garden Tract. .NOB HILL PROPERTY 'A SPECIALTY. 1, k'Z-- n-t- No trouble to how property. Call and tee ma No. 2414, Wash. Are., UTAH. OCiDKX, $5. M.-s- 1 The Best Bargain offered in Business Property in the City today. A Corner, 67x101 feet, in Business Center, Cheap. Owner resides in the East and wants to realize. Call soon. This is the Chance of the year. ducting these trials for heresy. If it does not Square with the doctrine of patience, long suffering and love, then the religion these divines preach will suffer before the world. Eighteen hundred years ago the sect that followed the Nazarene was known how? By this, "See how these Christians love one another." ' Ninety thousand cabin passage tourists leave the United States every year to travel in Europe. They leave behind 24 14 Washington Avenue. them on the continent and in Great Britain not les3 than $60,000,000, paid NOW IS THE TIME TO BCK out for traveling expenses and purchases. We must get some of this back. We ought to set in, all of us, and make the United States so attractive to tourists that they will steam over here and something like the amount we do spend Experience of the past three years has taught in Europe, We should not allow the season this well at cs that all property bought to be so barcf the year will bring at least 60 per cent, profit greatest republic on earth ren of beauty and interest that even a during the following winter. We offer for Sale the following choice property Jap will exclaim, aa one actually did at these low prices : when pressed to prolong his stay in the Sixty acres in section 10, overlooking th; 100 00 United States, "What has your country city between to offer to a Japanese gentleman?"-- . 66x330 feet' on Twenty-fourtLincoln and Wall Avenues, per foot.... 275 00 K. P. HUNTER, Real Estate! . h $3K).Z5. mn-.- ( ncing nt a Jenkins, point 100.7." ft. south of the northwest co ner of lot 3, blk 33, south thence A, l(K'.5Kft.,eat 7S.74, plat running unrth 20. eat-north R'.5 west ?,'.7I to place of beginning. $200. Johnson, Mrs. Elizabeth Commencing at a point Xn' ft. east from the northwest corner of lot 8 in blk 34, plat A, running thence east 33 ft., south 165, west 33, north 165 to place of beginning. tH3,50. Also ell of the west half of lot 4, blk 34, plat A. c ".. $164.75. Jones, Miles L et al Commr nring' at'the northeast comer of lot 10, blk 3, plat A, running thence south 67..5 ft., west 132. south 107.25, west 33, north 165, cast 165 to place of beginning. $58.75. .Tones. lot 4, blk 34. Butr plat A A. et al All of $127.50. the eRst half of ft. Jones, Commencing at a point east from the "northwest corner of lot 7, blk 32. A, running, thence east 96 ft., south 132, plat west 30. north KZ to place of beginning. KtK.75. Johnson, .Tosepli T Commencing at a point 82.5 ft. south fTom the northeast corner of lot 10, blk 34, plat A, running thence south i!.5 ft., east 132, north 49.5, west 132 to place of begin. ning. $87.50. Maguire, Margaret Commencing at thes outh-wecorner of lot 6, Hlk 9, plat A, running thence north 44 ft,., eat K'.5, fouth 44, weft M.S to place of beginning. $30. Millie, J W Commencing at the southwest corner of lot 4, blk 3K. plat A, running thence north 2kS.6 ft,, east u. fouth 2vfc.f, west 60 to place of beginning. $157. Kelfon, Sarah A Commencing at the northwest corner of lot 5 in blk 39, plat A. running thence south 67.9 ft,, east 165, north 67.9, west 165 to place of beginning. $194.50. of lot 4. blk 20, plat A. $48.75. Paine, W All Parry, Joseph Commencing at the southeast 1 K:k 39, plat A, running thence corner oi iot in west Vis ft., north 79, eatt 103, south 79 to place Eol-r- t K st (i-- Lots on the Bench 50x130 feet eight blocks 300 00 It is the old story. Men are wanted to from Washington Avenue Two, acre lots on Thirieth, near the Park.. 8200 00 enlist fof service on the cruisers of the of beginning. Also commencing at a point 113 ft. wept from Lots in Nob Bill Addition Cheap. 3 " new navy and do not appear. Many of the southeast corner of lot 1 in block 39. plat A, paying 12 Improved business property rnnning thence west 50 ft., north 231, east 47.5, 23000 00 the vessels lack their complement of fireper cent, net, leased for 4 years south 25. east 2.D, fouth 206 to place of begin00 1650 . . 165x148 feet between J aekson and Quincy men and seamen. Men will not submit ning. $94.50. 150 00 Head. J G Commencing at a point 2,m.$ ft Lots in Mountain Hew Addition to petty tyranny, and the exactions of south . from the northwest corner of lot 6 in blk Also 6x8 rod eornwon rwent-fourthofficers small when can hold 26, A, running thence south 18.9 ft., east up 132. plat they Wall A ven via property below real value. south 29, east 132. north 66. west 132, south as their heads freemen and 224 acres near north Washington will get 82, 23. paying nort h 4.2, west 50 to place of beginwest -TCbcUyidB. work elsewhere. Free born Americans ning. 40.75. Read, J (J and W S Commencing at the If yon will call on us we will show and con or Englishmen will not put up with lordsouthwest corner of lot 4 in blk 31, plat A, runvince you there is money in buying now. offining thence north 24 ft., east 150, south 24, west ly assumptions of superiority from 150 to place cf beginning. $46.25. cers any more. v Necessary discipline is Read, W g All of the east half cf lot 9 in blk 38, plat A. $ir,3. one thing, petty tyranny another. Read. Oscar J Commencing at a point 181 ft south of the northeast corner of lot 10. rnnning south 3V; ft west, 132 ft notth, 33 ft east 3ST The Massachusetts legislature has;o-fuse- thence 132 ft to place of beginning. $58.50. to prohibit the explosion of powSwoby, Thomas Ah of lots 18 and 19in Reeves der and firecrackers in the streets. The addition to the city of Ogden. $109.40. STEAjkito George J All of lots 4, 5 and 6, in refusal was not apparently, however, blkSissman, 37. plat A.- $1,163.25. out of regard for the small boy. RepubSouthwick, F Commencing at a point 82.5 hwest corner of lot 7, blk 37 lican members of the body declared that ft eastA, of the nortthence east 82.5, south 132 ft running plat ft north 132 ft to place of beginthey wanted to be free to shoot off fire- west 82.5 TlLs $145.75. Plumbing, crackers next All people in need of first ning. year when Blaine is nomiStoddard, 3 P and C C Nelson Commenting Bteara or Gas Fitting at nated for president. Whereupon several at a point 57.75 it south of the northeast corner lot 10, blk 34. plat A, running thence south Democratic members sprang to their feet of 24.75 ft, west 132 ft, north 24.75 ft' eatt 132 ft to and affirmed their determination to en- place of beginning. $44 Mrs Annie Commencing at a point should give their orders to joy the same sport also next year when 1S9Studer, ft west from the northeast corner of lot 3, 4. blk nominated. was Cleveland plat A, running thence south 132 ft, west 30 5t, north 13U it, east 30 ft to place of be$53.00. ginning. st a roint 257 ft west from If Annie Besant becomes the head of theAlsoecmmencing Dealers in ' ' "" northeast corner of lot 3, Wk 4. plat th the theosophic movement there is this to A. rnnning tin nre ro;:!l. 1"2 ft. wet' !32 ft. earl 41 it to j .;. ii of begin be said in her favor: There is no humbug i Win Cr ft r r. cine I'j'i r.Vlf Sti:i( K 4.5 about Anniif. She may be mistaken and woM in n: the t.f tht ci rncr f i' ' A. v ce ;;. U. I acre rnnni! deluded," doubtless often is, but she ia ft. li 1'0, ' .,, tt Ps h t.i.2;-ni'if. cvre. to the honest Ha'!! ;: -' Wa-. .. rr:". READ rjURGITT. P XjTjiSB 1 Gr, And Gas Fitting. REASONABLE PRJGES Stone, Zinsser Sf Co. " -- Pumps, Hose,' Pipe, Brass Goods,, Htc. .lv?. wu;H!!:.pp , i n-t - istv i4 oegiatmg. V j&enciijr st a ti-- T ft mm ani ijg ft.. (4 Iff Cuj t.:s.ti . oat j-- w .i des? . ' CKyCo-- t4 Aau-- tSi.--- l'iin. A. m Mil liu um-- !tt M rbbftu ft, J atibUi l. ttil et rtd iy t .t A. ia of Jot All 5. 4 in block !, t. Ir.h fth ft. tomb bl.7 teul t, soutii l 2 i1ii aiiM-- suit (iil.in,-loniiiie- acii southwt coraer thrce east 4 IHiint J ft east f ti 2, in blk 31, plat A. running wt .f at a lot t. 4K ft, south 78 feet to iiortli 7 ft, place of befrinniiig. ytaj.jt. Woodman, has 4,ommencing at a .int 6.43 ft south of the northwett corner of lot 6, iu block 26, plat A. running thence south 23 ft, ! 1.12 ft to place of benorth U ft. eat I C ft,S49.IO. ginning. Also commencing at a .int 227.25 fwt north of the southwest corner of lot 5 ia Mora 2i, plat A. and munitig thence nor h 20 ft.entl.i2 ft. south 2u ft, west 132 ft to place of tiegiu-nini- f. KO.ij. AImi cimnM'ncing at a loiut 2V.75 ft north t.f tlie southwest roruer of lot 5. in Lloek 3f. A. running thence north 20.IK fwt. east l: ft, south SMS ft, west 133 ft to taco .f beuin-nin- AN ORDINANCE. An ordinance ti borrow money for the payment of Host ing indebtedness, aiding in the c construction of S sewer system, erection of buildiiurs and for other corporate purposes. bee. 1. He it ordaiued by the City Council of Ugden City : l'hat one hundred thousand dollars he borrowed on the credit of this city to be used in, ing the floating indebtedness of the city paj uow eiisting, in aiding in the construction of a sewer system, in the erection of public buddings, in aiding in the imprpvemeut of the street of raid city, and for other corporate purpose; and that coupon bonds be isaund therefor of tl.e denomination or one thousand dollars each, lieariug interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum, payable . 2. Said bonds shall lie known as the "Ogden City Improvement Bonds'1 and shall lie dated June 1st, 1KV1, and shall be absolutly payable twenty jears from their date, shall benum-ix-ro- d from oue to one hundred luclusite, and both principal and interest shall be made payable at the Chase National bank, in t lie city of New York, in U. S. gold coin of the present ttaudard of weight and fineness. Sec. 3. Thirty (30) of said bonds, numbered from one to thirty inclusive shall be made le deemahle in ton years from their date, or on any first day of June or December thereafter at the optiou of said city. Thirty (30) of said lionds, numbered from thirty-onto sixty, both inclusive, shall be made redeemable fifteen years from their date or ou first any day of June or December thereafter at the option of said city. Sec. 4. Each of said bonds shall bear cou- for the interest, so arranged that they may detached without mutilation of the bond be for $30 each, and numbered from shall and one to forty, both inclusive. 5. The committee on finance of theCoun-ci- l See. are hereby authorized and required to contract for the lithographing of said bonds and couKns. Sec. 6. Said bonds shall be sigued by the mayor atid city recorder and attested by the corporate seal of the city ; and the mayor and city recorder are hereby authorized to so sign and attest said bonds ; and W hen so signed, said Ixinds shall be the obligation of the city; for the payment of which the faith nd credit of the city is hereby pledged. Sec, 7. The coupons borne by said bonds shall be signed by the city recorder. See. 8. No. one to thirty of said lionds, both inclusive, shall be in the following form. Know All Men Ky These Presents, That Ogden City, a municipal corporation, in the Territory of Ctah, acknowledges itself indebted and hereby promises to pay the bearer one thousand dollars gold coin of the United State, of the present standard of weight and fineness, for value received, redeemable at. the pleasure of said city at the expiration of ten (10) years or on any first day of June or December thereafter, and absolutely due and payable twenty years from the date hereof nt the Chase N bank, in the City of New York with interest thereon from date hereof at six per cent, on the first per annum, payable day of June and December of each yearhereaftrr until the maturity thereof, at the Chase National bank, of New York City, upon the pre sentation and surrender of the annexed coupons as they severally become due and This bond is one of a series of one payable. hundred bonds of one thousand dollars each, authorized by Section 6 of Article 4 of an act of the the Legislative Assembly of Utah Territory, providing for the incorporation of cities, approved March 8th, 118, and issued in accordance with an ordinance of said citv passed and approved on May 6th, 1891. entitled "An Ordinance to borrow money for the payment of floating indebtedness, aiding in the construction of a sewer system, erection of public buildings and for other corporate purposes," and it is hereby certified and recited that all acta conditions and things required to be done precedent to and in the issuing of said bonds have been done, happened and performed iu regular and due form as required by law; and it is further certified thatthc total amount of this issue of bonds, together with the doht of the said city existing at this date does not exceed the limit prescribed in the laws of the Unit.l States or of said Territory of Utah. iu Witness Wheraof, The said Ogden Citv has executed this bond under the official signature of ita mayor and its recorder with the seal of said city attached, and by causing its recorder to siga Ins name to each of said coupons hereto Done at Ogden, June 1, 1,1. tn-c- e W1LiUMH-TDENMEOI- T.WkU . nli effif vrt ,hfu-6- ?V$iT&Zll issued aST by'ogSon16 Passed May 6th, Attrn'-1, T . r. nndof the 1891. T , Rrvn fV11 TURNER, Mayor. ,Brta?. if.v Recorder. of Ogden io full? true ......&:t.'fi..,",t,.''.e , nu ormnanco Ordinance to. borrow money for theentitled An of the floating indebf. ess. aidiK inpayment the 'tern, pub" "r erection of buildiiws and for ot, r corporate pnrnosil. " uv ine i i oi cjguen i v. m.. i i.i.i -. untos,- uiv haml and allixed the coipor.Vc' eaf of tlgden ( ity f.a' ..n U'at u ,.! Wns SALE. Under and by virtue of an exerutiun issued) out of the District Court of the First Judicial District of the Territory of Utah, dated the 22.1 day of October, lf), iu a cert ain action whereto the Union National Bank of Chicmro, aa plaiu-tifrecovered judgment avainst W. K. Swan tt Company defendants, for the sum ot four thousand seven hundred and ninety-eigh- t and ven dollars, and costs taxed at forty-twt, and fifty one hundredth 1 have levied upon tlie follow uig dvcribei f, twenty-se- o prorty, Lot 142 dol-lar- t: in block 1, lot 1(1 in block IS, lots 13.Z4, in block 20. lota I. i, 8 and 4 iu block 21. lots 11, 12. 13,14. 15, IS. 17 and 1 io block 33. lots 1. 2, and 4 in block 42, lot 1 ia block 54, lot 1, 2, 3. 4. 5, fl. 1, H, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. 1. 17, 18, tt and 20 in block 20, lota I, i, , 4. 6, 2s Wand 6. 1, 8, , 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. W, 17, IS, 19, J, 21, 37. 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, Z, XX, 39 and 40 in block 11, lota 42 and 43 io block 41, lota 5, 6. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and U in block 51, all :, ii, i iu University Place addition to Ogden City, iu the County of Weber and Territory of Utah said property standing on the records of Weber county, in the r:me of Will K. Swan. Notice is heresy given tiiat on Tuesday, the M day of December, lk9(. at 12 o'clock noon of that day, In front of tho County Court House in the City of Ogden, County of Weber and Territory of Utah, 1 will, in obedience to said execution, tell all the right, title, interest suil claim of the above named defendants of, in an it to tho above descrilied property, or so mnrb thereof as be necessary to satisfy plaintiff a judgment, with interest thereon and costs, to the highest and best bidder for cash, lawful money of the United Slates of America. EL1AS II. PARSONS. U. S. Marshah By B. A. Row man, Depnty 17. 8. Marshal. 1890. November 10, Ogden, Utah, The above sale is postponed until Saturday, December 13th, 190, at 12 o'clock m. E. H. Parson, V. S. Marshal. By B. A. Bowman, Deputy V. S. Marshal. Ogden, Utah, December 2, 1890, Above sale is postponed until Monday, Marcn E. II. Parsons, 2, im, at 12 o'clock m. V. S. Marshal. By B. A. Bowman, Deputy U. 8. Marshal. December 1890. Ogden, Utah, 13, The above sale is postponed until Monday, June 1, 1891, at 12 o'clock m. fc.. 11. parsons, li. a. Marshal. By B. A. Bowman, Deputy U. S. Marshal, Ogden. Utah, March 2, 1S91. LEGAL NOTICE: In the Probate Court of the County of Weber, Territory of Utah, In thematter of the estate of Amos P. Stone, J. P. LEDWIDGE. Cleric .... K.i.:. James NOTICE OF CONTEST TIMBER ENTRY. United St ates Land Office, ) Salt Lake Cit y, Utah, April 28, 1391. Complaint having been entered at this office by Henry M. McCartney against Hannah Miller et al heirs of Daniel A. Miller, deceased, for failure to comply with law as to timber culture entry No. 35, dated June 14th, 1819, upon the sw1 of the nw'i and lots 1, 2 and 3 of section 4, township 3, north of ranrje 3 west, S, L. M,, in Davis county, Utah Territory, with aviewtothe cancellation of said entry; contestant alleging that the said Daniel A. Miller, deceased, and his said heirs have wholly failed to comply with the law by failing to break or cause to bo broken five acres of said tract the first year after entry thereof; by failing to break or cause to be broken five acres of said tract the second year after said entry, and in notcultivatingsaid first five acres to crop or otherwise, and that his said heirs and legal representatives have since tbe death of said Daniel A. Miller wholly failed to comply wit h the law by not cultivating to crop or otherwise, or not causing tho same to bo done, the second five acres of said tract during the third year and by not planting the first five acres to tree seeds or cuttings and also by not planting or causing to be planted tho second five acres of said tract to timlxsr seeds or cuttings during the fourth year after entry, and also that there is not now any cultivation upon said land as required by law. The s&M parties are hereby summoned to appear at this ofiicc on the 20th day of July, 1891,r, at 10 'ciock . m. to respond and furnish concerning said alleged failure. FRANK D. HOURS, Register. testi-moi- SEA!... nine ;, Otic ' .' .. ::. ilfcST.TVp'utv Kimball & Clerk INVITATIONS. A. h - loi J':r. , Jn , ,111(1 t the Diinci C. ...I of Judicial District, in and forthe Territory of Utah this 1st. day of May, in the vear of our' one ih .n snih 'eight Dun-- ta ' -- city MARSHAL'S R.visler.rj t -,' T P. I'.RYt FRANK D. hOHUS, i - 'N'u" conducted any water within the time required by law; that the said laud is now iu its natural desert state, Tbe said irt ie are hereby summoned to appear at this office on the ftttli day of June, 1m1. at 10 o'clock a. m. to resiamd and f nruisk testimony concerning said alleged failure. SUMMONS. Sec. 9 Numbers .thirty- to 'sfxfv'taid bonds, both, inclusive, shall be in the form Ut out in the last sect on with the i the word "fifteen" shall take word "ton" in said bonds: and numbers sixtvt one to one hundred of said bonds both incl aire, shall be in the same form with t,o? of the words "ten years or on any fir(ft ' m.s. In.i In the District Court of the first Judicial District of. Utah Territory, Weber County. Michael Buckmiller. Walter P.') Dwyer and Clement L. D.ir-- 1 ling, plaintiffs, r Alias Summons , ye Frank K. De Witt and Joseph Metzler, Defendants, J The people of the Territorv of Utah send to E. Frank De Witt and Joseph greeting Metzler, Defendants : You are herebv renuired to anwoinmn tion broiutht aKainst you bv thuahn plaintiffs in the District Court of the First judicial District of the Territory of Utah, and to answer the complaint filed therein, within ten days (exclusive of the day of service) after the service an you of this summons if served within this county ; or if served out of this county, but in this district, within twenty days; otherwise within forty days or judgment by default will be taken airainst you, according to the prayer of said complaint. The said action is brought to obtain the judgment of this court that a certain bond made by one John A. Stephens ami dolirered to the defendant, Frank E. Do Witt, "be decreed to be null and void and of no effect, for which reference is hereby made to the complaint herein, and that said Frank E. De Witt rnd Joseph Metzler, defendants, be decreed and adjudged to make a cancelation thereof upon the records of Weber county, Ctah, and to surrender the said bond to tho plaintiffs and that they do have aud recover of said defendants their costs in this action. For further and fuller particulars reference is hereby made to the complaint on file herein. And you are hereby notified tfu,t if you fail to appear and answer 'ho said compla'-i- t as sb required, the said Plaintiff will apply t" for the teli" tit" '.leroin, the said interest coupons shall be in the : GI"lN Utah Territorv. wii pay bearer on CTTi.in the. first of nt the Chase National Bank. New York city,ISthirtv dollars, being six months' interest on Improvement Bond, No. .. j. P. BRYAN or December I tak. Dmi.brr 2, deceased. Notice is hereby given that Ames 1. Stone, the administrator of the estate of Amos P. Stone Wm. H. TrsNKB, Mayor. has rendered and presented for settle deceased, T. P. Bryan, Attest : Seal. ment and filed in this court a final roport and City Recorder. of his administration of th. estate of account I, T. P. Bryan, Recorder of Ogden City, do said deceased, and a setting forth that hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true the said estate is in apetition condition to bo and correct copy of an ordinance amending a closed ; that a portion ofproper the residue of said esresolution passed by the City Council of Ogden tate remains to be distributed to the heirs at City on the 7th day of August, A. D. 1883, en- law of said deceased, and praying for a final titled "Resolution." Passed by the City Coun- distribution of said estate and that Monday, cil of Ogden City, April 15th, 1891. the eleventh day of May, 1891, at two o'clock p. I further certify that the Ogden Citv Street m. of said day, at the court room of said court Railway company, by its attorney, L. R. Rhodes, at the county court house in Ogden City, said ilid on the 26th clay of April, 1891. file with mo Count y ef Weber, has been fixed by tho judge of its written acceptance of the foregoing ordi- said court for the settlement ef the said acnance. count and for hearing said petition for distriIn testimony whereof I have hereunto set my bution of said estate, at which time and place hand affixed the corporate seal of Ogden Cits', any person interested may show cause why said this 28th day of April, A. D. 1891. account should not be approved, allowed and T. P.Bevak, ISeal. settled, and a distribution made of the residue of said estate to the heirs at law of said deCity Recorder. ceased, as prayed for in said petition, according to law. Dated April 18th, 1861. following general form . Imwj of Contest Insert Law! Entry. t nited States Office, Bait Lake City, Utah, April th, IWk t Comi.laiut having been enured at this tJUrw by John A. Tyler against tbe In in. and of Samuel Cnlun. legal reprMtative decoased, for failure to eatmply wuti law as to Desert entry No, 14W, wade Atsril M. 1N upon the w of the sw of section No. ai, to. n, r I w.. S. L. M., in Weber axial. L ti.h, with a view to the caueellation of said entry: conVrtaut alleging that the said SumuW CahiMin. deceased, and hi said lieirs and legal retireseutatives have wholly failed to ewmply with law in the matter of mclamatioa Ussmof. that the said Hsuuuel 4'ahoon, ikcaarl, kU heirs nor legal representative havo not either by mean of ditrbea, raoala, flumes or otherwise . City Recorder. S8LciiX ,. i Xotlc lit pub-bli- k I tab, lirmuita li. tydeti, Ike aU.ve sale l postiurod until Moaifay. 1. fe. 11. 1'invim. June 1411, at 12 tu. C S. Mrbl. m B. A. Bow . lVtwty I', g. Marshal. By I March tak. i. ltil Og.leu, iu.to Asor a Above sale is portpoeed until UctoJas, slarrk E.H. I t!l, at U m. I It MarsUat. By B. A. Bow HAtt. liefwtyU. K. MaraUal. m. Also commencing at a point 1M.G5 ft t of the southeast corner of lot 1 in block 32. plat A, ruuuiiiK tlieuce west 50 ft. north 115 ft. east 59 ft. south 115 feet to place of $1.5u. -.l. Ugdon City, Utah, May K.T. HTMf?. and col'iy'or of Ogilen t'itv. Ctah. s atrti. i, uiu auaad all of 4lird4.ity. is $:I5.50. y !., the otUr i ntii Protitied. however, that in no rase shall the sai.l Ogik-- t ity Mrel bail any ro iju.y. its ucrcrora and awgas, coswtract. maiotaiu or Uiu ter utrwt railway track on crtstr any ;rn-- t la Ogle 4 ity. not mwilsuiul and ia the said notutu tif August 1th, lisi, blWi W illi tlPCaM-a- t of tbe Cil t ouurii.l.nl had and obtaiued, if any such street shall al. ready be occupiod by a single street mil way track of any otter street railway roniMUiy, soriattuti or indn tdbai. and, Provuird further, that ou any street not mentioned in said resolution of August 1th,lv3, wii.re any other eoraiiany, asMiciaium or bate thereon a douUe hoe of street railway track, then no additional track shall belaid thereon. Third-T- hat the Ogleii City Street Railway couiio.y, its mmwii or aasigus. shad have the right and privilege to us upon all or any of as a tii I streets so acijnimi by it, ehvfricity mainniotite lower with the risht to erect and tain ivies and overhead w over and through any of tahl streets lor the purue of running and 0ratiug its line or lines of street railway, be placed under the suiierrision tiirh and control of ()deii City. fourth The graut heretofore niatle by said resolution of Auirust7th, lM. aud the additional rurhts aniuired under aud by virtue of this amendment, shall lie aud hereby are extended and shali exist for the period of twenty years, from the date of the passatreof this amendment. 1 ft la I hat the alsive and forgoing grant it subject to the following conditions i A That the said Ogden. City Street Railway company shall commence work in good failn wiihiusiaty days from the date of the passage of this orOiuHiioe, and shall .reculemch work with reasonalile dilireticc. and shslt have at seven miles ot Mm-- t railway in O) oration in Ogdeb City witlielirtriritvasamotivepow-i- , ou t.r before the first day of January, 1"!2. The construction of all lines uader this ordinance, on any of the streets of this city, shall lie in s workmanlike manner and subject to the apof the City Eugineer. proval H The Ogden City Street Railway company. Its successors or assigns, shall run its cars over the entire length of its lines at least twelve times each day, and uwm a failure so to do, the City Council may notify said company to remove its track or trucks from any trtvt or portion of street, whereon said company, its successors fir assigns, is not operating its road, to the extent heretofore mentioned iu this and within thirty days from the issuance a ml service uimn said company of said notification, said company, its successors or assians. shall remove said portion of its track or tracks, aud shall place the street in proper condition. thereupon C The Ogdeu City Street company, its successors or assigns, shallRailway not rliarKV in excess of five cents fare for a continuous passage over the street railway, between the boors of 8 o'clock a. ni. and 12 o'clock midnight. D The said Ogden City Street Railway company, its successors or assigns, shall construct culverts iu such manner aud at such points along its line or lines as the City Council or other proper officers of Ogden City shnll from time to time require and designate. K Flat raila only shall be used on paved streets. F The Ogden City Street Railway company, its successors or assigns, shall the commencement of the construction of any uew lint of railway under this grant, file a map and profile of the same with theCity Engineer of Ogden City, sod all curvatures in any such track shall be subject to the approval of said Cit y Engineer. Q By the acceptance if th is grant , t he grantee herein named, its successor or assigns, agree to and do hereby waive all damages that may accrue to it by reason of any interference with its line of railway, or the operation thereof, occasioned hv mihltC. imitnitAmnnfa mail.inll,. streets of said city by said city, or by contrac tors ror n, wnen saiu contractors are acting under the direction of said city or its officers, having charge of the department under whose suiiervision said work is carried on. Said public improvements being carried on and prosecuted to completion with reasonable diligence. n vt iimn nrteen days after the passage of this ordinance, and before the same shall take effect, the said Ogden City Street Railway com pany shall, by its attorney, file a written acceptance thereof with the Recorder of Ogden City. I This ordinance shall not be construed to be the granting of a new franchise, but shall he considered as an amendment to and confirmation of a resolution passed by Ogden City, on the 7t!i day of August, 1883. io favor of Ogdeu City Railway companv. Passed April 15tfc, 1891. t. itus-ia- an ai tlun d ks Oa-de- turnouts to laax-- r 4ui. place of Ugiumng. flVXO, at the soutli. trutht, Hyrurn CommetM-iuwest comer of lot 1 in LWk plat A. and run-tiin- g thence north Pi7.I ft. t irt.7 ft. sotttii 167.1 ft, west 5U.7 ft to place of lieginmng. $97li. mud euHts Ak-OX-S. ay cooiiuiy. it ueceaMaiMl im.us. bxond-lL- at there is e. crwntMl to Om--, fitmrt Kail ay . tut uramtura or ia aditk to xbr rwhu aruimd by it ovr tiie ktrn-- t U Ugdea t'ltj. t said mul t ot Ai. ut Stii. 1 v, (W rvUt to c4dUurt, snautaiu and uowais a stngW or nouUf track tret radway, with lite a ri it-- l aud of Surly-so- bt ti.mi dem t r. plat t I'tS t)l Writrbt. Josiab A Coir.meDrtUi? at the southeast cairuer of lo in biurk piat A., nmoiir fw-- t. KS ff. Vest tti.i 1,thetwv t 1j ft. east. 49.i ft. i...rth lu.5 ft. wtst 62 j; Sjasaaaaof ic at - rsB-rlii- r. t o1-4- KudtiyJea City tstrM aaiiwsy is doMjvu of rvbLibf aj&S cersj tug Mmet raiiaat with asset mtt t as a JM lirMIuuc ti e.trbUU ItiMtjnr iwwarr. aiad its i f it ham of strvM rtuwaf ajad inusitruct aew abd addittocial one. Vow. tberefun-- . be it furtber erdaiue4 that said mluuu. aokiptvitoa ila Uh da) of Akfa( he anti(it u fullu. ; lv, first T tat sil rights pririkgvw aad f auider acd 0 dtauu rsaiJutsuu la favor U Um ksilasy wmuy, of lily A ".:ix. ml Or lssi. the are saaie jgost hvt.i asd otiemd ia Ckgiten I tt tKivet KauV w j U k-'- s !. vium ssjfmi tat S134.UO. Wurifiut. Kb-.- ti titts. it t-- s4 "".. coii.Ai. saxi kiMuf !. lt btrlivt . ist-- Lu -' mm! Hrurf U. fcearWy La utd ltw Ewd L ItarriL, twi. aii tiar fmpig mti froarl.u.' tt ilm CVarw rity rsulaay CMtt4a5r. so PJLmI4 Lubi m idmssl to tiMn tnit-Ur- . cadrr tjur lawa vt iutmu a Utrora t'U fcjuiw.f, abi 1 ft to list d ft east tt ibe nurthwert curncruf i4 I. ik A S arrv .t A. Ttaaumt thsw .:k StS ft. 3 ft. twtb 4v ft. rM 4.i ft, M! tli 4 ru 4 ft. lS Oi ft. suetii 1SS ft, east ft. fnrV. snik ft. cv-.- h 4uS ft. Wavt t l4 tofaat,plmemwort ft of targitning. t.iouli. H CaauiMring at a Wl ItS'i Wt, ft, south froan tuk emrr of 1 Ss, plat A. raimu thence soutb . ft, wWi ltt. Bona A east Wrigfit. G J C.rrm-!nat tL samTbsex ia Uk 47, oia( A. miliiil tbrfer eurtirr f U 1 Bcotb ISC ft. IK ft. t gjj f ft, U place of heuiii.uir. tZitXi. WrUrht. ti J Commenrujr at tberuthw comer of lot 2. ia Ui-,. Jat A. n.nini thmre north M fi-t- . rut Z.Z ft. south 10i t. west 4.S ft, south 5.5 ft. east J ft, sa ft. t Si feet to lilac ti beginning. Wet. Mrs J E l'oBmefirUigat a M ft north aif tiie stutlj-as- t rner .f Ut 10. in blk A. running it..ir ourtli 70 KM. Si, ft, s.mtb V.i ft. east 3L4 ft to ilacr ti rcm-ains-- "", M. Tt isef cb4a&u, f kiai. ttr , to Hrr i u tuS Ivrif o..Uara. I fcn ttamJiij Insntiitjwc, lias tuiivwg Cinrrlbod : 1 J1 1 ia kkrk t, lot 19 ia tiock H. lots a. 4, SMS. aad ;s u btucic I 1.3 Si, U. luu U. u. 14. 14. i st, H aM u4 in t aw tours A. lot 1. 1. and 4 la la U.-AS, lot I is biort. U, M.ll.U.tAIS. l.i.a.4.i.fx3,4vS. a. i, li. 15. 1. aa4 m aft, lot 1 i. 1. a. S. . 11. li. u. la. a li. n, i;, u. .2. ra. u. is. as, a, as, 2. as. sa, an, jix is. . jm. as. Xk. m and t u. Uor II, u A2 ss4 4 Sack 41. kit A.S. 1. S.S. W. II 4Vb4 ki la hkars St aft aw I lantwity Ptar asMitso to tani.- t . ia tiw aad of Vtals saut (uasity Mxwrty rtandg vt th tvmJa oi taetatf tu th suatiif It ill E. sjaaok. Jkotaoe W Isetvdi skat u, w.ay. ta.. d dai of DrmbW.gin at U o'clock Mass of tivat day. ia fnaetof tne Cuut art fiotu. ia tke 4. ity of Ofniea I'wjgi , of Wster 4usd tar ntury af I tak. I wul. ia uedsene se aasd sell ail th nht, tnie, iatanat ajavt ciaua of tlte atsinaiaibed defaodeua, at jm aait totkeabura OacntaKl property, or s aaark , ay ba tlasnuf aiasatit a k woatv) iwaa'tsly jadguasbl. ail ouru. .. tsickw tureask, lawta, ttvstugiMrt and Miuari vf th I uitrO states of Aturrara. LUAii It. i I'. S. Marahat. By B. A. Bow max, Iepu'y r. K klarskak I Soveaila-lIMk ID, tah, tydee, The atuv aaW ia iast.ue4 o .til Ha! ariay Ifecettit li, E. at 11 o rsurk nt. H. Psasosa. C. S. Marshal. B. A. M Bow H By is. Isrouty V. larJtal. u-oV- ft, aur.L 1st tt. nc 4 byi., f urn-m- .,aiiu. y tmt St . k- - . rt ttxu I'tuk, kl Lwdfwd asd VL L.i-i.- -w ti a-- an IS at the uBi.mrttei& OS KFCUttmrt (- - 4. i,-tt- SALE. u saMt, ti tiie t uvt Jscur-i w oot ;4 f ,t f. . MARSHAL'S Tsi&er atJ by nrtae of t of liar lMrirl tswt of ti Territory c . U Uf Ofm 4et Ul .It ( vUJ tttrtri bn--j u t aUoruiS.Aiauus-aaa a ourpurat lis". turlte-zti Aaii 7ta. tt. St. svw - far it 4ttur4 br 4 ity. a fA-. TL.t. of a sauuva i a l u. ti . A .,t i lr it rsuiti u 1, is iica t. its U) t4 Stirs. tI. r act 4at A. tititiwieiiimt 4 tirttt ajtt. a&4 a slW, stiver M 1S ft, russattg tbetic sj ft, ft. surth h& tert u. ol a trust atovd. i tn ifuimr rvi.w.cir ti Uvua.u. tlj7 S. Wnsa&S tn&cttme ti IX 44 r rauway Tapper, suicel at ibe turnih cwa4K was C.ijiwiu dvd,euir t4 mi4 by svk nMrr ti kit 1. bit jti, Mt A. T-- Kraus, T- - r s. TVli t. Km ounw at fert brfwr are e Buy and Sell im Au. m nlh beraaue dfc-x.- jt li. a rwolisii. ku f pt u attiinu tr1 ut ntvtri ti iirs id t" itMj : 1 mun cj it sue 4, kojt 4. $ olat A, nttitir Is with ud naaJu stt.4t.. cmjd nctlaae e tbecwsttnSt- fwi, ft. tios mi4 lias t Uf k.mzls ri til t tfto t Jam ti tgiti!.ujr. u i"11 y 4t iti4t tmriityktecrApsd ft tmiith. t m . sLrt.ct- taa-- t LMi.i!it a: arfct ourtarr 4 HI ftI. m:i Is, sl ti t'"J( i AN ORDINANCE Vne-j.- MitLa-C.jr.iae- iw'Ji ectroentg 1. xrxn L i Bel f s c , xd te he paer Wribed. knd . iask-c- ti i rj WA - . '.t-- Cil peori Sm Curcpca oocmtriei - it, un. nuioU.riftpuutitkroegk ksratiua, f"5C Tea H tLe e--ve Uarnaua vtrart, KwA tvrae. Ut -- iey. tioud 1 k e MUi. Liutum. hkAr, kaiaoc (1 Aatricu tike uif Fua kaianoe 5w per- - Csglabd. wbea rorkiciura nI tt AiruiS- ae jour aargaiii. memo laoiwy, iWy buarJ it wr. J ka IrUlt srf; Wrwm. TTte-- j io-- Iwnati-ct-- Mi. some tntt (M.tn'i P-- a twHi Suia. JuLa A m.murii4 at a .ui i"iT ft Mt- - i4 li sert:.ea t4 k . K, v a rciuiu. r H t:. ft. "'--t "t ft. stsi tsii f. tw i '.Aiv 4 lt.i - SEWER TAX NOTICE. . Cat-naX- Clu60 Trite- tm:c - y&6. Ia HAS (XaTOMOlS cLJ lUWSJWUf. I kit l"",.jr. m 1 GrILL 13. Wai-- t Th 6rmmf rower of 7 Clerk. Ai.i.isox, Aliorueys for Plaintiffs. Programmes-- ' V Visiting zCAEDSi: tarda! Mhtin Co., 2101 Wl4 Ave |