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Show 0 1DEN DAILY COMMERCIAL: WEDNESDAY, MAY 27, 1691. PRIZES WITH YOUR GROCERIES! READ THIS OFFER THOMAS RROTHERS PRIZES ! Buy your Groceries where you can get the Worth of Your Money and a Prize each month worth from $3.50 to Sm-oo- . itn 20 worth 01 1 urcnases, the "Lite ot Oenerai bherman, worth MoO. one clock lor every fifty Dooks. . peuia, worth 5.00, and also a chance in drawing lor a nne 515 icck, there being -1 u t i, iton our virocerics ai wic l. niiTCT iTirtrc anu hk.. e ocii i iucj uic t viear ua.ni 10 our v,ubiamers. give a Compendium of Cooking, worth ?j.;o. a THOMAS BROTHERS, THEY DID NOT ARRIVE. The Union Pacific OHiiiah in Denver. 1 Ciatt Mf :i'j, , and LyueLeJ. Mar Ter.n., :1-Gl- The Kansas Kan, May ToPf.KA. en 'AVI.s. s.v. red, iLo shot and k..led John IJ. LA ir. Columbia, Tenn., and Ivneht-- d tonight ut ims :. I'.lk HERE Alhance of Kansas is making preparations far a grand ratification of the Cincinnati conference work, at a regular trxAir. meeting of Three Thousand Sub AlliJIakase. ance of the state, at w hich a platform FRANK MONROE. will be considered, a vote was taken and .N'otire. AND COMV .Y.l i ri- indebted to F. 1L Lasher a report forwarded to the headquarters VAMIETV and to the reform The papers. notified that as assignee of sr is ehargd to be very deliberate in SM.1 I. II. I.L?r all accounts, notes and 25. its action and w ill give every proposition d?lte dje L:iu are in my hands for and y.ju are hereby uotiiied to through examination and discussajn. H i l d bv the trreatet of Irish Cnxliauj, c!! at Xj. i Twenty-fourtstreet and KI KKE BROTHERS. jt.'.!e same it once. IMPORTANT TO EVERY MAX, WOMW First apiarance. MISS LOTTIE HALL, the Gr.oiMiE 1koidfit, Assignee. c cuarnuu a WEEK OF MAY The tie Udiod Pacirtc officials w ho vnr due to arrive here yesterday as previously aouounced will hardly reach Option before tomorrow. It was through the misinterpretation of a telegram that the report was given out about the party reaching this city yesterday. A telegram to the Union Pacific headquarters which was dated at Denver was mistaken for Cheyenne by a Union Pacific official, and as it stated '"Wa are jnst :tving here," all arrangements were made for their reception in Ogden forty-eighours before they are likely to evmie. Yesterday all the Un ion Pacific b e dressed up in their Sunday clothes before going to work in anticipation of the arrival of the distinguished visitors, hut their pains to look nice were in vain. There is much comment as to what changes will take place here. It is known that Ogden is promised some Union Pacific repair shops. Then the subject of transferring General Superintendent Uancroft to Portland will be disposed of, and as for w hat else will happen all the rest of the talk? which is Cx'iig the rounds is mere speculation. It s believed that C. 11 Wurtele of the Wyoming division will succeed Mr. lian- eroft in the event of his going to ht A special telegram from Denver savs that Cen.J'almer, president of the Rio (trande Western railway, is in that city to meet Col. Dodge, general nianiiger, and Geo. A. Peabody, vice president of the road. All circumstances lead to the conclusion that whtn the gentlemen uert final steps will bo taken towards Kirchasing the Oregon Pacific railway, a road which has long been regarded with and arttu HITTIE STEWART and Arrvx KO.-LI Kbit. female pugilists. Tl.e people s choice. MIKE WH ALES. Contimiwl sncce!.of the Novelty Sketch team JOE BittOM aud SI A i tiLA.M U. AhiUot, vocalist and comedian, IRVIN T. daluar WANTED. Council of War. LM AND CHILD IX ON OU1TIK. ZITHER LESSONS liIVEN by P. A. li.uJllori. 3'I7, arraue. 1 ha and twrnity year tud and will guaraut Terms rraxoiabls. eiiM-ri-i- ir Diseases of Al'ANTED FAMILY SEWlNii KY AX EX- .en-o- f iwani6trt.. Will go to il dMttM. Apply at Cliubhio Arnol.T. parlors. tuiicLr M, Tliroat, tlieEye, Ear, Chronic Diseases anil Defonnitk Bl brrio-oouu- SH. The wotxl.ful PEARL AliDlNE. danciuff siiobrette. MISS First inahictinn in this city of tlie luuKhahle trM. Twenty-fourt- h The old artreun and examinmir onieUy, in ooe act and three of "The Liebic Surxical Institute ndphyaician World scene, entitled of kaiuaa ( ity and Han Kranciaeo ES IX THE BENNETT will risit Otfiieo and L OK nttioes at the Kroom hlurk. corner TwutyixiU and irant. hotel. Feb. Z and ai, at ('lift ho ue. Salt Lak, Feb. r, and Z 1M1. ThU will be a rare ehanee Very luw nut and favorable brnik. twni. H for the iieople of Utah to consult free wifhthe Matson, under Slate bank. With the Wlowinic strong cast : oldttot and most successful California spAcialiftt. Julius Winkle; Mike Whalen; Porterhnme nOR BEST A NEATLY FURNISHED who has had nearly fifty yeam echtj practice, havini.'iaiiuatel in Renumber the old Podils.Irvia I. Bu.h: Bunimrton (Juirk; ( has. doctor will viMt Utah himself. Dr. Liehiir A Burke; Bib. Pearl A r. line; Nickolas Fix. John iM. Liuooin aeuue. Co. of San Francisco are the ooly reliable Burke: Peter. Joe Byron; Angelina Fix. May secialists from the larie cities w.io visit Utah KENT 2 ROOMS WITH PANTRY. X quarterly, who treat all waitui and annoyin f uruulied for liouneketiiiiff. !l Tuvntv. chronic disoases of men, women and chil.lreu, iith street. Note The evening' performance comtnenoes and the only brace anil deformity manufacwho t s :u stiarp. visit Utah from Sau F raucisco and turer ( LO- - Kansas 1,X)B RENT HOCSE, City. antH Jtml ifr Kon eon trat, i..r t f Popular prices i5 and Ke. Seats la boxM, lOe fi.;i.u cheap MRS. HlTl HlNSON. 1T Canon Road! FOR RENT. he RENT-STOR- r Twenty-Fourt- ogden, h Tke lleadi of the Rio Graudf AUm t'i Camp iu Denver au l HuM Telephone mm "TAKE novelty The Farmer's e WHAT THEY WILL With even' Ten Dollars in Groceries Lc u irht of us v.e ith a S:.oo purchase we srive Encvclo- the "The Peoule's j Corner Grant and Farmer. 3C Crowded Hotel. The GASOLINE yOR RENT-HO- OF FIVE ME I'ooliiltfe, Hotel Lincoln, Twenty-thir- ROOMS T. A. Cottinghara, M. I). IOR RE RENT-- A ROOM ELEOANTLY u ith or without hoard, ferson Ave. at US Diseases of the Ear. Diseases of the Nose. Diseases ot the Throat. Diseases of the Chest, Diseases of the Skin. Diseases of the Nervous System. Also Galvanic, Faradic and Static Electricity used. Jef FOR SALE. TOR SALE-NE- W I closets, pantry, water in FIVE" WWIHrWUSEl hitll and bath room. Cily Fine view overlooking city, Within one block of car line. houe. valley and lake. Price rJ.li)-- H c.kIi, balance monthly payment?. J. D. tiill. 110. Wahink'ton avenur. IOR I SALE X6. Twenty-tlft- h Btreet. $JiX)cash balatce ilOItand K'Kul cellar. M per mouth. Washington avenue. A. HOUSE. SALE-NE- W FOUR 1.501). C'.Mt inUom, M. MILES, STREVELL BOYLE BLOCK, h THE n OGDEN. UTAH. . HARDWARE! HARDWARE! BUYERS WHO WANT THE BEST GASOLINE STOVE SHOULD LOOK AT fesf l Ilia nwn Lnoni R-- I tut CALL 3GO WU EAKLY. 24th. Street While there look at our Peninsular and Ohio Steel Ranges. CLOCKS, WATCHES, DIAMONDS, r ULMER O JEWELERS. L3SA.DI3Sra : & SCHOOL HATS ! e ('. HUKsSELL. First Nat. Iiank Bldir. ionging eyes by (Jen. Palmer on account of the excellent outlet to the coast it T ADIES TAKEN TO NURSE THROUGH by an experienceil person, would give the Kio Grande Western. Xj coiilincmeut reference Riven and required. Letters Hours 9 to 11 a. m. ) Office over Postofliee, No. 321 Tue U'entern is anxious to do the busi- (iood ' 9 11 promptly answered. Terms reasonable. Mrs. Twentv-fourtStreet. I Jo f p. m. ness itself which it has now to give to the A. 1'ret t, JTii Patterson Ave., Oj?den. Pacific. Rio Grande Southern .The A' extern has had a special engineer look-;r- t over the Oregon Pacific property. The testimony of railroad men who know .aid many other circumstances tends to strengthen the prevailing impression that there will be another road built from Ogiiet V the coast w ithin a few years at most. This means a war against the Southern Pacific. It is reported iu Helena that Jay iould during his coming visit there will iook into the matter of extending the Union Pacific system so as to give it a direct entrance into Helena, over its oirn hoea, by way of the new line and the iHah and Northern to Pocatello, the Short Lino to Granger and the Union Sterling and Plated Silverware, Gold and SilVer Jewelry and Novelties of every descriptPacific proper to Omaha. The latter ionDiamond Setting and Repairing attended to promptly. road it is asserted would then have the motf. direct line from Chicago to this : point in the northwest. The Utah Northern pay car came in SIGN OF THE BIG CLOCK. : : 2463 WASHINGTON AVE. OGDEN, UTAH SFPf trial- - - Diseases peculiar to Women. The above named doctors are regular graduates and have permanently opened offices for consultation and practice of various specialties. Having had advantages from the leading Hospitals and Specialists of the East, feel confident in assuring the public that all advantages will be given cases equal to Eastern Specialists. 1 are showing all styles of the Gasoline Stoves and know they vrill please All forms of Catarrh-Diseasof Genito Urinary OrDiseases of Rectum, gansWe are a Nobby Line of Misses' and Boys viz piles, fistula and fissures Straw Hats showing in the Yacht Shapes, specially designed by treated without operation. Lirace ec Co. Call Soon. Cancers removed without the lownsenu, Under Broom Hotel. ATTERBURY, DOBSON & CO knife. ROOMS ; STOVES-- Ve - 1). Antiseptic Surgery in all its departments. The "KOCH LYMPH' treatment for Tuberculosis. Microscopical Examinations made. (jRAIN AND FEED BUSINESS. Euiuirent K. C. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO ROOM J0x!S IN THE 1,X)R ImiUlinir. Annlv to nim II. Ven- ilonie, O. F. Smith. RENT-STO- 0jt TRIAL" OXE ' Good Luck" mower is a hum MOWERS-O- ur mer. It is adjustable in every way and runs very easy. Take one on trial. Ve are headquarters on hose. IJUI3UER HOSE-different grades. We warrant it to stand pressure of city water. Take some on trial. rPYLERS FLOUR R EC E PT AC L E Th e newest ar.d X best flour can. It holds the flour. You turn the crank it does the rest. Take one on trialhave over 40 rPEA AND COFFEE POTS-- We X and sizes. New stock just received, all kinds- Tin, styles stone pearl, agate, granite, iron, etc. Take one on Trial. ON RENT-STORE ROOM FOR RENT. yOR 1 desk riHm and atorairti. Knnnira of II. M Bond Co. Streets. h T AWN street. d No- - 03 -- Take one on you. Lr M. ! vvtwvivtt n ncinnn MUHLIA lilSJiUn Hi o at rin w. LOW PEICES. GOOD GOODS. yesterday. B. F, Morehouse of rYeemont, Neb., who is connected with the Freemont Klkhorn & Missouri was ia the city yesterday accompanied by his wife. The special car of the United States commission returned yesterday from Silt Iiake City. Mr. Doming the gentleman in charge said they had been as far south as Provo. The 6tory of a train robbery comes from vray back in Maine. The train rvhiili left Bangor for St. John last might was held up just beyond Enfield by four men who fired at the engineer and the cars. The engineer pulled out beore any one was hurt by the robbers, who evidently were after the contents of the baggage and mail cars. The Union Pacific reports business moving smoothly and traffic increasing especially in freight. There was a special went west over the Southern Pacific last night for the coast. H arrived frr in the Kio Grande. The Jarvis-Conkii- a party went east yesterday via the Union Pacific. A suspicious character was arrested yeetec day at the depot by the city A rn FANCY xlND STAPLE GROCERIES. !! !!! COFFEE COFFEE when these excellent are obtainable at the Why drink poor coffee, May 27. Epicurean Depot. grades OLD GOVERNMENT PRIME RIO. ARABIAN MOCHA. MAKACAIBO. JAVA. MANDHELING GOLDEN KIO. JAVA. Also a fine line of GREEN COFFEES. Grand Opera House BuiWinjr, 1 2516 Washington Avenue. J 24G1 Wahin.2:ton Avenue, 0?den. E. FEIEDEEICH. EKOTHEES, , 155 Main St.. Salt Lake Cit.3-- HAVE A CAR LOAD WE OF AFETY glCYCLEB Terrihle Conflict. I:wistox, Me., BBEIPflDT A dispatch from Dethel, in the extreme western portion of the state, gives the particulars of a. terrible tragedy as the result of the contest between a father and son for the possesion of a young woman. The , aaiKW of the parties are Jackson his son Roger, and Jennie The latter was the ward of the HA wan. Both became enamored, but the girl preferred the son. Saturday night the trouble culminated in a quarrel as a result of the young couple attempting to elope. Aldershad fired a revolver at his eon, the ball taking elTect in the HirTa shoulder. Roger and his father ! e. v n.i en-mt- Meii"? Men s ,:.'. !,':i'.- - Size. ti.irt.v-ino- IB v.i.--- li i:c!i : .. I.i-- nc!,iii-t:il.!- roiif :f"Vo l:nvo irt.--t Clnss Air.atuiv Cnmei-- earinc-- 1 :U eli'v:. vh"cN, ball li. a; ii.u - Ii b:i!l to winrl.- - ami j I .. . t Piice. OiirPnV,'. t'KMl '. Ii vu Twin 5.V mi !,i 1', J. ,ii "j in' m f T.i' Youth's Size , Al-- ndjnstnlilo Cone bearincs just able rone bi'ariiiKs ami prices dii U' 'i'ncpcli's, all s Siz... mi 11H p,ie nr pr;n so i Xi.Oi) 2'i if) fir, ni) some lolnlc r'amo.i'ara, whioh mv (lie Onlv l'ii--oi'It Il.l.ivi rated CATALOGUE is VRV.E To all inatle. Co,. Garden Tools and Handles Jat-keo- tivm seized axes, and a fight for life l. The old man finally Flipped on tho blood from the girl's shoulder, mid ubilodown his son severed his head fro:n ii is body. Tho son has fled. Thes,'ir! - r.ct to live. il ipieii . .Will interest you if you are on the buy. Alder-shad- Lan-dar- Con i A SPECIALTY. J. F. BUKTO, MANAGER. |