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Show s ASSIGN ASSIGN SALE! hi H SALE! H BY ORDER OF THE CREDITORS I IIAN'K RE-MARKE- THE S. KELLER, STOCK D OE "JRY GOODS, so as to realize about oocents on the dollar of the Original "Wholesale Cost. The reason of this great sacrifice is, that they want to wind up the business in short order to save further expenses. 1 Monday Morning, May 11 o to Sale Commenced MONEY SAVED IS MONEY EARNED! 0 have KHDUCKI) TI K PRICES on the ENTIRE STOCK a few of thousands of articles that have, so as to rive you an idea at what ratio quof here the prices on and merchants low I wishing to buy portions of the stock I will give special prices. quotations Parties wishinjto purchase $50 worth or more will give, a special discount from the present 1 1 will I Piwiit t'W-r- DOMES! ICS AND OIL. CLOTHS. Fruit of the loom Lmndule and other beet makes of muslin, per yard The very liest npron check ginghams, jer yard '1'ho very lent 9 4 bleached sheeting, per yard er yard Extra wide fast color pen-ale- , Evtra wide very best domes) ic sateen The very bent table oil cloth C2 o LININGS. li:o!H. 01 Skirt cambric very lest quality, per yard Excellent quality siliBia, per yard Fancy Btriied silisia Linen Duck ' --H DRESS UCODS. ROBE DKESS 10 vi V biji 4.1 , 00 24 . 1.20 I' l'S.j 40 en n shades. P"!,.. Fancy robe dress patterns, each Fancy robe dress patterns, each Fancy role dress patterns, each Fancy robe dress patterns, each Fancy rolie dress patterns, each Elegant silk embroidered dress paterus, each o.OO 4.00 5.50 8..j0 12.00 18.00 3.J.00 10.00 21.50 4.1.00 S1KKS AND PLUSHES. '" Satin all colors, per yard Satin ail colors, best quality, per yard Surah silk all colors, per pard Sflrah silk all colors tiest quality, per yard Fancy India silk for dresses, jHr yard Fancy I ndia Bilk for dresses, per yard Fancy Shanghai silk for dresses, er yard Colored faille francaise, per yard lilack gros grain silk, warranted, per yard Black gros grain silk, extra quality, per yard lilack gros grain Bilk, very best, er yard lilack Mervellieux silk, per yard Silk plushes, jer yard (Quilted Batiu linings, per yard 100 0Tl b.1 :Jo 07 43' 1.00 5o l.'JO 74 l.ij0 4 ' l.i.i ''. l.l- 2..K1 2.00 4.00 l.i5 So 0 '. Fancy French flannel, per ynrd Shaker flannel extra quality, per yard All wool white llannel, per yard All wool white llannel extra quality, per yard Embroideried white tlaunel, per yard Embroidered white flannel, per yard Embroidered white tlaunel, very elegant, per yard Colored embroidered tlannel, per yard All wool red llannel, per yard All wool red llannel, per yard All wool red llannel, per yard -) H' 22 1 2 :i" 4 M0 i" 'i 1.7. 1.30 Ml' l 48 32 47' i .4i 4.00 ' 2.4 0 8. TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS AND TOWELS. Bleached table linen, per yard Iileajhed table linen, per yard Bleached table linen, per yard Bleached table linen, per yard Good Turkey red table linen, per yard 22't 52 40 0.1 9.1 1.2.1 1.7.1 2ii 50 til 7. .VI 22..VI 10 12' 'Jo 11 2-- 1.00 .VI 1.7.1 7..V) 0.1 :t.so 7.00 12.00 'J.1.00 1:1.7.1 20.00 l.i.oo BLANKETS. 4.00 8.00 12.00 1.00 4.20 White blankets, good quality, per pair White blankets, very elegant, per pair California white blankets, per pair (1.21 3.S.1 7..V) NOTIONS AND YARNS. 02 Pins, per paper The very best ueedles, per paper Safety pins, very best, per paper Hair pins, per paper , Assorted hairpins, per box Colored garter elastic, per yard Saxony yarn two ounce skeins, per skein tiest Li or man knitting yarn, four ounce skein, per skein. 0.1 o: to o:i 02 0.1 0.1 0.1 10 10 W M 30 JO 10 LACES AND EMBROIDERIES. Embroidery, per yard Embroidery, per yard Embroidery, per yard Embroidery, per yard Embroidery, per yard Embroidery, per yard We have a nice line of flouncing embroideries. Torchon laces, per yard Torchon laces, per yard Torchon laces, per yard Torchon laces, per yard Very elegant black silk flouncing lace, per yard Black Point Esprit flouncing lace, per yard Colored silk drapery for evening wear, per yard Black all Bilk stripped tish net, per yerd Real Duchess and point lace, three inches wide, oer yard DRESS TRIMMINGS, FLANNELS. 1.20 1.71 2.00 0T', Texas blankets, per pair HO Ill X7.1 11. HO Very handsome lace curtains, per pnir.. Colored applique curtains, per pair.... (ienuine Miulnas, very elegant, per pair. 25 20 O',1 J I "111. :r.t LACE CURTAINS. JJJj -" 1 Krilllrrl . Very good Turkey red table linen, per yard Good bleachetl napkins Good bleached napkins r eel Bleachetl damask set, table cloth and napkins, -!' Bleached damask sets, table coth and napkins, per set O1 ( iood crush, iier yard Iarge linen tiaiuask toweis, each Large Turkish towels, each A beautiful assortment of fancy towels, each ritF.sKXT BF.nVrn IM1I1K. Ilasquet dress goods, er yard Worsted dress goods, 38 inches wide, per ynrd Novelty dress goods, per yard All wool Henrietta, 4(1 inches wide, per yard Fancy novelty dret gixxls. per yard lilack cashmere double w idth, jer yard lilack henrielte4ii inches w ide, per yard lilack sicillian very best quality, per yard lilack all wool greui-dinper yard All wool French serge, per yard There is a beautiful line of dress goods in o o zJ This St.uk is without a question the choicest in this Territy and it will be to your advantage to borrow money if necessary, so as to lay in a supply sufficient to last you for the next two years to come, for O eg 3 fed - . Parasols Parasols Parasols Prrasola Black silk umbrellas. Black Bilk umbrellas lilack silk umbrellas. 0.1 09 15 1.1 10 22l :n 3.1 00 Ot 07 12 '4' OS M 20 2.1 3..VI 7.50 4.00 7..V) 1.7.1 4.00 l.fiO 0.00 72 4.71 . . ;V) ETC., ETC. Fancy silk braid trimmings, per yard Fancy silk and chenille braid trimmings, per yard Roman bead trimming, per yard Elegant black silk over sleeves, per pair Very handsome fans, each Elegant black feather faiiB, each lieal Tortoise shell and real Ostrich feathers, each Iveal Duchess and jioint lace fans with pearl handles, itilaid w ith pure gold, each each Large dolls, PARASOLLS 02. Oil ,10 50 50 1.00 1.00 7.00 l.(X M.OO 1.8.1 3.2.1 4.00 7.00 21.00 50.00 40.00 7.1.00 1.00 and . (W AND I MliRELLAS. 1 1.7.1 2.40 5.00 (i.8.1 12.IH) 15.O0 !),(H 3.20 5.2.1 (i.00 10.00 1.1.00 LA KIEV AND CHII.DRNES I'NDERWEAIi AND HOSIERY. Pr-n- tallies' Jersey knit nnion suits, each Ladies' Merino vests and pants, each from Cliildrens merino vh!h and pauls, each t'hildrens cashmere hose, per pair. ... Cliildrens English cashmere hose very best quality, ler pair., Cliildrens heavy ribbed cut ton hose, per pair Cliildrens fast black regular made ribled cotton hose, jier pair Ladies' cotton hose plain and fancy, per pair tailieti' cotton lleriusdorf fast black hose, per pair Ladies' Imlbngiran Ust quality hoBe, per pair Ladies French Lisle hose, per pair Ladies' cashmere hose, per pair MUSLIN UNDERWEAR AND INFANTS DRESSES. tad ies corset covers, each Indies' corset covers, each Ladies' corset covers, each Ladies' drawers, each tallies' drawers, each Ladies' drawers, each : tallies' skirt!, each Ladies' skirts, each Ladies' skirts, each Ladies' chemise, each Ladies' chemise, each tallies' chemise, each Ladies' night gowns, each Ladies' night gowns, each Ladies' night gowns, each Infants' dresses Infants' dresses Infants' dresses . LADIES' HANDKERCHIEFS. handkerchiefs, each Ladies' hemstitched tallies' hemstitched Ladies' hemstitched Ladies' hemstitched Ladies' real duchess tallies' real duchess Ladies' real duchess handkerchiefs, each Kriii. 4.00 2.t 4.1 1.1 7.1 upwards. 1.1 41 4.1 7.1 OS' i 1.1 :ii 0.1 10 40 50 (i5 50 41 41 30 . 17 CI 1.40 2.75 50 1.35 1.75 35 1.50 1.50 75 1.00 1.50 90 1.41 2.50 1.41 1.50 2.50 1.41 2.50 5.00 90 2.50 3.41 04 10 07H 1.1 7.1 If.) 4.1 50 8.1 50 75 1.35 C4 8.1 1.3.1 41 25 handkerchief, each silk handkerchiefs, each lace handkerchiefs, each lace handkerchiefs, each lace and xiint handkerchiefs, Urltlli'rd t J'rtrr. !t,1 each 2.70 5.25 LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S CLOAKS, JACKETS AND CAPES. 2.80 Ladies' jackets, each 8.313 Ladies' jackets, each 11.40 I jadies' jackets, each 20.00 Ladies' jackets, each. 2.iK) Ladies' Astrakhan capos, each 9.8.1 Ladies fancy fur capes, each 47.50 Ladies' very finest real sealskin, each 3.40 L ulies' elegant black silk lace capes, each (5.75 Ladies' elegant black silk lace capes, each 2.00 Ladies' cloth capes, each 4.00 Ladies' cloth capes, each 2.90 Ladies' Newmarkets, each 5.50 Ladies' Newmarkets, each 11.00 Ladies' Newmarkets, each 11.00 Ladies' plush coats 10 inches long, each 19.00 Ladies' plush coats 10 inches long, each 28.00 Ladies' plush coats 10 inches long, each 90 Cliildrens cloaks, each 2,40 Cliildrens cloaks, each 4.70 Cliildrens cloaks, each 9.00 Cliildrens cloaks, each LADIES' WRAPPERS, TEA GOWNS AND DRESSES. 8.50 Handsome tea gowns, each 12.75 r F.legant French challie tea gowns, each 17.00 All silk velvet tea gowns, each 3.20 Ready made gingham dresses, each 5.40 Ready made French saline dresses, each 4.8.1 Ready made cashmere dresses, each 5.90 Ready made all wool dresses, each 12.80 Ready made elegant trimmed dresses, each COO lti.00 41.00 50.00 C.OO 25.00 90.00 7.50 12.00 4.50 8.50 6.00 12.00 i- -3 m 2.1.00 24.00 40.00 60.00 2.50 6.00 12.00 25.00 GO 1G.00 2.1.00 40.00 7.00 10.00 10.00 12.00 25.00 largo force of hell) so as to avoid confusion and t;ive all a chance to buy what Come early in the morning if possible, so as to avoid the they want without any inconvenience. inevitable rush of late in the da . The doors will open at S A.. M. LOUIS LEDERBR ASSIGNJtlEV Avenue, Ouera House Block ',1st door south from hall entrance. BIDS SOLICITED FOR THE ENTIRE STOCK. 73 Em fed 50 00 2.00 6.00 10.00 I have added a Wc-ishingt-on o go o o |