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Show 03DEN DAILY COMMERCIAL: TUESDAY, MAY 8 2G, 1691. FRIZES WITH YOUR GROCERIES or Luse at fjraij tin j lh.r i,Uii. Oij lecJs LWL Uitl 13 cut in ji'i ftja luit t!-- e Buy your Groceries where you can get the Worth of Your Monev and a Prize each month worth from Si totn a ith worth ol Purchases, the "Life of General Sherman," worth $4.50. nLt, give iompendium oi cooking, worth in also the chance cJ a and worth t for a a Fine $15 Clock, there being one clock for every fifty books. pedia," 5.00, drawing in j Sell Groceries We the our at LOWEST PRICES, and these Prizes are a Clear Gain to our Customers. urdiv' BROTHERS, ;:;THOMAS .r.l la A if IaA. w&v Much ixiiiiutnt 16 txcitJ dollar of eiiU v mH en ! ij revenue tHi u J tl ojin rbtmily hfc tlitl llie thstrwrteyitrrday uld t frlnu hu! liifTiy jf riub'ljt 10 diu-tar- It i ill UtiC!ilil I'Tmjt The Iiu-im- 1 Of why l.t JfUilL fell , CITY I mrjf-tic iikuuiks. tUrnus Tiny Ar "Strew-j- T n tli (iruiiuil. KuiiKia City Klar. "Stialrriei," ea'.J 1im1 dra'u-- r j'wlcrJay, "are the we are lictt fruit k''" ')(.'- - Ail tl gt'.ting are from Arkansas and as luni; us e can get as nil Utrritw an tlu-- t for the money it is W lU r than to put in our home KKvtu fruiL We have a good ith tw for berrii around Kanwta Citv dJ if e have jilenty of tun they will I 'in to (Mime in alxiut the lirst of June. Kverybody buva lerritis when they Bell three !iVi- - for a uartT. It is a health ful die, and people tind it theaer than I "Sirawi'd" it-- uiedu'itie. "Why are they called 'straw' berries? Well, I hardly know. Smart men diller on that. Some eny it m oti account of their hollow, nlraw like Kteina. Others think it in becauxe they have to he covered withdraw or similar protectThe ni.t ing material in winter. rlamical exnlannlion istlntt our forefatliers used to raixe them and thev cavo them this natne because the berrii-- are generally on the ground thai is, Vtrewed' or 'titreweil' uruiiud. eay" Anulo-Kaxo- n s A rnffu Charrlrr. A tinifjuo character in Iho Princeton college faculty is Joseph Korge, profcus-- r of modern lauyuiies. Adventure And experience of a rough nature, have marked his life, the earlier part of w hich Wild Ftieiit in Eurojw. Coiuinjr from a family of Polish gentlemen who made anus their profession, he went into the German army soon after finishing his university education, and for a time was closely associated with Prince Frederick. Litter on the Polish insurrection drew liini into it and made a longer residence Trithin Russian dominions undesirable. Bo the. ardent Polo came to this country, aud won distinction in the Union army before ho settled down as a jiedagogue Wider the shadow of old Nassau. Har per's Weekly. About nook Reviewing. An expert book reviewer does not need to read a book tliorougldy in order to describe it sufliciently for his purpose. Most newspaper book reviews aro mere description:; and not criticisms, and such nntices can bo written quickly by one Who has had experience and has the ability. When a publisher Bends iu a book of sufficient importance to deserve a careful criticism, either the tutor takes time to read it or ho delegates the work to somebody else. There we a few papers that always give care-fn- l reviews of the books they notice, but their number is very small. Writer. A Stnttie of Columbus. This city owns one piece of statuary few persons see, although it is a that Work peculiarly significant because of the approaching anniversary. Standing in tho gloom of the first floor hall in the l building in Central park is a Warble statue of Columbus of heroic size. It is the work of Emma Stebbins, and it vas made in Rome in 1807. The great dif eoverer stands with one hand on the tiller and the other grasping the light mantle about his shoulders. New York art-ena- World. Dot and Her Kitten, Mamma, my kitty is Little Dot thirsty. J.Iarama Why do you think so? Little Dot 'Cause she went to my toy titchen and began workin' at ze pump handle wiz her paw. Mamma (smiling) You are very considerate with your kitty, my pet. Little Dot Ritty is too Fweet for I don't wonder she is always licking herself. Good News. any-ein- IS Mr. KF. LoU-- j Vesterdii traiiof.irs Ojwra The mercury wu u in the entk . That" not ouhL jetu-rday1'ur late i;i-r- s auj iTi.li(-acall on . M:m Mary 1. (.Vjoiier, iilU Piles and ruptur absolutely cured by WaMi rrof. Henry (.row, IUkjui iujtiio avenue. Tickets at liurt l!ro the Fair, Fehr ingw Anli, or at the doors for the KiiiHcopul concert tomorrow ciht. Have your photographs taken bv Wal- laiv A Neweomu, arliMie phoUiraphers, rooms ii, I? i, und -- 7 right block. Mr. John Walsh left yeflerday for Sixikaiie Falls, Washington, where he will continue in the meat market busi neea. Mr. II. Ciillett will sinif Valerie's "Devout Lover" at the lliilharumnic concert in aid of the F.picopal church tomorrow flight. were pultun; in a J. H. I wis a big safe yesterday to protect their grow ing stock of valuables. It weighs alxiut !i,uO Miimls. Preshaw X !o. have received an ele gant white funeral car and new stock of funeral furnishings, hverything in the line lirst clans. Mrs. Xaglo will sing the Value, song from "The lleggar Student" tomorrow eveninj; at the Kpiscopal cmcert. Kvery-Unlshould hear this beautiful song. SHM'iaI cars will Ih run to South Washington avenue and tho bench after the Promenade concert at Iesler Park pavilion in aid of tho I'liiscoiial church tomorrow night. Extraordinary !)ep Cut. From this date until Sept. 1, 1 will make to vour order n erfeet fitting suit f rom FX to fll. The bent oder in L'tah territory. Call and sec. GixmI pantaloons fT.Vi and best stock of gfKMls and up. 1 he place is in the city. lute s, .110, (.rant avenue, ugden. number of the citizens of Ogden ittetfall went to canyon, Sunday, attracted by its noted lieauty. Among the nunilier was Mr. F A. HevA and pnrtv. The severe climate and stormy weather prevented several lad iis of the party from reaching the foot of the falls. The waterfall will in time be a favorite resort for lovers of lino scenery. Much attention has been given the suggestion of TlIK Co.MMKKCI.M, to blow olf the ledge of rocks that conceals the waterfall from tho view of the citv. V li. 1 ) 1 . lars in Groceries bought of us we eyive the "The People's Encyclo- - On the second day of the week the old Saxons worshiped the moon, calling it iloonday." We drop one "o" and call it Monday. They Corner Grant and lliOX WOKkS. The 3leetinsr to Talk Them Tikes NOVELTY THEATRE i'litrf TouiLt g TtyelabUsi yesterday uiorning. He left his horw untied at one hoiit and the animal made for home. John's pig tail und blue Uouse, w hen last Seen, were Hying in the wind in pursuit. KKASK MO.VHUK. court house this eveuiijg at s oVkvk. VA1I1LTV enU-rpns- e Farm ell. II. Alexander will sing "Hear at the Promenade concert tomorrow night. This w ill be that favorite IMroUTANT tenor's last song here before his de parture for Italy. Mr. Ti) EVERY JI.IX, W01I.LN . Biicrfiii alifnniia sirialirt. cial pracuc l'AXTKIl - FAMILY SKH IMi IsY AN K- - nlut ha had nearly lifty var havinie srrattiatecl in lM:it, Kt nu mher tho !) Will H'aili--- ! r.W. iloiroil. Apply at t'fiill'it AruoM'e thtctor will viMt Vtah liiinw If. Dr. Li. hiir A Co, of San Franc wo nr th ouly rtiiahle utuMc parlor,. 1 Mnvt. Uista from tht M Fl KMSIIEI) uinlfiiieii, at Lincoln avfiiiM. RENT-,M((iiriiii-In- 2 hixtli ttrtH'i, ltMMrf WITH fir lMUtM)ktaPitic. 1 w fitly- 1 w'iitv-wTo- f(Mtliil,i Hoti-- I - T fccent, eutitltii Diseases of the Ear. Diseases of the Nose. Diseases ot the Throat. Diseases of the Chest. Diseases of the Skin. Diseases of the Nervous System. Also Galvanic, Faradic and Static Electricity used. OK KKST-STOK- B IX THE IUHM 20xi Vi'lulouio hiiiMiln;. Ailil to room 11. Vi,(i- ilonio, O. P. Smith. X11 RENT- - V UOOM ELEI1ANTLY FUK- liihli,Ml. with iir without iHianl, at Ave. FOR SALE. NEW 10 kimhI rellnr, r RamiSALE -- FEED HUSIXESH-- I h gtrpct. Hot SE, FOl'R 1.5(lll. It. Nl'KCIAL, ATTKNTIOX KENT STOKE H(MM FlK KENT. (Ick riMHH and eUtrat'o. Eii'iuirc uf IE M. t Crowded Hotel. Willi the following strong cat : Julius Winkle. Wikn W lnln ; Prtrboil P...l,l-Jlrvi- ii T. Buli; BiilliniMou Quirk ; Cliaa. Pearl Ardino; Nickoliii, Kix. John I!urk; llolt. IVlt-r- . J, llvroit; Aiwluia bti, JAay luikc; hlaiicti ; Strilla kuox, Nellie Uarkham. i FIVE liOOMS ON EiMinirc of J. E. Ktrts't. Lincoln, Tweuty-- t liirtl striM't, L"0KSALE (iKAINAM) Euquireut Xti. Twcnly-lif- The r. a. cot iogluim, M. 1. OK 1 - 1 MILES, STREVELL BOYLE BLOCK, : : Colt inoliam, M. '. If 1. I' ;lVi:.N TO T ,. ! Diseases peculiar to Women. Catarrh. All forms of Disease of Genito Urinary OrDiseases of Rectum, gans. We are showing a Nobbv Line of Misses' and Rovs viz piles, fistula and fissures Straw Hats in the Yacht Shanes, specially designed bv treated without operation. Townsend, Grace & Co. Call Soon. Cancers removed without the Under Broom Hotel. ATTERBURY, DOBSON & CO knife. Anl'iHplic Surgery in all its departments. Tlio "KOCH LYMPH" treatment for Tuberculosis. Microscopical Kxaiuinutions made. KIKI.MS Jaocasli : hahiLcn The above named doctors are regular graduates and liave pormnnently opened ashuiKtoii aveutio, C. A. fj., (mt nioiith. IIUKSSELL. First Nut. Hank Hlcl. offices for consultation and practice of various specialties. Having had advantages from the leading llospitals'and Specialists of the liast, feel conlident in assuring 1 AIUES TAKES TO NVliSE THKOIUJH the public that all advantages will be given cases itial to NiwcialisU. 1 J Colitill,MIUllt hy nn exiwrit'iici'il IiimvI irivrn and rconircd. 1XTSOU. Ollii-Hours 8 tt 11 a.m.) over Postollice, No. 321 Al proniplly answortMl. IVrnif, rcasonalilt. Twenty-fourtStreet. 7 to' A. Prt'ssot, 'Su I'uttrson Ave., Ox p. m. J EAR DWARE! HARDWARE! W 5 BUYERS WHO WANT THE BEST GASOLINE STOVE SHOULD LOOK AT w h evfl Gram m CALL EARLY. excellent grades MAND1IEL1XO JAVA. GOLDEN RIO. While there look at our Peninsular and Ohio Steel Ranges. KKOU'llS, 1101111 & CO, of every OGDEN, UTAH IlISTCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES. !! COEEEE !!! COFFEE when these are obtainable at the Why drink poor coffee, 24th Street. LOW PRICES. GOOD GOODS. tocom-pletio- 3GO telk Lit:A.riisra jewjailiIgrs. CLOCKS, WATCHES, DIAMONDS, urb. The Lynne Mercantile Company is making preparations to receive a large Sterling and Plated Silverware, Gold and Silver Jewelry and Novelties order of agricultural implements, such Diamond Setting and Repairing attended to promptly. as reapers, mowers, self binders, etc. Five Points is very anxious to know : what has become of "Hill lilud," the : : correspondent from this place for the SIGN OF THE BIG CLOCK. 2463 WASHINGTON AVE. Standard. "Stonemont," a valuable horse belonging to Morrow Stone, on West Second street, will surprise a great many people when Mr. Stone puts him on the track, lie has a pedigree that is hard to beat. The largest hail storm ever seen in this vicinity was witnessed here Sunday afternoon. The ground was completely covered w ith the large goose egg appearing hail stones, which did a great deal of damage, it is found, to fruit of all description. The hard maple flooring arrived yesterday from Chicago for our mammoth new dancing hall and skating rink. Very few people realize what a grand hall this to be. It will be 77x00 feet with nil the modern improvements. J. W. 1 ill, has a largo force of carpenters at work who will speedily push it A. A. A. ULMER OGDEN. UTAIL 1 Visitors were numerous here yesterday. Five Points never was in a nmro prosperous condition than at present. Mrs. C. F. Irving is convalescing. Dr. Saunders thinks she w ill be up in a very few days. Mr. J. F. Frost who recently Ixiught two very valuable lots in WedelPs Monterey addition is now erecting a valuablo residence on them and will sixm be a welcome citizen to this beautiful sub- & SCHOOL HATS ! THE OGDEN SPECIALISTS. KENT-FI- ("(K trial- HWTHY, Z'M VE 4MMEi MOL'SE, i'iAh nnif kitchen ntmiMiieiit for t ctiiHt. MKS. Ill It UiNMtN, 417 Ctiimn lioail. OK Take one on 25. I AWK MOWURS Our "Good Luck" mower is a hum mer. It is adjustable in even' wav and runs verv ensv 1,t ti, irratefit of Irifrh Comr.li tut, Take one on trial. hi hut iiholnKks. )UUBER HOSE We are headquarters on hose. We. Kmt aearaucn, MISS IXJTTIE HALL, tlit 111have several different cradesdainu iud ctiitruiUM! &rtlt. We warrant it to stand HATTIK STEWAKT nd trri:it of city water. Take some on trial. Lllil.lfc l;u-- , I, ii.a!.- piutiiistB. pressure The WiKK WHALEN. ,pl i,cl,oir-. FLOUR RECEPTACLK-T- he newest and ('otitiim,! hurc.f Novrhy Sketch rpYLERS JUK lit HUS and MAV liLAM H. X best tlour can. It holds the Hour. You turn the crank Aiitlior, vuclit aud comediaii, IHV1N T. it does the rest. Take one on trial. lil'Ml. lluwim.liTful .lancing coubretto, MISS "'EA AND COFFEE TOTS-- We I'hAUL AhlllNE. have over An ctvle and sizes- - New stock iust received, all kinds. Tin. stone First lnxluctioR in thu city of tlie lautftiable pearl, agate, granite, iron, etc. Take one on Trial. remedy, iu on( act and thre lurirc cititu w.io visit l'tah sjxTi iiari4rly. w tio treat all waMirn; nul Aiinovitiir chronic tliMiaiM of men, woiuu anit chihlrt'u. Notr The evnuiug't perfurtnance eonimrueoa ntidthp ituly hrac and iltfinniiv iiiamifar-tiiri't'H who visit Utah frum bau rraucinco aud at vi.'i .harp. 1 Kaiia1 ity. Popular prim 2i auiyie. SoaU la btia. We FOR RENT. you. We are showing all styles of the Gasoline Stoves an J know they will please STOVICS-- WEEK OF MAY ut-- i -- COM ED V. AM) GASOLINE - h A NEATLY ,KriNim KENT uitnhl' fur oik1 r tw Hooou. Mriu-c.,uii- c to F. R. Lasher are hereby notified that as assignee of said r. IL. Iasher all sxxxiunU, notes and Diseases (if the Eve, Ear, .W, Tlinat, debts due hun are in my hands for col Clirunlc Diseases and Dcfuiiiiitifs. lection, and you are hereby notified to call at No. Kj Twenty-fourtstreet und settle same at once. (iKoiii.K PitornriT, Assignee. Thf uM mrirrtia and Mamitjinjr t'hyirian of "1 he LmIhic Sitrtfical intstif ul VtrM iH iS Katiat iMMtitury'' i ity mtl Sau Franrihru WANTED. will itvjt (fc'l-tauit havi ot!ir at th KrtNiin PKKSOS hot'l. Feb. 25 and 3i, at 4'lift hn iw. Halt Lnkt, TAItLK tl'AMtl) 1 ? i autl Z k rliHrtfi ttf Tlii will tp a rarn ch.uic or felon. Kill . A.iJr-ifor tlie iriNMiltt of l'tah to rrttiMth frtw ihtlie C. P.. tliii. oliit. fiirily if rtguirL nwi mo.t TIU'AL." - All persons indebted old.i "TAKE OSE A AND CHILD L UTAH. Cmj- Streets. Twenty-Fourt- h 11 Heart" .Notice. Sj 0ilJKN', UTAIL A general meeting of Oj.len businee men is called to meet at the County Several prominent iSalt Iike City men will be there to siieak in fuvur. tt is call be put hoped that the Uion its feet once for ail tins evening. Tclephone No. FIVE l'OIXTS XEWiS. Epicurean Depot- OLD GOVERNMENT PRIME RIO. ARAHIAX MOCHA. MARACAMiO. - JAVA. Also a fine line of GREEN COFFEES. Grand Opera House Buihliii?,' 2516 Washington Avenue. E. FEIEDERICIL J 1ERS, DROWNING RROTI Salt Main 2401. Washington Avenue, Ogden. 155 Lake City. St., WE HAVE A CAT! LOAD OF SAFETY glCYCLES! Masculine Intuition. Mr. Simkins Our new neighbor, Mrs. Lamkins, is not a very neat housekeeper, is she? Mrs. Simkins Indeed she isn't. She lets things lay around every which way. How did you know? Mr. Simkins Oh, her husband looks BO jolly. New York Weekly, ' with his family. that line letelry. Chinaman was on the bench ill noun open A y Just the Same. The other day a Virginia negro dug tip a shell at Malvern Hill which had been buried since 1862, but when he put it to roast in a fire so as to get at the kernel it went oft and killed a plow horse and left the darkey only one leg to go on for the rest of his life. Those old shells were loaded for b'ar. Detroit Free Press. It takes Zola nine months to write a novel. Ho handles a pen as a laborer Wight a spade, and is a slow and painful toiler. The expression on his face when he is doing literary work is one of forwent. w Ieoucg's partner in the lltvi came uo Yesterday and is quarter the Itmi ed at rre $10rV. C"tiim;y tit the ljt;afought. Grand btiil The MrHiu?. uiertin to talk at the Cl.amljfr Jlrf business mm' ill tike !; fiiug ut l uuiiume rme ou A f jli ujMetnnnf Ineu usurgol. Callt-- ith ev ry Ten ith a 5? 5 o pure ha I tv.ttulcl a it is cut tlic- - laVni!g oo )irt lit Fo THOMAS BROTHERS PRIZES'! t!rf full denllrv &Lj su!Ja '-- a READ THIS OFFER! rtei.d l, of ! oiisolittf mil ML Will interest you if you are on the buy. Garden Tools and Handles la A Fure Cream of Tartar Powder Superior to every other known. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. Delicious Cake and Pastry, Light Flaky Uiscuit, Griddle Cakes, Palatable and Wholesome. No other baking powder docs such work. Mi'ii s sizo, MnV si.f, r K iliiriy-tiicli :i(MiM'li w Mi'ii's Size, iJiMiich, ball liffls. a)just;ihl( lutll t LMP, icn, OurPriro, cmr lionrin, $'wn Yontli't to 1m it wheels,. wheels and pedals. Vi.l 0 iaj.mj MMO TiS.OO . ndjnstaMo conn onrinffs adjust abli coup Iwarins Also Hirle' Trirpcles, all tiizos and prices Sizo Hoys Sizo, s Pricp Our fi.YOO STi.OO Pricf. $:Ci.(Ki 25. UO 11?" Wo have First sonic Kodak Cameran, vvhieh avo the Only just OV.ll ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE IS FUSE TO ALL. Class Amatiu i Camera made. SPECIALTY. J. F. BCEXOT, MANAGER. A. |