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Show OfiDEN DAILY COMMERCIAL: TUESDAY. MAY 5. 1S91. WAS WELL WARMED IP make Df dln't Dee jit Connril WtMhI oa tLe Proiose4 Loan. at acy improvements all this Cantioa did TIME. l act to inoDun tLe finan cial fcb.ty of tie oomauttee but the sun revolve eidusivrSv around tLe three who eomtioet! tie eomauttr. There ert tew of us left upon whom tie sun iLotie Geciuelljr. He anted more time for the d of ae important a question. inott thought the city was bound to wme the hoods if required to by the otLer party in the contract ALUaun insisted tnat there was no other party. Mr. Bigelow signed as agent of some unknown party. n MUCH TOO COMMISSION. Poitioii Taken by lllieon Tkt' and M the Ordiiuar IM and Went Over. or-- Th City Council met at th usual Lour UtA bight. All present eicept Councilman SLurtUiT. The minutes of the Ut meeting were reJ and approved. t'ndor the Lead of petitions the Young American Drum Corp aktd for the use of Ltbr Park pavilion oo such nights ere cot other iae engaged. Referred to th committee oo public grounds. About twenty property owdw on Monroe avenue near Twenty fourth, obt of Washington, asked for an extension of the tver system. Referred to the committee on sewers. Prof. Kent aent a communication to eouacil thanking it for the use of hmier Park pavilion tor the Mar Day festival, and suggesting a plan for tine open air concerts in the park. The band also asked for the use of the pavilion for a second concert. Refe rred to the committee on public grounds. James Oswald asked for a position on Referred to the paid tire department. the committee on tire department. 1L (Jillett asked for the use .of Lester Park Pavilion for a promenade concert to be given on Wednesday evening, May inferred. 27, by the Episcopal club, Wilkernson "confidently" llobsoii presented a petition asking for interest on the money due them from the city. Referred to the committee on laws. W. 1L Harvey seut in a communication regarding the Jeffeason avenue grade and stating that the work would be done by parties who would wait for their money if the city felt too poor to grade the aveuue atouce. Referred to the committee on streets. u t MKSNCM3EK COMPANIES. The committee on laws repdr ted recommending that the several parties desiring a franchise to operate an American District Telegraph system be requested to present to the council such ordinances as they desire to have passed. Report adopted. The committee on claims reported a long list of claims to be allowed and disallowed. After explanation by the city engineer a bill of $1,250 for llobson 4 Wilkeraon were allowed. The claim of 125 by O. A. Mover for taking care of the city hall clock during the quarter was disallowed. The Bear River Canal company's bill for making ten connections with the water mains at f 15 a connect was challenged. 1 he city attorney expressed the opinion that the bill could be collected under t'te contract with the company. Pee said that it was the general opinion of the citizens that the charge of $ 15 making connections was an exhorbi-tir- t ona The citizens looked to the citv t i ir..ti et toem. Let the council deny the !!. the city test the legality of the 'jiiThe 'la.-jrcity might as well test the matter as anyone. Referred to the committee on laws. ' ft MUST KEEP THE GRAVES GREEN. The claim of G. W. Larkin for $12 for work done in the city cemetery aroused considerable discussion. It seems that certain graves in the eity cemetery had been found in bad condition and the committee on public grounds told the sexton to repair them. The council by a vote of rive to four decided that it was the sexton's business to do the work as part return for his salary. The committee on fire department re ported in favor of having certain large trees on the business streets cut down Referred to the committee on fire depart ruent with instructions to prepare a suitable resolution. The committee on finance reported that it had enterred into contracts with II. C. Bigelow, agent to place $100,000 bonds for publio improvements, $25,000 to be taken on the 1st day of June, Jnly August and September at six per cent. Mr. Bigelow is to receive 5 per cent. commission for regulating the sale. ALLISON PROTESTS. Allison kicked vigorously. lie claimed the committee had transcended its powers in closing the contract. It was not a binding contract anyhow ae the name of the purchaser does not appear in the contract lie thought that the bonds should have been sold to the highest bidder. The city is selling its bonds at par but only getting 95 cents on the dollar. GRAVES EXPLAINS. Graves said that the committee had done the best it oould. It had done con niderable corresDondiotr and bad re reived only the one offer. Spokane Falls, Tacoma, Seattle and other towns are try ing to negotiate similar bonds and hav en t sold them yet. The committee was delighted at getting an offer at all. DEE KICKS TOO. Dee seoouded Allison s motion not to the contract He rehearsed Home of the financial history of Ogden showing that the city had always been able to borrow money at 5 per cent. He was opposed to borrowing more than $50,000 anyhow. No business man under the same circumstances if he were in debt $15,000, would borrow such a large sum as $100,000 at such a high rate of interest when the rate is becoming lower all tne time. cannon's position. Cannon said that the city must get money, just as any private citizen at the mantel price, ine city must have the money aud at once. Other cities are failing to make any loans at all. some light turned on. Allison insisted that the rWl wan He had understood that the poor one. gentleman who had agreed to take the bonds had made every effort to shut out competition, asking every one to say nothing about his errand here. He had come especially from Chicago to negoti ate the purchase of these bonds. accept MR. LUNDY'9 VIEWS. Lundy said the matter had resolved itself to this question: "Shall the city j HOT K EJECT. The motion to reject was lost Allison and Dee voting in the affirmative. A mot too to post none considerat ion for one week w as lost, Allison and De voting in the affirmative. A motion to ratify the action of the oommittee on finance was carried, Allison and Dee voting no. 1 he claim of U. W. Larkin. cit v sexton. for 10 per cent commission on the sale of cemetery lots, was not amended. KOB DECORATION DAT. After some discusttion the council ap propriated 175 to assist in the Memorial exercise to be held under the auspice of the U. A. R. The petition re;ardic? an appropria tion to provide a permanent exposition of public resources was referred again to trie committee. SI'KINKI.INIi THE STREETS. The committee on streets reported a contract ta be entered into with A. and Thos. Heller to sprinkle 50 blocks in the central part of the city. The city is to allow the use of its six sprinkling wagons which are to be returned at the expiration of the season, in pood repair, lbe city is to pay To-pon- $1,0(10. rieciiotiS. that Elliott stated that the cost of sprink ling the streets would be eix cents a foot. The mavor announced that Salt Lake City would spend $11,000 in sprinkling, assessing benefitted property at the rate of ten cents per foot. some opposition was developed to the plan of paying the sprinkling bills out of the general fund, but the report was fin ally adopted by a qote of 7 to A Dee and Cannon voting na U he committee on streets reported fa vorably on the petition of the Browcing Urocery company to put in a set or hay scales on Twenty seventy street Report adopted. TI CRIMINAL if 111 He ehaliecfed axy is axsrttiL niac&getuect of this affair. Ci&noc said that the chairman of the eouiiiittecMi Itn had neglected many things referred to turn. anil May iVrtu opt-unl- . ALt . 1 it wasn't so. Cana-rules thus what about akd fur the k'uvefDUie.t of the round? At 1115 p. ai. Mr. Dee took the Boor TIIEGBAXD J IKY AT WORK and consuuied some time. A vot- - on the mutton kef. Dee and AUiaoo voting Do. TLf Petit Jery TtuU Iirin SfU Lundy moved to tnke up the second sect Kn. moved to lay it on the Moudar, WLra the Jmr t.riftiu table. tomes peroneal DEXAJTD6 tot propose to ecJur ary to prove ita roLg in the thre ALil a tut le THE MATOK W Trul EARY. a. The mayor stated that be w aa tired Tbe I'iMrirt ( ourt. out and could not remain if ihe council was going to stay all night A motion The following bus:tiei was trail wicted to adjourn was lufct yeeterdav in Judge Miner's court: A moti.m to adjourn until . 1 lhamiiMi el ah v. lhos. Hen Tuedy 111! lot t ninger, demurrer sustained. night failed, Iee, Allison and A motion to adjourn until Wednesday night called out the etatment from the mayor that he thought the proceedings ail nonsense and be wouldn't recognize aiy more such motions. TlilX.S WARMED I P. lie said Le was croini! to riicht this to the bitter end by dilatory motions. He was doing his duty by his constituents. Cannon believed that the deliberate announcement of an intention to would justify the mayor in ruling out dilitory motions. Allison said he would stay here uutil doomsday orTenug motions to adjourn and he would like to see any man pre vent him. Lundy thought the minority wouldn't vote for the ordinance anvhow.z Dee had bad his suspicions excited by the undue anxiety to pass the ordinance and it should not pass tonight. tilli-bust- er DELAT SECVRED. Elliott found that he was opposed to part of the ordinance and moved to ad journ until 7:30 Wednesday evening. Carried. TO MEET THE PRESIDENT. The mayor announced that Mr. Ban croft had promised the use of a special car to take the major and the committee on meeting the presidential parly to go to focatello.on Thursday evening and return with the president ial train on Saturday morning. The mayor also read the following i. wonsiae ring telegram jusi receivea: the large number of Ogden people who come to bait Lake City on may want to NO 6EWER INSPECTOR. Suturday to attend tho theatrical eutertainment a special train will leave The committee on sewers reported in at 7SJ0 p. m. and return after the favor of not appointing any sewer in- Ogden Jjcrdy. performance, signed, con sewer all have to but the spector The council adjourned. nections made under the direction of the city engineer, ROBERT DOBBS. lbe samtarv committee reDorted that the old dumping grounds had been He is About to Fijrht for a Colorado abandoned ana that a new place had Belt. been selected on Burch creek. Report adopted. Robert Dobbs, Ogden's brilliant light The following pay rolls were read and weight pugilist, writes to The Comallowed. mercial from Pueblo, Colorado, under $591 30 Fire Department date of May 2nd, as follows: 210 40 City Engineer Editor Commercial: I am matched 1100 Sanitary Inspector to muke the tight of my life. My op $848 70 poneut is Reddy Brennan, who has never Total lost a battle. I am backed for 9o00 The" sprinkling contractors presented him. I have won five finish their first bill of $09 which was ordered against tights since I have been here, in all of paid. which I have "put my man to sleep." I A bill of V m. Chapman for boarding have been getting a fair show here. If I flim-flain recent cases win this contest witnesses the I am coming to Ogden was allowed, amounting to $0.50. about the 25th of May. The ciy recorder was allowed $119 for The fight comes off May 10th, and I freight on the chemical engine. will certainly try to win it as my backing A bill of $4 of the Rocky Mountain is I am working verv hard and Hell Telephone company for a telephone amheavy. "out of sight. Besides, I nt the city marshal's residence during havefeeling a thoroughly good trainer. I am allowed. was April to try to win the light weight championNEW SEWER DISTRICT. ship of Colorado in this battle. Yours Truly, The city engineer reported a notice of Robert Doans. intention to introduce an ordinance creating a new sewer district on Twenty-sixt- h Real Estate Transfers. street. Estimated cost, $8,532.45. Real estate transfers furnished by the June 1st to be the day for hearing protests. The notice was ordered published Henderehot Abstract office, 2414 Washin the Standard "according to law." for May 4, 1891: The city auditor reported that he had ington avenue, M. N. Rathbone to J. R. Bowdle, et examined the accounts of Mr. Cassin while city assessor and collector and al, part of section 4, township 5, grange 2 west S2000. found them correct Placed on file. J. WIIill to W. Goodell, part ef secThe Queen City Guards asked for the tion 34, township 6, range 1 west, $700. use of the city hall for May 16th to comJ. Kiesel to B. V. Smith et al., lots 2 plete its organization. Refered to the and 3. block 08, plat C, $4500. committee on publio buildings. S. H. Head to C. Joneson, part of The work of the city engineer's depart block 108, Ogden Survey, $050. ment was ordered hereafter to be under J. D. Miller to L. B. Adams, part of the supervision of the street committee. The city recorder was asked to furnish block 18, Nob Hill addition, $1900. H. B. Matin to H.J. Porter, lots 21 and the council with an itemized account of 22, block 7, West Ogden addition, $400. the cost of the city sewers. II. J. Porter to LB. Adams, lot 21, IMPROVEMENT BONDS. block 9, West Ogden addition, $200. an to ordinance introduced Cannon J. D. Gill et al. to II. P. Mahn, part of issue bonds to the extent of $100,000 to lot 7, block 15, plat B, $800. be known as the "Ogdeu City improveC. Joneson to C. S. Barratt, part of lot ment bonds." The bonds to bear inter- 5, Wools 10 South Ogden, $2050. est at the rate of 6 per cent. The A. G. Stuart to E. J. Stuart, part of money to be expended on sewers erectlot 1, block 1, Ogden Five Acre plat A, and other building public $4000. ing public improvements, $30,000 to be paid in ten Union Pacific Railway Company to P. $10,-00- 0 fifteen and in years years, $30,000 Beus, part of section 3, township 5, range in twenty years. 1 west, $200. Lundy moved to proceed to second L. Watkins to E. F. Tout, part of lot reading of the ordinance. Carried. 1, block 35, plat C, $500. II. Greenwell to C. E. Grennwell, part FIGHTING FOR DELAY. of lot 1, block 35, plat C, $1000. A motion to strike out "6 per cent." Total, 21,500, Bnd insert "5 per cent." was lost, Dee affirmative. Allison and voting in the Notice to Contractors. Allison moved to strike out the first Office of the Bear Lake and River Water clause. Ruled out as not in order. Works and Irrigation Co: Dee announced his intention to fillibus-te- r Bids will be received until noon of if an effort was made to force the ordinance through at this session. He May 9th, 1891, at this office, for the moved to postpone consideration to a earthwork of a distributing reservoir for special session. Motion lost. Dee, Alli- Ogden Water Works. Plans and specifications may be. seen son and Elliott voting in A motion by Allison to change the at this office. The company reserves the right to retitle was lost. Dee said the session would be a long ject any or all bids. S. Fortier, Engineer. one if the ordinance passed tonight and moved to strike out the enacting clause. The Y. W. C. T. U. He begged to call the attention of the mayor to the fact that the ordinance The Y. W. C. T. U. met Moninterlined and written was at the M. E. day afternoon up the side. Is that the right kind of church to finish the work of organizaan ordinance to pass? tion begun last week but owing to the small number present the work was ALLISON HITS HARD. again deferred. After rendering a short Allison took the floor and declared the meeting adjourned to meet program railroad to effort through next Monday afternoon. against the is this ordinance. There something Lace Curtains done up like new ones shady about the manner in which this matter has been handled. There is an at the Ooden Steam Laundry, undue baste to get hold of this money. Twenty fifth street, rear Reed Hotel. A citizen mode the statement today on Telephone 173. the streets that the man who makes the Prof. Nagel'a orchestra and choir at loon was introduced by hun to the negotiator. That the mail was brought here Baptist church May 12th. Admission by him from Chicago for the express 50 cents. purpose of purchasing these bonds and What we Oiler in Tailoring. shutting out competition. The negotiSuite from $30.00 and up. Pants ator gets $5,000 for negotiating these bonds. It is possible that the city may from $7.50 and up. Nice stock to select save part of this sum if the ordinance from. II. Kissel 347 Twenty-fourtstreet. Up stairs. were laid over twenty four hours. ii U Haver ta. CL&a. Duchenau. motion for m new trial defied. John E. Walker vs. Jarvis CoLklia et ah, mot ton to disiuita gmcted unlet defendant txeulee a Ku.'licieiit under taking within the da from this dale, sureties to justify, bef ore the clerk of this court Piaiiititf entitled to noi.ee of time of justinVattoti. Five dollars al- lowed plaintiff on true motion. Jno. JL Caruthers vs. Jos. S. Jocson. uemirrer overruled. Chaa. Jacobetnal vs. f A. Clark, de murrer sustained with teu davs to amend. Harkness, Wymun 1 UuseD s. J. K. McLain, demurrer nverrulled with teu davs to answer. Albert Dickson s. Julia Dirkeou. or der by consent directing clerk to pay to defendant's attorney the money now on deposit in the court. A. Dickson vs. J. Dickson, order ex tending time in Una cause for referee and report till May term Idaho torwardii g Co. vs. Firemen s Fund Insurance Co, motion for a new trial taken under advisement. Jos. Clark vs. W. It Swan et ah, plain tiff granted ierniision to amend bis complaint by making Amulia B. Pash Sidney Stevens Jennie A. Fisher and Citizens' Bank parties defendant Michigan Stove Co. vs. James Thomp son, order requiring good and sufficient bond to be filed with two sureties or ex ecutios, may issue against the defend 11. M. voting aye. a. ..-- ant 1 '. -- type-writte- h John Hedderman vs. Robert Hobiuson al., motion to set aside the default Bnd judgment argued and continued till May 5tn. in re unfinished uubinesa, order con et tinuing all motions, unfinished business and all matters now pending to the May term of this county, order adjourning November term 1890 without day. The May Terra Commenced. Opening of the Mav term, 1891, at 11 o'clock a. m.. May 4th, 1891. Officers of court in attendance. Grand jury impanelled as follows: E. T. Hulanieki. Philip Rank, E. S. Luty, A. D. ShurtlifT. C. W. Heshnork, James Skeen. A. J. Chamberlin, Robert Wilson jr.. Jno. Saltenberger, R. S. Barnes, Jos. Manning. Wm. Sm'th, Robert Fisher, M. Beil. Geo. A" Bradshaw. Order to marshal to draw three more iiimri from liox to serve as crand iurors. Marshal drew as follows: A. M. Meek, E. S. Luty and Chas. Robinson. In re dehnqueut Grand Juror W. J. Critchlow; order fining the juror $5 for failure to appear as summoned. Order excusing for good cause shown John Groger, W. G. Frazier, Lvman Skeen, Paul M. Paulson and John Green from service on the grand jury. In re attendance of sheriff of Weber county, ordered that sheriff of Weber county attend the daily sessions of this court during the coming term. The grand jury came into court find reported one indictment under United States laws, No. 105, which was tiled in court. United States vs. Niels C. Anderson, arraignment, plea of guilty. Indictment U. C, sentence postponed till May 18, 1891. In re admission of James L. Loar, motion of J. E. Bagley, on presentation of a certificate from the supreme court of Michigan, order admitting applicant to practice law. James Pratt vs. Theo. Jarvis, motion to dismiss appeal denied, undertaking 5 CITV IS fcElEF Fkl t!t'. trailer TL Metlkudiet iuom. baaar jetrdy. wud CL- - dttutrt j to- - it Katar- M.!!.ii and IK.i! Noble be ay L&dwV and children's aprocs for sai ttettb. at the Methods bazar. Straw Lata. 1'bt suits, bird autgs. mercurr wsv up summer. Tbe tech and pear orchards are now fl of florid beauty. perfect For lat i pern and periodicals call oo M Mary 11 Cootr, 2313 Washington. Slugger John L. Sullivan will be at! the Grand two weeks from next Saturday. Philharmonic concert Tuesday, May 12th, at Baptist church. Admission 5l) cent. A gold find is reported on Mount Pis- - ghU in the L No relia ie pass country. ble facta are yet received. The ladies' bazar will be held Wed ties cesday, Msy Cth, instead of May 5th, as incorrectly announced. The Produce Exchange is located above S. J. Burt k Brother's dry goods store on Washington avenue. Have vour photographs taken bv Wal lace 4 Newoomb, artistic photographers rooms , Js and 27 W right s block. Mrs. L B. Muhaii lias removed her dreemakiiig parlors from S. J. Burt A. liro, s to right A Sons new store. The miuing bureau meets uett Mon- dav evening and the company w ill start on one week from Friday next, or on the We have just finished loading a car of Rlirigeratoks, and as we have no ulace to put them until we get into our New Store, we propose to have little circus of our own. Now these Refrigerators are the finest in the world we can convince vou so and we should get a belter price ljtu. The Rio Grande w ill put Laif fare tickets to Salt Luke City on sale on next t rkitiy aud Saturday, good until Monday the 11th. It will be seen from a notice in anoth er place in this itwue that bids are called for to construct the city water works reservoir. The Methodist ladies are busy today in the basement of tbe church making arrangements for the bazar and dinner tomorrow. Prof. Haunt carries a fine cold headed cane presented htm by bis German class at halt hiake City. It is an elegant sou venir and he highly appreciates it. Grand Opera The finest and most complete photograph studio in the west is located in rooms 72, 73, 74 and 75 in the Grand opera house. Call and see us Adams Bros. All persons desiring sewer connec tions made reasonably, expeditiously and by skillful workman apply to Hob-so- n A Wilkerson. Office under Reed hotel with Graves & Gibson. A.F. Lawson, a well known real estate owner of Salt Lake City, and J. Warner Mills, attorney, of Denver, visited Ogden yesterday. They expressed themselves as well pleased with Ogden's evident prosperity and beauty of location. Physicians and midwives should re member that it is time for them to send in their monthly reports of births and deaths, as required by city ordinante. There is a penalty for neglect or omis- LUNCH. Salads, Saratoga Chips, Pickela, Cold Ham, Cold Roast Mutton, Cake, Tea and Coffee, Bread and Butter. DINNER. Stewed Chicken, Roast Veal. Slashed Potatoes, Baked Beans, Boston Brown Bread, Salads, Hot Biscuits, Lemon and Gooseberry Pie, Tea and Coffee. Money to Loan ! Money to loan on Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, etc. Unredeemed pledges for sale cheap. 204 and 206, Twenty-fiftSt h Drozdowitz Bros. Philharmonic concert Tuesday, May 12th, at Baptist church. Admission 50 cents. "Tbe great tonic, appetizer and liver regulator." Dr. Henley's English Dan delion Tonic. E. D. T. Patronize the new Commercial book s bindery, where you can get work at Omaha and Lincoln prices. or them thanourcompetitors get for th ordinary kind, but we are going to sell these Lower than Theirs. Which would vou prefer, the Hest at the lowest price, or the Common at the high price? Of course you will say ours. Call and look at them and get our price, then call on ALL of our competitors be fore you place your order. The above can be applied to our lines of GAS and GASOLINE STOVES and RANGES and also GAR DEN HOSE. WE WANT YOUR TRADE AND MUST HiVE IT WEIGHTS sion. Ladies, here is your opportunity. Madam Traphagen will open Monday, May 4th, in opera house block, for a short time with the latest designs on reudy made suits, and tea gowns. Any suit duplicated. A specialty made of cutting fitting and draping w ith ladies' own material. Pairson capes to order. Mr. E. Jessop having bought out the street, "Change Saloon" 257 Twenty-fifts bilhas refitted it up into a liard hall, sample room etc. Choice wines, liquors and cigars on hand. Messrs. Thompson and Scroggin the two popular manipulators will be pleased to see" their many friends at this new re- BARGAIN h first-clas- sort W. R. Cole of Riverdale, five miles west of Ogden, is raising ten acres of tomatoes. He has contracted the sale of his crop to the Ogden Canning company for $10 a ton. He expects to raise ten tons to the acre. There will be twenty-tw- o on appeal may be amended in accord- acres of tomatoes raised in his neighborance with statute on payment of $5 at- hood. The variety grown is "Livingston's Beauty." torney's see to plaintiff. Tiie Unitarian services at the Grand Jiuljre Bishop's Court. opera house on Sunday evening drew an In the estate of S. M. Preshaw, a peti- audience of about 600 people and the tion was filed confirming the sale of per- services were entirely successful. They sonal property which consisted of the will be continued each Sunday evening place and Dr. Utter, of Salt undertaking business of deceased an at the samecontinue to preach doctrinal Lake City, order was entered approving petition. Estate of O. A. Nordstrom, order fix- sermons. The purpose is to ultimately ing Friday, June 5, for hearing petition establish a church of that denomination here. for final settlement and distribution. Ladies Bazaar. The following bill of fare will be served by the ladies in the basement of the M. E. church Wednesday, May Gth. Lunch from 12 m. to 2 p. in., price 25 cents; dinner from 5 p. m. to 8 p. tn., price 50 cents. un- - (ierinan in Five Weeks. Pros. Haupt's German class is daily increasing and the interest continues. The lectures are very entertaining and being as yet simple can be thoroughly understood. Gen. and Mrs. Wentworth, proprietors of the famous resort in the White Mountains, "Wentworth Hall and Cottages," at Jackson, N. II., wrote in regard to this course: "We had the pleasure of taking Professor Haupt's course, with hundreds of others in Washington, D. C, last winter. As a series of enjoyable entertainments the professor's course exceeds all otVers, and ss regards the amount of German acquired during his five weeks course is marvelous, as one even of ordinary ability, gains a speaking, reading and writing knowledge of this beautiful Wishing our friends to language. enjoy his entertaining lectures, we urgently invite him to Jackson to give the same here. Following is a list of the most promi nent already registered: BislioD, Judge A. C. I ley wood, A. S. Bishop, Mrs. A. C. Shurtliff, Miss L. Linck. G. W Uarnanan, Miss K. Linck, Mrs. G. W. Harbison, R. C. Ridgely, E. B. Lever, W. II. Lever, Mrs. W. CI. Brand, Mrs. W. Barnes, F. G. Whitaker, J. J. Burnbam, Hall, S. A. D. Champneys, Thos. Mack, E. W. and others. Lucks. P.. OthenH inav register today. The in telligent public is invited at 11 a. m.,4:30 and 8 p. m. Room 65, First National elevator. Bank building-ta- ke Commencing at 9 o'clock Monday (tomorrow) morning we will inaugurate the first of a series of bargain sales. Our complete line of imported novelty suits and spring jackets, a lot ol muslin underwear purchased expressly for this event, and William & Hoyt's and several other makes of shoes will be offered. If you are interested in these goods watch this and the sales that are to follow we're going to knock the spots off the prices offered at the cost? sales- - IV. II. Wright & Sods Co. mm Washington Avenue. The World Enriched. The facilities of the present day for the production of everything that will conduce to the material welfare and comfort of mankind are almost unlimited and Dr. L. E. Saunders when Syrup of Figs was first produced has moved his office and residen e to the world was enriched with the only Grand opera house building, rooms 14, laxative known, as it is the only perfect 15 and 16. remedy which is truly pleasing and re"Liver complaint knocked ou every Notice. freshing to the taste and prompt and round" by Dr. Kenlev's Eng'ish Daneffectual to cleanse the system gently in To General Contractors and Builders: delion Tonic. E. P. Tl There will be a meeting at 11:30 a. m., the time or, in fact, at any time Not an enamel or face bleach, but a at their rooms, First National bank and Spring it ia known the more popbetter the true beautitier Wimlom's libertine. building, May fith, 1891. ular becomes. it E. C. Reiniiardt, Secretary. lt'9 famous. tirst-clua- |