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Show CXIDKX DAILY COMMEKCIAL: THIRSDAY, MAY WANTED. - U'llil TLa moor? travelers Stities lrv tiar UaQQUi Cif tl brj.riy data. tire tlVi iMiL i- .igiJ H t TW j i .flue, but . I- !,e t.' CuaI. I i - l.u.. Ufc Nmi and d. 1H rrtitM'. kHo. 1'KK K iti NUN M T ti. af tu.juirv t.- - f IN THE "s.-- ago tWr w TUirty ranch la Tojnie calleJ ytn M. r';rt.' U a patriotic Tt Flag -- iihf H. A. - t: iat alt.l hjslra. j ltuuioulj- f i.f. TLirty-Cau- - j Nt' York bargain sfrkrrs to Macy's lncaus !h is kins kin of llu- - laraiu i . t!.e a e of dia and jtai4r) at II M-- l au-ti.- , r i 1 IN. it UL itti. lilbt l jjtvtTS and does all that - j ! iiiii tpy W a Subscribe For It! ?UJkl!d3c hy not Ice Cream BKiidsi. aU-Slars." Tt I uiut I i.is "j! i ei.ty-l.f:was a Obe. Xiw thxt Wyumiiig of prkv t. tu4 umI rerar.ti sdJ of Fworth J uly Urit, Umz will, on the W. V. Hi i 1.;- - u. Mnrli;;;.'. jjVft utake the duiuIxt ia tUd listuiisd hut- What e'rt.i- in I u or forty four, that fiue M Snug tuilit iu. a:. j up. l.ijts wrll be turrectwl u "Tim Flai; with j Huit fr.Mu t from f"."' acd up. ii.ck l Furty-fou- r btA. from. II. Kifl :UT Tacnty f iirlli vub II j St. Trial 'l nip. get your trade that way. aU Unk f j j tit . I'4ii4jre-, t ?':. V. t t..-ur- f Vttua li jImw-- cmarci eiidt. 1 fr-- : uiiii 1 1 ., '. Stue Urs Tbe Mkhiaa Wiiliture obwrvt s w hciug EiJ icafcure thtt 3jrt and 1 i ert i." Urward reciprocity wilh mure will kt:tK they reCt in binding tel. If. cl jtxr!yia frateresd cinhzatiott the two FOfl RENT .(. mUj fe 1 uf fir.t .: e in 1 I . rn,m t, .M aS v. itikU la tlffircucLii JLy 3 il. 191. have an Vreeer and enjoy a delicious dish just as often as you feel like it? ilUA ln'caus' rtis-H- !u-ad- draw t!tc . I 'Wright's t.r.-et- . p What fclap BifUx&rck will aJnjitostcr nw-crowds ia aud miuitry "tlod's Ll.iJ)! to mankind," say thrnii;h M"l SE, HU B HkiMM to tbe Grniiiin govern IHK lLK froia bin bmublti seat iu the reichta;' tlnniKjoi.lt- - ho have l.eii cured by tbw Ureoii KiJlic) 'IVa. K..ld imitating marly Ilow be will jab aad ttab Ministrr Toa Ill ksKUU. ttri Si- - luu Hia. a here. vi! be and aat will Bat Capri get K tiKSi ujiou KE UKI-uand otln rs HtiMII possiMc Maty IVMliiaE uiatbej be uard to sit upuu and isnub Not ice. thu mchitaj; when La was who have built tip tln ir o.fclt-Yi int. .t;e or Mmdittou and That remain to be seen. li- r brewing ruiuiiS, put in tirst-cbM. K. cbiirt h proptrty if trade by square dealing ij br.i'. 4 li .u of ailUmeicwdily became too tamo for Li in, and l.uie the old tenant. Inquire of A. be now retama to where he can brew can get desirable oilice. A Reed at Warner iluritt's J. and low prices. mUt'likf. TO Nl'KSK THKOt'(iH I TtkK 1KS 1 J rH.tlUrlwUt tit Iwk'ky Mountain Amlier, made by tb A great scarcity of ten cent pieces has tit-rf.'IW KIV.Ml Mllll rtilf.l. will Sell them. Schelih.ui iJrewnij; company is the beat been noticed thronghout tho country. beverage in the marker. The United States treasury was tailed l AniiouiK eineut. 'Jiii tf'',t Umif, spp.titr and liver on repeatedly to supply tiw want The I'liioii I'acilic lly. ill sell round Knlmli Duu Where had the dimes disappeared so rniator." Dr. tickets lo Sail laUe and return at d.'li.ui Tuuic. H U.T. suddeuly? Tho question could not lai trip Hl.v.l.l. I vi;i , on .lime lib, Tdh and Oth, pry ImkmR U'i- - i..hU. answered nutil somebody happened to on uocoutit of the Musical Festival to LudU-uf Ojrdt'U. A Word t 111 limMlk for Ha hi. mul new intent dime savings la triveu in the large iilernao!e Jn k- Sh.M- an. our Mrn S. II. AbU.tt in now riuMnently remember the run. return for June until dime. limited admita U bank. This bank only a No. ; and 1 Writflit I.M'utMl in r.miiig e ke'll lull The general verdict is, that U stand I.I'K-14. and ih iiiukui It is arranged on the ill llry l.mnU Line. KvrrythlilR at and at vry principle. When exactly fifty ten cent destined ir iut vt-- iu) to the to we have the Hest Refrigerator prominent Passengers riuniiililo jinit8. If in lined of drtoss river (ihoiiiii cities east of the box into been it the have slipied piecta in town, and at the Lowest maker K've tier a call and be convinced. the Chicago, I nuni I act lie A opens automatically, and tho owner baa patronize North Western line. Manilicer.t Pull ou ask: How uo we True. ImiHirtaiit Notice. before him five dollars in dimes. These man and Wiicnor shaping ears, elegant know so? Our customers tell Deputy liejjititrar M. li. Van IHke.for ingenious contrivances have become so Pullman and North Western liming cars. Firttt pret'inct, all that portion of the chair cars, handsome day popular that they have actually locked free reclining comfortable ins so. Ciood reason, am t it. Pullman colon 11'. II. coaches and Sons city lymu eawt of Vitsliini'on avenue of fractional of the currency enough np will and Boiith of Twenty fourth Klrei't. ist tho country for the want to bo felt. found d;ti!y at bin oMice, "il"! Iux-kMountain Amber, made by tbe the hour of H a, avenue, ; SchellhiiH Brewing company, is the ImhI 2C7.i'KI V;istiiiiii veiine. in. iiml I J in., for the purMine of Tbe Country ItoaiKi.le. in I be market. voters for the eoniinsr Auituxt Now is the time when city people be- beverage (iASOLI-Xl- i it) till 'JHlh, short Time May election. A I'oor Mdll'x Cliain'f. to go out of town, either fur the gin only. Stoii buying lots thnv and four inilea whole summer or else for a day or two, We will say simply this: foni luihiiiesH center paying from Whut we (Ml.r in Millinery. to get a breath of the life that was man's T."i per aimuiii per lot and altoul hut for before he entombed himself in brick and to and L'.'l a nohv triu )ang Comparei ourit genuine"! as far when vou can tiny low Hi imiiMm. M. Fran UHiiiil priiv $.Y. an oi.iHers, i net s er wiui I n when nature time for Now the is Siili mortar. the oui Central kowskeV tyeu, next ihir to t!lark & Sons. sell themselves. Why not se is at her loveliest Now is tho time, too, line tiguicH only f.iiir blocUs from iiisinesH cenlcr, coi ner iweniieui aim ? them Not ire. when the rural dweller is doing all iu Iferson avenui' with all niiHlern cily All iernonf indebted t F. It- lusher his power to make the landscape a thing on cry easy terms, t ome iinprovemeulH as UHHiiciiee are lieretiv not ilie.l thai of beauty, lie is makiug the roads iu and convince yourselves that you can aiut nolea all II. iiccountH, F. paid V. Damoiwski., IjihIkt his neighborhood so smooth and attract- save money. il.tlilx due him are in lliv hand for col i opera House huh k ami von are hereby notiliinl to ive that every bicycler, every walking call at No. 1S."i Twenty fourth Hlreet and tourist ia drawn his way, just because "Take it Ijefore breakfast," Dr. Hen set tle Baine at once. the landscape is so attractive. The agriEnglish Dandelion Tonic. ley's (iiamoK 1'iiornrir, Assignee. culturist has pushed his pig pens back out of sight of the publio highway, and Miles' Nerve and l.ivcr Pills A (iiiod Business for Sale. has further planted groves between them Act on a new nrine'mle - regulating the in Rood a and located Centrally and the road, so that the unsightly part liver, stomach and bowels through the Thev are out of siirht, but they will Not much capital IHiv Dr. Miles' ilrnw vour attention to our line of A new discovery. nervea of farming is not visible. nutritive tonic for not a cnnmrtir, hnt "11," address For particulars required. lml Parasols Sun Umberellas, Etc. Call thois akin. cure billiousness, It iiutkcri tlx kin imturall mnooth Further, he has planted beautiful trees Pills 6lieediy liver, Imix Til, t)(,'den. see if we can satisfy you na to price mul Htft aim! volvcfv. irtttectp it from wind am and constipation. iiiles, taste, Uirpid than Minp Ktidalong the roadside all around his farm, lliieaitaled for men, women, cuuuren. and uualitv. Our line of Spring mul Him, rlfHiiscs tin f.u inrN-tNfttui h w tonic ctfiTt on tho wkui and even set flowering vines to run over Smallest, mildest, surest I ,rnl .lost, 25 Summer Jackets, Capes, mid Wraps, water tlio To Ladies Troubled Willi of fornmtioii wntikloi, fur wult in viit Circulars are for sale and if you are in 0rU'ii with othor of Mrs. ttnilium n ct'lhrtttiMl Painful or suppressed meiistruation. gate and fence posts. lie keeps the ceuta Samples free at 1. A. Walker. we linos the aUive by in ioiiH, the of following I rnf h C. L. need iircpjiml anything Oregon Kidney Ten, if taken a few days fringe of grass between his lands and roeolos. 11 :ishmj.'1ui Ave.: KR lliiilbut-Letial Blanks of all kinds for sale at will bo pleased to hbow you what we mi. before the oxnected neriod. relieves ail the highway so clean of weeds that it ia Hotel If. A, Walker. Wl 1 wenty Hiouiu lor have, if styles and prices suit we will lie fotirlliSf. Send st am n to M rs. 1iivatro the Commercial Ollico. pain. It contains no mineral poisons. to" have an emerald carpet of grass and a perli:t I 't St., Sua FranDoctor, "Keiinly you buy. pleased Aniia'i-- made by the I lock v Moiintiiin cisco, for her little Itook "How to Ik HeatitiYours Anxious to Please. petual delight to the eye. Wherever a Wisdom's Fatuous Robert ine the Imst I. Ij. Ci.mik Sons. Vhole-aI:siient for l'iah..l. C, Smith St Co, road passes up a hill the road surveyor Schollhas inP.rewing cnmpany is Proiliices a beautiful and velvet-likthe market. Dnik'K'islN Salt Lake fitj. N. I!- .- See our line of Straw Goods! Kliin to which nothiiiL' but the softness has not laid it out to run straight up the beverage ioi.I nnritv of an infant's face can be backbone of that hill, pulling horses in ( II A I I 'Kb MdRTHAiiK SALE. compared two and breaking harness when the steep sunt .lewelry. is to be climbed. Oh, no. This intel Wattlics. lli;iiiiiiinls to out the road The largo ami elegnnt jewelry stock of ligent surveyor has laid iv.-- v; wind up the hillside slopingly, by easy E. Sleler, '27(1 Twenty liflh street, will he l nut on ie market next Momlay May grade, from top to bottom, or to wind lMt, i. at, . Hi oiMock. nun soiu 10 ine serpentine in the curve line of beauty. highest bidder for cash at auction This charming country road is money Come early and secure bargains. W. V. ilKi.i'iiii'M, Mortgagee. Diseases of the Eve, Ear, Nose, Throat, in the pocket of the farmer. It draws tourists and summer boarders to his TicK CciiT.MN's done 1111 like now ones Cbnic Diseases and Deformities. house and neighborhood, and the lovely OiaiKS Si kam I.m nuuv, at the landscape thereabouts is famed far and rear Heed Hotel Twenty tiflh wide. Telephone ITU. TIip olI Fnrneon mt.l oxaniini'c nliysician of FOR SALE. Liggt-s- t t)gdn j to itre - tlivt-- s fresh a; ai u THE COMMERCIAL 'iir the Telegraph and Local News while it is THE COMMEKCIAL the News (ies thing of today. of the World while it is still a Trios SiH-m- THE COMMERCIAL ll.-iil'- Is the Progressive Weber county. - newspaper of Ogden and - ll.-- nickel-in-tho-sl- n l.k Jlii-sou- ri Wright sl.H-per- k 4 Wash-iiitfto- iJJ LI retfia-li-nm- SIOYHS! (me ( i - llu Fiii-.n- (Italians Subscribe For It ! k4jM& Flower fan r- :i:o 1 : tiia-hiin- - A- e r THE COMMEKCIAL : strt, IfUl mif mum mi 11 Manager. KHANK MONROK PICK THE OF THE PROFESSION. WEEK ()FMAY John 1,. 18. Sullivan, female champiou "f the world remale middle weitflit mid MISS LI1MIK KOSS. l. Him, inn. iii irraud assiiult-at-arn- i. He is here, the ce'.ehrated vocalist, MIKE WHALKN. of Irish First appearance .if the autocrats the funniest comedv. HUKKK UliOTHKKS Vaudeville tae. the on artists upecial'ty MR. IRVIN T. liDSH, the favorite vocalist Hinl comedian. (Irand success of the novelty sketch team, JDK HYRON and WAV BLANCH. brightest, little artist onY the Vaudeville t 'lie. MISS L.OTT KOATL E . The Third Party. The last new party, or "third party, that made a great impression on the time and country was born about thirty-siyears ago, and its name was the Repub lican party. There was no great stir at its birth, however, and the parties then on deck in politics did not think it would amount to much. There had been aboh tion parties and free state parties formed before, but they died or were so weak they made no mark. But the Republi can party defeated the prophets. Another new party is to be born May 19. At least it is looked for at that date. All the persons who are dissatisfied with the old parties are cordially invited to ioin the new one. The convention to start it going will be held at Cincinnati, Particularly accessions to its ranks are looked for from the agricultural and laTwo thousand dele bor organizations. gates will meet at Cincinnati, it is ex pected. There are three Farmers' Alii ances the National, Northwestern and Colored. Then there are the Grangers, Patrons of Industry and Farmers' Mut ual Benefit association. So much for the I ; Popular prices Ilookv Mountain Amber, made by the Scbellhas Brewing couipauy is the host, beverage in the market. THE COMMEKCIAL Is continually increasing in Circulation. I ovular Favor and x agriculturists. Among other parties, the Knights of Labor, the Federation of Labor, the Nationalists, tho Socialists, and all the labor organizations that desire will be represented, and Edward Bellamy will be there "Looking Backward." Edward excruciof the The lirst production in the city iu live Atkinson ought also to be there with his atingly funny comedy scenes, entitled Aladdin oven. Senator Peffer, of KanA SPRING CHICKEN sas, and many congressmen and will attend. Rollin Hatchet, Manila. Mucins, Irvin T. Bush Joe yrnn; (teo. Mik Whaleu; lluck Duniplin, the platform will be such as in Planks Mr. Arcl ibald Jones. Mr, Hnrke: Al. Mucins, all parties can agree on. One of these Il ir e; Felix Riley, Joe Howard Sammy. Litie M ay sl"''t Chicken, Catch Oat lev : 1'ims.v. """'conclndiiiK would probably be government control with the The whole Hlaiiclie. I You. Me yuick quadrille, Don't Say Told of railroads and telegraphs, and another Altogether one increase of currency. Note - The eveniuK's performance commence this will be a remarkable convention, as at :!! sharp. size as in character. 2i ami 50c. Seats m boxes, Sue well in ; all classes and is Read by "hoi WT "The LiebiK Snrnical Institute ml W.irht City mid .San Francisco of Khu.-h-s will vit.it Ot'ilen nrxl haveI ollices at the Kroom hotel Keh. 2r. and Si. at 'lift, he ise, Salt Lake, Keh Ti and 2S, 1SU. This will he a rare chance of Utah h. cumuli free Willi the f.r the ioMile oldest and most sncci'ssfiil California specialist, who has had nearly fifty years special practice, ImviiiK irradicited in ISM. Kem mher the old doctor will visit I tall himself. Dr. Llehiif & Co. of San Francisco are the only reliable niecialists from the larne cities w.to visit Utah and annoying quarterly, who treat all wasting chronic diseases of men, women and children, ami the only brace anil deformity manufacturers who visit Utah from San Francisco and Kansas City. Circulates among Everybody' A Kill nl Mistake. Physicians make no more fatal mistake than 'when they inform patients that nervous heart troubles come from the stomach and are of little (niiHeiiionco. Dr. Franklin Miles, Ihe noted Indiana specialist, has proven the contrary in his new hook on "Heart Disease," w hich may be had free at It. A. Walker's, who guarantees and recommends Dr. Miles' unequalled New Heart Cure, which has the largest sale of any heart, remedy in the world. It cures" nervous and organic heart disease, short breath, fluttering, or pain or tenderness in the side, arm shoulder, irregular pulse, fainting smothHis lloHtorative ering, dropsy, etc, Nervi ie cures headache, tits, etc. THE COMMEKCIAL WE DOiN'T mum Is the best newspaper for business men who sire to Secure the Lar of the Public IN Telling fairy tales. When we want to do business we try to stick to the truth as much as possible and will vouch for the following. The regular semi monthly meeting of theOgden Charitable Association will:5 held on Tuesday. Mav I'.ith, at o'clock, at tho court, house. Mhs. Jos. Mktzi.k.u, Sec'y. Hasoerfect circulation, keeoimr it dry. Has two deal Mr. E. Jessop having bought out the .iir snares in wall isnlntinir the interior absolutely from the "Change Saloon" 5T Twenty fifth street, has refitted it, up into a first class bil outside air, Uses less ice, Which we are Prepared to Prov, liard bull, sample room e'.c. Choice then any other refrigerator in the market. Has solid leg wines, liquors anil cigars on hand. and is made hardwood of through, two right up iiml the Messrs. Thompson Scrcggin OUR REFRIGERATORS popular manipulators w ill be pleased to see their many friends at this new resort. The Worl-- I r.nriched. The facilities of the preseat day for the production of everything that will con duce to the material welfare and comfort of mankind are almost unlimited and when Syrup of Figs was first produced the world was enriched with the only perfect laxative known, as it is the only remedy which is truly pleasing and re freshing to the taste and prompt and effectual to cleanse the system gently in the Spring time or, iu fact, at any time and tbe better it is known the more popular it becomes. de- WANT" NOTICES Published in The Commercial are more effective than those publiseed in any other Ogden newspaper. NEW GOODS Are arriving constantly. We have a new assortment of China for decorating. New Bisque doll heads. Fancy vases, Alcohol stoves for afternoon tea- A splendid line ol new crlassware, new lamps. A line line of chamber sets and almost everything else you could mention. w FAIR, - 2443 and 2445 Washington Ave., Ogden, Utah. Advertise In It! |