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Show Ah. THE COMMERCIAL. Ctoe - OGCCW, C DLV oGDEN i M. CXjttU-L- lBCtt. I"ii i- of lL j.r-.- . UTAH. euoiBaWi ial , - t, I tt M. fF w to Ihr ertput6.i biuiL rVt n ooe time largely tjjutliwJ fcxsm Mil taijjrtt. CI l.Bdw.k ' p,wtBc) (uiT man to '.. pxd, It (u-f- . uf H Hilt Tklks krouM it-r- AMUSEMENTS. .;!. Vrl f rf .trl4. Kt; r ujk-- : id the Trans-Musiseip- Colo-r3U- Vl iV-"- 0 n 1 It would be an importaet rvp eoo-tiit- tiiuui aad Fri cate til controversy THE PESVKK !.? W.!c Kt's l fct-l- d trJ tiaiik tng ilierra.iigl, Ujuk fright, rati aat ai.d tt would adjudi- suitably. roNGKESS. f (.! U. rt-- KreeJm I'rges That It vantage be IiupMvrd. s, Utah, May 13, KorroR Count uu The Ad- - 19L Trata-- ussier pi Commercial Corgrts mill convene in the cit of Denver, Colo, on the 19th insh This will be an important gathering of representative men from ail parts of this union, and in view of the important1 of this oongreat to assemble on the day designated, to consider the commercial, uiiuing, manufacturing, agricultural &nd other questions of vital interest to Utah and the creat west, and the shipping in terests ot the United St a tea, I beg leave to call the attention of the Chamber of Commerce, or the Itjard of Trade, or the City Council, to Una important matter and suggt that several active representative citizens be named to represent Weber county in this commercial gathering of earnest progressive men. The Immense agricultural interests. minim; interests and stock interest of our rich and populous county ought to be represented in this convention. Sow is an eioellent opportunity to present some of the great advantage of Weber county and Ogden City for in vestment where it m ill do eome good. M. A. Bkkkiwi. Heal Keuu Trh;frrs. Real estate transfers furnished by the Hendershot Abstract office, 21U Wash ingten avenue, for May 13, lfttlj J. Hnller to Mra. It Elphenstone. lous 2;tand 30, block 4, Observatory Pliu addition, tl.xl. G. Pierce to B.F. Stacy, Iota in Walnut Hill addition. flUO. b. V. Stacy to T. Couch, lots in Wal nut Hill addition. $1,100. A. W. Childs to U. Iteed, part of block 34, plat C. f 1,250. J. ti. Kenney to H. W. Gwilliam, lots 17 to 20 inclusive, Highland addition, JStlK. G. H. Young to II. S. Church, putt of section 17, township ti north, range 1 west, 51,050. P: Anderson toll. Nilson, part of pec lion 20, township ti, range I w,nt, I50. Clins. WotaliiianHee Ui It. C. Hansen, lot l'., block 2, Woodiniinsee'a Main street addition, S7oo. Total, S12,rjii0. FIVK POINTS NHWS. We have ahnoet a building lioom. ' J. W. Wallace was at the Points yes- terday. Dr. Taplin is building a very tine barn. Col. A. J. Cropsy has a few new houses to runt in a desirable locality. Hrownfc Tracy haye opened up their', ice crenm panors, Leave your subscript ion at Root & Beeson's for the Daily CoM.nJEHaitx'J.' Now is a, gyaitttV t'ltne" for investments 1A this lively business oenter. Every man, woman and child should give something towards the sprinkling T our streets. Nothing is done on a small scale this place. We might refer to the num- of ' ber of wins as an example, that have dropped in at different homes recently. The latest on tile are a couple of the faniinine gender. For further information call on Mr. August Osmond. Mr. James Iverson once more shows a generous spirit, which is not an uncommon occurrence, in the way of opening Ninth street from Grant to Lincoln, at his personal expense of some 8300. Mr. Iverson is also building a large barn in that vicinity, which is to be when completed oue of the finest north of the A. A. A. bridge. Pembroke on His Ear. Salt Lake City, May 13. The feature of last night's session of the city council was the voluntary retirement of Herbert Pembroke, a gentleman who was brought into prominence a short time ago by the party to whom he professed allegiance. Mr. Pembroke has been sulking in his tent for some time, and the action was by no means a cause for surprise. His resignation gives the following reason for such action: L r htm t. r (4 tff m Grand Ladies' and Childrens Majinee at krtA-uj-u the lotui lib bOC.'l 1 o of BUrtlSfce.J Ui ti.. that ,urt i jr.- -. l is r.t were brokea aid he waa other- Kk! I d !.( t .in buy's t:ue with t wise ii;jurU and bruumh Il hv at t at it good .:!. ter ti.tit it ht b4 kli play Ilnojit but was tuktti W a louae ivsr iih ti an tii ioe of the i. Dr. the re tuure and IVrri 6ta mpLa-- : retidTed the aowtry surgicaU fcil. "If I rre a girt I d rar troutTS. ay ekirifc and tiro inmtd au Hai l, ilr. J tiKiii.i aj Aliothrr Areidt'tit, and Amy Aaies n.adr a drl of fun Dr. Poaem neporti another accideiLt, M Biddy Methane. M- - Biw'aaouth- ra epBcialty waa highly ;.irwiiitoJI by which occurred about 1 o'clock jt-daI Lv eujiport was unusuA boy about lea years the uJ.oue. toraooiu of age, by the cau, of Percy Pliers, w as ally g.d. riding a bicycle on Lincoln avenue beThe VeudflMihn Toui'rrov. tween Taerty third and Taetity fourth. Tomorrow eveiiii g the Mendetssuhii neo b fell over on a watiitub, fractur-u.Quintets Club will be the tine attractitle. his ninth rib oi. the Tiiuee tion at the (iraud. Th gives tlie fuiiowir.g rfp-ir- t of the impree-skHill Another. made at Victoria: A boy'a hand waa rejorted badly in Tlie Mendelssoiin t,uintette,hkeevery-thir.were esid The Anger jured yesterday. else, undergo change with time, to b a v been torn off. 1 La name was not but it has the r.u,ii-ii.iali.- i It. fit tt learottth does not deteriorate with aire. Mn a tr-b- y g riit xi Marie liarnur.l is a vocalist wit It a voice full of rich and divine music, tleiihle Going; to Zion. a d.;re Tiien there is a peculiar grace The Pythian Sisters gave Misa Wood, fullness and enm about her method to a prominent grand officer, a reception on which makes it pleasure to )q the lower rejihter she issuprb, Tuesday evening. They will send a large her. upjier she, is exquisite, and in deWalion to Salt Iake City this even in the lie l is nuisi.-idand attractboth f new of a that institute kklge ing la help irf originality in a has dash She ive. order. rendition, which, while musically accu( harm liot i.fU'll rate, gives a 1UIN THE 0XLY HOPE. oljM.rved in vocalists of clawical niusii'. She (wtng in Jtaluui '4i fan Tutti," No Other Hand Can Help, No Earthly that lunguage of music, with Ihiteobli-gaUanmade a pr..n..niisensiitiou. Power Cin AM. Sfie rexponded to an Invitation to repeat of the audi lUi.i.wiN. Mich., May 1A The forest it, and stormed the In the secenee by hinging in English. lire is not yet under control. Thonijon ond part of the program she ang vilie is threatened . but the citizens are "Profumi Orientali,' the doing everything possible to prevent of which was the signal for as towns The from town the burning. genuine an outburst of applause as ever along the hue of the Frankfort A Southrang through tho walls of the theatre. western are in dancer from tires which Minx Barnard came back and sang with are rejiorted along the entire road. The such charm, grace and originality as to tireewestof Manistee Junction are out render onother encore positively necesan no danger is feared in that direction. sary to adrnfy tho ftudienee. It was A nuinlx-rii- f j.'BOple ffonf lh' burned iiliiHKt cruel hi bring her back again, but 8nked for railway with sweet have districts gokl nature h)ii) oonaonteil. t ruiiHiioi'tation to places where they have Mr. Paul JenniHoii followed with a to save able not were aa they friends, filiitasmfor the violioello, ' L;i Fille dil moro titan tliecilolliiiig wluuli n.ey wore. l.egiiiii'id," in which lie piwuteii his inSiu.hovi.an, Mich., May 3- .- Forest strument to many with tiuthoiight of tires are doing conmdcrablo damage in capabilities iint.r a inanter hand. the interior. Much property in destroyed Tht Het imd Coin hiding gem of the including burns, fence ami Wiimliiig llrst part was Mr. Paul eftimber. Unless rain soon coiikn the fort with the lliite. No one is perfect. is damage will Ito great, The city and it is not advisable to say that any w raped in a dense smoke, und Macki-niu-- one is, but Mr. lletiiielnTgti execution is straits are so densely overhung as nearly perfect- n itorfibh. with smoke as to seriously impede the Mr. Thomas Kynn ohiuh1 tho second progress of all Ixtats. Several liimilv.lt. part with "Ui HtHHincillaiion," arranged are in daiiier. us a fantiwie for the clarionette, which IlKTKoi r, May 13. Clinton, Claire, was very aucentalily renilnred. Walkorvillo and Oceana, towns of 1,000 Mr. lsidor Schiiit.lcr is a violinist who inhabitants each, are added to the list lives iu his instrument, from which he In of those burned by the forest tires. extracts, not wonderful, perhaps, but re each case the destruction of the homes His bowing is markably gHl music of the inhabitants was nccnmpiuiied by Clear and decisive, and ma general exea heavy loss to the lumber tirm having cution iliaorvii'.g if recommendation. saw niilb) at the placw named. X u a u mm On Saturday afternoon McFadden's double Uucle Tom's Cabin company will present that great and realistic play, 'Uncle Tom's Cabin." No play of the present generotion has made such a success, nor has any of them been presented year after year to crowded houses. It is a perfect picture ot southern plantation life. This is perhaps the only play that is adapted to church going people as it is refined, chaste anil moral. Catchy music. jubilee Binging, two Marks, two Topsys, six bloodhoundB nnd a cxd company. A grand street parade is given each day. Interesting alike to young and ol Don't fail to see it. The malinoe will be given Saturday afternoon at the Grand, and the performance will be repeated in the evening at the same place. Heavy Clothiiiir Failure. May 13. Levy Bros. & Co., wholesale olothing manufacturers, were closed up by the sheriff yesterday under eight wrifs of attachment aggregating 8150,000, A ugiietUB 1 1. Levy, one of the partners in the firm, is pronounced hopelecslv insane as a result. A total of live additional judgments, aggregating 830,000, were tiled against A.hdavits upon whicii the hrm the writs of attachment were granted, hrm has within two years declared the past made unlawful conversion ot its funds to the amount ot over SlOO.OtH.), nnd that such payments were made with the intent to defraud creditors. The affidavits also Bet forth the fact that an investigation of the condition of the.firm made within the last three days showed an apparent deficit within the last six Caledonian Society. months of over $050,000. It is estimated A special meeting will be held iu the that the liabilities will be at least 8750, Boyle building, third floor, tonight at 8 and ruav be a million or more. It is p. m. Full attendance requested. said that the assets will realize half million. Notice to Dancers. dance Social tonight, at the old opera The Kentucky Dnrby. house uy tt. J. Mason. IjOCisviixe, Ky., May 13. This is Derby day. Although it is not down as What we Offer in Tailoring1- a legal holiday, it was observed as such from K50.00 and up. Fants Suits by Kentuckians, and the many visitors from $7.50 and up. Nice stock to select here state tne democratic convention from. II. Kissel 31i Twenty-fourthad more delegates at the track than in the city this afternoon. An audience street, up staira which might have been at a musical fessocial nance tonigm, nt trie old opera tival was there, hs was olso the advance house, given by II. J. Mason, professor Elks. of was the Business almost rtt A guard nil all over the city closed up, and every so could who do took an at body outing Wisdom's Violet Cream the race track, twenty thousand or Is a new and elegant preparation for more people were present. The starters in the Derby and their eradicating and preventing roughness of riders are as follows: Kingman, Murphy; the face and hands. Use it freely at Hallgown, Overton; Georgetown, hiley; night just before retiring and you will Vallera, Britton; Hart, Wallace; High be delighted with a soft, smooth skin Try it. lantl, t'oet hcout. Nf.W York, n mi iM m. CABIN CO. 11 Will annenr. with a number of olavers carefully selected for their artistic abilitiy to fill the requirement of the play. Endorsed by PULPIT. PRESS and PUBLIC. Startling Situation. Beautiful Tableaux, Catchy Music, Banjo Solos, etc. The little carriage in which Eva rides was formally the property of General Tom Thumb, GUAM) STUEET PAKADE AT Matinee Price 25 and Evening Price Wis, CinlJren 35, W, T5 12 O'CLOCK. any part of house icU. and f L GRAND OPERA HOUSE ! ENGAGEMENT EXTI I AOUDI NA It Y. Friday Evening, May 1 5th. Professor Kent takes pleasure in announcing the appearance-othe ONLY the ORIGINAL WelaoliB Concert Club (juiolelte f Company Comprising the Following Distinguished Artists: 1 nomas Kyan, the celebrated clarionet soloist, lsidur Schmitzler, solo violinist. S, YV. Jennison, solo violinist-Pau- l Ilenneberg, solo tlute and violn. Paul lennison, solo violincellist. and MARIE BERNARD the phenomenal prima donna. Prices 35, 50, 75 ami $1.00. Sale of seats commences Wednesday May 15th. This is unquestionably the musical event of the season. IX O. McGini.kv, T. McGrsLst. D. G. Mc GIN LEY k Uncle Tom's Cabin Cemhis, 2 p. McFADDEN'S MAMMOTH DOUBLE g "To the Hon. George M. Scott, mayor, and city council of Salt Lake City: One of the pledges made by the Liberal party when asking sup-paof Salt Lake's citizens was: "That public work should be let by contract to the lowest responsible bidder." In presenting the matter on the 15th inst., of which the resolution in reference to advertising presented this evening is a counterpart, I was actuated simply by a desire to carry out the pledge stated He Raised Apple. above. In presenting the resolution this E. N. Nelson, who died lately at his evening, I had simply the wish that home in Minot at the age of seventy you should have an opportunity to reflect that in supporting it you were but years, was one of the most famous or chardists in Maine. He had special and doing your duty in fulfilling the pledge of your party. In the repudiation of original methods of storage Of fruit, and there is evidence his pride, in a business way, was in the the resolution, or of misconception dishonesty apple, and especially in the Baldwin of its import, in accepting the He had an intimacy with the Baldwin un ofhee nlediie you made by accepting that showed in a constant to proder the party whose pledge it was, and duce it in perfection, and tostudy store it foi have that inasmuch as you you proven when most other orchardists marketing the to this were untrue party in his pledge,and vicinity had hade goodby to this is impotent to enforce its observance dictates to me a resignation variety for the season. His cellars had from a body which, to say the least, has unique storage apparatus for keeping fruits, and a system of ventilation which so much thoughtlessness or so little I, therefore, renounce the was the result of Mr. Nelson's own party and resign from this council, said study. Kennebec Journal. resignation to take eliect at once. Will Tunru.1 a Volcano. (Councilman Anderson was inclined to think that Pembroke should be rebuked It is now proposed to drive a tunnel bv being presented with his expulsion. into the very crater of and The remainder of the board were not in to tmild from the mouthPojiocatapetl, of the tunnel a accord with him, however, and on moto connect with the interoceanic tion of Councilman Hall the resignation railway was accepted. Mr. Pembroke then took road at Ameacameca. The parties whe are negotiating with the owner of the his departure and a chair was vacant. volcano are 8aid to represent a rich French syndicate, who expect to get at Gorman Minister le.slg-nsBkkt.in, May 13. It is reported that least 100,000 tons of hulphur annually from the very bowels of the old Mexican Von Maybach, minister of public works, landmark. -- St, Louis Republic, has resigned, rt Saturday, May 16, '- it 'l ! YorK y Maior GIiAiYD OPERA HOUSE A .Nr uto tb in srt!kiMJt of th mar iu Chili if the J th parte ojuUI le eijjl The t"uiti arbilrstioc ) Stau, s& A tiji Jrrw Sa(y t...i U?eii W.lidLt Ciw-r-- r kiSt &J rqfi.t ril Grual vt ! seat w4kt h Vrtiii. ".he j ; . ,A a.! ti lux cr&s It lw G r is Ui lay kopw, f:a;tf trick. Ganner to U 1.1 Ui part A a buy t...ii...a it, i.lJ tt tt ith luikd of hay. ilea er t:,-- r tut llr'.f : , rnzw tl.r rmattJ d- & Ui uA epr-rnxak.cg Ktu tp a ULfurtucal Ikir mi k UiJ tui instil to Ijl.h, n.d ti.f pUy ri ti, ,ju j Jj so. but tt. drav over. lie A . fi one-thir- d W 1T.-E- T A At Li.Mv J arrtet. wert-a-t ruais day has si-ui- VAT li-f'-- tt,rguMid.u. U . 4 VMS iharfl w tti eiwUl- - fcut itat efforts of carrier no t lfc..c m Mo1. sfelt Hal I ' - are not only eouUoeoUd in scope but MW CUKI ut inter ouctii ecud. Already, too, quick aEacui. hnuuiw I the gkjbeis becouimg time clear a praet'wad eutuuierci&l question. And IMiuM u.Ucitr at Bcrct prt a itk. to by Use close of the century probably regCO.. ular cuuiprt.tiv li!W, selli r.g ticket ItiMlir.iu UL tlutt till. Ilia. around the earth, will be the order. For many years the t'nion and Central Paetrics bad monopoly of traflk-ovethai continent. Then came t!i Southern and Northern Piiciiios, and TiK wr.vr.fcii COSOHKSS. the Great Northern is soon to be added, with several other roads partially Couinwrcial The acroEa. TuesIVKgnee will meet at Denver nwt The lines named are now going U dav. Thi is the Western Congre have sharp competitor in the Canhk-met at Gidvwtoo February which has just completed vice- - adian Pacific, M K Waller Has ejected iwil to connect Japan and arrangement incident for Utah at the (jalvMlon with Asia Liverpool and Kuroj. and of Arkansas, .sioa. W. M. tirst connecting run overland made the was chosen rresiJenU . with Japan mail a few days ago. The were elected for Utah, Oklahoma, account Railway Ay gives the following Kansas, MUouri. Washington, on the matter: comments and of Nehratka, Texas, Arkansas, Wyoming Taenia railway ha se il in ueaota, Iowa, Kew Meiioo and Ari- - The Canadian amount of free handsome a cured very It adopted a set of resolutions. jtMia. one a adopted advertising, although at a considerable A part of resolution week a very reads as follows: "The sole purpose of outlay, by accomplishing last across the conti run this convent1 Ml and that to be culled by remarkably rapid occasion was me immediate The nent. economic of ooiiKidoration tlie uliull be it desire to reach New York with the mails (jiiestwng only," Km The convention 8lso passed resolution from the company's new steamer, Van at arrived which of India, endorsing the erealion of tbe'deep water press liarborat (lalveston; a!dtmatiding that couver April 23 after a quick passage railroad rates should be regulated in from Japan, and In order to reach the from Liverpool it was nee projHtrtion to distance favoruble to said next steamer beat to the time of the regular reads: resolution essary fourth harbor. The was at That e favor the free and unlimited trains. President Van Horn, who which the steamer, Vancouver awaiting of the of silver, products coinage made bad weather, been had by delayed the United States." This resolution enthusiasm up a eiKxial train, ixmsisting of a bag with endorsed waa omcial cars, after discuHBion. The convention fa- gage, two sleeps, and two vored government aid in reclaiming arid and with a small party started on the journey the evening of April tj and lands by a system of atoraga reservoirs. reached Montreal on the afternoon of It favored ouiiif Indian reservations May 2, making the journey of 2,900 miles for ll settlement, emphatigenerally aliou.tT2l cally endorses the reciprocity treaty in about'Uniurs,rin averageof miles an hour for the whole vast distance with Brazil. It favored (jraiitintf charters to coronations running from ocean to ocean, without allowing for numerous and neressay eUi)s. This American vessels in foreign trade. It also fked the basis of repreneuta does not cornd the famous run of the Jarret and Palmer train ill June, ISTil, tion for the Denver congress. which covered a distance of 3,2th miles in about SVl4 hours, an average of nearly LOW ISTEREST. 3'.) miles an hour, but the Cantidian Pacific train waa the heavier and it was Certain political theorists have for more in the nature of a regular service eome time past insisted that apian could train, carrying passengers and mail. lie tinad up whereby the government The run is interesting us showing the could loan farmers money at one er of the great Canadian cent, por annum interest, or at a very possibilities line for covering the the disKansome low rat His reported that tance between the two oceans in time of sas Alliance men think of trying to put necessity, although the speod thus atreis in scheme The this plan practice. tained will not probably be maintained ported as follows: for regular tralllce. "The Sedgwick county Alliance opened The occasion waa also of interest and 1 Ciicai it fl nantajiti1nta rn i.'k V. iWetf1ortance m signalizing the inaugura- S ''. "a of the Canadian Pacific's line of dearcst" (Jiant'ttini nihhcd forward, shouting imers between Japan mid British "Out of this! Out of my house, fel- 'lumbia, the operations of which will low.!" .uce. loubteuiy ouect the trausC'T o a iui oi JibO.iKK). It is proposvot stir. amount of trathc, passengers as great the counties immediately adjoining this well as freight, between Europe and in the movement, and it is thought that America by the way of Asia and will one loans of the possibility securing pt take correspondingly from that now go per cent, per annum,' which is the rate ing by the way of San Franoisco and the of the of by the promoters spokon overland routes of the United States. scheme as the rate nt which stockholdThe time made by the new steamer from ers will bfl accommodated, will prove irVokohania to Vancover is stated ns 10 resistible to farmers who can raise hours, which is faster than the days,14?j money enough to buy even one share service by about two days. previous to of stock. It will also be attempted The steamer, which was making its tirst devise means whereby members of the run from England, where it was con hold to their enabled will be Alliance to Yokohama to take its place structed, wheat until it reaches 81 a bushel, and a on the route between the latter point fund will be provided for the purpose of and Vancouver, left Liverpool Feb. 7, tiding over those too poor to hold their arriving iu Yokohama April 17 and in without help." crops Vancouver a little over ten days later. Passengers who started with her at GOLD AND SILVER. Liverpool reached New York May 3, and might be in Liverpool on the return by The Iron Trade Review linde that May 10 or 11, so that the journey around "according to the estimate of Director the world by this route would have oc Leech, of the mint, France is the richest 92 days. about cupied country in the world in specie, with a gold currency of S000,0000,000 and No tears will be shed by a monopoly-riddein silver. The United States and overcharged public for the comes next with 8702,000,000 in gold and Oil company in view of the folStandard of Great silver. Britain has 8482,000,000 from the Engineering Keim: 8."50,OW,000 gold and 5100,000,000 silver; lowing "Russian bids fair to become petroleum 0 and 8145,000,-00Germany, $500,000,000 gold in the near future a serious competitor silver; India, 8(500,000,000 silver; to the American product in European China, 8700,000,000 silver, etc. Director markets. According to the Economise Leech estimates the total gold circulation or the world nt $3,727,000,000 and Rtisxe the production of Russian refinerthe total silver circulation at 83,842,000,-000- . ies in 1889 was 1(52,839,990 poud (about The raw petrolOf the latter 2,930,000,000 is legal 5,8(i2,959,8."0 pounds). eum which the Baku sources yielded tender." Aud France's recuperative power and from January 1, 1980, to November 1, commercial vitality is unequalled on 1S90, was 192,044,202 poud (0,913,591,272 earth. How much has an abundance pounds). There are 203 refineries ia Russia, 117 of which are at Baku. Only of currency to do with this? 25 per cent, of the refined product about All the coin of the globe seems to be but a little over one ninth of the prop- is exported." erty of the I'nited States and about the annual commerce between the Puksidest Hahhison and party will states of this nation. reach Washington tomorrow, having It. (ilso seems that silver represents been absent thirty days and seen enough over half the coin of the world. There to convince him more than he ever could should be more silver and more money have ns fully realized that this is a great generally, especially in this nation. country, and the West is a big end of it. A mono projected railroads is one into Tiik. AYtr praises Denver as a great Kashmir, a district lying in the Himalaya mountains northwest of British In- convention city. It is quite a town in that line. And Ogden is getting to be a dia. The scenery there waa made famous by Moore's "Lalla ltookh," and al- good deal or a convention city too. The though the line is projected "chiefly for next Commercial Congress niht le military reasons," it will doubtless se held here. cure a heavy tourist trallic. English residents of India especially will appreA SrociKSTivF. absence is noted lately ciate the opportunity of an escape to in the press concerning Koch's lymph. high and beautiful altitudes for the Has it become enrolled in the vant spec summer months. tral army of exploded booms? efe4 of a tie1 - t- li 1SSL COMMERCIAL: THURSDAY, M.W & CO., Gents' Furnishings, Hats, AND FINE SHOES. H 22 Twenty-Fift- h Flak Snow Street. OGDEN, UTAH : : Bakery and Cracker Factory, Manufacturers of all kinds of Crackers, Snaps and Ornamented Cakes for VVeddings and Balls at home or abroad. SNOAV FLAKE BREAD In any style and will iveep moist a month. We guarantee our Crackers to be Superb aud without Superiors in the orders at factory, center of block, between Grant Twenty-fourt- h and Twenty-fifth- - and Lincoln and 01 "TAKE ONE TRIAL." STOVES We are showing all styles of the ' G ASOLINE Quick Meal" Gasoline Stoves and know they will please Take one on trial- you. - r. T AWN MOWERS Our "Good Luck" mower is a It is adjustable in every way and runs very easy. Take one on trial. RUBBER HOSE We are headquarters on hose. We ihave several different grades- We warrant it to stand pressure of city water. Take some on FLOUR RECEPTACLE The newest and 1 best Hour can. It holds the ilour. You turn the crank, it does the rest. Take one on trialAND COFFEE POTS We have over 40 styles rpEA and sizes- New stock just received, all kinds. Tin, stone pearl, agate, granite, iron, etc. Take one on Trial. hum--Lime- I - trial-rPVLER- - - MILES, STREVELL BOYLE BLOCK, : : & ULMER OGDEN. UTAH. HARDWARE! HARD WAKE! WHO WANT THE BEST GASOLINE STOVE SHOULD LOOK AT BUYERS I - r , t. . owe jkJ of Tartar Powder Superior to every other known. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. A Pure Cream Delicious Caki and Pastry, Light Flaky Biscuit, Griddle Cakes, Palatable and Wholesome. No other baking powder does such work. s CALL EARLY. 3GO 24th Street. While there look at our Peninsular and Ohio Steel Ranges. KNOWIJS, liMG & CO. |