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Show jDEN DAILY COMMEF.UAL: TTESDAV, MAY O to i.,.J jv't-- t IV1f ll" lif . 1 r.unl k.!jurt.l fcwt Ti.e i.d I'ruf .- - Leaf Ht-rr- y rujtur l.r, ij..k:t'y l Iuu -- r I y endless variety. S,Ui;l Wkrijk.n Fire SaV nf Couuty Fa r t.Kl;iy. frni inrly. rv ur" Will ir le em Al lViurr r.jj.-rlI'rrvl fir 0,,'Jt-- ni Suit Iike V. liiLSiifc;y, Tj't-ri- i liuue bi n k. Haw your .linti;rapiiB taken by Wal-laiy SHOE DEALERS. And you will make a mistake if you don't examine their .stock before purchasing. Low shoes for Ladies and Gents in almost iThe finest and most complete line of Patent i curv-- l SHOE DEALERS.;LEADING LEADING ilrj ill fur tl. 1S91. & COMPANY GOODRICH LEADING SHOE DEALERS. LEADING SHOE DEALERS. ci Lot IV I. I- - 1. l fct No. Wail fciut o'clock Urge brick Louse ttroet meet of Tttelity avnut. 1 WANTED. Horning. tuortiiLi broke out iu t!. Vttrtiy f.rw TAKE 1 .'5 riMU Leather Shoes. 3 0i TliIAL." COKEY liKO'S frAMiLIM-WlN- 0ATK t HY TI.e department rnsi.dtj promptly briiij! ii?f.riirj fijiii tj get in lis to bay 11. e Hau.t suj anoti.w opirtufcil ebiiii-a- l c 4i.r. j foul lit 1 f GASOIJNi: tterl. i: - Street. 4th & COMP'Y, Washington Avenuo. 21-3- STOVHS We ore showing all stjli-sothe Gastillne Stoves and know they will please the lie LI- .OLl US MAkkKU M. L. 1. ttork it in iJcHlit w A.i, you. Take one on trialkuru. if .Liti!ruil.-rs- , A Xeixjuib, artii-ti' Good Luck" mower is a hum-lmeernun'k!yf.H.itiijguifljKj. T AWN MOWERS-O- ur rxms i'n, ".'s ij1 Wright's Liork, bo Marid.itl Ileput) Waiu-mn Mr. It is adjustable in every way and runs very easv. ttbuiutbf liousf ill the t e Hrtul,k' FOR BENT. I, aS lirhi.'l.ti I V'l""!! UjTS of UlUMi', iiTti iiu certain of the u.il, i'. gate on trial. one Take "IVK lKMS US the t hiarm. INiK , ill J. II. l." 1IOSK We are headquarters on hose. We bad narro Some of tl.e . LiiiTolli. 1 Hirl 1)L'I5ULR f from sutTiwiitioii. Will am J. (iren, different grades. We warrant it to stand of Tl.ayer mui.ty, is Tl.e boose if. it nl bv M. H Lsmreliee I,XiK i;ET AN KM' KI'iHT kK HKIeli ft (.lienrl of Take some on trialwater. 11 city lis pressure u Only three rooms mere buriiwl mil iu O.Kmi. f j; many frien. aKHui1. lull im rti MflMU!. their co!itei;ts. I LOUR an R KC Ll'TAC L K The newest and way to Taitmia, rWLLRS 1 best Hour can. It holds the tlour. You turn the crank, Aiuonj; iiIIkt iroiuiixiit p'rHllla;, 4'(lLMT I1IIDIS IN TmN. in I i;(lii from Salt like t ity ho I'.itrolii.elie new CoMMMU'UI. book ,VK it does the rot. Take one on trialere the follow tug; bindery, where you can get vetnlity wife H. M. li. So lnw; mork at Omaha and Liiueoiu pricea. and niail; have over 40 styles AND COFFHL ROTS-- We lvr, J. 1'. WaUlen, 1. Ij. WillianiB and wife; I4tK KENT MXIKE K(XM KtiH KENT. rpL kinds- Tin, stone sizes. New stock all and received, V. K. Hart. ... made At tb Mountain jut by Amlier, Kocky iiul on Trial. Take one etc. KctieiiiiHS Brewing company, is the Hot Springs time table, motor liv-iron, pearl, ajjate, granite, SECOND Ht'lHiY, l'SEl Iweutv-liftl- i Btrei-- t in rirty. u 3-2- LIVERY & FEED STABLES r. r lSuf-t.f- r llmitft-iuai- ! ), H ti!i-- t.ouM-bol- MNnLK - . VV ! tfrf rttur Urxry au.l Trnf buuuM t iwMitufJrn fuc (rrvuoi C:K, 1M, 1M p. ll:lia. ni. ilmlv as follows: in., and rj:'Jn,2:.'i(t.5:ll, The litt tram returning i. m. tiet your leaves Hot Sprint's !:40 tu kets at oflic in Ileed hjr lluiualilty 1 hotl buiMiiiU. lwarlrl. Woman haa not eiitrcr-- l almii- - from the dcnul U) her nf jx'lilical njiiality. The human race is liku a man who through infancy, youth and niaiihnl has compelled bis rijrht leff toU arthe burden of his body, reiranliiitf the left merely ttJi an ornamental ajpiH iidae, to lie swunj; up by supjHirtjiniid trii kml out with riblxms, hice and jewelry. The one nerveless and feeble, the other would lame and overworked, and the iMn-of the whole laxly would e haltimr, uneven and slow. So with the body politic. All who are interested in public affairs feel how lame, uneimal ami is the alvance of 8'ieiety, and how heavily dr.r tho mighty mtereKts uf the tfrejit republic. It will be no better till romplete justice is dono to woman. Willi her enfranchisement there will come a nobler era. Then, with interests that are identical, with a humanity common to both, the m.x'ulme head married to thu feminine heart, wisdom supplemented with love, man and woman shall together work out the great problems of life, and a nobler and better civilization shall Mrs. Mary come, to the wailing future, A. Livermoro. Heavier Engine! Hound to Come. The demand of the time is to more weight over distance at tho least possible cost to it on slow freight or fast passenger trains. There are hundreds of locomotives in service of about forty tons weight, capable of hauling a train of KM) tons at the average running rate of sixty miles an hour. But that is not the kind of t train that our railroad managers want They are required to make money for the companies employing them, and they realize that it pays much lietter to use locomotives weighing sixty tons that are capable of hauling a fast train of 300 tons. It is a curious study, and one that is interesting to some minds, to investigate the rapid sjieecl that might In; made with safety with locomotives having abnormally largo drivers, but as far as the bearing on American railroad operating is concerned, it is just as practicable as speculations or calculations respecting the time it would take a balloon of certain proportions to reach the moon. National Car Builder. Kaces in Itrazil. The pure whites of Brazil comprise alwut 35 per cent, of the total population; 23 per cent, or so are negroes, and about 35 per cent, mulattoes, while the remainder are aboriginal Indians. In the northern provinces the Indians are most numerous, and in Rio do Janeiro. Bahai, I'ernambuco and Minas tho negroes are to be found in great numliers. The greater part of the Europeans in Brazil (who live in the seaport towns and the adj.icent provinces) are those from the Latin races, chielly the Portuguese and Spanish. Detroit Free Press. hI.K-4iil0- 1l lujtur fi urticts t Hvo.U-rb.f- ( NEW IIOI'SK. FOI R KlXHtS l.yjHSlLK I u.l n.l nll.r. Jl.Viu. tJUrli; llatc r . luemlx-of lioiiHf the month. 4'. A. Caveiidisli, lileral of eotnmons for the w stern division of Ill liKLL Kirt Nut. B.i.k lll.l. of i;itlueu.a. Iterhvhhire, diel tinl.iy I AKIKS TUEN Tt M liKE TIIWH (ill Mav H.-Iji- MILES. STREYELL Kdward rd t- Fatal Fplosion. da-oli- San Fittxi isiti. May IS. - l'v the ex nloMoii of a gasoline stoetliis evening at OKI Jf t street, (.'hurled Peterson iu buriieii to death and four men and two women seriously injured. The chums of the ex plot-iois unknown. Uiirdel'cil and Kuhhed. Is. Nat Whit the Blue rier. forty turn, a rancher miles north of here, has liecii found dead in his cabin, lie was shot t d i mi tr li tln IhhIv and bis cabin pillaged. The men who found him believe it the work of Apaches. An.,on Ci.u-1'o- May . Hurl The barb wire Joi.ikt, works of t he Juliet Fntei prise company were totally ileslrovisl by lire early this May IS. The loss is morniiii.'. mice, (ii .,( a mvstery. -' J 4 ciitiliriiilit I.) ail tKHrniuvl IhkhI r.'fer4j' kiv.-i- i and rtjlilrtil. Irrint. ln.iM.t) I'ltH.-rwiA. rrM'l. Xu Ai., "Liver iiiiiiliiint knm nuiii.1" Ity um Tttiiie. lr. irrwiu. L'1tr Aln.. Officii. ktxl cmt I Konley's Kii('ihIi K. I). T. vry uu-Jt- 'l Crfam elivunt prepanition for irfviitini; r..in;liiiiH uf th fai' nn.l Iwiii.Ih. 1'h il frwly nt nih'lit jiiHt ri'tirinu nihl you will isiliini'H Violet mill mill In n nteriiilii'.-iti- Ih if l.Vn.m!; insur- - origin or tlie hlazn is Three huinlred men are out of employment. i i. ili.i;liltl with n Try il. f t, Hni.Hitli hkin. 'VlrUii : ULMER & TAKKIAt.ES Iur ll.r.liug jii Fe.tui( W ITH CAKKFl'L lV'rtiiit will l COliEY UIIO'S G SIfiX OF THE BIO CLOCK. &?-f- CLOCKS, LOW PEICES. : 2m WASHINGTON AVE. W. PEOPLE'S 0(ilEN, HEW Kt. YORK, OS 01 J.f. OEITMAN liUOS., Cigars are Unequaled. COFFEE FOR SALE EVEKYWHEKE. tJCJ FRANK MONROE THE PICK I IJKX, UTAH. THE PROFESSION. WEEK OF MAY WHALKN. First fihiiParrincp of tho antnerats of Irish HI.' KK E lili TH KKS, the ftinnicst HptiHlly artist on the Vaudeville srjufe. Silt. 1KVINT. I!CSH, the favorite vocalist id comedian. firand success of the novelty sketch tojim. JOii IAKON and MAY UEANCII. The lirichti-little ani-- t on the Vaudeville Utn MISS LO'ITIE OATLKY. com.-d.v- Tlie first prodtirtii'ti in the city of tho excrucicoutod in live utility fitnny , M'l'in-s- A UK). :lfi '2't III iiiplwiit Co,, Will interest you if you are on the buy. SPECIALTY. F. BUETON, MANAGER. A. !!! COFFEE obtainable the at Fpicurean Depot- OLD OOYLKXMKXT ARA15IAX MOCHA. MA KAUAI HO. ritlMK - I JAVA. i;0. 52 101 E. FIIIEDERICH. J31.JOW3ST1NG 13 LIOT B KHS, 155 Main St., Salt r.ake Washington Avenue, 0den. VR HAVE A CAU AFETY City. IiOAl) OK ICyCJ.L.FiS! - List Trie. Our I'rir... List Prico. Our Priri1. m tttni-lsM.'h's sizi'. tliirty-inrVinitli's Sizo i nol . adjust alili1 porn lioaniio friu.mi j.i.'..'Hi a.ljustnliln, coin lioariniTH. . mljii.-lal.l- i' wIii'i-Ib.r .ift.UI :irilm-ml Iwith Kill Si.... ;l'..(l Hi.y Ix.ariliKS to mi.'. Mimi k .Sue, ;mih'Ii, bull LrarinnK Ki.iU wiiw.Ib hik I in'.lals.. MJ.ltU Alu liirls' 1'ririirlt'N all cs ami lu icrs ti oven i ne'e nerformanco commences sharp. Popular prices I eiit ii led Manila. Mi'Lvinn. Irvin T. Hush : liollin Hatchet. I Mikr WIkiIin : J)n-iuui .1 in. .foe Myron ; (ieo. Arc hi ha Id Jones. Mr. Ihirke ; Alex. Minrcin.s, Mr. fiiir e; Keiix Hi ley, Joe Howard Sam my, Lottie Oat ley; Pansy, "the SnriLif Chicken." May Hlanche. 1'he whole cojirltidimr Willi the( aicu Me 'uick (iiadrdle, Don t Say 1 lold You. at .mj 1 SPRING CHICKEN Note - The If liUllllll H STAPLE !! Grand Opera House BuiMinr,1 2516 Washington Avenue. J 18. Enir;ifft'mcnt cxt raorihnarv of flip two tVnmlo champions, H ATT IK STKWART. t ho fcfiuih' John L. Snlli :ui. (Vinal'- champion of the world middle weight and MISS LllililE KOSS, chanijiion, iu yrand assanll-at-arI' is horc. tlif cel' hra!(l vocalist, M1KK As early as the campaign iii Spain, in (iOLL)KX MiMAK.' Also a fine line of GREEN COFFEES. Manaqeb. OF MAXDlIELIXfl JAVA. i 24th Street. Garden Tools and Handles Why drink poor coffee, when these excellent grades arc JHVUITV TUHITDU 3GO 111 V BREAK :FlTSTCY A.XD C'KI.KHllATKD CALL EARLY. raim warn i m head-aclie- SAN fRANClSCO, CAU Gram While there look at our Peninsular and Ohio Steel Ranges. 0?CIJ ENJOYS l d in mm Both the metltod and results when Svrun of Fit's ia taken; it is pleasan' Vt hitrh on hat cI.ips of cooils. Owinu to tlio incronspptl tnrilT on silks nml vol vela this year, pricpB linvn and refreshing to the taste, and acta woro tMiahlt'il to uirclmso jit a vtry low liifiire and have Jl'ST KKl'Kl VK1) a full linntif SILK VKIA'KTS in IIFjACK BLACK YKLVKTKKXS Atlan.i 7(1 conts ppr vard. Alo ALL SILK VKLVKT l.i") per vanl. pently yet promptly on the Kidneys, AM) t'OLOHS, SATIN KiliUms all witltha aiul all tlio new ehailes at COUULSl'ONDlXfJLV LOW I'KICKS. Ol'U (l(H)l)S Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- AND AUK AUi;i'l.(i DAILY. s tem effectually, dispels colds, Ladies and Gents Furnishings, Ribbons, Laces and every description of notions. and fevers and cures habitual F'irst store east of postol'iice on 24th Street. lowest The For sale prices in Ogden. constipation permanently. all bottles and 50c St in druggists by CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 10VISVIUI. ! 1IAIH)WA RE! rn f UTAH STOR rom-hot- nnct COMPANY & 1 Sterling and Plated Silverware, Gold and Silver Jewelry and Novelties of every descrip tion. Diamond Setting and Repairing attended to promptly. GOOD GOODS. in mery BUYERS WHO WANT THE BEST GASOLINE STOVE SHOULD LOOK AT Ms, WATCHES, DIAMONDS, Kttbfartury We are showing a Nobby Line of Misses' and Roys' Straw Hats in the Yacht Shapes, specially designed by lownsend. Grace & Co. Call Soon. Under Broom Hotel. ATT ER BURY, DOIJSON & CO JJflWKLKltS. Ll-A-DIN- imiVKUH. fiMiod SCHOOL HATS II AR I.) WARE! 1 Mm OCiDHN. UTAH. : Advertise in the Dail) Commercial. Subscribe tor the Dail) Commercial. LEW a) Im sir ROYLF HLOCK, att-uu- ire Works lietroveil. W 111.. 1367, in support of Peter tho Cruel, and also in the following reign of Hichard II, the English soldier apjiears to have been in white and with a red crass of St. George on his breast and back. In 14G1 there is evidence of red being adopted for a small number of men at least, when a contingent for the army of the king maker (tho Earl of Warwick) was sent from Kve dressed in red coats. IiK The Record of Iieaih. Iimi.i, fa-s- A Cinch for the M. I. A good story comes all the way from San Francisco. It is said that a lady applied to her physician in that city for advice and a prescription. He had long attended her and her family, and on this occasion he recommended that she go to a popular watering place in that piirt of the country, giving her a letter of introduction to a physician who resided at the springs. On the way there the lady remarked to her daughter that as long as her doctor had been treating her he had never stated just what was her ailment. "I've a good mind to open this letter and see what he says of my case to the other doctor." Acting on the impulse she tore open the envelope, and, taking out the letter, read, "Dear Doctor Keep the old lady four weeks, and then send her back to me." Detroit Free Press. lt the market. beverage am bf IKRKLK - - Lret,4un earned DtlVJMi KHiS. eAkkUt, fUH OPtKA ASU WWtlHSti I'AHTIKS. UOVINti C(F IHI,(,ll,E OH Fl iiMTl KK, LADIES' ( ALUNH ,(r-r- j .orrt..i , ro AMI fc.. Mr.-- d Itavinc llartui li.. audr0c. Seats iu bnie, IjOc k?rWo have just received some Kodak Cameras, whifli arc ho Only First out ILLUSTRATED LATA loolk IS FHf.E To ALL. Class Amatiu e Camera made. I J UNCTION CITY MACHINE WORKS, W. K. -- IIOIIJWNl, lroirietor, Practical Founder and Machinist. KM). I An Twenty third bet Wall md Mnooln. Dcalor In Htenra EiikIihh Hollers, Pnmpi, Kto, I will Inrnlih and erect luflUM Boiler, Heater, anil Machinery by rontrac aud do my work n the beat manner. Sen r k aud nunhlne irlim prnraptly attendml to at auop, , |